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Last active May 9, 2021 20:20
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module StateChart where
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- | Before we start; a few instances that should exist in 'base', but don't.
instance (Bounded b, Enum a, Enum b) => Enum (a, b) where
fromEnum (a, b) = (fromEnum (maxBound @b) + 1) * fromEnum a + fromEnum b
toEnum n =
let bound = fromEnum (maxBound @b) + 1
b = n `rem` bound
a = n `div` bound
in (toEnum a, toEnum b)
instance (Bounded a, Bounded b) => Bounded (Either a b) where
minBound = Left minBound
maxBound = Right maxBound
instance (Bounded a, Enum a, Enum b) => Enum (Either a b) where
toEnum i =
let bound = fromEnum (maxBound @a) + 1
in case i < bound of
True -> Left $ toEnum i
False -> Right $ toEnum $ i - bound
fromEnum (Left a) = fromEnum a
fromEnum (Right b) = fromEnum b + fromEnum (maxBound @a) + 1
-- Nodes
-- | The things we can do in a given state.
-- The type parameters are, in order:
-- m: the monad in which we can invoke actions
-- e: the events we allow
-- s: the possible states
-- a: the eventual value we accept
data Node m e s a where
-- | Either accept the state, producing a final result
Accept :: a -> Node m e s a
-- | Or transition to another state, based on some event 'e'
Transition :: (e -> s) -> Node m e s a
-- | Or run a monadic computation, and branch to a new state based on its
-- result
Invoke :: (Bounded x, Enum x, Show x) => String -> m x -> (x -> s) -> Node m e s a
instance Functor (Node m e s) where
fmap fab (Accept a) = Accept (fab a)
fmap _ (Transition fes) = Transition fes
fmap _ (Invoke s mx fxs) = Invoke s mx fxs
-- | Given a 'Node' and an event, evaluate the node, returning either a new state
-- or a final value.
runNode :: Applicative m => Node m e s a -> e -> m (Either s a)
runNode n e = case n of
Accept a -> pure $ Right a
Transition fenmesa -> pure $ Left $ fenmesa e
-- TODO(sandy): There's a bug here; this silently eats the event. Not hard
-- to fix, but only noticed it when writing documentation.
Invoke _ m f -> fmap (Left . f) m
-- | Given a 'Node', determine if we accepted with a final result.
finalize :: Node m e s a -> Maybe a
finalize (Accept a) = Just a
finalize (Transition _) = Nothing
finalize (Invoke _ _ _) = Nothing
-- | Zip two 'Node's together. The result is a 'Node' that has both states, and
-- can accept events for either 'Node'.
-- This is a generalization of the 'Applicative' method @'liftA2' (,)@.
:: s1
-> s2
-> Node m e1 s1 a
-> Node m e2 s2 b
-> Node m (Either e1 e2) (s1, s2) (a, b)
tensor _ _ (Accept a) (Accept b)
= Accept (a, b)
tensor ak bk (Accept _) (Transition fe2s2)
= Transition $ either (const (ak, bk)) ((ak, ) . fe2s2)
tensor ak _ (Accept _) (Invoke s mx fxs2)
= Invoke ("2 " <> s) mx $ (ak, ) . fxs2
tensor ak bk (Transition fe1s1) (Accept _)
= Transition $ either ((, bk) . fe1s1) (const (ak, bk))
tensor ak bk (Transition fe1s1) (Transition fe2s2)
= Transition $ either ((, bk) . fe1s1) ((ak, ) . fe2s2)
tensor ak _ (Transition _) (Invoke s mx fxs2)
= Invoke ("2 " <> s) mx $ (ak, ) . fxs2
tensor _ bk (Invoke s mx fxs1) _
= Invoke ("1 " <> s) mx $ (, bk) . fxs1
-- State Charts
-- | A 'StateChart' is a mapping from states to 'Node's.
newtype StateChart m e s a = StateChart
{ unStateChart :: Map s (Node m e s a)
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
deriving stock Functor
