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Created December 14, 2013 18:58
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Laravel 4.1 Full change list from 'php artisan changes' as of Dec 14, 2003
-> Added new hasManyThrough relationship type.
-> Cloned Eloquent query builders now clone the underlying query builder.
-> Allow for passing of custom attributes into Validator::make as fourth parameter.
-> Allow comma delimited list of queues to be passed to queue:listen / queue:work to implement queue priority.
-> When new bindings are added to container, old aliases bound to that key will now be dropped.
-> Added new 'resolvable' and 'isAlias' methods to the container.
-> BelongsTo relationships may now reference any key on parent model, not just primary key.
-> HasOne, HasMany, and morph relationships may now use any key on parent model, not just primary key.
-> Eloquent 'has' method will now maintain where clauses set on relation.
-> New 'whereHas' and 'orWhereHas' Eloquent methods that allow extra constraints on 'has' type queries.
-> New 'or' syntax in Blade echos can be used to build isset statements and echos.
-> Allow the 'name' of belongsTo and belongsToMany to be explictly set.
-> New Cache::tags feature that allows tagging cached items and flushing them by any tag.
-> New FrameGuard middleware sends SAMEORIGIN X-Frame-Options header on each response by default.
-> Added 'joinWhere' and 'leftJoinWhere' to query builder for joins with bindings.
-> Added 'require_without_all' validation rule.
-> Controller method is now passed to missingMethod as first parameter.
-> New @append Blade directive for appending content onto a section.
-> Session IDs are now automatically regenerated on login.
-> Improve Auth::once to get rid of redundant database call.
-> In addition to the 'remember' function, query builder now supports 'rememberForever'.
-> Changes (breaking) to the return values of password reminder functions to provide more freedom to developer.
-> Added new `auth:reminders-controller' command to generate an entire password reminder controller.
-> New 'Password::validator' function that allows custom validation on passwords when resetting.
-> Added support for checking job attempts to queue jobs.
-> Added support for releasing pushed jobs back onto the queue.
-> Allow strict mode option to be enabled for MySQL connections.
-> Added 'wherePivot' and 'orWherePivot' methods to BelongsToMany relationship for convenience.
-> Added automatic separation of read / write connections into database layer.
-> Added automatic failed job handling for all queue drivers. New --tries switch for queue:listen and queue:work.
-> Cache:add now returns true when the value is actually added. False is returned otherwise.
-> Added merge, diff, and intersect to the Collection class.
-> Added fragment method to paginator.
-> Added 'renderSections' method to the View.
-> Added pessimistic locking to query builder via 'lock', 'lockForUpdate', and 'sharedLock'.
-> Closure can now be passed to Collection->first, functions similarly to array_first.
-> Added Mail::failures to get the failed recipients for a message.
-> Renamed `Model::tags($cacheTags)` to `Model::cacheTags($cacheTags)`
-> Model::destroy now returns the total number of records deleted.
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