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Created November 12, 2012 06:49
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  • Save iso2022jp/4057861 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iso2022jp/4057861 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
VBA: Cdecl Thunk
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "CdeclCallback"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub MoveMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
ByVal Destination As Long, _
Source As Any, _
ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function FlushInstructionCache Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hProcess As Long, _
ByVal lpBaseAddress As Long, _
ByVal dwSize As Long) _
Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcess Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal lpAddress As Long, _
ByVal dwSize As Long, _
ByVal flAllocationType As Long, _
ByVal flProtect As Long) _
As Long
Private Declare Function VirtualFree Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal lpAddress As Long, _
ByVal dwSize As Long, _
ByVal dwFreeType As Long) _
Private Const PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE As Long = &H40&
Private Const MEM_COMMIT As Long = &H1000&
Private Const MEM_RELEASE As Long = &H8000&
Private Const CODE_SIZE As Long = 256
Private mBase As Long ' base address
Private mFreed As Long ' next freed
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal Count As Long)
mBase = Platform.Invoke(VirtualAlloc(SYSNULL, Count * CODE_SIZE, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE))
mFreed = mBase
End Sub
Public Function Register(ByVal StdcallProc As Long, ByVal DWORDArgumentCount As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim p As Long
Dim lEspDisp8 As Long ' 8 bit displacement (max 127: 32 DWORDs)
' ret, arg1, arg2, arg3...
If DWORDArgumentCount > 32 Then Call Err.Raise(5)
' emit x86 code (consider pairing)
' mov edx, StdcallProc ; (u)
' mov e?x, [esp+X] ; (v) x N
' push e?x ; (u) x N
' call edx ; (v)
' ret ; (u)
p = mFreed
' retaddr, argN, argN-1, argN-2, ..., , arg1
lEspDisp8 = 4 * DWORDArgumentCount
Call MoveMemory(p, &HBA, 1) ' mov edx, immediate
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, StdcallProc, 4) ' addr
p = p + 5
' eax/ecx
For i = 1 To DWORDArgumentCount
If i Mod 2 Then
' eax
Call MoveMemory(p, &H8B, 1) ' mov r32, r/m32
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &H44, 1) ' ModR/M: 01 (disp8[r]), 000 (eax), 100 (SIB)
Call MoveMemory(p + 2, &H24, 1) ' SIB: 00 (*1), 100 (none), 100 (esp)
Call MoveMemory(p + 3, lEspDisp8, 1) ' disp8
Call MoveMemory(p + 4, &H50, 1) ' push eax
' ecx
Call MoveMemory(p, &H8B, 1) ' mov r32, r/m32
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &H4C, 1) ' ModR/M: 01 (disp8[r]), 001 (ecx), 100 (SIB)
Call MoveMemory(p + 2, &H24, 1) ' SIB: 00 (*1), 100 (none), 100 (esp)
Call MoveMemory(p + 3, lEspDisp8, 1) ' disp8
Call MoveMemory(p + 4, &H51, 1) ' push ecx
End If
p = p + 5
Call MoveMemory(p, &HFF, 1) ' opcode extension group 5
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &HD2, 1) ' ModR/M: 11, 010 (call near), 010 (edx)
p = p + 2
Call MoveMemory(p, &HC3, 1) ' ret (near)
p = p + 1
' commit
Call Platform.Invoke(FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), mFreed, p - mFreed))
Register = mFreed
mFreed = mFreed + CODE_SIZE
End Function
'Public Property Get Handle() As Long
' Handle = mBase
'End Property
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If mBase Then
Call VirtualFree(mBase, 0, MEM_RELEASE)
End If
End Sub
MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "CdeclInvoker"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function LoadLibraryA Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal lpFileName As String) _
As Long
Private Declare Function LoadLibraryW Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal lpFileName As Long) _
As Long
Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hModule As Long) _
Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hModule As Long, _
ByVal lpProcName As String) _
As Long
' EnumerateLoadedModules
' EnumThreadWindows
' EnumResourceTypes
Private Declare Function Invoker12 Lib "kernel32" Alias "EnumResourceTypesA" ( _
ByVal Reserved As Long, _
ByVal lpCallback As Long, _
lParam As Any) _
As Long
'Private Declare Function Invoker8 Lib "user32" Alias "EnumWindows" ( _
' ByVal lpCallback As Long, _
' lParam As Any) _
'As Long
Private Declare Sub MoveMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
ByVal Destination As Long, _
Source As Any, _
ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function FlushInstructionCache Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal hProcess As Long, _
ByVal lpBaseAddress As Long, _
ByVal dwSize As Long) _
Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcess Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal lpAddress As Long, _
ByVal dwSize As Long, _
ByVal flAllocationType As Long, _
ByVal flProtect As Long) _
As Long
Private Declare Function VirtualFree Lib "kernel32" ( _
ByVal lpAddress As Long, _
ByVal dwSize As Long, _
ByVal dwFreeType As Long) _
Private Const PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE As Long = &H40&
Private Const MEM_COMMIT As Long = &H1000&
Private Const MEM_RELEASE As Long = &H8000&
Private Const CODE_SIZE As Long = 256
Private mModule As Long
Private mBase As Long ' base address
Private mProcCache As Collection
Public Sub Initialize(ByRef Library As String)
Dim i As Long
If Platform.IsNT Then
mModule = Platform.Invoke(LoadLibraryW(StrPtr(Library)))
mModule = Platform.Invoke(LoadLibraryA(Library))
End If
mBase = Platform.Invoke(VirtualAlloc(SYSNULL, 31 * CODE_SIZE, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE))
For i = 0 To 30
Call GenDriver(mBase + i * CODE_SIZE, i)
End Sub
Public Function Invoke(ByRef CdeclProcName As String, ParamArray DWORDArguments() As Variant) As Long
Dim lArgs() As Long ' retval, addr, arg1, arg2, ...
Dim lCount As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lProcAddr As Long
' resolve address
On Error Resume Next
lProcAddr = mProcCache(CdeclProcName)
If Err.Number Then
On Error GoTo 0
lProcAddr = Platform.Invoke(GetProcAddress(mModule, CdeclProcName))
Call mProcCache.Add(lProcAddr, CdeclProcName)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
' assume LBound(DWORDArguments) = 0
lCount = UBound(DWORDArguments) + 1
If lCount > 30 Then Call Err.Raise(5)
ReDim lArgs(0 To lCount + 2)
lArgs(0) = 0
lArgs(1) = lProcAddr
For i = 0 To lCount - 1
lArgs(i + 2) = CLng(DWORDArguments(i))
' invoke
Call Invoker12(SYSNULL, mBase + lCount * CODE_SIZE, lArgs(0))
Invoke = lArgs(0)
End Function
Private Sub GenDriver(ByVal Base As Long, ByVal DWORDArgumentCount As Long)
Dim p As Long
Dim i As Long
' make ENUMRESTYPEPROC style driver
' struct DRIVER_PARAM {
' long retval;
' FN func;
' long argv[...];
' };
' BOOL __stdcall driver(HWND unused, LPTSTR unused2, DRIVER_PARAM *param) {
' param->retval = param->func(param->argv[0], ...);
' return FALSE;
' }
If DWORDArgumentCount > 30 Then Call Err.Raise(5)
' emit x86 code (consider pairing)
' push esi ; (u)
' mov esi, [esp+16] ; (v) esi = param
' mov edx, [esi+4] ; (u) edx = param->func
' mov e?x, [esi+X] ; (v) x N
' push e?x ; (u) x N
' call edx ; (v)
' add esp, X ; (u) remove arguments from stack
