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Created August 29, 2012 06:43
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highlight.js fabfile for
# coding: utf-8
from fabric.api import env, cd, run, local, get
from fabric.contrib.files import sed
env['hosts'] = ['']
SRC = '/home/maniac/code/highlight'
MEDIA = '/var/www/media/soft/highlight'
CACHE = '/home/maniac/app-data/hljs_cache'
def checkout(version):
with cd(SRC):
run('git checkout master')
run('git pull')
run('git checkout %s' % version)
def check_version(version):
node_version = version if len(version.split('.')) >= 3 else '%s.0' % version
with cd(SRC):
run('grep \'Version: %s\'' % version)
run('grep \'Версия: %s\'' % version)
run('grep \'"version" : "%s"\' src/package.json' % node_version)
def publish_site(version):
with cd(SRC):
run('python tools/ --target browser')
run('cp build/highlight.pack.js %s' % MEDIA)
run('cp -r src/styles %s' % MEDIA)
run('cp src/test.html %s' % MEDIA)
with cd(MEDIA):
sed('test.html', r'\.\./build/highlight\.pack\.js', 'highlight.pack.js', backup='')
run('/home/maniac/sm_org/ fillhljscache')
run('/home/maniac/sm_org/ setversion highlight %s' % version)
run('touch /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/sm_org.ini')
def publish_node():
with cd(SRC):
run('python tools/ --target node')
run('npm publish build')
def publish_cdn(version):
with cd(SRC):
run('python tools/ --target cdn :common')
with cd('build'):
zipname = '' % version
run('zip -r %s *' % zipname)
path = get(zipname, '')[0]
local('mv %s .' % path)
local('rmdir %s' % env['hosts'][0])
return zipname
def print_memo(zipname):
with cd(SRC):
languages = run('ls -l src/languages/*.js | wc -l')
styles = run('ls -l src/styles/*.css | wc -l')
print 'TODO:'
if zipname:
print '- send %s to Yandex' % zipname
print '- update short description with counts: %s languages, %s styles' % (languages, styles)
print '- update long description from README'
print '- write news'
def publish(version):
zipname = publish_cdn(version)
def update_smorg():
with cd('/var/www/media/js/highlight'):
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