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Created October 20, 2015 13:24
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This Powershell script returns a Windows service to Automatic mode and restarts it if it was stopped
#Script: KeepItAuto.ps1
#Author: Benjamin Newton - Excelian
#Version 1.0.0
#Keywords: DesiredState,Environment Management
#Comments:This script keeps services on Automatic and Alive!
This script takes a list of service names. If those services have been set to Manual, it turns them automatic. It then turns them on.
.Parameter ServiceNames
The services to keep alive
[Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
$ServiceNames = ('Logscape Agent')
Foreach ($SName in $ServiceNames){
$Service = Get-Service -Name $SName
$WMIService = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "Name='$SName'"
Catch [System.Exception]{
Write-Error $Error.ToString()
If($WMIService.StartMode -eq 'Auto'){
Write-Verbose "$SName : Already Automatic"
Set-Service $Service.Name -StartupType Automatic
Write-Output "$SName : Switched to Automatic"
Catch [System.Exception]{
Write-Error $Error.ToString()
If($Service.Status -eq "Running"){
Write-Verbose "$SName : Already Running"
Start-Service $Service.Name
Write-Output "$SName : Starting Service"
Catch [System.Exception]{
Write-Error $Error.ToString()
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