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pipeline {
  agent any
     environment {
        AWS_REGION  = 'eu-west-1'

 //  options { 
 //   ansiColor('xterm')
  // }

stages {

    stage('docker build and push to ecr') {
      steps {

       sh(label: 'ECR login and docker push', script:
           echo "Authenticate with ECR"
            set +x # Don't echo credentials from the login command!
            echo "Building New ECR Image"
            eval $(aws ecr get-login --region "$AWS_REGION" --no-include-email)
            # Enable Debug and Exit immediately 
            set -xe
            docker build  -t${GITCOMMIT} .
            #two push one for master tag other is git commit ID
            docker push${GITCOMMIT}
            docker tag${GITCOMMIT}
            docker push

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