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Last active August 26, 2019 11:36
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Jenkinsfile for Angular building and testing Angular application in a docker container
node (label: 'build && linux') {
stage('Clean Workspace'){
stage("Main build") {
stage('Checkout SCM') {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: 'master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '']]])
// Permorming Install and Lint
docker.image('node:10').inside {
stage('Install') {
sh label:
'Running npm install',
script: '''
node --version
cd hello-world-node
npm install
stage('Lint') {
sh label:
'Running npm run lint',
script: '''
cd hello-world-node
npm run lint
stage('Get test dependency') {
sh label:
'Downloading chrome.json',
script: '''
wget -O $WORKSPACE/chrome.json
docker.image('ismail0352/chrome-node').inside('--name chrome-node --security-opt seccomp=$WORKSPACE/chrome.json') {
stage('Test') {
sh label:
'Running npm run test',
script: '''
node --version
cd hello-world-node
npm run test
stage('e2e') {
sh label:
'Running npm run e2e',
script: '''
cd hello-world-node
npm run e2e
stage ('Build') {
docker.image('node:10').inside {
sh label:
'Running npm run build',
script: '''
node --version
cd hello-world-node
npm run build
stage("Deploy") {
def containerName = "hello-nginx"
// Any change in Volume will automatically result in Hot Reload of Nginx
def rc = sh (script: "docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' ${containerName}", returnStatus: true)
if(rc == 0) {
echo "Container ${containerName} exists..."
try {
echo "Nginx will reload changes from the mounted file system..."
timeout(time: 120, unit: 'SECONDS') { // change to a convenient timeout for you
message: 'Click "Create" to Discard old container and create a new one?\nClick "Abort" to keep the old one\nIf nothing is clicked "Abort" will be triggered', ok: 'Create')
echo "Removing old container and creating a new one..."
sh "docker rm -f hello-nginx"
sh "docker run -d -p 80:80 -v $WORKSPACE/hello-world-node/dist/hello-world-node:/usr/share/nginx/html/ --name ${containerName} nginx"
catch(err) { // timeout reached or input false
echo "Doing Nothing!"
echo "Container ${containerName} does not exist... Creating..."
sh "docker run -d -p 80:80 -v $WORKSPACE/hello-world-node/dist/hello-world-node:/usr/share/nginx/html/ --name ${containerName} nginx"
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