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Last active July 21, 2018 00:37
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// Copyright 2017 ODK Central Developers
// See the NOTICE file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// This file is part of ODK Central. It is subject to the license terms in
// the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// No part of ODK Central,
// including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed
// except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
const hparser = require('htmlparser2');
const { identity } = require('ramda');
const { StringDecoder } = require('string_decoder');
const Option = require('./option');
const { ExplicitPromise } = require('./promise');
const { fix } = require('./util');
// XML data extraction utility
// We don't want to statically transform XForms to full JS DOM models if we
// can avoid it, especially for large forms. But all available libraries for
// dealing with XML data (ie via XPath) do exactly this. Since we already use
// htmlparser2 elsewhere and it supports a streaming SAX-like interface, here
// we build a repeatable way to look for data we need by relying on hp2.
// Trying to deny the event-oriented nature of the underlying processes results
// in hard-to-understand contortions, so instead we accept that we are still
// dealing with events, and try to build helpers that isolate only the events
// that matter for producing a given piece of information.
// So we define a function that represents some kind of XML event process:
// traverse: (event, x, y) => traverse | any
// the traverser is fed events from the XML SAX parser. if it returns another
// function, that function is used to process the next event. if it returns
// anything other than a function, we use that as the return data for that
// traverse-process and stop running that traverser. The return value can be
// anything but it will be Option.of()'d before final return. A null/undefined
// value is possible by explicitly returning Option.some(null/undef).
// The three possible (event, x, y) combinations are:
// ('open', tagname, attrs) where tagname is the xml node name and
// attrs is an object of the xml node attributes.
// ('text', text) for each text node.
// ('close') when a tag closes.
// This may not seem like a terribly useful abstraction, but it allows us to
// generalize the painfully-broad XML semantics (especially as expressed by
// SAX) in a way that still allows us to employ functional composition to do
// complex work from simple chunks. findOne() and findAll() below are a big
// part of that ability.
// accepts xml input as text or stream, and a set of traversers to distribute
// events to. terminates early if all traversers have resolved to results, but
// otherwise all it does is distribute events to the present traversers. any
// concept of stack processing is pushed down one level to the traversers.
const nothing = {}; // closed sentinel value; null/undef should be valid results.
const traverseXml = (input, initTraversers) => ExplicitPromise.of(new Promise((resolve) => {
// we will statefully keep track of the traversers and results over time.
const traversers = initTraversers.slice();
const results = new Array(traversers.length).fill(nothing);
// a helper for the hparser definition below.
const distribute = (event, x, y) => {
// first distribute all our events, and either accept the new traverser
// or write the output value to the results.
for (let idx = 0; idx < traversers.length; idx += 1) {
if (results[idx] === nothing) {
const result = traversers[idx](event, x, y);
if (typeof result === 'function')
traversers[idx] = result;
results[idx] = result;
// now, if everything is done we trip an early parsing termination.
if (!results.includes(nothing)) parser.parseComplete();
// define our parser and have it distribute events; it gets fed data below.
const parser = new hparser.Parser({
onopentag: (name, attrs) => { distribute('open', name, attrs); },
ontext: (text) => { distribute('text', text); },
onclosetag: () => { distribute('close'); },
// however we call end, we want to resolve with the results we did have.
// we crush the nothing sentinel value down to Option.none at this point.
onend: () => resolve( => (x === nothing) ? Option.none() : Option.of(x)))
}, { xmlMode: true });
if (typeof input.pipe === 'function') {
// we have a stream if .pipe() exists:
const decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');
input.on('data', (chunk) => parser.write(decoder.write(chunk)));
input.on('end', () => parser.end());
} else {
// otherwise we have a string or a buffer (or something crazy that will
// probably crash).
// these traversers do the work of understanding the stack, and where we are in
// it. by doing nothing more than this at a time, we make state-handling as
// obviously-correct as we can.
// in general, these traversers receive theirs /and all nested/ events. it is
// their job to distribute or ignore the appropriate ones.
// also in general, they take filters, which are (tagname, attrs) => bool indicating
// whether the node is a match or not.
