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Created September 5, 2023 22:01
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now i wont deny that when i purchased this off ebay i had high expectations this was an incredible outofprint work from the master of comedy that i so enjoy however i was soon to be disappointed apologies to those who enjoyed it but i just found the compleat al to be very difficult to watch i got a few smiles sure but the majority of the funny came from the music videos which ive got on dvd and the rest was basically filler you could tell that this was not als greatest video achievement that honor goes to uhf honestly i doubt if this will ever make the jump to dvd so if youre an ultrahardcore al fan and just have to own everything buy the tape off ebay just dont pay too much for it,neg
the saddest thing about this tribute is that almost all the singers including the otherwise incredibly talented nick cave seem to have missed the whole point where cohens intensity lies by delivering his lines in an almost tuneless poise cohen transmits the full extent of his poetry his irony his allround humanity laughter and tears in onebr br to see some of these singer upstarts make convoluted suffering faces launch their pathetic squeals in the patent effort to scream im a singer is a true pain its the same feeling many of you probably had listening in to some horrendous operatic versions of simple songs such as lennons imagine nothing simply nothing gets close to the simplicity and directness of the original if there is a form of art that doesnt need embellishments its cohens art embellishments cast it in the street looking like the tasteless makeup of sex for salebr br in this cohens tribute i found myself suffering and suffering through pitiful tributes and awful reinterpretations all of them entirely lacking the original irony of the master and if truth be told several of these singers sounded as if they had been recruited at some asylum talent show its cohen doing a tribute to them by letting them sing his material really not the other way around they may have been friends or his daughters he could have become very tenderhearted and in the mood for a gift too bad it didnt stay in the familybr br fortunately but only at the very end cohen himself performed his majestic tower of song but even that flower was spoiled by the totally incongruous background of the u all of them carrying the expression that bored kids have when they visit their poor grandpa at the nursing homebr br a sad show really and sadder if you truly love cohen as i do,neg
last night i decided to watch the prequel or shall i say the so called prequel to carlitos way carlitos way rise to power which went straight to dvdno wonder it completely and i mean completely sks waist of time watching it and i think it would be a pure waist of time writing about it i dont understand how de palma agreed on producing this shtfest of a movieexcept for only one fact that i tip my hat to jay hernandez who plays the young brigante reminded me how de niro got into the shoes of brando to portray the young don corleone in godfather ii but the difference de niro was amazing and even got an oscar for it jay hernandez well he has guts for trying to be a young pacino too bad for him i dont think he will be playing in film anymore and by the way after i watched this shty movie i sat down and watched the original carlitos way to get the bad taste out of my mouth,neg
i have to admit that i liked the first half of sleepers it looked good the acting was even better the story of childhood pain and revenge was interesting and moving a superior hollywood film butno one mentioned this so far at least in the latest comments when it came to the courtroom scenes and brat pitt´s character followed his plan to rescue his two friends who are rightly accused of murder i felt cheated this movie insulted my intelligence br br warning spoilersbr br why did anyone accept their false alibi witnessed by the priest if these two guys had been with him why shouldn´t they tell this during the investigation amnesia if you were the judge or member of the jury would you believe it is it wise to give the motif of the murderers awaybr br i am sorry but in the end the story is very weak and this angers me this movie had great potential ,neg
i was not impressed about this film especially for the fact that i went to the cinema with my family in good faith to see a film which was certificate rated a here in the uk to my dismay this film was full of embarrassing sexual jokes which is not a problem to me as an adult but not good for watching with children this film at times was very crude at times with fart jokes getting hit in the groin etc and for the most part of the film not very funnybr br the premise of the film is that calvin sims who is a inch midget gets out of jail and steals a giant sized diamond but is then forced to put it in a womens handbag so the rest of the movie sees him passing himself off as an abandoned baby getting into this womens house so he can get this diamond backbr br up until now i have enjoyed most of the output from the wayans brothers but this film is certainly taking the biscuitbr br a bit of good advice wait till it comes on tv or cable,neg
the original movie the odd couple has some wonderful comic oneliners the entire world it seems knows the story of neurotic neatfreak felix ungar and funny obnoxious slob oscar madison this paring of mismatched roommates created one of the most successful tv series of all time as well as countless not anywhere near as good imitationsbr br the odd couple movie has some wonderful jokes about oscars apartment and his sloppy habits he says who wants food one of his poker player buddies asks what do ya got oscar says i got brown sandwiches and green sandwiches whats the brown its either very new cheese or very old meat i also love the line about oscars refrigerator its been out of order for two weeks i saw milk standing in there that wasnt even in a bottle there is no question that walter matthaus oscar madison is a joy to watch on screen hes almost as good as jack klugmans version in the tv seriesbr br the problem with the movie is jack lemmons felix ungar jack makes a very very honest effort at the role the problem is that he makes felix so depressing and downtrodden that he becomes more annoying than comical tony randalls performance in the series brought the kind of humor warmth and sensitivity to felixs character which lemmons portrayal lacks tonys felix unger obviously could be annoying some of the time however in the tv series it related to specific situations where the annoyance was needed in the storyline jacks felix ungar note the different spelling in the movie seems to never be happy fun or interesting the movie felix ungar is a roommate that drives you up the wall all the timebr br the movie still has great moments that withstand the test of time the famous meatloaf fight is one of the greatest scenes ever one of the other great examples of felixs little notes on oscars pillow will be remembered forever however there are some darker sides where oscar goes over the top his crying near the end after bawling out felix and a scene involving felixs linguine dinner although lightened by a funny line seem more depressing than comicalbr br perhaps there wasnt enough time to see the lighter side of these characters that made the series so memorable in the movie the beginning minutes are very boring the same issue occurs with felixs conversation with the pidgeon sisters the movies ending is predictable and too pat theres very little care or compassion for each of them by the other the result is that the darker side of the film leads to a lot of depression and anger rather than comedy unless you are watching the great scenes described above it appears that jack lemmons monotone persona of felix brings the film down rather than enhances or embraces the comedy between the charactersbr br it really took the s tv series to make the odd couple the best that it could be the original film is still very good however the tv series is much better,pos
this was a great movie with a good cast all of them hitting on all cylinders and when dianne keaton is at her best well it just doesnt get any better than that but tom everett scott always underrated was even better he should be a star br br my only complaint is with one aspect of the screenplay none of the characters ever acknowledged that the dead daughter wasnt always a good person and neither was her mother played by keaton at one point she breaks a promise she made to one character not to reveal that he had been sleeping around br br one of the other commentators said the movie had a political agenda that is a baffling thing to say there was no politics at all in this movie,pos
im a sucker for a good romance but this one doesnt qualify as either good or a romance i had the plot nailed down before the credits were through with such poor dialog plot and character development i suggest investing your hour and a half elsehere i had to rush out and rent serendipity for the third time so i could get the bad taste of this one out of my mouth,neg
fastpaced funny sexy and spectacular cagney is always terrific blondel charms you with her wit and energy its obvious that this is a precensorship film by the innuendo in the script the costumesand the way they touch each other and bikinis before there were bikinis this is no holds barred fun for everyone i dont understand the john garfield issue though does it matter whether or not hes in this film if he is he screen is so short that hes basically a prop you need to watch it frame by frame to even find him if hes there im a big cagney fan but had never seen this one before i found it on turner classics i found it by wonderful accident sit back and enjoy the ride,pos
the proverb never judge a book by its cover was coined as a warning to those who fail to look beneath the surface br br as i viewed the artwork toking of the ants i instantly thought horror the arcane imagery proudly displayed on the cover back spoke of a dark vision the synopsis promised a story of murder betrayal retribution instead what i discovered beneath that surface was less interesting than what you can find under your average rockbr br king of the ants features chris l mckenna as sean crawley an average guy ready to make a name for himself in this world even if it means murder except sean crawley is someone you dont care about never once did i feel any compassion or sympathy for this character in fact hes downright unlikable but not as much as daniel baldwin ray mathewswho turns in an uninspired performance as a made all the worst by the utterly laughable dialogue he is forced to recite throw in kari wuhrer as a grieving widow who apparently has unconditional trust esp in the homeless and little to no common sense and george wendt as duke which is basically a sober norm from cheers but meanbr br now there are a couple of interesting hallucination sequences in this film the source of the cover images but this film never delves further into that world it prefers to bombard you with unmotivated characters bad dialogue and unlikely event after unlikely event oh the horror,neg
im guessing the writers have never read a book of any kind much less a dickens novel and certainly not david copperfield and that they based their screenplay on another poorly written screenplay possibly an adaptation of copperfield though just as likely anything else from which they randomly discarded about a third of the pages and then shuffled the rest along with some random pages from a screenplay that someones eighth grade nephew had written for an english class and for which he had received a failing grade br br if the casting was a bad joke eg richards as kramer playing micawber which it was then the direction and acting were the poorly delivered punch lines getting beyond kramer as micawber if possible ham was such a complete ogre hunchback and all that i was half expecting at some point to see him being pursued by an angry pitchfork and torch wielding mob of villagers uriah was almost as much of a clown figure as micawber mr murdstone evoked about as much terror as that muppet vampire from sesame street the actor playing older david was i believe actually a woman in any case looking perpetually as if he wished he could find a mirror to see how pretty he looked and fancied that he looked quite pretty indeed he could scarcely convince us that he was writing with a quill pen and while were on that subject in one of the many gross inaccuracies perpetrated by the halfwit producers of this embarrassment in the unnecessary shots of david writing his story he appears to be somewhere between and years old when he should be in his forties perhaps the greatest transgression although its difficult to choose was the invented showdown between david and murdstone as he courted a third wife in switzerland preceded of course by the invented death of murdstones second wife while they were at it it is a wonder they didnt send heep to the guillotine and have him deliver sidney cartons famous last words it couldnt have made things much worse really it might have been far far betterbr br there are literally thousands of small and large sins against literature throughout this miscarriage of art and anyone who watches it runs the risk of severe and permanent damage to all aspects of their sensibility,neg
even if youre a huge sandler fan please dont bother with this extremely disappointing comedy i bought this movie for assuming it has to be at least halfway decent since my man sandler is in it and because i assumed some women would get naked judging by the rrating and scantilyclad women on the cover well there are quite a few scantilyclad women but none get naked im not sure what point this was in sandlers career but im guessing it was even before his snl days i can be wrong this is like watching one of his home movies he might look back at a cheesy movie like this and reminisce about the good ol timesbut we the audience are left to dry this is hardly a movie sandler does a lot of talking to the camera and even admits at one point that this is nobudget movie thats right not a lowbudget movie a nobudget movie so our job is pretty much to laugh at the quirky characters there is no steady plot its like an extended sketch comedy showbut a crude and badly written one that guy who played the nasty comedian was completely annoying and it was implausible in the first place that he would receive such a mass audience and sandler finds his comic inspiration by saying the one classic henny youngman line take my wife please and the audience is on the floor im not even going to try to make any logic here sure sandlers current and recent movies are not known for making a lot of sense the penguin in billy madison the midget in happy gilmores happy place but the comedy works this is a strictly amateurish work and even if youre curious about adams early days in filmyou still wont be interested youre better off checking out his start on snl or maybe his underrated role in mixed nuts of course the sandman is not the only actor wasted in this thankless vehicle billy bob thornton also makes a short appearance billy zane titanic has a supporting role and the great burt young from the rocky movies has a significant role br br this awful comedy will most probably be collecting dust on the cent rental section of your local video storeand rightfully so br br my score out of ,neg
my kids picked this out at the video storeits great to hear liza as dorothy cause she sounds just like her mom but there are too many bad songs and the animation is pretty crude compared to other cartoons of that time,neg
a little girls dead body is found stripped of all possible means of identification when it is discovered that one leg is longer than the other it is assumed to be the body of a couples missing daughter after this trauma the couple separates and the mother becomes addicted to tranquilizers and leads a miserable existence all of this changes when one day many years later she receives a phone call from her daughter with the help of an excop and a reporter she sets out on a journey to determine if her daughter is indeed alive los sin nombre is a mess plotwise moves at an achingly slow pace and is completely unscary the saving grace is emma vilarasau who does an outstanding job as the desperate mother the best part of the movie is the ending but im not sure it is worth enduring the rest of the film beware of the english subtitles on the recent r releasethey arent very accurate,neg
this is indeed a god adaptation of jane austens novel compared with the american version with guinneth paltrow the script was written to resemble as much as possible the book but the acting was awful besides kate beckinsale who i believe was a true likeness of the emma in the book all the other actors were trying too hard mark strong was not the gentleman he was supposed to be he was often rude and offensive had no feeling whatsoever and throughout the entire film you could not see his love growing for emma at all this had a terrible effect on kate beckinsale who seemed to be trying to resque her leading role as well as her partners moreover there was no chemistry between the entire cast hariett smith played by samantha morton seemed to have no real attachment to mr elton played by dominic rowan therefore she did not seem as heartbroken as she was portrayed in the book the settings of the film are also too poor the costumes are even more so i would have imagined emma woodhouse to dress in a more fashionable and elegant way that she does here the ending is also too long it is good that it resembles the books ending but it is a killer ending for a film and again i can see no feeling of happiness in the face of mrknightley to conclude i believed this adaptation to be loyal to the book but with poor actors it seemed as if the film was made without any budget at all i would prefer to see the lighter version with paltrow and northam even if it is clear that it was made to be a blockbuster than to watch these actors excepting the good olivia williams and the better kate beckinsale ruin the entire script,neg
spoilers if such a thing is possible as a rabid robin williams fan i felt it necessary to buy this film as first onscreen appearance wow i could not imagine a more mindnumbing movie essentially the movie takes one bad joke after another that your uncle artie would tell you after dinner and dramatizes them robin williams plays a lawyer in a sec skitbr br im all for bawdy humor but this humor wasnt pleasantly vulgar or ribald it was just mindnumbing there are no redeeming qualities to this film other than robin williams fanatics like me who simply have to own every piece of film,neg
a movie of outstanding brilliance and a poignant and unusual love story the luzhin defence charts the intense attraction between an eccentric genius and a woman of beauty depth and characterbr br it gives john turturro what is probably his finest role to date thank goodness they didnt give it to ralph fiennes who would have murdered it similarly emily watson shows the wealth of her experience from her outstanding background on the stage to reach the tortured chess master turturro her character has to display intelligence as well as a womans love watson does not portray beautypageant sexuality but she brings to her parts a selfawareness that is alluringbr br in a chance meeting between natalia watson and luzhin she casually stops him from losing a chess piece that has fallen through a hole in his clothing a specially crafted piece that we realize later in the film has come to symbolize his hopes and aspirations later as their love affair develops she subtly likens dancing to chess luzhin has learnt to dance but never with a partner she encourages him to lead her with bold brilliant moves and in doing so enables him to relax sufficiently to later play at his best and also realize himself as her loverbr br this is a story of a woman who inspires a man to his greatest achievement and in so doing finds her own deepest fulfillment emotionally and intellectually or so we are led to believe certainly within the time frame natalia is something of a liberated woman rather than someone who grooms herself to be a stereotypical wife and motherbr br the italian sets are stunning the complexity of the characters and the skill with which the dialogue unfolds them is a delight to the intelligent moviegoer yet the film is accessible enough to make it a popular mainstream hit and most deservedly so chess is merely the photogenic backdrop for developing an emotional and emotive movie although the game is treated with enough respect to almost convince a chessplayer that the characters existed although a tragedy of remarkable heights by a classic author the final denouement is nevertheless surprisingly uplifting,pos
ah yez the sci fi channel produces yeti another abominable movie i was particularly taken by the scenes immediately following the crash where as the survivors desperately searched for matches at least a half dozen fires burned – with no apparent reason – at various points of the wreckage fire seemed to be a predominate theme throughout they searched corpses for lighters and matches and finally finding a box built a fire every day for apparently but no one ever gathered wood then when the vegan hah burned the bodies what did she use for an accelerant i mean these guys were frozen – well maybe not despite the apparent low temperature everything the yeti ate bled maybe its just me but even in a totally unbelievable tale none of the survivors had ever heard of a yeti or an abominable snowman until the very end if you take care of the little things the bigger deals become more acceptable oh what did the prologue have to do with the remainder of the movie and the revolver warm enough to hold in his hand froze up and wouldnt fire gimme a break well at least we have carly pope another eminently lovely canadian lass and with little irony ed marinaro as the coachbr br well i might as well add the rabbit they ate despite it looking like chicken is not a rodent but a lagomorph now if it had been a squirrel or a rat it would have been a rodent but it still looked like chicken and the writers missed a real chance to have someone note it tastes just like,neg
i had the misfortune to watch this rubbish on sky cinema max in a cold winter night i am not a big fan of horror movies because most of them are just trash this one is even worse it is one of the dumbest pieces of crap ive ever seen in my whole life horror movie yes there are horrible things in this the acting the script and the special effects gosh i laughed at this ludicrous attempt to make a flick for minutes actually had it been a comic movie i wouldve given it a dont you even think about renting this unless you want to mock at the producersbr br vote out of didnt vote one because it made me laugh all the time ,neg
it appears even the director doesnt like this filmbut for me i think hes being a bit harsh on himselfbr br sure its not perfect but there are some atmospheric shotsand the story is good enough to keep you interested throughoutbr br its shot in what appears to be quite a pretty village which adds to the atmosphere as wellbr br if you like horror films shot in england give it a gobr br i have just seen a trailer for this directors latest film the devils chair which looks quite amazingbr br there arent enough english horror films for me so any that come along deserve our attention and this one isnt as bad as you may think,pos
there is a level of high expectation when you sit down to watch a comedy with a cast headed by cary grant jayne mansfield ray walston and werner klemperer those expectations are buoyed further when the film is directed by stanley donen whose comic touch was so evident in among others damn yankees bedazzled and charade for the first five minutes or so it seems that those expectations might be met and then… nothing what is supposed to be a light comedy plunges into leaden heavy handed melodrama with nary a chuckle to be hadbr br relative newcomer suzy parker has often been criticized for her performance or lack of one in this film but in a movie in which even the great cary grant frequently appears flat and wooden attacking parker seems unfair not even as bright a light as an audrey hepburn or doris day could have changed the fortunes of this meandering dreary and wholly pointless script which drags itself lamely along and drags the viewers interest and patience down with itbr br the rest of the cast especially ray walston keep trying to breath some life into the proceedings but the horrible script is beyond resuscitation the desperate inane effort to drag a half hearted laugh from the numbed audience in the films final moments only serves to add insult to injurybr br this film is nothing but a major disappointment on all levels,neg
i am at a distinct disadvantage here i have not seen the first two movies in this series although i have seen a lot of larry cohen films fans of the series seem to think this is a good film judging it on its own it was pretty boringbr br you never get a real good look at the maniac cops robert zdar face but what i did see was pretty grim the death scenes seem to be staged to eat up the most film not to give any thrills maybe if i saw the nc directors cut i may be more impressedbr br the ending with the car chase with zdar caitlin dulany and robert davi was pretty intense best part of the movie,neg
now im no film critic but i truly hated september this film was on a general basis bad with the exception of alejandro gonzález iñárritus segment which was the most effective and direct about the subject matter the short films were at best boring and at worst offensive the worst in my mind was youssef chahines pretentious segment in which he compared palestinian suicide bombers to american soldiers even going so far as to suggest the suicide bombers were fighting for a greater cause the segment was completely off topic and considering chahines seeming lack of any decency whatsoever a waste of my time and patience the idea of getting eleven different directors from different countries to make a movie featuring their views on a tragedy was good on paper but in practice it was tasteless,neg
although i have not seen this miniseries in over twenty years i can still remember how the balance between characterplot and tale of marvelous adventures succeeded the use of special effects was restrained making a more poetic rather than literal telling of the story the two versions ive seen were dubbed english and frenchbut the actors appear to speak their own language not just italian so there is a synchronization problem it does not spoil the story telling among the cast irene pappas as penelope is the most recognizable to north americans recommended to all followers of odysseus ever returning,pos
i read in the papers that wsnipes was broke so no wonder he would take parts in low budget projects like the contractorhe is just the next action star to join a growing clubthe penniless action stars of the s van dammesegallundgrensnipes here he stars the lead in a cheap action flick which was shot in bulgaria we are supposed to believe that the location is london like only a complete moron would buy thatthe story is the one of other movies retired special forces good guy gets hired by the government again to do a wet job after that government wants to get rid of him good guy gets away after killing bad guys was that a spoiler guess not the star of the movie the little girl eliza bennett outperforms everybody else of the castone star is for her plus one star for eye candy lena headey makes stars only for die hard snipes fanseverybody elseavoid,neg
since crouching tiger hidden dragon came along theres been a lot of talk about a revival of the hong kong movie industry dont believe it the people now making movies in hk give new meaning to the word crass running out of time is a perfect example ekin cheng is the name draw here but he spends most of the film just grinning idiotically and flipping a coin he flips the coin over and over and again and again why who knows sean lau plays a cop who chases after the coinflipping pretty boy but once again who knows why theres a pretty actress in the female lead who runs some sort of company and she has to pay a ransom or something but she mostly just looks like she would rather be at a spa or shopping centre than in front of a camera nothing makes any sense there is no action there is no sex there is no comedy all there is is a name ekin cheng and you know what who cares,neg
trying to compare or represent this swill as anything hitchcockian is an outnout attempt to mislead hitchcock fans to waste on this movie weak acting weak story weak script br br no real suspense no thrills you wait all through the weakness of this movie for the big payoff or even any payoffyoure left thinking what the heck was that all aboutbr br and please enough with the movement to make alternative lifestyles hip and politically correcti cant recommend this to anyonedid i mention how weak the acting is williams did a better job as peter pan and mork but those were much more innocent times,neg
this program is a lot of fun and the title song is so catchy i cant get it out of my head i find as i get older i am drawn to the wrinklies who get things done and these four are excellent in their endeavors some of what they do is outrageous but brilliant considering that now days with our pc world wed never be able to do it in real life i always learn something from the shows but if you like mystery drama comedy and a little forensic work youll love this show it reminds me of quincy me in one way and barney miller in another the way they work and interreact with each other they screw up a lot but they get the job done and thats what counts,pos
the trailers get you to the movie but the movie just wasnt worth my it has some good effects but the storyline yech i like tommy lee jones and will smith as actors they have both done some good films but i wish they hadnt added this one to their resumes to be honest the book is better,neg
i unknowingly had this movie on my shelf for a while in a mill creek collection and one night i just decided to watch it though not expecting much as the beginning credits roll around im surprised to discover this film was made under the filmirage company filmirage brought the world such amazing stinkers as troll ator the invincible and quest for the mighty sword so i was compelled to watchbr br as the movie started out it had potential to be pretty decent even though it was unoriginal the gore scenes could have been improved if they were extended and more frequent but after a while into the film the pace started dragging and i found myself thinking okay someone better get killed soonor someone better mutate at the onset of this drag when i was having these thoughts though someone may have gotten killed or have mutated however as noted the gore and effects werent very good what made matters worse was that the scene transitions were confusing example first dr houseman would be at the zoo then hed have a flash back about possibly killing someone finally hed wake up in a cold sweat in bed making the audience ask was he dreaming he was at the zoo like the movies pace these scene transitions got progressively worsebr br i could try to say the character development of dr houseman was pretty good but towards the end of the film that is once youve seen what the doctor has metamorphosed into hopefully youll laugh which really is the only reason to see this movie at least once this movie unintentionally runs like a longwinded jokebr br the costume of the um thing that doctor houseman becomes can also be seen in joe d amatos quest for the mighty sword which was made in the same year youve gotta love filmirage movies theyre always reusing the same stuff,neg
sex wish was actually released minus ten minutes of more ahem extreme footage here in the uk back in the early days of the video boom and caused a tabloid storm in a teacup when it allegedly inspired a copycat murder case strangely enough the papers brushed this ultradisturbing flick under the carpet in their headlong rush to get the comparatively innocuous likes of frozen scream and night of the demon canned and the film has been all but forgotten as a result i jumped at the chance to watch it on a dvdrw and spent most of the films duration with my jaw on the floor its not so much politically incorrect as utterly demented a triplex take on michael winners death wish did the title kind of give the game away as far as inspiration was concerned with hardcore sex and some truly nasty violence thrown into an already bubbling brew of seventies sleaze if you dont consider yourself to be squeamish this may force you to think again by the time sex wish is over youll want to scrub your eyeballs clean with disinfectant and take a long hot shower to purge yourself if any film truly deserves the its only a movie only a movie only a movie tagline its this onebr br highlights or lowlights a rapist using a vibrator on a victim as he masturbates over her harry reemss scenestealing moustache the helpless young black couple who are forced to screw in front the sword cane killer theyd have won oscars for their entirely credible performances if the academy had gone mad before the man is castrated for his troubles and some jarringly slick direction that threatens to lift the proceedings above their obvious grindhouse origins dont say i didnt warn you if you thought the world was a more innocent place thirty years ago sex wish will prove you very very wrong,neg
seriously there is absolutely nothing good about this crap fest at all randolph scott a closet homosexual who lived with his lover cary grant for twelve years is at his most wooden and boring in the least role at he was clearly far too old for these romantic roles although it doesnt matter so much here because gail russell looks so much older than her years and she is so ugly due to her chronic alcoholism and chain smoking lee marvin plays his usual villainous role but it isnt enough to save this garbage thank god they dont make westerns any more theyre just dated racist old movies that glamorise guns and murderbr br ,neg
excellent movie a realistic picture of contemporary finland touching and profound one of the best finnish films ever made captures marvelously the everyday life in a central finland small town peoples desires and weaknesses joys and sorrows the bright early fall sunshine creates a cool atmosphere to this lucid examination of people in a welfare society lampela is indeed one of the most promising finnish filmmakers he shows that it is possible to make gripping movies without machine guns and bloodshed his next film eila is also worth seeing although the story of cleaning women fighting for their jobs is not quite as universally appealing as the destinies in joki,pos
i saw mommywell she wasnt exactly kissing santa clause he has his hand on her thigh and wicked thoughts in mindbr br this was enough to emotionally scar a young boy who wanted to believe he grew up to be a bitter man who was upset at the quality of the toys being made and the lack of christmas spiritbr br expecting a real slasher flick i was very disappointed that less than a handful of people dies and there was no nudity at all what a bummerbr br i wanted to like this flick but it was just too slow and really didnt have a good script i didnt expect great acting but i sure wanted some action there just wasnt any,neg
this is definitely the worst bigfoot movie ive ever seen and quite possibly the overall worst movie ive ever seen in my life the actors and actresses were horrible and it seemed like they were trying way too hard to play their roles as dorks tough guys jerks know it alls etc and the bigfoot itself was terrible it appeared to be some kind of computer generated image from the days of atari intellivision at one point near the end of the movie as an army of sasquatches were chasing after the remaining survivors one gets shot and as its running it looked like a poor mans version of donkey kong himself and one gets hit by a bullet and the blood that comes out of it was just awful animation another thing that was annoying was the music way way way too much music classical score or whatever you call it throughout the entire film it was never ending oh yeah the movie is boring too absolutely one of the worst films ive ever seen i highly recommend taking your or whatever they charge to rent this movie and spending it on a gallon of gas or a value menu somewhere truly awful,neg
in a nutshell this is a cookie cutter romantic comedy that really wants and tries to be something more it wants to be harold and maude annie hall the graduate it wants to be deep and human it has interesting camera shots lighting music editing all of which give it the feel of an important movie the dialog is smart at times there are some laugh out loud momentsbr br but heres what keeps it from ultimately being anything more than a formulaic latenightcable inflight timekiller br br david schwimmer how many times can joe sadsack puppy dog stare blankly into space with his jaw hanging open before it starts to get annoying maybe some drool would have helpedbr br gwenneth paltrow shes really flat here and not just in the chest her role is supposed to be this lively nice caring girl who just keeps getting herself into wrong situations is very confused as a result and that is why a sadsack loser like schwimmer has any chance with her but gwenneth plays her very dull combine this with puppydog droolface above and you have very little chemistry to care aboutbr br i kept picturing someone else in this role kate hudson for example br br the script and the plot the stuff that happens just basically doesnt ring true all the problems get wrapped up in the end with such a neat and tidy bow on top that it seems like a whistle blew and the script writers just said oops time to wrap it up got a train to catch so they pulled out the hollywood formula book checked off all the boxes and went home,neg
kenneth branagh shows off his excellent skill in both acting and writing in this deep and thought provoking interpretation of shakespeares most classic and wellwritten tragedy kenneth plays the role of hamlet with such a distinct emotion that provokes tears kate winslets performance is also of great note,pos
i had watched and recorded this a few years back on local tv and having been underwhelmed by it i subsequently erased the tape however when it was released by mgm as part of a midnite movie doublefeature dvd of curtis harringtonshelley winters films for a very affordable price i couldnt resist giving it a second look this has since gone outofprint actually i received the dvd a few months ago but only now with harringtons passing did i get to it thankfully this time around i was more receptive to the film and in fact now consider it one of the more satisfying whatever happened to baby jane imitations with whom incidentally it shared screenwriter henry farrellbr br the film offers a splendid evocation of s depression america with its childstar craze and sensational murders exploited during the fake newsreel opening its stylishly made kudos to lucien ballards cinematography and the set design by eugene lourie and boasts an effective david raksin score shelley winters debbie reynolds and michael macliammoir deliver excellent performances the latter is especially impressive as the largerthanlife and vaguely sinister diction coach though he ultimately proves a mere red herring also featured are dennis weaver and agnes moorehead hers is only a cameo really as the evangelist she plays is mostly heard over the radiobr br many seemed to regret the inclusion of musical numbers by the kids including an amusing mae west imitation but i personally wasnt bothered by them the film does slightly overstay its welcome due to an unhurried pace and perhaps needlessly convoluted plot reynolds a musical star herself is ideally cast as the dancingschool owner and despite their onset rivalry she and winters work well together the latter in fact gives a more balanced depiction of paranoia and insanity than in whoever slew auntie roo the narrative then comes up with a number of ironic twists that lead up to the expected grand guignoltype denouement apparently the film was toned down it originally contained more gore and even a suggestion of lesbianism by producer martin ransohoff against harringtons wishes in order to get a pg rating,pos
this is one of the most guilty pleasure movies everbr br i am embarrassed to say that my favorite character is tish but still enjoy watching her make her space outfit like super cool with a like totally bitchin belt and stick on rhinestones on her facebr br but anyways the movie is actually one of the few family movies that holds your interest i know that the begining drags particuarly if you know what is going to happen but the second half is probably one of the most nerve wracking segments in a family filmbr br i wouldnt stand up in front of millions of people and proclaim to love this movie in fact renting it is pretty embarrassing itself but ill admit it here with the internet to hide behindbr br ,pos
im not sure if users ought to be allowed to review films after only sitting through half but im afraid i just couldnt stand another minutebr br if this abject excuse for a film doesnt have the late great gp spinning like a wheel in his grave then i doubt anything willbr br the excellent review above not a film for parsons fans sums up most of my feelings how dare a second rate director and writer attempt something to which theyre so clearly incapable of delivering what were they thinking where to startbr br the script i thought id be getting a slice of bittersweet americana what i got was poorly executed slapstick with no cliché left unturned stupid hippy check stupid fat cop check awful plot contrivances check embarrassingly written female characters double check total disregard for the story which youre trying to portray checkbr br after a while you realize that what youre watching is a soap and not a very well written one at that scene with knoxville scene with ex girlfriend scene with knoxville which hasnt moved on much scene with ex girlfriend which was a bit like the last one and so onbr br the direction my friends and i decided after some consideration that watching this was like watching a bad episode of quincy or maybe a particularly poor dukes of hazzard thats how bad the direction was terrible jump cuts awful camera work clunky ins and outs to scenes god it was cringeworthy and then i discovered the director was an irishman whos most noteworthy recent work is a really lousy bbc sunday night drama called monarch of the glen trust me its lowest common denominator tv and then it all made sensebr br the acting are we now so critical that when some random guy from the tv decides to give acting a go if hes not so bad he stinks we applaud his efforts knoxville just about manages to get through every scene poor christina a has no such luck her performance is a car crash though what you do with those lines i dont know the hippy in the hearse oh dear oh dear oh dear have we not moved on since cheech and chongbr br i could go on but i think you get my drift what i would say is that as other reviews have mentioned no one on this film clearly gives a flying damn for the byrds the flying burrito brothers or grams solo work they knew nothing about the american road movie and they certainly give a damn about trying to do anything with an admittedly decent story from rock mythology this film was shallow failed to explore anything and was jaw droppingly unfunny from beginning tooh wait i didnt quite make the end and i suggest you stay away too,neg
this movie sucks ass something about a heatwave in some european country complete trash theres nothing going for this movie whatsoever maybe seconds of sex but thats it there is a very annoying chick who hitches rides with people and really pisses me off this movie is complete rash and you shouldnt subject yourself to watching it i regret it its very boring i would rate it zero but i cant no body in their right mind should see this im sure youll regret it completely i did how could they think up something this bad even mystery men was better mystery men that sucks that movie wasnt worth being made complete waste of time the characters in this are very hard to understand and i good very very very bored,neg
hey everyonebr br there really isnt much to say for this movie at all the basic plot is that a guy brandon takes a few friends on a trip to his cabin in the woods for a weekend holiday away from work after picking up a girl on the way there things start going badly wrong for all of thembr br the storyline alone written by the actor playing brandon i believe although i could be wrong here is unlikely and unconvincing and is acted out accordingly the clown killer himself is a rather a sad excuse for a psychotic killer far from being a dark mysterious but most of all intelligent predator we are instead offered a rather clumsy nursery rhymesinging buffoon who appears to be going through a minor mid life crisis the only thing that warranted the writing of this comment were the sex scenes and whatever gore there was in the film the quality of the film led me to derive some enjoyment out of such thingsbr br in short this film falls below every possible set standard admittedly i was sharing a few beers with a close friend as i watched this so we managed to scrape together some relative entertainment value out of this film and it is therefore only fair to mention that sick did fall just shy of a two rating however in reality and with the benefit of hindsight the one star rating is a more than legitimate score for this filmbr br star out of ten,neg
note to self just because a film is foreign obscure and stars catherine zetajones doesnt mean its any good such is the case with blue juice a brit flick about an unlikely group of surfing enthusiasts in what would seem to a dumb american anyway an even more unlikely place to find surfers cornwall england you might be thinking this has the makings for an amusing quirky little comedy if only the film is just a bit over ninety minutes but it seems interminable the easiest way to describe it is as a sort of s british version of grease without the dancing but even that makes it sound better than it is no the best way to take it is as a little sliceoflife set in a small town catherine zetajones plays chloe a young woman living with a surfing instructor jc sean pertwee you remember him pertwee is actually the films star and his character is something of a surfing legend to a small group of surfing devotees the requisite oddball group of free spirits that inevitably inhabit films like this in this case it consists of a drug dealer who wants to be a journalist a former nightclub dj who wants to be a record producer and a fat nerdy guy who in a needlessly extended scene gets stoned and loses all his inhibitions which of course turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to him i cant honestly say everything that goes on in blue juice is predictable since its set in a place and reflects customs and manners im not very familiar with but theres certainly nothing surprising or even interesting that takes place there or with the characters the comedy though is very predictable and tired one can sense the setups a mile away and almost recite the dialogue in american form of course before the actors do the relationship between jc and chloe is every bit as hackneyed she wants him to grow up he wants them to stay the impetuous teenagers they started out being hes afraid of losing face with his gang she thinks he prefers them to her you get the idea as i struggled to stay focused on blue juice toward the end i felt as the saying goes that this was an hour and half of my life id never get back,neg
of the three titles from jess franco to find their way onto the official dpp video nasty list devil hunter bloody moon and women behind bars this is perhaps the least deserving of notoriety being a dreadfully dull jungle clunker enlivened only very slightly by a little inept gore a gratuitous rape scene and loads of nuditybr br gorgeous blonde ursula buchfellner plays movie star laura crawford who is abducted by a gang of ruthless kidnappers and taken to a remote tropical island inhabited by a savage tribe who worship the devil god that lurks in the jungle a big naked bulgingeyed native who likes to eat the hearts of nubile female sacrificesbr br employed by lauras agent to deliver a million ransom brave mercenary peter weston al cliver and his vietnam vet pilot pal travel to the island but encounter trouble when the bad guys attempt a doublecross during the confusion laura escapes into the jungle but runs straight into the arms of the islands natives who offer her up to their godbr br franco directs in his usual torpid style and loads this laughable effort with his usual dreadful trademarks crap gore murky cinematography rapid zooms numerous crotch shots out of focus imagery awful sound effects and hamfisted editing the result is a dire mess that is a real struggle to sit through from start to finish it took me a couple of sittings to finish the thing and even the sight of the luscious buchfellner in all of her natural glory aint enough to make me revisit this film in a hurry,neg
i dont have much to say about this movie it could have been a wonderful tourdeforce for peter sellers but it is one of the most tragic misfires in movie history that it was sellers final movie makes it all the more painfulbr br the terrible screenplay direction and shockingly wooden performances all come dreadfully together to make this one of the most unwatchably awful movies ever madebr br i wish so much that i could find even a snicker or a chuckle buried somewhere in this pile of putrid blubber but its a lifeless humorless disaster the truth hurtsbr br peter why couldnt you have stopped at being there,neg
after having seen and loved postal yes i actually loved postal i decided to try another uwe boll film and i picked out seed because i happened to stumble on it in a local dvdstore and its supposed to be one of his better filmsbr br while the first to minutes of the film were very promising and seemed like the beginning of a not too mainstream psychological thriller it soon went downhill from there and eventually degraded into one of the most generic slasher films ive seen so far including a massive amount of plot holes unrealistic emotional responses and subpar acting it seems like boll tried his best to come up with a decent plot but after a while just gave up on it maybe he should stick to comedy the few good things about this film is that he does manage to create an overall creepy atmosphere that the special effects are better than i expected and the soundtrack does go well with the overall atmosphere but the unbalanced pacing of this film combined with the utter generic nature thereof makes he last half hour quite tedious to watch which ruined my experience altogether there are a very fairly well done shocking scenes but they seem to be there for the shock value alone and lets not forget the camera work that was pretty nauseating at timesbr br i hope uwe boll will one day learn what makes a good film because between a lot of horrible films he does seem to make a decent film every now and then seed just isnt one of those,neg
i was interested in the topic and only fans of drew barrymores dancing on david lettermans desk will find anything remotely interesting in it ok she shows some breast or maybe a body double does the plot is slashed to bits and the acting is horrible neither lead has any material to work with as the direction of the film leads nowhere dont waste your time see donnie darko instead if you want a creepy drew barrymore film and if you want to see another skip this and see darko againbr br the treatment of the doppelganger legend is absolutely criminal as well refer to charles williams novel descent into hell for something worth considering instead this is just an excuse to make a b film to go straight to video and suck some life out of people at blockbusterbr br what makes any of these people think the acting here was praiseworthy give me a break,neg
the lady from shanghai is weird even by the standards of its eminent director orson welles whose last hollywood film this was for many a moon its a kind of postmodern film noir made during the period when more conventional films of this type were quite popular and it concerns a happy go lucky irish sailor played by welles who falls in with a mysterious lady rita hayworth who was married to welles at the time and her crippled and probably impotent husband played with a brainy malevolent gusto by everett sloan a long sea voyage follows with welles in tow as bodyguard and the plot thickens when sloans law partner glenn anders turns up and starts making trouble by giving odd speeches about suicide and other morbid topics that suggest that the man is on the verge of mental breakdown a murder plot ensues and all sorts of calamities follow for welles and his employers and at this point the story fuzzy and told at a leisurely pace thus far goes off the deep end and the last part of the film consists of brilliant directorial setpieces that seem to have been thrown in to give the movie some of the drive and urgency its story does not by itself possess and the result is a very watchable and often pleasing at all times incomprehensible messbr br its hard to know what welles was trying to do with this film aside from maybe resurrect his career in hollywood by making a vehicle for his wife but selfdestruction intervenes as it often does with welles and miss hayworth has never looked less fetching that she is also cast as a femme fatale seems peculiar as aside from her beauty her most appealing trait as a screen personality was lovableness a quality she does not possess in this picture the director himself is strangely unappealing and hammy at ohara the presumably easygoing sailor since welles for all his many gifts was not known as an easy man to work with this is a role that twenty or thirty years later sean connery or robert shaw might have been able to breath life into welles does not the most interesting performance in the movie is glenn anders as grisby sloans loony treacherous law partner anders works wonders with the part and is photographed to look bizarre while his scenes end on odd sour notes and are often choppily edited but for all this he manages to make grisbys derangement palpable and disturbing and anticipates in a genteel way the more flamboyant method actors of the fifties such as timothy careybr br there is a question that nags me about this film what was welles trying to say he was a highly talented and intelligent man and tended to make statements in his movies which whether one agrees with his world view or not were brilliantly put forth i think i have an answer or a partial one welles was summing up his movie career he had reached the end of his rope in the hollywood studio system he despised and he knew it the lady from shanghai isnt exactly a nosethumbing at the studio moguls of the day but i suspect that it is in its portrait of amoral rival big shot lawyers read producers expressing welles opinion of the power brokers of hollywood that he presented himself as a rootless sailor is telling welles himself was certainly an inveterate traveler and he rarely lived in one place for long he was hired by a studio to provide it with a big prestigious film citizen kane which caused a firestorm of controversy from which he never fully recovered this may be the issue that dares not speak its name in this film which is to say welles personal failure in not getting over the shock of his newness in the movie colony and his inability to deliver the goods as promised the mere fact of him turning up in hollywood like his mere presence in the film could not forestall disasters well beyond his control that he presented himself in the movie as an amiable naive outsider shows a lack of selfknowledge on welles part he was much more of an inside player than he let on and i imagine that he despised his knowledge of the worldlier aspects of life and himself for knowing so much,pos
its a hideous little production apt to give one nightmares as well as headaches its an unsightly blend of live action and ugly stopmotion animation its weird but its not the kind of fun weird trip anyone optimistic might expect its the cold inhuman unfriendly sickening even creepy kind of weird there is absolutely no reason to watch this movie after all disney did a fantastic job with the same source material and cosgrovehall did far more attractive things with stopmotionbr br interestingly this is a french production as such it reenforces the stereotype that the french have no concept of scary,neg
after watching this film last night on sundance i realized that much of nakatas style was first done in this film here we have many of the same elements of the ringu series especially the idea of the media being the source of the supernatural instead of the cursed videotape we instead having a haunted studio and strange images appearing on film in fact the strange images appearing on film brings immediately the cursed videotape in ringu to mind the only thing missing was the obsession to water that runs through nakatas later films the final scenes are quite chilling with a bit of a nod to murnau what with the door opening by itself ands the ghost entering the room reminds me immediatly ofbr br nosferatu a chilling movie that will make think twice about going up to a catwalk,pos
saw the release of the two best sequels of all time terminator judgment day and bill teds bogus journey out of the two ive always liked bill teds bogus journey a bit better terminator judgment day is the better made but theres just nothing like bill and ted besides chris farley and david spade in tommy boy its hard to think of a greater comedic duo than bill and ted they are one of a kindbr br seemingly influenced by national lampoons oc and stiggs bill and ted were created by ed solomon and chris matheson two incredibly talented writers who invented the duo while performing at a local theater in la back in the s the two quickly began writing a screenplay about two and before long bill teds excellent adventure was born the film shot in and released in became a big box office success and an instant cult classic it wasnt long before work began on the sequel stephen herek the director of excellent adventure wasnt keen on working on the sequel since he considered it to be too meanspirited and unlike the first one so peter hewitt making his feature film debut was brought in to direct the sequel there couldnt have been a better director for the job bill teds bogus journey is marvelously directed its filled with its own unique style and energy that cant be matchedbr br what makes bogus journey one of the best sequels ever is that it while it is darker than the original it is just as fun it doesnt change the characters like most sequels do bill and ted are the same lovable characters that they were in the first film this is because it was written by the original writers most sequels are not written by the same writers as the first one but since bogus journey had the same screenwriters it ended up being just as good as excellent adventure if not even better just like the first one bogus journey is absolutely hilarious well written fun and above all original its filled with spectacular special effects and fantastic comedic performances from alex winter keanu reeves and william sadler its an unforgettable journey ,pos
in a college dorm a guy is killed by somebody with a scythe his girlfriend beth dorie barton discovers him and tries to commit suicide shes institutionalized a year later shes out has a new boyfriend named hank joseph lawrence and is about to spend spring break with hank and four other mindless friends in a big beautiful condo in florida naturally the killer pops up for no reason and starts killing againbr br lousy slasher thrillera textbook example of how not to do a lowbudget horror movie for starters large portions of this film are endless filler of these six idiots videotaping themselves having fun more fun than the audience getting drunk acting stupid etc etc also there is no nudity in here at all im not saying a horror film needs nudity but anything to liven this up would have helped none of the deaths are really shown you hear them are only a little bloody and there is no gore theres one real gruesome onebut thats not till the endbr br with a few exceptions the acting sucks dorie barton is dreadful as the main woman and tom jay jones is lousy as oz chad allen pops up as brad and hes terrible lawrence is actually very goodhandsome and hunky and giving this crap his all and jeff conaway pops up in a small role doing a pretty good jobbr br logic lapses aboundafter they realize a friend has been killed two of the girls casually talk about sex bastons non reaction to seeing a friend getting killed is kind of funny and what happens to lawrence his character disappears without a trace at the end dull stupid no gore no nudityskip this onebr br rated r for graphic violence and some profanity,neg
this movie is among my favorite foreign films some of the others are amilee and my life as a dog the similarities with those movies as with so many great foreign films is that it takes a mundane slice of life and transforms it into a profound heartfelt lesson br br in japan a man who is bored with his mundane life and the rut of his married life sees a beautiful japanese woman staring out the window of a dance studio in the instant that it takes his train to pass he is enthralled by her but is it only by her beauty by her faraway glance or a connection that they will both discover that they share br br shall we dance has memorable wonderful characters who have to deal with painful realities by transcending them through the world of dance breaking traditional moulds and stereo types of japanese society they risk all for happiness and find that joy is not too far away it is one of those movies that is so magical and meaningful and in itself transcends the mundane by showing the true magic and miracle that life can be,pos
house of games is a wonderful movie at multiple levels it is a fine mystery and a shocking thriller it is blessed with marvelous performances by lindsay crouse and joe montegna and a strong strong cast of supporting players and it introduces ricky jay card sharp extraordinaire prestidigitator and historian of magic its dialogue written by david mamet is spoken as if in a play of manners and gives the movie in which reality is often in question an extra dimension of unrealnessbr br on the face of it house of games is a convincing glimpse into the unknown world of cheats and con men diametrically different from the sting which was played merely for glamour and yuks at this level it does succeed admirablybr br however you cannot escape the examination at a deeper level of the odyssey of a woman from complacent professional competence to incredible strength and self realization the only movie i know of which treats the theme of emergence of personal strength in a woman in as worthy a way is the underrated private benjamin that thoroughly enjoyable movie unfortunately diffuses its focus hopping among several themes and exploiting the fine performance of goldie hawn to chase after some easy laughs house of games sticks to its business as poe once said of a good short story it drives relentlessly to its conclusionbr br there is another strain of moviesaboutwomen epitomized by thelma and louise a big budget commercial money maker with the despicable theme that women are doomed whether or not they realize their inner strengths what tripebr br as usual you really ought to see this film in a movie theater it should be a natural for film festivals nominate it for one near you if you get the chancebr br i bought the original version of house of games and gave it to my year old daughter better she should see it on a tv than not at all,pos
two sorcerers battle in the fourth dimensiononebrian thompson as a kabaltrying to destroy the earththe otherjeffrey combs as a anton mordridtrying to save itdoctor mordrid is an enjoyable fantasy fare which offers plenty of cheesethe plot is pretty silly and the gore is completely absentbut the film is very short and entertainingso if you have enough time to kill give this one a lookmy rating out of ,pos
if this movie was about a fictional character the movie could stand on its own and be judged objectively unfortunately for the viewer the movie is based on facts that are shaded very unfairly toward ruben carter many of the smaller facts were disregarded carter was not number one contender at the time of the murders there is no proof at all that he saved a friend from a child molester in his youth but some of the larger facts like apparently being robbed of a decision to joey giardello because of racist judges is inexcusable to those of us who have seen the fight on tape and completely disrespectful to giardello why hollywood feels the need to make a hero out of someone who at best was in trouble and around trouble much more than any normal person should be was arrested multiple times for beating women is strange to me ruben carter was never by viewing his actions in the s and even now when he refuses to speak to his son a person that people can look up to everyone knows that jewison can direct and washington can act but why they chose this story as their vehicle is beyond me is hollywood so much in need of a black hero that they need to bend the truth in all of their bio pics to make them believable heres a suggestion how about denzel playing a movie about himself now thats inspirational based on all of the inaccuracies in the movie i would suggest passing on this one,neg
feroz abbas khans gandhi my father a film that sheds light on the fractured relationship between the mahatma and his son harilal gandhi for a story thats as dramatic as the one this film attempts to tell its a pity the director fails to tell it dramatically gandhi my father is narrated to you like that boring history lesson that put you to sleep at school now the film aims to convey one very interesting point the fact that gandhi in his attempt to be a fair person ended up being an unfair father this point is made in the film many times over and one of the examples given to make this point is that scholarship to england which gandhi twice denies his son instead of showing us how exactly harilal dealt with this betrayal and what went on in his head the director just moves along with the story thus never letting us be witness to the growing resentment harilal feels towards his father which is why when we finally see an outburst from harilal it comes off looking like hes overreacting br br the point im trying to make here is that we never really get to understand exactly why harilal became the rebel that he did we never really understand why he turned to islam and then back again to hinduism the thing is we never really understand harilal at all and thats because the director of this film is too busy focusing on mohandas karamchand gandhi and his role in the freedom struggle a story most of us are already familiar with to put it simply gandhi my father promises to examine the strained fatherson relationship but it doesnt so much as show us where the cracks in this relationship first set in we understand harilal had to live with the burden of being gandhis son but show us why that was a burden to begin with show us incidents of their early conflict for example its not enough that gandhi merely says hes opposed to harilals early marriage tell us why this opposition its not enough that kasturba blames her husband for the way her son turned out for constantly shuttling him between schools in gujarat and south africa for making him relocate every time gandhi needed to relocate words are not enough show us how these incidents shaped the character of harilal gandhiwhats more instead of sticking with the prickly theme of this tenuous gandhi versus gandhi relationship the film goes off on too many tangents thus diluting the impact of the central theme this was never meant to be a film about the struggle for independence and yet on many occasions thats exactly what it seems like because the director feels almost obligated to take us through all the main events leading upto that historic moment even though much of it has no relevance to the films basic premise the stormy fatherson relationship so you see the problem with this film is not that its a bad film but its certainly a very confused film what happens to harilals children after his wifes death does he ever have relationship with them where do they suddenly vanish after that one scene in which we see them with the mahatma and kasturba none of these questions are answered in a film thats basically meant to be about relationships in the gandhi family the film version of an immensely popular play directed by feroz abbas khan himself gandhi my father is a disappointment no questions askedcinematically it struggles to translate the filmmakers ambitious intention to the screen practically every single scene in the film opens and closes with fadeins and fadeouts never quite seamlessly leading into each other on the positive side there is inherent nobility in the film which you recognise the filmmaker makes every effort to deliver a balanced narrative trying hard not to take sides never once judging either father or son painting neither as the villain what the film does do however is make clear the fact that gandhi was a difficult patriarch whose ideals may have shaped the nation but evidently alienated his family of all the actors in the film its only akshaye khanna who really shines in the role of the luckdeprived harilal gandhi its a wonderful performance and its not easy since the role covers virtually the entire lifespan of the character but akshaye brings a rare concoction of innocence and despondency to that part and succeeds in making harilal a pitiable figure just watch him in that scene in which he discovers his wifes dead and youll realise how much he conveys through body language alone darshan jariwala meanwhile who plays gandhi senior adopts a caricaturish approach to playing the mahatma in his later years but its the way he humanises the man in his early years as a barrister in south africa that is the actors best contribution to that role the abundantly gifted shefali shah plays kasturba the woman whos meant to be torn in this fatherson conflict but if shes unable to bring across that feeling of helplessness then its really not so much her fault as it is the fault of a rickety script much efforts gone into the making of this film and thats evident throughout but the film suffers from that inevitable flaw that is eventually what youll remember about it when you leave the cinema its just so boringdirector feroz abbas khans gandhi my father is a sincere effort yes but also a film that could have done with a much tighter screenplay what we learn from the film is that gandhi and harilal made each other very unhappy and with this film the director makes us too,pos
cq could have been good campy fun but it commits the only unforgivable sin it is boring the pace is deadly slow and the plot is fairly confused and so artificial that its next to impossible to care where its going the story would have been acceptable in a creative writing class from a thoughtful and sensitive eighth grader but this video should have carried a warning label caution student film fit for viewing only by relatives of the film maker,neg
terrible use of scene cuts all continuity is lost either by awful scripting or lethargic direction that villainous robot musta been a jazz dancer also one of the worst sound tracks ive ever heard monologues usually drowned out by music and whered they get their props that ship looks like a milk carton i did better special effects on mm at the age of br br id recommend any film student should watch this flick minutes at a time so as to learn how not to produce a film or was it the editors faultbr br its really too bad because the scenario was actually a good concept just poorly executed all the way around sorry malcom you should have sent a stunt double youre too good an actor for such a stinkbomb,neg
mabel at the wheel is one of those movies with a behindthescenes story thats more interesting than the movie itself this was chaplins tenth comedy for keystone during his year of apprenticeship and his first tworeeler here he played one of his last outandout villain roles although the featurelength tillies punctured romance was yet to come and it also marked one of the last times he would work for a director other than himself in fact chaplins conflicts with director and costar mabel normand almost got him fired from the studiobr br chaplin hadnt gotten along with his earlier directors henry lehrman and george nichols but according to his autobiography having to take direction from a mere girl was the last straw charlie and mabel argued bitterly during the making of this film chaplin was still a newcomer at keystone and his colleagues didnt know what to make of him but everyone loved mabel producer mack sennett was on the verge of firing chaplin when he learned that the newcomers films were catching on and exhibitors wanted more of them asap so chaplin was promised the chance to direct himself in return for finishing this movie the way mabel wanted itbr br unfortunately none of that drama is visible on screen in mabel at the wheel which looks like typical keystone chaos the story concerns an auto race in which mabels beau harry mccoy is scheduled to compete but wicked charlie and his henchmen abduct the lad and mabel must take the wheel in his place for all the racing around brick hurling and fingerbiting the film is frankly short on laughs but there are a few points of interest theres some good cinematography and editing in the race sequence though there arent really any gags just lots of frantic activity chaplin himself looks odd sporting a goatlike beard on his chin and wearing the top hat and frock coat he wore in his very first film appearance making a living but the outfit suits the oldfashioned villainy he displays throughout at least its novel to watch him play such an uncharacteristic role visible in the stands at the race track are such keystone stalwarts as chester conklin edgar kennedy in a strangely dandified getup and a more characteristic mack sennett spitting tobacco and doing his usual mindless rube routine as a performer sennett was about as subtle as the movies he produced but you have to give the guy credit he knew what people liked these films were hugely popular in their day macks performance doesnt add much to mabel at the wheel but he probably had to be on hand for the filming of this one to make sure his stars didnt kill each other,neg
another in the they dont make em like that category this story of a family with some real skeletons in its closet still qualifies as good clean sometimes overthetop fun robert stack and dorothy malone are at their peak as the troubled hadley siblings and they really took the roles and ran with them malone won an oscar and stack was nominated in the supporting categories both honors being eminently welldeserved they counterbalance the somewhat bland leads neither bacall nor hudson could ever be called bad actors but theyve both had better parts and played them far more convincingly than they do here its kind of hard for me to accept rock hudson playing such a redblooded heterosexual as he does here but thats more of a personal bias than anything else but that doesnt take away from the movies overall entertainment value which is considerable and this movie is extremely watchable if youre up some night and this movie comes on id say watch it its well worth it,pos
as someone who was born to a german mother and english father who spent five years in a prisoner of war camp i come from unique position one of having to deal with the various nazis on one side of the family and the victors of ww on the other this miniseries cannot delve into every single part of hitlers psyche and must give the viewer a general flavor of the situation at the time and as best as one can hitlers state of mind in this the series does quite well carlyle is very good as is otoole i would however liked to have got more information on the relationships with others in party because hitler did not do anything on his own he had people around him that followed him to the letter often without question and certainly without question later on in his murderous career what was going through goebbels goring and hesss mind it would have been helpful to see more of these relationships but i hope it will make people research the subject more it might also make people understand why someone like saddam hussein cannot be allowed to continue in power,pos
there isnt much in the way of spoilers since there isnt a plot to reveal but still i guess i describe some of what happens so this is it this is the most nonsensical film ive ever seen there are simply no words to describe this movie although bizarre ridiculous and ego trip are pretty close the opening half hour or so are really really weird music videos with absolutely no plot or continuity apart from that mj falls into some from the previous one of the highlights of this part of the film in the section where mj is flying a merrygoround aeroplane through what seem to be halfarsed bond intro rejects and sections cut from yellow submarine dear lord you could not make this upbr br then with a little over an hour remaining the film begins with a lot of claymation some of it really creepy spotting our hero and chasing him looking for an autograph obviously this leaves our as of yet mute discounting songs lead somewhat worried and he manages to temporarily lose them fortunate for him because it means he can witness a falling star and and again im not making this up turn into a claymation rabbit he uses this cunning disguise to try and sneak past them but for reasons i cant recall right now they see through it oh no and the creepy chase begins again cue another song big shock therebr br shortly after the end of the chase mj somehow brings the rabbit to life until he is busted by a policeman in the middle of the desert because it is apparently illegal to dance therebr br the rest of the film is equally as strange highlights including mj cleaning up a bar to the tune of smooth criminal including shooting a man with his finger not only killing the guy but burning his shadow into the wall a la nuclear fission weapons another good moment is when mj seeing mr big joe what the hell happened to his career at this point peschi kidnap one of the children he was friends with magically creates a tommy gun and in another moment of violence that pepper this film seemingly at random opens fire at everything that moves a final moment i shall mention is when mj surrounded by mr big and his private army seriously this guy has dozens of people working for him and theyre decked out more like commando units rather than mobsters which i guess they are how does he get out why he turns into a robot complete with weapons and shield this is the third of four transformations he makes almost always when backed into a corner andor on the runbr br this film is quite quite surreal with little in the way of plot and virtually no continuity,pos
pushing daisies is just a lovely fairy tale with shades of amelies aesthetic and romance its got a beautiful palette its shots well thought out and detailed its names and dialogue whimsical and too cutesy to be real its imagination great and its romance deepbr br watch the blue in the sky pop out at you as blue cant be found in the rest of the sets or shots with few exceptionsbr br watch a weirdly natural and totally satisfying song break out of a scenebr br its score is gorgeous its cast is supremely likable theres great music and the two leading romantic stars cant touch each other or shell die how much more sexual tension do you need actually i had wished they found a way around this one but cest la viebr br it is simply a show that it is a pleasure to spend an hour with and i recommend it highly there hasnt been other television quite like it and i would like to see more it got me through a flu one crappy week as it makes for good companybr br bring it back,pos
as many reviewers here have noted the film version differs quite a bit from the stage version of the story i have never seen the stage version of the story and therefore i have a more favorable review of the film than many other reviewers perhaps richard attenborough was not the best choice for director of the film but the film is still an entertaining account of several dancers trying to make the big time in choreographer michael douglas show the film does right by not selecting any famous actors or performers to wind up in the final tryout group this way our attention is focused on the dancers movements and individual stories and struggles as they unfold during a marathon day of tryouts douglas is also probably not the best choice for the part apparently some songs were cut out in favor of a new one and the backstage clichéridden story of a romantic liaison between a dancer and the choreographer was added i have to say in all fairness this was the weakest part of the film the repeated intrusions cassie made during tryouts appear to mirror the almost desperate pleas one often has to make when engaging in the artistic professions in the absence of talent andor luck however this aspect of the film has been done to death in the past and its curious to see this tired old shoe kicking its heel up once again the revelations of the dancers themselves began promisingly enough with the i can do that number but then it plodded a little at various points while the dancers were telling their stories frankly their stories differed little from real life folks who never get a chance like this of stars,pos
the penultimate episode of star treks third season is excellent and a highlight of the much maligned final season essentially spock mccoy and kirk beam down to sarpeidon to find the planets population completely missing except for the presence of a giant library and mr atoz the librarian all trek characters soon accidentally walk into a time travel machine into different periods of sarpeidons past spock gives a convincing performance as an ice age vulcan who falls in love for zarabeth while kirk reprises his unhappy experience with time travelsee the city on the edge of foreverwhen he is accused of witchcraft and jailed before escaping and finding the doorway back in time to sarpeidons present in the end all trek characters are saved mere minutes before the beta niobe star around sarpeidon goes supernova the enterprise warps away just as the star explodesbr br ironically as william shatner notes in his book star trek memories this show was the source of some dispute since leonard nimoy noticed that no reason was given in lisettes script for the reason why spock was behaving in such an emotional way nimoy relayed his misgivings here directly to the shows executive producer fred freiberger that vulcans werent supposed to fall in love p however freiberger reasoned the ice age setting allowed spock to experience emotions since this was a time when vulcans still had not evolved into their completely logical present state this was a great example of improvisation on freibergers part to save a script which was far above average for this particular episode while shatner notes that the decline in script quality for the third season hurt spock artistically since his character was forced to bray like a donkey in platos stepchildren play music with hippies in the way to eden or sometimes display emotion the script here was more believable spocks acting here was excellent as freiberger candidly admitted to shatner p the only obvious plot hole is the fact that since both spock and mccoy travelled thousands of years back in time mccoy too should have reverted to a more primitive human state not just spock but this is a forgivable error considering the poor quality of many other season shows the brilliant spockmccoy performance and the originality of this script who could have imagined that the present inhabitants of sarpeidon would escape their doomed planets fate by travelling into their past this is certainly what we came to expect from the best of classic treka genuinely inspired story br br shatner in memories named some of his best unusual and high quality shows of season as the enterprise incident day of the dove is there in truth no beauty the tholian web and the children shall lead and the paradise syndrome p while my personal opinion is that and the children shall lead is a very poor episode while is there in truth no beauty is problematic all our yesterdays certainly belongs on the list of top season three star trek tos films i give a out of for all our yesterdays,pos
i really liked the first seasons because a lot of good characters disappeared later on like most shows are kinda slow at first then get better in later seasons but this is the absolute reverse jenny from the st season and valarie from the nd season were sabrinas friends i really didnt care for the others jenny and valarie were her coolest friends i think for some reason the producers wanted us to not like her college friends for some reason they were so cruel to sabrina but my favorite episode from season is cat showdown and my favorite episode from season is witch trash that is the funniest episode i also thought it was funny how libby was popular but she was always jealous of sabrina and never seemed to have a real boyfriend but was always wanting to be with harvey i just wished they could have made more better ones i also liked how the first seasons during the opening credits sabrina would say a few words while wearing a costume like in the pilot episode where shes in the witch costume i liked how she said this is so not me and later on she kept trying to change herself to something else is what i think but this is a really cool show it is kinda like the andy griffith show in a way because it good at first but once it turned color and barney fife left it was longer good but i still like to watch it but the only reason i watch later seasons is because of sabrina what i meant about the opening sequence is the opening titles of seasons shows sabrina in front of a mirror posing with several different costumes and outfits as the cast members names quickly flash on the bottom of the screen at the end sabrina would say some sort of pun that related to the outfit she is wearing then disappear the opening sequence of season four includes the characters in bubbles the opening credits of seasons features sabrina at various locations around boston,pos
to the small minority seen here praising this film get serious i know its down to peoples personal opinion at the end of the day but anyone with more than a couple of brain cells can surely see that this is total rubbish so bad it does not deserve to be part of this franchise i can only assume those saying how great this is are friends with somebody involved in the film and are trying to give their career a push poor in every way dont con people by saying otherwise storyline is a weak rehash of the previous entries script is likewise attempts to hide the lack of originality by using a girl instead wow dont disguise the filmmakers lack of ideasand there is sadly a complete lack of any scares absolutely no redeeming qualities utter utter turd ive awarded this pair of chancers one mark simply for having had the nous to get someone to fund this piece of crap they must have put more effort into that than they did into actually making the film shame,neg
im a big fan of the tv series largo winch this movie was pain for me i had to use fast forward not to fell to sleep it was boring how can somebody ruin this title so much the story was the only good thing actors were sht they cant live the role the main actortom is a null watch the other roles of this actor the fighting scenes were unbelievable boring and not to followablesomehow they were not to follow the situation like other reviewer said low budget film with bad actorsmaybe next time somebody else can do better thing out of this title french cant do right thing with big filmslike alien that was bit brrr after alien ,neg
everyone has already commented on the cinematography good to great the personalities larger than life the structure chronological with many references to surf culture through time what is missed is a bigger question of sociological importance chucking mainstream american culture for something more fulfilling and rewardingbr br i was a surfer in the s we used to watch mm films at the local high schools in socal i remember the great feeling of surfing all day until my skin radiated heat putting on a hawaiian shirt and shorts and going to watch the latest surf film at night often the narrator was the filmmaker himself reading a script off sheets of paper sometimes a surf band or protopunk band would add music i was never happier except for the hooting and hollering seeing riding giants took me back in timebr br it also reinforced a feeling that living life on the edge not worrying about the money and the climbing the social and corporate ladder not keeping up with the joneses pushing yourself physically and mentally for a fleeting moment of joy and jubilation may be the answer to the question what is the purpose of life at least for those like greg noll laird hamilton and the like they seem to have found something that few of us are bold enough or honest with ourselves enough to pursue to live life solely on our own terms maybe society would fall apart if we all did exactly what we wanted in life but it is wonderful to see people who actually are living out their dreamsbr br it was this message that really impressed me,pos
i was searching through hollywood video last night with a friend trying to find a goodlooking horror movie to watch over the new years weekend as i was looking through the shelves severed spotted my eye and i grabbed it off the shelf and it looked like it might be a decent bgrade horror movie the cover looked fairly good the plot sounded semiinteresting so i rented it what a mistake dont be fooled by the cover which actually looks decent im thinking that more money was spent on the cover artwork than the movie itself the film follows two police detectives who are tracking down a voodooinspired ritualistic serial killer called the head hunter who is decapitating victims left and right in some unnamed city probably los angeles and they become drawn into his world of ritualized murderbr br story sound somewhat good well it is and this movie couldve been halfway decent but good god it was bad almost everything about it was laughable the opening scene features some redheaded actress in a car trying to talk on this huge outdated cell phone and for whatever reason she goes outside and talks to some guy then a shadow comes up behind them hacks off his head and the girl drops to the ground and starts crawling for absolutely no reason while trying to dial sound ridiculous yep you bet it is the entire movie looks like it was filmed on a vhsquality camera and im assuming it was the acting was mostly awful and the special effects were far from believable and the scenes with the policemen on the phone were awful the voice on the other line was echoing and it sounded like it was being recorded in someones bathroom everything about this movie was simply amateurish and tedious and it didnt hold my interest for very long and i often found myself bored and tired mostly because of the bad acting and the horrible cinematography the pacing was bad everything was just badbr br overall severed is a failed attempt at what could have been a decent bmovie the plot was good and i think if this film had been handled better and had a higher budget it couldve been alright but this movie fell flat on its face if youre expecting something semidecent youll be sorely disappointed only recommended if you can tolerate dgrade horror flicks otherwise youll probably want to stay away from this straighttovideo garbage it had a little potential but it was beyond a mess ,neg
as the story in my family goes my dad milton raskin played the piano for the dorsey band after sinatra joined the band my dad practiced with him for hours on end then at a point in time my dad told sinatra that he was actually to good to be tied up with such a small group band and that he should venture off on his own by that time sinatra had enough credits under his belt to do just that dorsey never forgave my dad and the rest as they say is historybr br i have some pictures and records to that effect and so does berkley university in californiabr br i have seen just about every sinatra movie more times than i wish to say and his movies never get old thank you frank,pos
a truly disturbed cannibalistic psychopath johngary kent under the pseudonym michael brody who lives in a cave stalks campers who make the unfortunate mistake of backpacking in his wilderness stevedean russelland his buddy charliejohn batisget into a playful argument with their wives sharontomi barrett the late reallife wife of gary kent teddiann wilkinsonover surviving in the woods camping by themselves to prove a point the gals decide to head for the wilderness out of los angeles for a camping trip disturbing their partners to the point that they soon follow afterward falling prey to john teddi is soon killed as sharon runs for her life as the men arrive late to the wilderness due to their trucks overheating afraid tired and paranoid sharon receives some very unusual assistancejohns ghost children thats right johns children remain in the wilderness ghostly apparitions which spy on those who exist in the woods taking a special liking to sharon helping guide her to safety and her friends meanwhile steve and charlie soon find shelter from a down pour and the darkness of night in the very cave where john lives cooking over a burning fire the meat simmering is actually from charlies wife teddi unknowingly charlie eats from the meat when offered by john who finds the outsiders inside his dwelling place anyway soon worried about their wives steve and charlie set out to find them as morning breaks meanwhile john goes a hunting with charlie steve and sharon in a fight for survival when steve suffers a compound fracture stumbling between two massive rocks over a flowing river he will be handicapped only increasing such an already nightmare scenario with sharon following her ghostly young friends to potential safetythey even at one point plead with their father to not kill her charlie unfortunately doesnt have such friendsbr br director donald joneswho also wrote it and went broke funding the filmsmartly shoots the film in such a breathtaking gorgeous location in the sequoia national park in california where those gargantuan trees tower to great heights and i basically watch backwoods slashers for this very purpose for some strange reason i didnt particularly find jones direction of the setting very atmosphericthe dread was missing although there are some rather disturbing attacks by john using his knifeshot in a clever way jones camera suggests more than what is actually on screen yet somehow still achieves that gasp at what john is doing to victims within such a picturesque landscape to see innocents preyed upon by a maniac that kind of increases the terror city folk attempting to spend a nice few days in a different place to smell the clean fresh air enjoy the sights of a lovely view only to find themselves stalked by a creepy predator with a very intimidating knife providing the backstory to why john is the monster he is jones allows us to witness his memory flashback in discovering his wifes adultery and reacting accordinglyshe is also a ghost in the wilderness looking for her children wishing to punish them for being naughtykilling both her and the lover in beda refrigerator repairman the children sad and depressed committed suicide and now haunt the wilderness still interacting with their pa or whoever they so choose i realize such a novelty as ghost children in a backwoods slasher is unique and appreciated by some but i found the idea rather hokey and too silly to take serious they do help our heroine escape a few potentially dangerous situations but it was awfully hard for me to keep from giggling uncontrollably the music i found hideously s and the performances arent mindblowing i mean i could react to the situation they were in because it is indeed quite terrifying to find yourselves in an unfamiliar and hostile territory being hunted by someone who knows the area so well i think the film is similar in many ways to dont go into the woodsalone except that the forest has the aforementioned ghost childrentheir voices echo when talking to sharon their father or each other gary kent looks like a filthy george lucas with tattered clothes and humanity lost as i mentioned above the violence isnt as grisly as what is suggested because director jones is able to effectively cut away from a great deal of knife penetration yet the way he stages the set pieces leave you rather unsettledsuch as teddis murder the violence mostly silhouetted on the surface of a nearby huge stone formation her pleas for john to stop and once stabbed several times attempts to crawl away from her predator only to be finished offa hanging corpse john is skinning ive seen better and worse of this type of slasher film its rather mediocre at best with some effectively shot scenery i dont really think its particularly memorable for the exception of the ghost children,neg
this was a wonderful little american propaganda film that is both highly creative and openly discusses the nazi atrocities before the entire extent of the death camps were revealed while late and into would reveal just how evil and horrific they were this film unlike other hollywood films to date is the most brutally honest film of the era i have seen regarding nazi atrocitiesbr br the film begins in a courtroom in the futureafter the war is over the film was made in the war ended in may in this fictitious world court a nazi leader is being tried for war crimes wilhelm grimm is totally unrepentant and one by one witnesses are called who reveal grimms life since in a series of flashbacks at first it appears that the film is going to be sympathetic or explain how grimm was pushed to join the nazis however after a while it becomes very apparent that grimm is just a sadistic monster these episodes are amazingly well done and definitely hold your interest and also make the film seem less like a piece of propaganda but a legitimate dramabr br all in all the film does a great job considering the film mostly stars secondtier actors there are many compelling scenes and performancesespecially the very prescient jewish extermination scene towards the end that cant help but bring you close to tears it was also interesting how around the same point in the film there were some supercreative scenes that use crosses in a way you might not notice at first overall its a mustsee for history lovers and anyone who wants to see a good filmbr br fyithis is not meant as a serious criticism of the film but hitler was referred to as that paper hanger this is a reference to the myth that hitler had once made money putting up wallpaper this is in fact not truepreviously hed been a starving artist homeless person and served well in the german army in wwi a horrible person yes but never a paper hanger,pos
at your video store you might find this gembr br the human condition in modern times la no exaggerated drama just a collapsing of events that might happen to any group of individuals over timebr br helps you understand the joys and desperation of urban lifebr br the direction and cutting are top class cinematography and music very much follows the mood and situation and the cast br br excellent casting and excellent acting no one out of place or out of characterbr br and its not really as much a downer as you would expect i gave it of br br if you havent seen it do,pos
here be spoilers br br recap mia helin is returning home from capital stockholm to rural rättvik to celebrate her fathers th birthday she is by far the youngest child and has two sisters eivor ernst and gunilla petrén eivor has a family and still lives in rättvik and gunilla has divorced and moved a town away mia is still single and is focused on her career there are a lot of jealousy and almost animosity between the sisters and conflicts arise all around as they confront each other and each have personal problems they have difficult to handle as the party goes on and alcohol consumed more and more secrets become unveiled and more and more conflicts arisebr br comments to be the work of a new writerdirector it was disappointing to see this movie to follow in the exact same tracks that older swedish comedydramas has been following for years there are really no new elements or ideas this movie draws upon three basic areas embarrassing humor only based on characters making a fool of themselves sorrow and anxiety this move has the focus on the last one almost forgetting the first point as the movie goes along no loss though since the humor that is there is not funny the performances from the cast are good i guess though it is lost behind all the anguish and soon forgotten i had hopes that there would be new ideas and influences but there were none to conclude there are better ways to spend ones time than watching thisbr br ,neg
i had to watch this in school and to sum it upbr br talentless actors talentless script and a talentless directorbr br this movie is such a waste of your time dont even watch the movie dont bother you will be so disappointed my teacher said it was supposed to be good how wrong she was she even slept through it a little the movies actors were just bad the best actor in there was the old man and thats not saying much its has horrible plot with awful characters so unrealistic and i can honestly said it had no point the script was unemotional and confusing there was points in the movie when i furrowed my brows and said what also there were just too many loose ties and plot holes it was just absolutely horrendous,neg
otherwise it is one of the worst movies ive ever seen and i mean ever my wife and i were both bored out of our minds within minutes not to mention being boring it is entirely unbelievable women nonlesbian dont bathe together nor do they accidentally kiss brothers and sisters dont live together well into their s and run around swing dancing together and engaging in footraces in central park men dont find out their wife and sister romantically kissed the night before the wedding and then never discuss it with said wife absolutely ridiculousbr br heather graham is possibly the worst actress in films today she smiles when she should be crying and vice versa the only movie she has ever been good in is boogie nights and that is because she wasnt actingbr br i cannot stress enough how bad this movie was,neg
my brother brought this movie home from the rental store and i remember expecting it to be such a bore i think the title especially put me off i cant ever remember starting a movie with such low expectations and being so completely won over i watched the movie twice before i let my brother take it back to the store it is very infrequent that a movie speaks to me the way this one did i was completely caught up in rubys situation as she tries to make her way through her life the bad thing about this movie is that it seems to end so quickly i could have kept watching for hours another downside is that i have been unsatisfied with everything ashley judd has done since she is so perfect in this movie this film is easily in my top ten favorites of all time,pos
we have high expectations with this one because its zombi the official sequel to zombi and directed by lucio fulci however its codirected by bruno mattei from night of the zombies and not written by dardino sachetti but by claudio fagrasso night of the zombies and its shot in the phillimines like night of the zombies and resembles night of the zombies hell of the living dead a lot as a result its more like a companion to hell of the living dead than zombi fabrazio deangelis who produced zombi and its editor tomassi and efx gianetto de rossi gave zombi its magic zombi is not magical its like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the peanutbutter but over the years ive grown to accept zombi i could swear i saw a version where a soldier was bitten on the arm and went to the hotel room there was a senseless fulcicut and the matteifulcicut is the one on dvd,pos
i just saw this at the venice film festival and cant quite decide about it we were never allowed to get close enough to any of the characters to care about them maybe that was the point that we are all in a bubble of our own but these people didnt compel me to be concerned about them or shocked at their various fates at a running time of just over an hour the characters werent very well developed lots of time was devoted to shots of factory equipment forklifts conveyor belts shovels and the slightlycreepylooking baby dolls with surprisingly lifelike eyes that most of the characters made for a living were somehow more interesting than the live people an interesting experiment but somehow it never quite came together,neg
dick tracy is easily the best comic book based movie made to date the movie has the same feel as the comic book staying true to the color scheme the batman series has climbed fallen climbed and fallen again dick tracy has true staying power as something that both adults and children can enjoy the good guys triumph over evil without blood and gore to get the point across al pacino does a wonderful job of his own adaptation of big boy caprice and madonna is memorable as breathless but the best job by far is warren beatty who just epitomizes dick tracy just as he did with clyde barrows i cant wait until it comes out on dvd on april my tape is wearing thin,pos
ive seen this film several times in a variety of shortfilm festivals and it always causes me the impression that i have seen a movie trailer br br for a schoolfilm is very well produced and directed but the story well it needed something else to be a bigger and interesting film the character named tim watcher needed some indept approach this is something that lacks in some portuguese short films the script is always superficialbr br but still i liked this moviebr br parabens congratulations,neg
as a young blacklatina woman i am always searching for movies that represent the experiences and lives of people like me of course when i saw this movie at the video store i thought i would enjoy it unfortunately i didnt although the topics presented in the film are interesting and relevant the story was simply not properly developed the movie just kept dragging on and on and many of the characters that appear on screen just come and go without much to contribute to the overall film had the director done a better job interconnecting the scenes perhaps i would have enjoyed it a bit more honestly i would recommend a film like raising victor over this one any day i just was not too impressed,neg
the word classic is thrown around too loosely nowadays but this movie well deserves the appelation the combination of neil simon walter matthau possibly the worlds best living comic actor and the late lamented george burns make for a comic masterpiece it is interesting to contemplate what the movie would have been like had not death prevented jack benny from playing george burns part as had been planned as it is the reunion scene in matthaus apartment is not likely to be surpassed as a sidesplitter definitely one of my desert island filmsbr br enter,pos
someone had a great idea lets have misty mundae do her own rrated version of lara croft firing two guns not only in skimpy outfits but topless as well it was indeed a great idea the problem is that the people who had it couldnt come up with any sort of script or budget to support it therefore we get a film that barely reaches medium length by replaying many of its parts often in slowmotion and was apparently shot entirely inside a garage the appeal of misty mundae is still evident she is unbelievably cute and has a natural girlnextdoor beauty however her two female costars here with whom she shares a lengthy lesbian scene are nowhere near her league if mummy raider was presented as a youtube video id rate it higher but as a film destined for dvd consumption it cannot get more than a out of ,neg
its obvious that the people who made dead at the box office love bmovie horror overt references to the genre are peppered throughout from stock characters the authority figure who doesnt believe the monstrous invasion is really happening to kevin smith style discussions to reenacting duane jones last moments from night of the living dead not once but twicebr br unfortunately it takes more than love to make a good moviebr br the staging and shot choice are unexciting and unimaginative while a common admonition in film school is to avoid mastershot theatre telling the story completely in a wide master shot here we find the obverse as in several sequences its hard to figure out the spatial relationships between characters as the story is told in a series of medium shots with no establishing shot to tie it together editing is drab and basic and at times there are unmotivated cuts the lighting is flat and sometimes muddy making the scenes in the darkened theatre hard to make out was there lighting or was this shot with available light only some shots are out of focus the dialogue is trite and the performances for the most part onenote isaiah robinson shows some energy and screen presence as curtis and the fellow playing the projectionist has some pleasantly dickish line readings michael allen williams as the theater manager and casey kirkpatrick as enthusiastic film geek eric have some nice moments the premise is silly even for a b horror flick also its too bad dr eisner was unaware of project paperclip he couldve saved himself a lot of trouble the zombies are nonthreatening and their makeup is unconvincing although the chunky zombie trying to get a gumball out of the machine raised a smile for a zombie fan film there is very little blood or violence although what there is is handled pretty well the incidental music while stylistically uneven is kind of nice at times and there are some good foley effects the time warp parody was a fun listen although the images going along with it were less fun to watch unfortunately the looped dialogue sounds flat was this shot nonsync doubtful it looks like video through and through i watched the special introduction by troma films lloyd kaufman before the main feature although it consisted essentially of kaufman plugging his own stuff and admitting that he hadnt seen the movie while someone mugged in a toxie mask its production and entertainment values were higher than dead itself quick aside to whoever put the dvd together the countdown on film leader beeps only on the flashframe not on every number plus one more after for that matter the vampire film theatregoers are seen watching early in dead looked a lot more entertaining than this recommendation to avoid unless you know someone involved in the production or are an ardent lloyd kaufman completist he plays kaufman the minion in the filmwithinafilmbr br full disclosure my girlfriend is an extra in this movie i swear this did not color my review,neg
the good news is a movie was made drawing on a supposed aztec myth and featuring an unusually aztecamerican is such a word exists cast the bad news is it was dead at birthbr br if ed wood had come out of retirement and coached george romaro through his classic night of the living dead this is what we might have come up with the legend of diablo is clearly fodder for any future resurrections of mystery science theatre br br i dont think one can even call this a b movie the production values are so abysmal that i kept getting the feeling i was watching either a lengthy skit from a variety show or a backyard mm film shot by a group of school kids br br some spoilersbr br the basic plot line sounded interesting enough to lure me into renting it a rural california sheriff finds a box containing an aztec demon and accidentally unleashes it on the unsuspecting community his daughters one hot and one homely team with a gringo fbi man and a priest to try to recage the demon br br meanwhile every zombie scene one has ever seen in previous undead movies is reenactedpoorly these zombies walk more like an army of nutty professors than the undead the supposed infrared scenes from the demons viewpoint are nothing special … and hesheit sure seems to back up a lot as opposed to turning around the moving forward and the scene where the priest lures the demon out of the cave in fastmotion is ludicrous it really really appears to be done for comic effectalthough i know it wasnt i kept expecting the benny hill theme music to start playing for the whole gang of zombies to start chasing the priest all over the beachbr br of course the darth vaderfield of dreams voice calling the fbi agent becomes downright comical then again so was most of this cheese ball robert napton director and writer of the screenplay should win something for this effort how about a lifetime blackballing like the hollywood this one i now see is rated on a scale i fear this might be a tad generous br br is there anything good about this movie well lindsey lofaso looks pretty hot as the younger daughter of the dead sheriff this is probably why her homely older sister calvi pabon really ran away from home fred estrado is reasonably decent as the fbi agent i wonder if mario soto who played father rodriguez is the same mario soto who pitched for the cincinnati reds if so he should have stuck to baseball in fact they couldnt have done any worse if they had gone with a baseball theme and called it demons in the outfieldbr br if i find out this was actually a project for a community college cinema class i will issue apologies it might be good enough for a b or even b as long as the gang got the colleges camcorder back to campus in one piece the blair witch project proved that a cool campy movie could be made on a shoestring the legend of diablo though didnt appear to have a shoestring or shoes to work from it was lowbudget lowtalent loweverything the very final sceneand i mean about the final seconds of the filmis the only mildly creative or interesting momentbr br i paid to rent this i could have better spent it on a hamburger,neg
