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Created January 14, 2017 05:04
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const xtend = require('xtend')
const d = require('global/document')
const onload = require('on-load')
const sheetRouter = require('sheet-router')
const href = require('sheet-router/href')
const spinit = require('./spinit')
const yo = spinit.html
const root = d.createElement('main')
// mainHandler
const reducer = (type, state, action) => {
if (type === 'changeFoo') {
return xtend(state, {foo: (action || '').trim()})
return state
const app = spinit(root, {foo: 'ichi'}, reducer)
const mainHandler = params => app((state, dispatcher) => yo `
oninput=${ev => dispatcher('changeFoo',}
<div><a href="/sub/hoge">hoge</a></div>
// subHandler
const subApp = spinit(root, {foo: 'sub'})
const subHandler = params => subApp((state, dispatcher) => yo `
<div><a href="/404">room 404</a></div>
// notFoundHander
const notFoundHander = params => yo `
<h1>path not found</h1>
<div><a href="/">main</a></div>
const router = sheetRouter([
['/', mainHandler],
['/sub/:bar', subHandler],
['/404', notFoundHander]
href(h => yo.update(root, router(h.pathname)))
onload(root, rt => yo.update(root, router('/')))
<!doctype html><body><script src="./bundle.js"></script></body>
var yo = require('yo-yo')
module.exports = function spinit (el, state, reducer) {
if (typeof reducer !== 'function') reducer = noop
return function (handler) {
// var el = handler(state, dispatcher)
yo.update(el, handler(state, dispatcher))
return el
function dispatcher (type, action) {
var whats = reducer(type, state, action)
if (whats == null) return
if (typeof whats === 'function') return whats(dispatcher)
yo.update(el, handler((state = whats), dispatcher))
function noop () {}
module.exports.html = yo
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