-- | Find the corresponding 'Node' to a state in a 'StateChart'.
lookupS :: Ord s => StateChart m e s a -> s -> Maybe (Node m e s a)
lookupS (StateChart sc) s = M.lookup s sc
-- | Run a 'StateChart' given a series of events and a starting state. Performs
-- all invoked actions, and then returns either the resulting state or the
-- final accepted value.
run :: (Ord s, Monad m) => StateChart m e s a -> [e] -> s -> m (Either s a)
run sc es0 s = go es0 $ lookupS sc s
go [] (Just x) = pure $ note s $ finalize x
go (e : es) (Just nmess) = either (run sc es) (pure . Right) =<< runNode nmess e
go _ Nothing = pure $ Left s
-- | Lift 'tensor' over two 'StateChart's.
:: (Ord s1, Ord s2)
=> StateChart m e1 s1 a
-> StateChart m e2 s2 b
-> StateChart m (Either e1 e2) (s1, s2) (a, b)
tensorSC (StateChart sca) (StateChart scb) = StateChart $ M.fromList $ do
(ak, av) <- M.toList sca
(bk, bv) <- M.toList scb
pure $ ((ak, bk), tensor ak bk av bv)
-- | Raise a 'Maybe' to an 'Either'.
note :: s -> Maybe a -> Either s a
note s Nothing = Left s
note _ (Just a) = Right a
-- Helper functions for defining state charts
transition :: s -> (e -> s) -> StateChart m e s a
transition s = StateChart . M.singleton s . Transition
terminal :: s -> a -> StateChart m e s a
terminal s = StateChart . M.singleton s . Accept
:: (Enum x, Bounded x, Show x)
=> s -> String -> m x -> (x -> s) -> StateChart m e s a
invoke s lbl m = StateChart . M.singleton . $ Invoke lbl m
-- Example state charts
-- | A 'StateChart' that immediately accepts the first 'Bool' event it
-- receives.
boolean :: StateChart m Bool (Maybe Bool) Bool
boolean = mconcat
[ transition Nothing Just
, terminal (Just True) True
, terminal (Just False) False
-- | A 'StateChart' that computes '(&&)' by running two 'boolean's in parallel.
andSC :: StateChart m (Either Bool Bool) (Maybe Bool, Maybe Bool) Bool
andSC = fmap (uncurry (&&)) $ tensorSC boolean boolean
-- Machinery for inspecting 'StateChart's' via graphviz.
arr :: (Show src, Show dst, Show e) => src -> dst -> Maybe e -> String
arr s s' e = arr' (show $ show s) (show $ show s') (fmap (show . show) e)
arr' :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> String
arr' s s' (Just e) = mconcat
[ s , " -> " , s' , " [label=" , e , "];" ]
arr' s s' Nothing = mconcat
[ s , " -> " , s' , " [style=dotted];" ]
inspect :: (Show a, Bounded e, Enum e, Show e, Show s) => StateChart m e s a -> String
inspect sc
= unlines
. flip mappend ["}"]
. ("digraph x {" :)
. foldMap (\(s, x) -> inspect' (show s) x)
. M.toList
$ unStateChart sc
node :: Show s => s -> s -> Maybe String -> String
node nm lbl Nothing = mconcat [ show nm, "[label=", show lbl, "];" ]
node nm lbl (Just l_c) = mconcat [ show nm, " [label=" <> show lbl <> ",shape=", l_c, "];" ]
type Label = String
:: forall s e a m
. (Show a, Bounded e, Enum e, Show e, Show s)
=> Label
-> Node m e s a
-> [String]
inspect' lbl (Accept a) = [arr lbl a $ Nothing @(), node a a $ Just "box"]
inspect' lbl (Transition fenmesa) = do
e <- [minBound .. maxBound]
let t = fenmesa e
pure $ arr lbl (show t) (Just e)
inspect' lbl (Invoke s _ fxnmesa) =
node (show (lbl <> s)) s (Just "house") : arr lbl (lbl <> s) (Nothing @()) : do
x <- [minBound .. maxBound]
let t = fxnmesa x
pure $ arr (lbl <> s) (show t) $ Just x
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isovector commented May 9, 2021

inspect $ andSC @IO:

noname gv

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