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Created April 27, 2015 23:48
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jQueryUI Widget Skeleton (basic comments only)
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery'], factory);
} else {
// Browser globals
}(this, function ($) {
$.widget('namespace.widgetName', {
options: {
// Controls debug output
// 0:off, 1:errors only, 2:errors and warnings, 3:everything
'debug': 0,
'logger': console,
// Not necessary in all cases, but a good idea if you want to be
// able to reinstantiate a widget state from options or on creation
'state': {}
// built-in options
disabled: false,
// if and how to animate the hiding of the element
hide: null,
// likewise for show
show: null
// I typically use this as a place to reference all of the important
// DOM nodes used by the widget
nodes: {
// Called once on instantiation.
_create: function() {
this.nodes.originalElement = this.element;
_init: function() {
// I find it useful to separate out my event handler logic just for
// organization and readability's sake, but it's certainly not necessary
_addHandlers: function() {
_setOption: function (key, value) {
// This will actually update the value in the options hash
this._super(key, value);
// And now we can act on that change
switch (key) {
// Not necessary in all cases, but likely enough to me to include it here
case "state":
_destroy: function() {
// The public destroy method will do some stuff and
// then invoke this method, so do any extra stuff here
// (removing CSS classes, destroying detached nodes, etc)
// These 3 methods give you an easy way to control debug messages
_log: function () {
(this.options.debug === 3) && this._toLoggerMethod('log', arguments);
_warn: function () {
(this.options.debug >= 2) && this._toLoggerMethod('warn', arguments);
_error: function () {
(this.options.debug >= 1) && this._toLoggerMethod('error', arguments);
_toLoggerMethod: function(method, args) {
var args =, 1),
logger = this.options.logger || console;
logger.error.apply(logger, args);
// Obviously only necessary if your widget has a value
value: function(val) {
if (val) {
// set logic here
} else {
// get logic here
disable: function() {
// Do any custom logic for disabling here, then
enable: function() {
// Do any custom logic for enabling here, then
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This boilerplate template is my starting point for almost all of the jQueryUI widgets I've created. In addition to containing all of the native methods I use on a regular basis, it also provides a few methods I've written/adapted myself that I've found myself using over and over again. Basic comments have been provided to explain any pre-existing logic or non-standard methods.

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