please spare me of these movies that teach us that crime is fun and justified couple that with a vacuous script with an intense desire to be a farrelly or a coen brother plus the lives of yet another group of supposedly high school age people acting out their dawson creekbrand teen angst complete with a genxyz soundtrack that woefully tries to make the movie feel cool and we have intensely and painfully inept satirebr br this isnt even watereddown ferris buellerid rather watch a traffic light changebr br only one scene stands out as anywhere near worth the price of admission when the betty masked girls meet a richard nixon masked friend its a surreal moment priceless evenbr br but for the rest of it id rather have a toothache at least i can apply some benzocainetm to stop the pain,neg
the michael keaton kiddie comedy of the same title was roundly condemned for its um shoddy special effects but compared to what screaming mad george cooked up for this horror comedy theyre positively mindboggling the killer snowman seems to be made out of styrofoam and his arms look like oversized oven mitts which they probably were the cast lays it on thick in this parody of dozens of other much worse movies and paul keith as the town doctor is particularly memorable in a small but hilarious role,neg
a family motherpatricia clarkson fatherjake weber sonerik per sullivan go out for a family get together in some remote house in the middle of winter they accidentally hit a deer while driving there this angers some of the localsespecially otis john speredakos and things slowly very slowly go wrongbr br i was expecting the worst when i started watching this the bulk of the reviews for this on this site are extremely negative welli disagree first off its not a horror film the horror doesnt even begin until the closing minutes it plays more like a family drama with horror elements thrown in on that level its pretty damn goodbr br firstthe bad stuff the pace is way too slow jake weber is a horrible actor way too many false dream sequence scares the wendigo barely figures into the film and the clear view we get of the wendigo at the end is laughablebr br the good stuff pretty good dramatic script clarkson is excellent as the mother some great direction with eerie sound effects which are a little scary a pretty explicit hot sex sequence between clarkson and weber which actually is necessary for the integrity of the plot pretty good acting by sullivan only at the time and speredakos and a completely unexpected tragic endingbr br i think many people are annoyed with this film because its being pushed as a horror filmwhich it isnt so if you can ignore that i think you might like it im giving it a ,pos
pam grier stars as coffy shes a nurse who seeks revenge on the drug dealers who got her sister hooked on bad heroine like any s blaxploitation flick you can expect to see the racist bad guys get their just desserts br br there were scores of these films made during the s and they were really demeaning to both black and white audiences alike this is mainly due to the vicious racial hostility in these films and the degrading stereotypical characters especially the female characters br br other common threads between coffy and other films of its type include brutal violence corrupt cops car chases a generous abundance of nudity and sexcrazed gorgeous women not to mention urban ghettos populated by drugdealers pimps mobsters and other criminal scumbr br pam grier was the undisputed queen of s blaxploitation heroines she was magnificent being both toughasnails and dropdead gorgeous like in her other films pam outshines the other characters in coffy in fact pam is so charismatic on screen that these sorts of films are unwatchable without her as the main character br br if you like pam grier youre better off seeing her other films like foxy brown or perhaps friday foster these films have much less empty sleaze than coffy does pams character in coffy degrades herself way too much to get the bad guys pams characters in her other blaxploitation films dont stoop as low to get revenge as coffy did br br id say only watch coffy if youre unable to see any of pam griers other films otherwise coffy is a waste of time only pams talent as an actress makes viewing coffy bearable,neg
strained comedy a sketchlike revue which was initially a vehicle to showcase onetime radio star jack pearl but is now best remembered as americas introduction to the three stooges actually larry curly and moe are billed alongside comic ted healy as ted healy and his three stooges although the supporting cast features jimmy durante who is completely wasted on dim material and zasu pitts the only audience for the film these days are stoogesaddicts and even they wont find much to applaud here incredibly loud and overbearing it shows how far hollywood had to go to reach a certain level of slapstick sophistication from ,neg
the best treasure island ever made they just dont make filmsbr br like this anymore or ever no one makes films like this morebr br than a novelty this film is funny frank and fascinating yet moodybr br mysterious and morose this is one of my favorite pictures thebr br director must have had some idea what it is all about but hebr br certainly leaves room for your own impressions and interpretations while leaving little left to the imagination why hebr br has not made more films like this i have no idea whilebr br reminding me of some of the best noir it is one of a kind but thisbr br is not for the lazy or simple,pos
contrary to my principles let me first come up with a conclusion because i have just seen this piece of art and still am under strong impressions the reader is asked to excuse my stronger vocabularybr br well this movie is absolutely horrible and i would never bother to write a single word about it if it were not for the fact that minutes made me sick to death which rarely happens to me the fact that i paid for that does not exactly makes me feel better as well as the fact the movie deserved the high user rating herebr br so what is wrong with the movie it has a fashionable title minutes one first thinks about minutes which is by the way a much better movie but still bad in my book and indeed the two can be compared to some extent but as luck would have it the things they share are their worst characteristics they both feature mr oleg taktarov who with his strong russian accent obviously meets the popular expectations and prejudices his purpose is to appeal to the cold war mind ah do we miss the good old times now i dont imply that he is a bad actor i am yet to judge his true performance but he is simply not a true individual here he is more like an archetype how anyone can still indulge in such things is completely beyond my comprehension we can recognize modern american xenophobia here the point in the movie when taktarov explains to his companion that romanians are not germans and that they are in america is truly laughable are we to assume that the greatest desire of the wretched duo is to become true americans br br then there is the media issue yes it seems that the most of what we learn comes from cameras interviews and reporters the director should have made us feel the rhythm of the presumed minutes instead he bores us with interviews throughout the movie like in a cheap tv show trying to reinvent the wheel in minutes the issue of media is the central onethe point is presented in a way a teacher addresses an obtuse student but that deserves a separate comment we are focusing on minutes now so i have been trying to identify the purpose of this movie what is it to provide good time for the audience to glorify weapons to glorify police portray violence oh yes the officer gives the bible to the underage delinquent so it must promote peace and understanding after all i dont think so but dont ask me i only know i didnt enjoy any of thisbr br ah michael madsen i admit i am a big fan i hoped he would be a bright point but i was wrong its not his fault though br br as the final note comparing firepower to willpower at the end of the movie was one of the worst lines i have ever heardbr br to summarize on the scale i give it a pure unadulterated ,neg
to not live in montana and especially not to live there at the end of the th centurybr br a river runs through it certainly is a well made movie from a cineastic standpoint great landscapes redford acting wellbr br unfortunately the story is bad if there is a story at allbr br i felt sorry for the narrator author who is as dry narrowminded a character as his father a preacher being driven not driving his own life he is left to watch his brother who is also caged in the small town environment losing his life the author never even comes close to undestand his brothers motivations but at least realizes that he is lacking the slightest amount of homour fun all there is is flyfishing where he follows even as an old man the style of his fatherbr br the end is not surprising it is forseeable from the very beginningbr br definitely not a mustsee br br ,neg
besides the fact that my list of favorite movie makers is stanley kubrick god allmighty the rest this movie actually is better than the book and the tv miniseries though this is an easy feat considering the director the flawless filming stile the acting and kubricks all time number one skill the music make it the masterpiece of horror i watched the tv miniseries a few years ago and liked the story and i had my hopes about this when i got a hold of it it blew me away it is far better than i ever imagined it it starts slow kubrick trademark and has a lot of downtime that builds up the suspense the intro scene is a classic by all means and i watched it about times just for the shear atmosphere it induces to the whole film also the film doesnt offer a lot of gore it has just enough and it is by no means tasteless a trend that i hate in recent day horror films just watch it,pos
the western society has been fed ideas about india being a poor country movies like these only make those beliefs stronger such illustrations make it all the more difficult for indians to be accepted abroad agreed there are poor and homeless in india but why is there no representation of educated people if not the successful onesbr br i totally hated the idea of the movie portraying patrick swayze as another mother teressa in my opinion this movie has shown india in a very bad light giving wrong notions it is unjust to discuss only one aspect of the society exactly the reason why people ask me when we go to india can we hire an elephant right outside the airport so we do not have to walk on the roads so full of filth and snakesbr br those who want a second opinion on contemporary indian society should watch monsoon wedding,neg
the plot is rocky the acting is somewhere south of a jr high school play the cinematography is not bad but it looks like it was cut with a machete i couldnt decide of this was an intentionally hokey flick or if the people behind it actually thought they were making a good film think death valley days meets mayberry rfd people running around in a lawless modern town wearing quickdraw gun rigs it has more than its fair share of cutsey stuff picture the good guys pulling up to an old farm house and parking the ford mustang right in front of a hitching rail picture the clerk in a hotel watching an obviously western hemisphere movie sporting a japanese sound track but with english subtitles its all really strange but might be improved if watching it while partaking in a little peyote its a real curiosity with modern parallels to every western movie cliché you can think of theres even a modern version of the good hearted dancehall girl and a twanging jewsharp in the soundtrack really if someone brings this to your home for a saturday night movie session tell em your dvd player died,neg
in this movie the year looks much like the seventies this is amusing at first but soon the viewer perceives how very different that decadent futuristic world is despite the appearances how many things that we take for granted could become unavailablebr br characters often interact in a peculiar way with no tact or manners or respect i believe this is intentional not bad acting after all who witnessed the social changes in the s and s may well assume that by an overpopulated citys inhabitants behave like thatbr br i didnt like most of the action scenes apart the death of the priest too cheap even for the seventies the plot isnt too polished but the great scenes and ideas like the death of sol the way rioters and dead bodies are dealt with the furniture outweigh the shortcomings of this filmbr br out of ,pos
i do not believe all the praise for this movie the play and movie were a ripoff of sleuth michael caine wishes he were olivier and reeves wishes he were caine caine even had the nerve to do a remake of sleuth with jude law playing his original part jude law you mean the one that did the remake of alfie br br this movie was made during a period of caines career when it was obvious he needed to pay off gambling debts he would do anything for money he would star in such award winning movies such as this and beyond the poseidon adventure what seems to be driving the praise for this movie is reeves death he deserves better than to be remembered for this lousy movie and so does caine this movie can be found in the bin at walmart along with gems like the island and blame it on rio,neg
this movie has made me upset when i think of cat in the hat im thinking of cat in the hat books you know the one from a few years back that parents read to thier children well i though that this movie would be a lot like that but much to my suprise was nothing like the books insted it is more like young adult humor movie in one part cat is talking to a gardening tool hoe cat talks to it like it is his hoe agin adult humor the naming of his car i all so though was a little untastful for a kids movie under the rating youll find mild cude humor and some doubleentendres i think in short this means adult humor i wish i could return this movie walmart said they wouldnt because the movie has been opened if you are thinking about buying this i suggest that maybe rent before you buy,neg
i rented this flick for one reason tom savini i respect his work but this was a real let down i had horrible clichés half of the film was naked women so called fallen angels running around trying to act scary oh and then there was the occasional blair witch black and white motion sicken camera scenes toms character was really awful horrible script and you got to love these lines they use is anyone there who is out there this isnt funny no but your acting was i wish i could give this flick a oh the names of the characters judd molly ally emilio but they did leave out anthony the breakfast club reunite in the forest of unforgivable acting,neg
contrary to most other commentators i deeply hate this seriesbr br it starts out looking interesting with mysterious aliens and giant robots and i kept my hopes up until the very last episode at the end of it i still didnt understand what the alien attacks were all about maybe i missed something who knows and realized that i had sat through episodes consisting mainly of the characters own selfhating selfishness and selfpitying it actually flips between alienrobot fights and these dark depressing blinkingonandoff scenes where one or more characters can just say or shout i hate meyouit times in a rowbr br i cant really see either shinji or asuka two of the main characters showing growth or change nor can i see any of the other characters learning or growing either for that matter i wanted to kick them and tell them to get a bloody life during the first episodes and the feeling didnt change during the last ones shinji truly possesses the kind of helpless hopelessness that makes people angry rather than charitable and asuka is such an infuriating knowitall that i wanted to smash the tv screen every time she came into view oh and more than anyone else these two hate everything and say it veeeeeeeery oftenbr br im otherwise a big fan of animé and manga and never before have i disliked one so much i read that the series creatorwriter wrote this while suffering from a depression and i can believe that it made me depressed to watch it is that the aim of this series im honestly asking is it designed to make the viewer confused and annoyed and if suffering from a depression why just not write a book or biography about it instead of mixing it up with aliens and mechas this alien war plot as far as i could tell lead to absolutely nowherebr br finally since im truly fascinated by how many people claim to love this patchwork of deadend plots i cant help but wonder how many of them actually find it good and how many say they do because theyve been told it is,neg
well this film is a difficult one really to be straight with you this film doesnt contain much of a riveting story nore does it make u want to know how itll endbut ill tell you something nownever have i been as tense and jumped up before in my life this film sure does deliver the jumps and thrills to be fair i did watch it at almost midnight so i was kinda sleepy anyway so maybe that explains why i was jumpyor maybe its because this film does deliver in that aspect its basically about a couple who lose their child in a tragic event they decide to move away and rent a cabin looking thing in the mountainsall looks peaceful and calm until they have their first visitors i think its its the sister of the main character and she brings along her husbandduring the night the husband hears noiseschecks it out and thats when things start to go really really wrongthey dont stay for another day and tell the couple they should leave asap as something isnt rightto cut a long story shorteventually they find out what has happened in that house in the past few years and decide it needs to be taken care ofbr br its not a hollywood blockbuster nore does it have a huge budget but please dont let that put you off its creepy tense and very very jumpy just give it a try ,pos
while watching this movie i came up with a script for a movie called the making of items or lessbr br producer ive got good news and bad news the good news is we can get morgan freemanbr br writer thats great but whats the bad newsbr br producer we can only afford to hire him for one day i guess well have to get someone elsebr br writer so we hire him for one day a movie is an hour and a half long a work day is eight hours long i fail to see a problembr br producer but hell have to spend time getting into characterbr br writer so we have him play a character who is essentially himselfbr br producer but hell still need to understand his motivation and all that youre not saying we have him play a bigname actor thats doing a lowbudget movie are youbr br writer why notbr br producer thats ridiculous but fine at least well have morgan freeman in our movie and i guess we have to set the movie in los angeles toobr br writer of coursebr br producer this script is a load of crap wed better make money on this just in case have morgan freemans character plug walmart or target or one of those stores so at least someone will want to sell the dvdsbr br writer sure thingbr br producer wait a second whats this about a tiny bodega with a ten items or less express lanebr br writer oh i guess that is pretty weird but we cant change the title nowbr br i doubt my script actually bears much resemblance to reality but then neither did items or less this is a case of good acting but bad writing and i hate to see it happen when watching an independent movie you expect it to try to convey some sort of message i think they might have been trying for the tired old dont let anything hold you back message that has been done to death in much better films in any case with items or less the only message i got was look look at morgan freeman,neg
good movie very s you can not expect much from a film like this sirpa lane is an actress of erotic films a nice body but nothing exceptional savant to a pornographic actress from the body disappears but the s were characterized a small breasts and a simple eroticism not demand a lot from these films are light years away from the movies today the world has changed incredibly the plot is simple and the actors not extraordinary and the brunette actress has a single body has one breast slightly bigger be satisfied papaya also is not great but at least these films have a certain charm download them again but then again who knows what you pretend not to them,pos
unless you are an evangelical christian then make like an egyptian and avoid like the biblical plaguebr br awful why oh why does imdb list the most favourable reviews at the top of the list it was due to one of these that i have just wasted the end of what started out as good evening on this claptrapbr br the plot premise started out strong enough i was drawn into the film and was interested right up to the point where the bible sermons took over what a wastebr br this film has so incensed me that i have registered with imdb for the first time just to complain about it i hope at least that by doing so i save someone elses eveningbr br hay what a christian act on my part ,neg
if you are viewing this show for the first time you may start wondering if you are in an alternate reality colorful and imaginative characters entertaining dialogue plots that seem to have some depth to them even creating atmospheres of suspense and drama at times i mean this is a syndicated childrens show right this is the same venue that has brought kids such drek as pokemon pepper ann mighty morphin power rangers and vr troopers please note that three of the titles mentioned above are crass japanese exports courtesy of the fox network and saban entertainment dont worry you are just sampling some of the quality fare that was available to kids during the late s and early s some examples of this period would be transformers garfield and friends captain power and cops a cartoon not to be confused with the live action show on fox besides these prime examples disney also returned to syndicated programs for kids coming up with a lineup called the disney afternoon aside from a dumbeddown show called the gummi bears early shows like darkwing duck duck tales and chip n dales rescue rangers gave credence to the disney animation teams that were also turning out theatrical classics like the little mermaid beauty and the beast the rescuers down under and the great mouse detective but above all these wonders shines talespin the premiere of plunder and lightning was a twohour thrill ride and won an emmy much to my delight the rest of the episodes were up to par on the promise of the premierebr br while i enjoy the plots and dialogue i guess for me the greatest attraction are the characters theres rebecca cunningham an independent female but still fallible kit cloudkicker full of preteen angst and optimism louie with his loyalty and support frank wildcat the most entertaining engineer since scotty on the original star trek molly cunningham cute and witty but with some depth that most child characters dont have and of course in the middle of it all theres baloo whom i would describe as a slobby version of james bond this is because whenever theres trouble baloo saves the day with the assistance of his sleekerthanmost fastestofall sea duck read james bonds aston martin of course every great show has to have great villains and talespin doesnt disappoint here either from the megalomania of businesstiger shere kahn to the vain and always failing air pirate don karnage to the hilarious and inept sovietsatirized thembrians the animation is good the music appropriate and the episodes are for me the finest that childrens programming has ever had to offer great fun for the whole family,pos
a craven cowardly film director boorman shows cahill burglarizing rich houses but the male occupant is shown being unfaithful with the nanny thats all right then the forensic scientist investigating cahill is blown up in his car but he is rat faced sourpuss and doesnt look like a nice man so thats all right too the beits owner of russborrough house made their money by exploiting darkies digging up diamonds so its okay to rob priceless art from them and hide it in a bunker in the wicklow mountains the garda kill his ferrets and are implicated in his murder the moral equivalencing is sickening boorman looks for a hit film but doesnt have the guts to stand against the criminality of the generals gang who terrorized the neighbourhood and unleashed another wave of scumbags upon dublin he even liaised with the generals son while making it disgusting shame on him for his cowardice,neg
encouraged by the positive comments about this film on here i was looking forward to watching this film bad mistake ive seen films and this is truly one of the worst of them its awful in almost every way editing pacing storyline acting soundtrack the films only song a lame country tune is played no less than four times the film looks cheap and nasty and is boring in the extreme rarely have i been so happy to see the end credits of a film br br the only thing that prevents me giving this a score is harvey keitel while this is far from his best performance he at least seems to be making a bit of an effort one for keitel obsessives only,neg
i had never heard of this one before it turned up on cable tv its very typical of late s scifi sober depressing and not a little paranoid despite the equally typical inclusion of a romantic couple the film is pretty much put across in a documentary style which is perhaps a cheap way of leaving a lot of the exposition to narration and an excuse to insert as much stock footage as is humanly possibly for what is unmistakably an extremely lowbudget venture while not uninteresting in itself theapocalypseviarenegademissile angle later utilized with far greater aplomb for both dr strangelove and failsafe and mercifully short the films singleminded approach to its subject matter results in a good deal of unintentional laughter particularly in the scenes involving an imminent childbirth and a gang of clueless juvenile delinquents,neg
to those who say that this movie deserves anything below the unflaunting grace that it showed i disagree this is an amazing documentary about a shocking daybr br imdb asks us to rate this movie i beg you to consider the fact that the documentary was made the courage that it took to shoot this film is most notable we find that the two brothers are split up when that moment happened they continue to document the bravest of the brave without knowing about their own and eachothers safety to judge whether its nobler to shoot a video of that tragedy or to save the lives as those amazing amazing firefighters did is not mine to answer i just know that in years a class full of children will not know one without the otherbr br i submit a wholehearted this is why the art of filming was created to capture the natural emotion that real life offers you can keep your kungfu junk romance is cute action will never reach this level this movie will be timeless in that it did not glorify itself it didnt have a sneakpeek it didnt have all of the blatant vanities that a lions share of the many movies on the many screens blare it had class composure substance and it had a record of the day that changed the modern face of america and even the world it spoke of things inescapable to the eye of the camera please consider this movie as it itself proclaims a stirring tribute to all of those who fell because of the free beautiful name of americabr br how can you give anything less to a movie that shows not embellishes the natural bravery of real people acting in unreal times i love the godfather but is forever a different kind of movie as this is now a different kind of world it is art without question or questionsbr br jf,pos
spoilers spoilers from its very opening credits this fantastic movie sets the record straight its an instant classic it doesnt take long to realize that this movie is big bigger than kindergarten cop or police academy the sheer greatness of it left me speechless as i walked out of the movie theater and proceeded right back to the ticket counter to purchase myself another dozen of ticketsbr br this is a movie that simply requires multiple viewings the first watching will surely leave you with that strange huh feeling but dont feel embarrassed it happens to the best of us the story is so diabolically clever that one has to wonder about the mortality of its authors what seems to be a simple story of an idiot infiltrating the fbi turns out to be an allegorical story that works on several levels and teaches us all about the really important things in life the complexity of the plot structure will baffle you on your first viewing but dont give up not until my sixth or seventh viewing did i only begin to unravel some of the hidden mysteries of corky romano and watch out for the unexpected twist at the end otherwise you might be caught completely off guard when it is revealed that fbi agent brick davis is fbis mostwanted criminal corky is not a real fbi agent pops romano is innocent peter romano admits hes illiterate and paulie romano comes out of the closet as a homosexual surprised the hell out of me i can tell you that muchbr br chris kattans comedic talents are unmatched as he leads his character corky romano through a maze of totally unpredictable situations reminiscent of john reynolds performance in manos the hands of fate kattan takes on innumerable multiple personalities and tackles all scenes with perfect comedic timing however kattan is not just about comedy he is a master of drama as well as he controls the audiences feelings with the slightest moves of his face his facial expressions reflect life itself in a way for example in the scene in which he farts into his brothers faces you can see the expression of social injustice and alienation clearly reflected on his anguished face at a moment like that its hard to find a dry eye in the housebr br screenwriters david garret and jason ward are the real heroes of corky romano with a story of such proportions its easy to understand why two experienced writers had to be employed to complete this ambitious project their skillful storytelling and unorthodox structuring makes pulp fiction look like a mediocre saturday night live skit garret and wards story is so compelling and alluring that it grips you by your hair swallows you entirely shakes you around and spits you right out at the end of the outofthisworld experience known as corky romano you find yourself a different person with different worldviews and different ideas and with only one question on your mindbr br why god why,neg
this film revolves as much around japanese culture as it does the lives of one modern japanese family physical contact is frowned upon for those over especially in public hence all that bowing instead of hugging even when you are close friends relatives ballroom dancing involves putting your arms around someone else and that in public too never the less ballroom dancing is on the quite immensely popular people who do ballroom dancing in japan are viewed a bit like nudists in the west many more would like to than do but are inhibited by the culture a delightful family film which any amateur dancer would enjoy for the dance sequences alone i understand that it was more popular than titanic in japan i guess the japanese are just like the rest of us they like to be hugged too,pos
anyone who doesnt like this film is one who is afraid to explore his or her own demons this film does make the viewer a little uncomfortable at times but that is its intention it asks you to look at your own life and confront the obstacles head on like lou eventually does it asks you to overcome the fear of perception and become who you are meant to be bret carr holds up a mirror unlike any filmmaker has the intention and the message is clear and profound peoples apprehension about this film stems only from their own insecurities an openminded viewer takes this inspirational message and runs with it sometimes a life changing realization does come in a flash a light bulb going on this story is real and changes the lives if its viewers in a real way,pos
i would have liked to write about the story but there wasnt any i would have liked to quote a couple of hard hitting dialogs from the movie but hinglish is only funny for like minutes after that its overkill i would have liked to swoon over the keepuguessing suspense but it was as predictable as um mm a yash raj movie i would have liked to talk of the edgeoftheseat action but i dont like cartoons much br br sighbr br all in all this movie is perfect for people attempting suicide i promise itll push you over the edge sadomasochists this movie is way more effective than the barbed wire that silas guy in the davinci code wore people researching alternative ways to spread terrorism i swear the audience leaving the hall seemed to be in a mood to kill someone movie piraters more power to them if any movies deserves to not have the audience spending money to watch this is it barnacles most types of plankton green algae because almost all other living things would require an iq factor somewhat greater than what the movie offers afterthought the director of the movie obviously is a species of his own and i hope to god that he is the only one of his kindone is enoughbr br things that could have made this a better movie a story a choreographer a screenplay writer a stunt coordinator a story did i already say that a director preferably one who is not mentally challenged although even one who was challenged could have done a better job anil kapoorbubonic plague avoid at all costs a statutory warning watching yash raj movies is injurious to your mental health br br things i liked about the movie kareena kapoor for obvious reasons the english subtitles mera dil kho gaya becomes my heart is in a void chaliya chaliya chaliya turns into im a flirt im a lover im a vagabond pricelessbr br in short tashan to me is like the opposite of a rubrics cube the cube is supposed to increase the iq of the player tashan promises to lower your iq and that in a mere hours wootbr br sighbut thats just me i could be wrong youve been warned anyways,neg
this film is awful the cgi is the very cheap gray blob cgi the crocodile looks like a large gray smudge the worst is that no effort at all is given to making it walk or look like it is alive it is mostly a photoshopped cgi that is placed into scenes and you almost expect to see the hand that is moving the cgi smudge across the screen this is one of the worst examples of cgi effects that i have ever witnessed and i have seen lots of the very bad scifi channel moviesbr br aside from the terrible lack of special effects the cast is composed of the typical lowcost actors who probably work as waiterswaitresses at local diners while they wait for their big breaks perhaps the most ridiculous scene in this movie is when one of the bad guys is attempting to sexually assault kate and the giant crocodile jumps straight up out of the water to the second floor of the villains headquarters and through the balcony and pulls the bad guy off kate and instead of crashing straight down through the building and crushing kate the croc just flies backwards at the same angle into the water no laws of physics can apply to this movie or the special effects at least there is honor among crocodiles,neg
i never like to comment on a good film but when it comes to a bad movie i gotta come really hard on it talking about vivah this guy sooraj badjatya seems to have completely lost it after success of hum aapke hain kaun he thought he can make money with cheesy wedding videos vivah is so so cheesy that badjatyas have left johars and chopras behindbr br there was not a single moment during the movie where i can say oh at least this thing is good aloknath does cliché in a role of girls father shahid kapoor looks fat and shahrukhed amrita rao is another disaster in addition to ugly looking sets bad costumes hackneyed storyline monstrous stepmother tryinghardtoact actors cacophonous background music cheap soundtracksbr br now the spoiler im warning you guys that as happens in all his other movies after a calamitous incidence movie ends on a happy note,neg
i have never seen such terrible performances in all my lifebr br everyone in the entire film was absolute rubbishbr br not one decent actoractress in the whole film it was a jokebr br reminded me of drama at school,neg
this has got to be one of those films where the trailer is times better than the movie itselfi first saw the trailer in it looked greatsince then i have always wanted to see it but could never find ituntil today yes years laterbr br lets just say i was so disappointed its unreal ok i knew it wouldnt be an oscar winner but still had hopes that it would be a fun nobrain film in the bloodsport mold unfortunately it was not its poohbr br whats with all the american rock and roll music and the acting was so bad it was quite frighteningbr br the fight scenes were rubbish and look fakebr br this dvd only cost me £ and i believe i was overcharged by £br br now im sad as i know that i will never get that hour and a half back,neg
i grew up watching full house as a child i stopped watching it for years but about two weeks ago i started back watching it again now my kids watch the show and they love to watch it as well my kids cant believe that dj on the show and i are the same agebr br i really love the show because it is a show you can watch with your family it has good teachings your kids can learn from also there isnt any drugs and violence on it also when the kids on the show have a problem they can always open up to their family for help thats the message kids should be getting from tv now a days turn to your family for help not to drugs kids should be watching more shows like full house instead of half the mess on tv now a daysbr br i also love the show because it makes you laugh and it is down to earth it talks about real life problems and family matters there is always a lesson you can learn from the showbr br i vote the show a ,pos
the movie lacks credence with the helicopters which didnt exist until the s but no woman would do what was done here even a woman before the womens movement of the s and s about the only portion of the movie that you could believe in was that germany would want to know where the landing would be ignore for the moment that the british had captured all the spies but even if they had not they wouldnt have let one roam around like this just to reassure the germans that the landing would be at calais it isnt one major thing that makes the movie not work it is the culmination of all the things wrong that makes the movie fail bad directing bad scripts no attempt at authenticity at all all combine to just make the movie fall flat generally speaking spies should fade into the woodwork the suspense comes in with the spy wondering if the information they have is valid or not and worrying about being detected on this one that game was over from the start this spy was doing anything but spying your only chance at getting something that has some credibility and instills some suspense may be to read the book,neg
david mamet wrote the screenplay and made his directorial debut with house of games a character study fraught with psychological overtones in which a psychiatrist is lured into the dark world of the confidence game margaret ford lindsay crouse has a successful practice and has written a bestselling novel driven still she is somewhat discontented with her own personal life theres an emptiness she can neither define nor resolve and it primes her vulnerability when a patient billy hahn steven goldstein confides to her during a session that he owes big money to some gamblers and that theyre going to kill him if he doesnt pay she decides to intervene on his behalf this takes her to the house of games a seedy little dive where she meets mike joe mantegna a charismatic conman who wastes no time before enticing her into his world instead of the twentyfive large that billy claimed he owed mike shows her his book and it turns out to be eight hundred dollars and mike agrees to wipe the slate clean if shell agree to do him one simple favor which involves a card game he has going on in the back room in the middle of a big hand mike is going to leave the room for a few minutes while he is gone her job is to watch for the tell of one of the other players by this time not only margaret but the audience as well is hooked the dialogue and mamets unique style and the precise cadence with which his actors deliver their lines is mesmerizing as mike leads margaret through his compelling surreal realm of existence and introduces her to the intricacies of the con game we are swept right along with her from that first memorable encounter when he demonstrates what a tell is and how it works to the lessons of the short con to the stunning climax of this film mamet keeps the con going with an urgency that is relentless and nothing is what it seems in the end margaret learns some hard lessons about life and human nature and about herself she changes and whether or not its for the better is open to speculation mantegna is absolutely riveting in this film he lends every nuance possible to a complex character who must be able to lead you willingly into the shadows and does crouse also turns in an outstanding performance here you feel the rigid uptight turmoil roiling beneath that calm selfassured exterior and when her experiences with mike induce the change in her she makes you feel how deeply it has penetrated she makes you believe that she is capable of what she does and makes you understand it as well the dynamic supporting cast includes mike nussbaum joey lilia skala dr littauer jt walsh the businessman ricky jay george and william h macy sergeant moran house of games is the quintessential mamet hes written and directed a number of highcaliber plays and films since and will no doubt grace us with more in the future but this film will be the one that defines him and you can go to the dictionary and look it up youll find it under perfection this is one great movie you do not want to miss i rate this one ,pos
this film reminds me a lot of the antidrug films of the s and s due to the fact that it was made by people that have obviously never experienced the social evil that they are warning us about tom hanks and his buddies are role playing but there are no dice lots of candles and then you are just swept away in a bad montage showing hanks falling for the lady in the group quite funny but misguided i wonder how many poor kids had their dd stuff destroyed and were told that the use of their imagination was the road to destruction as a film its basically an after school special bad acting although hanks does show some of his talent and relationship talks and no one seems to be having any fun it seems these films have a psychological focus on adolescents starting on the road to adultism which is more serious apparently and requires you to buckle down and do the things everyone else does despite my vote of this is worth watching due to its unique genre scare films which i personally find quite funny,neg
ivan marco ricca and gilberto alexandre borges are partners in a company together with estevão george freire but the first ones contract a professional killer anisio to murder estevão the plot at least at the beginning doesnt explain very well why the guy does it and after receiving his money he starts blackmailing the two partners appearing in their company and saying he wants a job there as supervisor or something… at the same time he meets marina mariana ximenes daughter of estevão and starts dating with her br br in a story like this where crime corruption betrayal and blackmail go hand in hand no one is innocent or can be victimized exception made to marina which is the only person who doesnt know whats going on and didnt betray anyone… br br this film portrays with sarcasm the sad and cruel reality which exists in big metropolis like são paulo where crime is every days presence we can feel irony but also veracity in characters like anisio brilliantly played by paulo miklos which does blackmail to the guys who paid him without any scruples and even flirts with the daughter of the guy he killed he really must be a monster to do something like that but of course i know therere people like him out there in brazil or any other place… br br its a very good movie cruel but truthful about a sad reality… the acting is great and the soundtrack too,pos
damp telling of the american revolutionbr br when farmer tom dobb al pacino and his son arrive in new york harbor they are immediately conscripted by street urchin annie lennox annie lennox to contribute to the war effortbr br after getting chopped down by bits of chainlink fired from british cannons tom and his son are promptly chastised by continental army sympathizer daisy nastassja kinski for not standing their ground following this kodak moment a series of digressive chapters take place including toms participation in a foxhunt in which he must carry a model of poor old georgie washington stuffed in effigy while running from a lace handkerchiefwielding english captain manning redwood and having a barbecue with a group of iroquois indians as they plan on the best way to sneak back into the fighting so al and his ingrate kid can kick the crap out of british officer donald sutherlands buttbr br director hugh hudson presents a unique style of filmmaking and the atmosphere is as thick as the proverbial london fog but the scriptwriters painting of the redcoats as evil monsters once again reveals hollywoods patented hatred of the britishbr br steven berkoff appears as an enlisted american soldier,neg
in one instant when it seemed to be getting interesting it never got therebr br the people are going from one point to another point with really no point if there was one it was very dull there was no action suspense or any horror and the characters were pretty heartless so there was no caring what happened to thembr br all together the movie was pretty boringbr br i give it a br br i like that it wasnt shaky choppy camerawork and if there was music it didnt annoy me like some really bad movies and the acting was not horrendous,neg
as the maker of this darkness i admit we neglected very important acknowledgments in our end credits the omissions were oversights that could not be corrected once committed nor did the parties involved who saw the movie mention it at the time on behalf of the excellent cast and crew of the film i extend them an apology obviously some criticisms posted here are harsh in light of their credit being accidentally our production values were negligible and our special effects were quite special indeed but the plot is very strong and the cinematography by john mcleod is superb we hope you the reader enjoy this darkness and the efforts of those who worked their butts off for free thank you dylan oleary director,pos
depardieus most notorious film is this groundbreaker from bertrand blier it features many highly sexual scenes verging on an xrating including one of jeanne moreau doing a hot s version of her jules and jim menage a trois with the two hairy french hippies depardieu and deware there is no such thing as a sacred territory in this film everything is fair gamebr br its very odd that americans tend to not like this film very much while many french people ive met consider it a classic something about it goes against what americans have been programmed to likebr br gerard and the late patrick deware are two bitchslapping hippy drifters with many sexual insecurities going around molesting women and committing petty crimes theyre out for kicks and anticapitalist eurocommie slacker freedom blier satirizes the hell out of these two guys while at the same time making bourgeois society itself look ultimately much more ridiculous best of all though is the way the wonderful stephane grappelli score conveys the restless soul of the drifters the deeper subconscious awareness or higher ideal that motivates all the follies they engage in,pos
an overlong but compelling retelling of the friendship between civil rights leader steve biko and donald woods the first half of the film is the strongest where we see the bond formed between the two men and how they help each other out but the second half isnt as strong due to the elimination of the biko character still its a compelling film with great performances by kline and washington in the film that put the latter on the map washington was also was nominated for best supporting actor for the first time overall a well made film that could have been trimmed down a bit ,pos
this in my opinion is one of the best action movies of the s it not only features a great cast but is also loaded with wild shootouts and explosions that are still impressive today the story is about a vietnam vet kris kristofferson being recruited by his brother janmichael vincent to help clean up the criminal element in a small town and what happens when kris starts taking advantage of his position and becomes as bad as the criminals he was hired to get rid of its great seeing kris play against type bernadette peeters and victoria principal both offer great support as the respective ladies of the two male stars janmichael shows real movie star persona in this film i dont think vigilante force is on video but it occasionally shows up on tv its a great flick for guys who like movies,pos
i love movies and ill watch any movie all the way through just to give it a chance i can finally say that i found a movie i cant watch all the way through the acting is terribly stale and monotone the cgi looks like a computer geek did it in his mothers basement with minimal software andthe long scenes of justwalking and this movie is three hours long i didnt even make it minutes until i fast forwarded the dvd the scenes with the aliens are very short ummm instead of naming this war of the worlds lets name this war of the walking long distances this cost million dollars to make what they spend the money on the dramatic opening songbr br oh but on a positive note one scene you need to watch is when the aliens first begin killing people thats hilarious not because people are dying but because when they turn to skeletons they still squirm for seconds afterwardbr br solike i said if you are a fan of boring stale actionless movies here is one for you dvd collection but i didnt write this for you i wrote this for the billions upon billions of other people who will hate this movie it is not worth your time or moneybr br i know this is by the book but the book isnt that long and im a complete book wormnerdgeekwhatever but why just get the steven spielberg version its not all that good but its times better than this br br i give this a big fat zero out of ,neg
while not as famous as some of their other collaborations such as the black cat and the body snatcher this is a dandy little horror film even though the casting decisions were a bit odd boris karloff plays dr janos rukh a weird scientist who lives in the carpathian mountainsnear where the dracula characters home town bela lugosi plays dr benetwhose nationality was never discussed though the name certainly sounds french i really think it would have made sense to have the two switch roles as the carpathian role seems tailor made for lugosiespecially with his accent however despite this unusual twist the two still did excellent jobs karloffs was definitely the lead role but lugosi acquitted himself well as a relatively normal personsomething he didnt play very often in films it seems that dr rukh is a bit of a pariah as other scientists especially benet think his theories are bizarre and nonsensical however over the course of the film rukh turns out to be right and benet is especially generous in his new praise for rukh but unfortunately the wonderful new element that rukh discovered has the nasty side effect of turning him into a crazy killing machine dont you hate it when that happens while this could have just been a simple nice scientist turned mad story the plot was well constructed the characters nicely developed and the mad rukh was not a onedimensional killer but complex and interestingbr br this film is bound to be enjoyed by anyone except for people who hate old horror films you can really tell that universal pictures pulled out all the stops and made a biggerbudget film instead of the cheap quickies both lugosi and karloff unfortunately gravitated in later years good stuff,pos
a wonderful television miniseries completely ruined by a year old woman trying desperately to pass herself off as a year old ingenue no exaggeration thats the actual age of the character played by ali macgraw when the film opens just prior to the surprise attack at pearl harbor this tv miniseries really is the most classic example of the title of this post and one i refer to whenever the topic comes upbr br that alone makes this completely unwatchable despite the fact its one of the best filmed wwii global dramas tv has ever produced if you have the stomach or a decent fastforward ability you might be able to enjoy the late robert mitchum in a very strong performance br br im stunned at some of the comments referring to the love story pun intended did they watch the film with their eyes closed or are they aging boomers who never cease to amaze me with their selective memories and selective vision im a boomer myself so dont think for a second im some hubristic young punk will always look get used to it deal with it age gracefully damnitbr br the winds of war could have been so good how much more would we be talking about this miniseries today some years later had an actual ingenue been cast in such an important critical role right now with the constant haggard old biddy distraction that alone cancels out most of the wonderful aspects of the winds of war,neg
like most comments i saw this film under the name of the witching which is the reissue title apparently necromancy which is the original is better but i doubt itbr br most scenes of the witching still include most necromancy scenes and these are still bad in many ways i think the added nudity of the witching at least added some entertainment value but dont be fooled theres only scenes with nudity and its of the people standing around variety no diabolique rumpy pumpy involvedbr br this movie is so inherently awful its difficult to know what to criticise first the dialogue is awful and straight out of the troma locker at least troma is tongue in cheek though this is straightfaced boredom personified the acting is variable with pamela franklin flora the possessed kid in the innocents would you believe the worst with her highpitched screechy voice welles seems merely waiting for his pay cheque the other female lead has a creepy face so i dont know why pamela thought she could trust her in the film and the doctor is pretty bad too he also looks worringly like gene wilderbr br it is ineptly filmed with scenes changing for no reason and editing is choppy this is because the witching is a copy and paste job and not a subtle one at that only the lighting is ok the sound is also dreadful and its difficult to hear with the appalling new soundtrack which never shuts up the ghost mother is also equally rubbish but the actress is so hilariously bad at acting that at least it provides some unintentional laughsbr br really this film the witching at least is only for the unwary it cant have many sane fans as its pretty unwatchable and i actually found it mindnumbingly dull br br the best bit was when the credits rolled enough said so simply better to this poor excuse for a movie like the plague,neg
in all honesty this series is as much a classic as television goes as the original poem is to the worlds literature far from being crassly exploitative it is a beautiful and respectful rendering of one of the western cultures defining textsbr br i was moved by the plight of odysseus and his followers touched by the drama of the fall of troy which was felt but not seen intrigued by the way the gods played with the fate of mortals it should be mentioned that the gods appearing here are not ridiculous cgi creatures flitting around on their ankle wings or poorlycast fashion models in bikinis as in homers work they act through mortal agents or rarely are represented by classical statuarybr br its a pity its not available in dvd especially given the vastly inferior and cheesy adaptations of the odyssey that one can find in video stores,pos
this is an extremely silly and little seen film about slavery in the west indies and it stars puddy from the seinfeld show patrick warburton made his film debut in this contrived movie and hes noticeably slimmer here oliver reed got top billing but hes hardly in the film at all warburton plays a white slave and its funny to see all the young and horny wives of rich old men bidding on him because they all want to have sex with him eartha kitt plays an owner of a bordello and theyre is so much nudity in the film if its not drunken orgies at the bordello then its the young wives having theyre turn with him then of course towards the end the slaves revolt and theres the bloody standoff no real political message like the film burn but just another contrived plot device to move the story along incredibly they made a sequel and warburton and all the rest of the cast came back i hope they got paid a lot of dough because this first film is pretty bad the nudity keeps it watchable and warburtons lack of any accent make it at times laughable very bad film but i got to admit that i want to see the sequel,neg
welcome to collinwood is a lot of things but it is none of the followingbr br a george clooney star vehicle unfunny unoriginalbr br and yes i know the basis for the movie is another movie but as far as hollywood goes this may rank with their most authentic outputs this decade and for me it doesbr br the movie is from start to finish an absolute gas heres whybr br there isnt a bad performance in the film the funny parts are funny the edgy parts are edgy the script contains not a dull moment of dialogue the cinematography is fresh and yes beautiful and it doesnt conform to the hollywood norm youll see what i mean when you see the filmbr br when i was a kid i remember seeing advertisements for the film this film went under the radar after not grossing much at the box office and isnt even a cult classic the reason why transformers is seen as acceptable by average movie goers is because they are used to seeing transformers if films as original and funny as this were pumped out as often as multimillion pieces of st the cinematic experience would be a much fresher place br br when they say they dont make em like they used to they didnt see welcome to collinwoodbr br a fun minimasterpiece of caper comedy that refuses to compromise one of my favourites,pos
i wish kids movies were still made this way dark and deep there was get this character development and charlie is the epitome of the dynamic character plot development superb animation emotional involvement and a rational relatable and consistent theme if not for the handful of songanddance routines you would never have thought this was a kids movie and this is why i give it such a high rating this movie is an excellent film let alone for a kids movie which brings me to my second point this has got to be the darkest kids movie ive seen in quite some time this coming from a yearold id be shocked to see any child under the age of not completely terrified throughout a great deal of the latter half and some of the first half of the movie and it all ends with one of the saddest endings you could ever come across ala jurassic bark for those of you who are futurama fans and this is what makes this movie so good just because the movie universally evokes emotions we dont normally like to feel and assume are bad does not make the movie itself bad in fact it means it succeeded good funny movies are supposed to make us laugh good horror movies are supposed to make us scared good sad movies are supposed to make us sad my point is good movies are supposed to move you not simply entertain this movie moved mebr br also this movie is incredibly violent by todays standards for a kids movie and contains subject matter that by todays standards may not be suitable for some children parents id say watch it first im not usually one to say anything about this kind of thing but i just saw this yesterday and it came as a surprise even to me,pos
undoubtedly the best heavy metal horror item made in the manically headbangin s which admittedly doesnt sound like much considering how utterly abysmal many other entries in this odd little fright film subgenre like hard rock zombies blood tracks terror on tour and the especially ungodly jonmikl thorstarring stinker rocknroll nightmare tended to be that aside this one still deserves props for downplaying the excessive splatter and needlessly flashy special fx razzledazzle in favor of focusing on adolescent high school characters who are depicted with greater acuity and plausibility than the norm for a mids teentargeted scarefest moreover the films pointed sardonic parodying of both ridiculously overblown s heavy metal stupidity and the nauseating selfrighteousness of the uptight killjoy conservative stiffs who claimed it was the devils music are very clever and on the money funny famed greed decade heavy metal god ozzy osbourne has a hilarious bit as a smarmy antimetal tv evangelistbr br marc price the hopelessly dweeby skippy on family ties gives a surprisingly strong and winning performance as eddie ragman weinbauer a geeky socially awkward and severely persecuted heavy metal aficionado whos constantly picked on by the stuckup jerk preppie bullies who make up the majority of the student body at lakeridge high school the cruelty and meanspiritedness of the high school kids is nailed with painfully credible accuracy eddies life takes a turn for the worse when his rock star idol sammi curr an impressively whackedout portrayal by tony fields perishes in a hotel fire hip local disc jockey nuke kiss frontman gene simmons in a cool cameo hooks eddie up with sammis final unreleased album which when played backwards resurrects currs malevolent spirit back from the dead sammi encourages eddie to sic him on all the vile scumbags who make poor eddies life the proverbial living hell only to have meek eddie prove to be a most reluctant wouldbe accomplice its up to eddie assisted by token nice girl leslie graham likeably essayed by the lovely lisa orgolini to stop sammi before things get too out of handbr br ably directed with commendable thoughtfulness and sensitivity by character actor charles martin smith who also briefly appears as a nerdy school teacher smartly written by michael s murphy joel soisson and rhet topham and capably acted by a uniformly uptosnuff cast this surefire sleeper even comes complete with a handful of nifty jump moments an outrageous attack in the back of a car by a grotesquely lecherous longtongued mutant thingie rates as the definite highlight a rousing carriestyle high school dance slaughter sequence a neatly utilized halloween setting revenge being correctly shown as a truly ugly business and a solid central message that you shouldnt make a particular overhyped person your hero strictly because of the calculated antiestablishment posturing said fellow does to qualify for that special status,pos
a lot of people unfairly sht on this series but several of the guinea pig videos are fairly entertaining devils experiment in particular has some really fantastic effects worknot just the infamous eyeball scene but also a very realistic skin slice on the foot and a hand breaking with a sledgehammer are very realisticespecially for the videos vintage and lowbudgetbr br let me start at the beginning now for those who dont know this film is an extreme torturefake snuff film that surfaced in japan in the mids its plot as it stands is simple a young girl is held by a few men and forced to undergo a series of brutal tortures to see where her breaking point is this entails brutal violenceall effectively realistic effects including the ones mentioned in the last paragraph as well as a painful looking application of hot oil to the captive girls arm and placing of maggots in the subsequent flaky woundbr br the least effective sequences are at the very beginning of the video and consist of an unconvincing slap session where three men take turns slapping the hell out of the girl as her head falls about and a second sequence where the three men take turns kicking the girl and pushing her to the ground these two scenes are obviously staged and detract from the realism of the rest of the proceedingsbr br the actress who plays the victim of the experiment is pretty convincing at being in pain and takes a good amount of abuse and rough stuff on camera her reactions as she has headphones strapped to her head and loud noises are played for hours on end are chilling some of the other abuse she takes is being strung up in a net from a tree during the only times she is given a rest also there is a disturbing scene where the giggling captors through guts at her and one other disgustingly sleazy scene where she is spun in an office chair and forced to drink a bottle of jack daniels till she pukesbr br if you havent seen this series i hope i have helped you decide whether or not you want to give this episode a shot for devils experiment,pos
the film begins with promise but lingers too long in a sepia world of distance and alienation we are left hanging but with nothing much else save languid shots of grave and pensive male faces to savour certainly no rope up the wall to help us climb over its a shame because the concept is not without meritbr br we are left wondering why a loving couple a father and son no less should be so estranged from the real world that their own world is preferable when claustrophobic beyond all imagining this loss of presence in the real world is rather too obviously and unnecessarily contrasted with the son having enlisted in the armed forces why not the circus so we can at least appreciate some colour we are left with a gnawing sense of loss but sadly no enlightenment which is bewildering given the film is apparently about some form of attainment not available to us all,neg
the ballad of django is a meandering mess of a movie this spaghetti western is simply a collection of scenes from other and much better films supposedly tied together by django telling how he brought in different outlaws hunt powers john cameron brings nothing to the role of django skip this one unless you just have to have every django movie made and even that may not be a good enough excuse to see this one,neg
serum is about a crazy doctor that finds a serum that is supposed to cure all diseases through the power of the mind instead it creates some kind of monster that needs to eat human flesh and brains the mad doc creates some zombies out of cadavers and has some problems there is a very long lead into all the action with many scenes getting you acquainted with the characters the mad doctors nephew gets into a car accident and the mad doc tries to use his new serum on the boy the results are not good this is a class c film with ok acting but some troubles directing and some continuity errors there isnt much zombie action in this one and the effects while adequate are nothing special you can fast forward through the slow parts and get some enjoyment out of the action scenes watch out for some nudity and bad language,neg
hey now i cant claim to have seen all of the films of jesse jesus franco and there sure seem to be a lot of them but this is one of the better and weirder of the lot that i have seen id say most likely he was in his prime back in the late sixtiesearly seventies and anything lately has been a bit too strange for me and it takes a lot for me to declare that anyway this is like one big bad dream where parts of it seem to come true at various points this woman is an actress or something performs in some theater in berlin where acts of fake torture are performed for an appreciative audience and she seems to have this problem with dreaming the catch to whats real and whats not in this movie is apparently the real stuff is in sharp focus and the dream stuff isnt she seems to exist in a state of deja vu i wont say this makes a whole lot of sense but it is pretty wild and weird and entertaining shots of berlin make it seem like a lonely and creepy place so that adds to the atmosphere the ending is extremely abrupt though the film just ends and the tape went black i guess no need to let you know it was over at that point my copy was from the anchor bay eurotrash collection and i say give me more eurotrash i cant get enough of that crap but its good crap,pos
this movie was one of the funniest movie ive seen in years and the laughs from the audience members support me not since my big fat greek wedding has the laughter been as spontaneous and intense easily has intricate as last years mr and mrs smith in its use of parody espionage in mr and mrs smith and sex in my super exgirlfriend directors ivan reitman balance between comedy and drama between crazy and downright ludicrous is great never does the shock and dramatic serious crack the rule of comedy at the same time this predictable romantic comedy never loses its touching emotional elements even if the ending is broadcast in advance in some ways its so evident that its great to see how it plays out just like in real life sometimes the truth is so evident that one cant really see it easily eight out of ten stars ranking up there with tootsie possibly a nine depends on how it appears on a second viewing,pos
fire and ice is an animated film set in a fantasy world the film is about a village that is destroyed by a giant glacier which is the home of the evil ice lord named nekron the only survivor of the village is a young man named larn who sets out to avenge those who were killed by the glacier the ice glacier moves through the land of fire and the princess of the land named teegra is kidnapped by evil creatures larn sets out to find her and also sets out to find and kill nekron fire and ice is directed by ralph bakshi who is one of my favourite adult animators he has brought us such animated masterpieces as the film version of fritz the cat and some films he has written himself like the great film heavy traffic i didnt like fire and ice nearly as much as i have ralph bakshis other work but i still found the film to be enjoyable it had some very nice animation in parts and the story was entertaining enough the only basic complaints i have is that i wish that there was more of a story to the film because the story it uses is very thin and there is not a lot to it i also wish the film was a bit longer because it is under minutes in running time still its an entertaining action adventure films that unlike fritz the cat or heavy traffic is appropriate for kids and older i only wish that there was a more developed story and it went on a bit longer than it did,pos
everybody who wants to be an editor should watch this movie it shows you about every mistake not to do in editing a movie my grandma could have done better than that but thats not the only reason why this movie is really bad its actually so bad that im not able to write a sentence without exclamation mark if the first episode of ‘les visiteurs was a quite good familial comedy with funny jokes and cult dialogues this sequel is copying badly the receipe of the first one the funny parts could be counted on one hand and maybe half of it clavier is overacting his role even more than in the first part robin is trying to act like lemercier because shes replacing her but thats ‘grotesque lemercier is lemercier robin is robin even if muriel robin can be funny by herself on stage she is not in this movie because shes not acting as she used to act i know that it should be hard to replace somebody who was good in a role lemercier obtained a césar award for her role in the first movie but she made a big mistake instead of playing her role she played ‘lemercier playing her role as for the story its just too much of course we knew at he end of the first movie that there would be a sequel but poiré and clavier should hae tried to write a more simple story like the first episode the gags are repetitive childish and déjàvu no really theres no more than funny parts in this the only good things might be the costumes and some special effects so you have only reasons to watch it if you want to learn how to edit awfully a movie if you want to waste your time or if you really need a ‘brainless moment ,neg
this movie deserves more than a but im giving it a one because so many fricken fan boys have given it a resulting in it getting a rating thatll take it into the top list seriously its not that great its not that bad its a stupid cult classic with so many fricken fan boys its ridiculous these are the types who probably still laugh at chuck norris jokes and still say im rick james btch no matter how old or annoying it gets i dread having to hear im tired of mfn snakes on this mfn plane months from now from idiots trying to be funny its crappy plot crap acting etc its okay to love a bad movie but you still gotta admit its a bad moviebr br wait for the marine starring john cena if you wanna see a real movie,neg
while originally reluctant to jump on the bandwagon of watching lost i accidentally caught one episode at the beginning of season —the one with the polarbear—and it has had my undivided attention ever since the show that is not the polar bear so bear heh with me while i throw out as much rambling semicoherent praise as i can musterbr br lost takes a simple idea of a passenger flight full of people crashing onto a desert island and gradually adds extraordinary depth to its premise by exploring each character deeply and unflinchingly—what drives them who are they where did they come from it soon becomes clear that the island upon which they are stranded acts as a common denominator for many things in their lives whether theyre running away from something sawyer and kate among others or getting in touch with spirituality locke claire but lost also zooms in on the island itself and the mysterious horrors that it houses and they all seem to be strangely connectedbr br while television actors are not exactly known for their subtlety or dazzling acting abilities most of the cast of lost are in truth spectacular actors for their respective parts projecting heart and humour in their performances theres also a multitude of eyecandy but not generally of the plastic hollywood kind as most tv shows the characters all feel very real and they are extremely compelling to watch their interactions rarely fall prey to predictable sappiness petty arguments or cheesy melodrama although they are annoyingly secretive – these people are first and foremost trying to survive and whatever relationship appears is treated secondary to action the realism of these characters facilitate an already wellsculptured plot br br about this plot imagine a tree as the template plot then the branches as subplots in this case one branch for every character – well lost adds twigs to each branch and then tiny twigs to those twigs as other story lines if youre a brothersister to one of the main characters in the flashbacks you will get your own storyline if youre a dog you will have your own storyline unless the writers manage to weave them all together into some glorious culmination in the end they are setting themselves up i am more than a little worried there will be some disappointing copout to this show as im sure most people arebr br but assuming the writers do pull this off lost is possibly the best show ever to hit televisionbr br ,pos
after just having watched the deer hunterwhich is a masterpiecethe movie jacknife had big shoes to fillit has same themes as the deer hunterthe devastating effects on a person after the vietnam warrobert de niro is in this filmas in the deer hunter and is very good hereas is kathy bakerbut this movie belongs to ed harriswho gives a powerfulemotional and impactful performancethe movie is based on a stage playand there are one or two scenes where that felt obvious to meby that i just mean that for those one or two scenes it felt like i was watching a stage playthat was not that big a dealand doesnt really diminish the filmi actually really liked this movieits not an epic like the deer hunterthey are about similar era and have similar themesbut they are two very different filmsi thought the deer hunter was greatand i also think this movie was greatits the acting in this one that makes it so greatfor mejacknife is a ,pos
i just dont see how a concordenew horizons film directed by jim wynorski and featuring the acting talents of andrew stevens and a puppet could be bad it just boggles the mind doesnt itbr br well lets make no mistake about it munchie strikes back is indeed a bad film munchie is a puppet who has been around for many centuries for reasons not fully explained until the end of the film he is sent to earth to help a single mother and her son the moms problem her main problem at least is that she has a balloon payment due on her mortgage in two weeksto the notsotiny tune of ouch she cant come up with the money because she just got fired okjust is the key word in that sentence what the was she planning on paying it off with a single paycheck maybe it wouldve been a good idea to have spent the last several years saving up for itya thinkbr br munchie has magical powers similar to those a genie would possessbut there isnt a limit on the number of wishes you can make munchie gets the boy a bunch of fancy stuff for one night but then the kid asks for it to be sent back to the mall munchie was borrowing it from the annoying furball also uses his otherworldly skills to help the boy win a baseball game by means of cheating a baseball is hit so hard that it orbits the earth several times sadly those dumb parents watching the game dont think its at all strange hmmbr br anyway id like to wrap this up because this has already drained away enough of my lifeforce as it is youll be truly moved by the scene where leslieanne down playing the mother kicks a dog which is yapping at her your heart will melt at her charm when she notices dollar bills fluttering down on her front yard and she wonders how it could be snowing during the summer munchie strikes backs credits promised another film to follow entitled i believe munchie hangs ten to date the movie viewing public has been robbed of what would surely have been a cinematic tour de force heh ,neg
unfortunately jean eustache belongs like so many once leading french film makers nowadays to the great unknown ones whose movies are hard to find and are not released on international dvds since we have a good oldfashioned videostore in tucson i had the chance to watch this hour marathon masterwork that is not boring for ten secondsbr br since we speak here about one of the most discussed and most controversially discussed movies of all times let me tell you my impression that the endless dialogs originally typical for the early nouvelle vague of a jacques rivette or alain resnais appear almost ridiculous in this movie the dialogs are basically monologues mainly the longest ones spoken by jeanpierre léaud the most characteristic feature is that the intersections of the speeches of two people is almost zero léaud or his character alexandre pleases to tell more about himself than about the topics he is seemingly to speak therefore one can hardly speak about communication in this movie it is well possible that the director had a gargantuan satire in mind against the idle running of the once so hotly discussed political and sociological ideas but the type of man alexandre exists to all times we find him already in petrons satiricon which work has actually great resemblance with the mother and the whorebr br alexandre does not only nothing but he has developed an own kind of metaphysics about the absence of acting at least acting in the sense of responsibility toward the society whose part he is he mocks at the people who run to work at cclock in the morning when he is just busy having his last drink before he goes to bed in the apartment of one of his girlfriends from whose money he lives he is unable to speak one sentence without quoting one of the leading thinkers between nietzsche and bernanos especially sartre who is shown quickly in the french intellectual café aux deux magots where alexandre too is sitting all day must serve as excuse for the lifestyle of alexandre and his colleagues because they suffer existential crisis from bourgeois nausea however the intellectual speeches of alexandre seem to be rather pseudointellectual and the sentences and quips he cites seem to come rather from a dictionary of quotations than from his actual reading of the respective booksbr br it is true this movie demands an extremely broad european knowledge especially the connoisseurship of french existentialist philosophy and there consequences to the student revolution movement but if you have this knowledge than you will enjoy minutes of your life by staring amazed into the tv and crying out with laughing like you have probably not done it since a long time,pos
this movie is truly awful after seeing the advertisement for it i thought it could have its charms but it didntthe girls cannot act and they cannot sing either the soundtrack to this movie is full of their songs and its not a pretty sight terrible story line unbelievable plot its one of disneys worst movies by far ally is not a bad actress on phil of the future so i dont know what happened in cow belles and her sister aj seems to be just hitching a ride on her sisters fame and she displays no talent what so everbr br at the end of the movie the girls do finally learn some cliché morals but this is to late to rescue this train wreck moviebr br awful,neg
is this a stupid movie you bet i could not find any moment in this film that was creepy or scary stupid moments plenty stupid characters you bet bad effects everywhere rick baker may have gone and done bigger and better things this is not one of them oh well people gotta start somewhere dr ted nelson is cheesed he is the most whiny doctor ive ever seen hes got a melting man running amok out in ventura county somewhere hes not overly happy that his wife is pregnant probably cause shes years old and weighs lbs and theres no crackers to be found anywhere plus hes got the nottoohelpful general on his hinder wanting to find astronaut steve and the local sheriff wants to know whats going on even though mr nelson cant tell him anything there also some random characters thrown in for good measure who encounter the melting man eventually the movie ends and out monster gets scooped into a trash can to become compost in the end its just what you need for a great mst episode,neg
why do i like disorganized crime so much why do i chuckle or laugh out loud any time i think of a dozen or more scenes from this movie its kind of hard to explain but ill give it a try first of all its very funny indeed in contrast to what lots of official reviews want you to believe but then again that depends entirely on your sense of humour so there is no sense in arguing about that often the humour is in the dialogue and often it is situational comedy there is for instance this very hilarious scene in which the gang members have been given a lift in the back of a truck when the farmer drops them they just stand there by the road covered all over with cow s or whatever they are totally unnerved then realizing the humour of the scene they one by one start laughing about themselves and ruben blades as carlos looking and certainly smelling terrible nonchalantly takes out some mouth spray to at least do something about his breath simply describing the scene here makes me chuckle again which leads to the second point the acting fred gwynne lou diamond phillips william russ ruben blades and corbin bernsen okay the latter overdoes it a bit at times all fit and play their parts beautifully in fact you get the feeling they must have been enjoying themselves too when shooting the film thirdly there is the plot jim kouf the director and screenwriter is very laidback he takes his time to let the plot unfold and have the individual characters establish themselves more often than not there is no real action and yet you enjoy these very different people who attempt to rob a bank although their boss bernsen does not seem to turn up grumble about each other and eventually grudgingly like each other the movie is a fantastic parody of the typical bank robbery plot totally impossible with all its twists and coincidences yet utterly convincing in its love for ironic details incidentally the title of the film is one of the best i have ever come across because it perfectly summarizes the plot in a very ironic way therefore take my advice watch this film but if you dont chuckle grin or smile during the first minutes forget it its not your type of film ps the only negative thing about this movie is that there seems to be no way to get hold of the screenplay if you happen to know how do tell me,pos
well i can and will be very short this is a wrongbalanced nonconvincing film that could have been a little bit better the script seems to not know which way to go from funny to clichewise serious its a bit silly that plus too much sentences we have heard before the hacker is in florida or no he is in madrid no he is in he is screwing the signal br br out of ,neg
this is just usual indian garbage that gets turned out as cinema as indians we can proudly boast that we have the biggest cinema industry however it also the worstbr br how can other poor countries have films with real characters that challenge the views of their respective societies and we just keep on pumping out garbage take a look at russia iran china and latin america look at the brilliant films they have and we get crap like kisnabr br get real people no wonder the international community in general laughs at indian cinema,neg
set in a postapocalyptic environment cyborgs led by warlord job rein over the human population they basically keep them as livestock as they need fresh human blood to live off nea and her brother managed to survive one of their attacks when she was a kid and years have past when she came facetoface with the cyborgs again but this time shes saved by the cyborg gabriel who was created to destroy all cyborgs job and his men are on their way to capture a largely populated city while nea with revenge on mind pleads gabriel to train her in the way of killing cyborgs and shell get him to gabrielbr br cheap lowrent cyborg postapocalyptic foray by writer director albert pyun who made cyborg prior to it and the blistering nemsis the same year is reasonably a misguided hunk of junk with some interesting novelties very little structure makes its way into the threadbare story as the turgid script is weak corny and overstated the leaden banter tries to be witty but it pretty much stinks and comes across being comical in the unintentional moments most of the occurring actions are pretty senseless and routine the material couldve used another polish up as it was an inspired idea swallowed up by lazy inclusions lack of a narrative and an almost jokey tone the openended cliffhanger conclusion is just too abrupt especially since a sequel has yet to be made makes it feel like that that run out of money and said time to pack up lets finish it off another day or maybe in another decade theres no rush however it did find it rather diverting thanks largely to its quick pace some wellexecuted combat and george mooradians gliding cinematography that beautifully captured the visually arresting backdrop performances are fair kris kristoffersons dry and steely persona works perfectly as gabriel and a selfassured psychically capable kathy long pulls off the stunts expertly and with aggression however her acting is too wooden a mugging lance henriksen gives a mouthwatering performance of pure ham as the villainous cyborg leader job who constantly having a saliva meltdown scott paulin also drums up plenty of gleefulness as one of the cyborgs and gary daniels pouts about as one too pyun strikes up few exciting martial art set pieces involving some flashy vigour and gratuitous slowmotion seeping into the background is a scorching but mechanical sounding music score the special effects and makeup fx stand up fine enough watchable but not quite a success and its minimal limitations can be a cause of that,neg
there is a reason this went straight to video the story is smarmy nick cage plays johnny in a sleazy way sex in churches and other scenes that border on tastelesslike the scene in the laundry room taint this movie judge reinhold as the cuckold is okay but the movie itself with its themes of degradation and revenge are not well done but it is a good film for trivia contests because so few people saw it,neg
although others have commented that this video is just an edited version of the two shows fire in space and living legend if you watch the original shows youll find that dialogue from this video edition was edited out i found this video version much better because scenes and lines were added to it i would say if you want to see the show in its original version see the video versions on vhs they have more to offer the fan than the original episodes being offered on dvd now another good video is conquest for the earth which had more scenes from galactica than did the actual broadcasts themselves overall i rate this as a because it gives you more to enjoy than what the networks wanted to show in the time slot they gave the producers,pos
carter wong plays a noble hero on a quest for a book of healing which leads him seeking ultimate vengeance the pacing is good in this film and there are a lot of fight scenes to keep the movie going the flying guillotines look wicked and the main villain has no problems using them although the story isnt strong the action is fun and draws you to the very end which i felt couldve had a sequelbr br campy and dark this is great ol skool kung fu,pos
spoilers ahead but does it really matter have you ever read a movie review composed entirely of questions could this be it why did an ancient civilization bury artifacts all over the world why is this question never answered why was the opening text crawl incoherent why would a nun she sure seemed nice hand over orphans to a madman has there always been a gold mine in downtown vancouver why does one of the gold mines shafts exit in the front yard of an orphanage why does tara reids character suddenly show up at christian slaters apartment for sex or did i just answer my own question why would even a nonarchaeologist bang open an obviously valuable solid gold chest with a sledgehammer why would modern computers still display green pretronera grid outlines of objects complete with little bleeps and must all movie explosive timers have digital displays why doesnt anything in this movie make any sense,neg
it is a frank zappa axiom that music journalism is people who cant write interviewing people who cant talk for people who cant read if you ever needed proof that musicians cant talk this is the film for you repeated attempts at profundity stumble over themselves to end up in monosyllabic comments delivered in awestruck voices wow thank you idris muhammed this film is pretentious but while much of the pontificating from youssou ndour and his gang of merry men and one token woman grates the music saves the daybr br the main idea behind the film what i take to be the main idea dredged out of the inarticulate commentary is interesting to gather a group of musicians from america and europe and take them on a journey through the different styles of music that grew up in and out of slavery back to their roots in the music of west africa and a concert in the old slave fort of gorée off the coast of senegal we are treated to gospel blues jazz and variations of these including some fantastic drumming both in new orleans and senegal theres also a good deal of ndours own compositionsbr br sadly thats another weakness its never entirely clear what ndour himself wants to achieve to some degree the film appears to be an exercise in selfpromotion on ndours part he wants to play his own music jazzed up to some degree and performed in the company of a bunch of musicians he admires hes clearly a little embarrassed by this and early in the film obtains the blessings of the curator of the gorée museumbr br the clash between the different agendas shows through in several other places for example somebody obviously felt that it was not possible to tell the story of black music without involving a gospel choir but ndour and most of his mates are moslems a point made repeatedly throughout the film the whole early sequence involving the black christians is uncomfortable and then they disappear from the story until the close harmony group the only black christians who can hold a tone turn up in dakar at the end of the film to be fair they turn up triumphantly and perform the best piece in the film if the story of black music needs to nod in the direction of gospel why not also in the direction of latin america where are the black musical influences from the caribbean and brazil samba reggae then theres europe here the black diaspora doesnt seem to have produced any musicians of calibre since ndour chooses to draft in austrian guitarist and a trumpet player from luxemburg are they in the team just because ndour has played with him before what i personally found most irritating though was the long sequence which tried to recreate a kind of s beatnikblack powernation of islam cultural happening in the new york home of amir baraka aka leroi jones hearing people talk about the importance of knowing your history and then in the next breath perpetuating ignorance why do so many africanamericans believe that taking an arabic name is an assertion of their african roots and why do they think arabic islam is so much more admirable than european christianity who do they think established the trade in african slaves in the first place the film doesnt have much to say about the situation in west africa today beyond the platitude that present conditions are a consequence of all the brightest and best having been shipped away for years the senegalese appear to be a poor but happy musical gifted folk friendly and welcoming respectful of their elders and not above fleecing the visiting americans in the fish market is this ethnic stereotyping or just my imagination there is no comment on the armed guard that ndour and the camera crew seem to need in the opening sequence as they walk through the streets of dakarbr br there is also a strong implication in the film that the slaves who were taken from dakar came from dakar the similarity between the folk drumming style of new orleans and the folk drumming style of senegal is cited in evidence the last thing the slaves heard before they were shipped away was the drumming of their homeland bidding them farewell except of course that by and large the slaves shipped from dakar did not come from dakar they were captured or traded from the interior by the coastal senegalese and sold to merchants of whichever european power currently held the gorée slave fort the people of dakar are not the descendents of africans who escaped the slave trade they are just as likely – more likely – to be descendents of the people who sold their black brethren into slavery and exilebr br the two agendas clash again in the final part of the film there are two separate endings on the one hand the concert which ndour and co have been rehearsing and preparing along the way and which they deliver in the courtyard of the gorée slave fort the other end comes when the harmony harmoneers sing the spiritual return to glory in the seaward doorway of the slave fort this is deeply moving even if it is hard to believe the performance is quite as spontaneous as it appearsbr br this is a film that is flawed unclear of the story it is trying to tell and tugged in different directions irritating confusing beautiful and emotional by turns watch it listen to it for the music and the feeling but dont expect enlightenment or intellectual rigour,neg
romantic comedies can really go either way you know youll see one thats really sappy and youll think you want something more realistic then youll see one thats realistic but it might be too dull to keep you interested or maybe youll see one that does everything right but just fails to make you smile romantic comedies are tough movies you go into them with a lot of expectations and usually whether you like it is simply a matter of whether the filmmakes was anticipating your expectations or those of the guy or girl next to youbr br of course if youve got a girl next to you and youre a guy like me it probably doesnt matter all that much whether the movies any good youve got other things on your mind for you i say go get her tiger for the rest of us i say see a guy thing its a lot of funbr br because a guy thing knows youre going in to this movie with expectations so it doesnt pretend that its guy about to get married meets the woman of his dreams and its not his wife plot is going to make everyone happy sure maybe you like it but maybe it doesnt ring true or you think its cruel a guy thing covers that what a guy thing does is fill the screen with the best supporting cast ive seen in a long time so if you dont the main plotline youve still got something to make you smilebr br whether were talking about the seasoned veterans of big and small screen like larry miller pretty woman best in show james brolin traffic julie hagerty airplane david koechner saturday night live and conan obrien regular dirty work austin powers ii or thomas lennon the state and viva variety or new faces like shawn hatosy the faculty or colin foo saving silverman were talking about a bunch of very talented and skilled actors who know exactly how to take advantage of the films inspired characterisation steal the show time after time and still frame the piece with an energy and a joy rarely seen in romantic comedies these daysbr br and thats not to detract from the actual romantic throughline and the stars that carry it along because its very sweet and terribly well done jason lee mallrats chasing amy dogma etc is touching as the young professional whose life may be spinning out of control and selma blair shows an understated brilliance in portraying the aspiring socialite and sophisticated career woman every guy wants to marry except for the guy who actually isbr br a lot of the success of the movie though falls on julia stiles the right girl in the right place at the wrong time and she wears it well not since gosh i dont know when have i seen an actress in a romantic comedy that has made falling in love with her so easy of course its all in the closeups the voice and the subtle smiles but its magical and its one of the big reasons why we go to the movies in the first placebr br but julie stiless slightly offbeat sophistication would be lost were it not for the fact that the rest of the cast is so incredibly deadon in their classic simplicity this is a movie that paints a broken world of irreconcilable stock types makes them fall over each other to make you laugh and then comes through with a great deal of heartbr br a guy thing is a movie youve definitely seen before and the filmmakers clearly knew that when they set down to make it we havent really seen any new romantic comedies since shakespeare the relative success of this one or that one is entirely dependent upon the execution of the classic story of boy meets girl a guy thing does embrace that with a bit of a metacinematic edge often taking the scenes into the absurd in order to give the audience a chance to acknowledge the powerful emotions and ancient plot devices at playbr br for the record it also even manages to poke fun at the rather traditional structural notions of sex and gender that form the center of every romantic comedy so even the feminists out there might get a kick out of itbr br and guys i think we can all agree that we wish our friends are as cool as jason lees friends in this movie im not going to spoil it for you but when you try to explain to your girlfriend why the pharmacist and the clothing store clerk are among the coolest dudes in cinema i suggest you just say its a guy thing and leave it at that,pos
im not a stage purist a movie could have been made of this play and it would almost necessarily require changes comme ci comme ca but the modest conceits of this material are lost or misunderstood by the movies creators who are in fullon shallow blockbuster mode it would be hard to imagine a worse director perhaps only josh logan jack warner could have ruined this in the same way attenborough didbr br onstage a chorus line was a triumph of workshopping as a production method dancers answering a casting call found themselves sitting around shooting the crap about their stagecareer experiences very s then bennett and hamlisch took some time handed them a song and cast them as themselves astonishing unbelievably modern the storyof acl is in turn about answering a casting call for a play we never have a complete view of because the play doesnt matter it was meta before the idea was invented years before adaptation noodled with a similar idea acl was also another in a reductivist trend that is still alive which is a hallmark of modern creativity that technique itself is compelling that theres more drama in an average persons life than you could ever synthesize with invented characters what a gracious idea the stage play had one performance area an empty stage and three different ways to alter the backdrop to alleviate visual tedium not to keep viewers distracted the space recedes and the actors stories are spotlighted it worked just fine that was the point all these ideas are trampled or bastardized setwise there wasnt one and no costumes either until the the dancers came out for their final bows in which the exhilarating one is finally powerfully performed in full gold top hats and tails with moves we recognize because weve watched them in practice sessions the pentup anxiety of the play is released and audiences went nuts br br after grampa manhandles this its like a mushed strangled bird he clearly has the earlier respected all that jazz and fosses stage piece dancin in mind as he makes his choices hamlischs score was edgy interesting for its time but time has not been kind to it its as schmaltzy as jazz hands and thats before attenborough ever touches it hes remarkable at finding whatever good was left and mangling it br br a simple question might have helped attenborough while filming this could i bear spending even a few minutes with people like these a major issue for any adaptation of the play is how the th wall of theater pivotal by its absence in theater would be addressed in the film format theres never been a more frontal play the answer they came up with was im sorry what was the question the cast has been augmented from a manageable number of unique narratives to a crowd suffocating each other and the audience and blending their grating selves together i was well past my annoyance threshold when that annoying little runt swings across the stage on a rope clowning at the absent audience the play made you understand theater people this movie just makes you want to choke thembr br perhaps broadways annoying trend of characters walking directly to stage center and singing their stories at the audience les miz miss saigon instead of relating to other characters started here but the worst imaginable revival of the play will make you feel more alive than this movie br br a chorus line is pure schlock,neg
its a good thing i didnt watch this while i was pregnanti definitely would have cried my eyes out andor vomit it was kind of gruesome mainly disturbing i personally thought the baby was adorable in its own twisted little wayhowever as a mom i cringed when beth stabbed herself in the stomach and when virgina aborted the child during her rd trimester with rusty utensils no lessalsoas an animal lover i almost cried when she scratched the cat to a bloody pulphoweveras creepy and sinister as the baby was i was rooting for it to liveand as twisted as the movie was i am extremely intrigued to see the sequel ,neg
this is is a thoroughly unpleasant if slickly made movie i tried it because it stars richard dreyfus and jeff goldblum two good actors and because the plot line a mob boss is about to be released from a mental institution sounded promising the movie is billed as a comedy sorta what we have is an endless series of shots you should pardon the pun of people in dimly lit and elegant if somewhat surreal interiors shooting each other in the head stomach kneecap foot heart no part of the anatomy is avoided it seems while uttering vague and cryptic dialogue some of which is supposed evidently to be humorous in a sort of postmodern way goldblums dialogue for the whole movie could fit on a x card and he wears a single facial expression a sardonic grin throughout ellen barkin and gregory hines do the best they can burt reynolds does a cameo the credits list rob reiner and joey bishop but i somehow missed them good move on their part the whole thing is cold sterile mechanical and unsavory an heir i suspect to the style of pulp fiction fargo and natural born killers if you liked those youll probably like this,neg
millie is a sap she marries a rich guy named maitland and they have a child she then catches him cheating on her and divorces himbut lets him keep the kid she claims to love back then in the early s she would have been entitled to hefty spousal and child support but lets the guy off amazingly easywith no supportwhat a sap later when she has a boyfriend and life seems pretty good he turns out to also be a cheat wow does she have a hard time picking menbr br as a result of these bad relationships millie changes now shes a wild party girldoing everything she can to distract herself from her hard luck suddenly many years pass millies daughter who she left early on in the film is now and oddly fashions havent changed one bit an old friend of millies yes its another evil man is now pretending to be the daughters friend but he has lecherous designs on her millie promises him that if he touches the girl shell kill him take a wild guess what happens next br br overall the film is a confusing and often bizarre messa bit like madam x but much much less focused so often millies motivations and actions seem to make little sense and the film seems to have a little of everything tossed into itso long as it substantiates the notion that all men are pigs unusual but not particularly good,neg
my god what an incredible movie it is reminded me so much of the similar scene in mel gibsons movie we were soldiers when the company is not lost theyre just cut off and the other scene in pearl harbour when the british officer says to ben affleck if all americans are like you then god help the nation that goes to war with americabr br put all movies together and you would have enough bullshit to fertilise the entire sahara desertbr br the story of the cutoff battalion may be real enough but the movie could have done without all that american preachy jingoistic propaganda attached to it there were audible groans in the cinema during the abovementioned scene in pearl harbour no kidding either the lost battalion however is really in a class of its own …br br americans think they are unbeatable…inspired bravery… i actually cringed and damn near puked at all the swill being spewed out throughout this diarrhoeic disaster the movie that is br br the fighting scenes were well made stars for that but if the script is manure then wrapped even in brightly coloured ribbons it is still manure the writer james carabatsos also wrote those other screamers…hamburger hill no mercy heartbreak ridge someone please shoot him before he writes any more such garbagebr br the director russell mulcahy is an australian too god the shame,neg
most action films are crass of hindi cinema especially of sunny and his family br br the film is typical sunny type with bashes big dialogues and melodramabr br the film also has typical rajiv rai ingredients of many henchmen and a weird villainbr br the starting is okay and then the shift to kenya is good but then the film goes on and on br br the sequence of events move at a slow pace and nothing that great happensbr br they are many stupid scenes like the kenya policemen are shown like jokers especially sharatbr br the climax too is prolongedbr br rajiv rai does an okay job music is okay only song works and that is the last toofan camerawork is goodbr br sunny deol is as usual chunky acts like a monkey while his serious scenes are laughable naseer is alright heroines are pure wood amrish puri is not even half as scary as he was in tridev the rest are okay,neg
i cried my heart out watching this movie i have never suffered from any eating disorder but i think this must be a very true picturebr br alison lohman is excellent she expresses these feelings amazingly well my teenage years came back to me so vividly anyone who has gone through difficult times as a child or teenager will be able to relate to this movie i recommend you all to see itbr br the music is great too ive now discovered diana lordenbr br im also looking forward to seeing alison lohman in white oléander because i am positive she is perfectly suited for the role as agnes,pos
when i found this film in my local videostore i expected it to be another cheesy american vampire film in the same vein of the lost boysto my surprise to die for is a really good movieits a little bit corny at timesbut still there are enough stylish setpieces and surprises to satisfy vampire enthusiaststhis is a perfect mix of romance and horror and its surprisingly gory at timeshighly recommended,pos
although i had no earthly idea on what to expect from this movie this sure as hell wasnt what i would have had in mind had anything actually come to mind once i heard of its existence all i knew was that i had to own a movie called please dont eat the babies unfortunately i could only find a copy under its alternate title island fury looking back i guess i could call it a loselose situation on one hand i still dont get to be known as the guy who owns a movie called please dont eat the babies and on the other hand island fury would ultimately reveal itself to be an awful pointless boring unwatchable piece of garbage yeah definitely loselosebr br im not even sure what genre theyre going for here just early s badness with a flashback that might actually be longer than the nonflashback first up two teenage girls are being chased by two bad guys once caught the bad guys bring to our attention that one of the girls have a coin on a string around her neck and somehow these bad guys know of a lot more of these coins hidden on an island somewhere and this is where things start to get weird somehow these guys know of a trip the girls took to some island years earlier when they were only i guess this is supposed to mean that the girls should know exactly where this alleged treasure is so now were in the past while the girls try to retrace their steps so these bad guys dont kill them although i wouldnt have minded if they had in the flashback the year old counterparts are on a boat trip with their sisters and the sisters boyfriends eventually stopping by an island for some air they get mixed up with some kid and his killer grandparents any potential suspense or reasons to keep on watching never shows up but the flashback was undeniably better than the present which still isnt saying muchbr br for a while there i had forgotten about the original story at one point i ithought maybe the director had too and when the flashback ended that would be the end which would have worked for me considering this disappointment would have been a halfhour shorter this pointless movie within a pointless movie does eventually end and real stuff does happen but its stupid i guess i didnt exactly expect a movie filled with infants being devoured or anything like that but i did expect some form of outlandish bentertainment mostly just a confusing inept storyline unsure of its genre my advice would be to seek out something worthwhile like attack of the beast creatures if anyone i would only recommend this one to serious bmovie collectors who must have them all anyone else interested probably has brain damage what really gets me is that i still have no idea why they called it please dont eat the babies ,neg
