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Created October 7, 2020 14:10
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Python Flask middleware app with InterSystems IRIS as the back end database
import pyodbc
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
from flask import render_template
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
connection = None
# default route
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'
@app.route('/makeschema', methods=['GET'])
def make_schema():
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = 'CREATE TABLE FLASK.SAMPLE(user_id VARCHAR(16), firstname VARCHAR(128), lastname VARCHAR(128) )'
except Exception as exp:
return render_template('/error.html', err=exp)
return 'Successfully created FLASK.SAMPLE table'
@app.route('/loaddata', methods=['POST'])
def load_data():
d = request.get_data(as_text=True)
personlist = d.split('|')
cursor = connection.cursor()
for person in personlist:
sql = 'INSERT INTO FLASK.SAMPLE (user_id, firstname, lastname) VALUES ('
atts = person.split(',')
sql += "'" + atts[0] + "'" + ","
sql += "'" + atts[1] + "'" + ","
sql += "'" + atts[2] + "'" + ")"
print("Inserting: "+sql)
except Exception as exp:
return render_template('/error.html', err=exp)
return 'Successfully inserted data into FLASK.SAMPLE '
def get_by_firstname(firstname):
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql = "SELECT * FROM FLASK.SAMPLE WHERE firstname LIKE " + "'" + firstname + "'"
print("SQL: "+sql)
rows = cursor.execute(sql)
resp = []
for row in rows:
r = {"id": row[0], "firstname": row[1], "lastname": row[2]}
return json.dumps({ "query": sql, "responses": resp})
except Exception as exp:
return render_template('/error.html', err=exp)
return 'Successfully inserted data into FLASK.SAMPLE '
# Get connection details from config file
def get_connection_info(file_name):
# Initial empty dictionary to store connection details
connections = {}
# Open config file to get connection info
with open(file_name) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
# remove all white space (space, tab, new line)
line = ''.join(line.split())
# get connection info
connection_param, connection_value = line.split(":")
connections[connection_param] = connection_value
return connections
def run():
# Retrieve connection information from configuration file
connection_detail = get_connection_info("connection.config")
ip = connection_detail["ip"]
port = int(connection_detail["port"])
namespace = connection_detail["namespace"]
username = connection_detail["username"]
password = connection_detail["password"]
driver = "{InterSystems ODBC}"
# Create connection to InterSystems IRIS
connection_string = 'DRIVER={};SERVER={};PORT={};DATABASE={};UID={};PWD={}' \
.format(driver, ip, port, namespace, username, password)
global connection
connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string)
connection.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_CHAR, encoding='utf-8')
print("Connected to InterSystems IRIS")
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