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Created July 17, 2015 19:25
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Sometimes you mistakenly unpack tens of thousands of files into a single directory and maybe your OS/filesystem is unhappy about deleting it. This is recursive rm(1) in pure C.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
* Usage: rm_all <dir-name>
* From lkml...
#define u32 unsigned int
#ifndef COMBSORT
#define COMBSORT(size, i, j, COMPARE, EXCHANGE) { \
unsigned gap = size, more, i; \
if (size) do { \
if (gap > 1) gap = gap*10/13; \
if (gap - 9 < 2) gap = 11; \
for (i = size - 1, more = gap > 1; i >= gap; i--) { \
int j = i - gap; \
if (COMPARE) { EXCHANGE; more = 1; } } \
} while (more); }
#ifndef exchange
#define exchange(x, y) do { typeof(x) z = x; x = y; y = z; } while (0)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char *dirname = argv[1];
unsigned dirnamelen = strlen(dirname);
unsigned maxmap = 50000, namesize = 20 * maxmap, count, i, more = 1;
struct { char *name; u32 ino; } map[maxmap], *mp;
char names[namesize], *namep;
struct dirent *de;
DIR *dir;
dir = opendir(dirname);
for (mp = map, namep = names; mp < map + maxmap; mp++)
int len;
if (!(de = readdir(dir)))
more = 0;
len = strlen(de->d_name);
if (namep + len + 1 > names + namesize) break;
mp->ino = de->d_ino;
mp->name = namep;
*namep++ = len;
memcpy(namep, de->d_name, len);
namep += len;
count = mp - map, i = 0;
COMBSORT(count, i, j, map[i].ino < map[j].ino, exchange(map[i], map[j]));
for (mp = map; i < count; i++, mp++)
char name[50], *p = name;
memcpy (p, dirname, dirnamelen);
p += dirnamelen;
*p++ = '/';
memcpy (p, mp->name + 1, *mp->name);
p += *mp->name;
*p = 0;
if (more) goto more;
return 0;
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