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Created November 26, 2015 02:25
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import Graphics.UI.GLUT
import Data.IORef
cubeVertex :: [Vertex3 GLdouble]
cubeVertex = [ Vertex3 0 0 0
, Vertex3 1 0 0
, Vertex3 1 1 0
, Vertex3 0 1 0
, Vertex3 0 0 1
, Vertex3 1 0 1
, Vertex3 1 1 1
, Vertex3 0 1 1
cubeFace :: [(Int, Int, Int, Int)]
cubeFace = [ (0, 1, 2, 3)
, (1, 5, 6, 2)
, (5, 4, 7, 6)
, (4, 0, 3, 7)
, (4, 5, 1, 0)
, (3, 2, 6, 7)
cubeColor :: [Color3 GLdouble]
cubeColor = [ Color3 1 0 0
, Color3 0 1 0
, Color3 0 0 1
, Color3 1 1 0
, Color3 1 0 1
, Color3 0 1 1
display :: IORef GLdouble -> IORef GLdouble -> DisplayCallback
display rot1 rot2 = do
clear [ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer]
r1 <- get rot1
r2 <- get rot2
rotate r1 $ Vector3 1 0 0
rotate r2 $ Vector3 0 1 0
renderPrimitive Quads $ do
mapM_ (draw cubeVertex) $ zip cubeFace cubeColor
draw :: [Vertex3 GLdouble] -> ((Int, Int, Int, Int), Color3 GLdouble)
-> IO ()
draw xs ((n,m,t,s), cl) = do
color3d cl
vertex3d (xs !! n)
vertex3d (xs !! m)
vertex3d (xs !! t)
vertex3d (xs !! s)
color3d = color :: Color3 GLdouble -> IO ()
vertex3d = vertex :: Vertex3 GLdouble -> IO ()
resize :: Size -> IO ()
resize s@(Size w h) = do
viewport $= (Position 0 0,s)
matrixMode $= Projection
perspective 45.0 (w'/h') 1.0 100.0
lookAt (Vertex3 0.5 0.5 (-5)) (Vertex3 0.5 0.5 0.5) (Vector3 0 1 0)
matrixMode $= Modelview 0
w' = realToFrac w
h' = realToFrac h
keyboard :: IORef GLdouble -> IORef GLdouble -> KeyboardCallback
keyboard rot1 rot2 c _ = do
case c of
'j' -> rot1 $~! (subtract 1)
'k' -> rot1 $~! (+1)
'h' -> rot2 $~! (subtract 1)
'l' -> rot2 $~! (+1)
'q' -> leaveMainLoop
_ -> return ()
idle :: IdleCallback
idle = postRedisplay Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
initialDisplayMode $= [RGBAMode, DoubleBuffered, WithDepthBuffer]
createWindow "Sample"
clearColor $= Color4 1 1 1 1
depthFunc $= Just Less
rot1 <- newIORef 0
rot2 <- newIORef 0
displayCallback $= display rot1 rot2
reshapeCallback $= Just resize
keyboardCallback $= Just (keyboard rot1 rot2)
idleCallback $= Just idle
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