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Last active February 9, 2025 15:13
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Super Page Cache for Cloudflare — Guide for using Remove Cache Buster Query Parameter feature (when using Cache Everything page rule)

Implementation Guide for using "Remove Cache Buster Query Parameter" feature

The Super Page Cache for Cloudflare plugin has recently added the feature for using the Cache Everything pagerule withing the ?swcfpc=1 cache buster query paramater. This opens up so many new doors where users previously had to use the Cloudflare Workers to remove the cache buster.

With this new option now users are able to take advantage of Cloudflare Cache Everything page rule and take it to the next level by using the new Rulesets released by Cloudflare. Basically this is achived by taking advantage of the all new Cache Rules feature implemented by Cloudflare.

Setp 1 — Setting up the Cache Rules inside your Cloudflare Dashboard

The first thing that you need to do is, log-in to your Cloudflare Dahsbord and go to the domain/zone doe which you are setting up the Super Page Cache for Cloudflare plugin. Then from the left hand side menus, go to Caching > Cache Rules.

Cache Rules Section

Then inside the Cache Rules page, click on the Create Cache Rule button. Then finally on the Create new Cache Rule page, click on the Edit Expression link.

Edit Expression Link

Now it's time to create all the Cache Rules we need... So, let's get started...

Most Important Note
You CANNOT use the cache rule mentioned below along with the Cache Everything page rule. Bedore adding this Cache Rule in your Cloudflare dashbaord, please make sure you have DISABLED the Cache Everything Page Rule automatically added by the plugin inside your Cloudflare dashboard > Rules > Page Rules section.
This one Cache Rule cacn handle everything and you do not need any other page rules.

Super Important Note Badge
Make sure you replace with your actual website hostname e.g. or etc. in the code given below before copy/pasting it.

SPCFC Cache Rule ➜ Cache Eligible Requests

Rule Name: Add the following in the Rule Name section SPCFC Cache Rule ➜ Cache Eligible Requests

Rule Expression: Add the following expression inside the expression builder section.

( eq "" and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, "/wp-admin") and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, "/wp-login") and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, "/wp-json/") and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, "/wc-api/") and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, "/edd-api/") and not starts_with(http.request.uri.path, "/mepr/") and not http.request.uri.path contains "/register/" and not http.request.uri.path contains "/dashboard/" and not http.request.uri.path contains "/members-area/" and not http.request.uri.path contains "/wishlist-member/" and not http.request.uri.path contains "phs_downloads-mbr" and not http.request.uri.path contains "/checkout/" and not http.request.uri.path contains ".xsl" and not http.request.uri.path contains ".xml" and not http.request.uri.path contains ".php" and not starts_with(http.request.uri.query, "s=") and not starts_with(http.request.uri.query, "p=") and not http.request.uri.query contains "nocache" and not http.request.uri.query contains "nowprocket" and not http.cookie contains "wordpress_logged_in_" and http.cookie ne "comment_" and not http.cookie contains "woocommerce_" and not http.cookie contains "wordpressuser_" and not http.cookie contains "wordpresspass_" and not http.cookie contains "wordpress_sec_" and not http.cookie contains "yith_wcwl_products" and not http.cookie contains "edd_items_in_cart" and not http.cookie contains "it_exchange_session_" and not http.cookie contains "comment_author" and not http.cookie contains "dshack_level" and not http.cookie contains "auth_" and not http.cookie contains "noaffiliate_" and not http.cookie contains "mp_session" and not http.cookie contains "xf_" and not http.cookie contains "mp_globalcart_" and not http.cookie contains "wp-resetpass-" and not http.cookie contains "upsell_customer" and not http.cookie contains "wlmapi" and not http.cookie contains "wishlist_reg")

Cache Status: Set it to Eligible for cache.