this animation has a very simple and straightforward good vs evil plot and is all about action what sets it apart from other animation is how well the human movements are animated it was really beautiful seeing the fleeing woman running around on the screen from left to right and look around her movements were done so well why dont they use this rotoscopic technique more these days its quite effectivebr br fire and ice in its prehistoric setting and scarcely dressed women was clearly devoted to showing the beautiful damsel in distress in various sexy ways her voluptuous body serving as pure eyecandy some may hate this and regard it as yet another moronic male sexual fantasy others including plenty of women will adore its esthetic quality i for sure did not mind bakshi just loves animating lushious voluptuous babes as can also be seen in cool world and i dont think he has to apoligize since its pretty much animation for adults but i had also enjoyed this animation as a child and i never forgot itbr br this one was just special so different from the standard disney or anime fare and for that reason alone well worth the watch since its possibly bakshis finest for those who like animations with lushious women try space adventure cobra as wellbr br i give fire and ice out of ,pos
dreck about three beautiful women in california who go to cover some festival or something all the hotels are booked so they have to spend the night in a creepy old house what they dont know is that there is a creepy inhabitant there who likes to killbr br yawn boring pointless utterly stupid horror film bach and her two buddies are certainly beautiful but the movie itself is dull dull dull bach and her friends are no actressestheir faces are blank all the way through the final revelation is laughably predictable and theres no blood or gore to keep you interested along the way there is some expected gratuitous female nudity but thats not enough to save this boring pointless and unknown for good reason a all the way,neg
this movie is amazing while being funny and entertaining it is also profoundly deep and eyeopening i will watch it again and again bruce is a guy who is unhappy with his life he has a job and a life but it isnt what he thinks it will take to bring him happiness bruce is bitter unsatisfied and resentful that his life isnt the way he envisions it should be as a result of this state of mind bruce ends up losing his job and blaming god for everything that he thinks is wrong with his life god comes to bruce and grants him godly powers bruce uses these powers to get everything he has always wanted his life is finally exactly what he envisioned it would take to make him happywith one exception in the process of gaining everything he loses the one person who truly loved him as the movie unfolds bruce learns that the real change that needed to occur in his life was not the circumstances but his perception of what was truly there this movie was inspirational and deep if you really pay attention it forces you to look at your life with a deeply humbling respect for the fact that a lot of the time we are so much more blessed than we recognize as my wife says since when does anybody know what it takes to make them happy and my humble addition may we not lose ourselves and those who matter while we try to find out,pos
this us soap opera knots landing has all the entertainment value of being trapped in an elevator every episode contained plots such as rape murder kidnapping and drug smuggling not much different to the plots of other drama shows of the period as for the cast ive seen better actors on a cereal box from the mid to late s repeats of knots stunk up ukgold like a mountain of mildewing nappies i regret to announce that i had to suffer this as my mother was a huge fan of the show and would watch it religiously though since then reruns have been few and far between lets hope it stays that way the only positive thing that can be said of knots is the catchy saxophone signature tune later used as the title music for the itv sitcom the upper hand great legacy that eh,neg
i must admit i do not hold much of new age mumbo jumbo when people exchange energy i always wonder how much kj is actually exchanged and how it may contribute to solving the global warming problem when energy is enforced i always wonder how they managed to violate the laws of entropy and still are without nobel prizes when people feel how well instinct enables them to flawlessly navigate through the complexities of life i wonder how they fail to do a simple thing like finding the train stationbr br but then again this is not the first movie with plot holes and most of them i find perfectly acceptable and entertaining if this were the case with the celestine prophecy i wouldnt burn this movie down but unfortunately it isnt every actor seems to be bored out of his head and unable to grasp what he are actually supposed to be doing on location this results in many ahs and ohs like i tend to do when talking about quantum physics with somebody who actually knows what he is talking about and pretend to understandbr br the direction is uninspired as well you might expect something more from the guy who did what dreams may come but hey i supposed he got well paid for the job and adopted the attitude of a new york taxi driver its your money buddy the only one who seems to be having fun is alltime bad guy jürgen prochnow not only does he have a job he is one of the few actors in this movie who may have a few wise cracks at this eternal and terribly boring new age chatterbr br this movie is much like one of these dinner dates when you find out that your date is actually a horrible bore who seems to be unable to shut up at one moment in time it seems the words turn into small ping pong balls that are thrown to your head incessantly until it hurtsbr br if you want to have a good time and have to choose between this movie and sticking safety pins in your eyelids take my advise choose the latter,neg
even though this movie came out a year before i was born it is definetely one of my favorite comedies it stars redd foxx as a father who tries to understand his sons homosexuality like most parents he doesnt know a thing about what it means to be gay and has all of these stereotypical notions of what gay people are like his son norman is now grown up and living on his own when his father ben finds out that his son is gay he pays his son a visit in hopes of changing him the title comes from one of the funniest lines in the moviewhen ben gets to normans apartments he runs into a female prostitute and thinks its his son in drag norman is that you the movie had me laughing from start to finish redd foxx is great although a lot of the content is stereotypical i didnt find anything offensive about the way the material was handled and it even has a good ending highly recommended,pos
i love sharks and mutants and explosions theoretically with those parameters in mind hammerhead shark frenzy should have been the best movie everbr br it is notbr br the monster looks like a villain from power rangers and has approximately the same range of rubbery movement this might be okay if the makers werent quite as proud of its design as they seem to be that is to say for a guy in a big rubber suit in an actionscifihorror flick that could benefit from some mystery the shark gets a lot of screen time granted it is usually shaky and erratic i guess youre supposed to assume that its so scary that even the camera guy freaks outbr br the camera goes to a person about to get eaten the camera goes to the shark the camera goes back to the person about to get eaten only now they are screaming and armless and so onbr br the costuming is bad the acting is poor and the special effects are subpar but the writing is by far the worst things happen completely randomly so that more people can be eaten or so something can explode because let me tell you the people who made this movie definitely went in with a more explosions more better mindset characters shoot cars and there is a massive explosion they shoot helicopters there is a massive explosion barrels rocks trees whatever they all explode so much so that the freaking shark even explodes at the endbr br speaking of which i dont care how crazy a person is i find it hard to believe that anyone would think trying to make a giant halfperson halfshark have sex with a woman in order to make freaky shark people babies is a good idea that is unless that person is the mad scientist in this moviebr br the bad thing is the movie is so random and at times boring that even its badness is not really enough to hold a persons prolonged interest it might be a good one to mstk with your friends but past that if you happen to catch this bad boy on do yourself a favor and change the channel,neg
images are great and reflect well the landscapes of canada the story was on the other side quite boring to my eyes it was a love story in the woods just like titanic was a love story on a boat i did not feel that grey owl was great environmentalist i usually like lord attenborough but this one was bad,neg
this is my favorite show i think it is utterly brilliant thanks to david chase for bringing this into my lifebr br season br br the sopranos br br long br br denial anger acceptance br br meadowlands br br collegebr br pax soprana br br down neck br br the legend of tennessee moltisanti br br boca br br a hit is a hit br br nobody knows anything br br isabella br br i dream of jeannie cusamano ,pos
i watched this movie last week sometime and had the biggest laugh ive had in a long while the plot of the film is pretty dumb and convoluted in a badly crafted way the only plus to be found anywhere in the film are corey saviers impressive abs alexandra paul i think thats her name is horrendous as the preachers wife who has a history of depression ted mckenzie is gross and his characters a twit on top of it all and as if the fact that you think shes having sex with her son isnt enough they throw in needless sax solos at every opportunity the end and climax of this film is absolutely abysmal and also laughable i mean who the hell wants to carry the child of a con who tried to make you think he was your son and that you were having an incestuous relationship with him,neg
this was a silly movie with a predictable storyline and dreadful acting willy nelson was as stiff as his braids the movie just seemed like a very long advert for the bright red lipstick that jessica simpson wore especially as there were so many closeups on her face the premise was not amusing and as i said soooooooo predictable whatever money was spent on making this movie was a shameful waste any allusions to other old marilyn monroe movies did not enhance the viewing of blonde ambition at all it was also so unbelievable jessica simpson being able to step into an executive secretary position at the drop of a hat that was laughable,neg
i originally saw this movie as a boy at the old rialto theatre as part of a saturday afternoon matinée triple bill which also featured vincent prices last man on earth and mario bavas nightmare castle i had nightmares about blood lusting ghosts for a week afterwards though i didnt know it then all three movies would prove to be classics of the genre no wonder i was so scared though all three films frightened me it was castle of blood that had the most profound impactbr br it was the first on the bill i didnt even get to see it from the beginning as we were late getting to the cinema and missed the first minutes of the movie thats lot to miss since the edited print only ran about minutes the unedited runs minutes but despite this the dark creepy atmosphere complete with ruined castles fog enshrouded cemeteries shadows and cobwebs gothic set design strong acting and suspense especially the last minutes scared the bejeepers out of me and made a lasting impression it took me years to finally get a copy of the film for my collection since it was a french italian import it wasnt a movie that showed up on the late show in winnipeg i couldnt quite remember the title remember i didnt get to seen the beginning of the film and was scared witless and to make matters worse the film had been released under literally a dozen different movie titles aka danze macabre coffin of terror castle of terror long night of terror etc and the usauk working title castle of blood was very generic similar to dozens of other b horror and suspense films making it illusive but thanks to the internet and perseverance i found it at last what a treat to finally watch the film in its entirety after so many years it may not have had quite the sheer emotional impact that it did when i was a boy but as haunted house movies go its stands up well and compares favourably to similar iconic films of the period such as the haunting the innocents or black sunday the film is a fine early effort of italian director antonio margheriti it stars s scream queen icon barbara steele and features a well written screenplay by sergio corbucci about a sceptical writer georges riviere who on a bet spends the night in haunted house and unsuspectingly becomes part of an annual ongoing ghostly story the hypnotic steele is well cast as the ghostly love interest as is arturo dominici as dr carmus and margarete robsahm as juliabr br many of the tricks margheriti employs to create the films eerie atmosphere cobwebs creaking doors fog etc are bound to seem cliché to a modern audience but they work far more effectively in black and white than they ever could in modern day colour rather than using body counts and special effects the film creates scares the old fashion way relying on a good story stylish direction fine set production interesting camera work and strong acting performances margheriti does a marvellous job taking these elements and building the films suspense as the horrifying paranormal secret of the house gradually reveals itself to the unwitting writerbr br the film is not without faults the pace drags at the beginning of the film ironically the minutes i originally missed this is probably worsened by synapse films effort to restore the film to its original length though fans will likely appreciate the chance to see the film restored in terms of the intro it may have been more of hindrance than a help the english voice dubs are merely passable and in the restored scenes the language shifts from english to french english subtitles provided which is sure to be annoying to some viewersbr br however synapse films deserves kudos for the quality of the print clearly some effort was put into its restoration and deservedly sobr br i enjoyed the film immensely and highly recommend it to aficionados of s italian goth films or anyone who enjoys a good ghost storybr br rob rheubottom winnipeg mb canada,pos
i watched this film not really expecting much i got it in a pack of films all of which were pretty terrible in their own way for under a fiver so what could i expect and you know what i was right they were all terrible this movie has a few and a few is stretching it interesting points the occasional camcorder view is a nice touch the drummer is very like a drummer ie damned annoying and well thats about it actually the problem is that its just so boring in what i can only assume was an attempt to build tension a whole lot of nothing happens and when it does its utterly tedious i had my thumb on the fast forward button ready to press for most of the movie but gave it a go and seriously is the lead singer of the band that great looking coz they dont half mention how beautiful he is a hell of a lot i thought he looked a bit like a meercat all this and i havent even mentioned the killer im not even gonna go into it its just not worth explaining anyway as far as im concerned star and london are just about the only reason to watch this and with the exception of london who was actually quite funny it wasnt because of their acting talent ive certainly seen a lot worse but ive also seen a lot better best avoid unless your bored of watching paint dry,neg
godzilla vs king ghidorah is a perfect example how a great idea can be ruined by pathetic topics like pseudopatriotism here travellers from the future try to ruin japan replacing the local hero godzilla with their puppy monster the threeheaded golden dragon king ghidorah they fail however and in the end godzilla fights ghidorah the battles between the two behemoths are very cool but the plot of the movie is full with holes and the all thing about japan is great is really stupid the creators of this movie didnt even threat with respect the enemies of japan making them stupid big blond guys who are easily outsmarted by the clever japanese the good thing is that in the end godzilla and king ghidorah nearly destroyed the both japan and its ridiculous enemies in one actually two spectacular combats but till this battle royale the film was really dull and pathetic,neg
reading my review of the house that screamed many may assume that im some year old who thinks scream is considered classic horror this is not the case as im years old and have been watching horror films for most of my life but admittedly im a child of the s that grew up on slasherzombieghostcannibal etctypes of horror films so i do typically prefer horror films that are more graphic and fasterpaced just like someone who can appreciate different music painting or in this case film but not necessarily like them i can appreciate why some people may enjoy this sort of filmi just dontbr br the house that screamed is an exceedingly dull and tedious film about a school for wayward girls the heavyhanded mistress of the school rules with an iron hand or whip in some cases to keep the girls in line she has a young son who creeps around and peeps on the girls while they shower in their nightgowns no less and meanwhile girls are disappearing from the school as they are the victim of a murderer whos lurking about the campusbr br i can see why the house that screamed is often compared to suspiria which is a masterpiece of a film in my opinion in terms of the atmosphere of the school itself and the interaction between the girls and their guardians but this film is so dull and uneventful that i could barely stay awake im all for tension and suspense in horror films but this film held neither for me luckily i wasnt expecting a whole lot going into this one so i cant say i was really disappointed the house that screamed just reinforced the fact that i personally dont typically enjoy most horror films much older than from the s this isnt a hard and fast rule but those that i have enjoyed definitely seem to be more of the exception probably a mustsee for horror fans who enjoy more understated and suggestive horror films but as i dont really know too many fans of that sort of material i cant really recommend this one,neg
there is no possible reason i can fathom why this movie was ever madebr br why must hollywood continue to crank out one horrible update of a classic after another cases in point mister magoo the avengers awful br br christopher lloyd whom i normally enjoy was so miserably miscast in this role his manic portrayal of our beloved uncle martin is so unspeakably unenjoyable to be almost criminal his ranting groaning grimacing and histrionics provide us with no reason to care for his character except as some dimensional cartoon characterbr br the director must have thought that fast movements screaming dialogue and onetake slapstick had some similarity to comedy apparently he told every actor to act as if they had red ants in their pantsbr br fault must lie with the irresponsibly wrought script i think the writer used its a mad mad mad mad world as an example of a fine comedy script as manic as that classic is it is far superior to this claptrap in fact suddenly it looks pretty good in comparisonbr br what is most sad about this movie is that it must have apparently been written to appeal to young children i just am not sure whose children it was made for certainly no selfrespecting cardcarrying child i knowbr br if they had to remake my favorite martian why didnt they add some of the timeless charm of the original classic br br unfortunately imdbcom cannot factor in zero as a rating for its readers that is the only rating that comes to mind in describing this travestybr br one good thing did come from this movie the actors and crew were paid i think,neg
the only part lacking in this movie is shues part as the daughter wanting to follow in her aunts footsteps as a daytime soap star otherwise it would be a perfect br br it seems that every actor enjoyed their parts and overacting to fulfill their own enjoyment as well as the script i have to wonder if a little ad libing wasnt taking place in parts it was well cast and there are some classic lines that will stick with youbr br its a fantastic movie everyone should see at least once id recommend not drinking anything that would sting coming out your nosebr br youll definitely want to watch the last scene closely nurse nan has a little secret shed rather not have shared with youbr br if you love daytime soaps or despise them this move pokes fun in all the right places,pos
have no illusions this is a morality story granger is the troubled exbuffalo hunter tempted back to the plains one more time by killcrazed taylor granger can see the end is near and feels deeply for the cost of the hunton the herds the indians and the land itself taylor on the other hand admittedly equates killing buffalo or indians to being with a woman while grangers role of the tortured hunter is superb its taylor who steals the show as the demented immoral everyman out for the fast buck and the goodtimes theres not a lot of bangbang here but the story moves along quickly and we are treated to a fine character performance by nolan the theme of this story is just as poignant today as in the smans relationship to the land and whats on it and racism considering when this was made the censors must have been wringing their hankies during the scenes in the bawdy house taylors relationship with the squaw and much of the dialogue although downbeat this is truly a great western picture,pos
this is the kind of movie you regret you put in your vcr it is some weird bad rip off version of stephen kings movie misery i cannot understand how this movie got a score because it has no story what so ever and when the movie finally ended i was relievedbr br this movie should have been released as a shortmovie instead to much time is spent on the same thing and as in every bad movie everything happens just at the end of the movie in a minutes time spanbr br so before you decide to watch this movie be sure to put some new batteries in your remote control because you are going to do whole lot of fastforwarding dont worry you wont miss anything important,neg
hitchcock was of the opinion that audiences arent really interested in what puts protagonists into danger only that they are in danger and need to escapebr br this film proves hitchcock was not correct police believe jean simmons is guilty of a crime when she plainly isnt trevor howard decides their best course of action is to run for it and so the body of the movie has our charismatic pair dodging on and off trains buses and coaches jumping across rocks at the top of a waterfall scrambling across dockyard roofsbr br all good exciting stuff but i couldnt get out of my mind that it was all unnecessary they should have stayed putbr br in other words the macguffin wasnt strong enough,pos
being someone who lists night of the living dead at number three in her top five favorite movies of all time and at the same time loving this student film parody i feel i must defend this movie against the previously posted scathing reviews this short but sweet opus has always been a crowdpleaser at horror and science fiction movie marathons where those who attend have a love of the genre yet know not to take zombie movies too seriously this film is a tribute to the original not an insult it is intended to be funny and many others who i have heard chant for and applaud it agree with me that it succeeds especially for those of us who have seen notld times watch for the director cameo as news reporter jeff drexel and also if you have the opportunity catch his alien parody loaf,pos
this is a movie that should be seen by everyone if you want to see great acting mr torn and ms farrel do an outstanding job i think they should have it on tv again so a new audience can enjoy it wonderful performancesbr br it gives you a real feel of what the pioneers had to go through both physically and emotionally great unheard of moviebr br it was done when ms farrel was very young i had always thought of her as a comedian but this certainly is not a comedy and she is just wonderful there is very little dialogs but that just make it seem more real mr torn as always is a great presence and just his breathing has great feeling i must see movie,pos
this is an art film that was either made in or the national film preservation foundation says and imdb says regardless of the exact date the film definitely appears to be very indicative of this general time periodwith some camerawork and pop art stylings that are pure late searly sbr br the film consists of three simple images that are distorted using different weird camera tricks these distorted images are accompanied by music and there is absolutely no dialog or plot of any sort this was obviously intended as almost like a form of performance art and like most performance art its interesting at first but quickly becomes tiresome the film to put it even more bluntly is a total bore and would appeal to no one but perhaps those who made the film their family and friends and perhaps a few people just too hip and with it to be understood by us mortals,neg
this one and her pilgrim soul are two of my favorite episodes in this new version of twilight zone as i mentioned in my comment on the new series theres something lacking in this new series maybe they emphasize too much the lesson that has to be learned its a little bit more mawkish and sentimental than serlings version however this episode can be considered as quite sentimental too i think the appeal is that no matter what they do the lovers can never unite i remember i wasnt surprised by the korean movie il mare later remade into the lake house i think its because i saw this episode first so it ruined the impact of the later film,pos
about the importance of being young having friends and most of all enjoying life through the experience of four friends ligabue shows to the audience how life was back in the s in a small italian village the four carachters represent the four different aspects of human behavior also the drug experience is well represented,pos
i absolutely fail to see what is funny in this film the humor seems to be destined for corpses its slow the story is too simple to be true the characters do not raise much sympathy a few nonimportant characters aside nothing surprising happens what did the writers of this script think oooo funny lets make some old ladys high on pot lets make them giggle lets make them behave like little children oooo yes thats absolutely brilliant and originalbr br this film has irritated me most from all the films ive seen in the last five years,neg
dolph lundgren is back detention marks dolphs first film in nearly years and that is following the delayed hidden agenda this film still marks an improvement for dolph over his cheapie trilogy of jill rips agent red and stormcatcher however this film is well below the standard of hidden agenda which was better in almost every respect what this film does have in its favour from dolphs previous outing is a sense of cheesy fun the film also has a rejuvenated dolph back in a high action role and its good to see dolph doing his own stunts againbr br the films story is ludicrous and prime bmovie material an exmilitary man is now a teacher and on his last day of teaching whilst taking a detention class he runs into some slovakian bad guys who have taken over the school to use as cover for a big drug deal the film has no originality but in a movie of this type you need to have a sense of fun with all the cliches if you take it too seriously the audience will find little to enjoy thankfully the filmmakers dont take matters too seriously and along with all the action cliches you can think of and the predictability this film has a so bad its enjoyable kind of vibebr br where the film is let down is missusing a fairly decent budget the budget of around million has not been well spent its all up on screen with plenty of carnage and big explosions but a lot of the shootouts lack imagination the opening action is okay but after that the good moments become more sparse there are some good moments you have a car careering through school hallways for example and a decent shootout at the beginning with plenty of destruction the rest of the shootouts are fairly mechanical but there is plenty going on onscreen br br as for the cast hidden agenda boasted the best cast dolph has worked with in ages there was a good standard of actors for a dtv film this however has problems the actors are on the most part bad the bad guys are terrible but the lead bad guy has a kind of enjoyable cheesiness because alex karsis plays it so over the top and without the hint of any menace that you can laugh at the pure badness the teenagers of the piece are actually good but they are playing such cliched characters they all hate authority each other and all have bad attitudes and of course by the end they learn important life lessons but generally they are decent and chris collins in particular has a likeability this movie is all about dolph though while this film is nowhere near his best it is nowhere near his worst it also marks a turning point in his career he is now back in good shape and will be in even better shape in his next film direct action dolph looks enthusiastic here he does all his own stunts and it is good to see him play the typical action man running from explosions in slowmo one liners and handling large weapons again in a movie like his older ones albeit with less flair and imagination than cliched films like army of one it is good to see dolph looking energised his films of the last or so years have seen dolph looking a little more weary and using doubles a lot he still does all the fights himself though but the new streamlined dolph seems up for itbr br overall this is watchable if only for the cheese value and dolph in prime action man mode theres not a single surprise but it has a laughably inept kind of charm ,pos
nicholas walker is paul the local town reverand whos married to martha ally sheedy but also is a habitual womanizer and decides to fake his own death to run away with his current affair veronica dara tomanovich however in so doing he gets a bout of amnesia hence the name of the film sally kirkland is also on hand as a crazy old coot who pines for the good reverand in a shades of misery type of way its sad to see a pretty good cast wasted like this not the least bit john savage in a horridly forgettable role as a shoddy private investigator in a film billed as a black comedy one has to bring both elements into said movie while this does bring the former in spades it sadly contains none of the latter furthermore you cant emphasize with any of the characters and as thus have absolutely no vested interest in them technically not an alltogether bad movie just an extremely forgettable onebr br eye candy dara tomanovich gets topless sally kirkland also shows some skin br br my grade c br br where i saw it showtime showcase,neg
i was intrigued by the title so during a small bout of insomnia fueled by my curiosity i stayed up and watched it i then checked my tv listings and watched it again there is one very obvious realization that occurred to me when i saw this film in spite of politics traditions culture etc teenagers everywhere are virtually the same the characters of the kids from belgrade could have been transported to lets say somewhere in the american midwest during the same time period and language differences aside would be impossible to tell apart from any of the local teens of that era they certainly displayed the same growing pains and preoccupations politics aside music sex movie idols music drinking sports music as a matter of fact much the same things that occupied my time growing up in s southern californiabr br this was a bittersweet story but the joy of youth made it very enjoyable the characters especially the young actors were completely believable also i wont say this was the yugoslav american graffiti but i will say that it fits in nicely with other sthemed movies,pos
spoilers spoilers packed with memorable moments such as the quote above immortalized by primus deliverance tells the story of four guys who take a trip to the wild woods to go white water rafting and get away from the big city for a while only to find that their fun soon takes a bad turn this is not a hollywood film there are virtually no special effects whatsoever the setting is extremely realistic and nothing at all is sugarcoated or made pretty the city boys look like city boys and even the tough guy louis portrayed with precision by burt reynolds is clearly at the mercy of the wild on this trip this is a perfect example of a whatif film what if a few friends went river rafting in an area of the woods that none of them were familiar with and ended up desperately trying to avoid being tried and convicted for murders that they were forced to commit to save their own livesbr br there is clearly a very strong element of the film that deals with societal and class structure and the relationship or lack thereof between rural and urban peoples when the four guys arrive in the woods early in the film they clearly do not quite know how to interact with the people who live out there and they speak to them as though they are unsure whether they will understand or be able to communicate this communication block is most memorably illustrated in the dueling banjoes scene in which they are trying to gas up the car and truck and get someone to drive the vehicles downriver for them while drew and the obviously inbred and probably mentally deficient boy on the porch are dueling with their guitar and banjo one of the best scenes in the film louis is having some difficulty buying the gas and bobby makes a comment about genetic deficiencies and how pathetic it all is when the boy turns away from drew who had offered to shake his hand after their stupendous jam session bobby tells him to give the kid a couple bucks knowing that none of them are quite sure how to reactbr br this is the kind of thing that we see in deliverance that sets up so much of the tension that is to follow this great scene where a lot of fun was had including the funniest redneck dancing scene until o brother where art thou ended with everyone awkwardly unsure what to do around each other these people are apples and oranges and they live by completely different rules of life the people that louis bobby drew and ed encounter in the hills grew up separated from modern society and modern laws and live by the rules of nature which do not include thou shalt not kill confused by their awkward behavior the four friends set out on the river hoping for the weirdness to end and for the adventure to beginbr br spoilers when they are briefly separated from each other and ed and bobby run into the hillbillies beside the river who quickly turn unpleasant the uncertainty about the way that these people live which was established by the scene above comes into play to create the most tension during the scene i think that a good sign of a quality thriller like this is that the tragic element of the film namely the assaults and actual murders takes up a very small amount of screen time but remain some of the most memorable parts of the film there is no gratuitous violence here its all there for an obvious purpose and it achieves a startlingly powerful effectbr br the move is about the violent clash of two very different kinds of people and what can happen when they inadvertently find themselves at war with each other the trip down the rest of the river after the assault which takes up the majority of the film delivers some spectacularly effective tension and keeps you on the edge of your seat while not bombarding you with so much happening that you become numb it is surprisingly effective when we find out that ed may very well have killed the wrong man up there on the cliff and the tension in the film doesnt even let up when the three surviving members of the team reach the bottom of the river because they deliver a questionable explanation to the police about what happened up there on the river and why the deputys brotherinlaw is missingbr br this is a very disturbing film which is a testament to its success because its pretty obvious that a film like this is meant to shake people up a little bit the hillbillies are the human ie more realistic version of the subhuman rednecks seen in childish but fairly similar films like gator bait and gator bait neither of which could possibly ever be compared to a timeless film like deliverance when we follow these four men through their fateful weekend in the woods the natural element is so real and we get to know the men so well and in such a subtle fashion that its almost like we as individuals of the audience are really a fifth member of the team its not often that a film is able to come across that way,pos
after reading several good reviews as well as hearing nice things about it by word of mouth i decided to rent come undone i must say i was rather disappointed the story was hard to follow because the film is set as a series of flashbacks between the present and recent past that are very poorly executed the characters despite the actors best efforts are flat and uninteresting the sex is and nudity are more explicit than they need to be ive never seen a film where they seemed so unnecessary to the plot the ending is very anticlimatic and leaves many unanswered questions to a story line that wasnt explained well to begin with in my opinion a waste of time,neg
this movie was awful i had a very difficult time watching this all the way through i didnt get the point of the movie what was the point of this movie the soundtrack was bad acting was bad and the story uninspiring the two main characters in the movie were very boring and their dialog was uninteresting there was no chemistry among any of the cast members i dont know this for a fact but i suspect that most of the actors were first timers the movie could have easily been cut down to about an hour and half without losing the plot that indicates how many useless scenes there were in the movie i would have rather ha a root canal during the two hours of the movie i want those two hours back if you want to watch good funny movie that is family friendly and made by a bunch of mormons watch napoleon dynamite instead,neg
my what a directors intuition can bring on material that needs just the right nudge in the right directions young mr lincoln is filled up with some oldfashioned values which in retrospect despite its twodimensional portrayal is at least more respectably done than one might see in the pap in current cinema what makes it work so extremely well as it does in all its simplicity and grandeur is that its a truly great courtroom drama in the guise of a history lesson br br we all know of abraham lincoln as the th president that did the emancipation and after the civil war got assassinated but as the lawyer in his earlier years he was charismatic funny in the most unexpected places and a true gentleman hes not some superhero that can do no wrong which was fondas only apprehension to the part before signing on but a figure with possible flaws that are surpassed by his innate goodness and clear sight of right and wrongbr br its suffice to say that john ford is exceptional as a storyteller almost without trying actually its a lie he does try but he makes it sort of effortless in the studio system he worked in an independent manner while also pleasing simultaneously zanuck so he was pretty much left alone to his own succinct practices in editing in camera and not moving it around so as to not waver far off from the story its this strength of conventional wisdom that somehow works hand in hand with the material as a kind of companion piece to the fullblooded americana in as seen in mr smith goes to washington only here its the law and not politics br br fonda is terrific in the lead his first with ford and never lets us loose sight of lincoln past the makeup and extra boost in the shoes fondas own personality in a sense as it would in grapes of wrath and my darling clementine comes out in the character of lincoln however unlikely it might be theres no one else from this period that could have played him then hes mature and wise but has the gumption to prove himself in this case of a convoluted hesawthatbutdidshe murder casebr br only in little bits and pieces like that final shot which superimposes lincoln walking down the road with his monument and a couple of small instances during that big parade scene early on seem pretty dated as far as the goals set out with young mr lincoln there were all met by ford and his crew and cast its not as hokey as one might think going in and its got a strong balance of humor and genuine pathos,pos
perhaps the most personal of david lynchs works is his most accessible this time rather than the enigmatic thematic structures that may or may not involve a plot or represent anything more than vivid nightmares lynch provides a reflective fragile meditation on the universal subjects of aging and family and finds reassurance in both the simple true story of an iowa farmer richard farnsworth who rides a lawn mower to wisconsin to visit his estranged stricken brother there are still plenty of the unique and original visual dreamscapes some rather striking aerial shots of the heartland filmed by veteran cinematographer freddy francis to make it an undeniable lynch effort and characterizations that are some of his most unforgettable farnsworth is excellent in a stoic yet personable way allowing the stories he hears on his journey to become a part of his life and sissy spacek turns in some of her finest work in a smaller role as his mentally challenged yet observant daughter whose painful secret is revealed in a poignant way through a gentle turn in the sensitive script by john roach and mary sweeney but the rest of the small cast to a person delivers indelible performances one of the most notable being barbara robertson whose accidental killing of a deer is both uproarious and sad at the same time but thats vintage lynch with his ability to engage and unsettle you at his best to those unfamiliar with lynch or know him only by his violent disturbing reputation this is an excellent place to begin for those who know his work this is one of the finest in his repertoire,pos
in this sendup of horror films s cold war paranoia reaganera america and high school films adam arkin plays tony the star quarterback of full moon high in the s he and his father ed mcmahon travel to communist romania and while hes lost in the streets one night he is bitten by a werewolf when he returns stateside he cannot control his animalistic urges and goes on a killing spree frustrated he flees town decades later the immortal tony returns to town and reenrolls in highschool he still cant control his transformations and the townspeople and his friends realize hes not quite human it all culminates during the schools big football gamebr br i expected this to be one of those so bad its good films from the early s but i was surprised that the film was actually legitimately funny the cast including kenneth mars as a pervy coach roz kelly as tonys lusty former flame demond wilson as a bus driver and alan arkin as a oddball doctor go all out with hilarious resultsbr br while watching this film i was struck by how similar the writing and humor were to family guy full moon high has that same anything goes attitude and never takes itself seriously,pos
i screamed my head off because seeing this movie was my first movie going experience ever at some months old i remember it being incredibly bloody and it made me angry i watched it again on tv a few years ago big mistake the acting is wooden the plot nonexistent and the movie lacks merit unless yearold t a is what gets you going ,neg
this is probably karisma at her best apart from zubeidaa nana patekar also gives out his best without even trying the story is very good at times but by the end seems to drag especially when shahrukh comes in the picture what really made me like it were the performances of the leads the dialog delivery as well as the story for what it was it couldve been directed better and edited the supporting case was even great including karimas mother in law even though she just had one shining moment it was great to watch herbr br the sets were also pretty good i didnt really like their portrayal of a canadian family but once they step in india its as real as it getsbr br overall i would give it a thumbs up,pos
while the acting and directing could be argued as having some merit the storyline is a very poor wannabe vietnam movie with the country name simply changedbr br at the very least for a movie to hold some credibility try and have some semblance of accuracy in equipment weapons and tactics nevermind the gross misrepresentation of the behaviour of the troops as a normbr br aside for the limited use as silly propaganda about the south african defence force it serves little purpose definitely no entertainment valuebr br aspiring movie makers this is how not to make a war movie do some research and have some pride in your product,neg
a nicely done thriller with plenty of sex in it i saw it on late night tv there are two hardcore stars in it lauen montgomery and venus thankfully gabriella hall has just a small part,pos
vivah in my opinion is the best movie of coming from a director that has proved successful throughout his career i am not too keen in romantic movies these days because i see them as old wine in a new bottle and so predictable however i have watched this movie three times nowand believe me its an awesome moviebr br vivah goes back to the traditional route displaying simple characters into a sensible and realistic story of the journey between engagement and marriage the movie entertains in all manners as it can be reflected to what we do or would do when it comes to marriage in that sense sooraj r barjatya has done his homework well and has depicted a very realistic story into a wellmade highly entertaining moviebr br several sequences in this movie catch your interest immediately br br when shahid kapoor comes to see the bride amrita rao the way he tries to look at her without making it too obvious in front of his and her family the song do anjaane ajnabi goes well with the mood of this scenebr br the first conversation between shahid and amrita when he comes to see her ie a shy shahid not knowing exactly what to talk about but pulling of a decent conversation also amritas naive nature limited eyecontact shy characteristics and answering softly to shahids questionsbr br the emotional breakdown of amrita and her uncle alok nath when she feeds him at shahids party in the form of anothers daughterinlaw rather than her uncles beloved niecebr br clearly the movie belongs to amrita rao all the way the actress portrays the role of poonam with such conviction that you cannot imagine anybody else replacing her she looks beautiful throughout the whole movie and portrays an innocent and shy traditional girl perfectlybr br shahid kapoor performs brilliantly too he delivers a promising performance and shows that he is no less than salman khan when it comes to acting in a sooraj r barjatya film in fact shahid and amrita make a cute onscreen couple without a shadow of doubt other characters alok nath excellent anupam kher brilliant mohan joshi very goodbr br on the whole vivah delivers what it promised a well made and realistic story of two families the movie has topnotch performances excellent story and great music to suit the film as well as being directed by the fabulous sooraj r barjatya its a must see,pos
i think i agree that a lot of the comments here must be fake even if the movie is not necessarily bad its definitely below average dark remains is basically a ghost movie with a premise of your own ghosts and bad emotions haunting you the movie starts off already with stories loosely interwebbed which even later are not tied together a couple loses its child which is found slashed in its bed they move to a country house to flee their past and guess what the house is haunted kind of from here on dark remains starts off very slow with some scary moments indeed the first ghost appearances are nice and the flashlight sequence also worked very good ok then woman sees ghost of daughter other ghosts of people died in accidents or suicides appear man tries to solve secret of houses past woman gets depressed strange neighbors appear its pretty much all been there but the premise of it being their own emotions is nice so you wait for the twist there is no twist you are just confused by a haunted house history story the strange neighbor a totally pointless creepy prison and the dead daughter thrown together with a photoidea reminding me a lot of the shutter the end is ridiculous because when you start and end a movie this slow and with piano music its pretty lame to include some hoards of ghosts at once which look like a zombie flick of course just to return to slow pacing and piano music br br to make it short dark remains could have been a nice scary ghost story if the script was not trying to go everywhere and arriving nowheretoo many stories mushed together which just dont make any sense and contradict in the basic atmosphere of the movie and beside please never use abandoned prisons again its so worn off and in this case it even makes no sense at all hey there is this creepy prison uphill lets shoot there i guess a lot of ingredients in dark remains were thrown in the mix like this,neg
what a weekend two days ago i watched the first half of war games dead code now while she was out i am trying to come to a decision which one was worse in terms of pain in my mind while watching i guess while she was out was worsebr br it has all been said before in other comments unrealistic illogical etc the only thing i really have to add is that at some point i started feeling more for the evil guys than for the woman because i would have recommended her for a darwin award if she actually died only watched first half so i dont know soon i was at two darwin awards if thats even possible for her immense stupiditybr br and hey produced by kim basinger so she did not only know the script but was also responsible for bringing this waste of money to us the people i consider humans who waste considerable amounts of money to be evil because the money could have used to feed and clothe quite a few people instead of hurting percent of those who saw it in the cinema and giving percent which are idiots a good opportunity to show just how much of an idiot they are,neg
another american pie movie has been shoved down our throats and this one is the worst one of them all it doesnt deserve the name american pie they should have stopped at the weddingbr br this movie feels like just a stupid porn movie which they slapped the title american pie on when i was watching this i felt like i was watching a different series it doesnt fell like american pie at all it has different humor and it is much more rude and has many more sex scenes then the other american pie moviesbr br i dont recommend it ever actually i dont recommend any of the american pie presents movies just stick with the nice original trilogybr br ,neg
i have never read the booka wrinkle in time to be perfectly honesty after seeing the movie do i really want to well i shouldnt be reviewing this movie ill start off with that next ill say that the tv movie is pretty forgettable do you know why i say that because i forgot what happens in it i told you it was forgettable to be perfectly honest no tv movie will ever be better than merlinbr br how do i describe a tv movie i have never written a review for one before well ill just say that they usually have some celebrities a wrinkle in time includes only one alfre woodardor woodward i am not sure the oscar winner br br the film has cheesy special effects a mildly interesting plot scenes that make you go wtf the movie is incredibly bad and it makes you gowtf what did i expect its a tv movie they usually arent good as is this one a wrinkle in time is a waste of time and a big time waster to top it off youll most likely forget about it the second its over well maybe not the second its over but within a few minutesbr br a wrinkle in time,neg
this film has it all the deft camera work reminiscent of martin scorcese or oliver stone the tight acting of heat the explosive action of a jerry bruckheimer movie the witty dialogue of a tarantino script and the epic feel of say the godfatherbr br the judge reinhold character displays a fiery temperememt yet also shows real emotional depth and intensity his performance reminds me of robert de niros portrayal of jake la motta in raging bullbr br the action scenes are truly breathtaking not since bullit has a movie depicted such high octane yet stylish car scenes the special effects push the boundries of technology and filmmaking to their limits independance day set the standard that this movie clearly has matched and greatly surpassedbr br overall great acting from its a list cast like an oscars night party invitation list classy locations gripping action and a tight script,neg
actually im surprised there were so many comments about this movie i saw it as part of a slavic film festival at a major american university but nobody in usa has heard of it which is a real shame the dynamics between the people are what makes it both funny and sad they are stuck together on a long bus tripsomeplace most of us have been but i never had one like this br br my favorite scene is the one where they stop for the funeral then the man woman sneak off for some lovemaking in the forest but everybody follows them to watch without them knowing just as she raises her skirt and he enters her all the waythe consumptive starts hacking they realize everybody is watching talk about surprised butyou really have to feel for them even if it is hilariously funny when you see the ending it is sort of ironic that they enjoyed themselves while they did serb humor at its best,pos
the sword fighting was out of this world the fights scenes spectacular without the flying on a wire techniques until the end that are way too common today the scene with chan and pray was probably the highlight of the movie the characters in the assault on the bad guys mansion were cliché but the movie is comfortable with it an injection of humour from woobr br the plot with its twists and turns was unpredictable and exciting and you couldnt tell who was good or bad or which side people were on br br a good sense of suspense and well timed surprises the depth of the story is quite intense for a flighty film of this genre and reaches you in ways most kungfu flicks dont,pos
spoilers br br what is this movie offering out of control editing and cinematography that matches up with a terrible plot it is sad to see denzel washingtons talents go wasted in trashes like thiswe are certainly hinted how the mexicans cannot save themselves outside forces needed possibly militaristic american ones and we know the father is a shady character he is a mexican after all unlike the wife who appreciates creasey more because he is american he killed all of them thinking she died and did she of course she wont she is a young kid and you are not supposed to hurt the sensibilities of the hollywood fan the trade off scene was the only thing that prevents me from rating it below the implausibly successfulas some critic pointed outtaken the nausea of such movies will take time to go it is in the rating of such movies that we have to doubt imdbs credulity for a movie like this and for my own private idaho go figure mine will be in the range of ,neg
robert jannuciluca venantini venantino venantini alicia moro two stars are from city of the living dead i wonder what luca is doing these days probably a lawyer or something like bela lugosi jr or david hennessey there kid from dark shadows who wants to forget dark shadows existed anyway in the thorn emi video theres no music over the opening credits but the music is great once it comes in with the italian movies the films arent as good as the music my favorite scene is with the boy with the robot arm following loneralien through the desert alien says why are you following me tommy answers because i feel like it alien replies which way are you headed tommy says west then alien says well im going east so after a while of walking the theme playing in the background alien looks up and sees tommy sitting on a rock petting a pet hamster tommy looks up and says to alien what took you so long i love this movie it touches my heart the boy with the robot arm needs a daddy and alien is drafted in to being tommys daddy in the desert oh yeah they need water too not the road warrior mad max by any means but a silly westernpost nuke movie with a boy with a robot arm and alien and trash and a few other good guys with a mean chick with an iron claw and crazy bull who looks like wez in the road warrior on sunday afternoons on channel philadelphia pa after church id come home and find this on often too often love it ,pos
wow this movie sucked big time i heard this movie expresses the meaning of friendship very well and with all the internet hype on this movie i figured what could go wrong however the movie was just plain bad it was boring and the character development was never there space travelers was also a horrible movie if you didnt like that movie there is no way you will like this,neg
i loved this movie and will watch it again original twist to plot of man vs man vs self i think this is kurt russells best movie his eyes conveyed more than most actors words perhaps theres hope for mankind in spite of government intervention,pos
spoilers throughoutbr br i had read the book st to die and wanted to see if the movie followed the book so i watched it for the most part it did there were some minor differenceslocation of the last violent scene for instance but not many and for the most part the movie stayed true to the book more so then most moviesbr br this may have been a mistakealthough the movie was perfectly castwith pollen and bellows especiallyi was not that impressed with the book or let me take that back i started off very impressed gradually became more disillusioned and by the end was left completely unsatisfied and felt almost gypped no difference with the movie here is whybr br there is no payoff in the book or the movie rarely have i read a who done it thriller that has created such a letdown with its final resolution and i had hoped the movie would vary a littlebr br the wholehe did it no she did it no they both did itwas not interesting not fascinating and more confusing annoying and depressing then anything else add to that that the love of lindsays life dies at the endafter her disease cleares and she cries at his grave and then cut to where shes contemplating suicidethen all of a sudden shes in a fight for her life with the real villain who was cleared after being arrested but it turns out he and the wife were in it togetherhello this whole thing has now become general hospital instead of a good old fashioned thriller i felt cheated and ripped off by the book and watching the moviei must admit it held my attention nicely the acting was very good for a tv moviewas hoping it wouldnt follow the book which it wound up doingbr br i still think the movie is watchable and for some reason does not leave as bad a taste in your mouth as the bookor maybe its just that i knew what would happenbut i have to say the way this story unraveled was not well done at all,neg
when teenagers go on a trip in a camper van there are many clichés that you can guarantee will followbr br the teenagers will be warned not to go where they are going by a crazy local dan van husen handles that with ridiculous exposition about deadly sirens what who how and why are handled in one almost unintelligible burst the van will break down whilst looking for help the group will be split up and be picked off one by one by whatever monster they have been warned aboutthey will find a house inhabited by a madman he will capture them the house will have a phone but it will not work it will be disturbingly decorated there will be flickering neon light spiders and maggots the madman will catch them as they try to escape in a vehicle that wont start here the high speed getaway was to be made on a tractor the madman will be seemingly killed only to come back from the dead for a cheap weak scare and will then be killed properly only a girl will be left alive from the group there will be an unnecessary twist at the end br br add to these elements naked sirens who the characters seem to react to in startling different ways despite the fact that everyone that sees them is supposed to fall into lust with them immediately that seduce and kill the teens throats being ripped out and bodies being pulled in half and you have something resembling a twelve year old boys dream moviebr br i think it is only fair to say that my opinion of the director and his previous work is as low as it is possible to be but i am happy to point out that there are a few elements that boarder on pleasurable and are a great improvement on his previous film darkhunters which is one of the worst films i have ever seen at times the cinematography is very good the music and editing are a cut above his previous films and some other low budget horror movies i was impressed to hear that it was achieved with a third of the money spent on the previous monstrosity however the worst things about this movie are not to be found in the body of the film it is ultimately a mildly diverting if pointless movie that has been done time and time again but amongst the dvd extrasbr br if you do rent this film i implore you to listen to the directors commentary it is beyond belief there is more to say about this than the film itself one staggering part of the commentary is the directors claim that the film is cliché leaden because it was a preconceived idea he says it is a deliberate attempt to use all of the clichés and openly he wonders if people will get it br br im afraid to say that if this is supposed to be a clever nod and a wink to films of the past and the genre clichés within them then it is not wittily scripted enough acted in an appropriate tone nor directed with enough style to work if this film was made to order it leads me to ask one question what was the point this is s afilm that just slips right into the canon of bad horror movies any attempt to do something clever or different havent workedbr br the next nugget of brilliance is a conversation about the snobbery towards digital film formats they rightly point out that digital is often synonymous with cheapness and ease of use however the best moment of the conversation comes when they bemoan the fact that when michael mann makes a film in the format he is branded as a visionary there is a simple distinction to be made here mann is a talented director who will use the format to fit his story and style roberts is a horror hack who uses it to produce bottom shelf genre pictures i think the differences are obvious and the comparison is not only arrogant but redundantbr br the best moment is reserved for roberts comments about people who have taken the time to review his previous film those who didnt like it are generalised as geeks and he even goes as far as to single out specific people for having the nerve to voice their opinion in forums that encourage them to do just that i must admit i was slightly disappointed that my review of his last film wasnt singled out for ridicule the tirade goes further as the group joke about norwegian reviewers complete with hilarious accents to imply that people from norway wouldnt know a good film simply because of where they are born as always these sorts of comments say more about those saying them than those they are targeting they simply make the director and his friends look ignorantbr br the package in rounded out with a tasteful featurette about how the sirens were cast roberts swears blind in voice over i didnt want to make a film that was like baywatch as we see audition tapes of topless and naked girls writhing around on the ground there is also a simpering selfindulgent documentary about the making of darkhunters during which roberts says that a reviewer has claimed that forest is the best british film in years i dont know who he is trying to convince at one point in the commentary track roberts says jokingly i can see people sitting at home saying this isnt amazing its sht he isnt wrong,neg
yes this movie is a real thief it stole some shiny oscars from avatar just because politicians wanted another warhero movie to boost the acceptance support for the wars us is still fighting today i do not really want to go here into politics but come on this is more clear than the summer sky hurt locker does not really have anything outstanding no real plot at all i really feel myself in the s of hungary when the party told the people what to like and what not to like the same propaganda movies were produced that time only with the exception that those were black and white even if we consider this title a reasonable piece of the us wars are cool genre you surely have much better movies to choose from,neg
i love b moviesbut come onthis wasnt even worth a gradethe ending was dumbbc there was no real endingnot to mention that it comes to life on its owni mean no lighting storm or crazy demonic powers slow as hell and then they just start killing off the characters one by one in like a min time periodand i wont even start on the part of the thing killing the one guy without its headand then you dont even get to see what jigsaw even does with his so called new jigsaw puzzleunless you have nothing better to doid watch paint dry before id recommend this godforsaken movie to anyone elseoh and to make it even better the other movie totem you can see the guy throwing the one creature in the basement scene from the windowthat was funny as hell and probably the only good part of watching that waste of film,neg
unfortunately the realism is boring this movie i thought it would never end would have been better if all the characters would have been nuked in the first five minutes wheres blade when you need him while as dismal as combat shock requiem for a dream and as nightmarish as boise moi dead creatures isnt nearly as entertaining as any of the aforementioned bleak movies while the gratuitous cannibalism might make the wannabe jeffery dalmers hearts race a little faster it wasnt nearly as interesting as ravenous really i found it about as interesting as latenight infomercials and as exciting as a trip to the dentist if you have strong masochistic qualities you might be able to endure this otherwise for no one i was really surprised that this one wasnt made by the people at brain damage as that was the quality of dead creatures,neg
i read the novel jane eyre for the first time back in it was round that time that i saw the bbcversion with timothy dalton and zelah clarke it was an excellent version and very much like the book years later i laid eyes on this version and was horrified william hurt is totally miscast as mr rochester mr rochester is a passionate character where as william hurt portrays him as a block of ice the same goes for charlotte gainsborough it was like watching two zombies together this is story about love and passion but i couldnt see it in this version no back to the bbcversion a wonderful time is guaranteed,neg
there are a number of things that are not correct although this is not too important since what happened to whom and when is still in dispute the most blatant liberty with the facts i think is when they start to play at bruno koschmidders kaiserkeller when in fact they played at the indra and moved to the kaiserkeller laterbr br i agree with semprinni that the film was biased in favour of pete bests version but if he is the story consultant then i guess he calls the shots i also agree with semprinni that the recordings pete best plays on say the last word on the subject of why he was firedbr br although the film is not such a lavish production as the later film backbeat i prefer this film because it is more accurate and because it has a better script with deeper characterisationbr br there is plenty in the film that is quite substantial such as brian epstein trying to hide the fact that he has been queerbashed only to find out that the band knew he was gay all along little touches like the band going into a café and ordering cornflakes mit milch my favourite scene which does have some bassis in fact is where at an audition stuart sutcliffe has just bought his bass guitar but cant play it so he stands with his back to the impresario and tries faking it but gets caught thats rock n rollbr br well worth watching,pos
okay heres what i think about jack frost i looked at the morphing box for the vhs tape and i thought to myself this looks interesting i rent it and i take it home boy was i right it is interesting they put serial killers spirits in dreams in walking corpses and inside every day machines but this has got to be the most unique place to put the spirit of a serial killer inside the body of a snowman i liked all the friendly snowman images littering the landscape the pot holder the snow globe etc i like the actor who played jack he put some fun into a killer really not seen since freddy krugger thats right i said it freddy krugger its that level of cool i wish some of the puppet effects were better the mouth movements could have matched better but i chalk that up to a small budget the cast does a great job there are some great one liners and scares to make any hardcore horror fan jump all and all a great story good effects great dialog and a great cast i give jack frost stars,pos
when the scientist and family man matt winslow robert urich finally accepts the invitation to work the microdigitech corporation in a space suit project he moves with his beloved wife patricia joanna cassidy and their son robbie barret oliver and daughter chrissy soleil moon frye to a huge modern house in the corporation compound they meet their friend tom peterson joe regalbuto and his family completely adapted to the new lifestyle and tom invites the winslow family to join the steaming springs country club tom tries to seduce matt telling him that every member of the club has a meteoric professional ascension in microdigitech but matt is not tempted with the offer later he is introduced to the director of the club jessica jones susan lucci that befriends patricia and convinces her to join the club with her children matt feels the changing in the behavior of his family and decides to investigate the club finding an evil secret about jessica and the membersbr br in the s when i saw invitation to hell i liked this movie that partially recalls the stepford wives with people changing the behavior in a suburban compound i have just seen it today and i found a great metaphoric message against the big corporations when people literally sell their souls to the devil to climb positions and earn higher salaries i am not sure whether the author intended to give this interpretation to the story but i believe it fits perfectly my vote is sevenbr br title brazil convite para o inferno invitation to hell,pos
but the fun is in the journeybr br i found this movie to be extremely enjoyable not only are both leads extremely easy on the eyes the humor from the supporting cast and the jokes actually made me laugh out loud several timesbr br yes its predictable and yes its a cliché romantic comedy but the point is that its a sweet story the message about finding your one true love also rings true in many waysbr br the dialog is deadon and the acting is well done on all parts and over the top for comic effect the bulgari scene is worth its weight in gold the actress there deserves honorable mention for those that panned it for being predictable if you want a film with twists and turns that keep you guessing then you want a thriller this is a romantic comedy it touched my heart and made me realize that i was lucky enough to find my true love in life and it has been worth every effort along the waybr br great date movie great movie for a happy cry,pos
like the jeffersons good times was one of the those classic american sitcoms which was never aired in the uk not to mention it came out in the s a decade where of which i wasnt born yetbr br but like most fans of the show i watched a few episodes on you tube and afterwards i loved itbr br the evans family are headed by james and florida two parents trying to make ends meet and who despite their lack of qualifications encourage their children who have their own aspirations in life to fulfil them and to take their chances james was the strict but loving dad who didnt dare hesitate in disciplining jj michael and thelma should they overstep the line whilst florida in contrast was a fair kind hearted and considerate mother and loving wife although she was in many ways similar to james with regards to their attitudes to parenthood and family values from an afro american perspectivebr br the kids were just as lively and entertaining as the parents themselves jj was an aspiring artist with a goofy personality and crazy sense of humour who would often wear multicoloured outfits and whose dynomite catchphrase is as infectious and familiar as arnold jacksons whatchoo talking bout willis from diffrent strokes michael was the smartalec who dreams of becoming a lawyer whilst sister thelma had her own dreams and hopes her verbal taunts with jj were mostly hilarious as was the lovehate relationship between brother and sister which was played out extremely well by both mike evans and bernadette stanisbr br over the seasons there were a few cameo appearances made most notably from janet jackson debbie allen and a young gary coleman as himself i actually prefer good times over say the cosby show which was an s show because a i preferred the evans family over the huxtables both in terms of a characterisation and bas i felt it tackled serious and difficult social issues in a way that resonated with many viewers it was a comedy but it was also a social commentary which aimed to highlight the lives of working class afro americans in s america the cosby show attempted to cater to the mainstream audience in a candy coated way as the huxtables were portrayed as blacks who easily assimilated themselves into an upperclass us culture we would associate whites with whereas good times in contrast was much more edgier and it was not afraid to address themes such as drug and child abuse in a realistic way i actually found that whilst the cosby show can be fun to watch at times it lacked that bit of sassiness which good times has and of which made it trendier and coolerbr br the show did jump the shark during the latter seasons as it continued after john amoss character james died in a freak accident in reality it was known at the time that john had quit good times for good and so his characters death was written as it is on the show without john the show suffered and alas it lost a lot of its charmbr br still for a sitcom good times ticked all the right boxes if only they had shown this in the uk during the s as it certainly is as jj would put it dynomite br br my rating and a half,pos
when i first watched robotboy i found it fresh and interesting but then i noticed that with each episode this show is trying to teach you how to behave yourself what is goodbad episodes became predictable and main characters are not interesting again we see a hypersmart boy beaten by his older brother parents who dont understand their kid and his friends girl and fat boy also this show has no logic a supermodern robot who works on two aasize batteries and can use a lot of weapons but the biggest problem is the difference between activated and superactivated modes we see two different robots and it declines main idea of the show robot must learn how to behave himself in human society,neg
a great opportunity for and indy director to make an interesting film about a rock musician on the brink of stardom it could have been a decent film if it would have dealt with john liviens traumatic past and how it is torturing his psyche instead it is a ridiculous attempt to identify john liviens life with john lennons john liviens suicida mothers hero was john lennon and she wished for him to become as powerful and prolific as lennon himself instead of focusing on john lennons musical brilliance and his wonderful ability to bare himself for others to learn something about their own life it showed lennons legacy to be that of a confused drug addicted soul who should looked upon as a god instead a man i am a huge john lennon fan and this movie reminded me of another crazy person obsessed with lennon lennons killer mark david chapman lennon was a man who was brutally murdered by someone else who had an identity crisis with lennon do we need to be reminded of that john lennon gave so much to the world with his music and honesty and i was repulsed to see another disturbed person as the main character in this movie obsessed by lennon and not show his beautiful contributions to the world yoko ono graciously honored john lennons memoryby making the memorial in central park to give his fans a chance to pay their respects and remember john instead the director of this movie chose to use that site to have the killer attempt to commit suicide i found this so disturbing and disrespectful to lennons memory he was a man of peace who died a brutal senseless death and to see such violence near this site felt like a revisiting a terrible wound for any lennon fan it ruined the movie completely for me it could have been a decent movie but it left me with a bitter taste in my mouth let john lennon and his family rest in peace and not be reminded of his vicious murder by this irresponsible movie,neg
this british film is truly awful and its hard to believe that glenn ford is in it although he pretty much sleepwalks through it the idea of a bomb on a train sounds goodbut it turns out this train ends up parked for the majority of the film no action no movement just a static train the area where the train is parked is evacuated so its not like theres any danger to anyone either in fact this film could be used in a film class to show how not to make a suspense film true suspense is generated by letting the audience know things that the characters dont a fact apparently unknown to the director spoiler the train actually has two bombs on it but we are led to believe there is only one after the first bomb is defused it feels as if there is no longer a reason to watch the film any more but at the last minute the villain who has no apparent motivation for his actions reveals there are two nor are we certain when the bombs will go off so we dont even have a classic ticking bomb tension sequence a good minutes or more are spent watching glenn fords french wife thinking about leaving him and then wondering where he is shes such an annoying character that we dont care whether she reconciles with him so when she does theres nothing emotional about it most of the other characters are fairly devoid of personality and none have any problems or issues its only minutes but it feels long because its tedious and dull dont waste your time,neg
everyone involved and the audience should seek out the candidate to see how good this movie could have been what happened the south american story what were julie christie and kate capshaw thinking to allow their roles to be cardboard cutouts up to now i have liked every gene hackman performance andor movie he was either disinterested which i can hardly believe or dreadfully miscast i have also liked and defended richard gere and been vilified for it but here he had no power he was never intimidating and only occasionally persuasive all in all i was very disappointed i really expected much more from this director and cast if you cant find the candidate watch wag the dog again or even bulworth,neg
i know that this is an unpopular position concerning zabriskie point but i loved this film i know i know i can legitimately be called an antonioni fanatic i love lavventura i love la notte i love leclisse i love red desert i love blowup and i love professione reporter aka the passenger the only antonioni film that i dont love the only one ive ever given less than an and one of only three that i have given less than a la notte and leclisse being the other two though i fully acknowledge that i have to see both of them again is beyond the clouds which can fairly be called an awful film however there is not better awful film if you catch my drift so if youre not an antonioni fan you should only logically ignore me if you are even a casual fan though and you are wondering whether this particular film whose name when spoken is often followed bybr br a spit which is generally despised by even antonionis admirers is at all worth seeing the answer is yesbr br okay the reason that people tend to hate it is because of film watchers care only for the narrative of a film well thats not exactly true if a film is amazing in a particular aspect say acting or cinematography or direction and just decent in its narrative film watchers might very well love it but a film can be the most amazing visual masterpiece and have a lame or illogical story thats another thing that has ruined the cinema over the years logic then they absolutely hate the film i will actually agree with that in some ways as much as i may dislike it and want to change my view it really is difficult to love a film whose narrative i perceive as poor however other people tend to get annoyed at a loose narrative this is certainly what must drive viewers away from zabriskie point i could relate the story to you but you probably would just think it was nonsensical it is actually but to me that just made the whole endeavor more fantastic and beautiful id actually compare it favorably to which is my favorite film however is perfectly coherent compared to the rambling narrative of this filmbr br what zabriskie point has in spades is mood the music helps a lot the score includes a lot of acts of the day including pink floyd the mood is kind of similar to the moods of antonionis other masterpieces filled with loneliness and desolation also the freedom that comes from that the best sequence in the film is when the lead man and woman her name is daria i know but i dont remember his name pull over in their vehicle next to a historic marker on a desert highway there is beyond the stone wall that has been erected to keep cars from flying off an ancient lakebed its basically a rocky desert and the two go to play in it the setting is enormously beautiful the woman says this is such a beautiful place what do you think the man i think its dead theres no inclination to whether thats a good thing or a bad thing this is a lot like sentiments expressed in other antonioni films characters are constantly wanting to disappear or become invisible instead of david locke the protagonist of the passenger fed up with journalism we have the young hippie sick of his friends politics he thinks they talk too much and dont act out what they feel is right or at least he says he does it seems to me more like he just wanted out of the situationbr br the film is also simply amazing visually antonionis films are all identifiable by just a few frames but his visual style was always building i like the passenger more than i do zabriskie point but zabriskie point might be his ultimate accomplishment in that aspect well that might sound odd lavventura and red desert are amazing pictorially i think its the camera movements that are particularly amazing here he obviously made a ton of money on blowup which was the biggest arthouse hit of its day the biggest ever at that point he spends it well here especially with his aerial shots one of the films greatest sequences involves the man who has stolen a mans private airplane divebombing daria in her carbr br the one thing that can be fairly criticized is the films politics theyre certainly facile not that hippies were facile but that antonionis vision of hippies there werent any in italy of course are bizarre and well filtered through a foreigners eyes theres a rather childish criticism of advertising but its a criticism that still exists today i say cant you people just ignore it what does it hurt are you walking around buying things you dont want because of billboards or there is also the criticism against capitalism daria a secretary works for a company that is stealing the land in the desert the land that she and the man enjoyed to themselves in order to make cheap suburban homes for families rod taylor a very underrated actor whose most famous roles were in the time machine and the birds plays her boss the ending which i wont ruin youve got to see it is almost offensively cheap i can though understand the treatment of police officers not that i disdain them generally but they were awful at the time they can still be awful now theyve always had too much powerbr br these trite arguments against the american way of life still dont effect my opinion of the film much i find this filtered view of america extremely interesting i really dont think a hippie would have disagreed with antonioni ,pos
thats what one of the girls said at the endbr br is the soccer game a metaphor for a qualifying game between the girls or more broadly a freethinking group and the authority to germany means to a future thats of hope br br its one of the most unforgettable cinematic experience ive ever had despite the crude cinematography and plot and mild overacting though i like the cast theyre lovable and well above the expectation for amateurs the ridiculous situation is well captured i can feel the deep frustration being denied to a game being female and a soccer fan and i cannot stop thinking how to make a convincing disguise i wonder why theres no womens section in which protection from dirty language and bad behavior can be provided defeating the flawed reasons for the denybr br the movie is very cleverly made the amazing title the filming during the actual game the spontaneity and various methods to put the viewers into the shoes of the characters the game thats so important but inaccessible not shown the luring light and cheering sound from the stadium the confinement of the van and the uselessness of it when those inside connect with the celebrating crowds outside i can feel the comfort coming from the radio the drinks and the food and of course the kindness and consideration from each character to others during the end credits i am amused that no character has a name hes just any soldier and shes just any girl or sister,pos
for a film about a killer this is surprisingly dullbr br nothing much happens and even when things do happen they dont generate any real excitement or interestbr br the acting is good from the two leads cassetti in particular delivers a great performance combining the certainty and stupidity of succo but the rest of the cast also do what they need tobr br the problem is that there is poor writing and direction and the fact that as a true story it isnt interesting succo is not a unique character he isnt interesting or excitingbr br films of this sort normally try to generate tension or empathy or outrage and this generates nothing except a feeling of regret that you wasted your time watching it,neg
i spent eight years running movie theatres in the s and s this was by far the worst film i ever showed to the public one thing that made it so bad was that it put on airs of trying to be a great inspiring film even the great gregory peck could not save this horrid piece of drivel from being far less than mediocre jamie lee curtis in an early nonhorror film role demonstrated clearly that she had not yet learned to act shes still trying but it isnt getting much betterbr br im sorry and heres the spoiler international nuclear disarmament is never going to happen just because it makes children afraid to play little league baseball even the shows on nick and the disney channel are not stupid enough to try to make us believe that dreckbr br this is not worth the time you would waste watching it on cable tv it is not worth the price of a movie rental your dollar would be better spent on an extra package of microwave popcorn to go with the other movie you picked because it can only be better than this,neg
the finnish version of robert altmans short cuts set in the small rural town of äänekoski the episodes present a kaleidoscope of the eternal events problems and emotions of human life joy and love deception and disillusionment hopelessness and death i was particularly impressed by two episodes the first is the story of the young waitress who tries to stir up a romance for his coworkers she radiates an overwhelming joy of love and life the other episode presents and old man dying in a hospital and his wife trying to help him die with dignity particularly striking is the way the old couple have to fight their way against the humiliating practices of the hospital and their loneliness contrasted with the routines of the hospital crew despite the signs of occasional empathy compared with altmans classic this movie is perhaps less professional but it is definitely a great piece of art,pos
my mother and i were on our way home from a trip up to the north east mainly massachusetts when we decided to take a little detour a attend a film festival in boston now i dont know much about film so i thought this might be a bit educational the first movie we saw was this one the romeo division now i dont know about you but i thought this was great im from texas and where i come from we dont see too many motion pictures so this was a pleasant surprise my mother insisted that it was too violent but said that i didnt know much about what she was saying but this was a great picture i was shocked by the fight sequences they were great also i am a big fan when the good guys win so i was thrilled when romeo ladies killed all of the bad guys this was true brilliance im not sure when its getting released on video but if you get the chance you should check it out i think youll be pleasantly surprised a word to the wise though it is rather violent and there many cuss words so you may not want to let your children watch its more for adults,pos
in s dalmatians cruella de vil was arrested by the london metropolitain police god bless them for attempting to steal and murder puppies dalmatians all covered in mud and hay she spent the next years in the tin can now years later she unfortunately was released from the jail i say thats about years in dog yearsbr br so in disney decided to release a sequel to the successful liveaction version of the classic film and it is hereby dubbed dalmatians in it there is a nd dalmatian added to the family oddball is the name i think i should know this since this was just shown on tv recently and the puppy had no spots also while cruella again played by glenn close has escaped again she wanted a bigger better coat made once again out of the puppiesbr br i especially liked the theme song im sure everybody loves the atomic dog song from the s or so and now we hear a bit of it in this moviebr br dalmatians is such a great film that i keep on wondering when will there be a dalmatians lolbr br stars,pos
dominion tank police is without a shell of a doubt one of the most amazing shows ever produced but not just in the field of animation while the first part acts and mostly consists of action and fun the second part is more serious and one should not treat the second part in the exact same way as first part the subtleties are truly out of this world and the characterization is beyond brilliant you must have an extra degree of intelligence to appreciate the intricacies of the second part acts and i do have some complaints though in the first part the tank bonaparte quite literally jumps over a tank shell and it did not make any sense at all one might also question the plausibility of bonaparte jumping on the wing of helicopter gunship even though it was cool buaku rules,pos
during the whole pirates of the caribbean trilogy craze paramount pictures really dropped the ball in restoring this anthony quinn directed cecil b demille supervised movie and getting it on dvd and blu ray with all the extras included it is obvious to me that paramount pictures execs are blind as bats and ignorant of the fact that they have a really good pirate movie in their vault about a real pirate who actually lived in new orleans louisiana which would have helped make the crescent city once again famous for its pirate connections when the execs at paramount finally get with the program and release this movie in digital format then i will be a happy camper paramount pictures it is up to you to get off your duff and get this film restored now ,pos
beverly garland was born in the wrong time she was an actress ahead of her time bringing power and grace to even such lame flicks as the corman films she starred in in gunslinger shes the town sheriffs wife he gets offed so she takes over his job to pursue his killers shes better than the material shes working with by far the movie is gray stilted and mostly boring theres someunintentionalhumor with the tire tracks everywhere people running behind one building to emerge suddenly in front of another ive heard of false fronts but this is ridiculous and the truly stupid plot line of the newly widowed sheriff falling in love with the guy hired to kill her even if she hadnt loved her husband it had only been something like a week or two since hed died and she ends up shooting the guy to death in the end anyway no luck with men this onebr br the villain of the piece is another woman the saloon owner shes scheming to buy up a bunch of land just in case the railroad goes through and makes her rich her plan of action if it doesnt is pretty lameshell just steal as much from the town as she can and skedaddle hell its just her and her hired gun at the end against an entire town are you telling me these people arent armed look what happened in real towns of the old west when bank robbers came in to rob the bank then were cut down in a hail of bullets by the armed and dangerous town folkbr br therea a lot of pointless talking and riding around interspersed with a few lame shoot outs the ending is as grim as usual in a corman flick although thank goodness it lacks the moral proselytizing at the end that was in it conquered the world the sheriff turns over her badge to sam bass and rides off into the sunset although the movie was so gray that you never saw the sun,neg
paul armstrong is a liberal scottishborn professor of law at harvard known for his passionate opposition to the death penalty who is hired to take on the case of bobby earl a young black man from florida who has been convicted of the rape and murder of joanie shriver an eleven year old white girl earl claims that his confession to the crime was obtained under duress by a sadistic police officer and that the real murderer is blair sullivan a serial killer already under sentence of death for several other murders armstrong visits sullivan in his cell on death row hoping to persuade him to confess to joanies murder thereby saving earl from the electric chair br br at first all goes well sullivan confesses and earl is released from prison when the appeal court quashes his conviction as this development takes place only a little after halfway through the film it is at this point that alarm bells will start ringing in the mind of the viewer warning major plot twist ahead and so it proves the anticipated twist soon materialises earl it transpires is actually guilty of the crime of which he has just been acquitted and probably of several others as well but hatched a diabolical plan together with sullivan in order to secure his freedom sullivan will confess to joanies murder if earl will murder his parents just why sullivan wanted his parents dead is never precisely explained armstrong now finds that he is himself in danger from the man whose life he has just saved earl has a grudge against armstrongs wife herself a lawyer who acted as counsel for the prosecution in an earlier case when earl was accused of rape br br just cause is an example of the autocannibalism in which hollywood sometimes likes to indulge cobbling together one film by recycling themes and plot devices from a number of others the first half owes an obvious debt to films like intruder in the dust and to kill a mockingbird about the only difference is that the sheriff who beats a confession out of bobby earl is himself black whereas in earlier films he would have been white police brutality is now an equal opportunities activity the central twist in the plot was borrowed from costagavrass music box although in that film the revelation does not occur until the very end the finale in which a lawyer his wife and their young daughter are in danger from a former client is an obvious plagiarism of the two versions of cape fear which also take place in the swamplands of the american south ed harris characterisation of sullivan as a biblequoting religious maniac is a direct imitation of robert de niros character in the scorsese version of cape fear made four years before just cause br br there is a postscript just as just cause borrowed heavily from several other movies seven years later its central plot twist was in its turn to be blatantly plagiarised in the ashley judd vehicle high crimes br br the trouble with this style of filmmakingbynumbers is that the resulting films are generally much less distinguished than those which inspired them the whole is normally very much less than the sum of the parts and just cause is a much lesser film than any of those which were cannibalised to make it harris is normally a gifted actor but this is one of his weakest performances largely because he is not so much playing a character as playing de niro playing max cady blair underwood is ok as bobby earl the supposedly innocent young man of the early scenes but unconvincing as bobby earl the murderous psychopath of the later ones sean connery as armstrong and laurence fishburne as the black sheriff are rather better but neither is good enough to save the film connery and harris were to act together in another better film the rock the following year br br there is another problem with just cause the first half of the film looks like a standard liberal issue movie antideath penalty antiracist and critical of heavyhanded policing the second half looks more like the work of a diehard reactionary preaching the message that all criminals are evil bastards that the only way to deal with them is to fry them in the chair that liberal lawyers are the useful idiots of the criminal fraternity and that police officers who beat up suspects are to be commended as heroes the filmmakers seem to have been blissfully unaware that the plot twist casually introduced into the middle of their film had the presumably unwanted effect of reversing its political stance or if they were aware of the problem they ignored it a suitably convoluted plot was obviously thought to be more important than political consistency ,neg
i thought the movie was a poor documentary nothing of substance was discussed it seemed to cheapen the ideas and did not provide anything new the film lacked wonder or romance or anything that would really drive one to science most scientists appeared stereotyped and sometimes weird a woman said that her awards didnt matter a whole lot only children that were helped she said that after a minute scene where she explained all her awards playing humble scientist are we i have equations dancing in my head another said i dont see how that explains anything to us it hasnt covered significant effects of science on our culture politics of science were barely touchedbr br not a bad flick for a yearolds other than that i felt it was boring and unrevealingbr br ,neg
why is this film so bad well if being so stupidly annoying and unfunny is a reason then this film is it the character of corky romano is unlikable at best and downright infuriating at worst the gags are predictable but that isnt what makes it bad they are the lame sort of predictable jokes that your unfunny friend would saybr br corky romano is about a mild mannered vet that tries to do right but is so clumsy his quiet life is thrown for a loop when the family that once spurned him now needs him to infiltrate the fbi to destroy any trace of the familys crime history however it isnt that easy for corky because the fbi believes him to be a super agent and pegs him with the duty of spying on his very own family mishaps and mayhem ensue but it really doesnt feel like any comic hijixn are there corky ends up in love with his beautiful fbi partner and has to set the record straight with both the fbi and his family if he is to settle down to the quiet life againbr br i think what makes this film irritating is both the lead actor and the supposed jokes chris kattan reveals his alarming limitations as and actor here as his one note slapstick routine falls flat about minutes into the film it is okay to have a full movie based solely off of dumb slap stick humor will ferrel kattans snl partner seems to have made a full career out of it the only difference between kattan and ferrel is that ferrel knows when to tone it down and rely on other ways of telling a joke there is absolutely no diversity in kattans routine its hard to hear the same joke twice but for a whole movie that is just pure torturebr br the other problem with the movie was the lack of truly original and funny jokes the gay mafia brother the awkward guy schtick and plenty of other forgettable jokes appear none as funny as the first time you barely laughed at it it seems as if the screenwriters had more of a fun time writing this than any one had watching it even with a cast that has some comedic talent chris penn peter falk the jokes that commence are tired there is no chemistry too this film was obviously one for the pocketbooks for the actors no body seemed to care about it or even try sad thing is no body told chris kattan that,neg
the second half of steven soderberghs revolutionary bio on che guevara deals with his last campaign to export revolution to bolivia in order to maintain his saintly visage of che soderbergh conveniently leap frogs the mass executions he presided over after the revolution in cuba and the folly of his congo adventure this is the history of a failure he writes in the preface of his congo journal to concentrate fully on ches attempt to rally support to rise up against the government in bolivia it would turn out to be a disaster and guevaras final actbr br what plagued the first chapter follows suit here as soderbergh slows his film to a crawl to study the beatific countenance of the contemplative guevara once again being played like james dean in east of eden by bernicio del toro the problem is guevara has little success in gaining converts and he soon finds himself and his starving comrades being swallowed up in the heart of darkness bolivian jungle unlike werner herzog in the magnificent aguirre the wrath of god soderbergh fails to utilize the jungles metaphorical possibilities to heighten the desperation of the guerrillas he seems more concerned with keeping ches nimbus above his head than exploring the panic setting in on the dead enders there is one herzogian moment where che sits astride an obstinate horse kicking and screaming to get it moving but overall soderberghs mise en scene remains flat sloppy and uninteresting br br in both of his films soderbergh shows he is clearly a che groupie and because of it his focus remains myopic and narrow he spends too much time building his monument to che and too little in developing his relationships with key players in his saga especially fidel castro making matters worse he does it with a slow and dispassionate approach that never catches fire one would think he was steeped in enough eisenstein and vertov to realize that sweeping change is showcased a lot better with sweeping style,neg
like all cult tv shows there is a group of people who love the twilight zone so much that they rate practically every episode like they are the greatest shows ever while several of them are indeed wonderful classics the truth is for every great episode there were several that were mediocre and at least one that stank however like diehard trekkies these zone lovers insist that all of them are gold in fact this is what initially got me to review some individual episodes of a couple cult series instead of the movies i usually watchbr br while this isnt the worst episode ever made nor is it among the very worst it is poor by any reasonable standard a widow watches a long procession of civil war soldiers going past her home in the end a very unexpected twist is revealed and there isnt a whole lot of excitement or suspense here,neg
i cant believe i actually sat through the whole thing this movie has the worst acting since killjoybr br here is a brief outline of the plot the movie starts out with jojo and that other chick sitting around on the beach drooling over a skinny blondehaired beach hunk who looks like he hasnt been to the gym a day in his life somehow everyone knows him and every single chick in the movie wants him uh oh here comes the competition the stereotypical hot chick and her best friends who drive an ugly pink car we soon find out jojos mom got the job of a lifetime in australia which means that jojo would have to move and leave her best friend behind oh no i think im gonna cry a huge storm comes and fills their swimming pool with nasty water somehow for no apparent reason the little chick falls into the pool and comes face to face with yup you guessed it a mermaid this is where the story really takes off basically they want to get the mermaid to fall in love with the hunkbr br this is a preteen flick with acting so bad it makes the s look like the pinnacle of oscarworthy performances this movie has all the clichés possible the best friends the hunk who everyone wants the hot bad girl and her bitchy friends the scary old man you name it its in there i took one for a lot of people by watching this consider my hour and minutes a sacrifice to you please dont see this movie dont make it so i suffered in vain,neg
this film has scenes that come back to me at the strangest times that intense scene with mr muckerji telling mrs melandez that someone he spoke with witnesses the girl being pushed out the window by a woman who fits her description is one that rolls around the way she keeps referring to him by name in a greek accent mr muckerji and then when boyer discovers her having just taken poison and gives her one last smack up the side of the head before she dies its a delight fools fools all my lifeetc etc you get the pointi have to buy this one i love dan seymours acting he usually plays some plump foreign sultan or police chief and appeared in casablanca and many great pictures,pos
after seeing break a leg in vancouver at the release party i thought it was a very enjoyable filmbr br i had a few outright belly laughs and some of the cameos eric roberts in particular were a scream i havent heard word about actual release date although ive heard its closebr br the story is simple but is mainly a vehicle for the characters and situations the script is smooth and seamless the plot develops effortlessly and the acting is comfortable yet fresh this film has won at least one award from each of the film festivals its been in which is around or sobr br i highly recommend break a leg,pos
i absolutely loved this movie i bought it as soon as i could find a copy of it this movie had so much emotion and felt so real i could really sympathize with the characters every time i watch it the ending makes me cry i can really identify with busy phillips character and how i would feel if the same thing had happened to mebr br i think that all high schools should show this movie maybe it will keep people from wanting to do the same thing i recommend this movie to everybody and anybody especially those who have been affected by any school shootingbr br it truly is one of the greatest movies of all time,pos
riff randell is a wildly obsessed fan of the rock group the ramones and so are most of the students in the school but a new tyrant of a principal ms togar thinks rock n roll is a bad influence on the students especially the music from the ramones so when riff finds out theyre performing in town she skips class for a couple of days to get tickets for herself and her friends but when ms togar discovers why she really took those days off she confiscates the tickets while this is happening tom roberts is totally love struck over riff but riffs friend kate rambeau feels the same way about tom but riff has her eyes set only on the lead singer joe ramone and hopefully in getting to that concert to get them to play her songbr br fun fun fun yep thats right rock n roll high school doesnt drift away from it main focus… a boisterously daggy romp it wasnt what i was expecting thats for sure everyone participating in this dandy project looks like theyre having a great time and the relaxing nature of it shows on screen with the energy providing such a glowing spirit which makes it a priceless experience thats not to say i think its art and the plot is as pointless as can be but watching this passionately crazy ride that escalates into some good harmless high jinks i just couldnt wipe the grin off my face its tacky very cheesy densely chaotic but damn its funkydory br br this lowbudget bgrade feature from producer roger corman and john dante who was cowriter and plus he codirected some scenes when director allan arkush was hospitalised on the last day shoot is basically a glorious homage on the rocking s flicks by sticking with the fruitful clichés and throwing into the stew the teenage rebellion tag because of the generation gap between them and the adults who always know best these features might not be particularly fresh but they do rack up some appeal because of the dynamically gusto treatment the film has just one thing on mind to go out on a bang and they manage to do that courtesy of the ramones who play themselves really you could say its one big trendy video clip since its all about the ramones… well most of it anyway i see a lot flack towards the ramones acting ability these are musicians not actors which means its not about their acting here its the music were suppose to dig theyre here to perform which they deliver in that front with some kick ass tracks that peppered the film to create a totally upbeat vibe especially their flamboyant concert performances the buzzing soundtrack also had some killer tunes from some other artists such as devo the velvet underground mc fleetwood mack eddie and the hot rods and alice cooper but these jumping tracks fitted in well with the carefree feel and even the score was worked in rather well especially in the scenes involving ms togar with the score grasping the right mood that surrounds her mind set the playful mood of the film is pretty much like a roller coaster ride with such a racy pace between the electrifying tunes and comical segments ranging from scattered slapstick routines to its sometimes clever tongueincheek dialogue thrown in for good measure is a variety of light and heavy gags which i found very pleasurable and it gave it such a wider range to express itselfbr br what else gave the film an added boost had to be the divine pj soles better known for her performance in halloween who gave such a bang up performance as the peachy riff randell other exemplary performances were dey young as the extremely cute kate rambeau vincent van patten as the gawky tom roberts and the go to man eaglebauer whos stupendously played by clint howard also some top drawer corman regulars pop up with great send up performances by mary woronov whos excellent as the demanding ms togar whos pushing her unfair reign on the students paul bartel as mr mcgree and a small support role from dick millar towards the end the enthusiastic acting is pretty campy but that goes down well with the material and theres a certain likability stemming from these characters but we totally despise ms togar and her hall monitor goonsbr br theres no beating around the bush here when i say rock n roll high school is an intoxicating hoot of a rad time,pos
seeing as the vote average was pretty low and the fact that the clerk in the video store thought it was just ok i didnt have much expectations when renting this filmbr br but contrary to the above i enjoyed it a lot this is a charming movie it didnt need to grow on me i enjoyed it from the beginning mel brooks gives a great performance as the lead character i think somewhat different from his usual persona in his moviesbr br theres not a lot of knockout jokes or something like that but there are some rather hilarious scenes and overall this is a very enjoyable and very easy to watch filmbr br very recommended,pos
