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Last active May 9, 2017 15:11
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Git commands and bash
#Great tips
#Display all unpushed commits
git log origin/master..HEAD
#GitHub emoji
#Git flow
#Git bash
Files to be copied are in:
# Git commands
git config --global push.default nothing
git branch -a: muestra ramas remotas
git branch -v
git branch -vv >> to see what is tracking each branch
git remote -v
git checkout -b develop origin/develop: crea la rama y la engancha con el remoto
git reset -soft HEAD^ >> returns to stage the last commit
git gui
gitk origin/master..
git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger job"
git commit -n >> skip hooks
git push origin
git log |grep <commit_id> >> to verify if a specific commit exists in your branch
git diff --stat [remote/branch] >> shows all the differences (in files) with the remote
git log [remote/branch]..HEAD --oneline >> see differences in commits with the remote
git merge-base branch1..branch2 >> shows common ancestor
git log --graph --online --all
git log origin/develop..
#Show all files included in a commit
git show --pretty="format:" --name-only <commit_id>
#Take a quick look at an old revision of a single file
git show commitid:filename
#Recover a deleted branch
git reflog --> git checkout -b <hash>
git stash -u >> includes unstaged files in the stash, it leaves it absolutely clean
git stash list
git stash branch <new-branch-name> [stash-id] >> it creates a branch from a stash
git stash save <description>
git stash apply stash@{1}
git stash drop stash@{1}
git stash clear
git reset --soft HEAD~1 >> undo the last commit (not having pushed yet), takes it to stage
git archive --format zip --output ./poc-angularjs.tar master
# Delete files/folders from history
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