' mov [esi], eax ; (v) param->retval = eax
' xor eax, eax ; (u) return 0
' pop esi ; (v)
' ret 12 ; (u)
p = Base
Call MoveMemory(p, &H56, 1) ' push esi
p = p + 1
Call MoveMemory(p, &H8B, 1) ' mov r32, r/m32
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &H74, 1) ' ModR/M: 01 (disp8[r]), 110 (esi), 100 (SIB)
Call MoveMemory(p + 2, &H24, 1) ' SIB: 00 (*1), 100 (none), 100 (esp)
Call MoveMemory(p + 3, 16, 1) ' disp8: 16 (3rd argument)
p = p + 4
Call MoveMemory(p, &H8B, 1) ' mov r32, r/m32
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &H56, 1) ' ModR/M: 01 (disp8[r]), 010 (edx), 110 (esi)
Call MoveMemory(p + 2, 4, 1) ' disp8: 4
p = p + 3
' esi+8,12,16...
For i = DWORDArgumentCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If i Mod 2 Then
' eax
Call MoveMemory(p, &H8B, 1) ' mov r32, r/m32
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &H46, 1) ' ModR/M: 01 (disp8[r]), 000 (eax), 110 (esi)
Call MoveMemory(p + 2, i * 4 + 8, 1) ' disp8
Call MoveMemory(p + 3, &H50, 1) ' push eax
' ecx
Call MoveMemory(p, &H8B, 1) ' mov r32, r/m32
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &H4E, 1) ' ModR/M: 01 (disp8[r]), 001 (ecx), 110 (esi)
Call MoveMemory(p + 2, i * 4 + 8, 1) ' disp8
Call MoveMemory(p + 3, &H51, 1) ' push ecx
End If
p = p + 4
Call MoveMemory(p, &HFF, 1) ' opcode extension group 5
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &HD2, 1) ' ModR/M: 11, 010 (call near), 010 (edx)
p = p + 2
Call MoveMemory(p, &H83, 1) ' opcode extension group 1 (r/m32, imm8)
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &HC4, 1) ' ModR/M: 11, 000 (add), 100 (esp)
Call MoveMemory(p + 2, DWORDArgumentCount * 4, 1) ' imm8
p = p + 3
' param->retval = eax
Call MoveMemory(p, &H89, 1) ' mov r/m32, r32
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &H6, 1) ' ModR/M: 00 ([r]), 000 (eax), 110 (esi)
p = p + 2
' return 0
Call MoveMemory(p, &H33, 1) ' xor r32, r/m32
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, &HC0, 1) ' ModR/M: 11 (r), 000 (eax), 000 (eax)
p = p + 2
Call MoveMemory(p, &H5E, 1) ' pop esi
p = p + 1
Call MoveMemory(p, &HC2, 1) ' ret imm16 (near)
Call MoveMemory(p + 1, 12, 2) ' imm16
p = p + 3
' commit
Call Platform.Invoke(FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), Base, p - Base))
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mProcCache = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If mBase Then
Call VirtualFree(mBase, 0, MEM_RELEASE)
End If
If mModule Then
Call FreeLibrary(mModule)
End If
End Sub
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Out of interest, what does this do? It comes high up in the search results for "Calling __cdecl from VBA", is that its purpose? I can't work out exactly what's going on, not least of all because Platform doesn't seem to be defined anywhere.

Any hints would be fab, I'm intrigued now!

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iso2022jp commented Sep 17, 2019


Thank you for your comment.

Young me want to call Cabinet API from Visual Basic 5 for file compression.
(Now xz/7z are available, but in that time Microsoft CAB was the most efficient compression format.)

Unfortunately, Cabinet APIs are not STDCALL calling convension, so I cannot use declare statement.
and what is worse, my manager do not accept additional dependencies ― includes native dll, C thunks, and type libraries.

I've got to go with the last resort. I implemented cdecl calling convention thunks in PURE VISUAL BASIC!

Platform class is just helper, no magics in there.
Platform.Invoke converts from win32 error code via GetLastError() to HRESULT and throw COM Exception with Err.Raise.

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