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Created October 11, 2011 06:08
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Polynomials specification
with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Command_line, Ada.Assertions;
use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Assertions;
with Polynomials;
use Polynomials;
-- Test file format:
-- # comments start with hash character
-- 1.0 X 1 Y 2 2.0 X 2 Y 0
-- +
-- 1.0 X 1 Y 2
-- 2.0 X 1 Y 2 2.0 X2 Y 0
procedure hw3 is
package CL renames Ada.Command_line;
File : File_Type;
-- first input polynomial
P1 : Polynomial := Null_Polynomial;
-- second input polynomial
P2 : Polynomial := Null_Polynomial;
-- operation to perform between polynomials
Operator : String := "+";
-- used when reading line into string
Last : Natural;
-- expected result
Expected : Polynomial := Null_Polynomial;
-- actual result
Result : Polynomial;
-- used to peek for comment characters
C : Character;
EOL : Boolean;
-- make sure the filename has been given as a commandline arg
Assert(CL.Argument_Count /= 0, "file name not given");
-- also assert that no additional args were given
Assert(CL.Argument_Count < 2, "too many arguments");
Open (File => File, Mode => In_File, Name => CL.Argument(1));
-- stop if we're at the end of the file
if End_Of_File(File => File) then exit; end if;
-- skip comment lines
Look_Ahead (File => File, Item => C, End_Of_Line => EOL);
if C /= '#' then exit;
else Skip_Line(File);
end if;
end loop;
-- after all comments we may again be at the end of the file
if End_Of_File(File => File) then exit; end if;
-- read first polynomial input
P1 := Read(File);
Get_Line(File => File, Item => Operator, Last => Last);
-- make sure second line is a valid operator
Assert(Operator = "+" or Operator = "*", "Malformed operator");
-- read second polynomial input
P2 := Read(File);
if Operator = "+" then
Result := P1 + P2;
Result := P1 * P2;
end if;
Expected := Read(File);
if not (Result = Expected) then
Put("ERROR: Expected result = ");
end if;
end loop;
Close (File => File);
end hw3;
# (xy - 1) * (1 + xy + x^2y^2) = (x^3y^3 - 1) #
1.0 X 1 Y 1 -1.0 X 0 Y 0
1.0 X 0 Y 0 1.0 X 1 Y 1 1.0 X 2 Y 2
1.0 X 3 Y 3 -1.0 X 0 Y 0
# (xy - 1) * (1 + xy + x^2y^2 + x^3y^3) = (x^4y^4 - 1) #
1.0 X 1 Y 1 -1.0 X 0 Y 0
1.0 X 0 Y 0 1.0 X 1 Y 1 1.0 X 2 Y 2 1.0 X 3 Y 3
1.0 X 4 Y 4 -1.0 X 0 Y 0
# (xy^2 + 2x^2) + (xy^2) = (2xy^2 + 2x^2) #
1.0 X 1 Y 2 2.0 X 2 Y 0
1.0 X 1 Y 2
2.0 X 1 Y 2 2.0 X 2 Y 0
# (xy^2 + 2x^2) * (xy^2) = (x^2y^4 + 2x^3y^2) #
1.0 X 1 Y 2 2.0 X 2 Y 0
1.0 X 1 Y 2
1.0 X 2 Y 4 2.0 X 3 Y 2
# (x^5y^5 + 2.0x^2) * 0 = 0 #
1.0 X 5 Y 5 2.0 X 2 Y 0
0.0 X 0 Y 0
0.0 X 0 Y 0
package body Polynomials is
-- we'll use this function to free individual nodes of temporary polynomials
-- we no longer need
procedure Free_List_Node is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(List_Node, List_Node_Ptr);
-- our arithmetic functions create many temporary polynomials,
-- use this function to avoid a space leak
procedure Free_Polynomial(P : Polynomial) is
CurrNode : List_Node_Ptr := P.head;
NextNode : List_Node_Ptr := null;
while CurrNode /= null loop
NextNode :=;
CurrNode := NextNode;
end loop;
end Free_Polynomial;
-- scan through the polynomial looking for the coefficient of the given
-- term, return 0.0 if you don't find it
function Find_Coefficient(P : Polynomial; X, Y : Integer) return Float is
CurrNode : List_Node_Ptr := P.head;
while CurrNode /= null loop
if CurrNode.t.x = X and CurrNode.t.y = Y then
return CurrNode.t.coef;
end if;
CurrNode :=;
end loop;
return 0.0;
end Find_Coefficient;
-- copy the elements of a polynomial into a new polynomial
function Copy(P : Polynomial) return Polynomial is
OldNode : List_Node_Ptr := P.head;
