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Last active December 10, 2022 21:14
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  • Save ishkumarr/015865d2088a294d20a30687caab0125 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const {
} = require("../lib/");
const url1 = ''
const url2 = ''
pattern: 'fd ?(.*)',
fromMe: true,
type: 'misc'
}, async (m, text, client) => {
if (!m.reply_message) return await m.reply('*Reply to a message*')
if (!text) return await m.reply('*Give me a jid*\nExample .fd jid1 jid2 jid3 jid4 ...')
const image1 = await getBuffer(url1)
const image2 = await getBuffer(url2)
const options = {}
options.contextInfo = {
forwardingScore: 5, // change it to 999 for many times forwarded
isForwarded: false,
options.linkPreview = {
title: ' Lord Arin ',
body: 'A WhatsApp bot created by Ish Kumar with ❤️💫',
mediaType: 2,
thumbnail: image2,
mediaUrl: '', // insta link for video
sourceUrl: '*៚Heyy+Ish+🪄*_',
showAdAttribution: true
options.filesize = 99999999999;
options.quoted = {
key: {
fromMe: false,
participant: ``,
...(m.jid ? {
remoteJid: `status@broadcast`
} : {})
message: {
'contactMessage': {
'displayName': 'Ish Kumar',
'vcard': `BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:XL;'Ish Kumar',;;;\nFN:'Ish Kumar',\nitem1.TEL;waid=${m.sender.split('@')[0]}:${m.sender.split('@')[0]}\nitem1.X-ABLabel:Ponsel\nEND:VCARD`,
'jpegThumbnail': image1
if (/audio/.test(m.mine)) {
options.duration = 2000001355
options.ptt = true
options.audiowave = [99,0,99,0,99]
for (let jid of parsedJid(text)) {
await client.forwardMessage(jid, m.quoted_message, options)
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