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Created August 14, 2010 22:36
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import Prelude hiding ((++), concat)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import System.Random
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Graphics.DrawingCombinators
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import Graphics.UI.SDL.Keysym
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL as GL
main = do SDL.init [SDL.InitTimer, SDL.InitVideo]
SDL.setVideoMode 800 800 32 [SDL.OpenGL]
gameLoop =<< (newGame <$> getStdGen <*> openFont "Vera.ttf")
newEvents = moreEvents =<< SDL.pollEvent
where moreEvents SDL.NoEvent = return []
moreEvents ev = (ev:) <$> newEvents
keypresses (SDL.KeyDown sym) = Just $ SDL.symKey sym
keypresses _ = Nothing
gameLoop gs = do evs <- newEvents
let gs' = updateGame (catMaybes $ keypresses <$> evs) gs
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer]
clearRender $ renderGame gs'
unless (any (== SDL.Quit) evs) (SDL.delay 20 >> gameLoop gs')
type Stack = IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap (Maybe Color))
type TilePos = (Int, Int)
data Piece = Piece { pos :: TilePos, pts :: [TilePos], clr :: Color }
data Game = Game { activePiece :: Maybe Piece
, queue :: [Piece]
, stack :: Stack
, score :: Int
, countdown :: Int
, dropped :: Bool
, clearing :: [Int]
, font :: Font }
tetrominoes = [ mkPiece [(0,2), (0,1), (0,0), (1,0) ] (0, 0.5, 1)
, mkPiece [(0,2), (0,1), (0,0), (-1,0) ] (0.5, 0, 1)
, mkPiece [(-2,0), (-1,0), (0,0), (1,0) ] (1, 1, 1)
, mkPiece [(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0) ] (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
, mkPiece [(-1,0), (0,0), (0,1), (1,1) ] (0.5, 1, 0)
, mkPiece [(1,0), (0,0), (0,1), (-1,1) ] (0, 1, 0.5)
, mkPiece [(-1,0), (0,0), (1,0), (0,1) ] (0, 1, 1)
mkPiece p (r,g,b) = Piece (4 - minimum (fst <$> p),0) p (Color r g b 1)
movePiece xy pc = pc { pos = addPair xy (pos pc) }
rotatePiece pc = pc { pts = (\(x, y) -> (y, - x)) <$> pts pc }
stackH = 20
stackW = 10
emptyRow = IM.fromList $ zip [0..stackW-1] (repeat Nothing)
emptyStack = IM.fromList $ zip [0..stackH-1] (repeat emptyRow)
newGame gen ft = Game Nothing rndQueue emptyStack 0 (calcSpd 0) False [] ft
where rndQueue = (tetrominoes !!) <$> randomRs (0, length tetrominoes - 1) gen
renderGame gm = translate (-1,1) %% scale (1/11) (-1/11) %% img
where img = concat [renderBlink, renderExtra, renderPiece, renderBoard]
renderPiece = maybe mempty pieceImg $ activePiece gm
renderBoard = renderStack (stack gm) ++ emptyBoard
renderExtra = concat [ if stackFull gm then renderGameover else mempty
, write ("Level: " ++ show (calcLvl $ score gm)) (2, 8)
, write ("Score: " ++ show (score gm)) (2, 9)
, write "Next:" (2, 1)
, translate (-11, 2) %% (pieceImg . head $ queue gm)
renderGameover = (translate (1, 9) ++ scale 3 3)
%% tint (Color 1 0 0 1) (write "GAME OVER" (0,0))
renderStack stk = concat $ do (y, rw) <- IM.toList stk
(x, tl) <- IM.toList rw
case tl of
Nothing -> []
Just c -> return . tint (darken c) $ tile (x, y)
darken = modulate $ Color 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
renderBlink = concat $ do y <- clearing gm
