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Last active October 2, 2020 10:18
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import { pipe, fromValue, concat, map, subscribe } from 'wonka';
import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';
import { request$, Request$ } from './request';
import { context$, Context$ } from './context';
import { source$ } from './source';
import { writable, derived, Writable, Readable } from 'svelte/store';
import { OperationContext, RequestPolicy } from '@urql/core';
export interface QueryArgs {
query: string | DocumentNode;
variables?: object;
requestPolicy?: RequestPolicy;
pollInterval?: number;
context?: Partial<OperationContext>;
pause?: boolean;
const initialState: Partial<ResultStore<any>> = {
fetching: false,
stale: false,
error: undefined,
data: undefined,
extensions: undefined,
operation: undefined,
export interface ResultStore<T> {
fetching: boolean;
stale: boolean;
error: any;
data: T;
extensions: any;
operation: any;
export type ExecuteQueryFunction = (args: Partial<QueryArgs>) => void;
export interface Query$<T> extends Readable<Partial<ResultStore<T>>> {
execute: ExecuteQueryFunction;
* query store - readable is result of query source
* bind method allows to bind query, variables and context to template vars
* reexecuteQuery method programatically triggers a new query
export function query<T>(args: QueryArgs): Query$<T> {
// create our context store
let context: Partial<OperationContext> = {};
// would like to use ?. optional chaining but repo not supporting it yet
if (args && args.context) context = args.context;
if (args && args.pollInterval) context.pollInterval = args.pollInterval;
if (args && args.requestPolicy) context.requestPolicy = args.requestPolicy;
const context$$: Context$ = context$(context);
// DEV
context$$.subscribe(() => console.log('context changed'));
// create our request store
let variables: object = {};
if (args && args.variables) variables = args.variables;
let queryString: string | DocumentNode = '';
if (args && args.query) queryString = args.query;
const request$$: Request$ = request$(queryString, variables);
// DEV
request$$.subscribe(() => console.log('request changed'));
// create our source store - derived by request and context
const source$$ = source$<T>(request$$, context$$);
source$$.subscribe(() => console.log('source changed'));
// pause store.
let pause = false;
if (args && args.pause) pause = !!args.pause;
const pause$: Writable<boolean> = writable(pause);
// DEV
pause$.subscribe(() => console.log('pause changed'));
// results store.
const { subscribe, update } = writable(initialState, () => {
// do something if source or pause changes -
// return the derived unsubscribe which will be called
// when results stores is unsubscribed from
return derived([source$$, pause$], ([source, pause]) => {
console.log('derived', pause, source);
if (pause) {
return update(state => ({
...{ fetching: false, stale: false },
// return wonka unsubscribe. This is called everytime dervive changes
// or when derived has no more subscribers
return run(source, update);
}).subscribe(() => console.log('derived changed'));
return {
execute: args => {
if ('pause' in args) pause$.set(!!args.pause);
pollInterval: args.pollInterval,
requestPolicy: args.requestPolicy,
function run(source, update) {
return pipe(
fromValue({ fetching: true, stale: false }),
map((result: object) => ({ fetching: false, ...result }))
fromValue({ fetching: false, stale: false }),
subscribe((result: object) => update(state => ({ ...state, ...result })))
)[0]; // return unsubscribe function
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