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Last active December 1, 2020 21:54
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A simple tetris clone in lisp using opengl


  • SBCL: sudo apt-get install sbcl.
  • quicklisp: See project page.
  • lispbuilder-sdl: Execute sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev in Ubuntu 20.04. For more detail go to (lispbuilder repo)[]. Install examples to check if it is working, from SBCL (ql:quickload :lispbuilder-sdl-examples).


  • Copy all project files to ~/quicklisp/local-projects/tetris-opengl
  • Load from SBCL execute (ql:quickload :tetris-opengl)
  • Play (tetris-opengl:play)


  • Up: Rotate
  • Down: Go down one line
  • Left: Go left
  • Right: Go right
  • ESC to quit

Note: Sorry, I didn't use AWSD during development.



;;;; package.lisp
(defpackage #:tetris-opengl
(:use #:cl)
(:export :play))
;;;; tetris-opengl.asd
(asdf:defsystem #:tetris-opengl
:description "a simple game tetris clone"
:author "Ismael Bejarano <>"
:license "MIT"
:version "0.0.1"
:serial t
:depends-on (#:lispbuilder-sdl)
:components ((:file "package")
(:file "tetris-opengl")))
;;;; tetris-opengl.lisp
(in-package #:tetris-opengl)
;; screen dimensions
(defparameter *width* 640)
(defparameter *height* 480)
(defparameter *cell-width* 20)
(defparameter *cell-height* 20)
;; board dimensions
(defparameter *board-width* 11)
(defparameter *board-height* 20)
(defparameter *board* nil)
;; colors 7 pices + void
(defparameter *colors* (make-array '8))
(defparameter *rgb-colors* '((0 0 0) ;; 0 - black
(170 0 0) ;; 1 - maroon
(255 255 255) ;; 2 - white
(170 0 170) ;; 3 - magenta
(0 0 170) ;; 4 - dark blue
(0 170 0) ;; 5 - green
(170 85 0) ;; 6 - brown
(0 170 170))) ;; 7 - cyan
(defparameter *tetrominoes* '(((1 1 1 1)) ;; I
((2 2 2) ;; J
(0 0 2))
((3 3 3) ;; L
(3 0 0))
((4 4) ;; O
(4 4))
((0 5 5) ;; S
(5 5 0))
((6 6 6) ;; T
(0 6 0))
((7 7 0) ;; Z
(0 7 7))))
(defparameter *pentominoes* '(((1 1 1 1 1))
((0 2 2)
(2 2 0)
(0 2 0))
((3 3 0)
(0 3 3)
(0 3 0))
((4 4 4 4)
(0 0 0 4))
((5 5 5 5)
(5 0 0 0))
((6 6 6)
(6 6 0))
((7 7 7)
(0 7 7))
((1 1 0 0)
(0 1 1 1))
((0 0 2 2)
(2 2 2 0))
((3 3 3)
(0 3 0)
(0 3 0))
((4 0 4)
(4 4 4))
((0 0 5)
(0 0 5)
(5 5 5))
((0 0 6)
(0 6 6)
(6 6 0))
((0 7 0)
(7 7 7)
(0 7 0))
((1 1 1 1)
(0 1 0 0))
((2 2 2 2)
(0 0 2 0))
((3 0 0)
(3 3 3)
(0 0 3))
((0 0 4)
(4 4 4)
(4 0 0))))
(defparameter *pieces* *tetrominoes*)
(defparameter *piece-x* 0)
(defparameter *piece-y* 0)
(defparameter *piece-width* 0)
(defparameter *piece-height* 0)
(defparameter *piece* nil)
(defparameter *fps* 60)
(defparameter *ticks* 0)
(defparameter *level* 0)
(defparameter *lines* 0)
(defparameter *score* 0)
(defun get-sdl-color (c)
(aref *colors* c))
(defun board-border-draw ()
(let ((xp (+ (/ (- *width* (* *board-width* *cell-width*)) 2) -5))
(yp 0)
(width (+ (* *board-width* *cell-width*) 10))
(height (+ (* *board-height* *cell-height*) 10))
(clr (sdl:color :r 12 :g 12 :b 12)))
(sdl:with-color (clr)
(sdl:rectangle :x xp :y yp :w width :h height)))))
(defun board-cell-draw (x y c)
(when (> c 0)
(let ((xpos (+ (* x *cell-width*) (/ (- *width* (* *board-width* *cell-width*)) 2)))
(ypos (+ 5 (* y *cell-height*)))
(clr (get-sdl-color c)))
(sdl:with-color (clr)
(sdl:rectangle :x xpos :y ypos
:w (1- *cell-width*)
:h (1- *cell-height*)))))))
(defun board-row-draw (row y)
(loop for x from 0 for cell in row do
(board-cell-draw x y cell)))
(defun board-draw (board)
(loop for y from 0 for row in board do
(board-row-draw row y)))
(defun piece-row-draw (row y xp yp)
(loop for x from 0 for cell in row do
(board-cell-draw (+ xp x) (+ yp y) cell)))
(defun piece-draw (piece xp yp)
(loop for y from 0 for row in piece do
(piece-row-draw row y xp yp)))
(defun piece-check-row-pos (brow row xp)
(loop for x from 0 for cell in row
for bcell = (nth xp brow) then (nth (+ xp x) brow) always
(or (zerop cell)
(zerop bcell))))
(defun piece-check-pos-size (width height xp yp)
(and (>= xp 0)
(>= yp 0)
(<= (+ xp width) *board-width*)
(<= (+ yp height) *board-height*)))
(defun piece-check-pos (piece xp yp)
(let ((height (length piece))
(width (length (car piece))))
(and (piece-check-pos-size width height xp yp)
(loop for y from 0 for row in piece
