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Created March 26, 2011 14:54
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A simple function for stimulus estimation/reconstruction in a neural system using a Wiener-Kolmogorov filter.
##A simple function for stimulus estimation/reconstruction
##in a neural system using a Wiener-Kolmogorov filter
##by Alexandros Kourkoulas-Chondorizos
##This function takes two 1-by-N arrays as input, the input
##signal presented to the neuron or neural net and the neural
##response. It also takes two integers nfft and tstep, where
##nfft is the number of data points used in each block for the
##FFT and tstep is the sampling frequency. nfft must be even
##and a power of 2 is most efficient. tstep is an integer
##declaring the time step. It creates a WK filter that is then
##convolved with the neural response in order to produce an
##estimate of the input that produced it. It returns the input
##signal estimate, the zero-centered input signal and the filter.
from scipy import *
from scipy.signal import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
def stim_rec(I,firings,nfft,tstep):
if I.ndim!=1 or firings.ndim!=1 or not(isinstance(nfft,int))\
or not(nfft%2==0) or not(isinstance(tstep,int)) or not(tstep>0):
raise ValueError('I and firings should be 1-by-N arrays, nfft an even integer and tstep a positive integer')
tstep_s=tstep*0.001 #converts to sec
Fs=1/tstep_s #in Hz
stim=I-I.mean() #subtracts the mean stimulus
spk=spk-spk.mean() #subtracts mean firing rate and converts to units of spikes/sec
#power spectral density of the neural activity
#cross power spectral density of input and neural activity
Tfs=Pxy/Pxx #Estimates the transfer function
T=real(ifft(Tfl))*nfft #inverse Fourier transform with negative phase
h[:nfft/2],h[nfft/2:nfft+1]=T[(nfft/2):nfft],T[:nfft/2+1] #unwrap the filter
Iest=convolve(h*tstep_s,spk,'same') #estimate input
return Iest, stim, h
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