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Last active January 2, 2016 06:19
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  • Save issa-tseng/8263027 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save issa-tseng/8263027 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I think this works?
# -- functions for returning modified versions of trees.
{ compact, map } = require('prelude-ls').Obj
# node manipulation:
with-data = (data, node) --> node with data: data
with-child = (child, node) --> node with children: node.children with (( child)
with-children = (children, node) --> node with children: node.children with children
without-child = (child, node) --> node with children: compact(node.children with (( null))
# tree manipulation:
with-node = (node, root) -->
| node is root => root
| otherwise => with-node(with-child(node, node.parent), root)
map-all = (f, node) --> f(node) with children: map(f >> map-all(f), node.children)
map-children = (f, node) --> node with children: map(f, node.children)
map-parents = (f, node) -->
| !node.parent? => node
| otherwise => node with parent: map-parents(f, f(node.parent))
# export.
module.exports =
node: { with-data, with-child, with-children, without-child }
tree: { with-node, map-all, map-children, map-parents }
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