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Last active January 26, 2018 17:23
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gulp sass browser-sync
* NPM dependencies to install
* (npm i -D gulp gulp-sass ... )
const gulp = require( "gulp" ),
path = require( "path" ),
sass = require( "gulp-sass" ),
sourcemaps = require( "gulp-sourcemaps" ),
autoprefixer = require( "gulp-autoprefixer" ),
browserSync = require( "browser-sync" ).create() // Local server
const SRC = "src/",
EXT: ".scss", // Style extension to watch
SRC: path.join( SRC, "FOLDER" ),
DIST: path.join( SRC, "FOLDER" ),
DIST = "dist" // ! not used for this setup
STYLES.WATCH = path.join( STYLES.SRC, "**/*" + STYLES.EXT ) // src/styles/**/*.scss
* Compile styles
* Export sourcemaps
* Autoprefix styles
gulp.task( "styles", _ =>
gulp.src( STYLES.WATCH )
.pipe( sourcemaps.init() )
.pipe( autoprefixer() )
.pipe( sass.sync().on( "error", sass.logError ) )
.pipe( sourcemaps.write() )
.pipe( gulp.dest( STYLES.DIST ) ) )
* Watch styles
* Trigger "styles" task before beginning watch
* (otherwise no style would be compiled until a change is made)
gulp.task( "styles:watch", [ "styles" ], _ => STYLES.WATCH, [ "styles" ] ) ) // Trigger "styles" task on style file change
* Server start
* (use "browser-sync init" cmd to generate config or pass object)
gulp.task( "server", [], _ => {
const _opts = require( "./bs-config" ) || {
files: [ DIST + "**/*.{js,html,css}" ], // Refresh browser when your see a change in one of those files
// notify: false, // Don't alert on refresh
ui: false,
server: {
baseDir: [ DIST ], // Make files in ./dist available through ./ (ex src="random.js" for dist/random.js)
return browserSync.init( require( "./bs-config" ) )
} )
* Run through cli with "gulp"
gulp.task( "default", [ "server", "styles:watch" ] )
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