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Created November 17, 2021 15:38
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C_k = K + a^{2^t} mod n and C_M = RC5(C_k, msg). We give [C_k, C_M, a, t, n] to the client.
Now client can not effectively try all possible values of K. Only way to find K is to compute b = a^{2^t} mod n and then K = C_k - b.
import sys
import os
import time
import math
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
def get_num_of_squrings_per_second():
n = 3285786053995291024746162597110139412838358775272661892775318107716191165344927757345427848056382702611991217548482991736509021625883645212790106454545497195017585448145132044372738578827498791930212402916426347131925707508686126258711062943826207298871116237649487808488101857320151400666496185978220744216918012409405023720639163175134283285977024560020603331651945308417543743975305059763361789414638183571059108305033939188405817948413256740933413802758632166075708563379039537804587526116083554909789436521105110172213373907311700810166371533442335737733231794866653580261678405035083063475513253336848748251848286963662259982416924019902436644335581946397155297493728061475695395021304823
x = 58798929645077175193759242213234182565494662554979942504157005935506083646878
total = 0
for _ in range(1000):
s1 = time.time()
x = x**2
x = x%n
s2 = time.time()
total += (s2 - s1)
return math.ceil(1000/total)
def successive_squares(base, mod, length):
table = [base % mod]
prev = base % mod
for n in range(1, length):
squared = prev**2 % mod
prev = squared
return table
def fast_exponentiation(n, g, x):
# reverses binary string
binary = bin(x)[2:][::-1]
squares = successive_squares(g, n, len(binary))
# keeps positive powers of two
factors = [tup[1] for tup in zip(binary, squares) if tup[0] == '1']
acc = 1
for factor in factors:
acc = acc * factor % n
return acc
def time_lock_message(message, T, S):
print('locking the puzzle')
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(
p, q = private_key.private_numbers().p, private_key.private_numbers().q
phi_n = (p-1)*(q-1)
key = Fernet.generate_key()
K = int.from_bytes(key, sys.byteorder)
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
#print(message, key)
message = message.encode()
C_M = cipher_suite.encrypt(message)
t = T * S
n = private_key.public_key().public_numbers().n
e = fast_exponentiation(phi_n, 2, t)
a = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(32), sys.byteorder) % n + 1
C_K = (K%n + fast_exponentiation(n, a, e))%n
return C_M, C_K, t, a, n
def time_unlock_message(C_M, C_K, t, a, n):
b = a%n
for _ in range(t):
b = b**2
b = b % n
K = (C_K - b) % n
#K_bytes = bytearray.fromhex('{:0192x}'.format(K))
K_bytes = int.to_bytes(K, length=K.bit_length(), byteorder=sys.byteorder)
cipher_suite = Fernet(K_bytes)
return cipher_suite.decrypt(C_M)
message = "This is a time lock puzzle2"
T = 7 # 5s to crack the value...
#S = 92592 # expected number of squring per seconds
#S = 2570694
S = get_num_of_squrings_per_second()
C_M, C_K, t, a, n = time_lock_message(message, T, S)
print("unlocking the puzzle")
s1 = time.time()
out = time_unlock_message(C_M, C_K, t, a, n)
s2 = time.time()
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