after having seen the canadianicelandicbritish production of beowulf grendel which i thought brilliant and stunning i approached thisthe first of newer beowulf movies due out this yearwith trepidation as soon as i heard viking and saw the horned helmets i groaned these were migration era swedes and danes not vikings they came later and even the vikings never wore horns on their helmets horns make it easy for your enemy to knock your helmet off and then brain you then theres hrolfgars palace which looks like a set for a movie about greece or rome not thcentury denmark the swords and armor look like props left over from earlier films set in various historic periods i spotted weapons that might have been used by crusaders in kingdom of heaven and one character was even wielding a windlass steelcrafts reproduction movie sword from beowulf grendel beyond the basic plot of the original epic poem the writing was dismal and the acting totally wooden and unconvincing the biggest yuk was a secretweapon crossbow complete with sighting scope and exploding projectiles that looked like something bought from iraqi insurgents the specialeffects monster and his mom were so on steroids that beowulf could never have torn off an arm as he did in the poem thank the gods for bazooka crossbows i could go on but i wont,neg
i watched this movie at o clock in the morning a time in the day where i am usually very open when it comes to movies but still i think it wasnt good this movie wasnt good at all the reasons why are manybr br the acting isnt all that good and time after time situations occurring in it reminded me of a poor s chevy chase comedy i mean come on like the handcuff situation and the poker situation amongst the servants this movie was so obviously based very much on the first one and thats ok but if i hadnt seen the first one before seeing this it would have sucked even worse like the ending it came very suddenly and i felt like i got no closure what so ever sebastian changed very suddenly and this this movie seems like it was made solely to explain nr and like no time or effort was used on making anything else good the score is the same as in the first one and it didnt feel like a movie at allbr br they should have handled the situations with more style and class but they didnt and therefore this movie turned out bad,neg
when people ask me why do i like movies so much i usually respond have you seen the artgallery sequence in de palmas dressed to kill that scene alone pretty much represents everything i want to see in a film if i was a film director that would be the kind of thing id like to do pure cinema is one way of describing that sequence and it is truly amazing to see how director de palmas entire movie works at the same high artistic frequency of that scene it is a dreamlike movie clever as hell and with more zest and intelligence than a dozen films put together i think the movie raises an important point that will always be a topic of heated discussion could a movie rely solely on technique and still be considered an artistic success the film has no message to speak of acting is great but it is at the service of the style and the script is short on logic de palmas movie makes a really good case that style when handled properly can sustain a feature length film sure michael caine angie dickinson nancy allen and keith gordon give superlative performances but this is a directors movie all the way to the fadeout it is a sensational demonstration of the possibilities of the film medium i wont tell you what hitchcock movie the film pays homage to i dont want to spoil any surprises but i think de palma transcends the storys arc and he manages to create a film that pretty much summarizes his entire career not for the faint of heart,pos
i gave this film out of reserving for eg amadeus and for slumdog millionaire most recently this film is close to slumdog but it is difficult to judge on such film without understanding balkan life mentality and a soul which kusturica presents masterfully to understand it you really need to be one of balkan this is an amazing movie much better and more contemporary of his previous films which are boring at this time i think kusturica is moving forward with this movie i like humour balkan humour photography is an art itself each scene is artistic to the limit plot is probably a fairy tale dont recall it now but remember reading to my daughtergoingto sleep a similar story,pos
this movie was probably the worst movie i have ever seen here are the things that immediately jump out at me the woods were more like hills in los angeles with a couple trees and brush not scary whatsoever news flash if you are filming in the southern california area big bear is only an hour away they actually have trees therebr br the writing was absolutely without a doubt the worst dialogue i have ever experienced every possible line in the movie was unoriginal cliché or just plain stupid for instance the name of the camp is camp blood lame the name of the clown is the killer clown lame what is a clown doing in a forest anyway was that the only mask they could find the last but certainly the least was the acting absolutely the worst group of actors and actresses ever assembled a virtual cornucopia of shitty lines and poor acting worst part by far was when then randomly flash back to this fat foreign girl getting naked for a a photograph its a really long scene and i guess she was supposed to be sexy but she was not also and this was one of the few enjoyable parts of the movie for me was this tool who is supposed to be athletic for instance when he is bored in the movie he grabs a couple rocks and starts doing curls with them then later on he is supposed to be running for the clown and it is immediately clear with his very girl like run that he is quite far from athletic oh and to the girl who played kat good lord stop singing that song you sang for the credits makes me want to kill myselfbr br if for some reason you do see this movie i would at least recommend watching the special features the group of jackasses who made this film talk about it as if it is this really original story in fact one of the girls actually says that she let some of her friends read the screenplay and none of them could predict the ending apparently she hangs out with special kids,neg
unlike some comments mine is positive this movie wraps around the dinner table with a group of friends some you like some you dont a few are relatedmother daughter son their stories are not one smooth happy with everyone and everything type of lifemuch like real life some story lines do not evolve they just happen but like true families and good friends they stick together the wannabe parents who are buying a baby are such aholes you are happy for the ending poor delmar is stuck between a rock and a boulder taking care of herself her mom her son and trying to keep all their lives together this does not end with a sunset walk or house in the burbs and all are living in a dream world but is a very real life portrayal of people living day to day month to month overall this is a good story and a great movie,pos
in what is arguably the best outdoor adventure film of all time four city guys confront natures wrath in a story of survival the setting is backwoods georgia with its forests mountains and wild riversbr br the director john boorman chose to use local people not actors to portray secondary characters these locals imbue the film with a depth of characterization unequaled in film history no central casting actors could ever come close to these peoples remarkable faces voices or actions i dont recall a film wherein the secondary characters are so realistic and colorful as much as anything else it is this gritty realism that makes this film so amazingbr br another strength is the films theme nature in the wild can be violent how appropriate that the setting should be the american south very few places in the us are or have been as violent as redneck country in a story about darwinian survival of the fittest the film conveys the idea that humans are part of nature not separate from itbr br deliverance is very much a product of its time when unlike today americans expressed concern over a vanishing wilderness the films magnificent scenery the sounds of birds frogs crickets and the roar of the river rapids combined with the absence of civilization all convey an environmental message and that is another strength of the filmbr br at an entertainment level the tension gradually escalates as the plot proceeds not even half way into the film the tension becomes extreme and then never lets up not until the final credits roll very few films can sustain that level of intensity over such a long span of plotbr br finally the films technical quality is topnotch direction and editing are flawless cinematography is excellent dialogue is interesting and the acting is terrific burt reynolds has never been better ned beatty is perfectly cast and does a fine job and jon voight should have been nominated for an oscar if there is a weak link in the film it is the music which strikes me as timidbr br overall deliverance almost certainly will appeal to viewers who like outdoor adventure even for those who dont the gritty characterizations the acting and the plot tension are reasons enough to watch this film one of the finest in cinema history,pos
first of all there is gujarati theatre then there is bollywood both have their strengths and fan following director vipul shah should look elsewhere instead of gujarati theatre when making a bollywood production first he made aankhen adapted from a gujarati play which had a unique plot but could not hold as a hindi film now hes adapted another gujarati play and named it waqt a race against time in sum the emotions are alien the plot development is not for hindi films for example the role play between father and son is best left to gujarati theatre dont bring it in a hindi film even the comedy track is best left for the gujarati stage all performances are average nothing to shout about barring shefali chhaya shah who is fantastic,neg
the fact that i did not like the music is a very personal opinion the historical innacuracies are not i do realize that it is an opera and not a documentary but some important aspects are missing especiallly if other people comment falsely because of itbr br abbu abas was the mastermind of this operation which was staged and reorganized due to discovery on board the shiph in order to free terrorists from israeli prisons one of which was samir kuntar a heinous terrorist whose story you can find by searching for klinghoffer samir kuntar on google abbu abbas was responsible for many other terrorist operations even if he never set foot on the achile lauro ben laden never set foot on the planes that hit the wtc did hebr br possible spoilers br br the movie almost excuses the terrorists actions and reactions because of horrors they might have lived always accentuating and exaggerating how much the israelis have done to hurt them however they never portray the hurt that the palestinians have ever caused to the israelis the movie uses quite horrid images from the sabra and chatila horror and nothing is said understating the general belief that it was israel who was responsible without ever mentioning that it was a syrianles lebanese army who conducted the massacrebr br the acting was generally very bad but i guess thats what can be expected from opera singersbr br on another note i am shocked at how a person can excuse terrorists killing a hostage because the hostage tried to stir the innocent hostages against the armed terrorists and add that the person should not be considered sympathetic because he is a supporter of zionism imagine how unsympathetic his wife was spitting on the terrorists who shot her husband and threw his body into the sea i hope no one in the world is as cruel as she iswink wink,neg
in a film tales of manhattan told a set of stories that were basically unrelated but tied together with a suit of mens evening wear each story began when the tails were passed from one owner charles boyer for instance to another ceasar romero winchester a superior film and a great western has a similar plot twist initially it is about how jimmy stewart is seeking stephen horace macmahon for some deadly grudge but in the course of the film the two men get into a shooting contest the prize given by marshall wyatt earp will geer being one of the new winchester rifles stewart barely beats out macmahon but the gun is stolen from stewart and the chase is on br br the gun passes from hand to hand including john mcintyre as an arrogant trader who fatally does not know when to stop being arrogant to rock hudson in a surprising role and a brief one at that to charles drake to dan duryea as the delightfully deadly and psychotic waco johnny dean to macmahon eventually it does return to stewartbr br the film is expertly directed by anthony mann every character has a wide variety of experiences duryea gets the rifle literally over drakes dead body duryea forces the issue but he loses it to macmahon who is faster on the draw not that duryea is stupid enough to fight for the rifle as he and shelley winter look at macmahon in the distance winter who watched duryea kill her former boy friend drake drops her distaste for the gunman momentarily to ask why he put up with macmahons bullying for the gun philosophically duryea explains he can wait some opportunity will come up later on ie when he can safely kill macmahon and get back the rifle br br the characters are remarkably human winters first appears as the future bride of drake but she sees a really big negative side to him an unforgivable side drake is aware of this lapse and it helps lead to his destruction other characters have realistic touches such as jc flippen as an army sergeant who fights an indian attack with steward and stewards friend millard mitchell oh yes and with flippens fellow soldier tony curtis flippen makes one believe this soldier has been on a hundred battlefields before since probably steward had showed emotions in other films in its a wonderful life he showed a degree of anger at times and also a near nervous breakdown when he thinks everything is wrong with his life but here he showed a demonic anger at the expense of a surprised duryea who normally would show such anger himselfbr br the parts of this film fit very neatly together under manns competent hands this is one western that never wears out as the audience watches the travels of a winchester rifle,pos
what a surprise two outstanding performances by the lead actresses in this film this is the best work busy phillips has ever done and the best from erika christensen since traffic this film certainly should be in oscar contention see this movie,pos
a film like amazing grace and chuck is a perfect example of how the left in this country just doesnt get it they never did and liberalism continues to slip further and further into political oblivionbr br this film deals with a little league baseball star who decides to stop playing ball as a protest to the existence of nuclear weapons the boy is understandably ridiculed until a bevy of professional athletes led by former nba star alex english join his cause not just a few of them join the cause by the time his movement reaches its zenith entire leagues of professional and college sports have to cancel their seasons since nobody will play any more just to move this review along im prepared to grant them this premise even though it would never happen in a million years ill just imagine it could then go from therebr br i dont quite remember how but some type of agreement is reached and the boy decides to go back to the game he loves in an incredibly sappy and ridiculous scenebr br before criticizing the message of this film let me just say that this film is poorly written acted and directed even if one does agree with the boys stance it would be impossible to overcome how badly the film was constructed and thats a shame since there are plenty of good actors that go to waste peck curtis petersen alex english does as well as he could have with his character however and i wish he would try to act in more films alas its likely much easier to find work in the coaching world of the nba one wishes mr english would teach more of these thuggish nba types of today how to shoot the rock a little better alex certainly knew how to put the ball through the hoopbr br as far as the films message in concerned its just wrongheaded plain and simple all of those nuclear warheads tucked away in those missile silos out west prevented war it would be one thing for this boy and his flock to protest an actual war or the use of nuclear weapons these weapons were in fact never used and that was the genius behind their existence neither side during the cold war was crazy enough to fire a single missile without these weapons who knows what might have happened between the usa and ussrbr br the makers of this film obviously intended for kids in america to take up their cause and follow in chucks footsteps kids in america however are more intelligent than the left wing kooks who created this dreck br br the film is worth only of starsbr br if you want to see a great film about the dangers of nuclear war stick with dr strangelove insteadbr br mr newell you are no frank capra,neg
the film notes describe the main role family as turkish immigrants which living in denmark however it is so clear to understand that the fact is the behavior and the culture point the family is absolute kurdish similar social pressures and even cultural murders keep going on turkey today on kurdish ethnicity societies what a worrybr br it is widely accepted issue in turkey today the kurdish immigrants living in european countries today which have moved from turkey at s are culturally connected to the feudal moral laws system by growing daughters and women under pressure are giving harm to the turkish international image also as same as widely accepted another issue is the turkish or kurdish immigrants on these countries are the reason negative aim about the community europe nominee,pos
if you see this movie you know you will see an extense videoclip of popular music but you will find more incredible fx great music and a nice time to enjoy with your kids if you compare this movie you have to remember is a pop extravaganza clips of man in the mirror leave me alone smooth criminal and beatles come together,pos
the film is exceptional in its gay iconography and extends this beyond the asthetics to the music and cast throughout the whole film exists a childlike wonder as seen through the eyes of the main character her lighthearted take on the world around us is comical and beautiful in a way its a slacker movie for girls watch this is you fancy a relaxing entertaining midnight movie buy this if you like diferent takes on the world of media and love combined ,pos
before viewing please make sure you have seen night of the living dead this might well be the best minute parody i have ever seen absurd crappy special effects the rope the rope and maneating slices of bread what more do you needbr br do not watch this movie while eating bread you might get scared,pos
tiempo de valientes is a very fun action comedyafter his great fist movie called el fondo del mar and the spectacular tv programme los simuladoresdamian szifron made another great worktiempo de valientes looksfor momentsa movie made in hollywooddiego peretti and luis luque are two great actors and herethey have great performancesthe movie is very fun and funny and it has superb momentstiempo de valientes is a very fun action comedy that i totally recommend if you wanna have a great timeand i have to congrats szifron for all the talent he hasbr br rating,pos
to be a buster keaton fan is to have your heart broken on a regular basis most of us first encounter keaton in one of the brilliant feature films from his great period of independent production the general the navigator sherlock jnr we recognise him as the greatest figure in the entire history of film comedy and we want to see more of his movies here the heartbreak begins after steamboat bill jnr keatons brotherinlaw joseph schenck pressured him into signing a contract that put keaton under the control of mgm keaton became just one more actor for hire performing someone elses scripts then his alcoholism got worse after steamboat bill jnr keaton never again made a truly firstrate film a couple of sources describe a wouldbe masterpiece comedy that keaton claimed he almost got to make at mgm a parody of grand hotel biographer tom dardis has offered convincing evidence that keaton made up this storybr br the heartbreak increases because among the many years of keatons long steady decline he just occasionally came up with a good film such as his short comedy grand slam opera i continue to search for the lost footage of keatons dramatic scene with spencer tracy in its a mad mad world a sequence in which embittered cop tracy telephones an old retired crook keaton and tries to recruit his assistance in stealing smiler grogans cash that footage is almost certainly gone forever but i keep lookingbr br speak easily alas is one of keatons films from the beginning of his decline mgm were trying to build up jimmy durante who coincidentally played smiler grogan three decades later as a new comedy star unfortunately mgm tried to build up durante by teaming him with keaton whose style of comedy was simply incompatible with durantes im a fan of both throughout his career durante was a merciless scenestealer commendably he knew that he was being built up at keatons expense and keaton was the only costar whom durante never attempted to upstagebr br keaton was often cast as the victim of extremely cruel machinations in speak easily he plays a didactic and humourless midwestern college professor named post because hes as wooden as one who receives a letter informing him that hes inherited which he must travel to new york city to claim does he make a phone call to verify this does he even check the postmark no he takes his lifes savings out of the bank and rushes to new york as soon as hes gone posts manservant confesses that he wrote the fake letter to jostle professor post out of his rutbr br post who thinks hes a millionaire crosses paths with jimmy dodge durante whos trying to produce a musical revue but hasnt any money the characters which these two brilliant comedians are playing onscreen simply fail to intermesh keaton is playing one of those eggheads like mister logic in viz who intellectualises everything durante plays one of those annoying hepcats who is incapable of making any straightforward statement because the script requires him always to speak in slang theres a painfully unfunny dialogue scene in which durante is trying to talk to keaton about money but instead of coming straight out with it durante has to use increasingly contrived slang terms like kale cartwheels and so forth while keaton of course has no idea what durantes on about ill give keaton credit his own dry and dusty prairie voice his flat kansas accent is absolutely perfect for the character hes playing herebr br sidney toler looking much leaner and more handsome here than he would be just a year later is impressive as the excitable director of the revue bankrolled on tick by professor post henry armetta whom ive never found funny is even less funny than usual here offering a running gag with a stupid payoff thelma todd impressed me here in a more villainous version of the role she played in horse feathers a much funnier movie edward brophy one of my favourite character actors is wastedbr br part of the problem with speak easily is that supporting characters behave in completely inappropriate ways keatons lawyer shows up at durantes theatre with an urgent message for keaton but he isnt there so the lawyer proceeds to divulge keatons personal business to the first total stranger he meets fire that lawyer buster in another scene professor post the guy whos perceived as bankrolling this musical blunders into the chorus girls changing room and all the chorus girls immediately squeal and cover themselves i know for a fact that modern chorus girls would never react this way and i seriously doubt that chorus girls in behaved that way either certainly not in response to the angel controlling their shows pursestringsbr br spoilers coming about half an hour into the unfunny speak easily the great jimmy durante seats himself at the piano grins into the camera and does that distinctive little shake of his head as he starts to play a tune this is the moment when i thought that at long last this movie was finally going to settle down to its purpose of entertaining us alas no most annoying of all is the ending of this film which uses the single most hackneyed and implausible cliche in all of comedy the one in which an utterly incompetent dimwit becomes a star comedian through his own ineptitude keaton would be forced to replay this cliche in a episode of screen directors playhouse chaplin had already used it in the circusbr br i very nearly wept in anger and sorrow at the wasted opportunities in speak easily mostly out of respect for the work that keaton durante toler brophy and miss todd have done elsewhere ill rate this movie points out of br br ,neg
story of ireland in the s this film is a beautiful reconstruction of small time ireland in the s all the gang are there see below master boyle the boys the cannon sp odonnell senator doogans daugter rose agnes maura and una see this filmfeel ireland as it wasbr br ,pos
supposedly based on the life of domino harvey a model turned bounty hunter id say is fabricated i always keep an open mind when it comes to movies however this movie lost its chances when it became apparent it had narration throughout the film something i cant stand and to top it off the heroine of the story is so hateful and depicted as an arrogant bch i just wanted it to end with her being shot in the head its too incoherent too flashy and way too boring its a who gives a crap kinda story and i really think that big time directors need to make movies based on their own or a writers own imagination not something based on some ignorant snobby brats life,neg
in the first howling we are introduced to a world where werewolves exist and are somewhat organized the plot in that film made some sense a tv reporter investigates this and attempts to uncover the truth she ends up having to kill many of them including her boyfriend who becomes one then she shows the world that they do exist by transforming on live tv the special effects were just laughable in the first movie and they dont get any better in this one whether its the transformations or the bad puppets or the cheesy computer graphics showing the superpowersbr br the plot line isnt all that bad they must kill the leader of the werewolves for some reason this wont destroy all werewolves and it really doesnt end the threat from werewolves as itthey just want to kill her i think there was some cloudy reason for this but it really gets lost in the filmbr br after the film ends we have a minute montauge of the movie we just watched and every other scene is one where the female werewolf leader rips off her top exposing her large breasts while some devoesquire band plays to a crowd of werewolves br br the only thing that makes this movie even watchable is christopher lee,neg
a serious comedy ross hunterproduced movie version of the french play les joies de la famille later americanized as a very rich woman is plush well cast occasionally funnyand unfortunately timeless a wealthy california widow who appears to be frittering away her money is railroaded by her two grown greedy daughters both of whom are afraid mama rosie is carelessly spending their inheritance the whole issue of a vitalbut agedwoman sent to a rest home against her will and later having to prove herself sane in a court hearing is touchy material for a comedy and to his credit director david lowell rich doesnt overload the picture with crass gags or obvious sentiment some of the humor is a little broad and doesnt work yet rosalind russell understands the gravity inherent in this scenario and never hits a false note sandra dee is also good as rosalinds granddaughter and james farentino is very charming as a young lawyer the movie has so much to say about the importance of our elderly and the ways in which they choose to spend their remaining time that the seriousness of rosies theme almost gets lost in the rush to a happy ending the picture leaves you smilingand at the same time wondering how many older ladies there are who were never quite so lucky from ,pos
a very ordinary madefortv product tyson attempts to be a serious biopic while stretching the moments of angst for effect fast forwarding through the esoterics of the corrupt sport of boxing and muddling the sensationalistic stuff which is the only thing which makes tyson even remotely interesting a lukewarm watch at best which more likely to appeal to the general public than to boxing fans,neg
this ludicrous and inept film is certainly the most misguided version of hamlet to ever reach the screen branaghs approach to the material can only be described as vulgar going to such lengths as depicting ophelia in a straight jacket having fortinbras army appear suddenly on the horizon looking very much like the climax of monty python and the holy grail when the palace is apparently guarded only by francisco who shouts the very unshakespearean cry of ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack before being gunned down and multitudes of star cameos that harken back to the days of jimmy cagneys bottom and mary pickfords katebr br branagh chose to set his film in an edwardian setting but at the same time decided to employ an almost uncut text so that frequently the dialogue that is firmly rooted in elizabethan mentality makes no sense in the context that it is being performed and branagh does not concern himself with such textural subtleties as the ambiguous nature of hamlet and olphelias relationship treating the audience to a vulgar nude sex scene between the couple that tosses any ambiguity right out the stained glass windowbr br the uncut text does allow branagh to indulge in his favorite cinematic pastime more footage of kenneth branagh this is never so apparent as in the how all occasions inform against me speech that ends the first half of the nineteen hour film at least thats how it feels which attempts to play to a dramatic crescendo along the lines of gone with the winds ill never be hungry again this may serve branaghs ego but it does not serve shakespeare or the speech when i saw the film in the theater i leaned over to my companion and snickered great moments with mr hamlet branagh saves the funniest and most tasteless moment for last when he attempts to outdo the olivier film and its justly celebrated death of claudius by having hamlet jump from off a high tower onto the monarch impaling him with a sword branaghs dane does in the king by heroically throwing an apparently magic rapier from across the palace to run through claudius heart with a super heros bulls eye the only thing that saved the moment from being unbearably maddening was that it was so offthewall funnybr br while this film has been praised in some quarters as a serious depiction of the tragedy it is in fact nothing but a starstudded display of a oncetalented filmmaker being overtaken by his own narcissism the emperor has no clothes and this hamlet has nothing to offer but a few unintended laughs and the appalling sight of one mans ego out of control,neg
br br the movie starts out as an ordinary comicheromovie it´s about the boy who is picked on has no parents and is madly in love with the schools girl nothing surprises in the movie there is nothing that you can´t guess coming in the movie toby mcguire shows us that either he is no good actor or that no actor in the world can save a script like this one maybe kids around the age of ten can enjoy the film but it is a bit violent for the youngest you can´t get away from thinking of movies like xmen batman and spawn all of those titles are better i almost walked out the last minutes one thing that could have been good though was the computeranimation but not even that is anything to put in the christmastree so my recomendation don´t see this film even if you get paid for it,neg
i searched out this one after seeing the hilarious and linguistically challenging clueless perhaps alicia silverstones best known effort from early in her film career true crime has kevin dillon which should be helpful in improving most film projects in fact everyone in the cast does a good job the only disappointment i think the movie has for me is an awkward feel to some of the scenes coming from the need to run a quite uncompromising grown up theme as part of what in tone starts out as a schoolgirl adventurebr br alicia silverstone is pretty good in this one she carries off well the naive enthusiasm and growing unease that affects mary giordano as she manoeuvres towards the truth behind the serial murders i reckon her characterization of mg has some mileage in it too the inference of the story line is that she goes on to a career in law enforcement it could be really interesting for an older silverstone to revisit giordano at a time of crisis later in the officers life just a thoughtbr br true crime shows its director in a good light pat verducci also has the writing credit i dont know of any other film work pv has done i can only wonder what happened after such a promising startbr br like most productions this one has a largely unknown supporting cast although bill nunn detective jerry guinn is hardly that over the past decade he seems to have been able to secure an impressive number of screen appearances i recall seeing him recently in carriers a made for tv presentation with a military theme bill nunn played captain arends fans of the classic us tv comedy show whos the boss may also have an interest in carriers because the leading player is judith light remembered with affection by many because of her lengthy involvement with the showbr br true crime could easily not have worked but it does ok i think it is an entertaining story worth seeing,pos
one more of those brilliant young men who went all out and dared to make a teen romance film can i actually call it that it would invoke the devil out of its fanson a micro budget but packed with such taste sensitiveness and maturity peter sollett you deserve more admiration and respectthanks once again for demonstrating to the powers that be in the industry that stereotypes can be flushed down the toilet one locationa handful of rich characters low budgetgood actingand that too amateursdecent lighting worshippers of true indie cinema should watch more of this and stop watchingwellyou know what,pos
what a disappointmentbr br this film seemed to be trying to copy cutting edge comedy but the direction and the script was sloppy sickly and sentimental in the worst film tradition jack blacks actingrole was selfindulgent and selfregarding and the other characters were equally unmasking and uninteresting the soundtrack was tedious we are were fans of black but none of us did more than mange a forced titter for the duration why did he feel he needed to make this mistakebr br we will not watch another of his films without reading reviews more carefully firstbr br was he drunk when he read the script before signing up for this drivel,neg
i had to give this film a simply because it did what so many films thrown at black audiences have failed miserably to do this film was void of all the video whore clichés and it also skipped the gangsters rappers and foul language it examined several relationships among physicians african americans and african american malefemale romantic relationships on a completely new and refreshing level i was highly impressed with the films careful mix of light headed humor with some pretty tough and heavy issues the film will leave you feeling happy and sad all at the same time i saw it at the boston film festival as well it premiered at amc loews boston and i truly hope this film makes it to much larger audiences black people and everyone else would love a movie like this if only the industry was smart enough to put them out therebr br as an extra if your a doctor a resident a medical student a premedical student married to a doctor have a doctor sibling have a doctor in the family or know a great doctor period they would love this film as well it portrayed residency and the practice in a truetolife way that was greatly appreciated by the doctors residents and medical students who viewed the film dennis cooper completely his residency in internal medicine so he definitely applied his knowledgeexperience to the film and that is greatly apparent,pos
calling this a romantic comedy is accurate but nowadays misleading the genre has sadly deteriorated into cliches too focused on making the main couple get together and with very little room for ambience and other stories making it formulaic and overly predictablebr br the shop around the corner does not suffer from these illnesses it manages to create a recognisably middleeasterneuropean atmosphere and has a strong cast besides the also strong nominal leads i avoid using the words supporting cast as for example mr matuschek frank morgan has a central role to the film and his story is equally if not more important than the romancebr br the film youve got mail borrowed the anonymous penpal idea from this film and has therefore been billed as a remake this is not correct and in fact unfair to the new movie it shares the genre and borrows a plot element but that is all,pos
i was interested in the title and description of big rig while attending the sxsw film festival in austin tx however i was eager to get the heck out of the seats as soon as big rig ended big rig is comprised of several big rig drivers who set out to deliver goods driven across the united states the characters are all wonderful people however the filmmakers never dug deep into the complexity of them as people instead the story meanders as much as the maps in the film are meant to guide but never do at most we get lost we the audience end up going nowhere and like the direction of the storytelling end up somewhere but without direction location or plot why are we here where are we how did we get here the storytelling is sloppy and the directors intent on humanizing a group of people who they regard as overlooked and invisible comes across as unconsciously and irritatingly condescending the problem here here lies in the perspective of the directors instead of the truck drivers the directors bring their own naive assumptions about truckers forward and then simply edit the film to confirm those assumptions overall the story lacks any tension the film is entirely too long should have been a min sketch the big question of so what is never answered and the entire film is one piece of seethrough propaganda that does nothing to further enlighten as the directors claim the outside world about big riggers,neg
i am a very big jim carrey fan i laughed my ass off during liar liar and ace ventura i also like him in his serious movies especially truman show this one is a cross between his very funny side and his serious side he is of course very funny in this movie but there are parts that are very serious and he pulls it off with a lot of ease he is truely a multifunction actorbr br as for the rest of the cast i was happy with jennifer anistons acting i think she is more than just a couple of nice tits and great ass morgan freeman makes a very cool god as for steven carell his limited scenes are very funny especially in the anchor scenebr br overall i would have to rate this a good acting funny script and some very serious situations make this a very good film,pos
where can i begin i heard this movie was coming out and i was very mad i am a huge fan of the original carlitos way and when i heard about this i thought it would be just like almost all the other sequels that come out in hollywood i thought it would be bad boy was i wrong this movie was much worse than i expected not saying all sequels are bad but thats the problem with hollywood these days they make too many sequels and remakes and rush them this was not a theater release it is a dvd release still in my opinion there was no reason at all for this to be made after i heard about this film was in progress i then later heard pacino was not in it that right away killed any chance this movie had of being good why did i check this movie out then some of you may ask well i had the opportunity to see it so i did i dont only watch movies that i have high expectations of i had low expectations on this one obviously i just wanted to see if it would have anything relevant in it now if any of you reading this are a carlitos way fan you know a lot of the story in the first one has to do with him going to jailbr br very minor spoiler i wont ruin anything because this may actually make you not want to waste hours watching this trash all i will say is in the end of carlitos way we dont see carlito go to jail now i dont know about any of you but i would have thought a prequel to carlitos way would show how he ended up in jail i even had some interest in actually seeing what happenedbr br now thats not my only problem with the film the actor who played carlito did not do too bad a job but he could not have saved this film if he tried theres not even all those little things that should be thrown in there that carlitos way fans would like you dont see any appearance of kleinfeld or other key characters in the first one i would have liked to see something like that what is even worse is luis guzman is in this film yet he doesnt play the same character he plays in the first film big mistake on their part why cast the same actor for a different character it made the movie worse than it already wasbr br bottom line i am a carlitos way fan this new straight to dvd release is a disgrace if you are a fan dont watch this movie coming in with high expectations this movie did basically nothing for me and it is definitely one movie i wont be picking up on dvd or watching ever again,neg
deeply emotional it cant leave you neutralbr br yes its a love story between years old boys but its only the body of this movie and its been removed you only feel what happened with these boys you feel the soul of the movie with of course some action some sex but this is no pornography too many feelingsbr br it was only a summer story and it became from love to hate almost to death the most important time of their lives i loved it you will too whatever your feelings are,pos
i love playing football and i thought this movie was great because it contained a lot of football in it this was a good hollywoodbollywood film and i am glad it won awards parminder nagra and kiera knightley were good and so was archie punjabi jonathon rheyes meyers was great at playing the coach jazz parminder nagra loves playing football but her parents want her to learn how to cook an want her to get married when jazz starts playing for a football team secretly she meets juliet kiera knightlety and joe jonathon rhyes meyers who is her coach when her parents find out trouble strikes but her dad lets her play the big match on her sisters pinky archie punjabis wedding at the end her parents realise how much she loves football and let her go abroad to play,pos
east palace west palace reminded me somewhat of the detective with frank sinatra in the role of the cop and william windom is the boy its a progressive film for china i guess but it also perpetuates myths about the femininity of gay men much is made of chinese myths in which men take on female roles the movie focuses on an effeminate man who wants desperately to be dominated and hurt by a macho guy he cruises the park without fearhe hopes to be taken into the stationhouse by the officer and that in fact happens then he tells the officer his entire life story while being subjected to mild torture made to squat for a period of time handcuffed slapped this is what the gay man wants and implicitly the gay man is challenging the cops selfimage as a manly man the storys about the gay mans life which include flashbacks are tolerable but when he starts describing old chinese myths and dramatic works the movie becomes unbearable it becomes a cry of pity for chinas gays who only want to fulfill a traditional role in chinese society sorry i cant relate,neg
though this may not necessarily be a socalled classic film by todays standards its still worth seeing the main reason why is because after experiencing this film you get the feeling that youve also experienced the countercultural idealism of the s no matter however good or badbr br i happened to see this film in an english literature class at suny geneseo and though at first it appears to be just a meaningless composition of s icons the film is far from being simply thrown togetherbr br my point is that if you leave the film feeling unsatisfied and confused the film has done its job its conveyed a desolate view of the future that leaves you feeling unsure and angry it was perhaps this same feeling that the film sought to explore in the youth it exemplifiedbr br as such zabriskie point may not tell a very good or interesting story and at the same time its characters may be onesided and predictable however it also conveys so well this sort of clichéd rebellious desire to get out of the existence which both mark and daria must share even the antiestablishment students are as inauthentic as the govt they rebel against,pos
this was one of the most ridiculous and badly directed movies ive seen in a very long time ive never liked spike lee but thought id give this one a try bad mistake the movie is supposed to show how the son of sam real life murders affected a neighborhood in the summer of what it really did was center around the most boring characters that i doubt anyone cared for as far as their drug problems marriage problems and so on etc the scenes that depict the murders are just that and nothing more a shooting and then its back to saturday night fever whats even more ridiculous is spike lees choice to show up as a reporter in the movie spike trust me youre no hitchcock stay out of the movies it makes them even worse off the most silly scene had to be the dog speaking in a goofy voice which was depicted in a scene before it where it was supposed to have been shot spike what were you thinking when you made this film not thinking at all is my guess people who think theyll see a crime drama take my advice and do not waste your time or money on this loser youre better off watching jerry springer in this case waste of film i gave it a out of awful dud,neg
yes some people have said that this movie was a waste of money but im the kind of die hard dragonworldendingholy crap action movie fanbr br but if you take it from my stand point this movie had some of the best action sences were pretty dang good but its that kind of movie that everything just fell tougher at the right time or just about when evil was trumph something fell in to save them at the right time though there were some funny lines and gangs throughout the movie which surprised mebr br the d graphics were pretty damn good i mean for this kind of movie the d effects were great big battle that was shown in the trailers live up to whatever hype the movie had the fight between good and evil at the end was i have to to say could have been longer and slightly better it was still pretty goodbr br now on to the parts that i think could have been better the beginning was pretty good showing the parts that lead up to the big battles i mean if you dont really want to go see this movie in theaters then at least this is a dvderbr br overall i loved the moviebut the plot just fell into place to fast and fit tougher just to well,pos
a really cool flick a must for any music snob you dont really have to know about the bands to enjoy the movie before the movie i only heard only two songs from the dandy warhols the only thing is required is an open mind br br the movie centers around the brian jonestown massacre the dandy warhols have a role in the film as the rival band but they are second fiddle to the bjm the dandy warhols dont play as big of a role in the film as i originally guessed but then again they didnt have the element of excitement and unpredictability of the bjmyou cant help but be fascinated by the band and its very charismatic front man anton newcombe by itself its an insightful film and study on the music industry just watch this film and enjoy,pos
by my koolaid drinkers remark i mean that these are such devoted fans of the man pavarotti that they make no attempt to objectively rate this film giving this a is akin to giving wally cox the award for mr universe or putting a velvet elvis painting in the louvre when this film debuted i remember the savage reviews with headlines such as no giorgio and some said it was among the worst films ever made this is definitely overstating it as well while bad and far from a great work of art there was a lot to like about the film and the movies biggest deficit was not the acting of pavarotti nor his girthbr br believe it or not the brunt of the blame rests solely on the shoulders of the writers who i believe were chimps it is rare to see a movie with such clichéd dialog or goofy scenes like the food fight but even they arent the heart of the problem the problem is that the writers intend for the audience to care about a romance that consists of a horny married middleaged man and a seemingly desperate lady perhaps european audiences might be more forgiving of this but in the united states in or today such a romance seems sleazy and selfishespecially when pavarotti tells harrold that he loves his wife and this is just fun wow talk about romantic dialog sadly if they had just changed the script a little bit and made pavarotti a widower or perhaps had his wife be like the wife from a couple classic hollywood films such as from all this and heaven too or the suspect where the wife was so vile and unlikable you could forgive the husband having an affair or even killing her instead shes the loving mother of two kids who waits patiently at home while her egotistical hubby beds tarts right and leftas pavarotti admits to having had many affairs before meeting harroldbr br sadly even the gorgeous music of pavarotti couldnt save this film towards the end of the film there are some amazing scenes in new york where the set is just incredible and pavarottis singing transcendent for that reason i think the movie at least deserves a i really wanted to like the film more but it was a truly bad filmthough not quite as rotten as you might have heardbr br sadly from what i have read this film might be a case of art imitating life as pavarottis own life later had some parallels to this film though this isnt exactly the forum to discuss this in detail,neg
this movie was the beatliest mormon movie made yet it made the rm sons of provo look like well done films it was supposed to be funny from what i was told the best part was the best actor in the movietravis eberhardif he wasnt in the movie it probably wouldnt have been made he ruledbr br it wasnt funny it was beat it had thurl big t bailey whos character made no sense it was made in provo it didnt make fun of brokeback it had larry h miller in it it was the st movie clint howard wasnt funny in gary coleman chose the perfect movie a comeback they should have cast at surreal life auditions it was made by halestorm entertainment,neg
when i was six yo i learned about a series called los campeones and even if i was just a kid i did everything i need to convince my parents to let me watch the champions and the avengers once every week i think that was the golden age of english series i already own the complete cycle of the prisoner but lasted also a few years later with the tomorrow people the worst witch i just me or this is harry potter in girl of course before as much as i want the campions to be in zone or zone im also waiting for dr who pack the whole series in a set of uhm maybe dvds please i couldnt expend more for it people of tomorrow and several other low budget but great stories to be available within my reached zones i speak and understand english but not all my relatives do including my parents whom introduced me into these great stories i hope someday someone could feel the attraction of these series and then could sell them as i originally view them dubbed or subtitled but in the same format i saw them remember zone or are ok with my tv set,pos
i couldnt wait to see this movie about half way through the movie i couldnt wait for it to end all of the white actors were delivering their lines like woody allen had just said say it like this then they said their lines on screen like they were trying to imitate woody allen it was so annoying we all know how will ferrell really talks and he doesnt stumble over his words like mr allen the comedy portion of this film was just as boring as the tragedy and definitely never funny or even entertaining i must admit that i have never been a major woody allen fan and this movie definitely has not converted me i think that his writing was just as bad as his direction this movie will go down as one of the worst movies i have ever seen,neg
im working my way through the horror classics movie pack collection and revolt of the zombies is one of the movies in the set i am watching them with my soontobe sevenyear old daughter which makes most of these movies a laugh riotbr br i had high hopes for revolt of the zombies after watching white zombie which is really the precursor to so much that is the mainstay of zombies in cinema think clive barkers serpent and the rainbow and james bonds live and let die funeral scene not night of the living deadbr br however even though the title includes the word zombies it is little more than a love triangle involving anthropologist armand louque who is smitten with claire duval who in turn is taken with his companion clifford grayson what a yawnfest my daughter fell asleep halfway throughbr br i had a real hard time deciphering who these people worked for the allies or the axis but i guess that doesnt really matterbr br i was shocked to see bela lugosi in the credits for this movie but of course those were his eyes from white zombie serving as the mindcontrol device for the zombies,neg
kurt russell is at his best as the man who lives off his past glories reno hightower robin williams is his polar opposite in a rare low key performance as jack dundee he dropped the big pass in more ways than onebr br youll see some of the most quotable scenes ever put into one film as jack hisses at a rat reno poses and the call of the caribou goes outbr br dont miss this classic that isnt scared to show football in the mud the way it should be played,pos
creep is the story of kate potente an intensely unlikeable bourgeois bitch that finds herself somehow sleeping through the noise of the last underground train and waking up to find herself locked in the tube station after somehow meeting workmate and wouldbe rapist guy on a mystery train that runs after the lines have closed things go awry and she finds herself pursued by what lurks beneath the citys streets her story is linked to that of george blackwood an excon working in the sewer system they meet in the final third of the film brought together by their attempts to escape the monster that pursues thembr br the pair proceed through a set of increasingly unlikely locations from the tube station they end up in the sewage works before somehow finding themselves in some sort of abandoned underground surgery most tube stations dont have toilets so how one has a surgery is beyond me naturally the film cares to explain that the surgery doesnt have running water yet it has electricity just one of many inconsistencies that work against the atmosphere of everyday believability that the film tries to createbr br the monster itself is a problem theres a complete lack of reasoning for its actions it just kills people for no obvious reason and then of course it keeps some alive for no real reason either perhaps just so that they can eventually escape and give the film an extra minutes or so running time i understand that natural evil is supposed to be scary but then the film attempts to explain itself via a photo of a doctor and his son and a few shots of some jars containing babies and yes it is just as tired and pathetic as it sounds it also fails to explain how the creature has been underground long enough to lose the ability to speak communicating only in raptor screams but not long enough for its pair of shorts to decay hmmbr br this doctor business leads to scene that is the films desperate attempt to implant itself on your memory and while it is gory and uncomfortable to watch it just isnt enough the final third of the film hinges on an emotional relationship that never existed and the characters break down and recover for little or no obvious reason george breaks down unable to cope with something despite stating that he wants to escape so he can see his daughter again and kate becomes emotionally tough seconds after going to pieces over someone that ripped her off for a travelcard yeahbr br after starting out as a this could happen to anyone movie it quickly falls apart as it introduces ideas that make it more and more unrealistic a complete lack of emotional interest in the characters and an absence of suspense make this one to avoid,neg
kristine watts molie weeks is broken apart missing her lover she is not able to overcome her love for him that is lost in the past she hires a stranger douglas davis and gives a list of her mistakes to him with things to fix but time is irreversible and sometimes the cure for the pain is a tragic endbr br the first point that impresses in the cure is the stylish cinematography that alternates black and white with color the concise and sharp screenplay is capable to develop a tragic and bleak tale of love with an unexpected plot point in the very end in less than eight minutes the soundtrack is beautiful but the volume is a little loud and associated to the fact that english is not my native language in some moments i needed to repeat some words whispered by the narrator the unknown lead actress has magnificent performance and is extremely gorgeous i hope to have a chance to see her again on the screen last but not the least the debut of the director and writer ryan jafri could not be better my vote is ninebr br title brazil not available,pos
what an utter disappointment the score of here on imdb built up some mild expectations but oh my was i disappointed the first thing that bugs me are those braindead stereotyped university kids yes i know teens can be childish and so on but why are they in movies always portrayed as complete braindead morons there was one character that i thought was alright but heshe not revealing it here was killed off way before the end the other characters was poorly executed and even the supposed heroheroine just didnt do it for me on the plus side the plot is pretty good and the productions values a cut above for these kind of flicks the acting was generally not very good rutger hauer stands out in a small role but it all fails with bland and braindead characters you just stop caring about them after minutes and thats being generous,neg
i dont know if this is a sitcom or not but i agree that this is one of the greatest television shows ever its great that this show still airs and i love michelle its cute on the episodes when she was a baby and she talked and she sometimes said something funny awbr br this show can relate to children and teens and well families as they struggle through rough times and try to work it out as a family i dont know who would ever turn down an opportunity to watch this show with someone br br i love the episode when i think her name is dd the older girl accidentally stole a sweatshirt and she learned a lesson about stealing that was a great episode an example that this tv show shows the family working things out as a familybr br i recommend this show for everyone,pos
and im serious truly one of the most fantastic films i have ever had the pleasure of watching whats so wonderful is that very rarely does a good book turn into a movie that is not only good but if possible better than the novel it was based on perhaps in the case of lord of the rings and trainspotting but it is a rare occurrence indeed but i think that the fact that louis sachar was involved from the beginning helped masses so that the film sticks close to the story but takes it even further this film has many elements that make it what it isbr br a unique original story with a good mix of fun and humour but a mature edge brilliant actors adults and kids alike these actors know how to bring the story to life and deliver their lines with enthusiasm and style without going overboard as sometimes happen with kids movies breathtaking scenery and it doesnt matter if its real or cgi the setting in itself is a masterpiece i especially love the image of the holes from a birds eye view a talented director who breathes life into the book and turns it into technicolour genius the transitions in time work well and capture the steady climax from the book leading up to the twists throughout the film louis sachar the guy who had me reading a book nonstop from start to finish so that i couldnt put it down he makes sure that the script sticks to the book with new bits added in to make it even better and speaking of the script the oneliners in this are smart funny and unpatronising but there are also parts to make you smile make you cry and tug at your heartstrings to make you love this story all the more beautiful soundtrack theres not a song in this film that i havent fallen for and thats something considering im supposed to be a punkrocker the songs link to the story well and add extra jazz to the overall style of the film if youre going to buy the film i recommend you buy the soundtrack too especially for if only which centres around the story and contains the chorus from the bookbr br i do not work for the people who made holes by the way im just a fan plugging my favourite film and giving it the review it deserves if you havent seen it do it now this very instant go,pos
like most other reviewers i have first seen this movie on tv never on the big screen when i was a teenager my dad has always regarded this film highly and recommended it to me then and i must say he was not only right but this movie has stayed with me forever in the more than decades since i saw it first time i have seen it two or three more times since then just a few days ago i gave it another watch and it has not lost anything of its impact with time it still a great and well worth to be seen movie manr regard peckinpahs ride the high country as one of the first and best later western which had a realistic look at life in the old west but the hardly known last hunt is definitely the better movie and was even half a dozen years earlier actually it was probably decades ahead of its time or maybe it still is br br although thinking hard and having certainly seen s of western i like this genre i can not remember any western as bleak and depressive as this one two men bound together partly by hate partly by not seeming to have other choices surrounded by beautiful ms padget a crippled old man and a young inian leading the life of buffalokillers until fate reaches out for one of thembr br nobody who has ever seen this movie will be able to forget its ending and the last frames of this gem when the camera moves on and away from mr taylor a white buffalo skin comes into sight on a treeand echos from the past when all the hatred began are present again mr taylor has got his buffalo but in the end the buffalo got him br br aside from the top performances of everybody involved the intelligent script and the great dialogue it should also be mentioned that the last hunt is superbly photograped i have seldomely seen a western that well shot aside from the ones directed by anthony mann which are also all superbly photographed that all the locations are cleverly chosen and that even the soundtrack fits the picture very wellbr br and director brooks is really a superb storyteller master craftsmanshiphe has made quite a couple of really great movies and was successful in nearly every imaginable genre but even in an as prolific career as this one the last hunt still shines as one of his best if not his bestbr br definitely would deserve a higher rating compared to the something ride the high country enjoys,pos
although the beginning suggests all quiet on the western front this silly and superficial version of war falls far astray of its much better contemporary this depicts the funnest war ever fought with the first hour and a half devoted to romance and good timesbr br when we finally see some battle it is lame an enemy plane flies over shoot it down in one shot sniper in the tree kill him before he gets a shot off enemy soldiers in the woods not to worry they gladly surrender hohumbr br tepid turgid predictablebr br ,neg
the premise and subject about making a criminal realize what his victims went through by capturing his family hostage sounds promising and interesting but this is the only interesting part which was also dealt years ago with quite finesse by director ravi tandon in his film jawab too the problem here is ace director rajkumar santoshi found himself in some sort of confusion as to whether to make it a fast paced actionthriller viz khakee or an emotionsrich heavy duty drama viz damini and this confusion is quite evident in the final outcome if we ignore two of hispukar and lajja this brilliant director has always given us fairly engrossing films with high entertainment value therefore this film comes as a surprise as to what made this script –sensitive director going for halfbaked characterization of both of his protagonistsamitabh bachchan and aryeman as the film is getting over audience didnt know whom to hate and whom to sympathize with and this factor is the major limiting force in the complete narration therefore what starts as a war between a common man and an underworld don ends on a strange note of selfrealization and regret by the don about what went wrong with his own family the revelation of dons son as a real baddie does not come as a surprise element in the climax which if compared to similar situation in khakee worked so effectively with aishwaryas character that is not all there is more to it the whole dramatization of life of an underworld don operating from abroad looks quite illogical his openly landing up at mumbai from where he is suppose to be absconding as well as running after his enemies and shooting them himself does not look believable pitching a mediocre newcomer actor like aryeman opposite mr bachchan is again not a good idea but nonetheless film has some plus points ashok mehtas fine camerawork two good fight sequences coordinator abbas ali moughal some light wellacted scenes of akshay kumar in the ist half santoshis fastpaced slick treatment and of course mr bachchan as usual trying hard to put some life into his lifeless character but all these put together does not make this viewing an exciting experience for you and your family,neg
br br i have to admit to enjoying bad movies i love them i watch all of them horror especially my friends and i all gather after a hard week at school and work rent some crazy tapes order a pizza and have a blast one of the ones we got at hollywood video was this one zombie bloodbath this one had a great box so i was expecting less than usualbr br the story is about a housing project that is built over a nuclear facility that has had the aboveground layers bulldozed and the other underground layers are simply covered up the inhabitants of this neighborhood find the covered up facility when some kids fall into a hole inside a cave this wakes up some zombiesbr br from this point on its chunkcity the gore effects and action never stop until the end credits rollbr br ok its not great art but this one with its injoke dialogue and overthetop gruesome stuff was our favorite of the evening actually it was one of the best party tapes i have ever had the pleasure of watching and you could tell it was done on no money with a bunch of crazy people there are hundreds of zombies and the director looks like brendan frazer he has a cameo and it is just a wild trip,pos
i dont know what would be so great about this movie even worse why should anyone bother seeing this one first of all there is no story one could say that even without a story a movie could be worth watching because it invokes some sort of strong feeling laughter cry fear but in my opinion this movie does not do that eitherbr br you are just watching images for hrs there are more useful things to dobr br i guess you could say the movie is an experiment and it is daring because it lacks all the above but is this worth hrs of your valuable time and eur of your money for me the answer is no,neg
i first saw this film about years ago when my former college accounting professor recommended it to me i was amazed that a movie from could so coherently and hilariously portray computer crime maggie smith is delightful and ustinov plays the retro hacker perfectly o nolo mio,pos
i can remember this movie from when i was a small child i loved it then and i still do now i managed to get it on dvd for my th birthday and was over joyed because i had found it so difficult to find it previously and it had only be rented when i was younger my favourite character is charlie because he learns to be a good dog the movie is filled with fun songs and music the animation is brilliant and the character voices are perfect this movie has always been a tearjerker for me but i think that if i hadnt seen the movie when i was small then i would not find it as brilliant and fascinating as i do although i still believe that i would still like it because i am really into animated movies,pos
this was a cute movie until the ending the ending was merely one more despicable effort to emasculate men and empower women at their expense the girl refused to listen to reason and logic and used her passiveaggressive nature to control and impose her will on the guy who ultimately yielded his power and control over the relationship to her it is not by chance that she was sitting behind the drivers wheel in the car as they drove away at the end after he had to beg her and plead with her to take him back this movie is a victory for all women who think they should be in charge of all men and in control of their relationships with them it was a despicable movie for that reason,neg
absolutely horrific film ameteurish and it isnt funny at all lead character played by mehmet ali erbil is very annoying edits by et and star wars is just plain stupidbr br actor yilmaz goksal is the only good think about this movie he should master his english and move to hollywood hollywood can not find an actor with his qualities other than goksal this movie is a garbagebr br director gani mujde is a comic writer and this movie is his worst written work to this datebr br music of cem karaca is another plus of this waste of money actor sumer tilmac also have some presence actor who plays the three sons has no talent what so ever,neg
when the british film institute asked martin scorcese to create the american part of its century of the cinema series he grabbed the opportunity with both hands a personal journey through american movies is a fascinating wideranging and as the title says a highly personal look at hollywood cinemabr br scorceses story is primarily about hollywoods directors – actors producers screenwriters and other collaborators barely get a mention he states right from the beginning that for him the primary conflict within the film industry is that between the directors vision and the distributors profit motive between art and commercial viability he even opens with a clip from vincente minnellis the bad and the beautiful one of the earliest films to openly explore this contradiction this dictates the structure for the documentary scorcese looks at how genres have darkened and clichés have become challenged how mavericks have challenged the production code and how certain filmmakers fell from grace when they dared to be different however scorcese never falls into the auteurist trap of dismissing directors who consistently pleased the studio bosses he lavishes praise on cecil b de mille or those who had less of a recognisable style but were master craftsmen of the cinema nonethelessbr br scorcese doesnt necessarily focus on his absolute favourite directors either orson welles and alfred hitchcock two of scorceses biggest influences are only mentioned in passing instead he looks at the individuals and the films that serve to tell his story for example he shows us a succession of john ford films to show how the western evolved he looks at the work of vincente minnelli probably the most often referenced director of the documentary to show how a supposedly wholesome genre like the musical could also have darker undercurrents i can imagine that had this assignment not been limited to america scorcese would have also loved to talk about for example his italian influences or his british hero michael powell as it is he stretches the definition of american movies to include both the hollywood films of immigrant directors such as fw murnau billy wilder and douglas sirk as well as the work of usborn filmmakers that was produced elsewhere – such as that of stanley kubrickbr br rather than simply tell the story of hollywood chronologically scorcese compares films from various eras in order to tackle various subjects in his section on the language and tools of cinema he begins with dw griffith looks at the coming of sound colour and widescreen and inevitably ends up going over computer generated effects which although scorcese is not keen on them he is evenhanded enough to include clips of george lucas and francis ford coppola defending them however he doesnt simply finish the chapter here as if this is the end of it instead he then rewinds back to the s to show how a lowbudget horror like the cat people can achieve effective results from the simplest and cheapest of elementsbr br a personal journey through american movies has to be one of the best film documentaries made there were a number of outstanding directors and pictures which i would never have discovered without and even the most seasoned of film buffs would be likely to find something new in its broad scope scorcese has also restored the balance to forgotten or undervalued pictures i was pleased to see that when he talks about kubrick in his iconoclasts chapter he looks at lolita and barry lindon for me his two most underrated films scorceses respect for the medium is on display in the way he allows clips to play out fully rather than just giving us tiny bits and he interrupts them with talking heads a combination of archive and new interviews only when necessary there is a bit of bias towards the s and s but that is hardly surprising since it is the era in which scorcese grew up and discovered cinema and after all i dont think this documentary could have been achieved had it not been a personal journeybr br one word of warning though in its in depth look at certain pictures this documentary does contain a fair few spoilers,pos
i got myself a copy of this film thinking it was the film with zombie bloodbath as one of its alternative titles perversely this film actually has a better rating on this site than the aforementioned title which may mean that the other one is really bad this film is pretty bad too obviously you cant go into a film that calls itself zombie bloodbath and expect to see a masterpiece and in fairness it does live up to the title with the amount of gore on displaybut it all feels very old and tired which isnt helped by the atrocious acting and stupid plot line its just your average nuclear spill causing people to turn into zombies etc etc the film kicks off with a sequence that sees people melting and that pretty much lets you know what youre in for low quality zombie garbage theres plenty of gore in the film and its a real good job otherwise the film would have been really boring zombie bloodbath looks really cheap too and was clearly put together by inexperienced filmmakers the main influence seemed to be romeros superior day of the dead although it could really be just about anything that features zombies and gore it all boils down to a typically predictable and pointless ending and overall i cant say i was impressed with it,neg
i was lucky enough to get to see this film many years ago in england ive seen hundreds of films sincebut ive never forgotten this onealthough sinatra was playing a not very endearing characterhe was excellent in the rolea lot of people seem to think that he didnt really come into his own until his role in from here to eternity but in my opinion he was magnificent in conchothe other role that sticks in my mind is that of william conradid never see or heard of him before this film conrad plays a terrific part in this filmi remember his deep and gravelly voice and he uses it beautifully to enhance the few words he speaks with a menace that sets the tone of his characteralso i remember the music that both introduces conrad and and seems to surround him whenever he appearsan excellent film and my only disappointment was that i never ever got the chance to see it again it seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth i see in the titles that it says that the film is in black and white but when i saw it was indeed in full color i remember sinatras blue shirt,pos
luchino visconti was light years ahead of his contemporaries the great directors of italy of the s and s were men who understood the medium but it was luchino visconti a man of vision who dared to bring a film like to show what he was capable of doing he clearly shows his genius early on in his distinguished career with ossessione a film based on james cains the postman always ring twice which was later made by hollywood but that version pales in comparison with what visconti achieved in the movie luchino visconti and his collaborators on the screen included an uncredited alberto moravia a man who knew about the effect of passion on human beingsbr br the film has been well preserved in the dvd format we watched recently the film is a must for all serious movie fans because we can see how viscontis vision translated the text into a movie that rings true in a plausible way something the american version lackedbr br what comes across watching the movie is the intensity which the director got from his key players the magnificent clara calamai does an amazing job as giovanna the woman who has married an older man but when gino appears in her life all she wants to do is rid herself of the kind man who gave her an opportunity in life giovanna is one of the best creations in ms calamais achievements in the italian cinema the last sequence of the film shows ms calamai at her best in the ironic twist that serves as the moral redemption for the monstrous crime that was committedbr br equally excellent is massimo girotti one of the best actors of his generation who appears as gino the hunky man that awakens the obsessive passion in giovanna gino is the perfect man for giovanna something that mr girotti projects with such ease and sophistication not equaled before in the screen mr girotti makes the man come alive in a performance that seems so easy yet with another actor it might not have been so apparent juan delanda is seen as giuseppe the older man who fell in love with giovanna in fact his character rings truer than his counterpart in the american film where he is seen more as a buffoonbr br the film is beautifully photographed by domenic scala and aldo tonti they gave the film a naturalistic look that was the way italian directors of the era favored the original musical score of giuseppe rosati is perfect visconti a man who loved opera and was one of the best directors also includes arias by bizet and verdi that fit well in the context of the moviebr br ossessione is a film to treasure because we see a great luchino visconti at the top of his form,pos
admittedly i first picked up ranma when i was around twelve i was in the library and searched desperately for something good to read then i went to the comicmanga section and spotted this book at my first few reads through the chapters i didnt really know what was going on but i knew that i loved it i even took it home for a few more reads over frankly i wasnt getting anywhere and then about five months im now ago my friend was watching some anime series and i remembered about this manga i couldnt remember what it was called but recalled that the author was rumiko takahashi creator of inu yasha i googled it and then made a rash decision to watch all episodes at first i was a little thrown off by the graphics but it didnt really matter in the end no anime has ever made me laugh so hard and rewind watch again i once watched consecutive episodes within a day i dont know how i did it but i couldnt stop eventually after about two days i grew obsessed i even dreamtas crazy as this soundsabout watching ranma never have i found a series so enjoyable so funny and so heartwarming to watch to this day episodes are not enough to keep me satisfied of course the cliffhanger ending was enough to make me go bonkers but the series alone was enough to make me continue reading br br ranma is about a boy named ranma saotome and his dad genma saotome intense martial artists they are so intense that they went to the ancient training grounds in china and became cursed the grounds were full of different pools of springs and if you land in one you take the shape of whatever drowned there when doused in cold water for genma that was a panda and for ranma that was a girl its a very crafty fun loving story on top of that genma promises his friend that ranma will marry one of his daughters to keep the tendo dojo alive course the one he gets matched up with hates his guts and the feelings mutual obviously they start to like one another but both way to stubborn to admit it but genma has a history of doing this he promised ranma to many girls br br trust me its worth watching its humorous heartwarming and all around amazing,pos
this movie rewrote film history in every way no one cares what anyone thinks about this movie because it transcends criticism every flaw in the movie is easily overcome by the many amazing things the movie has going for it it is an extremely beautiful movie and i doubt many of us will see anything like it again ive seen it more times than i care to count and i still become transfixed every time with a feeling which is hard to describe one for the ages,pos
heres why the jane show wont work once again canadian bonehead producers and writers cant create a sitcom without putting some kind of different spin on it i guess these people dont watch a lot of tv from the us which has the sitcom model down pat no here we have to do something different we have to make the a story absolutely absurd and then have a meaningful b story to try to make up for it the characters are two dimensional and the story lines are way over the top forklift races give me freaking break heres a little advice for the writers of the show dont write funny situations find the funny in situations and remember you have to be born with a sense of humor to write truly funny stuff not just be an improv monkey,neg
the child actors were annoying also it seems as if the makers on this film were struggling to fill minutes decent death scenes though if not for the death scenes this movie would have a very disneyish feel to itbr br the main child protagonist didnt seem nearly as scared as she should have been if i was in the middle of the woods with a tooth fairy ghost killer type individual you can bet your arse i wouldnt be out wandering around and riding my bikebr br overall ive seen worse ie it waits but its nothing i would watch again or recommend anyone bothering with it unless youre an avid horror collector,neg
acting was weak but in a horror flick i can live with that if the story is good it wasnt the initial event was an clumsy and obvious ploy to exploit most peoples adoration of kids ok fine fast forward to the place in the country where they will recover emotionally i like the revelation of the ghosts ok coolthis will be a supernatural kinda horror story with rotting things partly in our world partly inwhere ever then the action starts pulling like a three headed dog in a flurry of cats and birdsis there an evil force trying to attack them directly is there an evil force trying to attack them indirectlymake people do awful things they wouldnt really do oh wait no maybe the whole region is some kind of psychic echo chamber where ambient discord can reverberate into murder ok hold onmaybe its really just one little mentally tangled delbertstyle redneck boy who misses his mommy and is on some kind of spree like a ktel norman bates knock off oh yeahextra points off the only black character seems to be the grandson of an our gang pullman porter the actor plays it as straight as he can given the crummy dialogue but the fact is his purpose is yall done betta get outa heah boss at least they wrote him smart enough to gtf outta there the bit with the little girl being silenced and pulled away was definitely creepy as was the chick in the shower those were just two of quite a few really delicious tidbits in this movie the problem is that they are combined in disharmonious ways like a bite of steak a bite of chocolate and a bite of a gummi bear each is great on its own but mixed up bleah such potential wasted,neg
as a massive fan of fantasy in general and of the works of neil gaiman in particular ive been looking forward to this film so avidly so hungrily and with such a bittersweet mixture of anticipation and fear of disappointment that i can scarcely believe its finally here and you know what i neednt have feared the film version is bldy awesome different from the book but in a good way less whimsical more comical still deeply sweet and enchantingbr br the special effects are absolutely spoton and make magic feel a natural and proper part of the world of wall without being overtly spectacular and intrusivebr br proper attention has been paid to storytelling and pacing and the casting in the main is a triumph with the ghostly princes whose rollcall read almost as a whos who of currently cool british comedy rupert everett david walliams of little britain fame two of the blokes from green wing etc stealing most of the best lines and pretty much all of the films funniest moments which exist in abundance br br in fact the one minor criticism i have at all of the film is that sometimes the comedy elements become a little ott subtlety goes out of the window to the detraction of the main story ricky gervais cameo for example was far too much just ricky gervais doing his usual david brent from the office comedy persona for my liking and in my opinion created an unwelcome and jolting break from the magical spell of the progressing story though in fairness from memory i believe the ferdy character in the original book was pretty ricky gervaisesquire when i think back on itbr br but this is a minor quibble in an otherwise immaculately cast and scripted fairytale with a good mixture of action and romance charlie cox as the protagonist tristan captures the correct mixture of naivety subtle comedy and selfrealisation required for a story like this where a humble young boy embarks on lifechanging quest claire danes as yvaine is beautiful feisty and just ever so slightly alien or ethereal a perfect interpretation of her stellar role robert de niro in the cameo every reviewer is talking about is indeed deserving of praise rollicking good fun looks like hes having a ball too and michelle pfeiffer is triumphantly cool and nasty as wicked witch lamia my favourite performance of the film overall if you enjoyed her deliciously btchy performance in the recent hairspray then you will thoroughly enjoy her in this toobr br so to round off this review you will laugh for sure you will smile and you may even cry stardust is a beautiful heartwarming fairytale for all the family with a heart of gold and more sass n smarts than is immediately apparent one of my alltime favourite films is the absolutely fantastic princess bride and stardust is being readily likened to this with good reason as it is a very similar type of film exploring similar themes and territory and just as the princess bride remains fresh smart and funny twenty years after its initial release i believe that the delicious tongueincheek sweetness of stardust will be showing up as a family favourite on our televisions or equivalent future device for many years to come,pos
although the notorious bettie page is well acted and shot is is at best a cliffs notes version of betties biography the film mainly centers on her work with irving and paula klaw the brother and sister team who produced the bulk of her most famous photos it does not detail her life after posing aside from her religious rebirth it cites the real bettie page by richard foster as a source but it ignores betties later years of mental illness and incarceration in a mental hospital the narrow focus of the biography can be debated but the majority of betties fans and the civilians would probably be more interested in her modeling career which is what they getbr br the film is well acted with gretchen mol faithfully reproducing the look of bettie as well as conveying the sweetness that her photos exuded the character is played as rather naive a probable byproduct of interviews given by bettie in recent years it is more likely that bettie was aware of the nature of her photos but rationalized it as acting and costumesbr br the supporting cast is also outstanding with chris bauer and lili taylor playing irving and paula klaw and david strathairn as estes kefauver the film errs with the character of john willie played by jared harris john willie never met bettie page and was not involved in photo shoots with the klaws harris plays willie a bit like peter otoole in his more debauched statebr br despite the quality of acting the film is a bit of a disappointment in terms of depth the story is rather cursory and we never feel that we truly get to know bettie much like her photos its just an image it does tend to exaggerate betties notoriety her photos were mainly seen in and around new york in a very narrow market of underground and cultish publications her real fame came after her photos were reprinted in the late s and s and the cult of betty page as her name was usually spelled grew betties greatest exposure pardon the pun was in playboy appearing in the january issue the christmas photo which is staged in reverse in the filmbr br the film is well done if rather shallow it is able to sustain interest until the end and showcases many fine performances it hits the high points of betties life but ignores many details which would have given it far greater depth the ending is rather a let down it feels rather abrupt still the movie is definitely worth viewing by anyone interested in bettie or even the time period the soundtrack is great really pulling the viewer into the s if nothing else the film stands as a showcase for americas burgeoning sexuality and the clash with its puritan past its also a peek at an icon for both men and women,pos
whats with all the negative comments after having seen this film for the first time tonight i can only say that this is a good holiday comedy that is sure to brighten up any lonely persons day when i saw that drew ben affleck might end up spending the holidays alone i wanted to cry youll have to see the movie if you want to know why also even though i liked tom james gandolfini and alicia christina applegate after awhile if you ask me they were real snobs however this film did make me smile and feel good inside before i wrap this up id like to say that mike mitchell has scored a pure holiday hit now in conclusion i highly recommend this good holiday comedy that is sure to brighten up any lonely persons day to any ben affleck or christina applegate fan who hasnt seen it,pos
samuel fuller is hardly one of americas great directors im not sure he qualifies as one of hollywoods great craftsmen but he certainly ranks up there with the best of hollywoods true professionals who were willing to march to their own music during the time he worked for hollywood studios he knew how to take an assignment shape the middling material handed to him and then turn it quickly and efficiently into something usually better than its partson time and on budget pickup on south street is a case in point on the surface its one more of hollywoods early fifties anticommie movies complete with appeals to patriotism a hardboiled hero and a slimy and copiously perspiring bad guy fuller turns this bag of hollywood clichés into a taut exciting drama with any number of offkilter twists the hero skip mccoy is a threetime loser a petty crook with soft fingers who doesnt change his stripes until the very end the girl in the caper candy has a level of virtue that would be easy to step over if youre so inclined one of the most appealing characters moe williams is a stoolie and in an unusual approach to hollywoods battle against commies the appeals to patriotism fall on deaf ears the hero isnt motivated by anything so ennobling he just wants payback for a personal reason and winds up becomingat least for nowa good guy br br plus all the actors were mostly assigned to fuller by the studio he had to make do richard widmark by now had established his presence as an actor and star but jean peters is a surprise she gives a fine portrait of a woman sexy and dumb and no better than her boy friendsor her clientswant her to be and richard kiley who later would become a two time tony award winning star on broadway is convincingly slippery and cowardly its hard to remember that he was the actor who inflicted on us i mean introduced to us the impossible dream from man of la mancha br br more than anything else this tale of a pickpocket who picks a purse in a subway car and finds himself with microfilmed secrets instead of cash pursued by the feds and the commies moves straight ahead with great economy the whole enterprise with a classic noir look only takes minutes to tell the dialogue with fuller as screenwriter has that party corny partly pungent hardboiled pulp fiction style that muffin you griftedshes okay one character says to skip about candy fuller moves us just fast enough from scene to scene to keep us hanging on what will come next then fuller throws in the character of moe williams all of a sudden the story ratchets up to a whole new level of interest part comedy relief and part sad inevitability br br the thing i like best about the movie is how the opening exemplifies fullers talents and strengths in minutes and seconds starting right after the credits fuller is able to instantly power up the movie to establish for us what the story is about and to show us what kind of characters skip and candy were going to be involved with and he does this with so much enticing curiosity in that hot packed subway car that we can just about feel fuller setting the hook to catch us br br says glenn erickson in my opinion one of the best of movie critics in what should be an inconsequential story sam fuller defines his peculiar view of americanism from the bottom up stiffnecked aggressive selfinterest that when fully expressed recognizes whats wrong and whats right and isnt afraid to fight for it as always in his work the individuals who fight the hardest for their country are the ones least likely to benefit from the effort hes right and it makes for a movie still vivid after years,pos
good exciting movie although it looks to me that its not been recorded on location in thailand it still looks realistic nice story about some girls having fun in one of the most beautiful countries on the world in real the thai people are very kind,pos
a strong woman oriented subject after long director krishna vamsis shakti the power the desi version of the hollywood hit not without my daughter is actress sridevis first homeproduction a story about a womans fight against harsh injusticebr br the story of the film revolves around nandini karisma kapoor who lives in canada with her two uncles tiku talsania jaspal bhatti there she meets shekhar sanjay kapoor falls in love with him and they soon marry their family is complete when nandini has a boy raja master jai gidwani but their happiness is short lived as the news of shekhars ailing mother deepti navalmakes them leave their perfect life in canada and come to india and thats when the problems start from the moment they reachbr br india both are shocked to see the pollution and the vast throngs of people everywhere they take a crowded train to reach shekhars village and when they finally reach the station they have to catch a long bus drive to his village the filthy sweaty bus combined with the uncertain terrain makes it a neverending drive and unfortunately for them a frenzied mob that beat shekhar out of shape for no fault of his attacks their bus fortunately they get shot dead just in time before they can further harm him after that they drive to the handing havel where shekhars father narsimha nana patekar lives with his wife deepti naval nandani realized that her fatherinlaw is in command as soon as she enters the place but her only solace is her motherinlaws warm welcomebr br living there nandini learns of her fatherinlaws tyrannical behavior and realizes that ruthless killing is a way of life for him the day she sees her fatherinlaw teach her son to throw a bomb she loses it and lashes out against him insisting to shekhar that they move back to canada but terror strikes again when shekhar is murdered one day leaving a broken down nandini alone with her son in this strange land where she is harrowed by a cruel fatherinlaw her fight against this man to save her son is what makes up the climax of this emotional heartwrenching filmbr br what sets apart shakti from most films being made off late is also the rural setting of the movie the only drawback is ismail darbars music which fails to rise above the script the only saving grace is the sexy item number ishq kameena which has been composed by anu malik another pat for the director comes because he has extracted some splendid performances from his cast karisma kapoor is the life of the film and has given a moving performance as a helpless mother she is sure to win awards for this heated portrayal second is actor nana patekar who is back with a bang with this film his uncouth mannerisms suit him to the hilt and hes shown his versatility once again with this role sanjay kapoor is the surprise packet of the film with a sincere and effective portrayal that stands up against both the other actors deepti naval too is in top form and her prclimax showdown with nana is praiseworthy shahrukhs cameo provides the lighter moments and surely hes been pulled in to get the required star value though his role was not really required hes done it well overall shakti is a far superior film than most churned out these days and the prrelease hype is sure to get it a good opening shakti is sure to get the critics and audience thumps up so what if the film needs to be desperately trimmed by at least reels to better the impact shakti still has the power to go on without a hitch,pos
i have a thing for old black and white movies of this kind movies by will hay and abbot costello especially as those are my favourites i picked this movie up on dvd as it was using the same idea as will hays oh mr porter which is one of the finest comedies ever made i just finished watching this movie less than ten minutes ago the movie finished at am i find that movies of this kind to do with ghost trains etc are best viewed at night time with the lights out that way you get into the storyline more and night time viewing works well with this moviebr br the oneliners in the movie may seem a little dated to some viewers i guess this depends on the viewer they are not dated to me though i am and even though i am not old enough to have been around when this movie was first released my dad was though i still have a lot of appreciation for some of the old movies of this kind sitting in the room in front of the tv with some snacks and drinks and kicking back and relaxing at night while watching these movies not many things can beat the feeling you get while doing this it is an escape from reality for a whilebr br i noticed that one of the men in the movie he has a black mustache he appears about three quarters of the way through the movie after his car crashes and he is looking for a woman he was followed to the station this man was in the will hay classic the ghost of st michaels as well just thought id point that out in case no one noticed br br the set pieces in the movie are very atmospheric outside the abandoned station looks good and as if there is not a soul for miles in any direction and the inside of the station is very cosy looking away from the rain storm that is outside i felt like i would have loved to have been there in the movie with the cast the atmosphere in this movie is something that is missing from a lot of movies now it keeps you hooked from the moment the movie starts till it finishesbr br we need more of this type of movie in todays market but sadly it could be over looked in favour of movies with nudity and swearing and crude humour this sort of movie making era the ghost train oh mr porter etc to me is the golden age of cinema,pos
swayze doesnt make a very convincing alan quatermain compared to stewart granger which growing up was my ultimate hero in films like the scaramouche the prisoner of zenda and the king solomons mines patrick swayze fails utterly even the portrayal of an older alan quatermain by sean connery in league of extraordinary gentlemen was very good in an otherwise big flop also alison doody lacks the grace of deborah kerr in the role of the leading lady and last but not least the impressive siriaque in the role of umbopa makes it very hard for anyone to fill his shoes for someone who was disappointed by richard chamberlains version i now highly recommend it if you cant get your hand on the granger version,neg
being halfportuguese doesnt render me halfblind nor halfprejudiced when discussing portuguese films not that i get to do that very often anyway but this film was such a rush of adrenaline yes thats right it was mostly accurate as far as history wentgoes but it pulled no punches on venturing beyond usual portuguesefilm territory things like using real locations in the middle of trafficcongested lisbon and recruiting a real crowd to stand in for the real crowd of almost years ago and by god did they get it right ok to sum it up very emotional if youve lived through it but youll spot minor improvements that could have been made as well as plot necessities that were if youre just watching it randomly youre in for a good historical romp only of the very recent history kind and a bit more thoughtproving than usual even by european standards yes,pos
in the bygone days of the catholic church a sineater was an individual that through ritual would take the sins of a dying person upon themselves often these people were excommunicate or similar individuals who the church would not absolve thereby denying them entrance into heaven the sineaters were seen as blasphemous circumventing the chruchs monopoly on redemption sex this up a bit with some overt supernatural mojo let the concept wander where it may and you have the order a movie that combines stigmatas religious antiauthoritarianism the xfiles paranormal investigation and the thorn birds sexual spirituality into an odd melange that sometimes worksbr br alex heath ledger is a rogue priest one of the last members of the order of the carolingians a semiheretical order of knowledgeseeking demonfighting priests when alexs mentor is found dead under bizarre circumstances bishop driscoll peter weller sends alex to investigate tagging along are fellow carolingian thomas mark addy and mara shannyn sossman who was subject to one of alexs exorcisms a year prior the three go to rome to investigate and are drawn into a dark underworld of bizarre catholic heresy ominous prophecies demonic intrusions and a man claiming to be the last surviving sineater benno furmannbr br written and directed by brian helgeland who worked with the same principals on the scattershot and halfhearted a knights tale the film is an odd one and difficult to classify it wants to be several things at once supernatural thriller religious intrigue dramatic television pilot and only sometimes succeeds at any of them this isnt helped by the slow pace or the fact that most of the actors seem to be sleepwalking through their performances with occasional bursts of brilliance ledger in particular has a particularly stunning scene of despair in an otherwise monochromatic performance sossman however displayed the same disconnected performance that shes given in all of her films most notably in the rules of attractionbr br the plot itself meanders back and forth between several different story arcs leading you to wonder which is the main one with each arc containing its share of red herrings large gaps of narrative appear to be lost between scenes at times which can be confusing for many but this is also one of the films saving graces the structure of the film coupled by the fact that there is never a truly clear antagonist until the very end of the film forces the viewer to analyze and reason in a time when most films are blatantly obvious about everything the exception to this is historical background on the carolingians and the practice of sineating both of which are explained in dry exposition even at the beginning of the film character relationships and history are inferred instead of explained combine this with the onlocation shooting and judicious use of special effects and you have a very oldworld supernatural thriller with even the opening credits reminiscent of something from the late searly sbr br a brief mention here as well for the subtle and organic score by david torn a combination of minimalist orchestration and lisa gerrardstyle exotic vocals a very nice score that is evocative without being bombastic and exists in a very deceptive simplicitybr br a confusing plot a lack of purpose and sometimes sleepy performances would often damn a movie but for some reason the order remains watchable many people will be very turned off by the movie for its odd sensibilities and some may even become angry that they are forced to engage the higher functions of their brain to understand it still the films sheer intangibility will prevent it from being either a critical or commercial success until the dvd which im sure will be stocked with copious amounts of deleted scenes a recommended film only for people who like to think while they watch out of ,neg
i must confess to not having read the original m r james story although i have read many of his other supernatural tales ive also seen most of the previous bbc christmas ghost stories and this one in my opinion surpasses most of them only equalling the signalmanbr br i cant really fault a view from a hill the direction and mood is perfect as is the acting lighting and of course the story and writing i thoroughly enjoyed this and can only hope for more of this quality from the same director and production team i understand that the bbc plan to make some more not necessarily based on m r james stories so thats promisingbr br ,pos
this movie is one of my favorites because it makes me think of all the choices i have made and how my life would change if my choices had been different it plays right into the multiple universe theorybr br the only thing that doesnt ring true is how larry burrows james belushihas such a hard time understanding what is going on that everything has changedbr br ,pos
utterly tactical strange watch for the kinky moment of a dropdead gorgeous blonde acting as pullstring doll for some rich folks pointless but undoubtedly compelling latenight feature this unhinged french production is a stew of perplexedly unfocused ideas and random plot illustrations centred on its very charismatic stars if somewhat antiheroes alain delon and charles bronson really they dont get to do all that much especially during the confined lengthy midsection where they hide themselves in a building during the christmas break to crack a safe with possible combinations oh fun but this is when the odd if intriguing relationship is formed between delon and bronsons characters after a manipulative battle of wills and childishly sly games against each other the two come to an understanding that sees them honour each others involvement and have a mutual respect this would go on to play a further part in the twisty second half of the story with that undetectable curveball still their encounters early on suggest theres more but what we get is vague and this is magnified by that what just happen there ending that might just make you jump yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhh glad to get that out of the system br br the pacing is terribly slow but placidly measured for it and this seems purposely done to exhaust with its edgy nervous underlining tension watch as the same process is repeated over and over again and you know something is not quite right and the scheming eventually comes into play now everything that does happen feels too spontaneous but the climax payoff is haunting the taut complex script is probably a little too crafty for its own good but there are some neat novelties coins glass and liquids… try not spilling and visual symbolisms jean hermans direction is efficiently sophisticated and lowkey but get a tad artificial and infuse an unwelcoming icy atmosphere the sound fx features more as a potent note than that of francois deroubaixs funky score thats mainly kept under wrapped after its sizzling opening top drawers delon whos quite steely and bronson a jovial turn are solid and work off each tremendously bernard fresson chalks up the attitude as the inspector who knows theres more going on than what is being led on an attractive female cast features able support by brigitte fossey and olga georgespicot br br a cryptically directionless but polished crime drama maintained by its two leads and some bizarre inclusions,pos
this is the worst sequel on the face of the world of movies once again it doesnt make since the killer still kills for fun but this time he is killing people that are making a movie about what happened in the first movie which means that it is the stupidest movie everbr br dont watch this if you value the one precious hour during this movie then dont watch it youll want to ask the director and the person beside you what made him make it because it just doesnt combine the original makes of horror action and crimebr br dont let your children watch this teenager young child or young adult this movie has that sorta impact upon people,neg
sorry to say i have no idea what hollywood is doing sure give us movies like batman begins oh by the way hollywood i think they may cover the story line in the movie batman but please dont entertain us what we would really want to see batman and superman together i really hated this trailer because it left me wanting for more i was looking around to see when it was coming out it was like a terrible practical joke the graphics where good the story line seemed solid and it had all the trappings of a great movie unfortunately its not going to happen for now to the producers directors and all the actors great job but i hate you for doing this to me you left me wanting more,pos
this is the only movie i have ever seen that has prompted me to write a critique on any internet site and that is a significant statement from someone who likes the attack of the monolith monsters this movie is perfect for anyone who wants an inoffensive movie it is devoid of sex and violence for example i believe that this movie is safe for children of all ages this movie is perfect for anyone who does not want to be entertained challenged or stimulated in any way adults could easily catch up on their sleep in front of the tv while the kids watch this movie dont be surprise however if you wakeup to find the kids have turned the tv off and started a board game as an adult who enjoys being entertained who enjoys everything from the mundane to the fantastic in realism drama comedy and action all of those adult things that reflect real life on earth andor stimulate the imagination this movie has nothing to offer,neg
full marks for the content of this film as a brit i was not aware that there was segregation in the us navy during wwii a very brave attempt to bring this fact to the world however the movie is pathetic direction is non existent the acting is wooden and the script is just one cliché after another i can honestly say that this is one of the worst movies i have ever seen i sat and cringed from the start until the end at the very poor way that this had been put together this could have been a great movie the story for many of us outside of the us was new unique and also interesting the sad fact of the matter is the way that it was put together it is unfortunate that a true story like this which could have changed peoples attitudes has been squandered on a low budget badly directed movie i only hope that some time in the future one of the major studios will take this theme and do it justice,neg
william nicholas ball and emma peters rachel davies buy an old house where a brutal murder happened years ago in very bad condition with the intention of restoring it they move with their daughter sophie emma ridley and become friends of their neighbors jean patricia maynard and george evans brian croucher however eerie events happen in the house inclusive the death of sophies cat in sophies birthday party a pipe leaks blood and they leave the place disclosing a secret laterbr br the house that bled to death is a scary and one of the best episodes of the series hammer house of horror the fantastic twist disclosing a secret and the tragic conclusion are really excellent my vote is eightbr br title brazil a casa que sangrou até morrer the house that bled to death,pos