NewNode : List_Node_Ptr := null;
while OldNode /= null loop
NewNode := new List_Node'(t => OldNode.t, next => NewNode);
OldNode :=;
end loop;
return Polynomial'(head => NewNode, count => P.count);
end Copy;
-- modify polynomial P by replacing its X^X_Exp Y^Y_Exp node with a new
-- node containing a different coefficient
procedure SetCoef(P : in out Polynomial; X_Exp, Y_Exp : Integer; Coef : Float) is
-- need to keep previous node for when coef = 0.0 and we have to
-- delete the currnode without severing the list
PrevNode : List_Node_Ptr := null;
CurrNode : List_Node_Ptr := P.head;
while CurrNode /= null loop
if CurrNode.t.x = X_Exp and CurrNode.t.y = Y_Exp then
if Coef = 0.0 then
-- decrease the polynomial count since we're going to delete a node
P.count := P.count - 1;
-- if we're still at the beginning of the list
if PrevNode = null then P.head :=;
-- otherwise skip over the current node
else :=;
end if;
-- now delete the current node
-- if coeff /= 0
else CurrNode.t.coef := Coef;
end if;
-- since every exponent pair is unique in the list, we can now
-- exit the loop
end if;
PrevNode := CurrNode;
CurrNode :=;
end loop;
end SetCoef;
function "+" (P : Polynomial; T : Term) return Polynomial is
coef : Float := Find_Coefficient(P, T.x, T.y);
-- copy of P which we'll either modify or extend
Result : Polynomial := Copy(P);
-- if this term isn't in the polynomial P then add it to P's linked list
if coef = 0.0 then
Result := Polynomial'(head => new List_Node'(T, Result.head), count => Result.count+1);
-- if the term is already in P, then simply modify the coefficient in P2
SetCoef(Result, T.x, T.y, T.coef + coef);
end if;
return Result;
end "+";
-- initialize Result to P1 and incrementally add each term of P2
function "+" (P1, P2 : Polynomial) return Polynomial is
-- use OldResult so we can delete intermediate polynomials
OldResult : Polynomial := Null_Polynomial;
Result : Polynomial := P1;
CurrNode : List_Node_Ptr := P2.head;
while CurrNode /= null loop
-- store old polynomial so we can free it in case this isn't
-- the last iteration of the loop
OldResult := Result;
Result := Result + CurrNode.t;
CurrNode :=;
end loop;
return Result;
end "+";
-- loop over the terms of the polynomial P, multiplying each one
-- by the term T and appending the resultant NewTerm to the polynomial Result
function "*" (P : Polynomial; T : Term) return Polynomial is
Result : Polynomial := Null_Polynomial;
CurrNode : List_Node_Ptr := P.head;
X_Exponent : Integer;
Y_Exponent : Integer;
Coef : Float;
NewTerm : Term;
while CurrNode /= null loop
-- when multiplying two terms:
-- c1 x^i y^j * c2 x^l y^m
-- the result is:
-- (c1*c2) x^(i+l) y^(j+m)
X_Exponent := CurrNode.t.x + T.x;
Y_Exponent := CurrNode.t.y + T.y;
Coef := CurrNode.t.coef * T.coef;
NewTerm := Term'(x => X_Exponent, y => Y_Exponent, coef => Coef);
-- grow result by creating a new list_node which points to the previous
-- head as its next pointer
Result := Polynomial'(head => new List_Node'(t => NewTerm, next => Result.head), count => Result.count + 1);
CurrNode :=;
end loop;
return Result;
end "*";
-- multiplication of two polynomials implemented by repeatedly adding
-- the polynomials generated through multiplying one term of P1 by all of P2
function "*" (P1, P2 : Polynomial) return Polynomial is
-- pointer used to iterate through P1
CurrNode : List_Node_Ptr := P1.head;
-- accumulate a result by multiplying each P2 by each term of P1 and
-- adding to this variable
Result : Polynomial := Null_Polynomial;
while CurrNode /= null loop
Result := Result + (P2 * CurrNode.t);
CurrNode :=;
end loop;
return Result;
end "*";
-- Loop through every term in P1 and check if its coefficient in P2
-- is the same.
