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Created January 18, 2017 20:41
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Html Dsl
module Html =
type Tag(name:string) =
let mutable _safeContent = false
member val className = "" with get, set
member val content = "" with get, set
// For ease of use, support children in both list and resize array
member val childrenL : Tag list = [] with get, set
member val childrenR = ResizeArray<Tag>() with get, set
member with get() = name
member this.isSafeContent with get() = _safeContent
member this.safeContent
with set(value) = this.content <- value; _safeContent <- true
override this.ToString() =
let rec render (sb:Text.StringBuilder) (tag:Tag) (indent:int) =
let inline ws (s:string) = sb.Append(s) |> ignore
let inline wc (c:Char) = sb.Append(c) |> ignore
ws (String.replicate indent " ")
wc '<'
if tag.className.Length > 0 then
ws " class=\""
ws tag.className
wc '"'
wc '>'
if tag.content.Length > 0 then
let content = if tag.isSafeContent then tag.content else Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(tag.content)
ws content
for c in tag.childrenL do render sb c (indent + 4)
for c in tag.childrenR do render sb c (indent + 4)
ws "</"
wc '>'
let sb = Text.StringBuilder()
render sb this 0
// Tag construction helpers
let tagClassSafe (tagName:string) (className:string) (safeContent:string) =
Tag(tagName, className = className, safeContent = safeContent)
let tagClassUnsafe (tagName:string) (className:string) (content: string) =
Tag(tagName, className = className, content = content)
let tagClassChildren (tagName:string) (className:string) (children: Tag list) =
Tag(tagName, className = className, childrenL = children)
let tagChildren (tagName:string) (children: Tag list) =
Tag(tagName, childrenL = children)
let divClassChildren = tagClassChildren "div"
let divClassSafe = tagClassSafe "div"
let divClass = tagClassUnsafe "div"
open Utils.Html
let renderPermissions() =
let root = Tag("div", className="permissions-root")
for KeyValue(table, (defaultPerm, rolePerms)) in permissions do
let title = Tag("h1", safeContent = table)
let td = tagClassUnsafe "td" ""
let th = tagClassUnsafe "th" ""
let table =
tagClassChildren "table" "table"
[tagChildren "thead"
[tagChildren "tr"
[th "Role"
th "Reading"
th "Updating"
th "Inserting"
th "Deleting"]]]
let pcond = function | Condition.Inherit -> "" | x -> sprintf "%A" x
let pconds =
| (Condition.Inherit as cond, _) -> pcond cond
| (cond, ColumnSelection.ALL) -> pcond cond
| (cond, cols) -> sprintf "%s(%A)" (pcond cond) cols
let addPerm (role:string) (perm:Permission) =
(tagChildren "tbody"
[tagClassChildren "tr" ""
[td role
td (pconds perm.reading)
td (pconds perm.updating)
td (pconds perm.inserting)
td (pcond perm.deleting)]])
|> table.childrenR.Add
addPerm "Default" defaultPerm
for KeyValue(role, perm) in rolePerms do addPerm (sprintf "%A" role) perm
let div = divClassChildren "permission-entry" [title; table]
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