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Created March 9, 2021 15:23
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I use aws-vault with Yubikey to access AWS resources.

Lens is great Desktop tool to see/manage all k8s resources.

The following commands help me to open Lens The Kubernetes IDE the right EKS cluster on MacOS

# aws-vault  exec -d 12h --prompt ykman my-profile -- 
# aws eks update-kubeconfig --name my-eks-cluster  #switch to the right cluster
# /Applications/
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This below works for me on ubuntu 20.X local

#  1. create a new terminal with aws-vault context
aws-vault  exec my-profile -- bash
# 2. update eks if not updated
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name my-eks-cluster
# 3. switch to correct kubeconfig  (I use kubectx as have multiple eks clusters)
kubectx PROFILE
# 4. Open lens (within the new terminal context)
lens # or whatever your lens path is

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