for brow = (nth yp *board*) then (nth (+ yp y) *board*) always
(piece-check-row-pos brow row xp)))))
(defun score-draw (score lines level xp yp)
(let ((score-text (format nil "~a" score))
(level-text (format nil "~a" level))
(lines-text (format nil "~a" lines)))
(sdl:with-color (sdl:*white*)
(sdl:with-default-font (sdl:*default-font*)
(sdl:draw-string-solid-* "SCORE" xp yp)
(sdl:draw-string-solid-* score-text xp (+ yp 20))
(sdl:draw-string-solid-* "LINES" xp (+ yp 40))
(sdl:draw-string-solid-* lines-text xp (+ yp 60))
(sdl:draw-string-solid-* "LEVEL" xp (+ yp 80))
(sdl:draw-string-solid-* level-text xp (+ yp 100))))))
(defun draw ()
(sdl:clear-display (sdl:color :r 128 :g 128 :b 128))
(score-draw *score* *lines* *level* 20 20)
(board-draw *board*)
(piece-draw *piece* *piece-x* *piece-y*)
(defun board-fill (width height f)
(loop for y from 0 below height collect
(loop for x from 0 below width collect (funcall f x y))))
(defun board-init ()
(setf *board* (board-fill *board-width* *board-height*
(lambda (x y) 0))))
(defun colors-init ()
(loop for i from 0 for (r g b) in *rgb-colors* do
(setf (aref *colors* i)
(sdl:color :r r :g g :b b))))
(defun piece-set (piece piece-x piece-y)
(setf *piece* piece)
(setf *piece-width* (length *piece*))
(setf *piece-height* (length (car *piece*)))
(setf *piece-x* piece-x)
(setf *piece-y* piece-y))
(defun piece-init ()
(let* ((piece (nth (random (length *pieces*)) *pieces*))
(piece-height (length piece))
(piece-width (length (car piece)))
(piece-x (floor (/ (- *board-width* piece-width) 2)))
(piece-y 0))
(when (piece-check-pos piece piece-x piece-y)
(piece-set piece piece-x piece-y)
(when (>= piece-y piece-height)
(setf *piece* nil)
(incf piece-y))))
(defun init-data ()
(setf *score* 0)
(setf *level* 0)
(setf *lines* 0)
(defun piece-rotate-left (piece)
(reduce (lambda (x y) (mapcar (lambda (z w) (cons w z)) x y))
piece :initial-value (make-sequence 'list (length (car piece)))))
(defun piece-copy (board piece xp yp)
(loop for y from 0 for row in piece do
(loop for x from 0 for cell in row do
(when (> cell 0)
(setf (nth (+ xp x) (nth (+ yp y) board)) cell)))))
(defun line-complete (row)
(loop for cell in row always (not (zerop cell))))
(defun board-remove-complete-lines (board)
(loop for row in board when (not (line-complete row)) collect row))
(defun calc-score (lines)
((<= lines 0) 0)
((= lines 1) 100)
((= lines 2) 300)
((= lines 3) 700)
((>= lines 4) 1600)))
(defun board-clear-lines (board)
(let* ((board (board-remove-complete-lines board))
(lines (- *board-height* (length board)))
(score (calc-score lines)))
(incf *score* score)
(incf *lines* lines)
(setf *level* (floor (/ *lines* 10)))
(loop repeat lines do
(setf board (cons (make-sequence 'list *board-width* :initial-element 0) board)))
(defun update-new-piece ()
(piece-copy *board* *piece* *piece-x* *piece-y*)
(setf *board* (board-clear-lines *board*))
(defun update-piece ()
(when (not (null *piece*))
(if (piece-check-pos *piece* *piece-x* (1+ *piece-y*))
(incf *piece-y*)
(defun update ()
(decf *ticks*)
(when (<= *ticks* 0)
(setf *ticks* (floor (* *fps* (expt 0.8 *level*))))))
(defun rotate-piece-left ()
(let ((piece (piece-rotate-left *piece*))
(piece-x *piece-x*)
(piece-y *piece-y*))
(when (piece-check-pos piece piece-x piece-y)
(piece-set piece piece-x piece-y))))
(defun move-piece (piece piece-x piece-y)
(when (piece-check-pos piece piece-x piece-y)
(piece-set piece piece-x piece-y)))
(defun move-piece-left ()
(move-piece *piece* (1- *piece-x*) *piece-y*))
(defun move-piece-right ()
(move-piece *piece* (1+ *piece-x*) *piece-y*))
(defun move-piece-down ()
(move-piece *piece* *piece-x* (1+ *piece-y*)))
(defun process-key (key)
((sdl:key= key :sdl-key-escape)
((sdl:key= key :sdl-key-left)
((sdl:key= key :sdl-key-right)
((sdl:key= key :sdl-key-up)
((sdl:key= key :sdl-key-down)
(defun start-game ()
(sdl:with-init ()
(sdl:window *width* *height*
:title-caption "Tetris"
:fps (make-instance 'sdl:fps-fixed))
(setf (sdl:frame-rate) *fps*)
(sdl:enable-key-repeat nil nil)
(sdl:with-events ()
(:quit-event () t)
(:key-down-event (:key key)
(process-key key))
(:idle ()
(defun play ()
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