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Last active January 27, 2023 14:42
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Cron Running Script and Logging
# crontab can be edited using the following command:
# For root user: sudo crontab -e
# For current user: cronttab -e
# For specific user: sudo cronttab -e -u ismet
# To view all current crontab entries:
# For root user: sudo crontab -l
# For current user: cronttab -l
# - Root user crontab will have root privelages
# - Cron will not run while the crontab file is open for editing
# - You may have to restart cron (but it should automatically pick up changes):
# sudo service cron reload
# Alert notification contact email in case something fails
# Specify to use bash shell for all cron jobs
# Specify PATH variable for all cron jobs
# Note: Cron will only have very minimal enviroment variables
# To find the system's PATH variable: $ echo $PATH
PATH=/home/<YOUR LOCAL USERNAME>/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
# Scheduled job to run and output/append any cron notifications and standard out messages to a log file
# Format: [minute 0-59] [hour 0-23] [day 1-31] [month 1-12] [weekday 0-6] [your command or scrip location] >> [file to save output log messages]
# Note: This following job will run every day at 3:05am
5 3 * * * /home/<YOUR LOCAL USERNAME>/Documents/ >> /home/<YOUR LOCAL USERNAME>/Documents/backup_message_logs/backup_message_log.txt
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