Cache Key:

In this section you can enable the following options:

  • Cache deception armor (Always Enable This Option)
  • Ignore query string (Enabling This Option Might Break Your Site — So, Test Thoroughly Before Enabling) ⚠️
  • Enable query string sort (Do Not Enable This Option if you are Using WooCommerce, Easy Digital Download or any Membership platform) ⚠️

Finally the cache rule should look something like this ☟ Cache Eligible Requests & Ignore Query Params from cacheKey Rule Screenshot

Very Important Note Badge
Once you add the Ignore query string option inside the cache rule, Cloudflare will simply ignore the unnecessary query strings (except for the one excluded inside the rule) when checking the cached contents of your website.
If you check the above cache rule, you will see that the s, p, nospcfc, nowprocket query params which are commonly used in WordPress websites for search and other functionalities have already been whitelisted so that Cloudflare system does not ignore that query parameter.
So, if you provide an URL e.g. in this case Cloudflare system will NOT ignore the s query param so that your search functionality works properly.
If you have more query params on which your website is dependent on and you do not want Cloudflare to ignore them, then you can check the above screenshot and add new query params below the whitelisted query params to whitelist them exactly the same way I have whitelisted those query params.
Alternatively if you enter, Cloudflare will simply ignote the ?fbcid=123&foo=bar&something=test part and check if is cached, if so, return the cached content.
This will help increasing the Cache HIT ratio of your website as most unnecesarry and marketing query params will be ignored by Cloudflare.

Once you have added this Cache Rule and disabled the Cache Everything Page Rule in your Cloudflare dashboard, you can proceed to the Step 2 below.

Step 2 — Enabling Remove Cache Buster Query Parameter option in the plugin settings & Purge the whole Cloudflare Cache

Inside the Super Page Cache for Cloudflare plugin settings, go to the Other tab and scroll down. You will see an option named Remove Cache Buster Query Parameter.

plugin settings to enable

Enable that option and save the plugin settings. Then all you need to do is to make sure that you have force purged everything from the Cloudflare Cache.

That's it. Now you have the Cloudflare CDN Level Page Caching with the Cache Everything Page Rule without any cache buster query parameter (e.g. ?swcfpc=1). Also if you have added the fourth Cache Rule then your cache HIT ratio will also increase dramatically as Cloudflare will now ignore the query strings when checking if the URL is already cached. Enjoy... 🥂🍾🥳🎉

P.S.: Make sure you have enabled Smart Tiered Cache inside your Cloudflare Dashboard for the highest cache HIT ratio.

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I think swcfpc-sec-key= should be added to URI query exclusion in order for the preloader to works

Tested with Cloudflare Trace and also checked the nginx log, it will just serve cached page if not explicitly exclude this query string

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isaumya commented May 7, 2024

Great! Thanks for sharing that @josephcy95

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Hello Friend, how are you? Thanks for the tutorial, it helps me a lot. Just one thing, what do I do with the "Super Page Cache for Cloudflare" plugin? Should I deactivate it? Or do I just disable the "page cache" button or keep both enabled?

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isaumya commented May 27, 2024

Hi @WesleySantista,
The plugin is required in order for everything to work. Please read the above doc. It's nowhere mentioned to deactivate or disable the plugin itself.

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Oi@WesleySantista, O plugin é necessário para que tudo funcione. Por favor, leia o documento acima. Não é mencionado em nenhum lugar a desativação ou desativação do plugin em si.

It's true, I got lost in the translation into Portuguese. I will keep it activated Thank you very much.

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Hi, look at me again lol So, I think this cache is damaging one of my plugins, when I try to open the plugin, it ends up on a blank page. Could you tell me if something in it could make it difficult for a plugin to work?

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isaumya commented Jun 13, 2024

@WesleySantista please open a support thread. This section is not for support.

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advwebin commented Sep 2, 2024

Hi @isaumya , Since the update to 5.0.1, the cache buster is not working as earlier, The EDGE caching is not working as it used to.
I initially thought it was a warm up issue but even after an hour the same issue persists. The Cache expires way too soon.

Tried to roll back as well, but no luck still the same.
Was checking if there are any changes in the Cache Buster Expressions still no luck.

Another question: How do you configure a cdn subdomain in this? Is it ok to use a page rule for it ? with CACHE EVERYTHING AND EDGE CACHE ONE MONTH?

PS: Should add /feed in the expressions for some websites.

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Surbma commented Oct 28, 2024

With the latest version, the plugin doesn't add a Page Rule, but a Cache Rule with this rule name: "WP Super Page Cache Plugin rules for".

Please correct this in the guide!

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advwebin commented Jan 7, 2025

Hello @isaumya
Cache Buster settings are not working any more, is there a change in the settings?
Earlier even if the web host was down the cached version would be available, but not its not working as earlier.

Can you please suggest how to fix this?

Thank you

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