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Forked from ar1a/comp.cfg
Created December 3, 2023 10:21
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Dathost cs2 configs
// >>> DatHost Competitive Config 0.1 <<< //
// Reset from Practice to Competitive
sv_cheats "false" // Disable cheats
mp_ct_default_grenades "" // Spawn CTs without grenades
mp_t_default_grenades "" // Spawn Ts without grenades
sv_showimpacts "0" // Don't show bullet impacts
sv_falldamage_scale "1" // Enable fall damage
sv_full_alltalk "0" // Disable voice chat with anyone
sv_ignoregrenaderadio "false" // Enable grenade radio msg
mp_forcecamera "1" // Disallow spectating any team
weapon_auto_cleanup_time "0" // Disable auto cleanup
mp_weapons_allow_typecount "5" // Reset purchase amount to default
mp_death_drop_taser "true" // Enable taser drop on death
mp_drop_knife_enable "false" // Disable knife dropping
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self "1" // Enable grenade self-damage
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview "false" // Disable grenade preview
// Apply Competitive Settings
exec "gamemode_competitive" // Default competitive config
mp_limitteams "0" // Allow free team-switching
bot_quota "0" // Disable bots
// Warmup Settings
mp_warmup_online_enabled "true" // Enable warmup on dedicated server
mp_warmup_pausetimer "1" // Enable infinite warmuptime until disabled
mp_warmup_start // Start warmup
// ↓↓↓ Add Custom Configs Here Below ↓↓↓ //
// Chat Notifcations
say >>> DatHost Competitive Config Loaded <<<
say >>> Type exec live in the DatHost Console to start a Competitive Match <<<
say >>> Type exec prac in the DatHost Console to switch to Practice Mode <<<
Getting Started with CS2 🚀
Unfortunately, there are no plugins in CS2 yet, but we've got you covered.
Start easily with our default configs. In the DatHost Console, enter:
exec prac – Starts Practice Mode
exec comp – Starts Competitive Mode
exec live – Starts a Competitive Match (run exec comp first)
Happy gaming! 🔥
// >>> DatHost Competitive Go Live Config 0.1 <<< //
mp_limitteams "1" // Diable team-switch during the game
mp_warmup_pausetimer "0" // Diable infinite warmup
mp_warmup_end // End warmup
mp_restartgame 1 // Restart game and go live
// Chat Notifcations
say >>> LIVE LIVE LIVE <<<
// >>> DatHost Practice Config 0.1 <<< //
// General Settings
sv_cheats "true" // Enable cheats
mp_force_pick_time "0" // Auto-join random team
bot_quota "0" // Disable bots
sv_showimpacts "1" // Show bullet impacts
mp_limitteams "0" // Don't limit teams
// Damage Settings
sv_regeneration_force_on "true" // Enable health regeneration
sv_falldamage_scale "0" // Disable fall damage
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self "0" // Remove grenade self-damage
inferno_damage "0" // Remove molotov damage
// Communication Settings
sv_deadtalk "true" // Enable deadtalk
sv_full_alltalk "true" // Allow voice chat with anyone
sv_ignoregrenaderadio "false" // Disable grenade radio msg
mp_forcecamera "0" // Allow spectating any team
// Grenade Preview Settings
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview "true" // Show grenade cam preview
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_trailtime "3" // Seconds for grenade preview
// Weapon Settings
sv_infinite_ammo "1" // Enable infinite ammo
weapon_auto_cleanup_time "15" // Remove weapons automatically
weapon_max_before_cleanup "30" // Remove only if >30 weapons
// Purchase Settings
mp_buy_anywhere "1" // Enable purchasing from anywhere on the map
mp_maxmoney "9999999" // Set maximum money to 999999
mp_startmoney "9999999" // Set starting money to 999999
mp_weapons_allow_typecount "-1" // Remove limit on purchase amount
// Death and Drop Settings
mp_death_drop_breachcharge "false" // Disable breach charge drop on death
mp_death_drop_defuser "false" // Disable defuser drop on death
mp_death_drop_taser "false" // Disable taser drop on death
mp_drop_knife_enable "true" // Enable knife dropping
mp_death_drop_grenade "0" // Disable grenade drop on death
// Default Weapon Allocation
ammo_grenade_limit_total "5" // Set grenade limit to 5
mp_defuser_allocation "2" // Spawn with defuse kit
mp_free_armor "2" // Spawn with full armor
// Spawn with AK/M4, Molo, HE, Smoke, Flash & Decoy
mp_ct_default_grenades "weapon_incgrenade weapon_hegrenade weapon_smokegrenade weapon_flashbang weapon_decoy"
mp_ct_default_primary "weapon_m4a1"
mp_t_default_grenades "weapon_molotov weapon_hegrenade weapon_smokegrenade weapon_flashbang weapon_decoy"
mp_t_default_primary "weapon_ak47"
// Warmup Settings
mp_warmup_online_enabled "true" // Enable warmup on dedicated server
mp_warmup_pausetimer "1" // Enable infinite warmuptime until disabled
mp_warmup_start // Start warmup
// ↓↓↓ Add Custom Configs Here Below ↓↓↓ //
// Chat Notifcations
say >>> DatHost Practice Config Loaded <<<
say >>> Type exec comp in the DatHost Console to switch to Competitive Mode <<<
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