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Created November 16, 2014 23:21
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Save iskeld/2ac47becea86fdeba87d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Initial works on a simple Ms Word templating engine, using Office Open XML SDK
open System;
open DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
open DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
open DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing;
let openingBracket = "<#"
let closingBracket = "#>"
let indexOf (str:string) (value:string) startIndex =
match str.IndexOf(value, startIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal) with
| index when index >= 0 -> Some index
| _ -> None
type BracketMatch =
| Opening of index : int
| Full of openingIndex : int * closingIndex : int
type ExpressionLocation =
openingBracketIndex: int;
closingBracketIndex: int;
openingNode: Text;
closingNode: Text
type PartialExpression = { node: Text; index: int }
type FoundExpressions = { complete: ExpressionLocation list; opened: PartialExpression option }
type System.Text.StringBuilder with
member this.AppendMany(items: string list) =
items |> List.iter (fun str -> this.Append(str) |> ignore)
let fetchUntilNull fetcher entity =
let rec fetchRec current acc =
match fetcher current with
| null -> acc
| item -> item::acc |> fetchRec item
fetchRec entity [] |> List.rev
let allFollowingSiblings<'T when 'T :> OpenXmlElement and 'T : null> node = fetchUntilNull (fun (n:'T) -> n.NextSibling<'T>()) node
let allPreviousSiblings<'T when 'T :> OpenXmlElement and 'T : null> node = fetchUntilNull (fun (n:'T) -> n.PreviousSibling<'T>()) node
let rec followingSiblingsUntil<'T when 'T :> OpenXmlElement and 'T : null> (endNode:'T) (currentNode:'T) =
let rec innerFetcher (currentNode:'T) acc =
match currentNode.NextSibling<'T>() with
| null -> failwith "nodes are not siblings"
| sibling when Object.ReferenceEquals(sibling, endNode) -> acc
| sibling -> innerFetcher sibling (sibling::acc)
innerFetcher currentNode [] |> List.rev
let getTextNodesBetween (node1:Text) node2 =
match node1, node2 with
| (n1, n2) when n1 = n2 -> [] // text node level
| (n1, n2) when n1.Parent = n2.Parent -> followingSiblingsUntil n2 n1 |> List.rev // run level
| (n1, n2) when n1.Parent.Parent = n2.Parent.Parent -> // run's parent level
let cousins = followingSiblingsUntil n2.Parent n1.Parent |> List.collect (fun node -> node.Descendants<Text>() |> List.ofSeq)
(allFollowingSiblings n1) @ cousins @ (allPreviousSiblings n2)
| _ -> failwith "nodes have no common ancestor"
let getExpressionText exprLocation =
let { openingBracketIndex = startIndex; closingBracketIndex = endIndex; openingNode = startNode; closingNode = endNode } = exprLocation
let startNodeText = startNode.Text
if startNode = endNode then startNodeText.Substring(startIndex + openingBracket.Length, endIndex - startIndex - openingBracket.Length)
let builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
builder.Append(startNodeText.Substring(startIndex + openingBracket.Length))
.AppendMany(getTextNodesBetween startNode endNode |> (fun txtNode -> txtNode.Text))
.Append(endNode.Text.Substring(0, endIndex)) |> ignore
let simpleMatcher startIndex (node:Text) =
let text = node.Text
let matchExpressionInString startIndex =
match indexOf text openingBracket startIndex with
| Some openingIndex ->
match indexOf text closingBracket (openingIndex + closingBracket.Length) with
| Some closingIndex -> Some (Full (openingIndex, closingIndex))
| None -> Some (Opening openingIndex)
| None -> None
let toExpressionLocation a b = { openingBracketIndex = a; closingBracketIndex = b; openingNode = node; closingNode = node }
let rec matchMany index acc =
match matchExpressionInString index with
| Some matchType ->
let accList = fst acc;
match matchType with
| Opening index -> accList, Some index
| Full (opening, closing) -> ((toExpressionLocation opening closing)::accList, None) |> matchMany (closing + closingBracket.Length)
| None -> acc
match matchMany startIndex ([], None) with
| (list, index) -> { complete = list; opened = (fun i -> { node = node; index = i}) index }
let completingMatcher (partial:PartialExpression) (currentNode:Text) =
let matchClosing (startNode:Text) (currentNode:Text) =
let haveSameAncestor (node1:Text) node2 =
node1 = node2 // text node
|| node1.Parent = node2.Parent // run node
|| node1.Parent.Parent = node2.Parent.Parent // run's parent node
match indexOf currentNode.Text closingBracket 0 with
| Some index -> if haveSameAncestor startNode currentNode then Some index else None
| None -> None
match matchClosing partial.node currentNode with
| Some closingIndex ->
let completedExpression =
openingBracketIndex = partial.index; openingNode = partial.node;
closingBracketIndex = closingIndex; closingNode = currentNode
let remainingExpressions = simpleMatcher (closingIndex + closingBracket.Length) currentNode
{ complete = completedExpression::remainingExpressions.complete; opened = remainingExpressions.opened }
| None -> { complete = []; opened = Some partial}
let matchExpressions (textNodes: Text list) =
let rec matchRec matcher (elements: Text list) acc =
match elements with
| [] -> acc
| node::rest ->
let { complete = completeExpressions; opened = openedExpression } = matcher node
match openedExpression with
| Some opened -> matchRec (completingMatcher opened) rest completeExpressions@acc
| None -> matchRec (simpleMatcher 0) rest completeExpressions@acc
matchRec (simpleMatcher 0) textNodes []
let doJob () =
use wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(@"G:\Var\kwiczolek.docx", true)
let textElements = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Descendants<Text>() |> List.ofSeq
let matchedExpressions = matchExpressions textElements
let puup = matchedExpressions |> (fun expr -> getExpressionText expr)
let main argv =
printfn "%A" argv
0 // return an integer exit code
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