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Last active June 7, 2023 09:27
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Simple collective decision-making system on Ethereum
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract VotingSystem {
/* Users should join a organization to create proposals
* The field sensitivity is the quorum required to approve the proposal
struct Organization {
string name;
uint256 sensitivity; // 0-100
uint256 proposalCount;
address creator;
mapping(address => bool) hasJoined;
mapping(uint256 => Proposal) proposals;
/* This structure is to define a simple proposal.
* The decision are taken based on the result of proposals.
* Any user can create a proposal and any user in the same organization can vote.
struct Proposal {
string name;
string description;
uint256 yesVotes;
uint256 noVotes;
mapping(address => bool) hasVoted;
bool isEnded;
// Organization list
mapping(uint256 => Organization) public organizations;
// Variable to count the number of organizations
uint256 public organizationCount;
// Events are called when the function is completed
event OrganizationCreated(uint256 organizationId, string name, uint256 sensitivity);
event ProposalCreated(uint256 organizationId, uint256 proposalId, string name, string description);
event Voted(uint256 proposalId, bool inSupport);
event ProposalEnd(uint256 organizationId, uint256 proposalId);
// User can join an organization
function join(uint256 organizationId) public {
require(!organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender], "Already joined");
organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender] = true;
// Check if user has joined
function hasJoined(uint256 organizationId) public view returns (bool) {
return organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender];
// Any user can create an organization
function createOrganization(string memory name, uint256 sensitivity) public returns (uint256) {
uint256 organizationId = organizationCount++;
Organization storage p = organizations[organizationId]; = name;
p.sensitivity = sensitivity;
p.creator = msg.sender;
emit OrganizationCreated(organizationId, name, sensitivity);
return organizationId;
function organizationExists(uint organizationId) public view returns (bool) {
return organizations[organizationId].creator != address(0x0);
// A proposal can be created if the member belongs to an organization
function createProposal(uint256 organizationId, string memory name, string memory description) public returns (uint256) {
require(organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender], "Not a member");
uint256 proposalId = organizations[organizationId].proposalCount++;
Proposal storage p = organizations[organizationId].proposals[proposalId]; = name;
p.description = description;
emit ProposalCreated(organizationId, proposalId, name, description);
return proposalId;
// Users in the same organization can vote for or against the proposal
function vote(uint256 organizationId, uint256 proposalId, bool inSupport) public {
require(proposalId < organizations[organizationId].proposalCount, "Invalid proposal id");
require(organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender], "Not a member");
Proposal storage p = organizations[organizationId].proposals[proposalId];
require(!p.hasVoted[msg.sender], "Already voted");
p.hasVoted[msg.sender] = true;
if (inSupport) {
} else {
emit Voted(proposalId, inSupport);
// Check if user has voted
function hasVoted(uint256 organizationId, uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
require(proposalId < organizations[organizationId].proposalCount, "Invalid proposal id");
require(organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender], "Not a member");
Proposal storage p = organizations[organizationId].proposals[proposalId];
return p.hasVoted[msg.sender];
// Function to vertify is the propsal is approved
function isProposalApproved(uint256 organizationId, uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
require(proposalId < organizations[organizationId].proposalCount, "Invalid proposal id");
require(organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender], "Not a member");
Proposal storage p = organizations[organizationId].proposals[proposalId];
uint256 totalVotes = p.yesVotes + p.noVotes;
uint256 threshold = totalVotes * organizations[organizationId].sensitivity / 100;
return p.yesVotes > threshold;
// Any user can finalize the proposal. After finalizing the proposal, users cannot vote.
function finalizeProposal(uint256 organizationId, uint256 proposalId) public {
require(organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender], "Not a member");
require(proposalId < organizations[organizationId].proposalCount, "Invalid proposal id");
Proposal storage p = organizations[organizationId].proposals[proposalId];
require(!p.isEnded, "Proposal already ended");
p.isEnded = true;
emit ProposalEnd(organizationId, proposalId);
function hasFinalizePropopsal(uint256 organizationId, uint256 proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
require(proposalId < organizations[organizationId].proposalCount, "Invalid proposal id");
require(organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender], "Not a member");
Proposal storage p = organizations[organizationId].proposals[proposalId];
return p.isEnded;
// Function to retrieve the proposal
function getProposal (uint256 organizationId, uint256 proposalId) public view
returns (string memory, string memory, uint256, uint256, bool) {
require(proposalId < organizations[organizationId].proposalCount, "Invalid proposal id");
require(organizations[organizationId].hasJoined[msg.sender], "Not a member");
Proposal storage p = organizations[organizationId].proposals[proposalId];
return (, p.description, p.yesVotes, p.noVotes, p.isEnded);
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