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Created January 3, 2018 11:13
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PowerShell script to automatically install the latest version of Datadog on a Windows Host
This PowerShell script is designed to install the latest Datadog agent seamlessly on windows
The API Key for your datadog installation. Contact support if you don't have one!
Where the MSI should be dropped. Defaults to C:\Windows\temp
Name of the host. Defaults to the Windows hostname
Tags to assign.
.\Datadog-Installer.ps1 -APIKey INSERTKEYHERE -Tags MyTag1,MyTag2
[string] $APIKey,
[ValidateScript ( { Test-Path $_ } ) ]
[string] $Location = "C:\Windows\Temp",
[string] $Hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
[string[]] $Tags
$MSI = "$location\ddog.msi"
If ( Test-path $MSI ) {
Remove-Item $MSI -Force
Write-Output "Getting versions JSON"
$InstallerJsonUrl =""
$Req = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $InstallerJsonUrl
Write-Output "Calculating latest version"
$VersionsObject = $Req.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$VersionStrings = $VersionsObject| Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select Name
$Versions = @()
ForEach ($Version in $VersionStrings){
$Versions += [version] $Version.Name
$LatestVersion = $Versions | Sort-Object -Descending | Select -First 1
Write-Output "Collecting Datadog Version $($LatestVersion.ToString())"
$TargetMSI = $VersionsObject.$($LatestVersion.toString()).amd64
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $TargetMSI -OutFile $MSI
If ( $Tags ){
$Expression = "msiexec /qn /i `"$MSI`" APIKEY=`"$APIKEY`" HOSTNAME=`"$HOSTNAME`" TAGS=`"$($TAGS -join ",")`""
$Expression = "msiexec /qn /i `"$MSI`" APIKEY=`"$APIKEY`" HOSTNAME=`"$HOSTNAME`""
Write-Output "Commencing Installation"
Write-Verbose "Installation Command: $Expression"
Invoke-Expression $Expression
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