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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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jQueryUI Widget Skeleton (integrated documentation)
// Use AMD loader if present, if not use global jQuery
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else {
// Browser globals
}(this, function ($) {
$.widget('namespace.widgetName', {
// ============ Properties on the base widget ==========================
// defaultElement - an element to use when a widget instance is
// constructed without providing an element (`$.ns.widgetName();`)
// document - a jquery object containing the `document` that contains
// the widget's element. Useful for iframe interaction.
// element - a jquery object with the element on which the widget was
// instantiated. Each instance binds to a single node.
// namespace - the location on the global jQuery object that stores the
// widget's prototype. A 'ui' namespace => `$.ui`.
// options - The current options hash. User-provided options will be
// merged with default options on instantiation, with default
// options beind overwritten.
// uuid - A unique int identifier for the widget
// version - the string version of the widget
// widgetEventPrefix - The prefix prepended to events fired from this
// widget. Defaults to the widget's name. (Deprecated)
// widgetFullName - The full name, including namespace, with a dash
// between namespace and widget name (e.g. ui-draggable).
// widgetName - The name of the widget
// window - a jQuery object containing the `window` that contains the
// widget. Useful for iframe interaction.
// =========== Private methods provided by the base widgetn ============
// _delay(fn[, delay=0]) - calls fn after the delay with `this` context
// _focusable(element) - set up element to apply ui-state-focus on focus
// event handlers are cleaned up on destroy
// _hide(element, option[, callback]) - Hides an element according to
// the current value of the `hide` option
// _hoverable(element) - Set up element to apply ui-state-hover on hover
// event handlers are cleaned up on destroy
// _off(element, eventName) - Unbinds the handlers for the specified
// event types from the specified element(s)
// _on([suppressDisabledCheck][, element][, handlers]) - Binds event
// handlers to the specified elements. Delegation is supported
// via selectors inside the event names, e.g. 'click .foo'. The
// `_on` method provides several benefits of direct binding:
// * Maintains proper `this` inside handlers
// * Automatically handles disabled widgets: If widget is
// disabled or event occurs on an element with the class
// 'ui-state-disabled', the handler is not invoked. Can
// be overridden with the suppressDisabledCheck parameter.
// * Event handlers are automatically namespaced and cleaned
// up on destroy
// Example:
// this._on( this.element, {
// 'click a': function(event) {
// event.preventDefault();
// }
// });
// _setOptions(key, value) - Called when the `option` method is called.
// Can be overridden to batch process processor-intensive changes
// _show(element, option[, callback]) - Shows an element according to
// the current value of the `show` option
// _super([arg1][,...]) - Invokes the method of the same name from the
// parent widget, with any specified arguments. Basically `.call`
// _superApply(arguments) - The `apply` version of `_super`
// _trigger(type[, event][, data]) - Triggers an event and its callback.
// ***** VERY IMPORTANT *****
// ***** VERY IMPORTANT *****
// The event name is the lowercase concatenation of the widget
// name and type. If you want to provide data you must pass all
// three arguments - pass null if there's no event to pass along.
// If the default action is prevented, `false` will be returned,
// otherwise `true`. Preventing the default occurs when the handler
// returns `false` or calls `event.preventDefault();`
options: {
// Controls debug output
// 0:off, 1:errors only, 2:errors and warnings, 3:everything
'debug': 0,
'logger': console,
// Not necessary in all cases, but a good idea if you want to be
// able to reinstantiate a widget state from options or on creation
'state': {}
// built-in options
disabled: false,
// if and how to animate the hiding of the element
hide: null,
// likewise for show
show: null
// I typically use this as a place to reference all of the important
// DOM nodes used by the widget
nodes: {
// Called once on instantiation.
_create: function() {
this.nodes.originalElement = this.element;
// Optional -Return value will be sent as the `create` event's data.
// _getCreateEventData: function() {
// },
// If you need to programmatically create your options, this method
// allows you to do so. User provided options take highest precedence,
// then the output of this function, then the options hash is last.
// _getCreateOptions: function() {
// },
// Init is automatically invoked after create, and again every time the
// widget is invoked with no arguments after that
_init: function() {
// I find it useful to separate out my event handler logic just for
// organization and readability's sake, but it's certainly not necessary
_addHandlers: function() {
// Allows the widget to react to option changes. Any custom behaviors
// can be configured here.
_setOption: function (key, value) {
// This will actually update the value in the options hash
this._super(key, value);
// And now we can act on that change
switch (key) {
// Not necessary in all cases, but likely enough to me to include it here
case "state":
_destroy: function() {
// The public destroy method will do some stuff and
// then invoke this method, so do any extra stuff here
// (removing CSS classes, destroying detached nodes, etc)
// These 3 methods give you an easy way to control debug messages
_log: function () {
(this.options.debug === 3) && this._toLoggerMethod('log', arguments);
_warn: function () {
(this.options.debug >= 2) && this._toLoggerMethod('warn', arguments);
_error: function () {
(this.options.debug >= 1) && this._toLoggerMethod('error', arguments);
_toLoggerMethod: function(method, args) {
var args =, 1),
logger = this.options.logger || console;
logger.error.apply(logger, args);
// =========== Public methods to implement =============================
// Obviously only necessary if your widget has a value
value: function(val) {
if (val) {
// set logic here
} else {
// get logic here
disable: function() {
// Do any custom logic for disabling here, then
enable: function() {
// Do any custom logic for enabling here, then
// ============ Public methods provided by the base widget =============
// instance() - Retrieves the widget's instance object. If the element
// doesn't have an instance, returns `undefined`.
// option(optionName) - Gets the current value of `optionName`.
// option() - Gets a copy of the current options hash
// option(optionName, value) - Set an option. Supports inner-hash
// properties using dot notation, e.g. `show.duration`.
// option(options) - Sets one or more options for the widget
// widget() - Returns a jQuery object containing the original element
// or relevant generated element.
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This is meant to be a starting point for creating your own jQueryUI widgets if you're not already familiar with the widget factory. In addition to the actual code, I've attempted to integrate as much useful documentation as possible so you don't have to keep scrolling up and down the widget factory documentation on the official site. Some of the comments have been taken straight from the documentation, others have been adapted or added by me. The full online documentation can always be found as this url:

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