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Created April 27, 2012 21:36
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# - triple rainbow
# thanks wikipedia!
color =
rgbToHsl: (red, green, blue) ->
red /= 255
green /= 255
blue /= 255
max = Math.max(red, green, blue)
min = Math.min(red, green, blue)
hue = 0
sat = 0
lum = (max + min) / 2
if max != min
chroma = max - min
sat =
if lum > 0.5
chroma / (2 - chroma)
chroma / (max + min)
hue =
if max == red then ((green - blue) / chroma) % 6
else if max == green then (blue - red) / chroma + 2
else if max == blue then (red - green) / chroma + 4
[ Math.floor(hue * 60), Math.floor(sat * 100), Math.floor(lum * 100) ]
hslToRgb: (hue, sat, lum) ->
sat /= 100
lum /= 100
chroma = (1 - Math.abs(2 * lum - 1)) * sat
hueProj = hue / 60
chroma2 = chroma * (1 - Math.abs((hueProj % 2) - 1))
[red, green, blue] =
if hueProj < 1 then [ chroma, chroma2, 0 ]
else if hueProj < 2 then [ chroma2, chroma, 0 ]
else if hueProj < 3 then [ 0, chroma, chroma2 ]
else if hueProj < 4 then [ 0, chroma2, chroma ]
else if hueProj < 5 then [ chroma2, 0, chroma ]
else if hueProj < 6 then [ chroma, 0, chroma2 ]
lumDiff = lum - 0.5 * chroma
Math.floor((component + lumDiff) * 255) for component in [ red, green, blue ]
lerp: ([ red1, green1, blue1 ], [ red2, green2, blue2 ], steps) ->
[ hue1, sat1, lum1 ] = color.rgbToHsl(red1, green1, blue1)
[ hue2, sat2, lum2 ] = color.rgbToHsl(red2, green2, blue2)
hueStep = (hue2 - hue1) / steps
satStep = (sat2 - sat1) / steps
lumStep = (lum2 - lum1) / steps
console.log('hueStep: ' + hueStep)
for step in [0..steps]
color.hslToRgb(hue1 + hueStep * step,
sat1 + satStep * step,
lum1 + lumStep * step)
(exports ? this).color = color
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