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Created July 23, 2013 08:52
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rails_admin nav
- actions(:root).each do |action|
%li= link_to wording_for(:menu, action), { :action => action.action_name, :controller => 'rails_admin/main' }, :class => 'pjax'
- if main_app_root_path = (main_app.root_path rescue false)
%li= link_to t('').capitalize, main_app_root_path
- if _current_user
- if user_link = edit_user_link
%li= user_link
- if logout_path.present?
%li= link_to content_tag('span', t('admin.misc.log_out'), :class => 'label label-important'), logout_path, :method => Devise.sign_out_via
- if _current_user.respond_to?(:email) &&
%li= image_tag "#{(request.ssl? ? 'https://secure' : 'http://www')}{Digest::MD5.hexdigest}?s=30", :style => 'padding-top:5px'
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