lets first start this review with the fact that i signed up just to write the review and warn people to save their moneybr br this was one of the worst pieces of trash i have seen since the hulk the storyline was the most predictable garbage you could possibly come up with if you are expecting but on the big screen flush that expectation down the toilet immediately along with the money you would use for a ticket you may get more enjoyment that way the acting was terrible the plot was completely unrealistic along with the so called twist in the end i must say this the ending did surprise me i am not referring to the plot twist that surprised me but instead the effortless manner that they put together what could be considered the only scene of somewhat decent action in the entire movie they rushed the ending so quickly that i didnt even realize that it was over until i saw the credits rolling and at that point i considered burning the reel of film if i could just figure out how to get into that screening roombr br casting was awful for a few reasons first of all they must have accidentally switched the character assignments because michael douglas played the roll that clearly keifer sutherland should have been playing while douglas was sneaking around agents tapping phone lines hacking into systems and taking out people who are chasing after him sutherland plays the less capable agent who is always in a bad mood even when things arent going that badly for him he plays a very bland agent nothing like his jack bauer type roll us fans lovebr br i can just about promise you that this movie will disappoint in all areas it can be best compared to a remake of the the fugitive in the line of fire but written by people with mental disabilities,neg
presque rien is a beautifully observed portrait of the experiences of a young french homosexual eschewing both stereotypes and preaching its a wonderfully naturalistic film superbly acted shot with a feel for the seaside town where the action takes place never melodramatic but often painfully real if anything its almost too realistic as theres little in the way of conventional plot just scenes from a life but the absence of conventional dramatic tension counts for less than it might in a world so subtly drawn presque rien might not be the most exciting film ever made but its simple humanism serves it well compared with the preconceived celebratory or bigoted viewpoints that often mar treatments of this theme worth a watch,pos
this wouldve been a sure fire classic had they chosen almost anybody else for john abraham this guy is an awful actor be it comedy drama tearjerkers etc he stinks it seemed like at some point priyadarshan realized this too and pretty much had him jumping around like a monkey in order to make his soloscenes a bit funnybr br hes the only noticeable drawbackthere are a couple more annoying tidbits of an absolutely hilarious movie otherwise best comedy to come along in bollywood since hungama imo like hungama its a situational comedy carried on the shoulders of a brilliant screenplay and of courseakshay kumar this is probably his best performance to date he better be a shoein for best comedian at every award function aks always been good at comedy but he takes it to a different level here the body language the facial expressions and just the way he delivers every line its a genius performance the packed theater was going nuts for pretty much the entire length of the movie and i dont think ive ever seen such an atmosphere for a bollywood movie here in usabr br garam masala doesnt have one lead heroine it stars incredibly hotbeautiful girls who i thought did a fairly good job pretty sure they are all making their debuts paresh rawal is solid as usual although his routine wears itself out after a while rajpal yadav is his typical annoying selfsick of his overthetop act in every movie rimi sen has nothing to dobr br overall definitely worth a dekho id say its funnier than no entry and thats saying a lot couldve been even better had they chosen someone a little more competent than john abrahambr br ,pos
pretty incoherent movie about a man who belonged to and left a s superficially hippie religious cult who fights them sixteen years later the man has a child with one of the other cultists who during a raid by the police is hidden away and taken by another man named hawk who lives in a small cabin by the river the cult kills some of its followers or some of the people in town its hard to keep track of who characters are or what time period the scenes are supposed to be taking place the leader gets paroled sixteen years later i got that from the box i missed the amount of time in the movie nobody is made to look any older not noticeably anywaybr br one murder is done with a large circular logging saw others are done with knives or a crossbow i never heard the title characters name mentioned in the movie but hes the one who overacts the most hooting and holleringbr br the movie is patched together pretty poorly with voiceover helping not much to explain what is going on some of the sound effects were pretty bad a man is getting punched and we hear the sound of a whip cracking a woman fires a gun and we dont hear it fire but hear a ricochet instead it doesnt seem to have been done for comical effect,neg
this one is considered a key precode film – from the director who later made the musical biopic the jolson story but also the paranoid scifi invasion usa – and features one of barbara stanwycks best early rolesbr br shes supported by a fine cast which includes popular actors and valued character performers of the day – george brent douglass dumbrille edward van sloan nat pendleton and john wayne at one point addressing stanwyck with the titular nickname derived from a popular song which is heard constantly throughout in the former category and in the latter robert barrat as stanwycks father donald cook as her most tragic conquest alphonse ethier as her elderly mentor – more on this later arthur hohl as a lecherous politician and henry kolker as cooks boss and fatherinlaw whom stanwyck also seduces curiously scenes in which walter brennan appeared were subsequently deleted at his own request when the film ran into trouble with the censorsbr br abetted by crackling ie typically hardboiled dialogue and realistic anton grot sets the narrative contains unexpected overtones of nietzschean philosophy fed to our smalltown heroine by the intellectual ethier stanwyck complains to him early on that shes no ball of fire which of course contradicts her later comedy – directed by howard hawks and costarring gary cooper – of that name under ethiers auspices she quickly blooms into an essentially heartless character determined that nothing shall stand in her path to success the symbolic depiction of her rise in stature at the new york firm shes eventually employed with is reminiscent of a similarly sardonic one – relating to an ambitious statesmans lust for power – in sergei eisensteins october sociologically its also interesting that stanwyck is constantly seen sticking her neck out for her black maidcompanionbr br the first twothirds of the film are simply terrific at first i found the latter stages somewhat disappointing – because i was expecting to see stanwyck get her comeuppance by falling for the belatedlyintroduced george brent character while he ignores her…but just like the others hes soon under her spell on second viewing however this aspect felt less jarring – as its evident that stanwyck has been affected by the two deaths her selfish behavior has caused and that her tenure in paris has softened her even if she tries to cling to her hardearned wealth for as long as its possiblebr br released on dvd by warners as part of their forbidden hollywood volume collection the film is presented in two strikingly different edits – a recently unearthed prerelease version and the tamer theatrical release print among the considerable footage cut from the latter is dialogue pertaining to stanwycks life as a tramp from the age of though its heard in the accompanying trailer while many other scenes have been shortened ie censored for content the violent fisticuff which develops between stanwyck and hohl after she resists his advances the seduction at the railroad car the scene in which dumbrille is surprised with stanwyck by cook the shooting followed by a suicide only shots are heard in the shorter version stanwyck thinking about her conquests while the phonograph is playing again only brent appears in the version released to theaters etc tha latter then utilizes alternate takes for some scenes – and includes an establishing shot of the city which is missing from the longer version however we also get an obviously tackedon happy ending the prerelease version concludes abruptly on a very effective openended note and an equally unconvincing cautionary letter sent by ethier to stanwyck in new york which basically has the function of substituting all references to nietzsche,pos
there are two kinds of characters on the shield people who try to do the best they can and do the right thing and people who relentlessly pursue their own self interest and commit every mortal sin they can while telling themselves and everyone else that they are heroes and everyones only hope more than any other show the shield is about hypocrisy and selfdelusion unfortunately the hypocrites and selfdeluders are the shows heroes and as such have the typical genrefiction heroes improbable immunity to getting defeated or caught and they come out on top over and over again making fools out of all of their peersbr br the show boasts excellent camerawork the lead ins and the fade outs are always superb it really is a work of art to see unfortunately the story is a cartoony overwrought wish fulfillment scenario of gratuitous violence rape and liesbr br the hero who drags everyone down with him in failed scheme after failed scheme is wiley like a warner bros cartoon character always escaping and making fun of all the elmer fudds anyone who does not support him in his lies and crimes automatically attracting any good looking woman supporting character to come on the show always surviving any attempt to bring him to justice and always scraping your ears with his excruciating self justifications if another cop detects something wrong with something hes doing and someone gets hurt because of his actions he always blames the suspicious cop regardless of the fact that his schemes and elaborate lies and doomed plans are always the cause every timebr br like this show relies on contrivances and innumerable delays to drag its story out for season after season boring unbelievable long term stories are injected into the storyline every season to provide a skeleton on which to hang the bloody perverted chunks of meat that are the characters corrupt acts and the inevitable coverupsbr br most disappointing though is the writers hubris as they try to change the viewers sympathies back and forth to and away form the characters on whims sometimes they want us to see shane as the enemy sometimes they want us to see him as a poor misunderstood soul sometimes they want us to see vic as a dangerous sexual dynamo sometimes they want us to see him as a poor guy with a heart of gold sometimes they want us to see mara as a low down vile jezebel then they think that if they show her sitting and talking over her dreams with shane that we will find her to be sympathetic and tragicbr br none of this manipulation is adequate to obtain the kinds of sympathies they want once theyve shown these characters ruin other peoples lives for their own ends thats it it is nonsense to keep trying to flip back and forth but then it is also nonsense to produce seven seasons of these bumbling clowns drawing every super model in existence to their beds and running a crime syndicate right out of the police station right under everyones noses,neg
johnny dangerously is a sort of hit and miss comedy that has its laughs and huh but i suggest to give it a chance i think it is greatly over looked not too many people give this movie a chance it does work just think of it as a little parody of goodfellas michael keaton is very funny in his role and he does it well johnny dangerously is a gangster who wants to go higher in life he just works his way up from the big bosses to a beautiful wife and of course like a lot of the mob movies someone wants him dead of the jokes get a laugh like i said give it a chance just take your favortie gangster movies and mix a comedy in you have johnny dangerously br br ,pos
i came across an insomniacs nightmare while looking for offbeat independent films and glad to say it did not disappoint this crazy half hour ride had me wondering all the way through and the ending was excellent one of those nooooo moments that really stays with you ive shown it to a number of people and everyone seems to agree hands down the little ghostie girl was very talented and i think her performance stole the show she creeped the heck out of me i can say that much nanavati did a great job putting this short together all the pieces just fell into place and you can tell that shes a great writer from what she did with this script so well written its undoubtedly the strongest part of the film the directing was great and the acting was enjoyable but the most important factor here is the strength of the screenplay good job to this girl i cant wait to see more,pos
there are two points i need to make clear right at the beginning first of all we all know what this years oscars were really all about this year it was the academys way of showing people that they are no racistand never have been they wanted to clear all preconceived notions about themselves secondly its kinda pointless to make remarks about the show because really what difference will it make but its fun to write about it this is the year i became fedup with the oscars i will never watch the show again every year they do something wrong before crowe wins for gladaitor when they real winner should of been ralph fiennes for sunshine if you havent seen this movie yet watch it and youll agree eyes wide shut when released receieved no nominations and as far as this year goes well the bad choices were all over the place baz lurhmann gets no best director nomination are you joking a beautiful mind is up for best makeup training day gets nominated the movie was awful and it seemed like washington didnt even turn in a performance all he proved was he knows how to use four letter words thats what h won the award for take away the language and i bet he was almost playing himself i liked gosford park i really did but why nominations and how on earth could they not give it too altman i mean cmon if there just giving the award to people to clear up any bad feelings what about altman the man has been in the publics eye for years now and no oscar there were many many things that bothered me about this years oscars but ill live with it as long as i never have to watch another show again the highpoint and the only one of the show was when woody allen made his first appearance ever to the award show that will go down as one of the greatest moments in he history of the show,neg
whack i got this movie because elizabeth hartman was in it i was disappointed to find out she was in like two short scenes towards the end other than that i was basically hitting the fast forward button the entire time some teenager goes on a trip to romania with his dad and gets bitten by a wolf and turns into a werewolf if theres a full moon he kills his father and friends about years past but he doesnt age a bit and enrolls in a high school there he meets a shy teacher whom he ends up biting and then has kids with her this movie sucked and i dont recommend it to anyone read war and peace instead only ms hartman did a great job check out a very young bob saget in this one,neg
i dont know what you guys are talking about the first time i watched this movie with two of my friends we couldnt stop crying this is one of the funniest shits ive ever seen that comment about the porn is so right though hahahahabr br yeah this movie actually is the worse but it did bring tears to my eyes due to the phony characters poor dialog and acting not to mention the expensive cameras they used to film it it looks like one of those movies out of my drivers ed class the props look like they came out of a high school drama show the music sounds like it is from an original nintendo system game the only thing that even came close the scaring me about this movie was that it had a killer clown which who isnt creeped out by fat lurking clowns hahaha if someone were to ever watch this though they need to look out for the actors verbal errors like lisping on words and some of their facial expressions hahahaha i diedbr br susan,neg
i watched like or herzog movies and none of them had any impact on mebr br i watched several documentaries about him he is obviously an intelligent man with great knowledge about films and passion for making them but does this makes him a good director definitely no a complete antitalent he can make a good documentary because of previously mentioned traits but a film with actors – neverbr br he cant direct nor write his screenplays are full of badly thought out situations and many situationsdialogues in his movies are so childishly and badly done that they cannot be hidden behind the word art in any sense no way not to mention the unskillful direction so amateurishlike to say that he wants to direct like that and write crap like that is a liebr br like the scene when scheitz gets arrested and storszek hides in the back of the store who is he kiddingbr br he is a cheater he knows what fake intellectuals and critics want he knows what elements he needs to put in the script to get your their attention and empty praising never mind the rest of the script and sloppy directionbr br just look at julio medem if herzog can make a movie like medem can then i might recheck his old movies and try to find talent in them,neg
i dont normally feel much of an incentive to comment on films i dont like but in a case like this one i just have to say something this movie is terrible illogical and stupid there are so many flaws in the storytelling that i dont even feel obliged to elaborate on because its time for me to move on from this experience the most annoying point is however that at no point in the film does anyone explain whether the motivations for bacons characters madness are due to a power trip or a physiological reaction to his conditionbr br granted the special effects are impressive and in the past paul verhoeven has done some good stuff the directors cut of robocop on dvd is great however this movie is stupid and generally doesnt come near to explaining the point or technical aspect of the subject matter and instead settles for predictable action without any enjoymentbr br in short as many other reviews here say wish i had read them before stay away from this film,neg
my favorite part was when the credits started to roll i wish i could give it a out of i really wish i had that hour and thirty minutes back dont waste your money or time on it i really could have watched grass grow and felt better after wardsbr br nadia was really pretty and i hope the movie didnt destroy her career but she chose to be in itbr br all in all it sucked more than any other movie has sucked more than kazaam and glitter combined thats saying somethingbr br dontbr br dobr br it,neg
sure it takes place in the west but the title makes it seem like it is a conventional western instead it is a movie of a woman sheriff make no mistake though this is a bad movie about a woman sheriff she becomes sheriff when her husband is gunned down she is only a tad bit upset by this her main goal is to go after the villain who is also a woman but the villain hires a guy to kill her so this is what happens the hero falls in love with the killer and vice versa utterly stupid as anyone killed in this movie has the new sheriff to thank she had more than a few chances to put the killer behind bars but i guess because she liked him she wouldnt do it the killer is also after the mayor of the town for personal reasons that are also rather dumb this movie is very boring and not really worth watchingit is not one of the better episodes of mst they made i can not imagine anyone seeing this without them because that would make it that much more painful corman is a low budget director but even he should know better than to have people go into one place and coming out another,neg
so whats the big fuss out of making an indiana jones wannabe when you have an actor whos cast as a fictional dude from adventure storybooks who doesnt want to go out on an adventure whoever wrote the script for jake speed was probably fired but for whatever reasons possible this movie greatly lacks in excitement that doesnt mean it has no action but look on the dark side of the picture this has got to bare no resemblance to indiana jones or other actionadventure thrills containing cliffhangers and narrow escapes and jake speed was promoted that way using clever propaganda to make me and several others interested in it besides ive never heard of the guy so who needs his attention,neg
this low budget b horrors plot comes with all the amenities mad scientist complete with sidekick malicious corporate greed of pharmaceutical industry eccentric and extreme genetic engineering and information technologycant leave that outbr br start with strange sequence of hot looking nameless boaters that foolishly decide to take a dip in the waters near an uncharted island and end up chum for swarming hammerhead sharksbr br cut to weak back story implying the stock decline of a generic pharma corporation which motivates its wicked shakespeare quoting ceo to entertain an unsolicited offer made by a former employeescientist that was jilted out of his job as head of research and who also happens to be a nutof course total herbert west wannabe he is offering up a new stem cell technology that could make tons o cashor so it seemsthis lures in several employees to his moreauish island must have been quite an impressive exit package from the company when he was let go for him to afford an island to validate his scientific findings including the ceo and coincidentally the exfiancé of the mad scientists son now morphed sharkuman how convenientbr br the plan sort of is to rekindle lost love between the former nuptials while exacting revenge on the former colleagues for his termination sheez how can this guy be bitter he has his own friggen island after allbr br soon everyone is on the run from endless supply of security guards toting heavy weaponry from mutant plants – can there be an uncharted island without maneating plants from sharky sons appetite for carnage from quack daddys breeding plans and from lack of a cell phone signaland they all must learn to work together to get off the island alive br br will anyone escape will a new species be created watch it and find outbr br there is some entertainment value in this movie but dont expect muchfor the true combs fan this is not to be missed br br dont say i didnt warn you,neg
there are probably more people afraid of the dentist than of lets say little monsters or scary looking dolls which makes it a perfect subject for a horror movie reallybr br dr feinstone corbin bernsen has been a successful dentist for several years now but when he catches his wife cheating on him with the poolguy he snaps and he brings his anger and frustration to his work well give a mad dentist a drill and a mouth and you can probably guess what happens nextbr br as i said brilliant idea but not delivered as well as it should in particular the ending is a huge let down last note watch for mark ruffalo you can count on me eternal sunshine in this onebr br ,neg
this isnt the first time stanley blurred the distinction between genres to such great effect either in dr strangelove you had a comedy about a horrific situation and here the basis is a terrifying scenario which actually yields some very funny moments slowburning madness and attempting to kill ones family isnt hilarious of course but the dialogue is very knowing five months of peace is just what i want and there is a terrific drinking scene which would be riotous if you included just one type of spirit but is spinechilling when you factor in the otherbr br i disagree with those who say that the hotel has a negligible effect on jack torrance in the filmed version the cues nicholson provides the audience as an actor merely hint at the potential for madness which is only reinforced when we learn that the head of the family has struggled with alcoholism and is emotionally distant from his wife and son the environment that he is in however then absorbs those personality defects and unleashes them upon his consciousness in much the same way as buildings are sometimes thought to soak up events that happen there the hotel feeds on the frailties of a troubled but sane man and uses his weaknesses against him to eventually take him beyond the point of no return he may have dormant flaws in his personality before he arrives but to me the overlook itself is the trigger that sets them offbr br kubricks cold and detached approach to directing works splendidly for a chilly horror film and the unpredictable force of nature that is jack nicholson teeters all the time between making you giggle and scaring the wits out of you when he explodes you wont be sure how far he can go together they made a great team and with a blend of their talents gave us a classic if you want a great viewing experience then this is an example that well and truly shines,pos
warning no plot spoilers ahead but movie spoilers nonetheless my significant other rented this for me thinking it would be a terrific romance with an allstar cast wow very very wrong this movie is an overdone overwrought and overly sentimental excuse to theatrically release a student film years after it was shot the copyright date on the box said yet during the very first flashback sequence i was looking at the clothes and hairdos that were supposed to be the early s and noticed that the girls especially were wearing late searly s dresses and hairdos it looked as if it had been shot a good or years before the rest of the film i tried to convenience myself that it was a flashback and therefore supposed to look old but it looked wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy more s than s or even st century trying to be s then an adult coworker of the lead character turns up and he looks just like the boy featured in the flashback sequences yet its a different much older character whose youth is featured in the flashbacks i was completely confused until i saw in the special features the short film included it was all the flashback sequences shot in as a complete student film of the same title as this movie it also features commentary that includes the little boy all grown up and indeed acting the coworker in the scenes thus this movie is just a shell of story woven around an old recut student film put together as an obvious excuse to get it up to theatrical running time the shell story shot in is mostly about a man who has lost his wife and finds healing and redemption at the dance class that he promises a dying man he will attend in his stead something about a promise made by the dying man in the early s to his girl that they would meet on the fifth day of the fifth month of the fifth year of the new millennium an excuse to shoot the segments around the old film in these new scenes and plot might have been ok except the awful overly sentimental score that repeats ad nauseum over almost every single new scene and the clichéd action that permeates the new movie dont bother theres a reason why youve never heard of this movie even though it has a wellknown cast its terrible,neg
i enjoy movies like this for their spirit no pun intended its a decent clean movie about a baseball team thats falling behind and a young fan wishes for them to win since his deadbeat dad said that was the only way hed come back for him br br the spirit shines through in two ways a funny cast with danny glover and a young joseph gordonlevitt and the heavenly herald al taking the dynamic form of christopher lloyd its an energetic movie it gets you smiling and really involves you in the sport br br therein lies my gripe the one thing that kinda bugs me is these sports movies that kind of turn you into an unexpecting fan for the team theres absolutely nothing wrong with that i just find it odd that i should come away from the movie thinking the angels are a strong cool team when really my base loyalty such as it is lies with the toronto blue jays its interesting really if its just a movie about an underdog kids team then its okay,pos
positively awful george sanders vehicle where he goes from being a thief to police czarbr br while sanders was an excellent character actor he was certainly no leading man and this film proves itbr br it is absolutely beyond stupidity gene lockhart did provide some comic relief until a moment of anger led him to fire his gun with tragedy resultingbr br sadly george sanders and costar carol landis committed suicide in real life after making a film as deplorable as this it is not shockingbr br the usual appealing signe hasso is really nothing here,neg
cradle of fearbr br this isnt a movie where intricate delicate little narrative nuances occupy our attention this is not a film where the special effects are supposed to leave us slackjacked uttering that sense of whoa what it is though is a slice of lofi goth horror which leaves little to the imagination created in the eyes of the director alex chandon as a throwback to sleazy s and s horrorbr br this is a very visceral experience for hours where four plot lines are connected through lots of watery blood reams of dismembered body parts and innards tied by an intestinal thread of revenge br br the purveyor of such horrific violence is dani filth leadsinger of the metal band cradle of filth executing a role he was destined to play br br as others have said there is nothing new about wanting to carryout occultist revenge in this particular context a convicted sexual predator and murderer kemper the father of our devilish avengingangel compels his son to exact retribution on those who are some how connected to convicting him to purgatory within an insane asylumbr br what this provides for the chandon who should be congratulated on also penning and editing this piece is the opportunity to let his sick mind run free he seems to take delight in the idea of splattering blood into the orifices of those on screen and into every nook and cranny that can be reached we are also treated to closeups of skulls being crushed demonic rape and other assorted imagery to engage those who relish getting up close and personal to their horror and for some of those who closely follow these type of films there is the odd sequence which may have you thinking did i just see what i thought i did because of course pretty woman this aint it reminds me of some of the gorefests created out of italian horror some to years ago and a number of other works where disgusting images have left their mark but not the context in which they were viewedbr br story of the set is particularly intriguing where the idea of ones obsession can ultimately lead to death in the pursuit of internet violence through the sick room where the user is in control of how a life can be snuffed out further acknowledgements should also go out to a pounding soundtrack that allows filth to exercise his daytime talent and an effective use of drum and bass often overlooked in filmmaking as a viable form of supporting visuals using the city of london as a backdrop with real people as opposed to movie standins also adds support to the commando feel of the film ok classic it may not be but blood guts intestines occult and demons in a slightly perverse unproblematic way it is,neg
i dont see how this show is like the oc at all br br first of all the oc centers around teenagers and their parents trying to get through life north shore is about a hotel staff who is trying to run the hotel and have a social life at the same time second the oc takes place in california north shore takes place in hawaiibr br and why would fox make a show just like one of its other shows on the same network i think this is a great show with good actors for the most part it has a good storyline and plot i like the events that happen and how the people take care of them and work them out the most recent episode was surprising how the story worked out it wasnt predictable like most stories on most shows br br i hope fox keeps it on the air,pos
the name cult movie is often given to films which continue to be screened or to sell in home movie format more than a generation after they were first released superchick which was first released in now comes into this category its cult status is largely due to ongoing interest in it by those women who regard it as an early and effective feminist filmbr br despite the superwoman connotation superchick is not a cartoon character but a very competent young lady working as an air stewardess a career option which in the s was commonly regarded as one of the most glamorous open to any girl and which also enables her to emulate the traditional matelot who reputedly has a wife in every port since she holds black belt status in karate she is in a position to make it quite clear that she is very happy with her bachelor existence and is in no way beholden to any of her extensive suite of male admirers this film is a situation comedy which avoids the generally much shorter lived appeal of outright farce its appeal to feminists is also heightened by a climax in which our heroine uses her karate abilities to avert a hijacking and save all the other passengers on her plane from a potentially unpleasant fate to ensure that this film will appeal to men as well as to their partners the director has wisely ensured that is liberally sprinkled with eye candybr br superchick can be enjoyed by those who are not too critical and want a very light easy to watch comedy which they will forget soon after viewing it is so forgettable that they will probably find it equally enjoyable if watched again in a years time despite its age it may therefore retain its status as a cult movie for some time to come however the dialogue and acting would make it hard to give this film a rating of more than ,neg
the triumph of love doesnt triumph over anything it is a plodding ponderous hours of torture actually its a little less than hours long it just seemed much longer it pains me to even think about the amateurish performances of such fine actors as ben kingsley and fiona shaw the supporting players are not quite as awful maybe they were trying to be so over the top so as to be clownish but if so i didnt see it that way mira sorvino doesnt make an impression one way or the other shehes just there my guess is the play of the same name written by marivaux some or so years ago is much better it couldnt be any worse clare peploe the writer and director of this movie was inspired by a recent production of the play i dont know what she was thinking when she created this bomb br br maybe it all got lost in the translation,neg
i watched cabin by the lake this afternoon on usa considering this movie was made for tv is was interesting enough to watch the sequel so i tune in for the airing this evening and was extremely disappointed i knew i wouldnt like the movie but i was not expecting to be perplexed by the use of dv digital video the movie would have been tolerable if it wasnt for these juxtaposed digital shots that seemed to come from nowhere i expected the plot line to be tied in with these shots but there seemed to be no logical explanation warning the following maybe a spoiler the open ending in cabin by the lake was acceptable but the open ending on the sequel is ridiculous i can only foresee return of return to the cabin by the lake being watch able is if the movie was shown up against nothing but infomercials at oclock in the morning,neg
terribly underrated with matt dillon and tom skerritt good backdrop for solid story and some memorable lines well acted and well cast tommy lee jones and bruce dern make you hate them with passion,pos
story of a wrongly executed prisoner who haunts the prison he was electrocuted in and kills random prisoners while waiting to take revenge on the man who framed himbr br viggo mortensen is great and the acting is pretty good overall lane smith is deliciously wicked as the guilty warden also this film has some great gore including death by barbedwire mummification,pos
i like david hamiltons artistic photographs of nude women at the border of womanhood sometimes erotic though never pornographic someone else liked them too because my david hamilton books were stolen in one book were seen a few pictures of a young boy obviously nude intimate with a young woman older than he also nude though discrete there was strong sexual connotation new territory for david hamilton which proved to be either stills from the movie tendres cousines or perhaps photos taken on setbr br the art of still photography unfortunately does not automatically translate to cinematography soft focus becomes outoffocus and discrete angles become confusing perhaps because in motion they cannot be considered you either see it or miss it and theres no time to observe to comprehend the movie is supposed to be a farce and funny things do happen but it doesnt hang together perhaps because the story develops so slowly and one may wonder just whats going on eventually the yearold julien has intercourse with his cousin but its soft core with no genital contact shown on camera since its a farce we have a disappointing virgin and an embarrassing caught in the act gag and having caught them juliens father even gives him a cigarette to complete the experience in fairness the film is in french and conforms to french cinematic forms which may just be too subtle for most americans even with english subtitles to help us phillistines alongbr br its been suggested that this film is child pornography and that certainly results from todays climate where sexual exploitation of children is clearly a serious problem nobody in their right mind wants to endorse or appear to endorse the sexual abuse of children so theres practically no room left for children to be seen in even the mildest erotic context without immediately activating alarms over sexual violence and exploitation guys will think lucky julien even as they agree that sex and children in the movies is a bad thing all the while still wishing they could have been a julien at that age women too may have similar thoughts but all such considerations must be pushed out of ones conscious mind hysterically the worst assumptions have become automatic and matters of children and sex are rigorously avoided too bad since sexual awakening is a real human experience afer all children do grow up and become sexual beings as julien does its a fit literary subject cinema included but taboo under the threat of sexual violence against children david hamilton i think was taking a risk to make a movie on this topic even in he was somewhat successful at exploring this sensitive topic and unfortunately were unlikely to see better in the near future for fear of the child pornography label,pos
i love kristen dunst especially in elizabethtown i guess shes the kind of actress who had better not act before camera but just be herself she did that and she looked so natural in elizabethtown in this movie however she did try to add in more artificial performance especially in the first half of the film so that she looked more like a sober editor while in the other half she totally set herself back in her daily track and i just couldnt tell her to be an editor any way therefore her performance is not enduring in this film br br the filmon the whole is attracting and inspiring the character of young is full and reasonable anyway the film tells a big and sophisticated story br br the only big defect is that it didnt show a turning point of the hero and heroines love story i am totally confused when they kiss at the end of the story because that is rather unclear for the two persons,pos
in the opinion of several of my friends and family members including myself this is the finest of the entire gamut of tarzan movies johnny weissmuller never played the part as well in the following issues in the series it definitely rates a in my collection of films,pos
if you have sons or daughters who love action adventure intrigue and imagination without the need to break into song every twelve minutes then this is the disney movie for you my sons loved every minute of this film and i have to admit that i laughed out loud many times throughout the movie there are no sappy songs to get in the way of a wonderfully told story and the characters are all lovable and identifiable in their own right this should go down as one of the disney classics because of its beautifully illustrated scenery and its nonstop excitement,pos
it seems a lot of imdb comments on this film are biased in the sense that they try to compare it to an older version true hollow man is a remake of sorts of the invisible man but thats where the similarities end hollow man is an entertaining movieperiod if you watch a movie with the intention of finding as many flaws as possible then you shouldnt watch movies in the first place true some movies are plain horrendous and unbearable but hollow man manages to entertain and make you think what you would do if you were invisible and if you had your ex getting laid with one of your friends kevin bacon stars as a eccentric scientist who along with a team of collaborators discover the way to make animals invisible now his mission is to make them visible again when this team of young scientists working as you might guess for the pentagonthink they have the formula for making animals visible again kevin bacon volunteers to be the first to try the new experimental drug after that of course things go wrong as kevin bacon remains invisible for the rest of the movie and is obliged to wear a latex mask so his collaborators know where he is feelings of paranoia and desperation begin to take over kevins character and when he finds out that his ex girlfriend and collaborator elisabeth shue is having a torrid affair with another of the young scientists in the team he finally snaps the movie then turns into a hybrid of alien and a slasher flick but thats not saying its a bad turn there are scares and chills and the movie moves at a nice pace the special effects are top notch a quality always prevalent in all of paul verhoevens filmsas we get to see some body reconstitution sequences never seen on a movie before if theres anything to complain about perhaps is the predictability of the situations herein by the first hour of the movie you know kevin bacon will make the jump from being weird and eccentric to being a homicidal lunatic in the end and the ending is a bit abrupt but despite this hollow man is still worth watching if you want to know what a truly bad movie is then waste your money on fear dot com with stephen dorf or the even worse the untold or sasquatsh with land henriksen now that is hollow out of ,pos
red eye is not the kind of movie thats going to win the palme dor but wes craven has never been that kind of director anyway and his branding is a good indication of what a filmgoer can expectbr br the fact that red eye is a tight little undemanding package at minutes is part of its charm and an indication of cravens craft in producing lightweight but generally enjoyable box office fare in fact its the perfect kind of movie to show as inflight entertainment attentionholding without putting any intellectual or emotional challenges on the viewerbr br overall there is a cheesy feeling to the plot vague terrorist subplot motivation and the supporting characters and the main section has a tv movie feel however there are definite elements of hitchcockian suspense and echoes of schumachers phone booth which ultimately is a more sophisticated and pretentious play on the same idea of emotional crisis being played out suppressed in publicbr br for a film that focuses mainly on two people sitting in airline seats it lives or dies on the characters and script cillians icy but eloquent jackson rippner and rachel macadams resourceful lisa are the main reasons the film gets carried off not only making the dialogue zing but also giving some sort of adams rib type dimension to their battle of male logic against feminine sensitivitybr br in the final portion of the film craven indulges himself a little scream style as manchasesgirlwithknife the most surprising revelation here is what brian cox looks like after the just for men treatment his ubiqutous appearance in films as diverse as super troopers the ring and this making him the sexegenarian version of jude lawbr br short haul fun,pos
soapdish is one of the best yet least well remembered comedies of the s the film revolves around the various offcamera dramas that occur behind the scenes of a cheaply produced daytime soap opera the first of the films various impressive strengths is its fantastic alist cast soapdish features some of the greatest actors and actresses of its erabr br the film is superbly led by sally field as the neurotic ageing actress celeste talbert she famously throws a tantrum when put in a costume that makes her look like gloria fcking swanson her supporting cast reads like a whoswho of s movie greats whoopi goldberg robert downey jr teri hatcher kevin kline and kathy najimy all elevate the film greatly goldberg is predictably excellent whilst downey jrs and hatchers performances hint at the comedic excellence they would later achievebr br in terms of writing the film is outstanding there is a really modern edge to the script which strays into the wonderfully bizarre on several occasions there also several visual gags that are quite ahead of their time in some ways the film is reminiscent of mel brooks at his best and frequently reminded this reviewer of high anxiety much of the films humour hinges on its often scathing but pretty accurate representations of daytime television and of neurotic and pretentious actors for example the extras casting session featuring the exploitative executive played by carrie fisher is both hilarious and honestbr br soapdish is for my money one of the very best comedies hollywood produced during the s its excellent script and aclass cast make it a mustsee its hard not to love this film after its kept you laughing for minutes,pos
when setting out this film director mary harron seemingly had the goal of clearly documenting the progress of bettie pages career from early modelling days to leaving modelling to go back home after the senate hearings on juvenile delinquency and her religious rediscovery in the s and so intent is she to get all of these facts on screen in the time allowed she seems to have missed out on taking any time to explain anything in depthbr br when you think of someone who had pages career youd think that there would be plenty to discuss her reasons decisions life event personal traumas but harron avoids any kind of personal exploration of the character in the first fifteen minutes or so of the film there are brief hints of child abuse domestic violence and a gang rape but these are all rushed past and then never referred to again you get the impression that harron and guinevere turner cowriter wanted to gloss over anything that wasnt glamorous and flattering you go into this film expecting to gain an insight into who the person behind the posters was but all you are given is a list of things that she did and recreations of some of her most famous photo shootsbr br all in all the film really frustrates you as you watch desperately waiting for some extra layer to reveal itself how did she balance her religion with her job what made this young tennessee girl move from modelling into bondage photography the film simply shows her going to another modelling agency and putting on whatever shes told but surely it would have involved some shock and deliberation this was after all the sbr br it seems to me that harron is trying to make a point about how tame all this is by todays standards page never took any photos of explicit sexual actions and how the reaction some gave this kind of thing was really overzealous and although this is true she never actually makes it seem sordid in the eyes of others today we look at a young girl posing topless and think nothing off it but we should have got some sort of feeling about how shocking it would have been to a contemporary audience this woman was a central part of a senate hearing on juvenile delinquency but no one is ever really shown as shockedbr br basically i left this film just thinking how tame it was harron and turner have managed to avoid anything that might be unpleasant to a viewer they come across as two lifelong fans of miss page and are desperate to make sure that nothing absolutely nothing could possibly put a bad light on their heroine and have therefore avoided any in depth probing into who she really was before and after her career there are reports of her violent nature and mental problems and all thats left is the string of events that made up her career without any substance whatsoever behind it,neg
born to boogie is a real findthough a rock fan for nearly thirty years i only first saw the film a few days ago and rank it among the top rock films of all time the musics terrific the cream of t rex and the visuals consistently exciting and unusual leaving this viewer craving any more past directorial efforts of ringo starr who did a fine job here if you love the music youll be in t rextasy throughout as marc bolan really is the star of the piece front and center even the fact that some songs are repeated doesnt matter a bit different venues costuming musical arrangements and bizarre visual concepts are all used to lend different textures and a great deal of upbeat humor to what could have ended up as only a concert film in other hands as rich and full packed as born to boogie is the films only about an hour long but what is there is totally satisfying therein lies my only criticismthe video package states something like minutes and at least one online source claims the film to be minutes but apparently its more like minutes of rocking fun,pos
br br so not being a poet myself i have no real way to convey the beauty and simplicity of this documentary the effortless motion of goldsworthy as he molds natures beauty into his own work is captivating watch him stick reeds together in a web hanging from a tree in a close up for a few minutes while he speaks of his work and then receive the payoff when the camera cuts to the wide shot be amazed by the ease with which he operates and then realize the futility when a slight breeze knocks down the entire webbr br the genius of goldsworthy seemingly knows no bounds as his inspiration is nature itself it is in the essential change of nature where his work though complete in its own sphere is made whole,pos
very funny wellcrafted wellacted meticulous attention to detail a real window into a specific time and place in history could almost believe this was a true story in a parallel universe interesting how passport to pimlico anticipates the berlin airlift a definite ,pos
tarzan and jane are living happily in the jungle some men come looking for ivory and to take jane back to civilization but jane loves tarzan and refuses to leave one of the men falls in love with jane and is determined to take her backeven if that means killing tarzanbr br this is a raritya sequel thats better than the original tarzan the ape man of was good but had some dreadful special effects and sort of dragged this one has much better effects and is a lot more adult there is tons of blatant racism a black man is shot to death point blankand no one really cares but this was theres also plenty of blood gore and violence for a movie and uncut prints have jane doing a lengthy underwater swim totally nude theres also obvious sexual content and tarzan and jane are wearing next to nothing and its implied they sleep together and have sexwithout being married this wouldnt bother anyone today but in this was pretty extremebr br that aside the movie is welldirected very fastmoving and full of adventure and excitement seeing weissmuller in that skimpy lion cloth is certainly a treat for the eyes and janes outfit is pretty revealing too i still think maureen osullivan is bad as jane but weismuller is perfect as tarzan everybody else is okbr br this is easily the best weismullerohara tarzan out there well worth seeing but not for kids,pos
the cover art which features a man holding a scary pellet gun would make it seem as if its a martial arts film hardlybr br i find it interesting that the films real title is trojan warrior trojan is a brand of condoms in the us this movie is loaded with homoeroticism if you like that stuff then this film isnt that bad really however consider these pointsbr br there are numerous closeups of actors groins butts one scene even features every actor with an erection bulging in his pants the film is also bathed in gaudy colors like lime peach and red from a cinematographers standpoint this movies a drag queen several scenes feature characters standing extremely close to one another occasionally touching as they converse also the cousin of the hero likes women and every other guy in the movie is trying to kill him is there a message here the filmmakers want to convey br br shall i go into the fight scenes yes someones private parts get grabbed in one fight the martial arts scenes are brief and unimaginative no fancy stuff here just your standard moves youd see in an old chuck norris flick theres also a car chase scene which may be the first ever lowspeed chase put on film,neg
i just watched this for the first time in a long time i had forgotten both how imaginative the images were and how witty the movie is i had not forgotten however the opening scenes which are with the scene at the candlelight club in waterloo bridge among the most romantic ever filmedbr br anyone interested in politics or history will love the movies offhand references anyone interested in romance will be moved by hunterniven and anyone who loves visual imagery will enjoy the depiction of the afterworldbr br my favorite movie remains odd man out made near the same time but this one is superb br br ,pos
four macho roughntumble guys and three sexy gals venture into a remote woodland area to hunt for a bear the motley coed group runs afoul of crazed vietnam veteran jesse an effectively creepy portrayal by alberto mejia baron who not surprisingly doesnt take kindly to any strangers trespassing on his terrain directorcowriter pedro galindo iii relates the gripping story at a steady pace creates a good deal of nerverattling tension and delivers a fair amount of graphic gore with the brutal murder set pieces a nasty throat slicing and a hand being blown off with a shotgun rate as the definite gruesome splatter highlights the capable cast all give solid performances with especially praiseworthy work by pedro fernandez as the nice humane nacho edith gonzalez as the feisty alejandra charly valentino as the amiable charly and tono mauri as antagonistic jerk mauricio better still both yummy blonde marisol santacruz and lovely brunette adriana vega supply some tasty eye candy by wearing skimpy bathing suits antonio de andas slick agile cinematography the breathtaking sylvan scenery pedro plascencias robust shuddery stirring score the welldeveloped characters and the pleasingly tightntrim minute running time further enhance the overall sound quality of this bangup horroraction hybrid winner,pos
who would think andy griffiths helen crump aneta corsaut had a steve mcqueen movie in her past but that is only one of several weird and wonderful things about the ultimate s teenagersbattlecreatures movie which might best be described as rebel without a cause meets god knows what from outer space the rebel is steven mcqueen who would shortly decide that steve sounded less prissy a good boy with just enough wild to be interesting the very wholesome yet understanding girlfriend is the aforementioned aneta corsaut it was bad enough when their date was disrupted by teenage hotrodders but they are considerably more nonplussed when they encounter a gelatinous maneating what is it that rides down to earth on its own hotrod meteorand begins gobbling up townfolk right and left but will the grown ups believe them of course not what do they know theyre just kidsbr br the movie is teeny bopper at its teeny bopping best the actors take the rather pretentious script very seriously with many a soulful look into each other eyes and the adult supporting cast probably says kids very third sentence or so but the real pleasure of the film its creature which is well imagined wellexecuted and often manages to generate a surprising degree of suspense and although clearly on the cheap side check out those miniature sets guys the blob is actually a fairly wellmade filmand theres that catchy little theme song thrown in for good measure the plus crowd myself included will enjoy the movie as nostalgia but that wont prevent them from hooting right along with the younger set at its wholemilkandwhitebread s sensibility and the film would be a great choice for either familymovie night or a more sophisticated grown ups only get together make plenty of jello cubes for movie snacking gary f taylor aka gft amazon reviewer,pos
the music and laurence oliviers sombre delivery set the tone perfectly for this outstanding documentary this is still a must see for ww ii buffs descendants of the participants of that conflict politicians who think things always go their way when they extend their foreign policy via the deck of an aircraft carrier did you hear that george bush and anyone else curious or needing to know the whys whos and hows of some aspect of that conflict the episodes are roughly in chronological order but can be seen out of sequence since they are more or less self contained there is bound to be new insight for the new viewer because of the sheer volume presented actual footage of the battles is interspersed with interviews of those involved in the stories many of the interviews are with second line authorities that is support personnel to the main characters privates captains secretaries eyewitnesses and the like you get a real upfront taste of what war is all aboutbr br i am presently watching the dvd version of the original television documentary i strongly recommend this over the worn out gaptoothed overpriced vhs offerings available on ebay i paid cdn for five sided dvd discs this new release includes bonus material and is in full screen mode the menus are easy to follow there is first a choice of which episode you want to view and then after selecting that you are given the option of various chapters in the episode or to play the whole episode it is understandable with such a comprehensive presentation there is a tiny amount more of navigation in the menu but the impact of what you will see is not diminished after years nay after years since the war finishedbr br i remember watching the first broadcast on the buffalo pbs station just before moving from london in and wishing right from that time that i could have a copy now my wish has finally come truebr br see this documentary tell your friends buy a copy for your library remember and honour the sacrifices and challenges overcome by those from america russia britain canada and all the other nations and peoples involved in the final victory what an eye opener,pos
david lynchs film of john roach mary sweeneys story is set in iowa and wisconsin some time well before the films eventual releasebr br we come into the life of alvin straight richard farnsworth late on in life his medical condition is poor his life is mostly behind him and he knows itbr br this makes what he decides to do even more remarkable and endearing he decides and at every point in the film his own name reverberates through his actions to put a few things straightbr br alvin is by this time in his life a man of great experience but modest means his daughter rose sissy spacek struggles with a speech impediment that makes communication a great effort on the audiences behalf but its worth it because roses story cannot help but come out as the film progressesbr br this film is the story of a journey but like all journeys it is a journey in the geographical sense and in the human sense early on in the film we begin to understand that this is an ambitious journey which no elderly gentleman of alvins age should reasonably undertakebr br but along the way we slowly learn how alvin has so many qualifications which equip him to achieve his unlikely objective his objective is very simple and straightforward his brother is ill and likely to die and he wants to visit him he has had a falling out with him many years ago and they have not spoken in a very long timebr br along the way alvin meets many people the way he behaves towards them and the benefit they get from having known him is the essence of this film we come to know who alvin straight is from what alvin straight does and at the end of the film we know who we are better,pos
some people say steve irwins larrikin antics and gregarious personality are only an act watch this film its obvious he cant actbr br steve irwin dangerman star of the small screen in his crocodile hunter diaries croc files and eponymous crocodile hunter series you see a naming trend here or is it just me rockets his largerthanstrife persona to the big screen with crocodile hunter collision course yup – theres a definite trend of words beginning with c basically an episode of crocodile hunter mashed together with a bmoviebr br on a mission to relocate a big croc to save it from being shot by an eccentric farmer magda szubanski steve and wife terri are unaware that the croc is being tracked by american spies lachy hulme and kenneth ransom out to recover a spy satellite beacon it has swallowed will it hurt my credibility to say theyre on a collision course with wackiness what credibility ed notebr br the plot is irrelevant as it is steves animal magnetism that propels the film if you find his persona trying the film is a failure but if youre a fan of either him as a businessman conservationist or just plain assklown or his television shows expect more of the same on a widescreen budgetbr br john stainton faithful liege best mate and helmer of the crocodile hunter oeuvre can it be called that with a straight face writes and directs with the same provincial swagger that made steve a household wildlife jesterbr br the most jarring aspect of this movie is that steve one of the few people for whom you can actually hear the exclamation points going by as he speaks and terri steves spouse of years fiercest ally and closest friend treat it like it is one of their documentaries breaking the fourth wall and speaking directly to the camera whilst all the other characters behave as if theyre in a bad movie well… it wouldnt be so incongruous if steve and terri were kept separated from the rest of the characters – but when the bad americans constantly threaten steves life we confused viewers must ask ourselves why the indifferent camera crew doesnt at least call the cops if not try to poke the bad guys in the eye with the boom mics or run screaming into the bush – anything but continue filming casually with great lighting crisp audio and seven action angles br br while terri is unfairly painted as steves mildly incompetent sidekick her acting consists of boldly inept line reads and gadding about in pearshapedbuttockhugging jeans for the last im not complaining steve goes about his businessasusual of showandtell with creatures intent on killing him doing all his stunts himself because well to him theyre not really stunts just a day at the office br br of course watching this madmans kookoo adventures after his tragic death in september casts a strange detachment over the proceedings but to those of us who never met him this kind of malarkey as well as various incarnations of the crocodile hunter series in constant reruns keeps him as alive as ever in our crocodile burrows the wrenching reality of his absence will only be apparent to those nearest him and i truly wish them the best in following in his outsize footprints… br br so enjoy this diversion for what it is – a halfbaked movie featuring a fullon legend he died doing what he loved – interacting with wildlife and he could never have asked for more of his first feature film in portraying him doing just thatbr br movie maniacs visit poffysmoviemaniacom,neg
deathstalker is perfect for bfantasy movie fans this barely minute travesty of filmmaking features everything hecklers can ask fornonexistent plotting terrible acting save for at least a raspysounding old lady laughable scripting and schlock editing and bargainbasement style background settings there are no characters that come across as likable or interesting in particular the lead doesnt have anything appealing about him and the actors assembled barely do anything to rise above the fgrade material if thats not enough then how about the lack of a compelling plot which this movie has nothing of the sort to make deathstalker qualify as a major turkey i was also offended that the women in this movie barely serve any purpose other than to be topless andor scantily clad get raped have sex with the hero all of the above in addition the background music is hideous a bizarre mess of electronic noise cheesy choral bursts and blaring orchestral cacophony ear numbing and eye numbing all in one packed with nary a thing to keep one interested deathstalker is probably best suited for folks looking for something to laugh at and believe me theres plenty of that in here otherwise i do not recommend this thgrade conan wannabe to anyone in the least,neg
no didnt think so well in that case all you have to do is stay far far away from do you wanna know a secret as its just the umpteenth pointless postscream slasher with absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever the plot is extremely ridiculous the characters are insufferably dumb the gorefactor is negligible and the whole thing is just plain boring as you can derive from the title already this film is mainly inspired by i still know what you did last summer as the events take place in a similar setting and the killers motivations are equally stupid why anyone would want to steal ideas from junk like ikwydls is a complete mystery to me anyway at least that film could depend on the precious rack of jennifer love hewitt whereas the girls in this junk are apart from brainless also terribly unattractive one year after the still unsolved murder of her boyfriend beth morgan her new adulterous lover and four other simpleminded college students go to florida to spend their spring break holiday in a fancy beach house the killer hasnt made a move all year but now he follows the posse to florida and starts butchering them whilst leaving behind the titular message as some sort of business card you really dont need to be a horrorexpert in order to quickly figure out which face hides behind the unspeakably ridiculous mask and the writers attempts to put you on the wrong track are downright embarrassing since the plot is so thin most of the film is purely irrelevant padding including the sub plots regarding the incompetent floridian police force and the mysterious fbi inspector who seems to have a personal score to settle the murder inexplicably happen off screen dont you hate it when that happens there isnt even any gratuitous ta to enjoy and you better dont get me started on the quality of the dialogs suffering through crap like this only makes you realize that the delightful spirit of the s slashers is gone for good,neg
like most people i was intrigued when i heard the concept of this film especially the film makers were then attacked aspect that the case seems to emphasize what with the picture on the cover of the film makers being chased by an angry mobbr br then to watch the film and discover oh what they mean by the film makers were attacked was some kids threw rocks at a sign and a number of people complained loudly and said someone should beat those two kids up the picture on the cover the chase as it were total fabrication which i guess ties in with the theme of the film lying and manipulation to satisfy vain stupid children with more money and time then sensebr br i have no idea what great truth the viewer is supposed to take away from this film its like michael moores roger me but if roger me was moore mocking the people of flint its completely misdirected and totally inane wow can you believe that people who suffered under the yoke of communism would be really excited to have markets full of food what jerks and its not so much look at the effects of capitalism and western media blah blah blah since it wasnt just that their fake market had comparable prices to the competitors it was that as many people in the film say the prices were absurdly low someone mentions that they shouldve known it was fake by how much they were charging for duck thats not proving anything except that people who are poor will go to a store that has low prices bravo fellas way to stick it to the people on the bottombr br way to play a stupid practical joke on elderly people you should be very proud how about for your next movie you make a documentary about iraq and show how people there will get really excited for a house without bullet holes in the walls and then say haha no such house exists your so stupid and loved to be lied to by the mediabr br morgan please like me spurlock unleashed this wet fart of a film and its no surprise since spurlock as one hit wonder prince of the documentary world seems to throw his weight behind any silly sounding concept to stay relevant in a world that really has no need of himbr br avoid like the plague,neg
i had the pleasure of viewing this beautiful film last night with the wonderful addition of a question and answer session with the director following the viewing i suspect that the first commenter has never lost a parent or someone very close to them in death i have had many such losses and this movie spoke to me one of the major themes is how we dont deal with questionsissuesstories with our loved ones until its too latetheyre too incapacitated or dead before that happens talk to your loved ones listen to and record their stories tell people you love them resolve differences i loved the message that there are no mistakes i love the directors portrayal of the relationship of the two daughtersas one of six siblings its clear to me he understood how complex those relationships are his history as a cinematographer also comes through loud and clearwhat a beautiful movie the casting is outstandinga film not to be missed,pos
the best modesty blaise movie i have seen so far its like a good pilot for a tvseries i even think its a little bit cult like with a lite touch of quentin tarantinos magic or something they have caught a great deal of modestys character but i admit missing willy garwin a bit even if i have read many comics and book by peter odonnell im not disappointed of this film quite the opposite positive surprised of this story about modesty and her childhood i did not put my expectations so high because of the bad movie from so i may have overrate this movie just a little but if you like the comics and other storys about modesty blaise you should definitely see this one cant wait for a followup,pos
i read the novel some years ago and i liked it a lot when i saw the movie i couldnt believe it they changed everything i liked about the novel even the plot i wonder what did isabel allende author say about the movie but i think it sucks,neg
the pilot of enterprise has one thing that has been lacking since the original star trek a dose of realistic flawed personalities the utopian characters of the next generation got tiring they were so noble as to be unbelievable i also like the subplot that humans are bitter toward the vulcans its funny seeing them as pretentious snobs it makes me look forward to seeing when the humans become the dominant race between the two though i dont think it would work in the time frame of the show the only negatives that jumped out at me were the quick cut off the ending at hours feel of the end which is common among many of the trek shows the second was the shameless dig for ratings by a couple of senselessly sexy scenes it was out of place a good science fiction show should be able to stand on its own without trying to pad the preteen audience with some skin but its not my job to make the show profitable so oh wellbr br lets see how the next episode does,pos
this could have been a good episode but i simply had to turn it off the british representation was horrible to watch have the makers ever set foot in britain prior to filming at least set foot in england i dont think any british person have had such an accent apart from a comedy skit of the royal family also with the english boys well i dont think any english boy has acted spoke or dressed like any english kid in the history of the british nation since prince william and harrys preteen public appearances to american film makers there is more than country in the uk england wales scotland and northern ireland meaning more than culture i can handle some stereotyping but this was so bad i could not watch it fire looked cool though,neg
saving grace is a nice movie to watch in a boring afternoonwhen you are looking for something different than the regular scripts and wants to have some fun i meanthe whole idea of this movie and all the marijuana in it is such a craziness it was the first movie i watched with this themedrugsmarijuana that is not really criticizing itonly making jokes about it grace trevethyn is a widowwho lives in a small town in uk and has many financial problems because of her dead husband who committed suicide since he was full of debts the problem is that grace who imagined to have some money saved for her discovers that she needs to pay all of her husbands pounds in debts to not lose all of her things specially her house that she loves so much she never worked before and is in a tragic situation until matthewher gardener who is very found of smoking pot decides to make a partnership with her in selling marijuana in large scale,pos
colleges high schools fraternities and sororities have been the most popular stalking grounds for maniacal madmen since the slasher cycle first became a popular cinema culture throughout the late seventies even backwoods cabins and campsites have rode shotgun to the amount of massacres that have taken place on campuses since halloween categorised the genre as a cult horror category from early entries like to all a good night right up until the big budgeted schlock of titles like urban legend or schools out theres usually always been a campus slasher lurking somewhere in the pipeline despite being picked up by troma the titans of b movie badness – splatter university was heavily panned upon release and never really found an audience even notorious hack and slash websites like hysterialives have written off richard haines splatter yarn as one of the worst of the early eighties boom i always approach criticised movies optimistically because theres often the chance than a few bad reviews can be unfairly contagious like a dose of the flu which crowds the judgement of certain authorsbr br it begins in traditional fashion at the place where any maniac worth his salts emerges yep you guessed it – an insane asylum it seems that one of the inmates has decided that hes unhappy with the level of service at the institution and therefore hes looking to take his business elsewhere the unseen nutjob makes his break after stabbing an unfortunate orderly where the sun certainly doesnt shine he obviously favours the dress sense of the murdered worker so he takes the liberty of borrowing his uniform blood stained trousers and allbr br three years later we transfer to st trinians college an educational establishment that is controlled by catholic priests a teacher is busy after hours marking her students work when all of a sudden theres a knock at the door before she has a chance to find out what the unseen visitor wants he stabs her in the chest with a kitchen knife and she falls to the floor in a bloody heap this of course means that theres a vacancy at the university and so were introduced to julie parker francine forbes the lovable replacement for the recently departed lecturer it seems that her arrival has inadvertently given the resident maniac all the motivation that he needs to go on a no holds barred slaughterthon before long students and teachers alike are dropping like flies to the camera shy menace as he stalks the corridors and local areas armed with an exceptionally large blade suspicious suspects abound but can professor parker solve the mystery of the campus murderer before she becomes just another statistic br br im not precisely sure how many versions of this movie are available the uk altered video was released under the alias of campus killings but the us copy that i own states that its the complete unedited edition which could mean that there is a censored print floating about somewhere id be fairly surprised if that was the case as splatter university certainly isnt as goredelicious as the hyperbole packaging would lead you to believe one or two litres of corn syrup certainly dont stand up to gore hounds scrutiny when compared to the likes of blood rage or pieces so in this instance the movie is somewhat over hyped one thing that many critics have failed to mention is the charming lead performance from francine forbes who ends up carrying the entire picture on her shoulders throughout the minute running time despite amateurish direction from richard haines she still unveils some magnificent potential that should have lead to the chance of another stab at serious acting under a more accomplished helmer unfortunately that possibility never came and bottom of the barrel bombs like death ring and splitz certainly didnt help to nurture a talent that could have improved dramatically under the right scholarshipbr br the rest of the cast members were par for the course of movie obscurity especially the wooden plank teenagers who for some strange reason acted like they were auditioning for a remake of grease or the wanderers the bog standard point and shoot direction couldnt have helped to build much confidence in the project and the fact that the few signs of potential were undermined by the clumsy handling of the script writer left the feature effectively unredeemable perhaps the only claim of originality to be found in haines slasher is the brave attempt for the contrasting conclusion lets just say that its not a final that i was expecting to witness in a movie that was so typical of the cyclebr br at one point in the runtime one of the teens says man that parker bores me to tears… well the same can be said for splatter university which never lifts the pace above slow motion with that said though francine forbes made for a delectable scream queen and undoubtedly one that i would have paid to watch again in a similar role so that pretty much sums up this untromatising ride slow paced shoddy but still strangely alluring youd have to be especially forgiving to give it a chance…,neg
spielbergs first dramatic film is no letdown its a beautifully made film without any flaws about the life of an africanamerican woman it also proves that not all movies that have the africanamerican ethnicity as the center of the story have to be helmed by an africanamerican directorbr br what i love about this movie is spielbergs ability to make it very realistic despite the fact that it was based on a book furthermore danny glover was excellent as mr and usually hes just himself throughout most of his movies but in this he completely branches out and is someone else for once but the performance de resistance of the whole film comes from whoopi goldberg she is excellent as celie you will never forget these characters once youve seen this moviebr br now i heard that the musical version of it is going to be a film as well and all i can say is i hope its about as good as this one is because this one is a film that shouldnt be missed,pos
this movie is without a doubt a perfect for all you people out there who are rating this film low grades because it has no good plot or anything like that thats ridiculous saying that a jackie chan movie is bad because of its plot is like saying a porn movie is bad because it has no plot you watch jackie chan for the fight scenes for the action its not so much concentrated on a good story or anything like that if you look at how he makes movies and compare it to other american films from that era and even later you will realize that jackie chans movies had over the top fights scenes and not really good plots while american movies had good plots but shitty action scenes compared to what jackie chan was doing at the time porn is watched for the porn jackie chan is watched for the action i think you people are rating it bad because theres no plot because you think thats how a smart movie critic would rate a good movie but the way i see it is a good movie is a movie that can keep me entertained sure the middle of the movie was boring very boring but put it this way the rest which is all action scenes and stunts very much do pay for all of that this did change the way how american action movies were created they have even stollen scenes from this movie if you want a true man a true entertainer then watch this movie and many more of jackie chans hes pure in everyway he literally makes american movies look like a walk in the park and even in todays movies american movies rely so much on special effects and safety wires and stunt doubles and so much more police story and many other jackie chan films are pieces of work of a true entertainer who just goes all out and is very talented in what he can do a masterpiece,pos
as dr alan feinstone corbin bernsen turns a marvelously deranged performance in the dentistbr br with his already obsessive compulsive tendencies in high gear the irs hounding him and a very suspicious acting wife dr alan feinstone is losing his sanity more and more each daybr br when the doc indeed does realize that his wife is having an affair with the local pool boy it sets off a string of events that lead to torture murder ant total mayhem the dentist is a solid film bernsen makes the character of dr feinstone relatable and hateable at the same time even though he is completely out of his gourd the audience will still feel sympathy towards him that my friendsis damn good actingbr br a nice solid cast of supporting actors round out this gem of a film excellent direction good killings and gore and effective pacing will keep you entertained throughout the movies runbr br highly recommended,pos
the minute i started watching this i realised that i was watching a quality production so i was not surprised to find that the screenplay was written by andrew davis and was produced by sue birtwhistle both of these brought us the excellent production of pride and prejudice so my only gripe here is that emma did not run to or or maybe even six episodes like pride and prejudice the acting was superb with i think prunella scales excellent as miss bates but i loved kate beckinsale and mark strong just as much the language is a delight to listen to can you imagine in this day and age having a right go at someone without actually uttering a swear word samantha morton was excellent as miss smith in fact the casting was spot on much as it was with pride and prejudice i liked it so much that i watched it twice in two days so once again thank you bbc for another quality piece of television i have seen the paltrow version and it is okay but i do think the bbc version is far superior an excellent production that i am very happy to own on dvd,pos
just read the original story which is written by pu in th century strikingly the movie despict the original spirit very well though the plot was modified tremendously the film language the rhythm the special effect are all from hollywood but still there is a chinese core it is amazing how hark tsui managed to combine them together the result is pure beauty,pos
i saw this film by chance on the small box it has a fantastic and chilling scene about poisonous gas a lot about fanatical patriotism a bit of eroticism i cant believe its still waiting for votes,pos
i completely disagree with the other comments posted on this movie for instance the movie is based on the book and if the writer had a gay character in it then how could hollywood just throw in a token gay character in the movie and besides there was two gay characters and i thought they reflected each other great one was normal and the other was more feminine but it wasnt over the top and diane keaton gave a wonderful performance and if the other reviewer had the decency to actual watch the entire film they would have seen that her character developed through out the film by interacting with the other characters for instance when she and adam went to look at the car that sara crashed in the junkyard you could see the maternal side of her come out and later in the film you saw that she too was invincible but i guess if youre too worried about gay characters and characters that are flawed then this movie is bad but if youre more openminded and i dont know actually have some inkling of what is good then youll enjoy this film,pos
no this isnt a sequel to the fabulous ova series but rather a remake of the events that occurred after the death of ghim and the disappearance of woodchuck it is also more accurate to the novels that inspired this wonderful series which is why characters namely orson and shiris are reintroduced and why the story may seem slightly different to those used to the ova the booklet included in the set provides excellent answers to such questions as do various online sites the first eight episodes of this part tv series focus on the fateful battle at demon dragon mountain the remaining episodes introduce us to spark a bluehaired knight wannabe who identifies with parn and his ragtag team of misfits as they attempt to stop the dark wizard wagnard from resurrecting kardis the destroyerbr br while it isnt quite the equivalent of the original lodoss war we all love the finale where parn saves deedlit from wagnard dont we this tv followup is still great fun for fantasy fans even if the animation is limited and a step down from the artistic streak of the first lodoss this part series has its elements of appeal the fullyrealized characters engaging storyline magic romance and a superb soundtrack scored by kaoru wada of ninja scroll all give this uneven spinoff some punchbr br while the ova dub of lodoss has been criticized for one reason or another i generally liked it and still consider it one of my favorite dubs so i had significant hopes for the dub for chronicles made in for the most part the lodoss tv english track is of passable if not stellar quality it does however have its share of problems much of the original cast who lent their english voices to the characters of lodoss return including lisa ortiz as deedlit which is a nice bonus on the other hand billy regans more mature sounding parn is a bit offputting he doesnt do a bad job but his voice came across as grating for the first eight episodes causing some antidub fans to instantly diss the dub but by the time spark and company take the stage i found it less bothersome i dont know if its because he improved or if it just grew on me also not everyone from the oav dub returns jayce reeves only voices wagnard terrifically for one episode hes replaced by pete zarustica for the whole show who gives a scratchy but still malevolent turn as well as the expected evil laughter anthony cruises kashue on the other hand is too weary and takes about five or so episodes to find his stride oliver gregory is probably the most effective as orson especially during his final dramatic scenesbr br aside from lisa ortiz deedlit karen smith shiris john knox ashram and al muscari slayn the dubs best voices come from some of the newer characters including crispin freeman spark maar garrack episodes roxanne beck little neese meg frances who voices pirotess in the oav but also voices ryna with vulnerability and sassiness as well as karla and especially angora deb who steals every scene shes in as leaf the halfelf the rest of the cast isnt terrible by any means but a little more uneven than the oav dub some are all right aldonova greevus while others are lackluster hobb palace guards dragons etc and few were awful in particular prince reonas va is too harsh and monotone for a fighter of justicebr br in fact the lack of aural continuity some cast members get new voices for some unexplained reason by the time we get to some of the later episodes is one of the problems of the dub others include less memorable and more awkward sounding dialogue uneven synchronization and finally i apologize in advance to the fans of this the lodoss island segments these offbeat superdeformed interludes at the end of each episode will either amuse or drive you batty admittingly i at first found them to be a major nuisance but they sorta grew on me after a while besides there are some showstoppingly hilarious lines such as im king kashue and this is my cashew im really quite a nut these flaws rank the dub for chronicles just a notch just below that for the ova resulting in an uneven english track summed up best as okbr br if one wonders if the japanese language track is the preferred listening choice well guess what the japanese version has its good and bad points too while some voices are less annoying than the english language track i found others to be less appealing than the english equivalents in particular the actress who does deedlit is nowhere nearly as good as lisa ortiz or yumi tohma plus i should mention that the japanese cast is not the same as the ova because the series was made seven years after the original all but one sho hayami of the cast members are replaced by new ones although they do a respectably good job it may be a major annoyance for those who were used to the japanese ova cast shows that not everything in japanese is better than english eh despite its flaws chronicles of the heroic knight is still a fine series which deserves to hold its own ground its not without its rough spots and doesnt always live up to its predecessor yet theres enough good points to counter the bad making this a moderately enjoyable fantasy anime,pos
thats right you heard me i am a huge fan of james patterson i own of his books and i have read the entire series about lindsey boxer in my opinion the screenwriter should be shot br br what right did any film maker have to slaughter a terrific work of fiction and make it into a mockery of the mystery genre if i ever thought that harry potter was butchered then michael ohara has proved me wrong br br i can only pray that the next screenwriter who tackles this fabulous book will do it a great deal more justice to michael ohara and russell mulcahy dont quit your day job,neg
dolph lundgren broods and scowls his way through this incoherent mysterythriller thats not nearly as cool as the box would have you believe he is actually quite good here but the story is a mess of bmovie cliches detectives revenge tycoons hookers sm that looks like it was made up as they went along the film picks up a bit in the second half but for a more decent lundgren flick rent red scorpion instead,neg
it wasnt notable enough to be truly horrible it was just incredibly lame the story was not half bad but the execution was just horrendousbr br to start with it moved too fast for us to emotionally get involved with what was going on it was just paced badly the dialog was so utterly unsparkling just flat and boringbr br and the characters cripes almightly they made deadpool boring how the hell do you make deadpool boring he wasnt even funny he wasnt crazy he was just an annoying guy with a couple of swords he did not even know how to use properlybr br gambit was boring and since when did he have telekenisis to make the cards just float and fly around or super strength to leap hundreds of feet into the air and what the heck was up with all the stupid helicopter moves i mean we know they are mutants but they still exist within the realm of physics a round bo staff is not a helicopter blade you cannot fly by twirling superduper fast which gambit wouldnt be able to do anyway nor deadpool especially when using it as a replacement for real fight choreographybr br and this film stands as proof that wire work should only be used by fight coordinators who know wth they are doing and know better than to use it in every single shot as a replacement for real fight choreographybr br three of the most physical fighters in marvel comics logan creed and wilson and some of the worst fight choreography i have ever seen in recent film memory it was as if the stunt coordinator just shrugged his shoulders and left it all up to the special effects guysbr br and then you had the break out with all these mutants who did nothing even mutants who had been shown in their cells to have powers nice to see a quicksilver nod did fall when they got out only emmareallylameforthisfilmfrost and cyclops did somethingbr br and since when was logan so pretty and the stupid the bullet will take his memory away dont you think xavier and the xmen would have noticed the big freaking bullet holes in his adamantium skull when they xrayed him in x i felt sorry for liev schrieber man he actually brought in a good sabretooth considering the script he made one of marvels more simple super villains feel real but he could not save the film from its own epic lamenessbr br seriously this was daredevil level of suck decent story good actors absolutely horrible execution,neg
i ran across this movie on the tv and could not turn it off peter sellers plays an unlikable fellow who falls for an extremely warm and cute goldie hawn who wouldnt the way that goldies character holds herself from the beginning of the movie to the end is untraditional even today this movie gave me a different angle into human relations and also i found it very funny peter sellers role was a difficult sell but i think he pulls it off well,pos
the radar men from the moon is a pretty typical fare of s serials the special effects are pretty cheap the lunar rovers are obviously world war ii surplus jeeps with painted plywood over them and the like the acting is only soso it does inspire the imagination of children to whom i believe this was directed to by todays standards its boring cheap and bad theres also a hefty amount of stock footage in the first episodes of natural disasters,neg
first ifc runs town and country and now this the difference between that stinker and this pink panther ripoff is that town and country was watchable this isntbr br i can only surmise that the cast signed up for this so they could goof off in europe on somebody elses dime belushi is especially irritating his scene with candy doing a zgrade dom deluise was torture speaking of torture five minutes of the talentless shepherd and i bet the prisoners at gitmo would crack like walnutsbr br the real crime besides this being greenlighted is shepherds character a mousy wife who takes a monte carlo casino for a halfmillion bucks if you buy that i have some oceanfront property in arizona you might be interested in,neg
i never thought an old cartoon would bring tears to my eyes when i first purchased casper friends spooking about africa i so much wanted to see the very first casper cartoon entitled the friendly ghost but when i saw the next cartoon theres good boos tonight it made me break down i couldnt believe how sad and tragic it was after seeing caspers fox get killed i never saw anything like that in the other casper cartoons this is the saddest one of all it was so depressing i just couldnt watch it again its just like seeing lassie die at the end of a movie i know its a classicbut its too much for us old cartoon fans to handle like me if i wanted to watch something old and classic i rather watch something happy and funny but when i think about this casper cartoon i think about my cats,pos
primal species dir jonathan winfrey br br international terrorists get a surprise when their cargo turn out to contain living dinosaurs the army commando team now have to think fast if they want to prevent the extinction of the human species instead of the reptilesbr br you look at the cover and you gain your first impressions of the film that is pretty much it the acting is only just acceptable from a few characters the story is poor with the whole film based on the army and the marines trying to kill the dinosaurs this film came out three years after jurassic park instead this film looks to have come out years before jurassic park the dinosaurs costumes are so poorly made and i do mean costumes there are obviously people dressed up and this film makes no attempts at hiding this a scene when a dinosaur runs down a corridor is created in a way in which it looks like someone is riding the creature the is one good thing which comes out of this film the short running time at only hour and minutes it doesnt waste too much of your life but still try to avoid it altogetherbr br its like a friday the th nightmare officer brian currie,neg
this film is the worst film but it ranks very high for me it is how a slasher movie should be it takes place at a university in which there only seems to be a handful of students the teachers are dumber than a sack of hammers it is filled with good catholic priest sexually repressed humor bad hair bad clothes the dialogue is so cliched it is hard to believe that i was able to predict lines in quotes the slashings have some creativity and seem to revolve around stabbing people in the genitalia a lack of continuity in the soundtrack and characters that deserve to die because they are so bad i recommend this film for a fun time get a case of cheap beer and some friends watch it and laugh,neg
this movie was absolutely pathetic a pitiful screenplay and lack of any story just left me watching three losers drool over bikini babes at times i felt like i was watching an episode of beavis and butthead i couldnt even sit through the whole movie emran hashmi disappoints and hrshitta bhatt is not impressive at all celina jaitley was not bad the only worthwhile part of the film is the spoof on anu malik and his obsession of shayaris it was pretty hilarious the songs sini ne and its remix version were really good you can always count on emran liplocking and lipsynching a chartbuster all in all it seems emran doesnt have a good script from the bhatts to back him up this time,neg
in the year the world of disney tv cartoons was certainly at its prime shows like chip n dale rescue rangers ducktales and gummi bears was already popular and now disney made another great cartoon and that cartoon brought the birth of the disney afternoon that cartoon is called talespin its about old jungle book character baloo the bear as he gets a job in the plane business in the series he meets kit cloudkicker former air pirate and good cloud surfer business lady rebecca cunningham and her hyperactive daughter molly this series is very funny and has tons of great puns that you may not understand as a kid but understand later on in life this is one cleverly written series and its great to add to your dvd collection parents buy this for your kids rather letting them watch all of those horrible nickelodeon cartoons if you liked talespin then check out darkwing duck and goof troop spin it,pos
one of the great mysteries of life suffered from daily is why nice girls so often are more interested in the jerks and heels than in the nice guysbr br worse when the nice guys even want to marry those girls the girls still prefer the jerks and heels even after the jerks and heels have shown their contempt have shown theyre just interested in using the girlsbr br stu erwin is the nice guy who continues to be nice after being lied to and cheated and even after losing the girl completelybr br clark gable is the jerk and he is perfect in the role rather a sad note to his fansbr br jean harlow comes across as a more slender mae west even sounding like la west in some of her cynical throwaway linesbr br somewhat puzzling is that so many of the other characters intended to be bad guys i mean heck theyre locked up so they must be are so obviously nice peoplebr br in fact there are lots of nice people here people who in a lesser film or story would be snarling and backstabbing but here go out of their way to help someone elsebr br so maybe the story is rather clichéd at least by modern standards but ultimately the viewer will be glad to have watchedbr br the biggest complaint i have is that so many really good actors are not given credit once again we can say a fervent thank you to imdbcom,pos
i have to say that there is nothing wrong with low budget films so that was not my problem with it my problem with it is that i felt like i was watching my next door neighbors home movie imo everything about it just seemed like a guy wrote out a quick story grabbed a camera and started shooting i understand how hard this must be to do effectively but when i pay to rent a film i expect to feel like i am watching some type of professionally made moviebr br john schneider has a huge resume is a great actor and was fine in this film the other people in it were not i understand how it must be fun and cheaper to use friends and relatives as the cast but it doesnt make for convincing acting it seemed like the way it was shot he was trying to give many of the scenes a more interesting look but when the writing plot and acting are there to begin with that type of style isnt necessary and it is a distractionbr br also on a technical level it had digital artifacts all over the place in the first scene of all of those fine cars when they did a slow scan of them they appeared to jerk back and forth just a little bit the problem isnt in my viewing equipment benq pe diagonal but somewhere in the production ive never seen that kind of artifact in a professionally made film before then there was the sound it sounded like they didnt do any voiceovers which may be ok unless it sounded like the track in this film it sounded like the built in microphone on the camera,neg
i was so excited when i discovered this was available i couldnt wait to see it what a waste of energy its kind of like that rarities cd by your favorite band you found in the back of the rack at your local music store being a hard core fan you were certain that it was a valuable discovery but once you heard it it became obvious why these dogs never made it onto a real album this dvd is only recommended for completionists who must have everything lynch has done six men getting sick is somewhat visually interesting but short and repetitive it lacks the power of lynchs later work the grandmother is quite simply an immature work its tedious and looks like a student film but it was the sits interesting only if you hope to psychoanalyze the director but you can see briefly the seeds of some of his trademark images and sounds the alpahabet is forgettable no really i cant remember this one at all the amputee is pointless the cowboy and the frenchman is just plain silly lumiere is the only worthwhile one in the bunch without dialog lynch tells a disturbing tale comparable with his best work i had to watch this one several times but it runs less than minutes hardly worth the trouble of renting or buying the dvd,neg
this movie was packed pull of endless surprises just when you thought it couldnt get worse they added more joints and more pink fuzzylined vans with raunchy sex scenes as you can guess i was a victim of the original version we were tricked into watching it thinking it was supervan the host box which promised lasars jail breaks and much more who would have thought a dollar store christmas present could have been so much fun,neg
most of the bad reviews on this website blame hood of the living dead for one or more of the following reasons it is a lowbudget movie with virtually no acting it was so bad it made me laugh it is something i could do myself i wont even discuss the first point because it is a very subjective matter whether you like lowbudget and independent stuff or not i must say however that i still fail to understand people renting such a movie as hood of the living dead and then looking surprised when they realize it is not as polished and cute as a romantic comedy with lindsay lohan or matthew mc conaughey as for the second point i really dont see whats so wrong with laughing i personally like to laugh and love movies that make me to be they comedies or horror flicks when in hammerhead i saw this girl stepping into a puddle and the sharkman came out of it to eat her i just cracked up and i was grateful that the director made such a stupid scene and gave me ten seconds of pure fun honestly laughing just makes me feel good while it seems that many people writing reviews see it as a bad bad thing if you only want to feel sad and scared while watching a movie hood of the living dead and lowbudget flicks are definitely not for you but please dont come and tell us that you find them laughable we already know it this is most probably why we decided to watch the movie in first place however it is the third point that leaves totally baffled just several years ago people were lining up out of theaters to see blair witch project which is a way more rudimentary boring plotless and badacted movie than hood of the living dead and takes itself way too seriously too moreover half a million people go on youtube every day to see the short films of lonelygirl which is certainly something everyone with a cute girlfriend a room and a webcam could do not to talk about all of the even more amateurish videos you can find there why dont people blame those clips for bad acting and nonexisting plot i think it is one of the best things of our times that everyone with affordable technology and a bunch of friends can make their own movies and share them with people that have similar interests and i feel a certain admiration for people who spend their weekends with their friends making a honestly bad yet refreshing piece of trash like this rather than shopping at the mall or playing video games alone leave aside your biases and your desire to sound like a smart film critic by attacking bmovies and youll see that hood of the living dead can bring you almost as much fun as it did to its makers if you have a taste for refreshing and enjoyable homemade horror movies i recommend zombiez the ghosts of edendale the killer eye monster man dont look in the basement the worst horror movie ever made redneck zombies jesus christ vampyreslayer and habit,pos
now for all of the cinematographical buffs out there this film may not rank high on your list of things to see but if you know anything about plot development profound truth and the intentions that this film the series had youd understand my povbr br granted the specifics of the film are renderings of the writer who cannot be expected to know what will happen in the end but the film is biblically accurate and justifiably scares viewers into thinking about what may be im a christian not due to this movie but due to my personal decision to accept jesus as my savior the film and potential that something similar to the circumstances portrayed therein can remarkably scare someone into thinking about their actions and decisions its not some cheap attempt to scare people into believing in god but rather a means to get your attentionbr br as a christian i know ill not be left behind and thanks to movies like this i can look beyond the superficialities of entertainment acting and film budgeting to appreciate the depth that the film has to offer this is a movie you shouldnt not only see but feel with your heart and soul,pos
when watching little man youll spend its running time trying to figure out its many plot holes and thats not a good sign because this film is supposed to be a comedy your supposed to be laughing at it but will you probably not br br the main problem with little man is its concept its far too ridiculous to accept even as a cartoonish comedy so when the loud laboured and over the top jokes kick in they make the whole thing seem ten times stupider than it already isbr br but its a comedy some of you might be screaming thats true but thats no excuse for such a dumb ploti mean come on think about it if you saw a baby with a grown mans face wouldnt you be the least bit suspicious and if calvin wanted to hide the diamond so badly why didnt he put it in a nearby shelf instead of a random womans hand bag and how can a qualified doctor not recognise that calvin is a grown man i mean seriouslywhat br br its not about the plot its about the laughs you might be screaming well heres the thing see there are hardly any laughs in little man and that just make the dumb ass plot stand out all the more br br if you really want to watch a wayans brothers comedy with a belief suspending plot stick to white chicks because at least that had a few decent laughswhat ever you do steer clear of little man,neg
i hope whoever coached these losers on their accents was fired the only high points are a few of the supporting characters of of my favourites were killed off by the end of the season and one of them was a cat to put that into perspectivebr br the whole storyline is centered around sex and nothing else sex with vampires gay sex with gay vampires gay sex with straight vampires sex to score vampire blood sex after drinking vampire blood sex in front of vampires vampire sex nonvampire sex sex because were scared of vampires sex because were mad at vampires sex because we just became a vampire etcbr br nothing against sex it would just be nice if it were a little more subtle with being peppered into the storyline perhaps have a storyline and then shoehorn some sex into it but they didnt even bother to do that and anna paquin is a dizzy gaptooth bitch either she sucks or her character sucks i cant figure out whichbr br another part of the storyline that i find highly implausible is why year old vampire bill who seems to have his things together would be interested in someone like sookie shes constantly flying off the handle at him for things he cant control he leaves for two days and she already decides that hes not coming back and suddenly has feelings for dogman give me a break shes supposed to be a year old woman not a year old girl people close to her are dying all over and shes got the brightest smile on her face because she just gave away her vcard to some dude because she cant read his mind as the main character of the story i wouldve hoped the show would do a little more to make her understandable and someone to invest your interest in not someone you keep secretly hoping gets killed off or put into a coma i cant find anything about her character that i like and even the fact that she can read minds is impressively uninspiring and not the least bit interestingbr br i will not be wasting my time with watching season come june,neg
i thought this was an utterly charming film the story seems to be a thinly veiled autobiography of john waters peckers greatest gift is his ability to find beauty in unexpected places edward furlong does well in the lead but the best performances are by his grandmother mink stole a hilarious cameo and of all people patty hearst i think the reviewers are way off base on this one they seem to be taking peckers worst valuation of his work as gospel when i think the film pretty clearly states that he is indeed a promising artist,pos
there was not one single redeeming factor in this movie the girlfriend and i both love action films especially fight scenes bloodsport and kickboxer was awesome but this movie was not entertaining five minutes of action followed twenty minutes of talking and angry facial expressions the main hero is a troubled character who has seen battle and thus is forced to look seriously constipated at all times the army has disrupted his bowel movements on top of perfecting his fighting technique the music isnt good either they fight to the rap and hiphop style of the streets cause these guys are thugs the rest of the soundtrack is the usual background noise to lowbudget dramasbr br everything about this movie is classic bstyle the actors deliver their lines as if reading them from cue cards and the lines themselves should be set on fire and left burning in some rotten hollywood alleyway the film is called honor but there was no honor in making this film it was simply a waste of money and spending wisely is something i consider to be honorablebr br go see felon instead the fight scenes and situations are more real,neg
have not seen this film in a very long time and greatly enjoyed kim novak playing the role as gil holroyd who is an actual witch and has an aunt named queenie holroyd who is also a witch and gillian also has a brother warlock named nick played by jack lemmon when gillian sets her eyes on shep hendersonjames stewart who is engaged to a girl he is going to marry gillian performers some magic spells with a cat and changes his mind about his intended bride and then becomes very lust full and falls in love with gillian the story tells that a real witch cannot fall in love blush or cry and this begins to prove a big problem between shep and gillian so nick and aunt queenie decided they have to do something about this situation great film to view over and over again and a great classic film from ,pos
