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Last active September 14, 2018 08:50
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Mocking react 16 context in jest (typescript version)
import * as React from "react"
import { mount } from "enzyme"
import StoreProvider from "./StoreProvider"
import Mock = jest.Mock
jest.mock( "./StoreProvider", () => ({
default: {
// Using a jest mock function will allow us to assert on the mock later if needed
Consumer: jest.fn(
// This is mocking a component
// Ex: (props) => <div/>
// Consumer is a render prop component
// So we use the children prop as a function :
( { children } ) =>
children( { user: "batman" } ),
}) )
const App = () => {
const { Consumer } = StoreProvider
return (
( { user } ) => <div>{user}</div>
describe( `Using mock`, () => {
beforeEach( () => {
// Clear all instances and calls to constructor and all methods:
(StoreProvider.Consumer as Mock).mockClear()
} )
test( `Consumer is overriden and now returns only "batman"`, () => {
* Returns :
* <App>
* <Consumer>
* <div>
* batman
* </div>
* </Consumer>
* </App>
const wrapper = mount( <App/> )
expect( wrapper.text() ).toContain( "batman" )
} )
test( `Consumer has been called with a fonction as children`, () => {
// Full disclamer: this test is an example of what you can do.
// In real life it would a lot of work for not much value in this case
const wrapper = mount( <App/> )
const expectedProps = { children: expect.anything() },
expectedContext = {},
firstCalledWith = (StoreProvider.Consumer as Mock).mock.calls[ 0 ]
expect( StoreProvider.Consumer ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expectedProps, expectedContext )
expect( typeof firstCalledWith[ 0 ].children ).toBe( "function" )
} )
} )
// Jest has a very complete doc for mocks ☺️
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