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Created February 17, 2017 10:15
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Simple GUI Calculator made with Python
from PyQt4 import QtGui
import sys
import math
class Calc(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(Calc, self).__init__()
self.DrawButtons('1', 0, 1)
self.DrawButtons('2', 1, 1)
self.DrawButtons('3', 2, 1)
self.DrawButtons('+', 3, 1)
self.DrawButtons('4', 0, 2)
self.DrawButtons('5', 1, 2)
self.DrawButtons('6', 2, 2)
self.DrawButtons('-', 3, 2)
self.DrawButtons('7', 0, 3)
self.DrawButtons('8', 1, 3)
self.DrawButtons('9', 2, 3)
self.DrawButtons('*', 3, 3)
self.DrawButtons('C', 0, 4)
self.DrawButtons('0', 1, 4)
self.DrawButtons('=', 2, 4)
self.DrawButtons('/', 3, 4)
def DrawLayout(self):
self.setGeometry(100, 100, 700, 700)
def DrawTextField(self):
self.textfield = QtGui.QLineEdit(' ', self)
self.textfield.move(50, 100)
self.textfield.resize(600, 70)
def DrawButtons(self, text, xDistance, yDistance):
btn = QtGui.QPushButton(text, self)
btn.move(160 + (100 * xDistance), 160 + (100 * yDistance))
btn.resize(60, 50)
def AppendToTextField():
if text == "C":
elif text == "+" or text == "/" or text == "*" or text == "-":
op = self.textfield.text()[-1]
if not (op == "+" or op == "-" or op == "*" or op == "/"):
self.textfield.setText(self.textfield.text() + text)
elif text.isdigit():
self.textfield.setText(self.textfield.text() + text)
elif text == "=":
textfieldData = self.textfield.text().replace(" ", "")
tempStack = []
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
x = Calc()
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