george lopez never caught my interest in his stand up comedy and he still doesnt but this show is a work of art its not ever show where the jokes keep you laughing every time you remember it and jokes that re memorable at that this show just has an upbeat look to it and the characters range from an old short drunk to an dyslexic teenager i dont know who writes this show but that person does a great job if they had just continued the show im sure that it would get a positive response from the critics of this great country if you are looking for a good traditional comedy then george lopez is the show for you the one bad thing is the title george lopez really imagine the fresh prince of belair being will smith cmon man but otherwise this show is genius ,pos
feature of early century cinema of lets pit different evil creatures and bad guys against each other we havent seen stuff like this since godzilla v king kong and the like always sounds great on paper when youre splicing up and in a haze of the good stuff you have an inspired idea and see the whole playing out before you like beethovens symphonies then you come to writing it great ideas like all vampires are female ergo hot seductive deadly but in a way i want to perish sort of way and all zombies are men well thats what men are like to a woman just after shes been dumped or cheated on right so it all looks good up to actually making it then the rot starts to set in mosters have fight nothing much happens another fight philosophical noodling and cods wallop eureka weve found how to win big fight again and the end sounds great doesnt it if it was made an indie company it would be great but this is hollywood with the eye on the bucks gloss instead of what the fans want it all could have been gore soaked beautiful,neg
i first saw the film when it landed on us cable a year after it came out it blew my little head away i was only and it was the first new wave music id heard having been a strictly folky classical kid growing up the music mesmerized me as did hazel oconnors amazing look and charismatic vocal performances and phil daniels tough but soft cockney manager just stole my heart but i think my favorite character was jonathan pryces drugged out sax player he was so out of place in the band and so harmless and pathetic he just begged for sympathy favorite scenes the performance when the lights went out and the love scene on the trainbr br okay so the movie isnt the rose but it was really excellent for its limited budget and for its portrayal of the britain of the early s exploding with rebellious youth looking for a way out of the dole queue i went to britain only a couple of years later and found the movie to have been very reflective of the atmosphere i found when i was therebr br if you get a chance to see it it is a great movie with some wonderful performances and the music will blow you awaybr br ,pos
firstly i am not easily scared by anything except for my few phobias but this movie is absolutely horrific this is not appropriate for children at all i had my mouth open the whole time it just shocked me i couldnt believe how gory it was for a childrens movie bunnies being brutally murdered its just unnecessary to be so horrifying and be rated g i recommend being over to see this but dont get me wrong it was probably a good movie if i wasnt scarred mentally as a child i cannot believe a parent would allow a lets say year old child to watch this its just to intense and complicated not to forget gory for young kids im wayy over and i was shocked by the violence i dont recommend,neg
i gave this a four purely out of its historical context it was considered lost for many years until it popped up out of the blue on showtime in the early ninetiesbr br moe is the straight man and larry and curly act as a duo spade cooley has a couple of numbers i guess it had something to do with working on a ranch im not quite sure because the plot was so minimal nothing really sticks in my memory i vaguely remember it being a western musical comedy even the stooges seem to be going through the motions overall theres nothing much really to recommend herebr br if youre not a stooge fan then dont bother if you are a stooge fan then stick with the shorts,neg
this cartoon is short on plot but is a visually stunning piece of work there will be very very minor spoilers br br this short has a story thats incredibly slightgnomes underground are responsible for the return of spring each year yet must contend with a winter not yet ready to withdraw both the gnomes and the storm have their own songs thats pretty much the plot such as it is but this cartoon isnt about the plotits about the color and animation the visuals are exceptional back in such bright color was still something of a novelty and theres some incredibly inspired work herebr br my favorite moments of the short surround the movement of the liquefied colors through pipes at more than one point there are a series of pipes aligned in a row from the shortest to the tallest and the colors move through the pipes and the musical track makes it seem as though the row is a pipe organbr br the visuals of the battle between the emerging greenery and the winter storm which refuses to leave quietly are exceedingly well executed these types of shorts were things which hugh harman and rudolf ising are noted for but they probably also helped lead to their ultimate departure from mgm because this cartoon probably went over budget and mgm finally decided that they could control costs better if the animation department were managed by someone a little more conscious of cost than harman and ising werebr br this is truly a beautiful cartoon and is well worth seeing its available on the dvd attack of the s characters recommended particularly if you like good animation,pos
this movie doesnt have an awful lot to do with its predecessor robot jox this must be also the reason why its most common name is robot wars and not the alternate name robot jox robot warsbr br robot jox was basically a fun movie to watch because it had a nice premise of giant robots battling each other in the near future this concept has been abandoned for this movie and instead it features a totally dull story that besides isnt very original or cleverly written a shame it tried to be so much different from its predecessor really for else this perhaps could had been a more fun movie to watchbr br just like robot jox this is a bmovie but with as a big difference that its just not a very good one perhaps this also has to with the fact that robot jox got made during the s when bmovies still had a certain bit of charm and class over it even though the movie got released in this really cant be said about this movie its just lame badly made poor looking and not exciting enough it also has an ending which leaves you thinking this is it thats allbr br what the movie its story is lacking is good clear main plotline really perhaps a good main villain would had been a good idea and some other stuff such as an actual point to the story some action or likable main charactersbr br seriously what were they thinking when they picked the actors for this movie all of them are simply not likable in their roles and especially don michael paul is annoying as the main character who behaves as if hes gods gift to woman and mr perfect who can compete with anyone werent they even simply able to get the actors from the first moviebr br for such a futuristic movie with a concept of having large battle droids in it this movie surely is lacking with its action had they put some more and bigger action into the movie the movie would at least had been a more entertaining one to watch instead now we have a movie that fails to impress in basically every way imaginablebr br you can better watch a mighty morphin power rangers episode for some more action and likabilitybr br ,neg
the film belongs to inventor underdog genre jake gyllenhaal laura dern and chris cooper bring a little acting verve to story with several standard elements well filmed well edited with plenty of well acted secondary rolesbr br some have declared this movie to be classic american hokey it is that and more i agree with those who say the movie celebrates the thrill of youthful inspiration br br the film is a pleasant reminder that achievement may be born of ordinary rootsbr br ,pos
i didnt feel that this film was quite as clever as it seemed to think it was but enjoyed it nevertheless br br it is original although reminded me a little of two other french films vidocq and city of lost children mostly for the colouring but also for the edgy quality of the close ups of the charactersbr br set in a prison cell but do not let this put you off this film seemingly goes further than many a multi locationed blockbusterbr br always interesting with the perennial black arts well to the fore and very good characterisation making some only too believable br br scary with some gore this is well worth a viewing,pos
spoilersbr br a buddy of mine said next movie was the best cheech chong flick and went out of his way to have me borrow it and the blues brothers next movie has no plot has no pacing really has no anything of what defines a movie but it is funny and for what it is worth cheech and chong show some heartbr br well in this little paragraph i put in the plot but being that fourfifths of the movie nothing happens that would usually start a story i will just say that cheech s cousin shows upbr br was there no other funnier moment when chong made cheech drink the pee twice what about the rooster was that peewee hermans first movie appearance you would have to watch the movie yourself to enjoy it i dont think next movie has strong enough balls to make it awesome but the movie has heart and hey my buddy let me borrow it so it gets a ,pos
there is no reason to see this movie a good plot idea is handled very badly in the middle of the movie everything changes and from there on nothing makes much sense the reason for the killings are not made clear the acting is awful nick stahl obviously needs a better director he was excellent in in the bedroom but here he is terrible amber benson from buffy has to change her character someday even those of you who enjoy gratuitous sex and violence will be disappointed even though the movie was minutes which is too short for a good movie but too long for this onethere are no deleted scenes in the dvd which means they never bothered to fill in the missing parts to the charactersbr br dont spend the time on this one,neg
i read about this movie in a magazine and i was intrigued a woman who one day sees herself drive past in her own car well i thought this could be interestingbr br but it isnt first the title the broken the brokenwhat what is broken theoh waiti get it the title itself is broken wow clever unfortunately this is virtually the only thing going for itbr br the premise is not that bad but i think kiefer suderland did much better in mirrors a cross between invasion of the body snatchers and mirrors and a rather mediocre one at that a more suited title would be the boring since it draws out every single scene for bloody ages or maybe the confusing since it doesnt explain anything at all not in the narrative nor in the story itself only some vague idea about evil copies and somesuch dotted with cheap scares and scenes used to death but nothing tangible its just messed upbr br on the other hand the acting and the special effects are quite good but then again its not a difficult role to actbr br after watching the movie twice i still feel unsatisfied a little confused maybe and not in the e a poe or stephen king kind of way do yourself a favor and dont watch this one simply put there are better thrillers out there,neg
if the crew behind zombie chronicles ever read this heres some advice guys br br in a twist endingtype movie its not a good idea to insert closeups of every death in the movie in the opening credits that tends to spoil the twists yknow br br i know you produced this on a shoestring and to be fair you worked miracles with your budget but please hire people who can actually act or at least walk talk and gesture at the same time joe haggerty im looking at youbr br if youre going to set a part of your movie in the past only do this if you have the props and costumes of the timebr br twist endings are supposed to be a surprise sure we dont want twists that make no sense but signposting the reveal as soon as you introduce a character thats not a great ideabr br kudos to the guys for trying but in all honesty id rather they hadntbr br only for zombie completists,neg
if youre a fan of the late gram parsons then this movie is definitely going to divide you part comedy part road movie but mostly a bad fictionalization of one of rock historys oddest talesbr br spoilers br br basically the story concerns a wellknown roadie named phil kaufman played by johnny knoxville who supposedly made a pact with cult rockcountryfolk music hero gram parsons that stated when one of them died first it didnt matter which one it was that the other living one was to take the deceased out to the desert joshua tree national park in california to be exact and set the body ablazeso as to free the spirit and become one with the earth and so on sure to keep his word the barely sober kaufman with the assistance of a selfhating potheaded buddy jacks the body of the late parsons whom had fatally overdosed from a drug and booze bender a day prior from the airport and shortly after that what ensues is a cringeworthy combination of fiction and truth where the late parsons girlfriend kaufmans girlfriend parsons stonefaced father and a gaggle of police officers and other pointless idiotic characters all try to beat the clock so to speak in trying to catch kaufman and his pal before they get the chance to torch parsons body br br the films incompetent direction bad acting and lame offbeat tone in general all sink this movie faster than the titanic and not to mention the huge fact that this movie is not even halfway telling the truth of the actual events that took place the accuracies that should have replaced the inaccuracies as far as ive heard them include number parsons was married at the time of his death and even had a child so what the hell was that all about with the girlfriends and the chasing and whatnot number kaufmans druggedout buddy was a known willing participant unlike what the movie attempts to portray in the disposing of parsons body and finally number gram parsons reallife father died when he was just a boy and so it was parsons stepfather who could have honestly cared less about gram parsons when he was still alive in reallife that took care of the body after it was torched altogether though what probably disturbs me the most about this movie is that the real phil kaufman was actually on set to help assist with the facts of the story and yet still the movie ended up becoming so untrue and so bad that it really boggles my mind frankly br br also as the mediocre aforementioned acting in the film is concerned its lead character played by the ultragrating johnny knoxville phil kaufman is not only a bad actor but it actually seems as if he were asleep throughout most of the movie and the rest of the pathetic cast are for the most part either hysterical braindead or seem utterly clueless as to what theyre actually doing there in the first place overall if you like johnny knoxville and or really dig the sobadtheyrenotevengood buddy flicks then i suppose you just might get a kick out of this movie but if youre like me and are a fan of the late gram parsons enjoy films that attempt to tell the truth as much as they can especially if theyre based on an actual reallife story and or you just like good films bethem road movies or fictional sliceoflife stuff you will truly loathe this film and advise others to do likewise i obviously hated this movie and wished it had never been made in the first place but since it was made i would have preferred it to have turned out differently than what it did unfortunately maybe some day the real facts of the story will come through and be made into a really great biopic on all of gram parsons lifenot just what happened to his body after his spirit left it but until that time comes all we as an audience and or fans of the late performer get is this sad waste of film and an allaround terrible memorial of sorts to the musical legacy that gram parsons was known to have left behind it should also be noted that they did actually use parsons music and a few others as well in the flick but not surprisingly though you never get to hear enough of it to really enjoy it even in the slightest bit turkeyzero stars,neg
yes this movie is predictable and definitely not awardmaterial but then it doesnt try to be anything it is not a funfilled romp with real funny oneliners a stellar and very funny performance by peter otoole a grounding and down to earth performance from joan plowright the bands performance was on the spot each one playing their role in a deft comical manner the music was good though not great but filled out the movie nicely from some of the negative comments i deduced that the subtlety of some of the humour went over their heads a good example is the comment about the strange baseballlike game well my dear american that was cricket from which baseball is derived and the explaining of it to the ignorant us band was very funny for those that do know cricket also no you were not supposed to wince when carl broke a window it was funny how lord foxley said oh yes to get more money for breakage and the manager said at the same time oh no also referring to the money jeez it seems that every joke must be explained to some people allinall i enjoyed it and had some great laughs well worth seeing,pos
i saw this pilot when it was first shown and im sure countless spirit fans hate it because like batman the green hornet etc it took the character in the direction of camp but i evidently never got enough of batman because i thought it was entertaining in some of the same ways as that show there are two parts that stay with me first when dennys partner has been fatally wounded and he makes a dramatic speech about how he always stood for the law and obeying the exact letter of it then he says something like boy was i stupid which is his way of telling denny to become a vigilante instead which he does though the tv batman kind then theres the scene where he tries to seduce the villainess into letting him go by kissing her but she isnt fooled because hes too honest to kiss her convincingly this was a great example of camp that was also underplayed by both the actor and actress,pos
well since seeing parts through i can honestly say that they should have never made part everything from the tacky and i do mean tacky score to the really bad acting i dare anyone to watch this and not be bored out of their mindsbr br i mean parts to kept the vibe strong on the plot of damion but without him around in this one its just not the same sure by the end of part i was getting a little tired of the continued story lines but it was a good closure at the end of the third one again there was no reason for a part even if there was they could have done a much better job than this sht i had to sit through lol there goes an hour and a half of my life ill never see again,neg
dark rising is your typical bad obviously quickly produced horrorscififantasy movie it has a strange unexplained plot with holes so big you could fit an elephant through them most of the time i didnt know what the hell was going on but it didnt really matter it was a simple demon hunter returns from hell dimension to save campers story with confusing stuff added on about witches and a book of evil with plot elements and characters who make no sense or disappear totally for no reason the acting is bad but there honestly is not much they can do with this script i am guessing there is a couple topless scenes which is probably the only reason this bad movie got made like so many other bad movies give this one a pass unless there is nothing else on tv,neg
my friends and i were just discussing how frustrated we are with the way movies and especially romantic comedys are being made we feel offended by the schlock that hollywood is serving up these days as they act like all is wellbr br well all is not wellwith the exception of a few bright spots like this movie it doesnt have the big name actors the big budget i dont think it had a big release i rented from hollywood video it didnt really have anything that most big budget romantic comedys havebr br but it did have what most of those lack it had great chemistry between the love interests parker jonathan schaech and sam alison eastwood their love story wasnt forced on us like so many the director took his time to allow these characters to truly get to know each other their story reminded me of one of my favorites tootsiebr br the supporting cast added not only really funny comic moments but depth to the story as well james legros character was absolutely priceless sams gay friend was hysterical parkers interaction with his fellow employees in a psychic hotline was a lot of funbr br i laughed i cried i remembered how great it feels to fall in love,pos
when i read other commenti decided to watch this moviebr br first cast specially michael madsen and tamer karadagli good enoughbr br filmvery intelligence and interesting because cast have a lot of international specially european actor and actress like from turkey and russsiabr br secondstory is basic and you can guess but if you interesting action good play youll like in my opinionbr br thirdfinal chapter is not special or interestingits regular like other action moviesbr br finallyi recommend to watch this movieand i hope youll love it enjoy d,pos
yes its another great magical muppets movie and i adore them all the characters the movies the tv show episodes its the best comedy or musical tv show ever and all the artists behind it but here they did such a rare fatal mistake and im surely talking about the weird ending br br i think its very dangerous to involve that much in american drama and end a love affair by marriage we as all the poor viewers feel so free or maybe happy for the absence of its annoyance peevishness and misery so we all enjoy these stories which gather cute heroes as couple in love without the legitimate bond like mickey mouse and minnie superman and lois lane dick tracy and tess etc so with all of the previous couples and their likes i bet that you feel safe serenity and peace therefore when you look at what the makers of this movie had already done youll be as mad as me br br they made the weak miserable creature kermit marry his daily nightmare the most vexatious female ever miss piggy this is a historical change by the measures of the american entertainments industry and it was pretty normal to have a negative impact upon the audience whom just refused to bless or believe or being satisfied with that sudden marriage even the pathetic frog didnt have the time or the proper opportunity to think or to decide anything therefore no wonder at all when you know that this movie is the most failure one in their cinematic serious grossing only millions visàvis millions earned by the first one the muppet movie – five years earlier br br simply in this movie they took manhattan and my rest too ,pos
i have seen a lot of moviesthis is the first one i ever walked out of the theater on dont even bother renting it this is about as boring a soap opera as one can seeat least you dont have to pay to watch a soap opera though,neg
this film by oscar petersson is unique its uniqueness doesnt lie in the story since many a half brained hollywood production has served us comparably miserable plots but rather in the thorough way that complete and utter lousiness in one aspect is joined with equal lousiness in all other aspectsbr br the dialog is worse than embarrassing rotten acting and abysmal direction are thrown into the mix bosnians speaking english with heavy swedish accents add an unintentional element of humor uninspired lightning and camerawork are icing on the turkey film cake as a sort of surprise for the audience there are a few completely unmotivated slow motion sequences where youd least expect any to add insult to injury the whole thing is cut by someone devoid of any sense of timingbr br the bad guy henchman turns good after hearing good guys speech scene in the church is the point at which is time to dethrone ed wood from the position as the worst director of all times move over ed wood here comes oscar petersson,neg
superb movie very good photography of bolton which seems now to be a different world thoughtful and an excellent dramatisation and production james mason a real first class star it is and i would agree with the above comment that this movie is a national treasure,pos
obviously a film that has had great influence not only on the buddy genre but action genre as well george lucas had to be a fan of this flick as so much of his star wars series seems to a homage to gunga din the characters that grant mclaglen and fairbanks play are just precursors of han solo luke skywalker and chewbacca even sam jaffes gunga din morphed into cpo and rd and like him or not jar jar binksbr br today this film is viewed as non pc but there is a speech by eduardo ciannelli as guru the leader of the indian opposition to the british raj that could can be echoed in the sentiments of many today br br to a young boy this was a great film three strong male leads and only a hint of romance there was a time when young boys deemed kissing the girl in saturday matinee film was just mush not like today when the more skin is greeted with delight too late to lament lost innocencebr br hopefully this film will not be forgotten and a few who are channel surfing will stop at tcm and catch a film with action adventure and a cast of thousands instead of cgi actors,pos
allow me to just get to the bottom line here ive got kids ages to i consider a trip to the theater a success when there are no talking animals ive seen most of the childrens videos in our collection at least times i can tell you when the film gets reversed in the wizard of oz the over sexual joke in el dorado and the tragic flaw with the ending of rudolph the rednosed reindeer i could probably storyboard nemo from memory alonebr br what makes me support the one child of mine it varies who suggests this title for the family movie of an evening in a word showermanbr br moment of silencebr br sigh,pos
its difficult to not have a liking for israeli director eytan fox and for his movies which describe the life in the middle east and the inherent problems gay people can have in these regions besides he also gave voice to the young generations and to the remarkable part of them who really need peace and who want to take no further notice of a war that for too much time marked the existences of people both in israel both in palestine these reasons in my opinion are sufficient to consider fox a noteworthy director even when his feeling for the melodrama is a tad out of control however the fans of his movies that he realized on team with gal uchovsky his producer coscreenwriter and also life companion seem to not being vexed by this since his new feature the bubble habuah is having the same success of the previous yossi jagger and walk on the water announced as a contemporary gay version of romeo juliet set in the present day tel aviv instead of verona and with two men one israeli and the other palestinian at the place of the two shakespearean young lovers the film actually is quite different from that or better its also something else in fact the bubble of the title is the world apart in which the leading man noam played by the fox regular ohad knoller yossi in yossi jagger but i must confess i miss jagger the astonishing yehuda levi and his two cotenants a guy and a girl chose to live around thirtyyearsold restless witty and firm despite the protagonist just spent a period as national service in a checkpoint on the frontier with the palestine to live a life that wont be only made of war the two guys are gay and along with the girl they have established a trio in which they brotherly love and support each other their lives are destined to change when noam falls in love with ashraf the tv star yousef joe sweid a young palestinian who came to live in tel aviv the laws so far in force among the group are neglected but not the will to aid one friend still it wont be easy for noam and his friends cause ashraf is clandestine in israel and in the meantime his family who lives in palestine and doesnt know hes gay is looking forward to settle his wedding with a very beautiful girl who is a relative of ashrafs beloved sister bridegroomtobe who he is also a terrorist and he will have a strong liability in the development of the plot with consequences not just for the two men because the prejudices against the homosexuality and the peace interesting dualism if not automatic are stubborn and so the tragedy is unavoidable even if the film focus on the obstacles the relationship between noam and ashraf meets with it doesnt the overlook the other characters which turn out well written for example golan the boyfriend of yelli noams fellow tenant introduced as a lively boor and then disclosed as a sweeter and more open minded person and aptly performed besides the two leads we mustnt disregard the funny zohar liba and the lovely daniela virtzer the girl of the gang moreover late marriages star lior ashkenazi appears as himself in a cameo it also melds the gloomy tones with the more brilliant ones even if the director cant do without a melodramatic conclusion i watched this movie more than a month ago and in the meantime i often thought about it proof that fox and his pal have a knack to strike home,pos
what boob at mgm thought it would be a good idea to place the studly clark gable in the role of a salvation army worker ironically enough another handsome future star cary grant also played a salvation army guy just two years later in the highly overrated she done him wrong i guess in hindsight its pretty easy to see the folly of these roles but i still wonder who thought that salvation army guys are hot and who could look at these dashing men and see them as realistic representations of the parts they played a long time ago i used to work for a sister organization of the salvation army the volunteers of america and i never saw any studly guys working there and that includes me unfortunately maybe i should have gotten a job with the salvation army insteadbr br so for the extremely curious this is a good film to look out for but for everyone else its poor writing sloppy dialog and annoying moralizing make for a very slow film,neg
a slasher flick made in the early s has a curse on it which has anyone who tries to finish it turning up dead years later a group of film students attempted to complete the movie also resurrecting the films deadly curse great idea for a film but sadly cut is just another wasted opportunitybr br unfortunately australia hasnt had the worlds best track record when it comes to horror razorback was an out and out dud as was holwing iii which was half an american film anyway as for our foray into comedyhorror body melt is best left forgotten the problem with cut is that the makers trying to create a clever horror satire a la scream but have no insight into the genre or what makes it work and although this sounds weird me saying this about a slasher film but what cut really lacks is any heart sure it follows the basic rules established by scream but it doesnt want to play with the formula instead it goes for a cardboard copy of the earlierbr br the killer scarman is probably one of the most boring and uncharismatic villains in horror movie history his endless barrage awkwardly lame oneliners would make the dialogue of a porno seem like shakespeare the cast never seem like their fully involved and look like their just waiting for a shoot to be over so they can collect their pay checks and the feel of the film is like its deliberately trying not to be creepy looking more like an episode of neighbors or heartbreak high by the way those attempts at mtv style hypercinema during the research sequence just look lame dated and out of placebr br if australia ever gets a chance to do horror again which i hope we still do maybe we should take a leaf from the mad max book instead of trying to copy the us we should be trying our own take on the genre,neg
strange enough all the previous comments merely described the beginning and left the details over i feel a necessity to confirm that this is a family work since marina vlady was also robert hosseins wife and the excellent jazz music was written by te directors father andré under these circumstances no wonder it was a really good thriller seen when issued and immediately identified with the music the suspense was flawless and maintained throughout until the end robert hossein at the time one of the best european players managed to impose himself also as a top screen and stage director hes still putting up great stage shows with a preference for religious subjectsharry carasso paris france,pos
i own this movie not by choice i do i was really bored the other day and the box intrigued me so i popped it in the old vcr and spent the next hour and a half of my life crying why god why the storyline was not that bad as an gamer i could appreciate bits of it i think that maybe if youre into super geekycheese romantic scenes youll enjoy this film i always thought of myself as a vulcan you know like drspockunable to love there is very few good things to say about this film truly it is awful but if youre up to really badly made film this is the one for you the real storys much more interesting though br br if i had to sum up this film in one word it would bebr br lame,neg
as hard as it is for me to believe with all of the awful reality shows out there over the past few years this one has to take over the top spot for worst one yet i am still wondering if this was actually just a spoof done by the sctv gang if andy kaufmann were still alive id be sure he was behind this can a rock band stoop any lower than has inxs to do such a shameful thing as this the premise is simple and moronic audition a bunch of karaoke rejects to become the new lead singer of inxs to take the place of michael hutchence who committed suicide in eight years and no hits later the band commit the ultimate act of patheticness by subjecting themselves to auditioning a bunch of talentless wannabes to be the new lead singer of a band that is years past its prime so they trot all of these awful singers i thought american idol had its share of doozies who do atrocious renditions of just about every classic and predictable rock song imaginable and then they cut to the inxs band members who are seriously discussing the merits of each of these candidates you could see better and more original rock performers at just about any night club in any city in the worldbr br it has all the usual uncreative elements of every other reality show lame reality participants lame interviews lame hostemcee lame judging of performances and the lame booting of one participant at the end of each show can these shows get any more predictable its clearly a publicity stunt on the part of the band a last gasp of hope at rekindling their lost stardom before they are finally buried into oblivion michael hutchence if he had any shred of dignity when alive has to be rolling over in his grave not that inxs were ever a great band but i had no idea they were this pathetic if inxs are at all representative of what rock and roll has become this show would be the final proof that rock and roll is once and for all dead,neg
joan crawford had just begun her working girl makes good phase with the dynamic paid she had never attempted a role like that before and critics were impressed so while other actresses were wondering why their careers were foundering because they were clinging to characters that had been the in thing a few years before but were now becoming passe joan was listening to the public and securing her longevity as an actress the depression was here and jazz age babies who survived on an endless round of parties were frowned upon of course if you became rich through immoral means but suffered for it that was alrightbr br this film starts out with a spectacular house boat party bonnie jordan joan crawford is the most popular girl there especially when she suggests that everyone go swimming in their underwear however when bonnies father has a heart attack because of loses on the stock market both bonnie and her brother rodney william bakewell realise who their real friends are after bob townsend lester vail a poor mans johnny mack brown offers to do the right thing and marry her they had just spent a night together when bonnie declared with abandon that she wants love on approval she starts to show some character by deciding to get a jobbr br she finds a job at a newspaper and quickly impresses by her will to do well her working buddy is bert scranton cliff edwards and together they are given an assignment to write about the inside activities of the mob rodney also surprises her with the news that he also has a job she is thrilled for him but soon realises it is bootlegging and he is mixed up with cold blooded killer jake luva clark gable rodney witnesses a mass shooting and goes to pieces spilling the beans to the first person he sees drinking at the bar which happens to be bert he is then forced to kill bert and after wards he goes into hiding the paper pulls out all stops in an effort to find berts killer and sends bonnie undercover as a dancer in one of jakes clubs joan does a very lively dance to accordian joe much to sylvies disgust the film ends with a gun battle and as rodney lies dying bonnie tearfully phones in her storybr br this is a super film with crawford and gable giving it their all natalie moorehead who as sylvie shared a famous cigarette scene with gable early in the film was a stylish other woman who had her vogue in the early thirties william bakewell had a huge career he had started as a teenager in a douglas fairbanks film in the mid s a lot of his roles though were weak spineless characters in this film he played the weak brother and was completely overshadowed by joan crawford and the dynamic newcomer clark gable maybe that was why he never became a starbr br highly recommended,pos
this filmblanc classic tale of smoldering passion has achieved its welldeserved legendary status as one of the screens greatest sagas of a doomed and hopeless love the pervasive ongoing and progressive magnetism between judge reinhold and whatshername is sure to set many a viewers heart aflutter with memories of ones own first crush the brilliant screenplay dangles this embryonic affairtobe in front of the enraptured audience sitting transfixed as the abstract almostexpressionist cinematography deepfocuses on the justunderthesurface desires that ebb and flow between the principals you can cut the sexual tension with a dull tire iron br br a tiny drop of perspiration on the end of a nose catches the bright sunshine and leaves no doubt as to its significance scenes like this abound and bear watching again and again as with jane eyre and rebecca to which this masterpiece is so often compared the closeups of the actors faces as they experience the slow dawning of the great lovethatisnottobe will haunt you forever br br the nowclassic rc soundtrack score with its creative and unique use of solo synthesizer emphasizes the emotion that drips throughout like a leaky crankcasebr br if i had any criticisms at all by mentioning what i consider a minor flaw and dared to risk the wrath of the millions of fans who hold this classic so dear to their hearts i would say that the hallmark of runaway car its sense of mounting sexual tension is briefly broken by the highway scene which now after repeated viewings seems just a bit overlong and probably even unnecessary to the eternal bittersweet tale of love interruptedbr br dare i advance what i perceive as the tiniest of flaws in this criticallyacclaimed triumph of modern cinema citizen kane had its rosebud runaway car should have its catchword as well perhaps the film could have opened with an extreme closeup of judge reinhold saying something such as a car is an extension of its owner and the rest of the storyline could then be dedicated to parsing every syllable subtlety and nuance of that phrase had that plot line been done this film could have topped titanic at the golden globes that year im convincedbr br my one regret that i didnt read the novel first,neg
first thing i noticed in this movie of course was the unnecessary amount of nudity its not oozing nudity or anything but a lot that was not needed annik borel plays a disturbed woman believing her families ghost stories that her ancestor who eerily resembles her was a werewolf and believes their fate are destined to be the same which actually i found quite interesting the original wolf man was intended to be a completely psychological movie but universal threw in the actual wolf man you were never supposed to see for n extra buck or two i find this concept of someone not really being a werewolf interesting unfortunately this is not the film i was searching forbr br instead we know shes not a werewolf from the beginning so theres no thrill or twist also they attempt to make the film seem like a this really happened scenario they fail there too adding one or two parts of the film referring to this being reality at first i was excited upon reading the description of the film but i slowly realized it was a cover just so they could expose the main characters breasts as often as possiblebr br annik borel is either a decent actor playing a great psychotic role or a really bad actor playing a psychotic role since the character danniele has no brains and is just a nut who runs around insane and snarling and snapping like a wolf it takes little skill to play she has moments were her performance breaks through for a creepy moment but is quickly ruined by the poor camera work and light the idea is great but hideously executed throughout the film ,neg
when you look at this now and hear all the language in here its amazing this was rated pg but thats the s rating system for you peter falk spews out the lords name in vain six times in the first ten minutes alone in this movie yet few people consider that offensive and certainly not the scumbags who make movies nor the people who rate thembr br the cast is a clue to how profane this film can be falk peter boyle allen garfield warren oates gena rowlands and paul sorvino arent exactly actors you wouldnt find in the sound of musicbr br i like heist movies and a lot of films by director william friedkin but this script doesnt deliver and it just has way too much of the sleazy s feel to it visually and audibly for those who loved falk in tvs columbo it must come as a shock to hear him use as much profanity as he did in films this is far from the only case,neg
according to imdb takashi miikes master of horrorsegment imprint was banned in the us so i figured id translate the swedish review i just wrote for itbr br it was hard to not have any sort of expectations from ichi the killerdirector takashi miikes episode in the masters of horror series and the dvdcover of imprint did in deed look very promisingbr br the story mostly takes place in a remote japanese bordello some time during the th century and it tells the tale of a journalist searching for komomo the woman he left behind and whom he promised to return for tired and dejected he arrives at the bordello hoping that this will be the end of his very long journey it turns out that one of the prostitutes a deformed and quiet girl know about komomo and the desperate man makes her tell him where she is and what has happened to her since he left the story she tells him is as deplorable as it is hard to swallowbr br the first thing that hit me about the episode was how unnatural it seemed that the japanese cast for the most part spoke fluent americanenglish but i will leave it at that its not that big a deal what is a big deal however is how miserable the rest of it was miikes tale moves at such a slow pace that i couldnt help looking at my watch several times during the minutes the extended torurescene that takes place somewhere in the middle of the movie felt so unmotivated and pornographically intrusive that not even that scene became interesting i felt like it was violent just for the sake of violence itself with no sense of style or purpose the only scenes that provoked any kind of emotion out of me were the images of bloody fetuses rolling along the bottom of the swiftly flowing waterand in all honesty the only emotions they provoked were feelings of disgustbr br the journalist seeking the love he left behind is played by billy drago for me most memorable as frank nitti al capones whiteclad assassin in brian de palmas the untouchables ive always found dragos portrayal of nitti to be very icy and i mean that in a good way and that is probably why i was almost annoyed when i found him to be so terrible not in a good way in this one his acting seems to flow between no feelings or empathy whatsoever to displays of some really bad overacting when his character is supposed to react to the awful things komomo has been subjected to i was sitting in the sofa twisting and turning in an attempt to escape the horrible actingjob put forth by drago im grateful that most of the story is told by yuoki kudoh memoirs of a geisha who plays the deformed prostitutebr br the finale is probably supposed to be chocking maybe even revolting and horrid but i just found it to be kind ofyou know blah and i looked at my watch again for the umptieth time just wishing the crappy episode would end maybe the finale caused me to smile just a bit but thats only because i couldnt help thinking of an episode of red dwarf and the upsidedown chins of craig charles and danny johnjules with eyes glued on them to make them look like aliens lucky you if youve seen that episode and now decide to see imprint i will forever have ruined the visuals of the ending for youbr br my first thought when imprint finally ended was that the only thing that made the pain of watching it worth it was hearing the main title theme by edward shearmur the same music i believe is used in every episode of this series and that if anything is a big friggin warning dont you thinkbr br one might point to the costume design by michiko kitamura and say that there at least is something not lacking in style and refinementbut there are so many other films and tvshows that is so much better at showing off the japanese geishafashion this is nothing but inferior and i am disappointed takashi miikes masters of horrorepisode is boring uninspiring and pointless in other words its really really bad,neg
we all know that countless duds have graced the s slasher genre and often deserve nothing but our deepest disgust maybe thats a bit hastey but damn if slaughter high wasnt terribly unoriginal even for a slasher flick pretty much the plot involves a kid who experienced a carrielike shower humiliation in high school and returns to the dilapidated building to seek out revenge on a group of formerbullies who all show up to reminisce as youd expect they are killed off steadily by a masked madman on april st by means of electrocution burning hanging and chemically altered beer ive got a number of problems with the plot details and settings of this movie but considering the ending i feel the need to discard my complaints and just say that this is a complete waste of time ignore any thought of viewing this movie,neg
while i was the video store i was browsing through the one dollar rentals and came upon this little gem i dont know what it was about it but i just had a gut instic about it and wow was i ever rightbr br the story centers around two girls who have just survived a school shooting one of the girls is alicia a teenage reble who is the only witness for the full attack and another is deanna another survivor who survived a bullet to the head by some miracle thrown together by fate they slowly begin a painful and beautiful display of healing and moving onbr br i just hate it when amazing movies fall through the cracks because wow what a performance by busy phillips and erkia christensen not to mention the rest of the cast my only complaint is that the dvd was sorely lacking in special features oh and some of the jump cuts in the movie were kind of jarring but all in all a excellent movie,pos
i always thought this would be a long and boring talkingheads flick full of static interior takes dude i was wrong election is a highly fascinating and thoroughly captivating thrillerdrama taking a deep and realistic view behind the origins of triadsrituals characters are constantly on the move and although as a viewer you kinda always remain an outsider its still possible to feel the suspense coming from certain decisions and ambitions of the characters furthermore johnnie to succeeds in creating some truly opulent images due to meticulously composed lighting and atmospheric lightshadow contrasts although theres hardly any action the ending is still shocking in its ruthless depicting of brutality cool movie that deserves more attention and i came to like the minimalistic acoustic guitar score quite a bit,pos
i am amazed at how this movieand most others has a average stars and lower when there are crappy movies averaging to stars on imdb the fanboy mentality strikes again when this movie came out just about everyone slammed it even my exgirlfriend said this movie questionable years later i sat down to watch this movie and i found myself enjoying even laughing quite a bit this and the replacement killers are the movies that had people labeling the director antoine fuqua as the black michael bay i dont see how since most of fuquas movies are smarter than anything michael bay has came up with at any ratebr br story alvin sandersjamie foxx is former convict that is used by a nononsense treasury agent edgardavid morse as a pawn to catch a killer named bristoldoug hutchinson alvins every moves are tracked by a bug implanted in his jaw after an accident while these agents are after bristol bristol is after the gold bricks that were taken in a heist gone awrybr br jamie foxx is funny as well as great as alvin sanders alvin is a fasttalker that is a lot smarter than he lets on doug hutchinson is okay as bristol he can be overthetop sometimes in his john malkovitchesque demeanor he was better here than he was as looney bin jim in punisher war zone david morse is good as the hard edged treasury agent even mike epps is funny as alvins brother stevie both him and jamie had some funny moments on screenbr br the only flaw of the movie is the some of the attempts at a thriller fall flat the scenario at the horse race track is way overthetop but i couldnt look away the director went all out there so he gets points for that plus the bomb scene with the treasury agent tied to a chair while the detonator rests on the door was pretty niftybr br all in all bait is not a bad movie by a long shot its never boring its always funny and i wasnt checking my watch every minute that should count for something bait is one of the most underrated movies of periodbr br ps to the reviewer that claimed this movie is too violent how long have you been living under a rock im pretty sure youve seen the die hard series and every movie by quentin tarantino but those movies arent violent right weirdo,pos
this is one of those movies that apparently was trying to ride the martial arts wave craze kind of like billy jack i guess however whereas billy jack did have one notable martial arts scene there are none in this one unless you consider some gentlemanly grappling and roughhousing as such we are introduced to the star who is described as having learned judo in the marines i was in the marines and while they are pretty established in boxing i really dont remember any emphasis on judo as a result the antagonist james macarthur makes reference to the judo when he offers an excuse for why he a state champion wrestler was so easily defeated lame,neg
deathtrap is not a whodunit its a who gonna do it to who first its so hard to describe this movie without giving anything away so i wont mention anything more about the plot as far as acting goes it is cris reeves greatest role as clifford a young playwrite you really see the range in his acting abilities in this movie from exhaling cheeseburgers to downright frightening clifford is such a hard role to play and in the stage production of this i have never seen clifford played well on both ends of the spectrum the actor plays him as a little puppy or a homicidal maniac reeves is the only person i have seen who has the character right all the way through as for michael caine heswell hes michael caine one of the best actors of the last years and in this film as good as he has ever been,pos
i really liked this movie i saw the original classic a few times but could hardly remember any details i think this movie is much better than the cartoon its not so black and white as it i specially liked how they made the grinch such a complete character and gave a cause of why he was the way he was the villain in this movie was not the actual grinch but the major much different than the original cartoon jim carrey was perfect for the part all in all a great movie made for both kids and adults alike,pos
this is the most messed up entry on imdb that ive yet to stumble across all the previous reviewers act like this is the movie this is not the movie rather its merely a featurette thats an extra on the dvd of the movie the one it also nowhere near being the minutes that its listed here as in actuality its barely over minutes of how cool jet li can do martial arts and his reflections on the movie so yeah this imdb entry is quite a bit fubar dont listen to any of the other reviews as they are all wrong you can trust me because i never feed you dear reader bsbr br and thats the truth i guess u can say that im the one reviewer that matters,neg
this movie is nothing short of a dark gritty masterpiece i may be bias as the apartheid era is an area ive always felt for but id say it ranks right up with cry freedom and cry the beloved country sadly up until a few days ago id never even heard of this movie inside is one of the most underrated films of all time probably because it was a small film company id never even heard of it before eric stoltz one of my favorite actors anyway is believable and dramatic nigel hawthorne plays his dastardly role well do not look for humor in this film there is none it is real savage and gritty to the last and to the sensitive id say bring a box of tissues but movies as great as this make you wonder why is it that the greatest films are often never heard of,pos
this movie has a special way of telling the story at first i found it rather odd as it jumped through time and i had no idea whats happeningbr br anyway the story line was although simple but still very real and touching you met someone the first time you fell in love completely but broke up at last and promoted a deadly agony who hasnt go through this but we will never forget this kind of pain in our life br br i would say i am rather touched as two actor has shown great performance in showing the love between the characters i just wish that the story could be a happy ending,pos
one of the most appealing elements of a gilliam film is that the wellconcocted visuals the unsettling backdrops and the manically frustrated characters are evidence of the creators involvement instead of most movies where the filmmaker is some directorforhire that is paid to feature a star or two you can feel terry gilliams presence through the experience monkeys is evidence of gilliams own vision and style as opposed to making offbeat movies for their own sake monkeys is a variation on similar themes of gilliams repertoireoppressiverecessive societies the solitude of the protagonist the frustration associated with disbelief and parallel realms in this film gilliam does a fine job of blurring lines between the two realms using ambiguities to force the audience to believe rather than know this tendency for gilliam to neglect to fill in certain gaps leads to criticisms of arthouse pretentiousness the difference between gilliam and artsy posers is that gilliams choices clearly have a purpose and all of his images have meaning the two nearly identical bathing scenes of cole in the beginning are meant to draw comparisons which leave the audience unsettled his bald head is a mark of uniformity in the diseaseridden future world yet makes him recognizable in the world the title itself is a mark of gilliams creativity as it requires the majority of the story to flesh out for its meaning to be fully understood all in all gilliams dedication to making creative films that are interesting to watch yet also require thought and interpretation from the audience the film has immense rewatch value since there are subtle details and hints that can be missed upon the first viewing definitely one of my favorites,pos
this is a taut suspenseful masterpiece from brian de palmawith amazing performances all around its extremely suspenseful and often scary and the score is fantastic plus all the characters were awesome yes it rips off psycho a lot however its still a brilliantly made horrorthriller with a fantastic opening and a shocking and unpredictable finale this is unquestionably one of the best horrorthrillers i have ever seen and the elevator scene is one of the most memorable scenes ever plus michael caine is simply amazing in this the ending is excellent and the hospital scene near the end is absolutely terrifying plus the end twist shocked the hell out of me it never failed to creep me out and the stalk sequences are absolutely brilliant plus nancy allen and keith gordon had fantastic chemistry together this is a taut suspenseful masterpiece from brian de palma with amazing performances all around the direction is incredible brian de palma does an incredible job here with amazing camera work incredible angles fantastic use of colors awesome zoom ins and zoom outs great pov shots and keeping the film at a very very fast pace there is a bit of blood we get bloody stabbings knifings bloody gunshot woundsand bloody slit throatsthe acting is amazing michael caine is amazing here he is amazing in the acting department creepy is very likable was mysterious and really just did an amazing job overall i loved him caine rules angie dickinson gives a memorable performance here and was quite beautiful and had good chemistry with caine nancy allen is stunningly gorgeous and is fantastic here she is extremely likable as the hooker had excellent chemistry with keith gordon and put on a tremendous show keith gordon is very good as the kid he had excellent chemistry with nancy allen and was very likable dennis franz is good as the detective overall this is unquestionably one of the best horror films ever made and i say drop what your doing immediately and go see it out of ,pos
with this movie its all about style atmosphere and acting true i didnt believe all of the plot developments but it didnt matter the terrific acting the unexpected plot twists and the wonderful atmosphere sucked me right in and carried me along for the ride and i had a great time kenneth branagh is not only a great actor but a master of accents and he proves it once again with a flawless georgia accent hes surrounded by so much talent in supporting roles robert downey jr embeth davidtz from schindlers list and fallen tom berenger daryl hannah and robert duvall that i was simply blown away i recently bought a copy of this movie and i never tire of watching it simply one of the best thrillers of the year if youve ignored this movie and chances are you have then i suggest you check it out,pos
as steven segal movies go this one is bottom of the barrel his best was just fodder for bored teenagers this one tips the scales then falls off the characters are all cardboard the story is double lame i cant spoil it by telling you the ending you already know how all steven segal movies end if you have seen one here goes he is a superdooper government agent who know too much to turn loose so they decide instead of killing him to dope his brain until he dont remember squat he escapes of course gets arrested and is located by his old general who needs his one man in a million experience to get back a stealth plane that has been handed over to a terrorist gang in afghanastan by a rogue air force pilot who surprise surprise segal trained all the heroes except segals character and his dusky girlfriend die heroically and stevebaby save the whole world in one swell foop or fell swoop whatever made with some surplus air force and navy flying film and a lot of boombooms get some popeye cartoons instead,neg
seriously i can easily stomach a lot of on screen blood gore and repulsiveness but what really makes this film disturbing uncomfortable to watch is how the doctor character keeps on rambling about the physical damage done to raped women he john cassavetes of rosemarys baby talks about ruptured uterus dry intercourse and massive loads of reddish sperm like they are the most common little ailments in the world of medicine that being said incubus is an ultimately strange horror effort it isnt necessarily awful – although it isnt very good neither – but just plain weird the muddled incoherent script initially revolves on the hunt for a rapistkiller of flesh and blood even though the title clearly suggests the involvement of a supernatural creature and it never seems to stop introducing new characters none of these characters especially not the main ones come across as sympathetic and for some neverexplained reason they all seem to keep dark secrets the aforementioned doctor has an odd interpretation of daughterlove and continuously behaves like hes a suspect himself the towns sheriff john ireland appears to be in a constant state of drunkenness and doesnt even seem to care about who keeps raping killing the women in his district the female reporter is even too weird for words and the galens an old witch and her grandson are just plain spooky all together they desperately try to solve the mystery of whom or what exactly is destroying the towns women reproducing organs the sequences building up towards the rapes murders are admirably atmospheric and the vile acts themselves are bloody and unsettling basically these are very positive factors in a horror film but the narrative structure is too incoherent and the characters are too unsympathetic for incubus to be a really good film also there are quite a few tedious parts to struggle yourself through like footage of a bruce dickinson concert and the usually very reliable john houghs direction is nearly unnoticeable the final shot is effectively nightmarish though for me personally incubus was a bit of a disappointment but there are still several enough reasons to recommend this odd piece of early s horror to openminded genre fanatics,neg
i had very low expectations for this alleged reimagining of the original and they werent even met what were they thinking answer they werent please dont waste your time on this hollywood trash fest clip your nails balance your checkbook do anything besides watch this remember if you rent stuff like this it will only ensure they make more,neg
for what it is this is a pretty good movie i like both johns stamos full house stockwell christine top gun they both give strong performances the love interest is ok but this is more of a guys movie than a good date movie i love harleys and i hated seeing them paint over the coats of handrubbed lacquer with good old army olive drab there is a small history lesson here in that harleydavidson motorcycles played a key role in wwii i dont know if the training was quite like this bunches the movie kept my interest all the way through without getting slow anywhere with good riding action sequences i love looking at the demographics of the vote history one yearold man gave the movie a true bike lover i guess i wouldnt give it a but i did give it an i do not weigh every movie with the same scale there are movies that were bigbudget with great actors that you expect to be good so when they fail they fail big star wars episode i is my best example i loved the first three sw movies but i thought episode i was weak in comparison so it gets a lower rating from me than this movie i expect more from george lucas,pos
its depressing to see where jackie chan has ended up he used to be an unstoppable hurricane of punches kicks and incredible stunts to be fair hes now in his fifties and one would expect some slowdown but with rush hour where he takes a back seat to chris tucker of all people and then theres kung fu panda where not only is he in a purely vocal role but his character barely has any dialogue to say that jackie chan has seen better days is a colossal understatementbr br its times like this when the only solution is to whip out a dusty old vhs tape and watch jackie kick some arses in his younger fitter chris tuckerfree daysbr br enter police story jackie chan plays karkui a policeman whose task it is to protect a witness before a major trial he faces resistance from both the uncooperative witness and the numerous hit men sent by the mob to silence them bothbr br but on the other hand who cares we dont watch jackie chan films for the story we watch them to see jackie chan perform eyepopping stunts and generally punch and kick a whole lot of people who are less awesome than he isbr br and on that level police story doesnt disappoint at all there is an awesome showdown in a shopping mall at the end that culminates in jackie sliding down a giant highvoltage chandelier seriously if this sort of thing happened more often no male would ever need coaxing to go shopping for clothesbr br there is also comedy much of which involves karkui inadvertently upsetting may maggie cheung his eternally suffering and apparently ever forgiving girlfriend the humour on the whole is pretty unsubtle but it works so im not complainingbr br the acting isnt too subtle either indeed im not sure there was anything subtle about police story at all director jackie chan yeah he does that too clearly has a deep understanding of why we watch his films and knows that while were waiting for the next fight to start the last thing we want is to be looking for nuance and depth and inner meaningbr br so police story is a blast as is the case with most of his films the fact that jackie actually does the stuff you see on the screen puts it head and shoulders above the competition i mean when jackie chan really is hanging from a speeding bus by an umbrella a whole new wow factor is added to the action,pos
i caught this film late on a sat night sunday morning with my brother we had been drinking this is one of the best films for ripping apart i have ever seen from the luxury ocean liner actually being a roll on roll off ferry complete with cast iron everything to the doors with adhesive stickers saying staff then seeing the same door being used for something else in another scene this film rocks the continuity is so poor you cant help but notice it it slaps you in the face with the holes in the final scene he jumps off a life boat with the ferry in the distance cut to his son and new girlfriend the ships pr director who knows kungfu and used to be in the police but was dismissed for doing things her way trueon the ferry going very fast away from the explosion then the dad is there hugging them how who cares its magic there is not one redeeming feature to this film the casino is the size of a large bedroom with one casino table when being chased by the villains there is only one place to hide youve guessed it enter the villains who instead of checking under the one table proceed to shoot up four fruit machines and a little corner bar a corner bar in the casino fantastic they walk straight past the only hiding place thus allowing our casper to get around them and take them outbr br get some mates over get a few drinks in put this film on and howl,pos
as a member of the cast i was a member of the band at all the basketball games i would like to let the world know after being in the movie that we were not allowed to see it since it was banned in oregon this was due to the producers and the director breaking the contract with the university of oregon where it was shot seems that the u of o sign was shown while we were shooting we were allowed to eat several meals with the cast and production staff mr nicholson was quite memorable for being one of the most illmannered men i have ever met quite a time for a young year old but certainly not what campus life was really like in the late s and early s despite what hollywood may think trombone player from oregon,neg
when i started watching the show i said oh no its as corny as elfen lied and not even that bloody and indeed the setup is almost identical with the single young boy living in a big house all by himself then suddenly getting involved into a fantastic adventure while sexy young girls come live with himbr br but this is where the resemblance stops the love story is almost as subtle and intense as the one in inuiyasha while the childish remarks and behaviors are very few the magical setup is a bit corny because its about seven people with seven servants fighting for the holy grail all servants being someone famous half of all masters being from the same school rules of engagement etc however this soon dims and fades from the beauty of the drawing and of the scriptbr br i actually watched all episodes in one day and without comparing it with animes that i liked more but were from other genres i have to say that i was very pleased,pos
for years after world war the united states was in a state where key segments of the economy were dominated by military interests at the same time because of the draft and wars everyone in society had served or was connected to someone who hadbr br this allowed for a minigenre based on the notion of american cleverness in the midst of an inflexible military machine sometimes that machine was nonus military for example in prisoner of war situations once removed are stories in other machines science fiction and corporate but they always reference this military genre and indeed the testosterone shots of action even reference their comic siblingbr br you can trace it i think perhaps starting in the comic meaning amrican sections of the great escape which immediately spawned teevee offspring in gomer pyle and hogans heros then a second wave triggered by catch and mash both of which had been real life then books then movies and in the mash case then teeveebr br but before all that there was the phil silvers show about a sergeant bilko and this followed from mister roberts a happy con man who only committed harmless crimes and then only as response to an overly crude system which attempted to limit his life this was in the day when teevee shows mattered you absorbed them instead of merely carrying them to work to chatter about it wasnt particularly clever in any way except in finding that crack between what we wanted in control and freedom br br its one large zone where americans worked out how they think about forgivable even endearing lies in a military context a zone that has been appropriated by one of our political parties herebr br because its big it sometimes pays off in laughs stripes was pretty darn funny i thought it had the twist of the misfits actually defeating serious foes sort of folding in some dirty dozen and sexual adventurebr br now this well before the cultural wars escalated it tries to touch that sweet spot like other remakes that manhandled steve martin it is so unfunny you actually root for the army to be the stronger player yet another way to track how societies work out the handles on military powerbr br teds evaluation of you can find something better to do with this part of your life,neg
robin williams does his best to combine comedy and pathos but comes off a bit shrill donald moffat is too onenote as his fatherinlaw jeff bridges is excellent though as the quarterback and holly palance and pamela reed are marvelous carrying the film through most of its rough spots it fills time nicely but is little more than that,pos
despite pretty bad reviews i just had to give this film a go – it does after all star hk superbabe shu qi plus other oriental lovelies as a team of allaction catburglars surely thats worth checking out well as babefests go martial angels is hard to beat the eye candy is top quality shu qi looks as fantastic as always and of the rest of the girls rosemary vandebrouck and amanda strang caught my roving eye in particularbr br unfortunately if one is to judge this movie by any other possible merits it is an absolute stinker the story is weak the action shoddy and the special effects downright pathetic director clarence fok and producer wong jing have given us a photogenic cast and little elsebr br if shu qi is the only reason youre contemplating seeing this one you would be better off watching sex and zen again,neg
realistic moviesureexcept for the fact that the characters dont look like to be scared when billy zane tries to kill someone he feels badbut he doesnt look like to thats why i dont like his performance in this movie tom berenger is again playing a soldier no good thrill realistic sequences not always shooting that is one great thing well filmed i hate the helicopter sequence cause only one terrorist kills almost the whole marine bunchi give it and a half out of ,neg
this comic book style film is funny has nicely paced action and a great futuristic style to it writer steven de souza who also wrote commando gives arnie plenty of lines to dish out send me a copy after signing a contract and stabbing a pen into the lawyers back what a pain in the neck after strangling subzero with barbed wire he had to split after slicing his body between his legs and finally as killian slams through a billboard bearing his own face arnie concludes now that hit the spot funnily enough bears some similarities total recall another scifi flick starring schwarzenegger,pos
had ned kelly been born later he probably would have won a victoria cross at gallipolli such was neds braverybr br in australia and especially country victoria the name ned kelly can be said and immediately recognised in greta he is still a hero the life blood of the town of jerilderie depends on the tourism he created but in mansfield they still havent forgotten that the three policeman that he murdered were from therebr br many of the buildings he visited in his life are still standing from the old melbourne gaol where he was hanged to the post office he held up in jerilderie a cell he was once held in in greta is on display in benella and the site of ann jones hotel the station and even the logs where he was captured in glenrowan can be visitedbr br evidence of all the events in the movie except for his love interest can be found all over victoria in police records and even in the sash that ned was awarded with for rescuing dick shelton from drowning none of this is wrong and whats left out would further justify neds actions the horse that ned stole was actually stolen by wild wright the man who ned boxes with after getting out of jail ned was already in prison when the horse was reported stolen so he couldnt have stolen itbr br the jerilderie letter is more than what has been stated before it is not self justification it is neds biography an outline of what he stood for and who he was protecting so go ahead and read it watch the movie and then make up your mind about what ned stood for,pos
was this tim meadows first acting role in a movie the character leon is funny enough but shortly after that the sexual jokes and humor are too dumb to listen to anymore some movies can get away with the sexual jokes and base their audiences to know that right when the advertising comes on some movies that do this are american pie and scary movie scary movie was stupid and american pie wouldnt have done well without the sexual jokes the only role besides leon that had some humor that followed was will ferrell the character really was dumb and that was all the dumb humor was all that had me watching the movie was ok and nothing else i dont really understand why the snl people that are dying to leave the show always get a movie based on a character they played on the show the skits last about minutes and if they can make a movie off a minute skit then what is the world coming to molly shannon had superstar cheri oterri had scary movie but she wasnt a leading role and will had elf but that was good but he did some dumb movie but i cant remember and mike myers with waynes world how come the mad tv crew dont ever get movie deals seen only one guy break through but only in like movies and a tv show with andy dick but that guy relies on comedy for his life to continue funny or not this movie is not good but had some positive humor what a waste of film and peoples money d d,neg
eddie murphy really made me laugh my ass off on this hbo stand up comedy showi love his impressions of mr ted norton and ralph cramden of the honeymoonerselvis presleyand michael jackson toothe ice cream mangoony goo goois also funnyi saw this for the first time when it came out in i laughed so hardi almost fell off my chairi still think this is very funnybr br eddie murphywhen he was on saturday night livemade me laugh so hardhe is one of the best people to come out ofsaturday night liveeddie murphy deliriousis his best stand up performance next to eddie murphy rawbr br i give eddie murphy delirious thumbs up and stars,pos
here are the matches adv advantagebr br the warriors ultimate warrior texas tornado and legion of doom v the perfect team mr perfect ax smash and crush of demolition ax is the first to go in seconds when warrior splashes him for the pin adv warriors i knew ax wasnt a healthy man but if he was that unhealthy why bother have him on the card this would be his last ppv eventually both legion of doom and demolition job out cheaply via double disqualification adv warriors perfect applies the perfect plex on texas tornado for the pin he then attempts the same on warrior but warrior nosells it and kicks out warrior comes back with a splash to pin perfect and become the sole survivor br br the dream team dusty rhodes koko b ware and the hart foundation v million dollar team ted dibiase mystery partner and rhythm and blues the mystery partner is the undertaker and on his debut makes an impact disposing of koko straight away with the tombstonemonsoon still manages to say his correct height weight and finishing move while pretending not to know who he is making it to dibiases team niedhart powerslams honky for the pin and his career with the wwf is over shortly afterwards it is niedhart who falls victim to dibiase with help from virgil adv dibiases team rhodes next after an undertaker double axehandle off the top rope but doesnt leave quietly attacking brother love undertaker goes after dusty and gets counted out despite not being the legal man adv dibiases team almost straight after greg gets caught in a cradle by hart trying to put the figure four leglock on him and gets pinned it comes down to hart v dibiase and after a few minutes of nice wrestling bret gets his bodycross reversed by dibiase for the pin dibiase is the sole survivor at least hart is put to good use br br the vipers jake the snake roberts superfly jimmy snuka and the rockers v visionaries rick model martel warlord and power and glory after spending some time in the ring marty jannetty gets power slammed by warlord as he comes off the top rope for the pin adv visionaries snuka gets pinned in seconds by martel who reverses his body cross adv visionaries michaels gets caught in the power plex and pinned by roma adv visionaries it is now roberts against four men resembling his survivor series effort two years before despite hitting warlord with the ddt roberts gets counted out chasing after martel the visionaries are the first team in survivor series history to completely survive as one not much here worth watching to be honest as the psychology is rushed br br hulkamaniacs hulk hogan hacksaw jim duggan bigbossman and tugboat v natural disasters earthquake dino bravo barbarian and haku one bossman slam eliminates haku early in the bout adv hulkamaniacs duggan gets his by out after whacking earthquake with it to get disqualified bravo commits career suicide shortly afterwards by allowing hogan to cradle him for the pin adv hulkamaniacs earthquake manages to overcome bossman with two elbow drops for the pin shortly afterwards hogan gets beat down and finally tugboat gets a tag who knew he was there at this point he wrestles for about seconds before getting counted out with earthquake only hogan and barbarian left barbarian puts in some nice offence but inevitably gets caught in the big boot and leg drop for the pin hogan is the sole survivor br br the alliance nikolai volkoff tito santana and bushwhackers v mercenaries sgt slaughter boris zhukov and orient express all of the mercanaries wore camouflage face paint lightning quick pins here with santana pinning zhukov in his last ppv in seconds adv alliance there wasnt even a bolshevik showdown bushwhackers hit sato with the battering ram even though tanaka was the legal man adv alliance and would be his last appearance on wwf ppv as the orient express get repackaged tanaka follows sato when santana stuns him with the flying forearm adv alliance despite slaughter getting in the ring against four men he eliminates volkoff whos career is over after this butch and luke in that order with relative ease finally santana beats slaughter by disqualification when general adnan hits him with iraqi flag at last some interesting booking even though the match was awful santana takes the upset victory as the sole survivor and becomes his last finest hour br br the egg hatches and its hector guerrerro in a silly outfit he dances with gene okerlund and gets booed by the crowd while piper and monsoon pretend they are enjoying it br br match of survival ultimate warrior hulk hogan and tito santana v warlord power and glory rick model martel and million dollar man ted dibiase just merely another catalogue of eliminations as santana pins warlord in seconds with flying forearm at least avenging his previous summerslam defeat adv dibiases team dibiase stun guns santana afterwards for the pin adv dibiases team hogan kicks out of the power plex and proceeds to pin roma after a clothesline effectively killing off power and glorys push adv dibiases team hogan eliminates martel by countout and dibiase with the leg drop for the pin adv hogans team hogan finally allows warrior into the match who quickly disposes of former nemesis hercules after a splash a very predictable ending to the point of nauseous br br overall too many matches and too little time obviously had a detrimental effect as the wrestlers were almost waiting on a conveyor belt to be pinned most of the heels were decimated by warrior and hogan which is a poor way to handle a great roster of wrestlers,neg
i watched this film version of rd blackmores classic novel as a substitute until the ae version was released on video and what a poor substitution it proved to bebr br this version does not have the authentic ifeellikeimthere aspect of the ae movie the actors are for the most part wooden with sean bean the exception and the romance seems forced and contrived in fact there is no kissing until the end of the movie the triangle between john ridd lorna doone or lady lorna dugal whichever you preferand the evil carver doone isnt mentioned or expanded upon we dont get much insight into carver here or as to why he has some if any romantic feelings for lorna this movie cuts out many of the key and interesting characters of the novel such as counsellor doone and johns sharptongued youngest sister lizzie which were crucial to the plot the screenplay itself is lacking in conviction the political intrigue also doesnt figure in the script the way lorna came into being with the doones isnt true to the original story now dont get me wrong clive owen is a handsome and talented actor watch gosford park and king arthur for confirmation but he comes across as bland and stoic throughout and long hair it may have been a bad wig just doesnt suit him polly walker is a lovely and accomplished actress see enchanted april and patriot games in which she also costarred with sean bean but she appears colorless and lackluster she has a cold sore on her lip that makeup cant hide and the costumes dont seem authentic the late robert stephens does a respectable turn as sir ensor doone although he only refers to lorna as his favorite rather than his granddaughter which she was reputed to be in the book also it seems to me that owen and walker are too old for their roles maybe its the makeup and the scenery is brown cold gray and barren without so much of a hint of a sunny sky i understand that it is set in southwest england but it is green there and they do get their sunshine the portrayal of tom faggus character and his death which doesnt happen in the novel depresses the film even more the one positive note is sean beans performance as carver although it doesnt even come close to matching aidan gillens portrayal in the ae movie bean does make one mean villain in short watch this only if youve got a few hours to kill but dont expect anything exciting or for it to be true to the novel see any other version but i highly recommend aes film over this tired adaptation,neg
i really looked forward to seeing nana after seeing renoir amazing debut work whirlpool of fate i had read that nana was generally considered his best silent film so i had high hopes sadly this felt like a huge step backwardsbr br catherine hessling is the main problem with this film her acting is over the top even for a silent film her acting is more like what one would expect in a film from the early teens not the late s she usually has the same face which reminds me sorry to say of someone with constipation pains it was also very difficult to believe that any man would fall for this femme fatale there was nothing charming about her at allbr br the film was also quite long drawn the camera work was uninteresting aside from a shot of a horse race and the editing was dull the story reminded me of pabsts pandoras box it is interesting to compare the two because there are only years between these films pandoras box simply scores on every level where nana failsbr br this film is only for renoir completists or very serious silent films buffs,neg
yep this is definatly up there with some of the worst of the mstifyed movies but i have definately seen worse think gremlins rated r well anyway i met rick sloane at some scifi convention that amazingly he was lecturing at it was one of those really low budget conventions where everything goes an everyone brought in something if you want to see crap you should have of seen what some friends and i brought inbr br he seemed like a very nice guy he was very cool about my questions and comments on hobgoblins and he even told me not to take it seriously and said he loved the mstk versionbr br all in all rick sloane knew what he was doing and i think was meant to bad like mars attacks so i guess im standing up for this movie and giving it a and betraying all my fellow msties sorry guys,neg
i foolishly read the back of the dvd cover of this movie in best buy about a year ago and said to myself seems funny plus it has michael clarke duncan how can i lose i proceeded to pay plus tax for it i took it over to a friends house and we both stood aghast at how poorly it was written and acted wooden performances abound all the hilarious and outstanding performances promised never seemed to arrive after minutes i hung my head in shame knowing that i could never get that minutes or back i literally almost cried as well because if that was what could be considered comedy i didnt want to believe in movies anymore my friend and i constantly informed a friend of ours of the horror of this movie to the point that he needed to see it just to understand how bad it was over the holiday season this year i watched it with him because he didnt want to watch it alone this was my next horrible mistake because as i watched i just became angry i began to yell at the movie and im not one to talk to movies period everyone i know that has even glimpsed this movie has agreed its the worst theyve ever seen my sense of humor is sick and twisted and often offends my friends but that could not save this movie even the fact that this movie is not on the bottom list on imdb is astounding the fact that its rating at the time of this writing is is a crime against humanity,neg
creep is a straight up serious horror film set in real time that wants nothing more than to just show people get attacked in a empty subway platform by a mutant for minutes and it does just that nothing more nothing less director christopher smith draws out the drama a far as he plausibly can by introducing a series of characters that would actually have a reason to be in the subway after it is locked he also leaves the origins of the titular creep deliberately vague unlawful experiments happening in the s underground are hinted at and that little bit of mystery works for the most part sadly he undermines himself toward the end by actually holding back from a twist ending where more genetic malformations would appear they are hinted at as well yes you heard me right i wanted a clichéd twist ending franka run lola run potente is good as the terrorized female lead and the rest of the cast is fine,pos
london dreams directed by vipul shah is a frustratingly foolish film about foolish people its the kind of film whose central conflict could be instantly resolved if the characters concerned simply sat down and had a chat ajay devgan plays arjun an aspiring popartiste obsessed with performing before a cheering crowd at londons wembley stadium he becomes jealous of his devoted best friend and bandmate manu played by salman khan who is evidently more talented than him but nowhere near as focused or ambitious arjun decides to sabotage manu when the latters popularity threatens to outshine his own now heres where a hearttoheart might have helped had arjun explained what this wembley fixation meant to him manu would have graciously backed off and let arjun fulfill his childhood dream and wed have been spared the agony of watching the rest of this uninspiring drivel but director vipul shah and his writers are in no mood to do us any favours london dreams is packed with unintentionally hilarious gems like that backstory involving arjuns grandpa who committed suicide out of shame for getting stagefright at a packed wembley concert or the ridiculous incident at a show where manu must take over vocal responsibilities after a blast of confetti practically chokes arjun into silence the idiocy however doesnt end there in his attempts to shame manu publicly arjun uses his connections to get manu hooked onto drugs a buxom groupie urges manu to down a couple of tequila shots with her but replaces his salt with cocaine before you know it manu has acquired quite the appetite for the addictive white powder practically chomping it down like dinner if that isnt silly enough theres a crude scene later in which manu chases after the said girl to find out who shes been taking orders from the pursuit ends in a dark london alley where the girl gets down on her knees pretending to do the unmentionable so as to mislead manus girlfriend whos been secretly following after them wait theres more expect to howl hysterically when arjun snaps off his belt and whips himself mercilessly to banish all thoughts of romance or lust towards the bands lead dancer priya played by asin because nothing and no one must distract him from his musical goals too generously inspired by milos formans amadeus for it to merit any comparison with last years rock on vipul shahs latest is a clunky melodrama thats as loosely directed as it is scripted the film goes for broad humor overthetop emotions and basically chooses loudness over subtlety that works for manus character with salman khan playing him all loutish and lovable but in the case of arjun ajay devgan comes off too passive with a performance that is mostly internalised when arjun does reach boiling point however it results in an awkward preclimax scene in which he lectures a packed concert hall and is understandably pelted with plastic bottles as punishment of the remaining cast theres not a kind word i can say for asin who practically lit up ghajini with her ebullient charm but disappoints here with unnecessary overacting in a thankless role ranvijay singh and aditya roy kapur reduced to mere sidekicks in the band show up at regular intervals usually to utter some inane dialogue like well rock it dude for its dimwitted writing and sloppy direction london dreams is ultimately a tiresome watch if you must watch it for salman khan whos turned buffoonery into a bonafide acting style its the only thing thatll make you smile in this sad sad film,neg
this is very much not the sort of movie for which john wayne is known he plays a diplomat a man who gets things done through words and persuasion rather than physical action the film moves with a quiet realism through its superficially unexciting storybr br for the openminded the patient and the thoughtful this movie is a rich depiction of an intriguing part of historybr br there are two intertwining stories the big story is of internalised isolationist japan and externalised expansionist america clashing when their interests conflict the small human story is of an outsider barbarian wayne and a civilised geishas initial hostility and dislike turning to mutual respect and love the human story is a reflection of the greater story of the two nationsbr br the movie is very well done and all actors play their roles well the two lead roles are performed to perfection john wayne is excellent as townsend harris striking exactly the right blend of force and negotiation in his dealings with the japanese eiko ando is likewise excellent as the geisha of the title charming and delightful the interaction between her character and john waynes is particularly well portrayed this is exactly how these two individuals as they are depicted in the film would have behavedbr br the script is very well written it lacks all pomposity and is a realistic depiction of the manner in which the depicted events may have occurred the characters are real people not selfconsciously great figures from history furthermore the clash of cultures and interests is portrayed with great skill and subtlety indeed the clash of a traditionalist and traditionally powerful isolationist japan and a rising newly powerful nation from across the ocean is summarised very well in one exchange between john wayne and the local japanese baron wayne complains that shipwrecked sailors are beheaded if they land in japan and that passing ships cannot even put into port for water the baron responds that japan just wants to be left alone waynes character replies that japan is at an increasingly important crossroads of international shipping and that if things continue as before the nation will be regarded as nothing more than a band of brigands infesting an important roadway a very real summary of the way in which the two countries each saw themselves as being in the right and saw the other as being in the wrong the resultant clash between two selfrighteous peoples with conflicting interests has its reflections throughout history a continuing theme that echoes into the present and on into the futurebr br cinematography and the depiction of midnineteenth century japan before the accelerated growth towards industrialisation that was to follow later in the century is excellent a visual treat and an enlightening insight into japans ancient civilisationbr br i highly recommend anyone whether a john wayne fan or not to watch this film if you get the chance just be aware that it isnt an action film it is a representation of an interesting place and time in history and a slowboiling love story which much to their surprise comes to dominate the personal lives of the two main characters watch this film on its merits without preconceptions allow yourself to be immersed in its story and you will thoroughly enjoy itbr br all in all an excellent film,pos
this movie was promising my favorite actor in a historical drama during the independence war it had memories from dances with wolves for the big prairies indians military fights from barry lyndon for the british candles lights atmospheresbr br unfortunately the script is awful the continuity of the story is lacking cuts with months later years later the romance is so ridiculous that its hard to believe in it america is a big country but the characters kept bumping at each other above all wait for the ending you understand how to kill a story imagine the same in titanicbr br sometimes a bad script is saved by a brilliant filmmaker unfortunately bis hudson is a poor one he has already committed greystoke and i find again the same flaws no dynamic in scenes in editing in scoring it is long dull flatbr br i knew that this movie was a disaster for pacinos career now i understand finally this last movie for is in the vein of this year for me a painful one,neg
bette midler showcases her talents and beauty in diva las vegas i am thrilled that i taped it and i am able to view whenever i want to she possesses what it takes to keep an audience in captivity her voice is as beautiful as ever and will truly impress you the highlight of the show was her singing stay with me from her movie the rose you can feel the emotion in the song and will end up having goose bumps the show will leave you with the urge to go out and either rent a bette midler movie or go to the nearest music store and purchase one of bette midlers albums,pos
to die for was just another dtv feature that made an appearance on cable ad nasuem during the early nineties the only thing notable about this feature was the last movie duane jones appeared in other than that theres no reason to watch this vampire flick unless you like pseudo chick flicks masquerading as a horror film a tired vampire longs for love and searches the back streets of la looking for it will he succeed or will vlad just strike out again like he has for the last centurybr br this movie must have been big because a couple of sequels soon followed theyre so bad they make this one look like a classic i know this is a movie about vampires but the film makers could have used to lightingbr br not recommended by me because i didnt like itbr br nuff said,neg
one of the best low budget movies from germany is this is the dark side of new age if you believe in esoteric please dont watch this movie it blows all your positive fantasies away this movie shows that beyond the peaceful façade of spiritual soul searching lies a world of extreme transgressions and terror i hope there will be a mm copy soon andreas marschalls first film is just the beginning of a new area making movies with a few euros im waiting for the second hit,pos
i am marking this as a spoiler only because of some of my comments of the shows content not to the content itselfbr br as i read the comments it is apparent that those republicans somehow tolerate the show but disdain it while the democrats seems to relish in its so called truthfulness one reader even so it seems actually indicates that he believes these events did or could have happened when bush was in grade schoolbr br but as to the content as i see it trying to be neutral is that the group that made this series must actually be really bush haters in the episode that i saw last se it showed that the program must have been put together long before mccain became the front runner for the nomination because the other former front runners are all featuredbr br another thing that caught my attention was the use of add in closets i thought that the series must have been made in europe of for sure not in the usa because i know of no home the usa that does not have built in closets and most likely in the homes of the artistsbr br as i watch the show yes i do get caught up in it i am amazed to see what must be a terrific desire of the writers to do what they can to embarrass our president sure there are problems as most american will agree but that is no reason to be so hateful in public displays seen around the world perhaps the trend has now been set by this show and network so that if obama or hillary got in would they continue to produce and air the same sort of humor about thembr br just one more comment on a commentators remarks if there had been some sort of change in the election back in according to that writer he was so sure that there would be a completely different acceptable president wow wishful thinking on his part as far as events i do believe that it was set in motion back when clinton was president and i cant see how if gore was president anything would be much different,neg
not long enough to be feature length and not abrupt enough to a short this thing exists for one reason to have a lesbian threeway there are worse reasons to exist one sad thing is that this could have made a decent feature length movie misty fits snuggly into her outfit and is a very cocky girl and when people are so infatuated with a game character like lara croft that they make nude calenders of her you know that a softcore flick is set to explode unfortunately this is pretty pathetic especially the painfully fake sex scene between darian and misty where you can see her hand is fingering air watch this if you just cant get enough of misty or ruby who makes a nice blonde and has zee verst jerman akcent ever,neg
a friend clearly with no taste or class suggested i take a look at the work of ron atkins if this is representative of his oeuvre i never want to see anything else by him it is amateurish selfindulgent criminally shoddy and selfindulgent rubbish the whore mangler of the title is an angry low budget filmmaker who murders a bunch of hookers there is a little nudity and some erections but no single element could possibly save this from the hangmans noose the lighting is appalling the dialog is puerile and mostly shouted and the direction is clueless i saw a doco on american exploitation filmmakers during the recent fangoria convention atkins was one of those featured he spoke like there was something important about his work but after a viewing of this i see nothing of any import whatsoever there is no style either and the horrible video effects like solarization only enhance the amateurishness not even so bad its fun avoid,neg
may contain spoilers may contain spoilersbr br in the age of shrekthe movie pixarthe studio this is a much more traditional animation film it put together some characters that normally wouldnt be seen togethernot to mentioned try to save a human baby and bring it back to his father they begin as enemies and end as best friend if this sound like a disney film it isonly made through th century fox the trailer to the movie was one of the best ive seen in ages but the movie doesnt live to the expectation the trailer set the problem lie with the fact that the makers of the film didnt made up their mind who is the target audience of the film yes there are some jokes in the film that only adults will understand but the film is mostly aimed at children the parents will enjoy the fact that for min their childrens attention is focused on something else than them the backgrounds are excellent and the voice are good but this is nothing more the a nice film children will love this film adults will only like it,pos
this film is really badso bad that even christopher lee cannot save ita poor story an even poorer script and just plain bad direction makes this a truly outstanding horror filmthe outstanding part being that it is the only horror film that i can honestly say i would never ever watch againthis garbage make plan nine from outerspace look like oscar material,neg
williamsons accent is tough to wade through he speaks incredibly quickly like he is in a rush to get through the lines during the soliloquies he acts as if he is talking to someone when he is supposed to be talking to himself all that and his bald spot just annoyed me he was just too old for this role in reading other accounts of williamson maybe he got this role because he was mad and the director decided to do a bit of lifeimitatesart or forced method acting when the actors declare hamlet mad you believe it marianne faithful is a stunning beauty and could botch the role of ophelia and still get a pass the set is dark and foreboding but it does look as if shot in a real castle especially the scenes in the tunnelscorridors where the dead king shines as a great light in the sky,neg
i saw the big bad swim at the temecula film festival and was totally caught off guard by how much i was drawn into itbr br the film centers around the lives of a group of people taking an adult swim class for various reasons a humorous idea in its own right the class serves as a catalyst for greater changes in the students livesbr br what surprised me about the film was how real it felt rarely in ensemble pieces are characters treated so well i enjoyed the scenes in the class immensely and the drama that took place outside was very poignant nothing seemed out of place or out of character and ultimately it left a very strong feeling much like attending school or summer camp where you find fast friends form strong bonds and make discoveries about yourself yet have to depart all too soonbr br my only complaint was that the character of paula had a very strong and unusual introduction which made you want to know a little more about her than was ultimately revealed i suppose you dont get to meet everyone in class thoughbr br aside from this i found the film very wellrounded and quite enjoyable see it if you get the opportunity,pos
ive read a few books about bonnie and clyde and this is definitely more accurate than the beattydunaway version in that its costumes and locales echo actual photographs taken of the gang particularly well done is the death of buck barrow and the capture of his wife blanche this actress looks looks exactly like the photographs taken that day of blanche grieving over her dying husband however this movie is still hollywood and our antiheroes stay pretty to the end even after being shot full of holes in life bonnie was badly burned in an auto accident the year before their famous ambush and did not look like a perky cheerleader at the time of her death the script is tedious and the acting is poor particularly the leads very disappointing stick with beatty and dunaway theirs may not be the true story but its a great film,neg
fascist principal miss togarmary woronov who is lensed by expert photographer dean cundy as if she were ten feet tallhas a plan to turn her high completely square complications ensue which challenge that goal in delightful rocknroller riff randellpj soles who lights up the screenshes got a hot bod toowho is an obsessive fan of the punk band the ramones pal kate rambeaudey young whose big rimmed glasses and nerdy role can not hide her stunning beautyjoins forces with riff to put an end to the supposed crisis of killing rocknroll for good which is togars desired missionbr br vincent van patten has a hilarious role as tom roberts a success at everything but getting laid kate is crazy about tomif only he could pull his head out of the sand and see it clint howard steals the film almosthonestly who can steal this film away from solesas eaglebauer the supplier who can get everyone almost anything his office is located in the boys restroom paul bartel is also hilarious as a music teacher who becomes an ally of riffs when he enjoys a concert of the ramonesbr br a raucous high school romp that defies all rules of normalcyand i loved it its like someone just says lets make life fun for ½ hours the film really is anarchya plotless chaos lovingly adoring the ramones with all its hearteven if they are horrible actors they have an opportunity to gain new audiences with this filmbr br the ending pretty much sums up the film as a wholeriff and her classmates take over the high school and one massive party begins to be honest i didnt want the party to end not conventional in any way whatsoever this film just lets loose a frenzy accompanied by a great rock soundtrack featuring some of the ramones best songs this film allows a viewer to accept a time in life when war didnt dominate headlines and people just had a good time those i guess were the days,pos
watched this as a late tv movie last night purely by chance the blurb for the film said something to the effect of mother stays with daughter and goes on romantic journey as i tuned in theres the carpenter hard at work on a new conservatory played by daniel craig no less so the plot was immediately apparentbr br it turns out that eponymous mothers carpenter love interest is also the daughters boyfriend so theres trouble brewing and not too many surprises but id been caught by anne reids compelling performance and i was hooked the direction allows her plenty of space for staring into mirrors and adjusting scarves when she exudes sadnessbr br the sex scenes were fascinating and taboobreaking shouldnt older womens bodies remain covered up not here and were treated to a delicious reawakening in the mothers sexuality even more startling are the drawings shes made that spoiler once discovered confirm her daughters suspicion that somethings going on herebr br cathryn bradshaw as the daughter didnt convince me quite as much as the rest of the cast but that could be me with her waves of preraph locks i kept expecting to see julia sawahla whose more intense face would have suited the confrontations better to my mind bradshaw has a rounder happier face that didnt carry the anger that emerges as the film progressesbr br the ending is weak if the goodbyes for mother as she leaves in disgrace are so indifferent then perhaps we could see some closeups of those waving goodbye and see something of their individual reasons whatever shes done shes a recently bereaved widow leaving for the lonely home she shared with her husband for years and i found the lack of sympathy jarring for a film so full of emotion and be warned its like opening champagne youll never get the lid back on the ending is a cold contradiction,pos
this film stands head and shoulders above the vast majority of cinematic romantic comedies it is virtually flawless the writing acting production design humor and pathos are all wonderful even the music from dean martin to la boheme is captivating and delightfulbr br every character is peculiarly delightful and memorable from the leads played by cher and nicolas cage to the many supporting roles olympia dukakis vincent gardenia john mahoney danny aiello even grandpa with his dog pack each of these performers plus norman jewison as director performs above their normal quality in this ensemble work for several of the actors this was an early major exposure in film so the casting is also exceptional and we have many current acting powerhouses whose careers were altered by their effectiveness in this filmbr br ive seen this film several times all the way through which can sometimes deflate the impact of a film substantially more tellingly i realized some years ago that whenever i channelsurfed my way into a scene from this film any scene the scene was compelling and beautifully crafted there are so many stunning and memorable scenes the original meeting between the cher and nicolas cage characters where cage tells his tale of woe vincent gardenia discovered with his paramour at the opera amidst the splendor generated by his goldmine plumbing business olympia dukakis scolding john mahoney for philandering with his student in the classic line about liaisons with coworkers dont sht where you eat danny aiello at his dying mothers bedside nicolas cage taking cher as the rapture of an aria soars in the background br br there are of course many great romantic comedies among them sabrina both versions but especially the audrey hepburnhumphrey bogartwilliam holden original when harry met sally the apartmentbr br none quite equals moonstruck,pos
