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Created May 13, 2021 22:05
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CSV_Filter takes a CSV and returns a new one based off a filter
A simple script to return a filtered CSV. The matching is wildcard (so X will find X AND exhibit)
Please note this is not robust. If you give it a column that doesn't exist, output is empty. It will fail if the input CSV doesn't exist
The path to the CSV you want to ingest and filter. You must specify this.
The path where you want the output CSV to be. Defaults to output.csv.
.PARAMETER Filter_Column
The column in the spreadsheet you want to base the filter on. So if you have a column "ID" to filter on.
.PARAMETER Filter_Match
The string you want to match upon. Defaults to TX
./CSV_Filter -Input_CSV ./MyBigCSV.csv -Output_CSV MyCLeaned.csv -Filter_Column ID -Filter_Match 1234
Author: Benjamin Newton
Date: May 13, 2021
[ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ } )]
$Input_CSV = ".\Input.csv",
$Output_CSV = ".\Output.csv",
$Filter_Match = "TX"
$Input_Object = Get-Content $Input_CSV | ConvertFrom-Csv
$Output_Object = @()
ForEach( $Row in $Input_Object ){
If ($row.$($Filter_Column) -match $Filter_Match){
$Output_Object += $Row
$Output_Object | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Out-File -FilePath $Output_CSV -Encoding utf8 -Force
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