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Created November 28, 2014 00:20
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-- Unshipping Docker
-- Copyright © 2014 Anchor Systems, Pty Ltd and Others
-- The code in this file, and the program it is a part of, is
-- made available to you by its authors as open source software:
-- you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
-- the 3-clause BSD licence.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
data Command x
= List FilePath x
| Touch FilePath x
| Contents FilePath (ByteString -> x)
| Echo ByteString x
| Help x
| Exit Int
deriving (Functor)
ls :: FilePath -> Free Command ByteString
ls path = liftF $ List path (S.pack path)
touch :: FilePath -> Free Command ()
touch path = liftF $ Touch path ()
cat :: FilePath -> Free Command ByteString
cat path = liftF $ Contents path id
echo :: ByteString -> Free Command ()
echo x = liftF $ Echo x ()
exit :: Int -> Free Command ()
exit code = liftF $ Exit code
help :: Free Command ()
help = liftF $ Help ()
-- Collapse our IOFree DSL into IO monad actions.
interpretDebug :: Free Command a -> IO a
interpretDebug (Pure r) = return r
interpretDebug (Free x) = case x of
List path k -> do
putStrLn ("I would list " ++ path)
interpretDebug k
Touch path k -> do
putStrLn ("I would touch " ++ path)
interpretDebug k
Contents path k -> do
putStrLn ("I would apply f to " ++ path)
let p = S.pack "(what would have been read)"
interpretDebug (k p)
Echo str k -> do
putStrLn ("I will echo " ++ S.unpack str)
interpretDebug k
Help k -> putStrLn "Help for all" >> interpretDebug k
Exit code -> case code of
0 -> exitWith ExitSuccess
_ -> exitWith (ExitFailure code)
interpretActual :: Free Command a -> IO a
interpretActual = iterM run
run (List path k) = exec ("ls " ++ path) >> k
run (Touch path k) = exec ("touch " ++ path) >> k
run (Contents path k) = S.readFile path >>= k
run (Echo str k) = S.putStr str >> k
run (Help k) = exec "echo help" >> k
run (Exit code) = case code of
0 -> exitWith ExitSuccess
_ -> exitWith (ExitFailure code)
exec = putStrLn -- CHANGE
directoryListing :: Free Command ()
directoryListing = do
ls "."
touch "./junk"
x <- cat "/etc/hostname"
echo x
exit 1
main :: IO ()
main = interpretDebug directoryListing
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