i admit that for the first minutes or so of this film i wasnt entirely sure i was going to sit through the whole thing like many other people i found it pretty boring and i wasnt entirely looking forward to an hour and a half of watching this guy bite icicles and stick them together however if you sit through the creation of his first work long enough to see the finished product you get an idea of how impressive the rest of the film is i really think its sad that so many people found this impossibly boring or a retread of ideas done by other artists br br rivers and tides is a quiet study of some of the artwork and methods of andy goldsworthy who makes his art entirely out of things in nature generally resulting in pieces that will be consumed by nature through the normal process of entropy it is slow moving and unglamorous but i think that a lot of the point of the movie is to show that goldsworthys art does not need any accompaniment in order for it to be appreciated ive even heard people complain about how he is always talking throughout the movie rather than just letting nature and his artwork speak for themselves which i just think is madnessbr br on the other hand lots of people complain about cds coming with the lyrics written out inside them a lot of musicians as well think their music should mean whatever the listener wants it to mean without the musician showing the exact lyrics i guess im just the kind of person that believes that id like to know what the artist was trying to accomplish with his or her artwork i can still take it how i want to even if i know what it was meant to do i can understand not wanting to hear him talk through the movie he does after all lose his train of thought and find himself unable to explain some of his work at more than one occasion but if you dont want goldsworthy talk about his art while youre watching the film feel free to turn the sound off thats like not reading the lyrics if you dont want to know what a musician is singing and would rather interpret the words yourselfbr br i think that andy goldsworthys work which i had no idea existed before i watched this movie is incredibly impressive and im glad that this film was made in order to showcase it indeed since his work is generally not the kind that can be transported into a studio photography is the only medium other than film that can express it and i really appreciated being able to see the work that goes into his art and the way that only things from nature are used whether or not you appreciate certain aspects of how this film is presented goldsworthys work is moving enough to overlook that because the film is not the star goldsworthys art is and given the lack of any music or even the smallest special effects and the slowmoving nature of the film it seems to me that director thomas riedelsheimer knows that,pos
ostensibly a film that predicts the coming trends in british popular music its wrong on so many fronts that its laughable tommy quickly the honeycombs the movie does include a song by the spencer davis group two by the animals and one tacked on live film of the beatles doing their live version of twist and shout all but all in all an awkward display of british music circa oh and hermans hermits,neg
this movie was billed as a comedy and a mystery it fails badly at both the only mystery here is why would anybody make such a poorly constructed movie the only comedy is the laugh i got when i saw how high the readers here ranked it could there be two movies with the same name the movie i saw starred a girl with pretty blue eyes and a plot that wasnt therebr br ,neg
bad bad bad those three lines sum up this crappy little film that can only attract idiot children and their parents to the cinema and its movie in america what is this country thinking mike myers looking more like micheal jackson some chineese lady that falls asleep within minutes a lame plot with dirty jokes its grotesuque and awful when greeneggs and ham comes out in ill be so happy not eddie murphy and tracy morgan will probably play two hipsters trying to find the lost greeneggs and ham theyll try to chase samiam and that mean guy who are running away with it i hope they dont ruin the classic book dont waste time and money by seeing this,neg
do we really need any more narcissistic garbage on the baby boomer generation technically i am a boomer though at the time when all the idealistic youths of the s were reading marx burning their draft cards and generally prolonging a war which destroyed tens of thousands of lives i was still in grade school but i remember them well and out of were just moronic fools who would believe anything as long as it was destructivebr br this is just another excercise in selfimportance from the kids who never really grew up,neg
even this early in his career capra was quite accomplished with his camerawork and his timing this is a thin story and quite predictable at times but he gets very good performances out of his cast and has some rather intricate camera moves that involve the viewer intimately the first part looks like a cinderella story though anyone with brains can see that the bottom will fall out of that the rich prince will lose his fortunebr br nonetheless because of his good cast and fast pace its easy to get caught up in the clichés then the movie does become more original as the married couple have to find a way to make a living the ending is very predictable but satisfying i also want to compliment the titlewriting very witty and fun,pos
somewhere between the food court and zips the mall in this filmbr br has an explosives store this is the only place the title characterbr br can purchase the bomb he plants in the mall in the dull finalebr br a fictional town has a new mall built on some land that wasbr br condemned cute girl i didnt catch her name gets a job as abr br waitress there she lost her boyfriend in a fire at the site where thebr br mall stands the villainous mall owner hires the arsonistbr br responsible for the fire as a security guard after his first securitybr br guard ends up dead rob estes eons before silk stalkings is abr br photogreporter trying to find a story he hooks up with cute girlbr br and their mutual funny friend pauly shore and try to find out if ericbr br is still alive he is living in the mall basement and travelingbr br through the air ducts and offing different people who upset hisbr br former girlfriend including the arsonist eventually he kidnaps herbr br and the finale involves the bomb and everyone running from thebr br scene before the big kablooey morgan fairchild is along for thebr br ride as the mayoryes shes the mayorbr br of course you probably did not need a plot sketch since the entirebr br story is in the title someone named eric is taking revenge againstbr br people as a phantom of a mall this also means there is nobr br suspense we know eric is behind this but we still have to seebr br estes and cute girl go through the motions of a silly investigationbr br watch as fairchild who we know has been in cahoots with thebr br mall owner all along pull a gun on our heroic duo in the middle ofbr br a crowded party yet no one says a word as she leads them to herbr br office and her eventual death the fictional town is huge yet nary abr br policeman is ever called everyone relies on mall security for orderbr br eric has been hiding since the mall was built but i am not surebr br where he seems to live in a basement area but you would thinkbr br some construction worker would have found him he also hasbr br furnished his love pad quite well and found a few outlets since hebr br has electricity it might be nicer than your own apartmentbr br pauly shore fans both of you take note he tricks a security guardbr br out of his booth by mooning the camera yes stop scanningbr br celebrity skin and playgirl this is where you get to see a grainybr br black and white shot of paulys south shore although no weezilbr br this is just junk and proof positive that i am down to renting justbr br about anything at the video store to stay in the horror section thisbr br film is not erics revenge it is the film makers revenge for mebr br being dumb enough to watch it here is my revenge i do notbr br recommend it thatll show embr br this is rated r for physical violence some gun violence gorebr br some profanity some female nudity brief male nudity and somebr br sexual content,neg
i run a group to stop comedian exploitation and i just spent the past months hearing horror stories from comedians who attempted to audition for last comic standing if they dont have a good agent then they dont even get a chance to audition so more than of the comedians who turn up are rejected before they can show anyone that they have talent if they do make it to an audition i was told that its predetermined if they get a second chance so what the tv audience sees is not the best comics in the usbr br if the comics do make it to the show then most of them dont get imdb credits i know this because i did the credits for all seasons of last comic standing and i dont get paid for doing the producers job its really a disgrace a month ago i asked last comic standing on facebook why the producers arent giving imdb credits and i was banned from their facebook page i am not a comedian so i do not have a personal stake in this i just want people to know the truth i dont like seeing anyone getting exploited and thats why ive been helping the comedians comedians get exploited on hbo bet tvone and other cable networks but nbc is a big three network so those in charge should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this exploitation to happenbr br please watch this video of a comedian who was victimized httpwwwyoutubecomwatchvrmbhyety,neg
i have to admit i dont remember much about the characters or the story though im not sure there was one i was soooo irritated by this movie that i had a bit of a hard time focusing on it how can you name a movie keys to tulsa and then film it in texas the flat desert country around arlington i think that was the location in no way resembles the green rolling hills around tulsa and a celebrity in tulsa would have a much nicer neighborhood to live in obviously no one in the movie has ever been to tulsa or else they would have realized how nothing in the movie even resembled it hadnt anyone at least seen rumblefish or the outsiders i know this sounds picky but i cant help it i watched this because i love james spader and i usually find eric stotz interesting but even these two intriguing actors could not liven up this meanderingand mean story of selfinvolved people who are not in tulsa im sorry it cant be more expensive to film in oklahoma what if to live and die in la had been shot in toronto would that suck well so does this,neg
this movie has a lot of comedy not dark and gordon liu shines in this one he displays his comical side and it was really weird seeing him get beat up his training is unorthodox and who wouldve thought knot tying could be so deadly lots of great stunts and choreography very creativebr br add johnny wang in the mix and youve got an awesome final showdown dont mess with manchu thugs theyre ruthless,pos
absence of a good plot absence of decent acting absence of good cinematography absence of decent looking special effectsneed i go on review may contain spoilers the actors appear to be reading their lines and not very well at that most of the actors were acting like they were in a second grade play the story appeared to have been written by one of the aforementioned second gradersits not really all that convolutedits just so simple and dumb that a person thinks they must be missing something so they think it is convoluted nope its not its exactly as simple as you think it is i understood the film thats how i know that it stunk most of the film just had people sitting around talkingreading their lines trying to look sinister the narrator was annoying the special effects were laughable i love low budget movies i also like carolyn munro tom savini jack scarry and michael berrymorejust not in this movieyou can tell they werent getting paid or werent getting paid much because neither their hearts nor their talents were in it i love tony toddhowever he was only adequate in this movie in fact tony todds performance is the only reason i gave it stars instead of and tony was only in it for a whole two minutes seriously i would suggest to fast forward the dvd to the two minute tony todd segment if i had gone to the theater and paid more than a dollar to see this film i would have been pod and demanded my money back hopefully the people who made this will do better next time,neg
the film did what it set out to do show how a young girl copes with poverty and grows into her maturity however for most of us this subject has been explored adequately and in most instances with more sophistication than done here the movie fixated on breasts which soon became boring and i lost interest if this was on tv i wouldve switched to the latest news on the starr report thats how boring i found this movie,neg
is this the future that awaits us an overpopulated unforgiving wasteland with a hellish unwanted existence this film brings to mind a problem that still plagues us doubly so since the film was released in back in lets hope that the world isnt going to end up like thisbr br soylent green is a wild movie that i enjoyed very much it had likable characters a semiapocalyptic setting a compelling and thoughtprovoking storyline and the machoest macho man out there charleton heston richard fleischer gave the movie a very unpleasant dirty feel youre almost choked by the stench from the city and its filthy inhabitantsbr br the characters are wonderful charleton heston who has become one of my favorite actors is thorn the man created this role of badass yet likable toughguy i could definitely put myself in thorns shoes he sees that something isnt right but everyone around him either doesnt listen more like paid not to listen or wants him dead edward g robinson in his last film rip plays the lovable old sol who has had enough of this nasty place everyone else is great especially leigh tayloryoung as shirl a piece of furniture that comes with the apartment in which she residesbr br the special effects are fantastic even for the soylent green factory the futuristic apartments and especially the scoops bulldozers that get rid of people were excellent the polluted air outside looks disgusting and very nasty the empty city streets filled with the vile and putrid people are very unsettlingbr br one final note is the ending which even now still shocked me it is gruesome but if you think about it its a pretty good ideabr br the bottom line br br an excellent s science fiction flick that makes you think and leaves you feeling very uneasy,pos
generally speaking the plot was much better than i was expecting the laugh track was a bit annoying at times and did tend to get in the way however there were enough real chuckles in this episode to make up for it my biggest surprise was finding some of the best lines and situations were not shown in the trailers spade in particular was not presented in the best light in the earlier promotions but his character comes across quite well in the pilot there is is enough eyecandy to please almost anyone and all the regular characters seem up to the task ahead of them now if the writers can just live up to what they have begun,pos
space camp which had the unfortunate luck to be planned around the time of the challenger accident deserves such luck the stars make a mockery of acting lea thomson actually being turned sideways when asked for more than her usual wideeyed innocent smile presumably to mask her risible attempts the movie is at times hilarious when it begins to ask far too much of you a small boy keeps a multimillion dollar robot in his closet which breaks when given too many commands by the hordes of cliched dormmates this hackneyed and unlovable machine jinx is a major player in the ridiculous premise of the movie which seems part short circuit part by the airplane team i shant bore you with this suffice it to say you can only laugh when faced with it having said all of this it is enjoyable to watch in a seaquest saved by the bell kind of way the romance and technology beware are as unbelievable as each other also if youre an eighties freak its unmissable for the amusing performances of kate capshaw willie from temple of doom and obviously lea thompson also joaquin phoenix puts in a dodgy turn as a sort of wannabe goonie who befriends jinx do not go near this movie if you are not a fan of trash,neg
even if you subscribe to the kneejerk antifreetrade politics of this movie it is still just the same tired note played again and again and again clink clink clink even if you can accept a preacher with peroxide hair who advocates a return to first principles the reverend billy is pretty hard to look at as a serious figure the clownish reverend is the sort who wakes every morning with no aspiration more ethereal than to see his own face on tv before he climbs back into bed that night he has a pretty wife i have to admit but it would take tons more than that to save this dreary mess of a movie the interminable bus rides are the worst partwith progress showncan you guessby a colored line moving across a map aww you guessed oh well it has the virtue of being short is that the only favorable thing i can say hmmmm yep afraid so,neg
i think its one of the greatest movies which are ever made and ive seen many the book is better but its still a very good movie,pos
i have read all of the love come softly books knowing full well that movies can not use all aspects of the bookbut generally they at least have the main point of the book i was highly disappointed in this movie the only thing that they have in this movie that is in the book is that missys father comes to visitalthough in the book both parents come that is all the story line was so twisted and far fetch and yes sad from the book that i just couldnt enjoy it even if i didnt read the book it was too sad i do know that pioneer life was roughbut the whole movie was a downer the rating is for having the same family orientation of the film that makes them great,neg
the director and two stars of laura were reteamed for this solid policier dana andrews is the son of a criminal who becomes a cop to cut all ties with the past but cannot keep his inherited violent ways in check while interrogating suspects and one night he goes too far gene tierney is the estranged wife of his victim a decorated war hero who has become involved with the towns leading racketeer and andrews no nemesis gary merrill who had himself been the protégé of andrews snr as usual with preminger this is a wellcrafted movie with a notable opening credits sequence and enlivened by a good cast that also includes karl malden as andrews incumbent superior tom tully as tierneys motormouth taxi driver dad and neville brand as merrills chief thug with notable support also coming from craig stevens as the slimy wifebeating victim bert freed as andrews sympathetic partner and robert f nolan as andrews stern outgoing superior having already been warned by the latter to mend his ways or else andrews panics and impersonates stevens for a couple of hours following his murder to put the police on the in this case wrong tracks of merrill however after tully becomes the prime suspect by which time andrews and tierney are romantically involved the cop goes by himself in merrills lair fully intending to get bumped off and frame the racketeer for his own murder clearly the protagonist is a complex character and andrews rises to the challenge with a firstrate characterization that is typically complemented by the inhouse fox noir style,pos
this is a brilliant documentary that follows the life of herge and his creating tintin its based around a series of interviews conducted in and covers every thing from his early life and nazi collaboration to the final moments of his lifebr br brilliantly edited very cinematic and fast paced enough to not get boring this film will give you a new appreciation for the work of hergebr br the film makers make the film more than just another documentary using the latest state of the art technology and for a change putting it to good usebr br recently more and more documentaries have been making it to cinemas but this one as to be amongst the best,pos
my grandmother bought me this film when i was ive always love scary movies and even then i enjoyed it the atmosphere is awesome and the story original and entertaining i especially love the scenes where the rv is under attack in the desert the rocks are actually convincing for such a lowbudget flick the acting is above average for these kinds of films and the music is eerie this is definitely an uderrated gem i recommend it to anyone who likes these strange films from the late seventies early eighties such as alice sweet alice poor pretty eddie nightmare hospital massacre and return of the aliens the deadly spawn definitely a classic,pos
renny harlins first american film was one of the best of a slew of prisonset horror filmslike death house or the chairin the late stwenty years beforeguard lane smith had wrongfully executed a condemned mannowhe is the warden of the newly reopened prisonand the mans ghost is back for bloody revengethis atmospheric and very moody film features lots of gruesome gore and violenceviggo mortensentiny listertom everett and kane hodder are onhand for the entertaining carnage,pos
in i visited the lake elsinore gliderport and flew a yellow pratt read sailplane returning to germany the above serious ran on tv and one segment was about the high altitude sailplane flights in california in the early ies the real life pilot was bill ivans i dont know who played him in the series it turned out that the sailplane in the film was the same same nnumber as the one i had flown at lake elsinore ever since i saw that segment i have been searching for it and have been wondering if it is somewhere available other segments in that serious were about the baker ejection seat an instrument to find avalanche victims etc,pos
everyone my name may sound weird but there was nothing else br br any way i havent seen anything like this before so it was crazy of course thats a good thing it is a humorously interesting movie and my absolute all time favourite thing is how they intertwine other things into one like chicken little the fish pretending to be king kong and runt the pig saying twas beauty who killed the beast war of the worlds scene and more walt disney company has not lost his touch maybe not for this one also how they made it like they were watching a movie and it was like a home cinema br br however some parts dont fit like in the original lion king werent timon and pumbaa with simba when he beat scar in this movie they are not they were fighting the hyenas backstage thers more the reason being why pumbaa isnt so confident is because he was pushed away by the other animals and also its just timon timon timon anybody realise that only timonns story was told whereas pumbaa only had flashbacksbr br but apart from that its great,pos
i too have gone thru very painful personal loss twice and this movie portrays the gut wrenching reality of that experience very well life out of balance nothing makes sense well meaning relatives etcbr br it was nice to see ally again she is one of my all time favorite movie actorsbr br i laughed and cried as the story unfolded great story and cast well done,pos
how to lose friends alienate people is in all honesty one of the best comedies ive seen this year along with pineapple express and step brothers its not one of those gross out comedies that heavily relies on fart jokes and toilet humor but instead moves at an affable pace and you will be easily attached to the unfolding narrative simon pegg nails it in the coffin with his hilarious portrayal of a fishoutofwater character and is quickly detaching himself from the tripod he once belonged to back in england the other two would be nick frost and edgar wright getting yourself in the top of the hollywood food chain is a hard thing to do as we can clearly see with pegg his first jab at the lead role was david schwimmers comedy run fatboy run but it received lukewarm reviews from critics and audiences alike his second try is this movie got fairly positive reviews from the majority but was a flop in the box office i for one still havent lost faith in him and ill still be there whenever he wants to take that third shot for glorybr br other characters were well cast from jeff bridges to danny huston and gillian anderson surprisingly kirsten dunst in my opinion fared well in this movie as the love angle to peggs character however the spark that i saw in interview with the vampire is still lost she needs to find it fast or she might suffer the consequences of being lost in the land of romcoms forever,pos
there are people claiming this is another bad language ultra violence mexican movie they are right but more than that this film is a call to create awareness of what we have become the awful truth hurts or bores when you already have accepted the paradigm of living the third world as the only possible goal one of the most important things of cero y van cuatro is the open invitation to profound reflexion over our current identity is that what we all are is that all that we want to be i am abroad and i realized how spoiled is the mexican society when the tlahuac incident came to light i still cannot understand viewers witnessing a mass broadcasted murder i nearly puked when i saw some of the images it was not irak or rwanda just a tiny village near mexico city when rampage was carried out with the indulgence of media and government the recreation of a similar situation in this film shocked me deeply the other stories were good portraying other situations of corruption dishonesty betrayal and violence but i consider tamales de chivo the best onebr br the movie is deeper than some cabrón and pendejo screams those are meaningless compared with the actions of the people with a few exceptions they are all perfect examples of human rubbish just like in real life honesty is becoming more the exception than the rule in our country moreover honesty is only rewarded miraculously,pos
for starters hobgoblins tries to ape the more successful gremlins thats bad enough but they dont even try to make anything that closely resembles a movie here instead its more like a bargain basement everythingmustgo clearance of embarrassing scenes inappropriate sound fx acting as bland as unflavored tapioca and a script that takes everything humans hold sacred in their motion pictures and throws em down the old tubearoobr br the plot grrrr meddling kids track down gremlinlike creatures from movie lot before they kill people by projecting their fantasies sound cool does it well see that wall on the other side of your room run right at it top speed face first see that is cooler than this moviebr br you dare to doubt quick name something else one of the leads has been in other than this what other scripts have the writers done since hobgoblins name another rick sloane directoral effort how many hobgoblins action figures do you have see thank youbr br i cannot believe i took so long to write about such a horrible film id rather write about more important things like the separation of church and state economic restructuring in europe that kind of thing but no hobgoblins it is and it is bad bad like your grandparents wallpaper bad as pink flamingos on your lawn bad like underwear that says home of the whopperand i think well stop therebr br well mike and the robots fight valiantly but try as they might they can do only so much with hobgoblins before they realize that yes the director does need kicked in the shinbr br real real hardbr br one star for hobgoblins seven stars for the mstk version,neg
is there anything worse than a comedy film that lacks humor the answer is yes one that fails to generate any interest throughout the picture the premise is not too bad a naive front man for an illegal business but this is a potboiler with a poor script and screenplay and just does not workbr br was this considered a good b in hard to imagine the only positive aspect of the picture is the cast which contains several wellknown faces from the s and s such as warren hymer vince barnett and robert armstrong i always dismiss richard cromwell as the weakling who got gary cooper killed in lives of a bengal lancer so i wasnt counting himbr br cant recommend this one and gave it a rating of if you have a choice get a root canal,neg
this is just a short comment but i stumbled onto this movie by chance and i loved it the acting is great the story is simple and touching and the lines especially from the yrold desi are so cute and sad seek it out,pos
so why does this show suck unfortunately that really is the only question because there is no doubt that it doesbr br for those unfamiliar with the premise of the show the doomedtobeshortlived series cavemen focuses on a number of neanderthals and their struggle to exist in modern day america and is based on the characters featured in a series of television ads for geico insurance the concept is solid and there is every reason to think it could be executed successfullybr br i had to think about it for awhile but then the tagline from the commercials something to the effect of were not that much different from you provided me with the key to the shows suckiness even though cavemenneanderthals are actually a different species than humanity the title characters of this show it turns out are exactly the same as those of us who are boring jerksbr br maybe its my background as a game writer rather than a soulless hack committeebased writer from california but this show had so much potential and none of it has been realized to start with the producers should have focused on the fun things that would make cavemen different from usbr br what could conceivably be funny for example about giving them occupations like perpetual grad student and furniture store clerk when they would have more compellingly been drawn to things like subterranean utility workers and guides at cave parks why would they play prosaic games like squash when a whole episode could be devoted to them trying get hunting licenses to go after game with spears a show like this could write itself and it takes some willfully bad writing to make it quite so crappy and boringbr br another tiresome aspect of this show is an attempt to portray the cavemen as being subjected to a number of stereotypes associated with various human minorities yawn this has been done so many times before and never more drearily than this and as noted previously neanderthals really are a different species so using them as a metaphor for racial stereotyping is both uncompelling and off the markbr br responses are welcome including those from anyone who wants to tell me why im wrong id like to enjoy this show and am just sorry that i have thus far been unable tobr br michael j varhola skirmisher online gaming magazine,neg
there has been a political documentary of recent vintage called why we fight which tries to examine the infamous military industrial complex and its grip on this nation it is considered both polemical and incisive in making its case against both that complex and the war fiasco we are currently involved in in iraq yet a far more famous series of films with the same name was made during world war two by hollywood director frank capra although considered documentaries and having won oscars in that category this series of seven films is really and truly mere agitprop more in the vein of leni reifenstals triumph of the will scenes of which capra recycles for his own purposes that said that fact does not mean it does not have vital information that subsequent generations of world war two documentaries such as the bbcs lauded the world at war lacked nor does that mean that its value as a primary source is any the less valuable they are skillfully made and after recently purchasing some used dvds at a discount store i found myself with the opportunity to select a free dvd with my purchase i chose goodtimes dvds four dvd collection of the seriesbr br rarely has something free been so worth invaluable while there are no extras on the dvds and the sound quality of the prints varies these films provide insight into the minds of americans two thirds of a century ago when racism was overt as in many of the classic warner brothers prowar cartoons of the era and there was nothing wrong with blatant distortion of facts the seven films produced between and are prelude to war the nazis strike divide and conquer the battle of britain the battle of russia the battle of china and war comes to americabr br overall the film series is well worth watching not only for the obvious reasons but for the subtle things it reveals such as the use of the plural for terms like x millions when referring to dollars rather than the modern singular or the most overused graphic in the whole series a japanese sword piercing the center of manchuria yet it also shows the complexities of trying to apply past standards to current wars the lesson of world war one avoid foreign entanglements was not applicable to world war two whose own lesson act early against dictatorships has not been applicable in the three major wars america has fought since korea vietnam nor iraq the fact that much of this series teeters on the uncertainties of the times it was made in only underscores its historic value in todays informationclogged times it may not help you sort out the truth from the lies and propaganda of today but at least youll realize you are not the first to be in such a tenuous position nor will you be the last,pos
this show has a great storyline its very believable a mans wife dies and he cant take care of his children alone so he calls on his brother in law his best friend and many others come later on in the show such as rebeecca donaldson the lovable yet strong dog comet nikki and alex who you can find out for yourself i dont want to spoil it for you and of coerce kimmy gibler the sidekick of dj but the kids are wonderful too this is mary kate and ashley first took off and also you may know candace cameron bure from shows like stelsewere punky brewster and thats so raven jodie sweetin plays steph the love able middle child who feels left out really this is a very good show,pos
serials were short subjects originally shown in theaters in conjunction with a feature film that were related to pulp magazine serialized fiction known as chapter plays they were extended motion pictures broken into a number of segments called chapters or episodes each chapter would be screened at the same theater for one week the serial would end with a cliffhanger as the hero and heroine would find themselves in the latest perilous situation from which there could be no escapebr br the audience would have to return the next week to find out how the hero and heroine would escape and battle the villain once again serials were especially popular with children and for many children in the first half of the th century a typical saturday at the movies included a chapter of at least one serial along with animated cartoons newsreels and two feature filmsbr br the golden age for serials was this was one of the best of the erabr br zorro has been seen in many films but reed hadley racket squad the undying brain was excellent in the rolebr br the action is constant and we are led chapter by chapter to the ultimate end where we find out the identity of the evildoerbr br zorro triumphs as he always does,pos
i saw this bomb when it hit theaters i laughed the whole time why because the stupidity of it seemed to have made me go insane i look back on it and realize there was not one funny thing in the whole movie at leat nothing intentional it is awfully funny that lizzie cn chew a piece of nurplex and become a gigantic carnivorous demonyet her ittybitty little dress is perfectly intact despite the fact that she is now hundreds of times larger than she was when she first put it on or the kind of movie in which a man can be shocked with a defibulator and only fall unconcious and return to conciousness without any medical attention and dont let me get started on the ridiculous fate of the villain that they decided they needed to create conflict uh huhbr br to the person complaining about disney only targetting kidsthe raunchy parts of this film seems to disprove that statement do we really need daryl hannah accusing jeff bridges of having kinky video tapes you do if youre disney and youre out of ideas for making the movie appeal to the above crowd without writing a more intelligent script i am thoroughly convinced that disney pays off the ratings board so its movies can get away with murder and still get familyfriendly ratingsbr br what a waste of the dvd format,neg
the opening credits make for a brilliant atmospheric piece of escapist entertainment thats full of little nods to the comic strip all the good guys are good all the bad guys are bad and the film is jampacked with familiar character actors covered in gruesom makeup to hilite their characteristicsbr br warren beatty as dick tracy is the ultimate tough guy straight man incorruptable calm usually always a better fighter than the other guy and rarely one to push the limit on legality al pacino as big boy caprice steals every scene hes in as a hunchbacked gangster in some unnamed metropolis of s gangsters maddonna plays the kind of person shed probably play best breathless mahoney a nightclub singer and femme fatale with her own little agenda going gleanne headly is tracys toughtalking fiercely independent longtime girlfrined and then theres the kid a funny little street urchin tracy takes in who models himself after his surrogate father and saves tracy when the detective has accepted his fate of being blown upbr br the supporting players are a whos who of character actors charles durning is the chief of police dick van dyke is the district attorney whos bribed by big boys goons to keep him on the streets dustin hoffman has a humorous turn as mumbles the snitch whose dialect is so indecipherable the cops cant make head nor tail of what he has to say rg armstrong is pruneface one of the rival gangsters big boy forms a special allegiance to in order to create a network of crime spreading throughout the whole city mandy patinkin is keys the piano player for breathlesss show paul sorvino plays lips manlis breathlesss former benefactor until big boy gives him the bath james caan wears relatively little makeup in his performance as the only gangster who wont go along with big boys grand plan william forsythe and ed oross are big boys enforcers flattop and itchybr br this movie retains all of the corn of the comic strip plus it is full of vibrant colors almost all the suits are elaborate in blues and greens and yellows and reds all the colors of the rainbow are found in this movieand then some the matte paintings that are used truly realize this world as twodimensional only acted in threedimensional sets the humor is plentiful al pacino fills the shoes of his character like no other character hes played before or since big boy is kind of crazy and kind of selfpitying hes an eccentric little man who takes pride in quoting our founding fathers and likening himself to great political leaders the man with the plan always looking for the smartest way to do business,pos
paint by numbers story and mediocre acting saved by some authentic color and a few moments that are really wonderful and deeply felt it does effectively capture the delicate transition of a girl into adulthood and deals very sensitively and inventively with the cultural conflict the main family experiencesbr br unfortunately this germ of a good movie is imprisoned in an aimless and extremely convoluted plot that manages to incorporate religious strife a conflict over a road construction project the sex life of secondary and even tertiary characters a mysterious man who lives in the woods a bunch of racist hooligans at least three different carnivals the intricacies of local church politics and on and on and on and all of that doesnt even include the actual central plot which is only about the hopes dreams and frustrations of two girls and their entire families at the turning point of their lives i was actually shocked when i realized the whole thing was supposed to take place over the course of one summer and that so much movie got accomplished in hours br br ultimately the movie is melodramatic every plot point is predictable major life altering events happen and then are forgotten about minutes laterand some of those events are extremely distasteful most shockingly the fact that one of the characters is involved in a horrible crime in a totally predictable twist and then is completely forgiven and the entire incident forgotten about from then on similarly a secondary character is introduced solely to die a couple minutes later and provide another twist its all totally mechanical right up to the ending that neatly ties up all the loose ends well not all of them just the ones the movie thinks you care about,neg
i have seen this movie and even though i kind of knew who the killer was from the beginning i still liked watching it i would recommend it to other people it comes on lifetime movie network quite a lot and i am thinking since its close to halloween they might play it more so please be on the look out for it if you are interested in watching it i believe that alicia silverstone played her part very well i really like her as an actress and person she seems so nice and down to earth kevin dillon hes performance was so so for me i am not trying to knock him or anything but i believe that his brother matt would have been able to pull this bad evil serial killer persona better kevin just seems too sweet for me but i think he did okay,pos
given the nature and origin of the filmakers it is not surprising that this film is at best neutral in its stance towards america probably the most anti segment comes from ken loach who is definitely not towing the british new labour party line although those events of a year ago are shocking and painful to most americans and most spectators who saw them unfold live through cnn etc the majority of the writers and directors choose to show that tragedy is not an american monopoly should anybody be surprised that these deaths are given the same weight elsewhere as the west gives to thousands tutsi tamil bosnian chilean kurdish need we go on victims if this was a wakeup call for the states then it is equally tragic that in the subsequent months the israelpalestine impasse is further from a solution while george bush jnr would rather wreak revenge than make the world a safer place i think many of the contributors wonder where the idealism of the founding fathers went and why america orignally built as a bastion of freedom justice and tolerance now sees its selfinterest paramount while the third world wonders where the next drink meal or bullet is coming from,pos
troubled mens magazine photographer adrien wilde well played with considerable intensity by michael callan has horrific nightmares in which he brutally murders his models when the lovely ladies start turning up dead for real adrien worries that he might be the killer writerdirector william byron hillman relates the engrossing story at a steady pace builds a reasonable amount of tension delivers a few gruesomely effective moments of savage misogynistic violence one woman who has a plastic garbage bag with a rattlesnake in it placed over her head rates as the definite squirminducing highlight puts a refreshing emphasis on the nicely drawn and engaging truetolife characters further grounds everything in a plausible everyday world and tops things off with a nice smattering of tasty female nudity the fine acting from an excellent cast helps matters a whole lot joanna pettet as sunny charming love interest mindy jordache james stacy as adriens macho double amputee brother bj seymour cassel as adriens concerned psychiatrist dr frank curtis don potter as adriens feisty gay assistant louis pamela hensley as gutsy homicide detective sergeant fountain cleavon little as a hardnosed police chief and misty rowe as sweet bubbly model bambi r michael stringers polished cinematography makes impressive occasional use of breathtaking panoramic aerial shots jack gogas ominous rattling score likewise does the trick popping up in cool bit parts are robert tessier as a gruff bartender sally kirkland as a saucy hooker kathy shower as a fierce female wrestler bj grapples with in the ring and frances bay in one of her standard old woman roles a solid and enjoyable picture,pos
well the movie isnt exactly funnybr br okay i admit there are a few humorous lines but definitely nothing that is laughoutloud funny for example right before a steamy sex scene between eleniak and one of her male costars sh is handcuffed to the bedpost and he cannot remove her shirt before leaving the room to retrieve the key he tells her okay dont go anywherebr br see humorous but not funnybr br the plot and acting are pretty goodbr br but erika eleniak definitely steals the show shes hot and sexy and there is a really steamy scene with her that one cant help but rewind and rewatchbr br there are also some other very sexy scenes with her and she has some very provocative linesbr br overall stars id only give it three if not for erika eleniak,pos
this movie was beautiful it was full of memorable imagery good acting and touching subject matter it would be very easy to write it off as being too sentimental but that is the sentiments this type of a movie is trying to achieve i was totally involved in the storys unfolding and presentation there were a few cheesy shots but such is to be expected in a religious propaganda film the only complaint i can conjure is there wasnt a ton of details however this movie wasnt created to explain every element of joseph smiths life ministry triumphs controversies failures etc it was designed for a quick glimpse at a few highlights of one of the most amazing american and historical religious figures of all time,pos
lordi was a major hype and revelation in because they won the eurovision song contest with a notsoheavy metal song called hard rock hallelujah and appeared on stage dressed like hideous monsters but lets face it their victory most likely had very little to do with their great musical talents the eurovision contest gradually turned into one big political circus over the years and lordi probably just won because their song finally brought a little change and – even more importantly because their whole act sort of ingeniously spoofed the whole annual event the absolute last thing lordis first and hopefully last horror film brings is change and ingenuity dark floors based on an idea of the lead singer and starring the rest of the band in supportive roles is a truly unimaginative and hopeless accumulation of clichés the immense budget dark floors supposedly is the most expensive finnish film ever definitely assures greatly macabre set pieces and impressive makeup art but whats the point where theres no story that is worth telling the film takes is set in a busy hospital where a bunch of people among them a father and his young daughter with an unidentifiable illness become trapped in the elevator during a power breakdown when the doors open again the floors are empty and it looks as if the hospital lies abandoned since many years already trying to reach the exit the group stumbles upon several morbid and inexplicable obstacles like eyeless corpses screaming ghosts and heavy metal monsters emerging from the floors the only three points im handing out to dark floors are exclusively intended for the scenery and the adequate tension building during the first half of the film for as long as the sinister events dont require an explanation the atmosphere is quite creepy but as soon as you realize the explanation will a be very stupid or b never come the wholesome just collapses like an unstable house of cards lordis costumes never really were scary to begin with except maybe to traditional eurovision fans and in combination with a story more reminiscent to asian ghosthorror they just look downright pathetic and misfit with all the national myths and truly unique exterior filming locations i personally always presumed finland – the land of a thousand lakes – would be the ideal breeding ground for potentially horrific horror tales but i guess thats another disillusion on my account,neg
one of the best ensemble acted films ive ever seen there isnt much to the plot but the acting incredible you see the characters change ever so subtly undr the influence of the rented villa in italy and love and happiness the film casts a mesmerizing spell on you much as the villa does on all the women truly enchanted,pos
this is a very good underrated actiondramaand slightly historical moviebr br the basic story concerns rob roys borrowing of pounds its theft and the problems it causes for his family and indirectly his clansmenbr br cunningham tim roth is an amazing villain and character in this story brutally cold and if you watch his face he seems to be able to turn his eyes off and look completely evilbr br rob roy liam neeson is excellent too but i think the writers used the word honour too many timesbr br the rest of the cast is strong and the whole movie is very well acted and filmedbr br the action is exciting and the sword play very realistic but not too gory the story is good and you really want rob to winbr br all in all just shy of a classic,pos
i can just about understand why some people might wish to stress this films link with the eighties but i really wouldnt say its an accurate depiction of most peoples lives in that era even on the poorest bradford estates it is however typical of the blunt agitprop rubbish the dear old royal court theatre was churning out at that time plenty of righton artistry for small small audiences but enough wellconnected backslapping to ensure future commissions for turgid playrights ithe simple fact is that if you want to reflect upon truer common experience youll find millions more nodding in knowing agreement to love and live as depicted in gregorys girl br br i would be tempted to call this a kitchen sink drama but that would be doing a great disservice to the plumbing industry however as far as having a decent script is concerned this film is indeed all washed up for some reason it has accrued an odd following amongst guardian reading filmgoers i can only assume they get a visual frisson out of pretending to slum it steer clear my friends it is a poor film with a poor script that likes to think it is breaking boundaries by adding humorous insights into grim life on the estates it isntbut it is grim do the washing up instead,neg
i saw this film on tv many years ago and i saw this film when i got this on tape i thought that this was reasonably well done it was not the best of all movies but it was good enough the movie has enough talent to inspire many people especially younger kids the acting was good with danny glover leading the cast the plot line was not very believable but the script was well written this movie can also be the interest of avid baseball fans it does not directly apply to a actionpacked sports movie it directly applies to a nice film that you can watch with your family and learn some messages that are hidden in this film overall the film was good but not great i give this a movie a ,pos
second movie in the boxset originally titled bloodsuckers this movie was pretty average it is kinda boring in some parts but there is some good gore effects but theyre not great though br br the movie takes place in the year vampires have pretty much taken over the whole world the vsan vampire sanitation squad which also has their own spaceship and is lead by churchill who is captured by the vampires receives a message from an earth and the team formed by quintana played by the very hot natassia malthe the rookie officer damian and the rebels rosa and roman roman being played by aaron pearl from wrongfully accused vsan later meets up with the leader of the vampires muco played by michael ironside from total recall he has no plans of living peacefully with humans as he is bent on world domination br br while this movie was not a waste of time i doubt ill be putting back in the dvd player anytime soon,neg
there are few films that leave me with the feeling that gregor jordans ned kelly film did initially i had heard only half hearted recommendations and decided to see it for myself since then i have acquired both the video and soundtrack and have to say that after several viewings i am still very impressed with the underlying character of this film it is also wonderful to see something australian i appreciate its down to earth quality that if you ask me is a rarity as well as the absence of tackiness that takes away from so many films this film proves that you dont necessarily require fancy costumes and a glamorous set that absorbs how many millions of dollars to make a point the cast was a bonus including a variety of well known and might i add good looking people who did well to slip into the role of such unique characters it is interesting to note that much of the criticism regarding this film has been about who played what and how they only said so many lines however if any criticism is due it should constructively focus on the fact that a number of basic elements of the original events were excluded in reality these functioned to made it the hallmark that it is in australian history for example on a closer examination it can be discovered that there was much much more to the relationship between joe byrne and aaron sheritt and that this was in fact responsible for many more of the final outcomes for the gang than were explored in the film also overlooked was the fact that it was not only aaron sheritts efforts alone that provided the victorian police with their insights into the unfolding mystery yes this is their interpretation of the story and it is understandable that true stories require sensationalism and at times the modification of the original plot to grab the viewers attention i feel that in this case this is the only limitation however i can accept that perhaps historical accuracy is only of significance to those who have a particular interest in the realistic events behind a situation it certainly inspired me to look more closely so watch it and decide for yourself you might not like it at all thats your opinion and thats fine maybe it is a film that appeals largely to an australian audience for me id call it a breath of fresh air,pos
this movie is probably for you it had an overall meditative quality from the music to the beautiful photography and listening to the often cliché things about life that andy goldsworthy would say as he worked or in between shots if youre familiar with buddhism that is the sort of the sense i got out of this film the impermanence of life the beauty of nature the interconnectedness of all things etc however what i did not understand confused and ultimately forced me to leave without finishing i saw over an hour of it was the redundancy of the whole thing you only find out bits and pieces of why hes commissioned and how he can even afford to live off of this kind of work the art work comes alive but all his talking with no conclusions leads to dead ends,pos
stars for kay francis shes wonderful and she didnt deserve this horrible tripe that warner bros threw her way br br the twopronged premise that this movie is based on is ridiculous and unbelievable in the extreme kay is a smalltown wife and mother who yearns for something bigger she wants to be an actress when a bigshot actor comes to town and invites kay to his hotel to talk about possibilities kay tells her husband shes going to the movies the hubbys biddy of a mother puts a bug in hubbys ear that kays not being truthful and he sets out looking for her he finds her w the actor in the hotel they are only talking and he slugs the guy who falls over a railing lands facefirst in a pond lake and dies now heres the two unbelievable premises upon which the rest of the movie is based br br the judge tells the jury that if its determined that the man died before his head went into the water that they must find the hubby guilty of first degree murder whaaaaa i think slugging a guy in a fit of rage would count for manslaughter or murder at the most not first degree murder give me a break but the plot required him being found guilty of murder so that he could be sent to prison for life whatever br br the hubbys lawyer after the conviction and sentencing tells kay that its all her fault his reasoning is that if she hadnt gone over to the actors room then her husband wouldnt have had to go after her and slug the guy and kill him he tells her that shes the guilty one not her husband and she nods and agrees what the hell the rest of the movie is all about kay trying to achieve fame and money in order to get her husband released from prison and right the wrong she committed by causing him to kill the actor dude in the first placebr br i cant even go on with this review the movie was just all too painful four years earlier in the precode days youd never have caught kay playing such a wimp in true kay francis fashion though she did do her best to make us believe that this woman was a believable character i give her much credit for trying to breathe some life and credibility to this thankless role this character was a far cry from precode kay roles and reallife spitfire kay francisbr br steer way clear of this one there are much better kay francis vehicles out there from personal experience i can highly recommend mary stevens md and jewel robbery also good are dr monica and one way passage im sure theres other great kay flicks as well but im only mentioning the ones ive seen and can recommend,neg
johnnie tos election has some cool music on the opening credits—and a nice opening credits design too a kaleidoscope of chinese characters and those asian mobsters solemnly taking an oath or uttering some sacred stuff as a matter of fact the whole flick is nicely scored i have found about to from bishop seraphim sigrist and was quite eager to see a to movie the one with which i began election is exciting and interesting and only moderately violent by nowadays standards—moderately and also essentially violent the story of an asian godfathers scheming it uses a puzzle play of elements violent facts from the mobsters lives the race for the scepter true details and as with coppola we are expected to believe that some of the morally glamorized mobsters are entitled and nice and likable the performances are reasonably amusing and colorfulbr br election is well made in the enjoyable somewhat careless style of the hong kong fare the ending is bitter true straight and will scare the kids,pos
in this movie joe pesci slams dunks a basketball joe pescibr br and being consistent the rest of the script is equally not believablebr br pesci is a funny guy which saves this film from sinking int the absolute back of the cellar but the other roles were pretty bad the father was a greedy businessman who valued money more than people which wasnt even wellplayed instead of the man being an archetypal villain he seemed more like an amoral android programmed to make money at all costs then theres the token piece that is assigned to pesci as a girlfriend or somethingi dont even remembershe was that forgettablebr br anyone who rates this movie above a or is a paid member of some sort of film studio trying to up the reputation of this sunken film or at least one of those millions of media minions who cant critique efficiently you know the people who feel bad if they give anything a mark below br br stay awayfar away and shame on comedy central where i saw this film they usually pick better,neg
lets just say i had to suspend my disbelief less for spiderman than i did for hooligans that is to say i have less of a problem believing toby mcguire can stick to buildings than i do elija wood throwing down with toughs in manchester i wont get into specifics as i dont want to write a spoiler but the idea of grown professional british men getting into near death scraps every weekend is well funny and this film is not the fighting the idea of fighting is taken far too seriously the gravity of the pugilism the reverence with which the subject matter is treated becomes irritating as it neither establishes or resolves the conflict it seems as though the plot with holes big enough to drive a guiness truck through has been slapped together with a contrived fish out of water theme so that viewers can gaze into woods teary eyes as he learns how to become a man ie hitting other young men of opposing football tastes with blunt objects and then running away as fast as he can the characters are cartoonish especially the americans at harvard the character development and story line are telegraphed to the viewer throughout the picture unfortunately the absurdity of the film doesnt reach its height until nearly the end which by then youll have spent nearly two hours of your life you are never getting back pick up the football factory or fight club instead of this corny and disappointing dud it doesnt waste time with empty melodrama the tired old yankee in king aurthurs court or weepy parables of coming of age bullsht theyre just pure dark and clever fun the way violence is supposed to be,neg
this is a fair little show about the paranormal although it feels as if art bell and his ilk figured out how to carve a career out of the attitude that carl kolchak exemplified of course there probably wouldnt be an xfiles if this show hadnt prepped this audience for it so well darren mcgavin is not exactly the superheroic type but he is a plausibleenough guy to deliver heroic deeds check out his work on some of those old alfred hitchcock presents here he is the main attraction there doesnt seem to be a girlfriend or wife whos a distraction in fact there isnt a whole lot of sex appeal to the show something im noticing as well is that the pacing isnt really suspenseful in a typical way theres a lot of throwaway humor to this show sometimes its just pokey to get to the climax theres a thread from this show coming all the way up to the present mad men show in terms of style not that david chase writes mad men but the people that worked under him on the sopranos definitely have emulated and inherited his seriocomic tone,neg
oh the sixties there were some interesting films i was more of a movie goer then i now enjoy renting movies and relaxing in my home rather than going to the theater i also saw this short film the legend of the boy and the eagle i have been searching for this film for years it was truly inspiring surprisingly i was finally able to gather more information from your site thank you im surprised to find out that this short film was an opening for a disney picture i too did not remember the disney film i did not even remember that it was an opening film for disney i truly wish they would show this on tv sometime i wonder if disey holds the rights to this film is it available on dvd this is a must see for all generations,pos
i watched this movie last night and was a bit disappointed a lot of the time facts were off at the beginning of the movie the grandfather made a comment to this grandson and his friends about how they felt when hit this movie was supposed to be taking place in also one of the grandsons friends was wearing an eagles donovan mcnabb jersey he hadnt even been drafted as of yet the story line was good but the facts and actuality of the time frame was so far off base that it made the movie seem cheesy my boyfriend is an avid reader of wwii books and memorabilia i rented this movie hoping that it would be good the acting was soso the dog was cute but the way that this movie was carried out made me glad that i only paid dollars to rent it as opposed to the it would have taken me to watch it in a theater i hope that who ever reads this understands that i mean no discontent to those who fought the war but the facts and time frame should have been a little more closely monitored,neg
i saw this film over the weekend and while i was impressed as always with the beauty and polish of churchproduced films i left disappointed that this one fell so short failing to inform members and leaving investigators with many unanswered questionsbr br the film is minutes of vignettes from the life of joseph smith its not a true biopic because theres no real coherent narrative most of the episodes concern joseph doing good deeds playing baseball running races and laughing with children often in sloooow motion what a great just folks kind of guy that joseph was huh look at him out there beating rugs for his wife emma well howzbout the rugs of his plural wives no mention whatsoever is made of polygamy a glaring omissionbr br and it is in such omissions where the film falters it supplies too little information and leaves critical thinking audience members wondering why is joseph getting tarred and feathered why is he getting thrown in jail and why does that mob want to kill him the films climax is of course joseph and hyrums trek to carthage jail riding past a veritable united nations of faces looking out from nauvoos doorways but no mention is ever made about why nothing about smith suppressing the nauvoo expositor newspaper and ordering its press destroyed for its revealing the secret teaching of polygamy the audience is left to wonder or to assume its just more baseless persecution of the church no mention of joseph being charged with treason for declaring martial law and calling out the nauvoo militiabr br of course i certainly did not expect this churchproduced film to present the joseph of richard bushmans recent biography rough stone rolling but i was surprised and taken aback at just how little of substance was actually presentedbr br and worse what substance that was presented was often inaccurate two examples jumped out at me first the translation of the book of mormon the film shows joseph reading right off the golden plates in their tworing binder which plates in reality were hidden far from the site its well known that joseph did his translating by burying his face in his hat peering at the seer stone in there the second inaccuracy occurs at carthage jail where the mob storms the cell the history of the church reports that joseph had a sixshooter and even fired off a few rounds before jumping out the window and giving the masonic signal of distress as reported in times seasonsbr br maybe showing the reality of the gunfight would have shattered the hearttugging mood the filmmakers had created but by omitting it they were unfaithful to history and failed to show joseph as he really was handy with a gun and able to defend himself in fact the impression the film gives is that joseph was a nice guy but also something of a milquetoast that everybody beat up tossed in jail and eventually murdered in cold blood he was far from that joseph was a disciplined and determined man who endured a lot of hardship and struggle to bring to fruition that in which he believedbr br see the film but know going in thats its cotton candy then get your meat and potatoes by reading a copy of bushmans biography of smith rough stone rolling br br ps churchproduced films have no credits but seasoned eyes can pick out a couple familiar faces rick macy is excellent as joseph smith sr and bruce newbold beloved as thomas in finding faith in christ here plays the cranky methodist minister who failed to show christian love to a young seeker after truth,neg
this a rip roaring western and i have watched it many times and it entertains on every levelhowever if your after the true facts about such legends as hickcockcody and calamity jane then look elsewhere as john ford suggested this is the west when the truth becomes legend print the legendthe story moves with a cracking pace and there is some great dialogue between gary cooper and jean arthur two very watchable stars who help to make this moviethe sharp eyed amongst you might just spot gabby hayes as an indian scout also there is a very young anthony quinn making his debut as cayenne warrior he actually married one of demilles daughters in real lifeindeed its quinns character who informs cooper of the massacre of custer told in flash back the finale is well done and when the credits roll it fuses the american west with american historyso please take time out to watch this classic western,pos
okay this show is nothing but awesome it has a great story line and plot and great actors and actresses jeremy sumpter is so hott and he is perfect for the role he is gunna be big in hollywood he has a bright future ahead this show better last a long time because i really love this show and i hope that it has a lot of success it is so interesting i have been waiting for it to come out for about or months and its finally here and its great i tape it too i can watch it whenever i want now too bad its only on once a week though i wish it was on at least twice a week because now i wish that it was tuesday every day hope you all like this showbr br ashley,pos
i just dont understand why this movie is getting beatup in here jeez it is mindless it isnt polished and it is as i am reading wasted on some the cast of this movie plays their characters to the t if you watched permanent midnight and became a ben stiller fan then yes you will be disappointed these are misunderstood wellintentioned misfits trying to save the cityworld with nothing but grit and determination the problem is they dont realize their limits until the big showdown and thats the point this is times the movie that the spy who shagged me was yet gets panned by the same demographic group likely the same people who feel the first ap movie pales in comparison to the sequel i just dont get it the jokes work on more then one level if you didnt get it i know what level youre at,pos
this is the movie for those who believe cinema is the seventh art not an entertainment business lars von trier creates a noir atmosphere of postwar germany utterly captivating you get absorbed into the dream and youre let go only at the end credits the plot necessarily comes second but it still is a thrilling story with tough issues being raised just wonderful,pos
i remember watching this film back in when it first came out what an awful film the acting was atrocious the plot was so flimsy it would or is that should have blew away in a breath of wind i think it put me to sleep on more than one occasion i was not tired that i remember please avoid at all costs better still have all your teeth taken out with no anaesthetic cos that would be more entertaining its just a pity i couldnt give it a zero or a negative score i wish i had not wasted my money getting this one from the video shop all i can say was that the tape it was on was still brand new practically hardly surprising as the film was so poor if i remember right i sat watched it with a girl i really wanted to go out with the fact she was sat next to me was still not enough to keep me awake thats how bad this film was,neg
one of the five worst movies i have ever watched and im not exaggerating in fact i recommend watching it so you can get the same feeling of incredulity as you might by watching showgirlsbr br out of votes the movie gets a user rating of but there is a disproportionate number of voters who gave it a probably due to the message of the movie nuclear weapons are the bane of mankind chuck murdock is an allstar little league pitcher who gives up baseball because there are nuclear weapons soon amazing grace smith is an allstar boston celtic who is inspired by chucks story and gives up basketball soon all sports leagues from the professional level to college to high school to little league dismantle in a worldwide protest later all the children of the world go on a silence strike this inspires the president of the united states to meet with the soviet premier who in time agree to eliminate all nuclear weapons in time for the start of the next little league season the movie ends with chuck about to throw out the first pitch with the president telling his new best friend chuck not to worry about striking out every batter as he hasnt thrown a baseball in a yearbr br somewhere along the line a nefarious underworld boss kills amazing grace when the president finds out he is told that the fbi can verify the killer but will never be able to prove it so the president calls the underworld boss but its one am i dont care get him on the line and tell him that he is to resign from all company boards that he sits on and sell all stocks that he has and to not get out of line againbr br honestly this movie was so crappy that i couldnt turn it off it was on television from am to am and i watched it all i wasnt turned off by the antinuclear weapons propaganda i was turned off by the implausible break down of all organized sports i dont even understand why amazing grace smith was killed and with all these famous athletes becoming chucks friends why the father was constantly upset with his son taking a principled stand and there was the cliché moment near the end when dad tells chuck i never told you this but im proud of you cue hug,neg
oh my god the idea that this movie is a thriller is an absolute joke to me besides the point that it seems to be written by a year old the plot the acting and even the props and filming of this movie were all beyond disgracebr br i am not usually this critical about any movie cause every person has hisher style but this movie however was probably the worst movie i have seen in i can honestly believe that this movie is unknown and i think it should stay like this for movies like these are making the thriller genre a jokebr br i advise anyone that is a fan of thriller movies or even simply movies to stay far away from this one,neg
pecker is another mainstream film by john waters done on a smaller than serial mom the title character of pecker has a hobby of taking pictures of anything he sees it doesnt matter if its dirty or shocking when he takes pictures he soon uses the pictures he taken and puts them on display at his work pecker live in a seminormal middleclass family his dad works at a drinking bar with a claw machine but doesnt make enough money with a lesbian stripper bar across the street his mom runs a thrift shop and loves to dressup poor people his older sister tina works at a gay bar where her specialty is trade his younger little chrissy has a habit of eating sugar sugar and nothing but sugary food his grandmother memama has a small statue of the virgin mary and plays ventriloquist with it he also has friends on of his friends matt is a chronic shoplifter and his girlfriend shelley runs a laundry mat as if she was a dictator soon a tourist from new york buys his pictures and displays them at an art gallery with the picture comes fame but the pictures expose the unusual life style of his friends and familys simple life for an rrated film pecker is sure tamer than most of waters previous rrated films and even pink flamingos another out of ,pos
clark gable plays a con man who busts into the life of hardboiled dame jean harlow he tries to sucker her while she brushes him off with her toughgal attitude despite their cynicism and cons they fall in love when gable accidentally kills a man during a sting he runs out leaving loyal harlow to womens prison where she discovers shes pregnant anita loos and howard emmett rogers writing is excellent throughout with many welldrawn and surprising characters including a jewish socialist woman inmate and a black woman inmate and her preacher father played with hardly a trace of stereotype gable and harlow show their mettle as actors adding telling nuances and quirks to their characters that send them beyond the typical gable and harlow roles and the direction is much better than youd expect from sam wood one beautiful shot has harlow being inducted into the prison then led out into a surprisingly snowy courtyard as the camera tracks after her this is one of the best of both the criminals in love and womens prison genres and has some of the best hardboiled dialogue ever written,pos
bashki should be congratulated for attempting to convert one of the great works of english fiction into a movie and then slapped silly for this attempt the animation was poor the characters looked ridiculous the music was overwhelmingly blaring and the film was a ramshackle blitz through the first book and a half of tolkiens masterpiece i can still remember my sheer disappointment and loathing for the movie when i first saw it now i realize that any attempt to convert a book into a movie is bound to fail in many ways simply because of the medium but this movie regardless of the source of the story is just plain pathetic bashki is capable of much more,neg
what a stunning episode for this fine series this is television excellence at its best the story takes place in and its beautifully filmed in black white almost a film noir style with its deep shadows and stark images this is a story about two men who fall in love but i dont want to spoil this it is a rare presentation of what homosexuals faced in the s in america written by the superb tom pettit and directed by the great jeannot szwarc we move through their lives their love for each other and their tragedy taking on such a sensitive issue makes this episode all the more stunning our emotions are as torn and on edge as the characters chills ran up my spine at the end when they played bob dylans gorgeous ah but i was so much older then im younger than that now as sung by the byrds this one goes far past a and all the way to the stars beautiful,pos
saying this movie is extremely hard to follow and just as frustrating to sit through is putting it very mildly also saying that the current available print is dark dreary scratchy abysmally edited painfully dubbed seemingly censored and in almost unwatchable shape is also correct this film is in dire need of a good remastering from the full uncut original negative and seeing how its reasonably atmospheric and won the director an award at the catalonia film festival it might actually be worth the trouble then again maybe not its just impossible to tell in its current condition what kind of movie it actually is it starts fairly interesting if you can discount the completely senseless precredits opening sequence which involves a deranged catkilling snakeloving little girl named gerda the girls mom carla mónica randall who should have laid off the eyeliner a little bit splashes some gasoline around in the garage and torches the brat seemingly about as crazy as young gerda she goes to visit her estranged photographer ex boyfriend mario johncihangir caffari hes on vacation from work but so desperate to get away from carla that he begs his employers to set him up on an assignment any assignment she scowls youll be sorry as he heads out the door well mario is assigned to photograph witches mountain somewhere in the pyrenees i believe before he gets to his destination he gets sight of a hottie on the beach named delia patty shepard and snaps a few pictures of her taking off her bikini top only slightly peeved she claims to be a single writer the two flirt and then decide it would be a swell idea if they went on the trip up the mountain together when they stop by her place so she can pack her bags mario suddenly hears loud sinister music delia claims hes just hearing thingsbr br so the two begin their trip up the mountain taking a stop at a local inn to spend the night there they encounter a weird partiallydeaf crazyeyed innkeeper victor israel and delia claims someone was spying on here through her window the next day under some trance she wanders off up the mountain and is eventually located by mario who hops out of his jeep and runs after her while hes finding out whats up someone steals their wheels and theyre forced to walk a piece eventually finding the jeep undamaged at the foot of a small ancient seeming abandoned village almost like someone was trying to intentionally lure them there well as we will see thats exactly what has happened in the village they encounter a friendly old woman named zanta ana farra who claims shes the only person still living there and lets them stay in her home mario takes some pictures of the abandoned city and when he develops them they are eerily full of people slightly creeped out he and delia begin to leave and get stuck in treacherous fog and have to pull over and camp out for the night the rest of the movie has to do with voodoo dolls black cats transforming into sexy women satanic rituals performed by ladies in their bras and a deadly fall off a cliff and yeah coincidentally carla the estranged wife turns out to be one of the witches too it all takes place in semidarkness and to be quite honest i didnt know what the hell was going on most of the time the inconclusive open ending is just an additional slap in the face to anyone having to suffer through the rest of this senseless messbr br honestly there are just a few things that stand out to me as being really good the first is actress shepard who has that great barbara steele kind of dark mysterious beauty theres also an excellent music score credited to fernando garcia morcillo and chanting songs which aided immensely in making this film as atmospheric as it is the location work is fairly decent but as i said the print is ugly as can be and it doesnt make a lick of sense so proceed with caution on this one,neg
before stan laurel became the smaller half of the alltime greatest comedy team he laboured under contract to broncho billy anderson in a series of cheapies many of which were parodies of major hollywood features following a dispute with anderson laurel continued the informal series of parodies at joe rocks smaller and more indigent production companybr br most of laurels parody films were only mildly funny at the time and even less funny for modern audiences who havent seen the original movie which laurel is parodying west of hot dog is a fairly generic parody of cowboy shootemups its marginally a specific parody of west of the pecos an oater released two years earlier with no major actors since west of the pecos was never a huge success its difficult to see why stans film unit chose this particular movie as a target for their lampoonery much less why they waited so long after its release to parody it and where did they get that title west of hot dog possibly its down to the fact that hot dog was a sexual interjection favoured by american lechers in the s as in the opening scene of the stage play machinal br br west of hot dog was produced and codirected by joe rock among his many other achievements rock introduced laurel to lois neilson and he was subsequently best man at their wedding full disclosure in the last years of his life i had the great privilege of befriending joe rock and interviewing him nearly ninety years old at the time rocks memory was impressively clear but he remembered nothing at all about west of hot dog and i cant blame him this movie is eminently forgettablebr br the leading ladys character is named little mustard if thats meant to be a parody of something in west of the pecos i dont get it there are a couple of impossible gags here including laurels method for mounting a horse for just one moment in this movie stan laurel reminded me of the great buster keaton when he suddenly broke into a run west of hot dog is vaguely similar in subject matter and tone to keatons short comedy the frozen north but keatons version is much funnier the plot of this film somewhat anticipates a situation in keatons feature our hospitality but again suffers by comparison here two tough varmint brothers expect to inherit the last chance saloon but the previous owner has bequeathed it to weakling tenderfoot stan however the brothers will become the legal heirs if stan dies hmmmbr br seriously though is such a bequest legal as soon as stan takes possession of the property surely any further questions of ownership or inheritance become his decision not the previous owners decision i had plenty of time to consider such points of law while watching this dull comedybr br at one point a gag involves some crude animation drawn directly onto the film stock it looks cheap and isnt funnybr br this hot dog is no weiner and no winner its just a whiner my rating one point out of hang on stan in a few more years youll be onehalf of a comedy legend,neg
i was interested to see the move thinking that it might be a diamond in the rough but the only thing i found was bad writing horrible directing the shot sequences do not flow even though the director might say that that is what he is going for it looks very uninspired and immature the editing could have been done by anyone with vcrs and the stock was low budget video i would say that it wasnt even something as simple as mini digital video br br there are some simple ways to fix a film with what the director has like through editing etc but it is obvious that he just doesnt care there is as much effort put in to this movie as a ham sandwich it could be made better but that would mean extra work,neg
in theory directors commentary should have worked the talented rob bryden plays peter delane a former television director recounting his experiences behind the camera amongst the programmes he is alleged to have worked on are bonanza flambards the duchess of duke street and the bounder his commentaries are not the least bit informative due to his habit of wandering off the pointbr br but in practice it failed dismally it is a onejoke show and the joke is not particularly funny the scripts are completely lacking in wit and bryden fails to convince as an old man whenever stuck for anything amusing to say which is like every five seconds he issues a hissing laugh rather than being amused by delane you want to shoot him if senile old men strike you as hilarious then this is for youbr br it didnt help that the shows mocked were with the exceptions of mr mrs and crossroads rather good for the joke to work they needed to be really dreadful such as charlies angels ott telly addicts neighbours and new facesbr br the show tanked big time so thankfully we are spared the horror of future editions wouldnt it be deliciously ironic if directors commentary were someday itself the subject of a spoof,neg
there is no director i like more than mamoru oshii but sadly even though he directed quite a few films that gained huge international attention there are still a fair few of his films that have slipped through the cracks tachiguishi is one of them and even though i loved it to bits its not hard to see why distributors in the west are somewhat reluctant to release itbr br in between his big and serious films oshii is known to do some smaller and quirkier projects while tachiguishi definitely falls into this category oshii has really outdone himself with this one creating something that is very hard to classify even as a freaky japanese flick go figurebr br at its very core lies a documentary not quite unlike otaku no video but rather than make a fool of an existing subculture oshii invents his own and delves into the lives of culinary heroes scrounging away food for free and upholding the japanese culinary level oshiis approach on the subject has close ties with dainipponjin as the subject is handled with a deadly sense of gravity while the images on screen look as ridiculous as can be deadpan humor taken to the extremebr br but that is not all rather than simply shooting his mockumentary oshii decided to make it using a new visual technique baptized superlivemation a weird mix of live action photography digital animation and puppets on a stick performed and acted out or posed if you want by the greats of the japanese animation industry no less as the project was supposed to be as lowbudget as possiblebr br and if you think that just about covers it know that the film is extremely dialogueheavy making it a good companion piece for innocence the influence of the grifters is analyzed from all kinds of cultural political and even philosophical angles fired at the audience through a continuous stream of monologues and dialogues and to make it even worse the whole film is completely grounded in actual japanese history and customs making it even harder for a foreigner to get a good grip on the material needless to say multiple viewings are advised to make the best of all the details tucked away inside the filmbr br that said on a conceptual level the film is easy to follow and already pretty hilarious various grifters are introduced as were they the most influential historical figures of postwar japan the film plays like youd expect a serious documentary of any other important figure to unfold but somehow the big and crudely animated cutout photography limbs of which figures are assembled dont quite make it all that serious the range of characters introduced is sublime shinji higuchi taking the cake as cowcreature wearing a nose ring while taking on the fastfood chains with his gang of bullpeoplebr br oshii regular kenji kawai provides besides a pretty comical performance a score ranging from atmospheric and dark to wacky strange and comical a lot of fun is to be had from the exaggerated noises and effects complementing the animation and totally contradicting the tone of the rest of the filmbr br visually the film is very atmospheric though it must be said that the animation is pretty scarce and while effective remains toned down only to burst out in hyperactive weirdness from time to time which is not exactly a bad thing seeing how tachiguishi is so dialogueheavy despite that the film is still a visual masterpiece as each frame looks absolutely lush and is tailored to match and improve the general atmosphere of the filmbr br beware though because tachiguishi does demand a lot from the viewer if you dont speak japanese there is a lot of reading to be done and there are many cultural references that demand some attention on top of that the monologues in the film area quite extended and can be hard to follow the film still lacks english subtitles and even though my french was largely sufficient to get what it was all about im sure i missed many of the finer points of the filmbr br tachiguishi is not an easy film to get into but around halfway through it reaches full steam and it doesnt let off from there on i still hope to see this one again with english or dutch subs a dub would actually be best for a film like this much like container though i guess a quality anime dub is a bit too much to ask forbr br with all of that said i can only congratulate oshii on another marvelous film its rare to find a film that blends and mixes so many styles and influences to create something that is so unique and still works the film is smart looks and sounds great and is filled to the brim with creativity it is immensely funny even if you cant catch all the details on the first viewing but be sure to at least get this with decent subs as the automated english translation that is floating out there is completely worthless and does the film no justice at allbr br tachiguishi caters to a very specific audience and im not surprised the french got their release while the rest of europe and the rest of the western world is still waiting for a sign of this film but for those that like oshii appreciate dry and deadpan humor and crave creative spirits it is a film that cannot be missed even though it could just as well misfire ,pos
this movie resonated with me on two levels as a kid i was evacuated from london and planted on unwilling hosts in a country village while i escaped the bombing and had experiences which produced treasured memories for example hearing a nightingale sing one dark night for the very first time and enjoying a life i never could have had in london i missed my family and worried about them tom is an old man whose wife and child have both died and who lives alone in a small country villageas an old man who is now without a wife whose kids have gotten married and live far away in another province i am again sometime lonely the boys mother is a religious fanatic with very odd ideas of raising a child since a deep affection has grown between old tom oakley and this young lad tom goes in search of him and finally rescues him from very odd and dangerous circumstances at the end of the story there is great tension since due to some bureaucratic ruling it seems that the child is going to lose someone who has developed a loving relationship with him,pos
an insomniacs nightmare was an incredibly interesting wellmade film i loved the way it just throws you into the main characters subconscious without coddling the viewerthe acting was top notch honestly i would watch dominic monaghan read the phone book but everyone else especially the young girl was great as well i was very impressed by the look of the film too usually independent films have a grainy ishotthisonmycamcorder look to them but this director knows what shes doing the lighting the cinematographyquality work im looking forward to a featurelength work from tess nanavati,pos
this is a really fun breezy light hearted romantic comedy you cannot go wrong with meg ryans cute perkiness combined with albert einsteins genius normally im not a fan of completely fabricated fictional tales about actual people now deceased and not able to defend themselves but i think the late einstein might himself have gotten a chuckle out of this onebr br its the sprinceton new jersey in the spring the story revolves around a pretty young scatter brained mathematician catherine meg ryan who is all set to marry a stuffy jerk a behavioral researcher named james merely because he has the brains shes looking for in the father of her future children however its love at first sight when her car breaks and she meets an auto mechanic named ed tim robbins as she doesnt think ed is intelligent enough her uncle none other than albert einstein plays match maker assisted in his endeavors by three mischievous cronies all theoretical physicists uncle albert must make ed appear suitably smart so concocts a charade portraying him as a physicistnaturally with amusing resultsbr br walter matthau is his usual hilarious self and pulls off the character of einstein quite effectively with his three professorial buddies kurt nathan and boris a lot of laughs ensue the real einstein had a genuine human side and this film just takes it one outrageous step further if you suspend all logic you can almost imagine this silly story happeningbr br it might not be rocket science despite its main character but it is a wonderful sweet refreshing movie one of the best of the comedy romance genre,pos
this is one seriously disturbed movie even though the boys deserved some of what they gotthe sadistic gruesome executions were slightly over the top the only character showing some conscience early in the hunt was killed off before he could offer some help to the sad plotbr br at the beginning of the movie there looked to be some promise of a mediocre affair but this was just a ploy to lull the viewers into a false sense of security before the joy of what was to come br br the only thing that could have saved the movie for me was if jack nicholson had jumped out of the bushes and yelled and where is the batman kim basinger could have screamed br br now that would have been cool,neg
i found the characters mediocre and the story uninteresting i never had to read this book thankfully or it would have been a painful experience i got the tickets to the preview for free but it still wasnt worth my time or my friends i think this story is not worth telling its like saying that old people have a past before they got old no kidding the lives of the main characters were painful to watch one generation no better than the next at avoiding stupid mistakes however i think the actors did the best they could with a lame story ive always been a big fan of ellen burstyn im writing this review to counteract the positive reviews given which unfortunately convinced me to give this movie a try,neg
if you go to this movie expecting something it isnt you will be disappointed as with any movie this movie contains what hemmingway described as the iceberg effect on the surface its simply a cache of random movie clips smashed together to make a movie if this would be written in a book it would be a short story because the action in the movie is very fast paced and unless you actually try to catch it the reasoning behind the plot along with some subtle foreshadowing can very well pass you by definitely a movie you will have to see twice in order to fully appreciate experimental cinematography barely describes this movie the camerawork and post production add much to the overall flavour of the film making it quite artistic at some points and open to interpretation at others something to be desired in american movies as of late although at some parts it may get a little raunchy gruesome and too heavy for some audiences the movie never becomes completely unrealistic the only aspect of the movie that i would write off as needs improvement is the soundtrack selection no movie is ever good without a fitting soundtrack and although the soundtrack is quite fitting the opening is a little too long and the other rap songs in the film really could have been replaced with something more appropriate heavy grungy rock or psychedelic electronica would have made this film a real trip the flooding of imagery and dynamic color palettes adds another artistic aspect to it also combined with the events that happen throughout the film this is not a movie you can miss any part of and still understand however that also makes it much more of a desirable film to watch and not one youll quickly get bored of ,pos
dont read any plot summaries because in words the plot might seem trivial braindead and pointless the film is excellent the acting by both denzel and dakota she will go sky high trust me on thatare just fabulous and the plot is mind blowing actually fabulous is a small word to use for such talented actors the film is just based on actual facts and some characters are not fictional a fact that adds up to the shock that i was having during and after the film if you are fond of both actors and of somewhat deranged films you still havent watched your favorite one yettrust me in the end you will have a weird and inexplicable feeling the film is awesome see it rent it buy it or whateverjust dont miss it,pos
i love cheesy horror flicks i dont care if the acting is subpar or whether the monsters look corny i liked this movie except for the bewildered feeling all the way from the beginning of the film to the very end look i dont need a page dissertation or a sign with big letters explaining a plot to me but dark floors takes the what is this movie about thing to a whole new annoying level what is this movie aboutbr br this isnt exceptionally scary or thrilling but if you have an hour and a half to kill andor you want to end up feeling frustrated and confused rent this winner,neg
first off i have to say that i loved the book animal farm i read it with my th grade class and it was great we also decided that watching the movie would be beneficial the movie was so disappointing to me the movie cuts out some characters and misses a lot of the main points of the book it skips around a lot and doesnt explain anything in detail if someone was watching this movie without having first read the book they would be confused the most disappointing thing in this movie to me was the ending the ending in the book was the most powerful and in the movie they changed it it was supposed to be the pigs and men in an alliance and sort of melting together but instead the movie made it seem like the animals were going to rebel against the pigs to sum up i dont think that this movie captured the real meaning that orwell portrayed in his book,neg
this film deals with the atrocity in derry years ago which is commonly known as bloody sundaybr br the film is well researched acted and directed it is as close to the truth as we will get until the outcome of the saville enquiry the film puts the atrocity into context of the time it also shows the savagery of the soldiers on the day of the atrocity the disgraceful whitewash that was the widgery tribunal is also dealt withbr br overall this is an excellent drama which is moving and shocking when the saville report comes out watch this film again to see how close to the truth it is,pos
i found about the movie holes by hearing from people that it wasnt typical disney that both kids and adults both got into the story folks let me tell you i wasnt disappointed holes is based on the novel by louis sachar and follows the adventure of stanley yelnats a boy who gets sent to a strange juvenile detention camp out in the desert he befriends a boy nicknamed zero and together they set out on adventure that changes their lives it was a very interesting unique different and funny story i didnt know quite what to expect when i watched it it was interesting to see the story come together like pieces of a puzzle the boys who played the juvenile delinquents were all very funny and jon voight was just hilarious as mr sir now that ive seen the movie i have to read the book most recommended,pos
let me start by saying that id read a number of reviews before renting this film and kind of knew what to expect still i was surprised by just how bad it was br br i am a big werewolf fan and have grown accustomed to forgiving a great deal when watching one most of them have subpar effects poor acting and weak storylines at best rehashed from earlier films so far with the possible exception of some of the later howling series films this is the worst of the lotbr br first the story its been quoted several times in reviews on this site so i wont go into specifics however it is very obvious that the writers had absolutely no affinity for lycanthropic monsters as so often happens when a horror film is given to a writer who considers themselves above such fare they tried to come up with a new spin on the werewolf mythos thats fine but a nonhorror fan trying to do this generally has disregard for the intelligence and sophistication of the horror audience and ends up writing down to them the plot feels like a parody of werewolf films and the events depicted just ring so false that i felt my intelligence was being seriously insulted tv news footage for example never pans away from the reporter to closeup on someone in the crowd behind them give the characters and the viewers credit for being able to spot the bad guy in the scene without using a flashing neon sign and thats just the tip of the icebergbr br as for effects i have never seen a less believable werewolf id have been happier with lon chaney jr in crepe hair the beast they used look a great deal like well like a guy in a cheap rubber suit with some hair glued on and some truly awful animatronics and i know that many people have already criticized the cg but my god it was awful one scene features a woman changing and starts with a completely cg version of the actress nude but for some reason without nipples my first thought was hey why is one of the characters from reboot turning into a silly looking werewolfbr br anyway i like to look for positives in any film and there were a few the cinematography was passable the film was shot alldigital which is interesting and some of the performances were not terrible it was also interesting seeing tippi hedron as the worlds most well madeup homeless woman and kane hodder as the title bad guy also the yellow power ranger got all growed up and well damn and if youre looking for skin theres some pretty tasty examples this ends the malepig segment of the reviewbr br overall if you want a good werewolf film try an american werewolf in london the original the howling dog soldiers or even the wolfen though that ones got more wolf than were if youre a lycanthrope completest then take a gander otherwise give this one a miss,neg
i hired this movie expecting a few laughs hopefully enough to keep me amused but i was sorely mistaken this movie showed very minimal moments of humour and the pathetic jokes had me cringing with shame for ever hiring it aimed at an age group of this movie will certainly leave viewers outside of these boundaries feeling very unsatisfied worth no more than votes highly unrecommended for anyone not wanting to waste hours of their lives,neg
so back when herbie made his first appearance i was perfectly happy watching dean jones mug away i only wanted to be entertained for a few hours and eat overly buttered popcorn now unfortunately i have expectations of a rivetingdelightful story whenever i watch a movie if im not on some sort of medication and this is another good movie for the medicated there are no major laughs no complex plot lines no difficult twists herbie fully loaded is great for the fully loadedbr br this was the first time i had seen la lohan on the screen since she swapped places with jamie lee curtis i thought she was excellent in that and i cant say i was terribly impressed this time around aside from her constantly changing and distractingly unnatural hair color she just didnt ring true as the kid next door who had spent a lifetime hanging around road racers her need for speed wasnt portrayed consistently in the film perhaps it was elsewhere she looked older than her part and seemed to always be looking for something a party designer togs new place to spend money off set i couldnt see any chemistry with justin long that romance seemed obligatory at best the only time lindsay appeared engaged was when she was interacting with matt dillon who i thought was appropriately over the top as evil bad guy trip murphybr br it was great to see herbie again and i loved the movie intro with material from the old movies if disney had popped out with some car jewelry i might have worn some just to be loyal his new feature was a little inconsistent does he channel the thoughts of his driver does he now skateboard but whatever we all knew how it was going to end but i do wish he had ended up with someone a little less dopey than maggie and my head still hurts from that lesson maggie and we viewers had hammered home br br what would have made the movie worthwhile have the old herbie in a real story with a real plot at the very least herbies as good as lassie but clearly thats asking too much why is it that disney always goes back to the same well as herbie goes bananas and the computer that wore tennis shoes when it comes to innovation br br im sure this was a great movie for kids and those with no expectations for the rest of usits for when you have the flu and just cant take the suspense of rear window,neg
i went to see this movie with my yo daughter i insisted we go the matinée showing not because im a tightwad but just feeling i had in the nascar spirit this is a sponsers dream so much blatant advertising it almost qualifies as an infomercial if it werent for the socalled acting keeping with tradition the herbie franchise continues with its cheesy story lines the car is only a vehicle no pun intendedfor this cornball of a motion picture earlier herbie installments although cheesy as well were produced during more serious times making them a little easier to digest ms lohan disneys reigning drama queen has little acting ability i was surprised that mr keaton and mr dillon would get involved in such a project only the snack bar was a bigger ripoff,neg
hamlet is by far my favorite of all of shakespeares works branaugh is one heck of an actor his portrayal of this was just amazing his soliloquies were breathtaking for as long as it was it is rare for a film to hold my interest however i was engrossed in this particular piece i recommend this to anyone both fan of shakespeare and those not so much this has everything the modern world looks for in its films murder betrayal and deceit not to knock mel gibsons version but branaughs touches the whole work this leaves no stone unturned when you finish the film it will feel as if you read the play yourself um how you say two thumbs up,pos
how powerful and captivating simple quality filmmaking can be this film tells its tale with everyday scenes that manage to revel the poignancy hidden within its true as others have stated how this film really makes it glaringly obvious how lost hollywood is in its special effects overblown emotionalism and over the top climatic endings and have forgotten the essence of a meaningful story told with simple realism so much of what these characters are going through is implied by the scene rather than spelled out in wordy dialogue one aspect that i really enjoyed about the film was the contrast of the two brothers one so very openly expressive in his childlike way and the other completely stoic but both able to evoke deep emotion the older brother needed to say little as he usually did it was all there in that deadpan face of his beautiful cinematography wonderful acting great direction not to be missed,pos
this rip off of the hit gremlins is quite possibly the biggest train wreck of a movie ever made even for a b grade movie all other cheap horror movies on the same platform completely dwarf this movie in terms of plot acting and goodnessbr br it begins with a random old security guard and the younger punky security guard whose name is of no importance why because a few minutes into the film he walks into the forbidden safe and is killed whilst living out his fantasy of being a rock star in a cheap pubbr br this is just an appetizer for the scatfilled main course the main character kevin struggles various times to prove himself as more than a total pussy perhaps he succeeds within the film but to the audience he proves himself as nothing more than a bad actor kevin gets himself a job with the old security guard and is guided through his security shift in the wait for it abandoned studio lot yes why bother making a set when you can just use the studio itself back to the film kevin somehow opens the forbidden safe and releases the hobgoblins the hobgoblins force people to live out their wildest fantasies and then kill them for some reason they must be returned before sunrise or elseor else what exactlybr br other characters include kevins macho army friend nick nicks woman daphne whose character has no more substance than a bitchslut attitude and prostitute worthy outfits there is kevins manipulative and reserved girlfriend amy whose deepest desire is apparently to be a badly portrayed cher lookalike with fishnet stockings with a pair of blue grandma underpants on top dont ask me how that works quite possibly the most entertaining character of all is kyle how such groups of friends are made is up for question kyle is a perverted creep who cant go an hour without selfstimulating his hobbies include calling up sexchat lines from other peoples houses and most likely sniffing underwearbr br the story unfolds as the heroes search for the hobgoblins kneehigh creatures aka hand puppets which for some reason attempt to travel no further than the borders of the local neighborhood each of the characters eventually lives out their wildest fantasy which never has anything to do with having millions of dollars or the film having a big budgetbr br warning spoilers ahead the twist at the end of this movie will leave the watcher wondering what the hobgoblins are returned to the safe bytheir own free will perhaps they lost patience waiting for sunrise to wreak havoc or perhaps the storywriters got writers cramp and decided not to worry about the ending upon returning to the safe the old security guard reveals what he learned in the military and detonates explosives which destroys the safe signaling the end of the evil hobgoblins and the end of this roller coaster ride better fitted to a ride on an escalatorbr br the sheer badness of this film is enough to send someone to tears if you plan to watch it i recommend a few alcoholic drinks beforehand to take any serious consideration of the film out of mind,neg
i can say without a shadow of a doubt that going overboard is the single worst film i have ever seen and yes i have seen cujo adam sandler is an abomination as schecky moskowitz a wannabe comedian working on a cruise liner thats the plotbr br thats it nothing else in the film makes sense its all over the place like a mad mans breakfast and not in a wacky naked gun kind of way but more of a frustrating throw both shoes at the tv kind of way even general noriega makes an appearance for no reason i can comprehend it certainly wasnt for humour add to the mix miss australia who has the worst australian accent ive ever heared and you have something which i wont call the worst film ever made because going overboard doesnt even fit the basic definition of a film i highly recomend seeing this film as it will elevate the standing of every bad film you ever see i guarantee the first thing youll say after seeing a bad film will be at least it wasnt as bad as going overboard,neg
spoilers lets start with the good of this filmthe serviceable acting of cynthia rothrock and richard norton the rest of the acting is awful this isnt aided by the atrocious script the worst culprit is the villain buntao the head of an asian crime syndicate played by frans tumbuan i was laughing my head off as he was expressing his fury over having lost a bunch of money horrid performance patrick muldoon isnt much better and his its a hostile takeover line thats the remainder of the title of this film was delivered about as badly as one could do it there are no other main characters but no other actoractress distinguished himherself in this film we next come to the plot this should tell you all you need to know in the original rage and honor cynthia rothrock who plays chris fairchild was a teacher in the inner city now shes a cia agent or was it some other governmental agencysorry but this film was so bad that i dont even remember hmmmi can imagine what that cia application process was like interviewer what past job experience do you have chris i was a teacher interviewer okay youre hired i only give it a because of some decent acting and a nice plot twist at the end though we know that tommy muldoon the secret villain will be caught,neg