x <- [0..stackW-1]
let c = if odd (countdown gm `div` 2)
then Color 1 1 1 0.8
else Color 0 0 0 0.8
return . tint c $ tile (x, y)
write str pos = translate pos
%% translate (0, 1)
%% scale 0.5 (-0.5)
%% text (font gm) str
calcLvl n = 1 + div n 500
calcSpd n = max 2 $ 26 - calcLvl n
updateGame ks gm | stackFull gm = gm
| otherwise = upd gm
where upd = clearLines . decCountdown . newPiece . dropPiece . handleKeys ks
decCountdown gm = gm { countdown = countdown gm - 1 }
updIfReady p f gm = if countdown gm <= 0 && p gm then f gm else gm
clearLines = updIfReady (not . null . clearing) removeLines
removeLines gm = let intact = IM.elems $ foldr IM.delete (stack gm) (clearing gm)
newRows = replicate (length $ clearing gm) emptyRow
renumbered = IM.fromList $ zip [0..stackH-1] (newRows ++ intact)
in gm { stack = renumbered
, score = score gm + length (clearing gm) * 100
, clearing = []
, countdown = calcSpd (score gm) }
dropPiece = updIfReady (isJust . activePiece) pieceFall
pieceFall gm = case activePiece gm of
Nothing -> gm
Just pc -> let pc' = movePiece (0, 1) pc
gm' = gm { activePiece = Just pc' }
in if blocked pc' (stack gm')
then settle pc gm
else upd gm'
where upd g | dropped g = g { score = score g + 10, countdown = 1 }
| otherwise = g { score = score g + 1
, countdown = calcSpd (score g) }
settle pc gm = let tPts = addPair (pos pc) <$> pts pc
addTile stk (x,y) = IM.adjust (IM.insert x (Just $ clr pc)) y stk
gm' = gm { activePiece = Nothing
, stack = foldl addTile (stack gm) tPts
, dropped = False
, countdown = calcSpd (score gm) }
in checkLines gm'
checkLines gm = let filled = IM.filter (all isJust . IM.elems) (stack gm)
in gm { clearing = IM.keys filled, countdown = 20 }
newPiece gm = if isNothing (activePiece gm) && countdown gm <= 0
then gm { countdown = calcSpd (score gm)
, dropped = False
, activePiece = Just . head $ queue gm
, queue = tail $ queue gm }
else gm
handleKeys ks gm = foldl handleKey gm ks
handleKey gm SDLK_SPACE = gm { dropped = True, countdown = 0 }
handleKey gm SDLK_DOWN = ifInControl pieceFall gm
handleKey gm SDLK_UP = ifInControl (tryMove rotatePiece) gm
handleKey gm SDLK_LEFT = ifInControl (tryMove $ movePiece (-1,0)) gm
handleKey gm SDLK_RIGHT = ifInControl (tryMove $ movePiece (1,0)) gm
handleKey gm _ = gm
ifInControl f gm | isJust (activePiece gm) && not (dropped gm) = f gm
| otherwise = gm
tryMove f gm = case activePiece gm of
Nothing -> gm
Just pc -> if blocked (f pc) (stack gm)
then gm
else gm { activePiece = Just (f pc) }
blocked pc stk = let pts' = addPair (pos pc) <$> pts pc
obs (x,y) = IM.lookup x =<< IM.lookup y stk
in any (maybe True isJust . obs) pts'
stackFull gm = any isJust (IM.elems $ stack gm IM.! 0)
pieceImg pc = tint (clr pc) (concat $ tile . addPair (pos pc) <$> pts pc)
emptyBoard = tint (Color 0 0 0 1) holes ++ bg
where holes = concat [rect 11 1 10 20, rect 2 8 8 3, rect 2 1 8 6]
bg = tint (Color 0.3 0.3 0.3 1) (rect 0 0 22 22)
rect x y w h = convexPoly [(x,y), (x+w,y), (x+w,y+h), (x,y+h)]
addPair (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)
tile (x, y) = rect (11 + fromIntegral x) (1 + fromIntegral y) 1 1
x ++ y = mappend x y
concat ms = mconcat ms
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