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Last active February 20, 2019 23:00
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Basic Vim commands

Vim primer


  • Normal: the mode that you are generally in at the beginning of a session. One does most of their moving around in this mode.
  • Insert: the mode where you are inserting text.
  • Visual: the mode for selecting text.
  • Command: the mode where you use commands for reading/writing files and managing your session.

I imagine I am missing some, but these are the ones I use the most.


Not in Insert / Command mode

  • i - go into insert mode before the cursor (mnemonic: I-nsert)

  • a - go into insert mode after the cursor (mnemonic: A-ppend)

Capital letters are like their lowercase counterparts, but MORE!

  • I - go into insert mode and move to the beginning of the line-

  • A - go into insert mode and move to the end of the line

Or sometimes the opposite of the lowercase.

  • o - go into insert mode and move into a newline underneath the current line
  • O - go into insert mode and move into a newline above the current line

These next four are movements

  • t{char} - move the cursor right to the character in front of the next instance of the given character (mnemonic: T-o)

  • T{char} - move the cursor left to the character behind the next instance of the given character

  • f{char} - move the cursor right to the next instance of the given character (mnemonic: F-ro)

  • F{char} - move the cursor left to the last instance of the given character

  • c{movement} - deletes the object (letter, word, line, paragraph) traversed in the given movement, and goes into insert mode {mnemonic: C-ut}

  • C - deletes the rest of the line and goes into insert mode

  • cc - deletes the entire line and goes into insert mode

  • r - goes into replace mode for the character under the cursor (use case: fix a one letter typo)

  • R - goes into replace mode until ESC is hit.

  • s - deletes the character under the cursor and goes into insert mode (mnemonic: S-ubstitute)

  • S - deletes the entire line and goes into insert mode

  • d{movement} - deletes the object traversed in the given movement

  • D - deletes the rest of the line

  • dd - deletes the current line

Note: Deletion puts things into a register.

  • p - takes the last object to be put into a register and puts it after the cursor (mnemonic: P-aste)

  • P - takes the last object to be put into a register and puts it before the cursor

  • y{movement} - the characters traversed in the given movement

  • v - go into visual mode (to select text)

Command mode (to enter, be in Normal/Visual mode and press ':'

  • w - save the current file, if it already has a name (mnemonic: W-rite)
  • w {name} - save the current file with the given name
  • q - close the current tab or window
  • qa - close all windows

'a' is actually a modifier for a lot of things, so as you work, try adding an a to things like the 'w' command


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