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Created July 7, 2012 10:47
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A pendulum simulation using fourth order Runge-Kutta integration
from scipy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
##A pendulum simulation using fourth order
##Runge-Kutta integration
##Alexandros Kourkoulas Chondrorizos
ts=.05 #time step size
td=40 #trial duration
te=int(td/ts) #no of timesteps
mu=0.1 #friction factor
m=1 #mass
g=9.81 #grav. acceleration
l=1 #length
th=[pi/4]#((rand()*2)-1)*pi] #initial angle
om=[0] #initial angular velocity
u=0 #torque
for j in range(te):
#Euler approximation
th.append(th[j] + ts*om[j])
f1 = (-mu*om[j] + m*g*l*sin(th[j]) + u)/(m*(l^2))
om.append(om[j] + ts*f1)
#approximation 1 at mid-interval
th2 = th[j+1] + (ts/2)*om[j+1]
f2 = (-mu*om[j+1] + m*g*l*sin(th[j+1]) + u)/(m*(l^2))
om2 = om[j+1] + (ts/2)*f2
#approximation 2 at mid-interval
th3 = th2 + (ts/2)*om2
f3 = (-mu*om2 + m*g*l*sin(th2) + u)/( m*(l^2))
om3 = om2 + (ts/2)*f3
#approximation at next time step
th4 = th3 + (ts)*om3
f4 = (-mu*om3 + m*g*l*sin(th3) + u)/( m*(l^2))
om4 = om3 + (ts)*f4
dth=(om[j] + 2*om[j+1] + 2*om2 + om3)/6
dom=(f1 + 2*f2 + 2*f3 + f4)/6
th[j+1] = th[j] + ts*dth
om[j+1] = om[j] + ts*dom
subplot(212),plot(om,'r'),xlabel('Angular velocity'),ylabel('')
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Stewori commented May 4, 2015

Something with the plot(?) seems to be wrong, please correct me if I interpret it incorrectly:
If I run this example, the angle-plot seemingly fades out to Pi, but shouldn't it be 0?
"Angle" refers to the deflection of the pendulum from its idle-position, doesn't it?
And indeed, if I replace the initial angle of Pi/4 by 0, i.e. idle position the pendulum resides there, giving a constant-0 angle plot.
So, is Pi equivalent to 0 here? I would interpret 2Pi as the next-period idle position (a full turn), or is the pendulum Pi-periodic? Or is there some bug?
Is there an initial angle that will let the pendulum end up at 0?

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wilcooo commented Jul 9, 2018

In this script, an angle of 0 is chosen to be at the top (yes, it is more convenient to choose 0 at the bottom, but this works too)

The reason why choosing an initial angle of 0 yields a constant-0 angle plot is that it can stand exactly upright without movement, try choosing 0.00001 and you'll see it fall down to pi eventually.

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