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Created December 22, 2017 09:22
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var yo = require('yo-yo')
var xtend = require('xtend')
var types = {
button: 0,
checkbox: 0,
color: 0,
date: 1,
'datetime-local': 1,
email: 1,
file: 0,
hidden: 1,
image: 0,
month: 1,
number: 1,
password: 1,
radio: 0,
range: 1,
reset: 0,
search: 1,
submit: 0,
tel: 1,
text: 1,
time: 1,
url: 1,
week: 1
var attributes = {
type: 1,
accept: 0,
accesskey: 0,
autocomplete: 1,
autofocus: 1,
capture: 0,
checked: 0, // if then 1
'class': 1,
disabled: 1,
form: 0,
formaction: 0,
formenctype: 0,
formmethod: 0,
formnovalidate: 0,
formtarget: 0,
height: 0,
id: 1,
inputmode: 1,
list: 1,
max: 1,
maxlength: 1,
min: 1,
minlength: 1,
multiple: 1,
name: 1,
pattern: 1,
placeholder: 1,
readonly: 1,
required: 1,
selectionDirection: 1,
selectionEnd: 1,
selectionStart: 1,
size: 0,
spellcheck: 1,
src: 0,
step: 1,
tabindex: 0,
usemap: 0,
value: 1,
width: 0
module.exports = function input (opt) {
var schema = xtend(opt.schema)
var uiSchema = xtend(opt.uiSchema)
var addEventListeners = xtend(opt.addEventListeners)
var value = opt.value || ''
var type = uiSchema['ui:wedget'] || 'text'
if (schema.type === 'number' || schema.type === 'integer') type = 'number'
if (schema.type === 'string' && schema.format) {
if (schema.format === 'date') type = 'date'
if (schema.format === 'date-time') type = 'date-time-local'
if (schema.format === 'email') type = 'email'
// if (schema.format === 'hostname') type = 'TYPE'
// if (schema.format === 'ipv4') type = 'TYPE'
// if (schema.format === 'ipv6') type = 'TYPE'
if (schema.format === 'uri') type = 'url'
if (!types[type]) throw new Error(`not support type - "${type}"`)
var inp = yo`<input
Object.keys(attributes).filter(a => !!attributes[a]).forEach(attr => {
var prop = uiSchema[`ui:${attr}`]
if (prop != null) inp.setAttribute(attr, prop === true ? attr : prop)
schema.required && inp.setAttribute('required', 'required')
schema.pattern && inp.setAttribute('pattern', schema.pattern)
schema.maximum && inp.setAttribute('max', schema.maximum)
schema.maxLaength && inp.setAttribute('maxlength', schema.maxLength)
schema.minimum && inp.setAttribute('min', schema.minimum)
schema.minLength && inp.setAttribute('minlength', schema.minLength)
schema.type === 'integer' && inp.setAttribute('step', 1)
Object.keys(addEventListeners).forEach(evname => {
var name = evname.slice(0, 2) === 'on' ? evname.slice(2) : evname
inp.addEventListener(name, e => {
addEventListeners[evname](,, e)
}, true)
return inp
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