-- Lastly, make sure P2 has no extra terms by checking that their lengths
-- are the same.
function "=" (P1, P2 : Polynomial) return Boolean is
CurrNode : List_Node_Ptr := P1.head;
P2_Coef : Float;
while CurrNode /= null loop
P2_Coef := Find_Coefficient(P2, CurrNode.t.x, CurrNode.t.y);
if P2_Coef /= CurrNode.t.coef then
return False;
CurrNode :=;
end if;
end loop;
-- if we've survived the loop, that means that every term in P1 has
-- the same coefficient in P2. The only thing still required for
-- them to be equal is that they should have the same length.
return P1.count = P2.count;
end "=";
-- format of terms is "Float X Int Y Int"
function Read (F : File_Type) return Term is
X_Exp : Integer;
Y_Exp : Integer;
Coef : Float;
Char : Character;
Get(File => F, Item => Coef);
Get(File => F, Item => Char);
Assert(Char = ' ', "Malformed input: expected space");
Get(File => F, Item => Char);
Assert(Char = 'X', "Malformed input: expected 'X'");
Get(File => F, Item => X_Exp);
Get(File => F, Item => Char);
Assert(Char = ' ', "Malformed input: expected space");
Get(File => F, Item => Char);
Assert(Char = 'Y', "Malformed input: expected 'Y'");
Get(File => F, Item => Y_Exp);
return Term'(x => X_Exp, y => Y_Exp, coef => Coef);
end Read;
-- Accumulate terms by growing the list pointed to by CurrHead
function Read (F : File_Type) return Polynomial is
CurrHead : List_Node_Ptr := null;
Count : Integer := 0;
while not (End_Of_Line(F) or End_Of_File(F)) loop
CurrHead := new List_Node'(t => Read(F), next => CurrHead);
Count := Count + 1;
end loop;
if End_Of_Line(F) then
Skip_Line(File => F);
end if;
return Polynomial'(head => CurrHead, count => Count);
end Read;
procedure Write (T : Term) is begin
-- Don't need to worry about coefficients of 0.0
-- since they'll be pruned from the polynomial representation
-- Only print a coefficient of 1.0 if the x and y exponents are 0.
if T.coef /= 1.0 or (T.x = 0 and T.y = 0) then
end if;
if T.x = 1 then
Put(" X");
elsif T.x /= 0 then
Put(" X^");
Put(T.x, 1);
end if;
if T.y = 1 then
Put(" Y");
elsif T.y /= 0 then
Put (" Y^");
Put (T.y, 1);
end if;
end Write;
-- print the polynomial by printing its terms one at a time
procedure Write (P : Polynomial) is
CurrNode : List_Node_Ptr := P.head;
if CurrNode = null then
-- a null polynomial corresponds to the constant 0
-- print the current term
if = null then exit;
Put (" + ");
CurrNode :=;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Write;
end Polynomials;
with Ada.Assertions;
use Ada.Assertions;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Float_Text_IO, Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Float_Text_IO, Ada.Text_IO;
package Polynomials is
type Term is record
x, y : Integer;
coef : Float;
end record;
-- forward declaration of List_Node so we can refer to it in List_Node_Ptr
type List_Node;
type List_Node_Ptr is access List_Node;
-- List_Node is a singly linked list of Terms
type List_Node is record
t : Term;
next : List_Node_Ptr;
end record;
-- Polynomial points to the first element of the term list
-- and also tracks the number of terms in the list
type Polynomial is record
head : List_Node_Ptr;
count : Integer;
end record;
Null_Polynomial : constant Polynomial := Polynomial'(head => null, count => 0);
function "+" (P : Polynomial; T : Term) return Polynomial;
function "+" (P1, P2 : Polynomial) return Polynomial;
function "*" (P : Polynomial; T : Term) return Polynomial;
function "*" (P1, P2 : Polynomial) return Polynomial;
function "=" (P1, P2 : Polynomial) return Boolean;
function Read (F : File_Type) return Term;
function Read (F : File_Type) return Polynomial;
procedure Write (T : Term);
procedure Write (P : Polynomial);
end Polynomials;
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