// helper for tracking real/imaginary depth traversal; if we are down a matching
// path, we want to know how many levels deep we are. if we are partway down a
// matching path then fail a match, we still need to know how deep we are so that
// we understand when to go back to trying matches.
class Traversal {
constructor(re = 0, im = 0, data) { // REal / IMaginary (it's a complex number!) = re; = im; = data;
enter() { return new Traversal( + 1,,; }
miss() { return new Traversal(, + 1,; }
exit() {
return ( > 0)
? new Traversal(, - 1,
: new Traversal( - 1, 0,; }
withData(data) { return new Traversal(,, data); }
// we want to know if we have an im component so we can skip some work.
get isReal() { return === 0; }
// if we have traversed into negative space or we are running the imaginary
// origin axis, this traversal is no longer salient.
get invalid() { return ( < 0) || (( === 0) && ( > 0)); }
// used by both findOne and findAll. parameter order modeled after those calls.
const applyTraversal = (filters, inner, traversals, isRoot, e, x, y) => {
// first update our traversal traversals,
let walked = traversals;
if (e === 'open')
// concat here to speculatively start a new match.
walked = traversals.concat([ new Traversal() ]).map((traversal) => {
// if we are already in a mismatch branch then just keep mismatching.
if (!traversal.isReal) return traversal.miss();
// root is special; it can only be implemented at this level since normally
// subtree depth is imperceptible to filters/traversals.
else if (filters[] === root) return isRoot ? traversal.enter() : traversal.miss();
// if we are past the filter chain in realspace, just enter the node.
else if ( >= filters.length) return traversal.enter();
// otherwise, we just ask the filter about it.
else return (filters[](x, y) === true) ? traversal.enter() : traversal.miss();
else if (e === 'close')
walked = => traversal.exit());
// do this in a bare for loop for perf; distribute all the events to matching
// traversals only and record those results.
const result = [];
for (const traversal of walked) {
if (traversal.invalid)
else if ( === filters.length)
result.push(traversal.withData(inner(e, x, y)));
else if ( > filters.length)
result.push(traversal.withData(, x, y)));
return result;
// findOne runs filters and vends events to inner until any inner traverser returns
// a result, in which case that result is returned for the whole thing.
// usage: findOne(node('instance'), node('data'))(text())
// the first set of arguments expresses the condition tree; the second indicates
// what to do once we get there.
const findOne = (...filters) => fix((recurse) => (inner, inTraversals = [], first = true) => (e, x, y) => {
// update the traversal tree state.
const traversals = applyTraversal(filters, inner, inTraversals, first, e, x, y);
// check to see if we have any results; return if so.
for (const traversal of traversals)
if (traversal.isReal && ( >= filters.length) && (typeof !== 'function'))
// otherwise continue traversal.
return recurse(inner, traversals, false);
// findAll runs filters, vends events to matched inners, and gathers all return
// results. when the subtree it is called on exits, it returns the result array.
const findAll = (...filters) => fix((recurse) => (inner, inTraversals = [], results = [], depth = 0) => (e, x, y) => {
// again, update the traversal tree state. but now, we want to take any resulted
// traversals and push them to results, then stop running them.
const traversals = []
for (const traversal of applyTraversal(filters, inner, inTraversals, (depth === 0), e, x, y))
if (traversal.isReal && ( >= filters.length) && (typeof !== 'function'))
// always continue running; update our global depth counter.
const newDepth = (e === 'open') ? (depth + 1) : (e === 'close') ? (depth - 1) : depth;
// if we have stepped out of our initial subtree, return our results. otherwise recurse.
if ((e === 'close') && (newDepth === 0)) return results;
return recurse(inner, traversals, results, newDepth);
// root() will only match the root /of the (sub)tree given to the find() function/.
const root = () => root; // root is a special sentinel; see the applyTraversal() impl.
// node() will match any node. node('name') will only match nodes of tagname name.
const node = (expected) => (tagname) => (expected === undefined)
? true : (expected === stripNamespacesFromPath(tagname));
// gets a particular attribute from the next node. returns Option.of(attr).
const attr = (key) => fix((recurse) => (e, _, attrs) => (e === 'open')
? Option.of((key == null) ? attrs : attrs[key]) : recurse);
// gets the first text node it finds. we can implement a new one to cat all
// text node siblings if we need it.
const text = () => (e, nodeText) => (e === 'text') ? Option.of(nodeText) : text;
// Other XML-related utility funcs
// Given a basic XPath, strips all namespaces from all path components.
const stripNamespacesFromPath = (string) => string.replace(/(^|\/)[^:/]+:([^/]+)/g, '$1$2');
module.exports = {
findOne, findAll,
root, node,
attr, text,
// exporting for testing purposes only:
Traversal, applyTraversal
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