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Last active April 13, 2016 12:14
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Reactに寄せた Flux/Store のプロトタイプ
module.exports = Observer
function Observer () {
this.subs = []
Observer.prototype.publish = function () {
var args = [].slice.apply(arguments)
for (var i = 0; i < this.subs.length; i++) {
this.subs[i].apply(null, args)
Observer.prototype.subscribe = function (sub) {
return ('function' === typeof sub) ? !!(this.subs.push(sub)) : false
Observer.prototype.unsubscribe = function (sub) {
this.subs = ('undefined' === typeof sub || null === sub)
? [] : this.subs.filter(function (_sub) {return _sub !== sub})
return sub
Observer.prototype.once = function (sub) {
var me = this
function wrap () {
sub.apply(null, arguments)
module.exports = function createSemaphore (_capacity) {
var capacity = _capacity || 1
var current = 0
var queue = []
var semaphore = {
wait: wait
, signal: signal
return semaphore
function wait (f) {
if (current < capacity) f()
else queue.push(f)
current += 1
function signal () {
if (current >= 0) {
;(typeof queue[0] === 'function') && queue.shift()()
current -= 1
var xtend = require('xtend')
var mutable = require('xtend/mutable')
var clone = require('clone')
var inherits = require('inherits')
var isEmpty = require('is-empty')
var deepEqual = require('deep-equal')
var Observer = require('./lib/observer')
var semaphore = require('./lib/semaphore')
inherits(Store, Observer)
module.exports = Store
function Store (initState, children, _opt, _role) {
if (!(this instanceof Store))
return new Store(initState, children, _opt, _role)
this.children = children
this.state = initState
this.opt = xtend(_opt)
this.deepEqual = deepEqual
this.semaphore = semaphore(1)
_role && mutable(this, _role)
Store.prototype.getState = function getState () {
return clone(this.state)
Store.prototype.setState = function setState (_state) {
var state = xtend(this.state, _state)
if (this.deepEqual(state, this.state)) return false
this.state = state
return true
} = function post (data, _doPublishFlg) {
var me = this
var doPublishFlg = !! _doPublishFlg
this.semaphore.wait(function () {
if (isEmpty(me.children)) _work(data, me.getState())
else {
var state
var n = 0
var len = me.children.length;
me.children.forEach(function (store) {
store.once(function () {
state = xtend(state, store.getState())
if ((n += 1) === len) _work(state, me.getState())
function _work (data, state) {, state, function (err, _state) {
var isUpdated
if (err) me.error(err)
else (isUpdated = me.setState(_state))
if (doPublishFlg) (isUpdated && me.publish())
else me.publish()
} = function (data, state, done) {
throw new Error('".work" has not been implemented.')
Store.prototype.error = function (err) {
Store.prototype.addHandleError = function (handleError) {
this.handleError = handleError
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var xtend = require('xtend')
var sum = store({sum: 0}, null, null, {work: function (data, nowState, done) {
    done(null, {sum: nowState.sum + data})
var count = store({count: 0}, null, null, {work: function (data, nowState, done) {
    setTimeout(function () {
        done(null, {count: nowState.count + 1})
    }, 0)
var average = store({average: 0}, [sum, count], null, {work: function (sumAndCount, nowState, done) {
    done(null, xtend(sumAndCount, {average: sumAndCount.sum / sumAndCount.count}))
var container = store({}, [average], null, {work: function (newState, nowState, done) { done(null, newState) })
container.subscribe(function () {
container.addHandleError(function (err) {
//, true)
// {count: 1, sum: 3, average: 3}

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