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Created April 24, 2013 01:19
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Ian's mods to breadcrumbs allowing a custom last class to support Foundation 4
/** -------------------------------------
/** Create a Breadcrumb Trail
/** -------------------------------------*/
function breadcrumb()
$site_pages = $this->sql->get_site_pages();
if ( ! $site_pages)
return FALSE;
// Get parameters
$separator = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('separator', '»');
$inc_separator = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('inc_separator');
$separator = $inc_separator === 'no' ? '' : $separator;
$inc_home = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('inc_home');
$inc_home = $inc_home === 'no' ? false : true;
$inc_here = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('inc_here');
$inc_here = $inc_here === 'no' ? false : true;
$here_as_title = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('here_as_title');
$here_as_title = $here_as_title === 'yes' ? true : false;
$wrap_each = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('wrap_each', '');
$wrap_here = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('wrap_here', '');
$wrap_separator = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('wrap_separator', '');
$separator = $wrap_separator ? "<{$wrap_separator}>{$separator}</{$wrap_separator}>" : $separator;
$add_last_class = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('add_last_class') != 'no';
// Added by Ian
$last_class = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('custom_last_class', 'last');
$channel_id = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('channel', FALSE);
// Are we passed a URI to work from? If not use current URI
$uri = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('uri', $this->sql->get_uri());
$uri = html_entity_decode($uri);
// if (array_key_exists('structure_pagination_segment', $this->EE->config->_global_vars))
// $uri = $this->remove_last_segment($uri);
// get current entry id
if ($channel_id !== FALSE && is_numeric($channel_id))
// Filter by channel_id. Allows duplicate URIs to exist and still be
// relatively useful, eg. multi-language
$channel_entries = $this->sql->get_entries_by_channel($channel_id);
$entry_ids = array_keys($site_pages['uris'], $uri);
$entry_id = current(array_intersect($channel_entries, $entry_ids));
if ($entry_id === FALSE)
$entry_id = array_search($uri, $site_pages['uris']);
$entry_id = array_search($uri, $site_pages['uris']);
// get node of the current entry
$node = $entry_id ? $this->nset->getNode($entry_id) : false;
// node does not have any structure data we return nothing to prevent errors
if ($node === FALSE && ! $entry_id)
return FALSE;
// if we have an entry id but no node, we have listing entry
if ($entry_id && ! $node)
// get entry's parent id
$pid = $this->get_pid_for_listing_entry($entry_id);
// get node of parent entry
$node = $this->nset->getNode($pid);
$right = $node['right'];
$inc_current = isset($pid) ? '=' : '';
$site_id = $this->EE->config->item('site_id');
$sql = "SELECT node.*, expt.title
FROM exp_structure AS node
INNER JOIN exp_channel_titles AS expt
ON node.entry_id = expt.entry_id
WHERE node.lft > 1
AND node.lft < $right
AND node.rgt >$inc_current $right
AND expt.site_id = $site_id
-- AND node.lft != 2
ORDER BY node.lft";
$result = $this->EE->db->query($sql);
$home_entry = array_search('/', $site_pages['uris']) ? array_search('/', $site_pages['uris']) : 0; #default to zero
$site_index = trim($this->EE->functions->fetch_site_index(0, 0), '/');
$home_link = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('home_link', $site_index);
$custom_title_fields = $this->sql->create_custom_titles(TRUE);
// print_r($custom_title_fields);
$crumbs = array();
$home_title = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('rename_home', 'Home');
if ($inc_home)
$crumbs[] = '<a href="' . $home_link . '">'.$home_title.'</a>';
foreach ($result->result_array() as $entry)
if ($entry['entry_id'] == $home_entry) #remove homepage
$the_title = $custom_title_fields !== FALSE ? $custom_title_fields[$entry['entry_id']] : $entry['title'];
$crumbs[] = '<a href="' . Helper::remove_double_slashes($home_link . $site_pages['uris'][$entry['entry_id']]) . '">' . $the_title . '</a>';
// If inc_here param is yes/true then show the here name
if ($inc_here)
// If here_as_title is yes/true then show here as page title
if ($here_as_title)
$the_title = $custom_title_fields !== FALSE ? array_key_exists($entry_id, $custom_title_fields) ? $custom_title_fields[$entry_id] : $this->sql->get_entry_title($entry_id) : $this->sql->get_entry_title($entry_id);
$crumbs[] = !empty($wrap_here) ? "<{$wrap_here}>$the_title</{$wrap_here}>" : $the_title;
$crumbs[] = !empty($wrap_here) ? "<{$wrap_here}>Here</{$wrap_here}>" : "Here";
$count = count($crumbs);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
if ( ! empty( $separator) && $i != ($count-1))
$crumbs[$i] = "{$crumbs[$i]} {$separator} ";
if ( ! empty($wrap_each))
if ($add_last_class === TRUE && $i == $count -1)
$crumbs[$i] = "<{$wrap_each} class=\"{$last_class}\">{$crumbs[$i]}</{$wrap_each}>";
$crumbs[$i] = "<{$wrap_each}>{$crumbs[$i]}</{$wrap_each}>";
if ($add_last_class === TRUE && $i == $count -1)
$crumbs[$i] = '<span class="{$last_class}">'.$crumbs[$i].'</span>';
return implode('', $crumbs);
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