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Last active September 2, 2024 07:53
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  • Save ismaileke/1d8463d3ae819756468443a8b1c36362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ismaileke/1d8463d3ae819756468443a8b1c36362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MinecraftNintendoSwitch: '00000000441cc96b'
MinecraftPlaystation: '000000004827c78e'
MinecraftAndroid: '0000000048183522' // we use this
MinecraftJava: '00000000402b5328'
MinecraftIOS: '000000004c17c01a'
XboxAppIOS: '000000004c12ae6f'
XboxGamepassIOS: '000000004c20a908'
PrivateKey = openssl_pkey_new([
'curve_name' => 'prime256v1',
'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC,
'private_key_bits' => 384
openssl_pkey_export(PrivateKey, PrivateKeyPEM);
PrivKeyDetails = openssl_pkey_get_details(PrivateKey);
PublicKey = openssl_pkey_get_public(PrivKeyDetails['key']);
PublicKeyDetails = openssl_pkey_get_details(PublicKey);
X = JwtUtils::b64UrlEncode(PublicKeyDetails['ec']['x']);
Y = JwtUtils::b64UrlEncode(PublicKeyDetails['ec']['y']);
LINK: "" // Xbox Live Device Code Request
Headers = [
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept-Language: tr' // you can edit
Body = [
'client_id' => '0000000048183522',
'scope' => '',
'response_type' => 'device_code'
RESPONSE CODE CONTENT -> {'user_code', 'device_code', 'verification_uri', 'expires_in', 'interval', 'message'}
print("You can verify by entering the code " . RESPONSE CODE['user_code'] . " from " . RESPONSE CODE['verification_uri'] . ".\n")
while(true) { // In the loop, wait for the user to log in to their microsoft account from the site.
LINK: "" // Xbox Live Token Request
Headers = [
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
Body = [
'grant_type' => 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code',
'client_id' => "0000000048183522",
'device_code' => RESPONSE CODE['device_code']
// If error = authorization_pending, wait
IF THERE IS ERROR {'error': ['authorization_pending' or 'invalid_grant' or 'authorization_declined' or 'bad_verification_code' or 'expired_token']}
IF THERE IS NO ERROR var TokenData = {'tokenType': 'bearer', 'expires_in': '86400', 'scope': '', 'access_token': '...', 'refresh_token': '...', 'user_id'}
break loop // Store TokenData
LINK: "" // Xbox Device Auth
Body = [
"Properties" => [
"AuthMethod" => "ProofOfPossession",
"DeviceType" => "Android",
"Id" => "{" . GENERATE_RANDOM_UUID . "}", // i guess you have to generate random uuid
"ProofKey" => [
"crv" => "P-256",
"alg" => "ES256",
"use" => "sig",
"kty" => "EC",
"x" => X,
"y" => Y
"Version" => "10" // Android Version
"RelyingParty" => "",
"TokenType" => "JWT"
Headers = [
"x-xbl-contract-version: 1",
"Signature: " . signature(Body, PrivateKey)
RESPONSE DATA CONTENT -> {"IssueInstant", "NotAfter", "Token", "DisplayClaims": ["xdi": ["did", "dcs"]]}
DeviceToken = RESPONSE DATA["Token"]
LINK: "" // Sisu Authorize
Body = [
"AccessToken" => "t=" . TokenData["access_token"],
"AppId" => "0000000048183522",
"deviceToken" => DeviceToken,
"Sandbox" => "RETAIL",
"UseModernGamertag" => true,
"SiteName" => "",
"RelyingParty" => "",
"ProofKey" => [
"crv" => "P-256",
"alg" => "ES256",
"use" => "sig",
"kty" => "EC",
"x" => X,
"y" => Y
Headers = [
"x-xbl-contract-version: 1",
"Signature: " . signature(Body, privateKey)
RESPONSE DATA CONTENT -> {'DeviceToken': '...', 'TitleToken': ['DisplayClaims': [...], 'IssueInstant', 'NotAfter', 'Token'], 'UserToken': ['DisplayClaims': [...], 'IssueInstant', 'NotAfter', 'Token'], 'AuthorizationToken': ['DisplayClaims': ['xui': [0: ['uhs': 'intData']]], 'IssueInstant', 'NotAfter', 'Token'], 'WebPage', 'Sandbox': 'RETAIL', 'UseModernGamerTag': true, 'Flow': ''}
XBOXUserID = RESPONSE DATA['AuthorizationToken']['DisplayClaims']['xui'][0]['uhs']
AuthToken = RESPONSE DATA['AuthorizationToken']['Token']
LINK: "" // Bedrock Auth
Body = [
'identityPublicKey' => base64_encode(JwtUtils::emitDerPublicKey(privateKey)) privateKey-> ('curve_name' => 'secp384r1', 'private_key_type' => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC)
Headers = [
'Content-Type: application/json',
'User-Agent: MCPE/Android',
'Client-Version: 1.21.2', // change
'Authorization: XBL3.0 x=' . XBOXUserID . ';' . AuthToken
RESPONSE DATA CONTENT -> {'chain': [0: '...', 1: '...']}
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