a story of obsessive love pushed to its limits and of a lovely swan whose beauty is the very ticket to her own premature demise placed at the beginning of talkies prix de beaute walks a thin line in being a fullon silent film which is still is at heart and flirting with sound and sound effects the effect is a little irritating for anyone coming into this film because the recorded audio is extremely tinny and just doesnt help it at all hearing sound stage conversation edited over the beginning sequence which takes place in a beach for example is as part of the movie as the actress who dubs louise brooks dialog and in doing so robs the audience of a fine performance other than that the movie rolls along more or less well with little jumps in continuity here and there something quite common in films from this era and has that vague sped up feel typical of silents in a way this is an experiment of a movie and closer to the style of sergei eisenstein in visual presentation and nearintimate closeups that elevate it from what would be a more pedestrian level louise brooks here plays a character less flapper than what she was known for shes a stenographer who on a lark decides to enter a beauty contest despite the furious opposition of her extremely smothering boyfriend her role is quite thirties and contemporary for its time the last of the flapperjazz baby roles were being shown on screen and now with the onset of female independence women as professionals were being represented in film that brookss character decides to leave her boyfriend even if she does reconcile with him later is also a little ahead of her time however her characters fatal flaw is its willing to believe what isnt there that her boyfriend wants her to succeed and this is what leads to her end at the movie theatre this final sequence looks like something straight out of hitchcock in its heightened suspense seen in the man who knew too much and cuts from brooks her image on screen and the murderous boyfriend even more dramatic is the placement of the still singing live brooks with the now dead one a chilling effect to a chilling powerful movie,pos
this movie had a imdb rating of so i expected much more from it it starts out funny and endearing with an energy that feels spontaneous but before the movie is halfway through it begins to drag and everything becomes sickingly predictable the characters in the office were delightful in the first third of the movie but we get to know them a little too well they become caricatures not real people at all this is the same story ive seen hundreds of times only told here with slightly different circumstances the thing is i could stomach another predictable love story if only the dialog werent so stalebr br the only thing that could be worse is if the characters had inconsistent and unbelievable motivations and unfortunately that was also the case with dead letter office hopefully this movie will end up in the dead movie office soon,neg
we saw the silent version of this film and it is quite simply shimmeringly beautiful its quite hard to see how a sound version could have been created since it is shot with pure silent technique long wordless sweeps of narrative without a single intertitle save for a few disconcerting sequences where louise brooks playing a french typist is quite visibly speaking in english the only section that obviously cries out for sound is the final scene where brooks is watching the rushes for her test for a sound film footage which plays constantly in the background as the action unfolds with her mouth moving in ceaseless soundless song i was unsurprised to learn afterwards that this passage alone in the talkie version had been hailed as an exemplar of new technique br br in the sunny beauty of its opening scenes and the fairytale inevitability of what follows the film resembles a dream as a louise brooks movie it was not at all what i was expecting either from her hollywood comedies or from gwpabsts german melodramas i found the idiom more fluent and enjoyable than either and brooks herself is a different creature a sturdy laughing young animal rather than a shopwindow vamp or manipulated dollbr br but what gives this film greater depth than at first appears is the unexpected second half repelled by the rich parasites who cluster around her beauty the pauper princess returns to a tearstained reunion with her humblyborn true love and the tale might very well have been ended there fairytale however turns to tragedy the dilettante grabovsky confident in his ability to manipulate the woman he desires is yet all too correct in his selfinterested prediction the young lovers cannot make each other happy and andré ironically was right to mistrust the social influence of beauty contests after the intoxication of her moments glory lucienne frets herself to despair over the humdrum routine of married life while her husband in turn is driven wild by any reminder of the whole affair if it were a simple case of a mismatched marriage that would be one thing but the true tragedy is that they do love each otherbr br in many ways prix de beauté reminds me of murnaus sunrise but if so the fairground and photographer scenes here would form a distorted mirrorimage of the joyous reconciliation in sunrise no dream but an alienating nightmare and the following dawn brings not a miraculous reunion but an empty bed and deserted home leaving a letter to say that she loves him and will always love him lucienne vanishes again from andrés life in quest of brightness and freedom and this time she will never come backbr br gossip columns confirm all andrés worst convictions as he learns of his wifes whereabouts through reports coupling her name with grabovsky when the young workman penetrates at last to the lavish sanctum of the screeningroom it is with drawn gun to be greeted by the sight of his rival courting and caressing a laughing lucienne the same woman who had pledged her undying affection as she left him he kills her but even as he kills is transfixed by the living image on screen lucienne in all her transformed glory as he never saw her the two women are juxtaposed in an endless powerful moment as andré is seen seized unresisting and pulled away the dying girl and her singing self still projected above caught unknowing out of time into celluloid eternity playing on unconscious of life or death or love beneath herbr br the main jarring element in the film is the character of andrés coworker antonin who appears to serve no role throughout other than to be the licensed butt of his contemporaries malice he is the ugly one who can never get the girl the ungainly wimp who is tripped and tormented in the washrooms and at work and must take it all with an uncertain ingratiating smile in his fruitless hope for social acceptance a typical product of the bullying of the more gifted and popular in other words but one the audience is apparently being invited to laugh at along with his tormentors unless the intention is to expose a darker side to the protagonists for which i perceive no sign the character seems to exist merely as comic relief but comic relief with a distinctly nasty edge when we know him only as an inept peeping tom at the waterside its easy to laugh although the others revenge seems a little over the top when we discover that he is no chancemet stranger but andrés colleague and regular sidekick the continuing attacks rapidly cease to be very funnybr br but it is the images that remain beauty nightmare and dream,pos
even when i saw this movie at a teenager i wondered just how ironic it was that pia zadora starred in a movie about an artist who slept her way to the top as beautiful and sexy as ms zadora is even she couldnt keep this sorryass excuse of a movie from tanking not even her photoshoot for penthouse in which the lonely lady was promoted back in the day could keep this movie from tanking the only thing that could have saved this movie a completely different script give this one a miss,neg
ok me and a friend rented this a few days ago because we like to keep track of bmovies since we do them ourselves anyway the cover contained blood and weird looking naked girls with fangs and stuff and tom savini there is just no way this movie can fail right wrong it just seems like such a waste there was really no story the dialog was terrible is anyone there x the characters were well they really lacked any kind of personality the effects were terrible and whats up with these long artsy shots of scared people running around doing nothing with extreme closeups of eyes and stuff we were sitting the whole movie waiting for something anything to happen but no oh here comes the nymphs great oh theyre kissing again and now for the violence ok nothing really happens again oh now they run around and the closeups of eyes again oh heres tom savini oh he died right ok maybe now something cool or even interesting will happen no oh cool a severed head the end oh crap and finally since im so full of myself ill tell you this give me a van six actors a weird looking house tom savini a couple of naked girls with fangs and buckets of blood and i could make the coolest movie youve ever seen ive made movies with zero budget in two days that has better effects better acting and a better script than this what is this johannes guy doing making cool movies is easyit could have been so great im really upset,neg
this was a gem amazing acting from the leads liam cunningham orla brady and all the supporting cast the movie raises a subject not only pertinent to ireland and irish history but to many communities around the world and many marriage units within those communities with intensity and sincerity the movie shows how the religious convictions and traditions drove a wedge on a loving and passionate family the title love divided couldnt capture it any better even though it was a true story and happening in ireland of the th seeing how the life of the whole village erodes and pogroms are starting reminded me of russian history the intolerance and prejudice are still too powerful in the world and unfortunately its deeply hidden inside the human nature just like in the movie the liam cunninghams character says the hatred had always been there under the surface it was interesting to watch the moral choices people were making in this story also the character of a catholic priest and what happened to him in the end of the story was quite meaningful the story however gives hope that love of two people can conquer everything and love makes us better stronger liam cunninghams character goes through the whole transformation in the course of the story becoming a man he always wanted to be again acting is a top notch story is fastpaced irish countryside is as beautiful as ever highly recommended,pos
this film has a rotting core of flexible morality and yet a quirky sense of justice so many of the regular joes among us would love to stick it to the man the man in this case is represented by several different characters mr keller who carla reports to at her office later paul owes large to mr marchand the club owner and then there is pauls parole officer there seems to be so much question about this last characters side story reviewers point it out as a weakness in an otherwise well crafted subterranean game of pingpong between our two protagonists escalating titfortat until their lives change dramatically they are beholden to each agent of the man one or both could be fired killed or imprisoned if they dont do as they are toldbr br the film has a sense of relief at the end carla finally gets laid her boss is forced out for being a jerk mr club owner is a pulpy mess in his own bathroom they get the money and they need not worry about reporting in to the parole officer because his moral weakness leads him to stash his wandering wife in the basement or whatever the police found to arrest him it is a critical subconscious trigger to the lock tumbler that wound us up so tight never mind that someone else may get pauls file later to supervise his release for the moment they are free they might even get away with it br br woohoobr br they stuck it to the man,pos
how low can someone sink while trying to recapture an old glory sthf will be glad to show youbr br if you are used to seeing what made for a good star trek show do not watch thisbr br the writing is hodgepodge the actors portrayals of their characters weak and most of all the design work is downright doggybr br like watching strong captains dont look here like the strong federation attitude forget about it here starfleet is mocked by ensigns wearing spikes in their hairbr br while a seemingly mentally feeble captain shuffles about and within two minutes of the opening shows credits ensign spikey is attempting to arrange a tryst with an engineer it just degrades from there no not even uniforms match for goodness sake they are too small or too big collars down to their chests and tng seasons one and two uniforms mixed in with season three and ds uniforms the strict discipline and tradition of any of the originals in lacking in this production down to the treads the only good thing about this show is its graphics which seem to improve a bit with each season ok i take that back who uses cg that inexpertly the designers of this showbr br dont bother with it it will offend your star trek sense as it did mine not even the throw backs to previous shows can save this catastrophebr br i wept openly when i watched this probably because my eyes were bleeding and my head almost ruptured that bad,neg
so the wife and i just finished it despite several threats from both of us to turn it off for the most part boredom was the worst part of this movie there was just very little excitement the acting was atrocious to the point where we actually chuckled several times during some of the worse scenes the church lady for example the dead sister was using paranormal means to contact her living twin although rather then send useful information she focused on trying to scare the hell out of her instead which looked a lot like the ring rather then get the police involved which im sure those earplugs she found would have dna all over them she instead devises a horrible plan to get the man who covered up the accidental death of her sister i call it a horrible plan because in the end she allows him to kill her too which the movie then fades to black bad dialog bad acting bad ending,neg
you dont need to read this reviewbr br an earlier review by pninson of seattle has already identified all the main shortcomings of this production i can only amplify its basic argumentsbr br bleak house was a relatively late dickens novel and is much darker than his earlier work this is taken too literally by the director ross devenish who piles on the gloom and fog too much when ada rick and esther appear half an hour into the opening episode it is a relief just to be in daylight for the first time in some of the murkier scenes it was hard to see what was actually on my tv screen i watched the whole thing in one day starting in midafternoon as daylight faded this became less of an issue but i have a pretty good tv and i have never encountered this problem before at any time of daybr br the pacing is very deliberate ie slow i am sure this was intensional but it is overdone there are numerous shots of people trudging though the muck and gloom of victorian london that are held longer than is necessary to establish the mood and atmosphere a good editor could probably take several minutes out of each fiftyminute episode without losing a line of dialogue just by trimming each of these scenes slightlybr br i dont want to overstate these two problems you soon adjust to the look and pace of this production the more important issue is that it doesnt always tell the story very effectively earlier dickens novels are as long as bleak house but are not nearly so intricately plotted for example i recently reread nicholas nickleby because i was intrigued to see how douglas mcgrath crammed an page book into his twohour movie the answer is simple the book is full of padding mcgrath cut great swathes of the novel while still retaining all the essential story elements this would not be possible with bleak house br br this production needs its seven hours probably it needs even longer because many elements of its convoluted plot are not sufficiently clear or as well handled as they need to be a few random examples will illustrate the problemsbr br the maid rosa appears from nowhere with no background so lady dedlocks attachment to her is largely unmotivatedbr br sergeant georges acquiescence in tulkinhorns demand for a sample of hortons handwriting is somewhat fudgedbr br it is not made clear enough that esther is actually in love with woodcourt when she agrees to marry john jarndyce neither is it clear that they have agreed not to announce their engagement or whybr br ada and ricks secret marriage is omitted in one episode they are merely lovers in the next people are suddenly referring to them as husband and wifebr br mrs rouncewell is only introduced at a late stage in the story and sargeant georges estrangement from his family is left unexplained as is the means by which she is discoveredbr br tulkinhorns dedication to maintaining the honour and respectability of the dedlock family is understated so his motive for persecuting lady dedlock is more obscure than it need bebr br the involvement of the brick makers with both tom and later lady dedlock is somewhat opaquebr br it is not obvious that guppy renews his offer to esther because her smallpox scars have all but vanishedbr br this is only a selection there are others they are not major problems and the main thrust of the story is clear enough nonetheless they are minor irritations that detract from its power you shouldnt have to puzzle over little plot points however there are more important structural problems that do weaken the story in its later stagesbr br the whole business of tulkinhorns murder is somewhat thrown away bucket immediately pinpoints hortense as a suspect which undermines the suspense of sergeant georges predicament and the importance of finding mrs rouncewell it also diminishes the impact of the subplot in which suspicion is thrown on lady dedlock and weakens the scene in which hortense is unmasked in front of sir lesterbr br a more serious problem is that the murder its investigation and the subsequent search for lady dedlock dominate the story for over an hour during which time we completely lose sight of the other main plot strand the legal case and its effect on rick his failing finances his gouging by vholes and skimpole adas despair his declining health and so on are all put on hold for an entire episode this may be how dickens wrote the book i havent read it for years but a good screenplay should keep the different plot strands moving forward togetherbr br finally smallweeds role in the story is so diminished that he is almost superfluous his discovery of the new will that triggers the final phase of the story is also thrown away it happens off screenbr br despite all of this it is still a very good production many of the performances are outstanding individual scenes are beautifully realised its accumulating sense of tragedy is very powerful i would still be recommending it as a superb adaptation of a great book had it not been for the production in fact i probably wouldnt be fully aware of its defects if i hadnt seen how andrew davies did it better i have been critical of daviess jane austen adaptations but i have to admit that he really knows how to tame dickenss sprawling booksbr br this is an impressive and gripping drama and well worth seven hours of anybodys time nonetheless its probable fate is to be viewed mainly as a crossreference to the neardefinitive version,pos
taking a break from his escapist run in the early s steven spielberg directed whoopi goldberg in an adaptation of alice walkers the color purple about about the desperate existence of an africanamerican woman in the s watching goldberg play celie its incredible that this is the same woman who starred in movies like sister act this is the sort of movie that could easily be no make that should be part of the curriculum in black studies and womens studies theres one scene that may be the most magnificent editing job thats ever been on screen youll know it when you see it i cant believe that this didnt win a single oscar it may be spielbergs second best movie behind schindlers list maybe even tied with it also starring danny glover adolph caesar margaret avery oprah winfrey willard e pugh akosua busia and laurence fishburne,pos
this is complete and absolute garbage a fine example of what a bad movie is like this cant be appealing to anyone not even bmovie fans do not i repeat do not waste precious time of your life on this piece of trash bad acting bad directing horrible but i mean really horrible script and complete lack of an idea as to what entertainment of any form is i bought the dvd for dollars i swear i could almost pay someone to take it burning it would not be enough for what this movie did to me i like bmovies the killer toys the weird lagoon monsters but this is nowhere near you know those movies that are so bad they are funny not even just plain old pathetic,neg
this movie is pretty good half a year ago i bought it on dvd but first i thought that it was the original film i have seen the series and it is a good film but here they have put the living legendpart and and fire in space together the same as they did with the first film but with other episodes but still it is a pretty good film only the ending is strange you dont see what happens with the pegasus but i still think that it is pretty good the actors and special effects were good if you havent seen it go see it starringrichard hatch dirk benedict lorne greene herb jefferson jr tony swartz terry carter lloyd bridges jack stauffer,pos
carlos sauras carmen is one of the finest achievements in world let alone spanish cinema it manages to excite interest in flamenco in its wonderful staged adaptations from bizet with powerful physical force at the same time we see the impact of the creation and rehearsal of a new interpretation of carmen on the choreographerdirector and the principle dancers the fine line between life and art is dazzling,pos
this was the best muppet movie ive seen ever i happen to know that miss piggys fantasy of meeting as infants was the cause of muppet babies the songs will remain in my head forever only saying so because that stupid nickelodeon show hey dude song still remains in my head sorry a little off the topic there but anyway what i like is animal after the credits saying bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye hasta luego that made me laugh so hard my absolute favorite is the play at the end i was surprised that the sesame street characters popped in at the wedding im just glad this movie was very entertaining i borrowed it from the library and now i have bought it because i cant keep the librarys copy forever in conclusion i proclaim this is the best movie ive ever seen in my case its even better than austin powers in goldmember which was my favorite movie,pos
poor performances by sinatra martin and hyer grossly underdeveloped supporting characters annoying talky with no real plot ending leaves you flatter than a pancake with more loose ends than you could tie up in four sequels that is if you even cared about these wooden characters maclaine is the only real asset that penultimate sequence in which the chicago hood searches for the sinatra character is laughable the music in that sequence also is poor and in the final scene when martins character removes his hat for the woman he called a pig almost made me go outside and find a stone to throw through my television screen,neg
i expected a bad movie and got a bad movie but i couldnt really imagine in my worst fantasy how bad this movie was i dont even want to try to explain what blood surf is about is not about blood surfing but a big a crocodile they are complaining about the fake shark in jaws but spielberg was wise and didnt show the shark until the end here the crocodile is shown a lot of times and its the worst fake crocodile i have ever seen and they dont try to hide it if you want to see a good fake crocodile watch lake placid br br the director had an opportunity to make a decent surfshark movie but he had to make a bad bmonster movie he had the chance to make an original surf movie but he wanted to make a monster movie so you have understand how bad this movie is does it have some good parts not really it got some nudity and a sex scene that is taken straight out of a playboy movie the acting isnt half bad either and kate fischer looks good too bad she doesnt take her top off the lead actors arent bad either they had some potential the location was beautiful and the movie start good with some nice surf scenes the blame is on the untalented writer and director the dialogue is some of the worst i have ever seen and the script is really badly written and the director got no talent what so ever and not much of a fantasy eitherbr br dont watch it even if you want to watch the beautiful kate fischer it isnt worth it watch sirens to watch kate nude and watch lake placid if you want some good crocodile actionbr br because im in a good mood and maureen larrazabal looks good naked and kate looks good but is bad actressand dex miller joel west and matt borlenghi did a good job with the piece of sht they had to work with,neg
this is the only david zucker movie that does not spoof anything the first of its kind the funniest movie of with night at the roxbury right behind but i did not think theres something about mary was funny so that doesnt count except for the frank and beans thing he he dont listen to the critics especially roger ebert he does not know solid entertainment just look at his reviewsanyway see it you wont be dissapionted,pos
yet another film about a tortured selfcentered arrogant unfeeling hateful selfdestructive lead character we are supposed to care aboutbr br dont get me wrong i am very open to all kinds of off the wall movies that have as the lead character a strongly selfdestructive character what i object to about this one is that there is so little background to this guy why did this guy hate himself and the world had the script dealt with this more they might have managed to elicit some sympathy for him as it is he just comes off as an unpleasant hateful character not tragic just hatefulbr br after taking great pains to make this guy as crazy and antisocial as possible and making his fate as dark as possible the writer then has the nerve to make a happy endingbr br this is not the worst film i have ever seen but it is in there putting up a good fight man dont waste your time,neg
i saw this movie at the th haifa film festival and it is one of the best ive seen this year seeing it on a big screen and i mean big not one of those tv screens most cinemas have with an excellent sound system always enhance the cinematic experience as the movie takes over your eyes and ears and sucks you into the story into the picturebr br the movie presents a set of characters which are loosely interconnected their stories cross at certain points and the multiplicity of story lines reminded me very much of the great robert altman and his exquisite films but the true hero of the movie is obviously the city of madrid which provides the backdrop for the entire movie it houses the characters contains the pavements and roads on which they walk and sets the background atmosphere for all the events all in beautifully filmed scenesbr br the movie returns again and again to certain themes shoes for instance and in essence salazar makes his metaphores more and more understandable to the viewer as the movie progresses he combines the views of the city with the shots of the characters and elegantly matches the feeling of the scene to the background a set of talented actors helps him portrait a wide variety of characters one excellent example is the scene in which juaquin takes anita across the street for the first time it might not work on a small screen but it gave me goose bumps easily on a big screenbr br the message of the movie is very positive and accordingly the movie is light and funny at times the music along the movie is usually pop with a few instrumental pieces i hope to put my hand on the soundtrack one day although i seriously doubt i willbr br all together i came out of this movie with a sensational feeling and im not easily impressed youll have to take my word for it for this and more i give this movie a solid ,pos
castle in the sky is undoubtedly a hayao miyazaki film after seeing it for the first time im glad to say that it doesnt disappoint on the contrary you get your times worth which means as to what miyazakis films are concern that is nothing less than excellent br br produced early in his cinematic career castle in the sky anticipates many of the trade marks in his later movies with strong but young female characters forced to grow up due to external circumstances helped out by very interesting and some times lovable supporting characters and of course the usual battle of nature versus civilization flying machines lots of it beautiful painted sceneries … but alas no pigs at least that ive noticed after all i have only seen it once never the less miyazaki had already got his theatrical debut two years earlier with nausicãa which was a dress rehearsal for princess mononoke his magnum opus castle in the sky is set a bit a part from these two with a soft action packed first minutes resembling his tv series conan and his directed episodes of meitantei holmes in here we are introduced to sheeta a girl who literally falls from the sky only to be found by pazu a young boy working in a little countryside mining town intrigued by her amnesia and suspecting a connection between her and the mysterious flying city of laputa pazu is set on helping her find out where she came from whilst escaping the army and a gang of air pirates as the movie progresses the plot gets heavier and much more interesting revealing myiazaki at his best br br the sound track is very reminiscent of spirited away or vice versa as castle in the sky was produced first and much like its director joe hisaishi the composer starts with a very light score that gets more complex and beautifully fitting as the plot goes forward br br a note to the english dubbing with a good interpretation from the two lead stars although anna paquins sheeta has a very thick accent which the actress still had at that point in her career and a heads up for mark hamil as muska making up for a delighting yet devilish villain br br dont miss this one people,pos
this is one of the most irritating nonsensical movies ive ever had the misfortune to sit through every time it started to look like it might be getting good out come more sepia tone flashbacks followed by paranoid idiocy masquerading as social commentary the main character maddox is a manipulative wouldbe rebel who lives in a mansion seemingly without any parents or responsibility the supporting cast are all far more likeable and interesting but are unfortunately never developed nor do we ever really understand the john stanton character supposedly influencing maddox to commit the acts of rebellion at one point i thought aha maddox is just nuts and is secretly making up all those communications from escaped mental patient stanton now were getting somewhere but of course that ends up to not be the case and the whole movie turns out to be pointless both from maddoxs perspective and the viewers wheres ferris bueller when we need him,neg
after you see vertigo then watch bell book and candle made within months of each otherbr br my second favorite kim novak film with picnic coming in as thirdbr br all three performances are great vertigo being the best of allbr br they came to my nowhere kansas prairie town near by at salina kansas in the s to film picnic br br bell book and candles musical score i believe is one of alex norths perfect for this bit of comedybr br after vertigo stewart and novak did this comedy how amusing to note the dramatic contrastbr br worth your time if you like kim novak the greta garbo of my youth,pos
joshua seftels first film a satire of memorable proportions is about just as the title suggests the corporations effect on warbr br the film is about a mercenary john cusack traveling to turaqistan not a real country fyi to help the american government get their message across to turaqistans leaders he meets a reporter marisa tomei and we all know what will ensue with a lonely man a hot reporter somewhere in the mix a pop star named yonica babyyeah gets thrown in as yonica is marrying one of turaquistans most important people a son of the president a subplot is created where the mercenary must watch over this star well somewhat the film starts off with a lonely cusack in a bar no more than fifteen seconds later the film hooks you with its amusing and intriguing insight on terrorism and politics the films running time blows by you the film has a lot more action than i expected with the occasional scene of war well choreographed fights and just sporadic scenes of murder though the story isnt much deep the simplicity of it all makes the film perfect for both the common man and movie critics alikebr br in the final act of the film the simplicity of it all turns very hostile and jumbled i thought it was executed very well but other may disagree and i could understand why twist after twist is what the ending is all about and like most films it is a true hitmiss situation regardless the three writers on the film mark leyner jeremy pikser john cusack did a fantastic job creating a realistic and entertaining satire on todays situation overseasbr br joshua seftel does an excellent job insuring the films integrity not reducing the material to the most redundant of films which i was afraid would happen seftel crafted the film as perfectly as one could he created a vibrant atmosphere one that is both examines harsh reality and cartoonish falsities contrasting them perfectly as well as making the film feel as if you were watching it all seftel really gets you involved in all of the action and it pays off completely no missteps here hopefully he takes on more directorial jobs for he is one director to look out for,pos
what a crimebr br you forgot to brush your teethlets make a minute show about it and have a couple of kids make some noise and then have the dad lecture them all because thats what he has to dobr br but dont forget uncle joey has to make some weird noises and cooky faces then uncle jesse has to show up with his black leather jacket and some jeans and look pretty for a few minutes while everybody discusses how mother would have done things if she were aroundbr br yep full of zany little adventures about a whole bunch of nothing and an entire overlong story to build around itbr br full house will not only bore you to tears but it will make you age twenty times faster than you normally would,neg
i saw this film at a store in the cheap section i actually vividly remembered seeing the commercials and trailer for it years ago i thought what the hey and bought it basically because the plot sounded interesting and claire danes has always been someone of talent in my eyes this was also before i became a huge kate beckinsale fanbr br so its about two girls who sneak off to a vacation in bangkok get busted for narcotics which they are innocent of and then are sent to a thailand prison the film follows what will happen to them and at times questions their innocencebr br both claire danes and kate beckinsale give great performances and the plot of this film wraps itself up unconventionally and raises some nice moral discussion questionsbr br i think this is a solid good film but there could have been some improvements it could have been longerit wouldve helped to solidify these characters and more insight into the politics of thailands justice system wouldve helpedbr br nevertheless other than that its a good film with some great performancesbr br ps for all you popculture junkies be on the lookout for a twominute role by paul walker i didnt even notice him the first time i saw the film,pos
a fantastic arabian adventure a former king ahmad and his best friend the thief abu played by sabu of black narcissus search for ahmads love interest who has been stolen by the new king jaffar conrad veidt theres hardly a down moment here its always inventing new adventures for the heroes personally i found ahmad and his princess a little boring theres no need to ask why john justin who plays ahmad is listed fourth in the credits conrad veidt always a fun actor makes a great villain and sabu is a lot of fun as the prince of thieves who at one point finds a genie in a bottle i also really loved miles malleson as the sultan of basra the father of the princess he collects amazing toys from around the world jaffar bribes him for his daughters hand with a mechanical flying horse this probably would count as one of the great childrens films of all time but the special effects are horribly dated nowadays kids will certainly deride the superimposed images when abu and the genie are on screen together and the scene with the giant spider looks especially awful although most of the younger generation probably thinks that king kong looks bad at this point in time willis obriens stopmotion animation is a thousand times better than a puppet on a string that doesnt even look remotely like a spider ,pos
hilarious film i saw this film at the sydney gay and lesbian mardi gras film festival and laughed from start to finish the acting was subtle but very funny im not entirely certain about the real world influence we dont get that here but the film holds up without the understanding of that show heather b steals every scene she appears in most notably when acting with her seldom talkative red costar highly recommended id love to see this released on videodvd some time in the future,pos
this movie has great fight scenes now its true that the acting is a little rough but if i wanted to see a movie based on acting skills i would watch a cheesy movie like american beauty but if you want to see a movie with true martial arts in it and with amazing stunts without the use of wires and flying threw the air like so many movies around now which are over killing the matrix then watch this now its true the two main stars in the show where in the kid show the power rangers and another cast member of that show has a bit part in this movie but hey the fight scenes are enough to make jet li ps his pants and the stunts are worthy enough for jackie chan to sit threw and admire,pos
this interesting documentary tells a remarkable tale of an expedition to take blind tibetan children trekking in the himalayas but also of a personality clash between two remarkable people on one hand there is erik weihenmeyer the first blind man to climb everest and the team of sighted mountaineers who are guiding the kids on the other there is sabriye tenberken a blind woman who runs the first school for blind tibetans who agrees to the expedition but subsequently has doubts about how it is progressing at some level sabine simply doesnt understand the mountaineers philosophy with its emphasis on summitting she is probably right in identifying the mismatch between the mountaineers goals and the desires of the children but her certainty in her own correctness makes her a hard person to sympathise with especially as she has an effective veto in the background to this reasonably wellmannered clash we get an insight into the lives of the children themselves i enjoyed the film although it delivers a message clearly designed to be uplifting even though it details the quarrel the film somewhat relentlessly asserts how amazing all those who feature in it are but its hard to argue with that assessment even if it is presented to the viewer somewhat unsubtly,pos
i cannot begin to describe how amazing this movie is suffice it to say anytime im depressed about how unfair or futile things seem this is the movie i go rent to put me in the right frame of mind the background music makes you realize the easiness of existence and how simplicity provides for the greatest happiness the indian girl that sings is but one example of a character in this film who does not try hard and is happy as a result persifina the laundry coworker of rubys ashley judd is anotherher eyes and smile could make the hardest persons day i watch this movie and i dream of better days to come or of a good conversation with friends and i realize that being aloneruby is alone quite oftenisnt the same as being lonely recommended for anyone who enjoys a thoughtful lull of a movie,pos
can fake scenery ruin a picture you wouldnt think so but it actually for me in here listen i have a lot of classicera movies and i know pretty much what to except such as the drivers steering immobile cars in front of a screen etc but a lot of that hokey business has to do with action scenes to have fake scenery fake mountains and flowers shot after shot as seen in brigadoon gets insulting after awhile br br as far as the music entertainment went this is always subjective what songs one person likes another may not so that shouldnt be a big part of judging a film whether someone likes the songs i could blast this movie for its corny songs dances romances and characters but that was the s and a lot of people liked this sort of things musicals did very well in the s me i liked the s and s with the great taps by the s tap was out and this new stuff which i can stand was it does that make this a lousy movie no it just makes one i didnt care for very muchbr br despite the good cast good director and high expectations this film bombed at the box office and with me i should have liked it more being a dreamer myself and thats a nice part of this story i am not the cynical type and a nice town and nice people making me feel good sounds awful appeal then why couldnt i connect with this film part of it also was the dancing i dont care for the stuff that replaced tap dancing on screen but no the thing really turned me off what that staging there was no scotland no highlands just a hokey looking background to make it look that way and it turned me almost from the start score one point for todays realism where they go on location most of the time,neg
this is truly truly one of the best movies about love that ive ever seen closely followed by none other than before sunset which technically isnt another movie at all since its about the same two people and the same romancebr br this is love in the real world ok thats only if most people are as intelligent and eloquent as the leads in the movie reading the other reviews it pleases me to know how so many other folks are crazy over dialogbased movies as well and this is what makes before sunrise so good the dialog is perfect its so real so engaging and funny its hardly a surprise that jesse and celine fall in love coz you fall in love with them at the very same timebr br my favorite scene is the one in the coffee shop where they pretend to phone their best friends with the other pretending to be said best friend its perfect brings you back to the very moment when you fell in love for the very first time in your lifebr br i must say that if you have a choice do watch before sunrise before watching before sunset if like me you watched sunset first its hard to shake off the feeling of pity and sadness for the two young lovers throughout the entire showbr br once again the greatest romantic movie in my books wonderful acting excellent script and beautiful locations young love at its best,pos
it was a serious attempt to show the developing sexuality of two schoolgirls and did not try to exploit its fact… even by todays standards the film is interesting and provocative… br br therese and isabelle are both attending the same girls school… therese is energetic intelligent and becomes a mentor for the innocent naive sweet isabelle… she guides her through a number of exotic experiences including a trip through an exclusive brothel into her first lesbian liaison and indirectly into her first heterosexual experience… br br the film does not exploit any sex nor is there an abundance of nudity the imagery is effective but sometimes the camera lingers too long and the story goes slowly… br br the director radley metzger went on to make a number of explicit erotic films under the name of henry paris… he always has extremely detailed stories good acting and very high standards of cinematographybr br artistically however this is perhaps his most complete… his later attempts supplied for entertainment whereas therese and isabelle was a study into the nature of youthful eroticism,pos
steve carrel proves himself to be a great leading man in this wonderful original raunchy breath of fresh air i about wet myself at how geniusly hilarious it wasbr br basically the movies title says it all andy stitzer is a year old male who works at an electronics store he is a bit of a nerd who loves videogames and comics and has the biggest collection his peers that work in the store with him find out that hes a virgin during a rather sex dialogue filled poker game and then andy has to go through a rather funny as hell odyessy of rude sexual awakenings but always screwing up which leads to him not losing his virginity but he eventually gets lucky in the very endbr br leave the little ones at home but take the entire family to see this awesome romantic adult comedy it will have you hooked and cracking up from the very beginning and by the time it is over you will be wishing you wore your extra thick absorbent undergarments only other thing i can say about it is too bad steve carrel wasnt recognized as a leaving man years ago he is definitely gonna win best breakthrough male performance in next years mtv movie awards you can bet your hard earned dollar on that peoplebr br i give this one a perfect ,pos
tourists head to ireland for a school trip to learn about druids what they encounter is a horrific tale of cannibalistic killersbr br if i had to sum up evil breed it would be a low grade gore fest the film mixes dead alive evil dead wrong turn all in one its just too bad that the film has so many inconsistencies to keep track of that it loses any fun one would have watching it the film has lots of random horror nudityalthough the film also stars four porn stars yup four so there could have been plenty more breed also showcases a good amount of gore br br evil breed has a horrible start with laughable dialogue and horrible acting thats a given in a straight to video horror film but this takes the cake i cant really figure out who the main character is since the one female who lives at the end is not really in the movie all that much speaking of the ending that has to be one of the most random and bogus ending in the history of film it has no purpose with the rest of the film and totally changes ones view of the filmbr br you have to see this film to believe it since there are some pretty great death scenes there are two death scenes that come into my mind one in which the inbred killer rips the intestines out of a naked woman through her chestyea her chest dont ask me the other id when the guy gets his intestines yet again ripped out through his asshole does that kill the guy no the killer continues to strangle the guy with his own intestines these scenes remind me so much of deadalive with the right amount of humour in each i also got the sense of evil dead with the pointless mentions of horror films and sam raimi along with halloween when the female character is in a closet screaming for her life with the killer trying desperatelyy to get inbr br although the gore and nudity are not enough for the poor audio and visual quality of the film when the teacher wakes up from her bed and walks down the stairs her footsteps are so loud and hard that it seems like she was wearing boots distracting indeed as well as the continuity in the film with only one inbred killer as well as which character dies at which moment i couldnt tell if the breast implant chick was jenny or garys sistercousini cant remember as well as the random naked chick with a dead baby hanging out of her body still attached with the umbilical cordbr br the horrible editing is distracting as well the opening credits are too fast and disorienting it did have a bad start and got better but the ending just brings the film back down to a horrible level if maybe there were better production values and more faith put into this film then it wouldnt have been horribly butchered to death stay away from this film unless you are happy with the below budget horrible bad film with decent gore,neg
this movie is a pathetic attempt apparently to justify the actions of mary ann letourneau in order to do this they cast a yearold well probably not in order to do this there was no way they could have cast a or year old as the boy because the love scenes would have grossed everyone out if they had even been allowed to do them as they should mary anns boyfriend was my nephews age making her a pedophile sixth grade people the definition of pedophile doesnt have to include many children all you need is onebr br i really dont care about her upbringing or her unhappy marriage she had a responsibility to her students that she did not live up to the reason given is that she is bipolar rejected the diagnosis and refused to take her medication its understandable then that she was not thinking rationally one hopes that she now understands her actionsbr br now that she and vili are married and have two children together i pray that she is on her medication and thinking clearlybr br all that aside penelope ann miller was totally convincing and perfect casting for the role,neg
comes this heartwarming tale of hope hope that youll never have to endure anything this awful again cough razzie award coughbr br i disliked this movie because it was unfunny predictable and inane while watching i felt like i was in a psychology experiment to determine how low movie standards could get before people complained when i requested my money back at the end of the movie i was informed that because i watched the whole thing i wasnt entitled to reimbursement i was told by the assistant manager that several people had complained and gotten refunds already thoughbr br the movie summary is pretty basic the midget thief steals a diamond and the poses as a baby to elude police underneath this clever outline however lies a repertoire of original fresh and hilarious skits or notbr br ask yourself the following do you like to see people getting hit by pans do you like fart jokes do you like to see midgets posing as babies threatened with a thermometer in the anus do you like tired racial jokes do you think babies say goo goo goo goo goo gaa gaa do you droolbr br if you answered yes to any of the above then this movie is definitely for you although it has been billed in some places as the worst movie of the decade there is probably a movie or that are worsesomewhere i cant say for sure i gave this movie stars because we all know a review with only one star would indicate bias on the part of the reviewer and then the review wouldnt be taken seriously br br this lowbrow comedy is intended for a less intelligent audience and i cannot in good conscience recommend it to anyone save your money for something funnybr br respect,neg
with a movie called gayniggers from outer space how could you go wrong just throw in some over the top stereotypes for the characters use the village people as the main suppliers for the soundtrack and throw in tons of gaygags plot is unimportant too bad this film doesnt contain any of this and every joke misses the spot the characters all look alike apart from the german gaynigger one or two jokes work the rest failsbr br the title made me laugh and i was prepared to laugh even more about the film my expectation were to high apparently,neg
this movie had a fairly good sounding plot but the paste was very slow very slow indeed even if someone thinks this is a cult classic i think that there are a lot better films from that era to be watchedbr br the cinematography is not excellent but not the worst either the sounds are ok lighting okbr br i still wouldnt recommend this to anyone else than maybe a filmstudentbr br the movie does not contain music and the horses having sex dont make it a good one either and the woman masturbating on the edge of the bed was plain stupidbr br no winnings here skip this utter boredom ive seen worse believe me but this is just waste of time and i dont get the good reviews here especially the high ratings,neg
this was just plain terrible i read this book for school i made as on all of the tests and to see it like this my teacher forced me and other people to watch it and it was worse than leonard part plan from outer space and hudson hawk put together the thing that made this film so terrible was enough reasons to want to kill yourself over first of all it was made on hallmark second the acting was terrible third it was like completely different from the book literally it was so bad i asked myself to be excused basically i would rather watch basic instinct than watch this take my advice dont watch this film no one would want to watch this it was horrible horrible,neg
ive seen this movie at theater when it first came out some years ago and really liked it a lot but i still wanted to see it again this year to check if it is still good compared to movies coming out now and i wan tell its one the best movies ive ever seen in my life br br what you need to know is that you dont have to miss any minute of this movie if you dont completely follow the action you will get lost and you will not understand the end br br the end is what makes this movie so good you cant expect itbr br congratulations to the producer ,pos
after we counted the use of the f word oh about times in the first minutes or so of the film listened to some really bad actors going on about a woman and a horse and pretty much acting like year old boys being naughty together well we turned it off relying on gratuitous profanity and potty humor is a sure sign of a loser hollywood movie the product of unimaginative and notalent writers br br we did give it a second chance thinking surely it would get better no dice later my boyfriend skipped through the rest of the movie in case it improved still no dicebr br the main character did have a cool bikebr br i wouldnt recommend this to anyone except maybe really immature adolescents or frat boys,neg
while visiting romania with his cia dad tonyadam arkin quite a talented high school quarterback seen as the savior to lead his team finally to a victory over rival simpson is told by a wouldbe palmreaderin romania the people are not allowed many books so she took up palm readingthat he would be bitten by a werewolfwhen the moon is full dont make any appointmentsyou will be busy well who would have thunk ittony is in fact bitten and his life would be forever changed after his father unfortunately dies in a mishap within his bomb shelterunder odd circumstancesfiring at his werewolf son inside a metallic bomb shelter isnt a very good idea especially if the bullet doesnt leave the room and bounces around like a pinball gone berserk tony travels the land through endless years until hes tired of packing and returns decadesand many us presidentslater to hopefully lead his football team to a win over simpsona task he abandoned long ago what was once a very white cleancut high school has indeed changed into a ghetto of drug use violence and perversion to get an idea of what the early s full moon high schools prom party resembles think studio with teenagersbr br larry cohens parody of werewolf flicks among others things is crammed full of gags homages and injokes my favorite sequences contain one in the sexed classroom where tony reveals to the s class his werewolf transformation and the introductory scene to dr brandalan arkin who steals the film when kenneth mars isnt on screen quite possibly the worst psychiatrist on earth his task to talk down a jumper leads to two men falling off a balconythe jumper and a fireman trying at first to talk him out of it both fuming mad at brand brand even tries to get tony to sign a waver for his bodys being donated to science so he can get his wife a fur coat kenneth mars had me rolling in the floor as a homosexual football coachand later in the s as the principalwho likes to pat his players on the behindhis scene where tonys unloading the truth to the sexed class is classic the film is loaded with inspired casting choicesjust littered with funny characters and the cast interpretationssuch as ed mcmahon as a very conservative military blowhard who actually looks identical to joseph mccathy standing next to his photo in the bomb shelteralways talking about commies joanne nail as bulging eyed ricky in present day who falls for the werewolf elizabeth hartmana patch of blueas a mousy nerdy sexually molestedand molesterteacher who finds an attraction towards tony james dixon as a deputyhis great scene has him stealing a line from his police chief reciting it to dr brand who begins mouthing the words to himself for memorization roz kelly as jane an undyingly devoted female desiring tony for only herself constantly demanding he ravish her and bill kirchenbauer as flynn tonys longtime pal and now the police chief who only got jane after his friend left town can not forget jm j bullock as flynns closeted gay son trying to fit in at the school hoping to find a dame with hilarious resultsbr br i like how the film pays homage to the werewolf genre such as when hes on the prowlhes often referred to in the papers as jack the nipper because he likes to bite his victims on the cheekand im not talking face hes seen more as an annoyance than danger the homages to carrie and psycho are nice and the violin shtick is also amusing cohen tosses so many zingers at the viewer eventually one has to stick obviously in a comedy such as this not every joke hits its mark but many do the cast makes this worthwhile the film looks cheap on the typical larry cohen budget notice the s scenes where the obvious old cast members that would show up down the road wear glaring wigs loved adam in the leadhe is the perfect foil for the gags that follow him and the zingers he lets fly from cohens script the film moves quickly rarely catching a breath i liked this horror comedy more than most it seems,pos
this is an interesting little flick made in with cool jazzy twangy soundtrack music and a plot that will make you laughok its not really stupid but its cheesy fun i saw many similarities between this and creature with the blue hand aka the bloody dead and they do have the same director scotland yards finest is investigating the murders of young ladies at a college seems that criminals are being let loose from a local prison to do the bidding of some evil person and then returned when their work is done theres a nifty device hidden inside a bible that squirts prussic acid and theres another device that is neither nifty nor clandestine it looks like a large squirt gun and the victim must be pretty near soaked before they expire joachim fuchsberger plays an inspector and he mostly chews gum and looks off into the distance theres a monk and how anyone identifies this thing as a monk is beyond me it carries a whip and dresses in a red outfit with a red hood more of a klan member of a different color than a monk theres all kinds of nifty devices like a fireplace hearth that goes up and down to admit the monk and it steps right over the fire without setting his robe alight a nifty trick right there this is an odd combo of crime drama with goofy overtones and while its rather silly at times it is fun to watch out of not bad,pos
in this day and age of incredible special movie effects this one was a sore disappointment the actors seemed stiff and uninspired as was the dialogue westerns are not common fare for hollywood so much these days but movies like silverado prove that somebody out there still knows how to make a good one considering that it is hard to conceive that anyone would go to any expense at all in releasing much less creating such a weak film as this one if you love and are looking for a good western keep looking,neg
jennifers shadow is set in argentina starts as jennifer cassi gina philips arrives there after her sister johanna dies jennifer is left johannas large house in her will jennifer decides to sell the house head back to los angeles even though her grandmother mary ellen faye dunaway is opposed to the sale however strange things begin to happen jennifer starts having nightmares about ravens pecking at her she starts to feel very ill after a check up in hospital it seems that one of her kidneys have mysteriously disappeared what is happening to jennifer is it an ancient family curse will jennifer be the next to succumb to itbr br this argentinian american coproduction was cowritten codirected by daniel de la vega pablo parés is a really dull waste of ninety odd minutes a tedious predictable modern ghost story that i would imagine will put more people to sleep sooner than scare them the script by vega parés pj pettiette is pretty slow going tedious which is not what anyone wants i mean im sure most people dont want to sit down be bored out of their skulls the characters are all uninteresting fairly faceless with little or no motivation for anything they do for instance who is that graveyard caretaker guy how did he know about the demons what is his interest motivation for getting involved i couldnt see it jennifer herself is a pretty unlikable bland leading lady her grandmother mary allen is as clichéd as they come its surprising that she is so obviously the villain i mean for this sort of mystery based horrorghost story its surprisingly predictable routine there are gaps in both logic the story which together with the terrible twist ending which isnt much of a twist i didnt like jennifers shadow one iotabr br directors vega parés goes down the much used route of bleaching almost all of the colour from the picture which often renders it not too far from black and white i suspect that they wanted to give it a period gothic feel but its been done so many times before often so much better that it didnt do much for me at all just makes the whole film look dull lifeless theres a definite s period look as well from the costumes to the interior of the large house but again its rather half hearted cheap looking jennifers shadow is well made but its rather forgettable its not scary or creepy its rather predictable if that wasnt enough theres no gore either theres a few scenes of ravens pecking away at people a beating heart but nothing elsebr br with a supposed budget of about retitled to the chronicles of the raven for its us international dvd release this is reasonably well made but a million wont buy you too much these days jennifers shadow pretty much proves that theory there are too many scenes of actors speaking in thick argentinian accents as well even though it might be realistic i actually like to be able to understand what people are saying the acting is alright although dunaway overacts badly is obviously there for the moneybr br jennifers shadow is a rubbishy ghost film that i thought was a total bore from start to finish i would rather watch the incredibly strange creatures who stopped living and became mixedup zombies again instead a total waste of time,neg
the plot is tight the acting is flawless the directing script scenery casting are all well done i watch this movie frequently though i dont know what it is about the whole thing that grabs me see it and drop me a line if you can figure out why i like it so much,pos
waste of my life the director should be embarrassed why people feel they need to make worthless movies will never make sense to me when she died at the end it made me laugh i had to change the channel many times throughout the film because i was getting embarrassed watching such poor acting hopefully the guy who played heath never gets work again on top of that i hope the director never gets to make another film and has his paycheck taken back for this crap out of ,neg
one thing about hollywood someone has a success and its always rushed to be copied and another thing is that players give some of their best performances away from their home studiobr br rock hudson got such accolades for his performance in the texas based film giant that universal executives must have thought lets quick get him into another modern texas settingbr br similarly robert stack got great reviews for the high and the mighty as the pilot who was cracking under the strain of flying a damaged aircraft that it was natural to give him another crack up rolebr br both of these ends were achieved in written on the wind before hudson was the big ranch owner now hes the son of a hunting companion of robert stacks father who took hudson under his wing in other words the james dean part without the james dean racism from giant br br lauren bacall is the executive secretary of an advertising agency that stacks hadley oil company uses hudson likes her but shes dazzled by stacks millions and when he woos a girl hes got the means to really pursue a campaign she marries stackbr br and last but not least in the mix we have dorothy malone whos stacks amoral sister who has a yen for rock but rock aint about to get tangled up with this wild child br br dorothy malone spent over years in a whole bunch of colorless film heroine roles before landing this gem she got a best supporting actress award for her part as marilee hadley and it was well deservedbr br if you like splashy technicolor fifties soap opera than this is the film for you,pos
other than some neat special effects this movie has nothing to offer they threw in some gore and some nudity to try and make it interesting but with no success kevin bacons acting was pretty good but he couldnt salvage the movies lack of plot,neg
does any one know what the sports cars were i think robert stacks might have been a masserattirock hudsons character told his father he was taking a job in iraq isnt that timely i have had dorthy malone in my spank bank most of my life maybe this was the film that impressed meloren bacall sure did have some chops in this film and probably outacted malone but maloness part made a more sensational impact so she got the oscar for best supporting rolewas lorens part considered a leading roleold man hadley character was was probably a pretty common picture of tycoons of his era in that he was a regular guy who made it big in an emerging industry but in building a whole town he had forgotten his children to have his wife bring them upin timebeing widowed he realized that they were all he really had and they were spoiled rottenlooking for attentionso rather than try to relate to his children he blew his head offan ancient morality talebut seriouslywhat were those sports cars,pos
isabelle huppert is a wonderful actor the director of la pianiste understands this providing the viewer with long takes of hupperts face and these are a pleasure to see huppert is not an animated actorshe registers emotion with the smallest lift of an eyebrow or flicker of a smilebr br other than the enjoyment of watching an experienced actor excel in her profession there is nothing in this movie that makes me want to recommend it well if you enjoy selfmutilation sadomasochism and bizarre behavior la pianiste might work for you other than these attributes i could not find any redeeming value in itbr br buried in all this strange material there is a kernel of truth people who compete at the very highest levelmusically athletically whateverbegin as strange people and are shaped into stranger people by the competitive environmentbr br not worth a trip to a movie theater to relearn this life lesson br br ,neg
this is one of the most brilliant movies that i have seen in recent times goes way above even any international movie of any repute i am really surprised why this has not received the recognition it deserved sonali kulkarni winning the national award is perhaps the only consoling fact renuka daftardar simply amazes as she speaks volumes through her eyes there are a few scenes that stand out when gauri comes back from the city on krishnas wedding she and krishna meet for the first time in many years krishna notices a change in gauri but not a single line of dialogue is said the entire gamut of emotions is conveyed through subtle mannerisms and the eyes theres another towards the end when krishna pleads to abhay kulkarni to marry gauri instead if you are not moved by that scene you dont have a heartbr br watch this movie for sheer moviemaking brilliance and acting capabilities,pos
one of the best movies out there yeah maybe the cinematography wasnt the greatest but an excellent plot and concept great for the time and brilliant and creative ideas something different from the usual movies and great fun one of my favorites and would recommend to anyone who likes creative and imaginative movies post world war and fighting in gigantic robots the actors gave a great performance and made it all worth while the sets are not amazing but simple and worked for the overall look of the film this movie is very hard to find on dvd but also on vhs check it out cause i have loved it since it came out not a mainstream flick and not like anything youve ever seen take a look and think like a child its a great view and very fun,pos
the late dudley moore had the most famous role of his tooshort career in s arthur a raucously funny and alternately touching tale that generates warm smiles big bellylaughs and an occasional tear if youre in the right mood moore received a best actor oscar nomination for his performance as arthur bach a drunken playboy who races cars plays tennis fondles women but he has weekends off and hes his own boss arthur is destined to inherit million dollars when he marries a snooty society girl named susan johnston jill eikenberrywho is the spoiled daughter of an undercover gangster things get sticky when arthur meets linda morolla liza minnelli a waitressstruggling actress from queens who steals neckties for her fathers birthday moore lights up the screen in one of the single funniest performances of the last years the late sir john gielgud won a best supporting actor oscar for his flawless turn as arthurs acidtongued butler and best friend hobson whose outward disdain for arthurs behavior covers more paternal feelings there are other funny contributions by barney martin as lindas father stephen elliott as susans father and geraldine fitzgerald as arthurs demented grandmother the film was directed with a keen eye for comedy by a first time director named steve gordon who sadly died the following the year there was also a forgettable sequel several years later but this instant classic is not to be missed,pos
i had first watched this several years ago on a nowdefunct sicilian tv channel amazingly the film emerged as a heftilypriced dvd from criterion not being sure what i had made of it initially despite having attained cult status over the years the achievement proper is clearly viewed with modesty even by genre buffs i opted not to make the purchase – as i did with the similar and to me unfamiliar fiend without a face recently however i managed to acquire the blob via a copy of the spanish dvd which interestingly ported over the two audio commentary tracks from the criterion special edition…but regrettably i could not switch off the spanish subtitles during playback of the main feature anyway looking at the film anew i was surprised by how much i enjoyed it despite many a narrative flaw which i will get to later – as a pure example of bmovie schlockiness atypically shot in pleasant color and a timecapsule illustrating late s social attitudes the male lead was an early role for steven mcqueen and though the actor may have subsequently looked at it with disdain his sole contribution to the genre proves fairly engaging not averse to juvenile kicks but still essentially a decent and more importantly altruistic kid the special effects depicting the slimy and expanding creature are not too bad of its kind and period the film itself rises to a good climax – beginning with the monsters invasion of a cinema showing daughter of horror as i mentioned recently in that films review but being curiously screened flipped and which sequence incidentally would be featured at the opening of a satirical italian program actually called blob as to the admittedly minor quibbles i have with the film the monster is not shown traveling – it just turns up at a variety of places never being seen by anyone there is a baffling overemphasis tantamount to padding on the kids scrapes with police it is silly to have the town doctor shoot at the blob – as if fluid whatever its proportion can be destroyed by bullets equally nonsensical is having the teenagers alert the townsfolk of the danger by making doortodoor visits especially when considering that at that stage only mcqueen had actually seen the monster in action an inferior sequel emerged in called beware the blob the original was then remade in – i watched this not too long ago but it seems not to have made a lasting impression on me though i know micheal elliott loves it for the record i will be following this viewing with two more collaborations between director yeaworth and producer jack h harris namely d man and dinosaurus ,pos
one of scorseses worst an average thriller the only thing to recommend it is de niro playing the psycho the finale is typically of this genre ie overthetop with yet another almost invincible immunetopain villain i didnt like the s original and this version wasnt much of an improvement on it i have no idea why scorsese wasted his time on a remake then again considering how bad his recent movies have been im referring to his dull buddhist movie and all the ones with his new favourite actress the blond girl di caprio this isnt even that bad by comparison and considering spielberg wanted to do the remake could have been far worse,neg
as a former submariner this was one of the worst submarine movies i have ever seen first of all a mutiny aboard any us naval vessel particularly a nuclear powered trident submarine in unthinkable these men are the best of the best and are dedicated to their mission the responsibility they carry is awesome and they take it very seriously all the way from the captain to the most junior crew member i could never see a crew of any ship split their alliance between the captain and the executive officer an executive officer who acted as the character played by denzel washington did would be relieved of his duties and court martialed then drummed from the navy it is no surprise the navy refused to send a technical adviser to help in making this film lastly if any member of a submarine crew made the amount of noise made underway on this vessel they would be severely reprimanded submariners learn early in their career to be as quiet as possible to avoid detection they dont slam doors and even speak quietly and wear soft soled shoes when underway i was amazed at how loud they portrayed the crew while underway loud music would never be tolerated i know portraying submarine life in reality would not sell movie tickets but this is over the top to the point of being ridiculous i would not recommend this movie to anyone,neg
i tried to like this program i really did i even bought the pilot film first on vhs and later on dvd however i couldnt get into this story because its two main characters david bruce willis and maddie cybill shepherd just seemed to in love with themselves for one thing i admit was some clever dialog in the shows which was a key part of the success of the tv program and i did appreciate of lot of that dialog br br basically this was almost like the old screwball comedy movies of the s and s with male versus female you get lots of arguing accusations yelling and screaming a lot of people apparently love that sort of bickering but i hate it so i never got on the moonlighting bandwagon br br only allyce beasley as the hapless aide agnes was entertaining its too bad she had such little air time shepherd was nice on the eyes and i suppose women would say the same for willis but too much arguing between the two finally turned me off,neg
paris je taime is a wondrous cinematic homage to the city of light and the city of love a film so complex that it almost defies summarization and reviewing ask a large group of people their impressions of life in paris and the result would be something akin to this film tied together by each of the sectors or arrondissement of the city the film examines love in all forms native folk in their parisian modes and tourists interacting with the great city approximately twenty writers and directors each with about five minutes of screen time include olivier assayas the coen brothers sylvain chomet isabel coixet wes craven alfonso cuarón gérard depardieu christopher doyle vincenzo natali alexander payne walter salles nobuhiro suwa and gus van sant among others less well known the stories vary from hilarious to humorous to touching to tragic to banal to tenderbr br in one story a young frenchman gaspard ulliel is attracted to a young lithographer elias mcconnell pouring out his heart in french to a lad who speaks only english in another a separated husband and wife gena rowlands and ben gazzara meet in the latin quarter to finalize divorce proceedings while another couple in pèrelachaise emily mortimer and rufus sewell approach marriage without connection until the spirit of departed oscar wilde intervenes steve buscemi in tuileries confronts superstition in a subway with his bag of tourist collections in bastille sergio castellitto in love with mistress leonor watling is ready to divorce his wife miranda richardson until she confides she has terminal leukemia juliette binouche confronts agony about her sons fantasies and loss in place des victoires with the help of a mythical cowboy willem defoe sara martins and nick nolte and ludivine sagnier display a keen tale of mistaken ideas in parc monceau fanny ardant and bob hoskins play out a strange relationship in pigalle melchior beslon plays a young blind man to actress natalie portman in learning how to see in faubourg saintdenis vampire love between elijah wood and olga kurylenko in quartier de la madeleine maggie gyllenhaal is an expatriot actress stung out on drugs in quartier des enfants rouges and margo martindale is a visiting tourist letter carrier trying desperately to speak the french she has studied for her lifes trip in a tenderly hilarious ème arrondissementbr br the final few minutes of the film tries to tie together as many of the stories as feasible but this only works on superficial levels the film is long and there are no bridges between the many stories a factor that can tire the audience due to lack of time to assimilate all of the action but it is in the end a richly detailed homage to a great city and supplies the viewer with many vignettes to revisit like a scrapbook of a time in paris it is a film worth seeing multiple times grady harp,pos
this film was quite a surprise i wasnt expecting much to be honest greta garbos first hollywood film so what probably something rough and with the usual exaggerated armwaving and facial contortions that lowgrade silent films so often showbr br well was i mistaken greta garbo must have just shocked the studio people as much as she did me because this film made her a star and deservedly so she instinctively understood the power of just standing still or of simply holding a meaningful expression for a long lingering moment so its effect could be felt and not just seen i kept thinking to myself how did this modern actress get into a creaky silent film she was just years and years ahead of her timebr br the story isnt all that interesting it is the usual tale of love found and lost it is only the performance of garbo as leonora the poor village girl who makes good in the big city and then returns to get the man who got away that gives it life costar ricardo cortez is serviceable but his character is never really developed and he is demeaned by the script throughout at one point he is made to wear garbos clothes leave in a huff then ignominiously return and give them back and lets not even talk about his horrible final scenes with garbo and then his wife way too ordinary he didnt have much of a career after this and i can understand why but he suffices as the somewhat mystifying object of leonoras obsessionbr br there is one utterly fantastic line in this film that just says it all leonora you are becoming conspicuous yes conspicuous indeedbr br if you really want to know what its all about without seeing the whole film just watch the last seconds or so garbos glance as she sits quite alone in her luxurious car says everything she must be so happy she has everything she wants yes garbos face says it all about that i have to see this one again garbo is just amazing,pos
the team of merian cooper and ernest schoedsack produced a documentary of bakhtiari people and their animals on the summer migration to winter grazing the basic worth of this film today is as a time capsule of a forgotten people and how they lived during what we in the west knew as the roaring twenties a more drastic contrast could not be imagined raging river and barefoot mountain crossings are brutally realistic and the animals that disappear under the water do in fact die to make sure that the audience of the time believed that the story took place a signed certificate of authenticity is offered up at the end the version that i saw had fascinating iranian music that can stand alone and be appreciated without the film having said all this the film is probably of more value to the anthropologist than the casual viewer in search of a good evenings entertainment the crew had just barely sufficient stock to take the shots that they recorded and there is no fancy camera work resulting from multiple retakes the western intertitles detract from the experience but are in fact a part of the record since they demonstrate how hollywood tried to put their spin on the lives of an indigenous peoples lives so that they would be appreciated by the audience of the day offduty entertainment by desert police becomes a policemans ball the producers went on to make the docudrama chang and the totally commercial king kong the migration theme is used again in people of the wind and in himalaya recommended for those who know in advance what they are getting into and then highly recommended for them,pos
i recently found a copy for at a video store and snapped it up eagerly while the music and obviously graphics arent up to the standards of my favorite of the series beyond the minds eye i am still entranced by one segmentbr br stanley and stella in breaking the ice the music is brilliant and the emotions feel real the clip on odysseys website doesnt have the story nor the music unfortunately,pos
this is an arnold movie now that you know that ive saved a lot of you the time it would have taken to read this review if you dont like arnold then you wont like this movie if the case is the other then you will very probably like it its as simple as thatbr br now if youre still reading this i expect you like arnold good for you he is quite good isnt he the running man is a very typical arnold feature its got the usual retrofuture we know so well from s bsci fi its got a bunch of terrible oneliners lots of violence and explosions and a goodlooking heroine and a happy endingbr br in this case the evil opponent is the allcontrolling ish government which uses television as an effective crowdcontrol with gladiatortype game shows arnold of course ends up in one of these shows and turns it all upsidedown with a little help from his two confederates and the goodlooking amberbr br its not a big budget movie but it still managed to create a pretty good atmosphere of the future with some nice matte paintings and sets to help it its hopelessly s but i find that charming acting is varying arnold doing his usual grunt and shout thing with a helping of stonefaced oneliners heroine amber is to put it lightly a bit stereotypical and the subtly named damen killian is a typical evil tv manbr br in spite of all its flaws the movie shows its message very clearly television is an opiate of the masses a good way to control people it also features some at the time futuristic digital video editing allowing the bad guys to change faces in a video to fool their audience this does not seem futuristic at all today which is a bit alarmingbr br if youve seen arnold movies before then you know when to watch this one enjoy,pos
only saw this show a few times but will live in my memory br br it is very frustrating that it is so difficult to find this anywhere to purchase and yet there seem to be endless repeats of stuff like friends especially even more difficult to obtain being in england i guessbr br they say it was low ratings or was it a complaint from the bakersfield pd themselves maybe it was just too clever for certain people br br anyhow just about the one comedy i would love to see again but is almost impossible to find i hear it is being or has been repeated on another network but alas not over herebr br summary ingenious,pos
im glad that i saw this film after mrsandler became famousbr br it is badbadbadbad there is no plot its like watching a painfully dull home moviebr br i really enjoy his other filmsbut if youre a fan like mestay away from this one it may change your thoughts on adam you may never recover from the horror that is this filmive had a better time watching old folks play scrabble in a home,neg
an updated version of a theme which has been done before while that in and of itself is not bad this movie doesnt reach the ring like the other inherent and pure evil ones do br br predictable ambitious attempt that falls short of the mark not worth sitting through for the tired contrived ending,neg
as much as i dislike saying me too in response to other comments its completely true that the first minutes of this film have nothing whatsoever to do with the endless dirge that comprises the following br br having been banned somewhere doesnt make a film watchable just because it doesnt resemble a hollywood product does not make it crediblebr br worse yet in addition to no discernible plot other than there are lots of muddy places in russia and many people even very old women drink lots of vodka a number of visuals are so unnecessarily nauseating im in to my second package of rolaidsbr br as for spoilers well the film is so devoid of any narrative thread i couldnt write one if i triedbr br dont waste your time or money and dont confuse this with good russian cinema,neg
the wife and i saw a preview of this movie while watching another dvd and thought jon heder diane keaton jeff daniels and eli wallach its gotta be better than summer reruns so i ordered it from local library well any episode of lawrence welk would bring more laughs than mamas boy i actually felt sorry for the actors for having to read the script in the privacy of their own homes and i couldnt imagine what it must have been like for them to have to actually say their lines in front of a camera perhaps at least maybe next time theyre offered a movie of this sort theyll just say no a one anna two,neg
what can i say an excellent end to an excellent series it never quite got the exposure it deserved in asia but by far the best cop show with the best writing and the best cast on televison ever the end of a great era sorry to see you go,pos
okay just by reading the title you would think that it would be a good movie well at least i did it started out good but became so boring after the first half hour spoilerbr br it tells a story about a mother that is so desperate for her daughter to become a cheerleader that she will go to any lengths to get what she wants the only problem is that her daughters friend is the girl in the way she always wins the competitions therefore pushing the mother further towards eliminating her after talking to a hitman the mother decides that the girl needs to be roughed up a bit so actions are taken but she eventually gets caughtbr br the cast is awful and the movie drags on too long with nothing happening dont waste your time watching thisbr br ,neg
the three main characters are very well portrayed especially anisio by rock musician turned into first time actor paulo miklos he is extremely convincing as the lower class trespasserinvader the film shows very well the snowball effect of getting involved in ever more shady business the contrast and similarities between the lower and higher classes how everyone gets carried away by greed and ambition out of ,pos
this movie surprised me it had good oneliners and laughs a nonstop actionpacked storyline with tons of gun action and explosions this movie surprisingly had a lot of good twists and turns the plot is solid despite what others may think it kept my interest the whole time right up till the very end in conclusion this is a great way for an action movie buff to spend time on,pos
i saw this movie with the intention of not liking it i sure didnt its one of those movies that seems to have been made exclusively for the oscars music throughout the film in almost every single frame almost no profanity set in a time long gone sepiatoned imagery pretentious title no sex and a genius that explains everything he thinks and concludes in sfxcgi so that we the stupid audience get it one thing that amused me though is the fact that they spelled the nobel price wrong instead they call the nobelprice named after an actual person called alfred nobel the nobleprice jesus how can one make such a mistake in such a big production supposedly based on a true story what a sham what were you and the others thinking ron,neg
this film is to the fbis history as knotts berry farm is to the old west shamelessly sanitized version of the federal bureau of investigation fight against crime hoovers heavy hand did he have any other kind shows throughout with teevee quality scriptreading actors cheesy sets cheap sound effects and lighting with jimmy stewart at of dramatic capacity vera miles chewing the scenery the film features every clister known in the midfifties with nary a hint of irony or humor from the amazon jungle to the back yard barbecue everything reeks of sound stages and back lots even the gunshots are canned and familiar i imagine mervyn leroy got drunk every night except for a few very few interesting exterior establishing shots nothing here of note beyond a curio,neg
ive seen this film because i had do my job includes seeing movies of all kinds i couldnt stop thinking who gave money to make such an awful film and also submit it to cannes festival it wasnt only boring the actors were awful as well it was one of the worst movies ive ever seen,neg
if you think weird al yankovic is hilarious you wont be disappointed by the compleat al not only does this rare mockumentary feature many of yankovics more memorable videos like a surgeon and i love rocky road among them but they are interspliced with funny vignettes supposedly highlighting the parodists rise to fame yankovic is not for all tastes but his humor is harmless and imaginative enough that even nonfans will at least be lightly amused diehard fans will love it not only for its content but also for its relatively early look into yankovics now nearly three decade career suitable for all ages kiddies will no doubt love the funny visuals,pos
i cant say how closely the film follows the novel never having read the book but since this clocks in at some six and a half hours its a good bet that most of the base are covered or at least we can say with some certainty that this isnt a readers digest condensed versionbr br the production values are high well up to the standards of other bbc classic series like inspector morse and sherlock holmes we can believe dickens london looked sounded and thought a lot like this there are some occasional minor lapses some sportsman firing a pistol with a percussion cap in or or whenever this took placebr br the acting too is to be applauded suzanne burden is the polite and honest heroine who quietly goes about doing good shes cute too in a mature way her beauty in her compassionate nature not in any flirtatiousness denholm elliott is her guardian and more than that as it turns out burden and elliott are two of the very few characters who are good in an unalloyed way another is a former sergeant forced to do evil by evil people another is a poor and helpless young boybr br i dont think anyone else could have written this its got all the earmarks of dickens poverty tragic deaths capitalism in the raw the generous rich guy in his gated home hidden parentage shadowy motives and the impotence or outright maliciousness of the justice system well not the justice system as a whole but the chancery which was evidently a court that decided matters having to do with the distribution of property so i gather from wikipedia it became so notoriously rigid and dilatory that it was thoroughly revamped in england in twice elliotts character describes it as a curse the most impressive scene involves a moneyscrounging creditor hounding a retired soldier in the latters gymnasium during a fencing lesson the sergeant is more masculine in the traditional sense than any other male character i remember from dickens the apoplectic money lender and renter is screaming threats from his seat and the sergeant turns towards him and does one delicate exercise with the saber after another each advancement bringing him closer to his tormentor while the scarletfaced old creditor shrinks back into his seatbr br a couple of things are missing often dickens will stick in at least one or two amusing lines of dialog humbug or the law is a ass not here bleak house is the right title second there are practically no weberian ideal types no mr micawbers or artful dodgers or scrooges third the atmosphere the whole ethos is relentlessly dismal one tribulation follows another usually having to do with money or some shameful peccadillo out of the pastbr br my god its depressing its as if the author were venting his spleen on everything he hated in the world he knew poverty okay he knew poverty but one wonders what the chancery did to dickens to deserve this kind of treatmentbr br maybe i should add that ive just watched the first episode of the series and its better in two ways there is more zip in the direction so the pace is a little faster and the business of jarndyce vs jarndyce is explained satisfactorily right up front instead of lurking about in the shadows as that mysterious curse so the plot is easier to follow,pos
ive discovered that this film gets rented based off of the packaging the zombie on the front of the dvd looks cool and scary then you get to the movie and its women with raccoon masks on zero special effectsand even the fight scenes you can see them miss punches by feet the funny thing is that lommel acts in the movie briefly himself and is worse than the rest of the crap actors in the movie the only thing i can think is that lommel is just trying to make such a bad film that people dub it a cult classichowever i cant possibly imagine anyone thinking this is anything but one of the worst movies ever made the real horror in this film is how bad it is im embarrassed i rented it and vow never to see another lommel film again,neg
i had two reasons for watching this swashbuckler when it aired on danish television yesterday first of all i wanted to see gina lollobrigida and here i wasnt disappointed she looked gorgeous second of all through reading about the film i had gotten the impression that it featured absurd humor not unlike that which can be found in philippe de brocas films on this account however i was sadly disappointed i found the jokes predictable apart from a few witty remarks on the topic of war and the characters completely onedimensional also the action scenes were done in a strangely mechanical and uninspired fashion with no sense of drama at all i kept watching until the end but i got bored very quickly and just sat there waiting for the scenes with lollobrigida,neg
please even if you are in the worst of the moods refrain from watching this flick br br i dont think whether anything was right with this movie at all on a friends recommendation i watched this and i literally flushed h and min of my life down the closet poor acting stupid direction weak storyline and pathetic action sequences and when you blend this together you get double impact even least of the expectations were not met br br i guess i did learn one thing never watch van damme action flicks they are pure wastage of time ,neg
i have been known to fall asleep during films but this is usually due to a combination of things including really tired being warm and comfortable on the sette and having just eaten a lot however on this occasion i fell asleep because the film was rubbish the plot development was constant constantly slow and boring things seemed to happen but with no explanation of what was causing them or why i admit i may have missed part of the film but i watched the majority of it and everything just seemed to happen of its own accord without any real concern for anything else i cant recommend this film at all,neg
this was another world war ii message to the soldiers and to the allies to be careful about spreading rumors these were called instructional cartoons because it was a mixture of serious messages along with a funnylooking main character called pvt snafubr br all of us have imaginations along with fears and whathaveyou and thats what happens here as pvt snafu incorrectly adds two and two to something he hears and comes up with five you can start panics and all kinds of disasters if you spread enough rumors and enough people believe them that includes losing confidence in your country and your cause as pointed out here in this cartoon a good way to lose a war is demoralize the enemy thats still being done today br br we lost the war declares one big baloney near the end of this cartoon amazing how some americans still havent learned this cartoon may be years old but it sure has relevance today as i write this there were two terrorist bombings in europe today and some people still think the war on terror is just a bumper sticker slogan amazingbr br the writer the famous dr suess uses analogies of hot air balloon juice here to present the above message with theodore geisel his real name you know the rhymes will be cleverbr br nothing hilarious here but it wasnt meant to be you have to understand the climate of and the justified paranoia that was out there during world war ii people forget that war could have easily wound up with the other side winning it was a tense time,pos
there is nothing cool hip or clever about this film liking it just reveals an ignorance of true art cinema how can you so easily forget that the central fact of this entire film is that these mean ugly people are serial killers if they have to dismember total strangers in order to be a family again then we dont want them to be a family what part of that did you have trouble grasping why applaud this filthbr br this silly filth is what you do if you cant do art ones head life must be deeply empty to mistake this shallow viciousness as interesting this is a camera without a brain what really makes an artwork cool is profundity questioning the status quo from a perspective informed by a knowledge of history or in this case a knowledge of anything would be preferable instead this is just randomly piling up the ugliest images available in a world in meltdown thanks to just the sort of empty meanness glorified as cool cause its so far out man these same violent events actually happen every day they are not just in the film they refer to actual soulless people who would do those same things to you do you want those things done to you a child could have thought this up it required zero imagination it is not surrealism this lazy crap has no content is saying nothingits just the worst of the evening news it is saying nothing new nothing we dont already know its the emperors new clothes the director hoping there are enough uneducated children proud of their streak of inhumanity for this sloppy filth to fly i can see director miikes demented fans now chainsmoking teensand twenties drunks covered in tattoos with metal hanging from holes punched in their faces their knowledgebase inversely proportional to their intelligence estimate of themselves br br there is no plot to thisit is just sheer exploitation of shockvalue violence there is no hidden meaning anywhere in this poorly made film it is fine to explore a film to see if you can find cinematic devices that are ingeniously artistic but you cannot uncover a hidden meaning if one is not there to do that you need to view review a real piece of cinema there are plenty out there directed by fellini bergman fassbinder herzog altman bunuel kurosawa lynch tarkovsky peter greenaway tarantino guillermo del toro richard linklater eisenstein aronofsky gus van sant soderbergh shyamalan ordet why dont you view a real art film by the likes of these giants this wannabe director miike will never make a film equal to one of the geniuses i just listed because he just doesnt have the talent anyone could slap together some chaotic crap like visitor q teenagers could throw that together in one afternoon theres no message no meaning no plot nothing to it at all there are long lists of art films to learn frombut this visitor q is not an art film in any respect it has no content to it its just one banal horror piled onto another and the point to remember about those hideous crimes is that those things happen every single day somewhere in the world they are not okay because they are just in the film they refer to actual soulless people who would do those same things to you do you want those things done to you to others why because this world is already ugly enough thanks to people who enjoy thinking about horrific events like this br br there are sooooo many art films out there to use your mind to deconstruct but you are wasting your talents with this piece of crap there is no deeper meaning there is nothing to analyze why keep trying ive spent nearly years watching practically every film ever made and keeping up with all the new ones but ive never seen anything as disgustingly pointless as this its not imaginative or even shocking because these types of events happen daily all over the world to make this film or even to favorably review it has caused over young airheads who dont know any better to think its cool they may grow up thinking that convincing others some of whom may end up doing these thingsconvicted killers often reveal how they started out just this way by being desensitized to the horror of this gruesome inhumanity trust me on thisi know cool and cool this piece of crap aint visitor q has the feel of a genuine snuff film and im still not sure it isnt actually br br your actions have consequences son the world is awful enough already some violence like this could happen to you or to the socially irresponsible director who cranked out this fake art film believe me you wont be thinking its cool when someone is sawing your skull in half,neg
ahh talespin what can i say that hasnt already been said about this great show nothing this is without a doubt one of the most wellwritten shows ive ever encountered liveaction or animation the newer stuff is way too dumbed down for my tastes and some of the mature stuff i have to shoo kids out of the room for but not talespinbr br the stories are engaging and very plausible some of them could even be stretched out to an hour or two for a movie episodes like stormy weather and her chance to dream are very dramatic while still being enjoyable for kids and adults alike then there are the pure comedy episodes such as the bluest of the baloo bloods and stuck on you where the emphasis is on hilarity i can laugh myself to tears in a few choice onesbr br the drama aspect is very lacking in most shows nowadaysat least those which arent specifically geared toward it especially in cartoons in the episode stormy weather for instance kit cloudkicker decides that hes going to join an air circus but baloo believes that it would be too dangerous in the biggest fight of the episode baloo yells at kit to stay away from daring dan to which kit screams no you cant tell me what to do yourre not my dad and buries his face in his pillow the next day he leaves for the air circus this kind of drama is a rarity in a cartoon and would be most welcome in the ones created nowadaysbr br the characters have a lot of depth to them baloo is pretty much the way he is in the jungle book plus or minus a few degrees of laziness rebecca is a cunning business woman whose ideas on getting money while good in theory are seldom good in practice molly is a cute little girl but you cant let that deceive you she can be a real hellion sometimes kit cloudkicker is a darker character than the rest he doesnt trust adults much unless they appeal to him and he has a tendency to break off relationships watch his expression in plunder and lightning when he grabs the grappling hook he looks as though hes prepared to put it right through a piratebr br in the end its the drama combined with the very real chemistry between the characters that makes this show in my book the relationship between baloo and kit is very real almost father and son this is demonstrated well in alls whale that ends whale when baloo takes kits word for it that seymour is abusing the animals in his aquarium instead of siding with the other adults baloo and beckys relationship is also realistic due to baloos motivation for working comes from wanting to buy back the ol sea duck not necessarily a desire to help rebecca but something tells me that if he did get the duck back hed still do jobs for rebeccabr br the sea duck not to mention all the other planes in the series is pretty realistically designed the planes functions dont change once throughout the seriescontinuity like that is hard to come by also and unlike most other superplanes of other cartoons it doesnt have one single weapon on boardunless you count mangoes and relies instead on its cunning pilots great skill to get out of trouble its hard to think of a hero vehicle that doesnt have some sort of gun turret laser cannon or even a handgun somewhere on board and the fact that they use their heads to get out of trouble is so hard to find in a cartoon nowadays plus its just such a darn cool designbr br this is definitely the best cartoon ever period definitely worth all ten stars,pos
this movie was recommended to me by a friend i never saw an ad or a trailer so i didnt know clooney was in it and was not bothered by the fact that his role was so small i thought the whole cast was suitable and found the film pretty enjoyable all in all the opening scene with the small crew of bandits standing at the side of the road looking whipped and haggard caught my attention immediately it had a way of telling you dont go away this wont be boring and it really wasnt it turned out to be an interesting lighthearted comedy with enough twists and turns to keep you in your seat to the very end but when the ending did arrive i felt a little bit cheatedjust a little bit the events kept building up so that you expect them to continue building but at a point that i cant define it sort of levels out making the ending a slight disappointment i reckon i expected a bigger bang of a climax but it turned out sort of lowkey if you watch the movie with that in mind and you can live without high dosages of george clooney you should find this flick very entertaining and well worth watching now id like to see the original big deal on madonna street but its probably a rare find in the united states,pos
in my opinion this movies title should be changed from only the brave to all about lane i went to a screening of this film a few months ago and was quite disappointed with the outcome although i appreciate that the director made a movie about the men of nd a subject matter that long deserved addressing in the film industry the acting in some parts of film was quite stale the performances of marc dacascos tamlyn tomita and jason scott lee were all great however the director should have never put himself as the main character in the movie sorry lane you are just not a film actor stick to what youre good at theater acting gina hiraizumis performance in this film was also horrible she should never have been given a speaking role and her looks were unfit to play the part of a miss nisei queen there were other young actresses in the film who were naturally beautiful and whose performances were wonderful why werent they cast for that role another major problem with this film were its action sequences the japaneseamerican soldiers dont look like they were fighting german soldiers let alone anyone granted this was a low budget feature but since this was a warbased film isnt it important to show some actually fighting this film was a worthy attempt but definitely not worth a major distribution,neg
in his directorial debut denzel washington takes a true story that also happens to be a very difficult story and brings it to the screen with an honesty that we have come to expect from washingtons acting efforts but now we see this touch as a directorbr br recently we have seen some of the disastrous results of kids who have fallen through the cracks of public protection this story tells of a nightmare existence that leaves terrible scars but suggests the triumph of the human spirit in the endbr br we can nit pick on some first effort problems with too many close ups and not the best of editing these scenes but the simplicity of other scenes that project such power cannot be understatedbr br if the academy overlooks this film it will be travesty this film pulls no punches and goes to the cold hard facts of the story with a purity that usually doesnt transcend from a novel to the screen this of course is a tribute to the directorbr br this is a dandy so go see it and tell your friends to go see it too,pos
this highly underrated film is to me what good writing in a movie should be all about kasdan takes the search for meaning in our lives and lays it out for all to see and wonder at the movie is about the divides people create to insulate themselves from the violence and hatred and bigotry of everyday life br br along the way we are asked question after question about life davis steve martin with a great beard asks himself is my making a violent movie and by extension our enjoyment of it causing the violence in society claire asks what kind of world throws away something as precious as a human life mack is not immune as he asks is it possible to pass beyond the bounds of race and an even harder step finance these are of course not quoted from the film but generalities others ask their questions too and to be honest it raises more than it answersbr br but that is the nature of life we strive all our lives to find answers to questions we will never totally answer and in certain cases have to make answers fit to our own needs and desires as humans we thrive on questions we cannot answer some answers are real claire and mack come to realize that even though they could take the easy road and let the state take the baby their finding it placed the responsibility for her life in their hands some answers are not davis sees the light and decides not to make violent films but the next day turns around and dismisses his epiphany as subordinate to his artbr br we all seek answers this movie does not answer them for it simply reminds you to keep looking for the answersbr br ,pos
another comment about this film made it sound lousy given talking pictures were so new i think the script and acting were good davis was so young and fresh she had not yet found her own style that we had grown to expect yet it is great to see her this way still learning the craftbr br so many clichés came from this film and it seems this film blazed some trails for the next years my vote is see it and remember how young this type of film was keep and open mind and you maybe shocked at how troubled the characters were in this picture for being and how we view the early part of last century as uptight i love it and hope you make up your own mind about it not influenced by others negative and one note comments,pos
an unmarried woman named stella bette midler gets pregnant by a wealthy man stephen collins he offers to marry her out of a sense of obligation but she turns him down flat and decides to raise the kid on her own things go ok until the child named jenny trini alvarado becomes a teenager and things gradually and predictably become worsebr br ive seen both the silent version and sound version of stella dallas neither one affected me much and i cry easily but they were wellmade if dated trying to remake this in was just a stupid idea i guess midler had enough power after the incomprehensible success of beaches to get this made this predictably bombed the story is laughable and dated by todays standards even though midler and alvarado give good performances this film really drags and i was bored silly by the end stephen collins and marsha mason both good actors dont help in supporting roles flimsy and dull reallywho thought this would work see the stanwyck version instead i give this a ,neg
as a girl hinako moved away from her small village to tokyo leaving behind her two best friends fumiya and sayori she returns as a young woman surprised to find that sayori died when she was a teenager she reunites with fumiya and they are horrified to learn that sayori is mysteriously being resurrected via the island of shikoku oh boy i rented this because i like asian horror and i think chiaki kuriyama a nifty actress unfortunately if i had to describe shikoku in one word it would be fruity this movie is silly boring poorly filmed unimaginative and most of all unscary kuriyama has minimal screen time as the resurrected sayori and her character is given little to work with,neg
one word can describe this movie and that is weird i recorded this movie one day because it was a japanese animation and it was old so i thought it would be interesting well it was the movie is about a young boy who travels the universe to get a metal body so he can seek revenge on the way he meets very colorful characters and must ultimately decide if he wants the body or not ve
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