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Last active April 24, 2021 20:36
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How ES6+ Destructuring Works

How destructuring works:

Given the JS Object:

const user = { name: "Ira", email: "", favColor: "blue" };

making variables WITHOUT using destructuring:

const name =;
const email =;
const favColor = user.favColor;

making THE SAME variables WITH destructuring:

const {name, email, favColor} = user;

You can also destructure arrays!

Given the Array:

const groceries = ["Eggs", "Milk", "Bread", "Oranges", "Strawberries"];

making variables WITHOUT using destructuring:

const grocery1 = groceries[0];
const grocery2 = groceries[1];

making THE SAME variables WITH destructuring:

const [grocery1, grocery2] = groceries;

Further reading:

MDN Docs

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