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Created March 29, 2021 22:44
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Haskell solution for Median Sort interactive problem from the Qualification Round of Google Code Jam 2021
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving (Foldable)
singleton :: a -> Tree a
singleton a = Node Leaf a Leaf
fromThree :: (a, a, a) -> Tree a
fromThree (a, b, c) = Node (singleton a) b (singleton c)
type Input = (Int, Int)
type Output = Maybe [Int]
ask :: [Int] -> IO Int
ask ls = do
putStrLn (unwords (map show ls))
data From a = L a | C | R a
insert :: From Int -> Int -> Tree Int -> IO (Tree Int)
insert _ n Leaf = pure (singleton n)
insert _ n (Node (Node ll lx lr) x r) = do
answer <- ask [lx, x, n]
case () of
_ | answer == lx -> do
ll' <- (insert (R lx) n) ll
pure (Node (Node ll' lx lr) x r)
| answer == x -> do
r' <- insert (L x) n r
pure (Node (Node ll lx lr) x r')
| answer == n -> do
lr' <- insert (L lx) n lr
pure (Node (Node ll lx lr') x r)
insert _ n (Node l x (Node rl rx rr)) = do
answer <- ask [n, x, rx]
case () of
_ | answer == n -> do
rl' <- insert (R rx) n rl
pure (Node l x (Node rl' rx rr))
| answer == x -> do
l' <- insert (R x) n l
pure (Node l' x (Node rl rx rr))
| answer == rx -> do
rr' <- insert (L rx) n rr
pure (Node l x (Node rl rx rr'))
insert (L l) n (Node Leaf x Leaf) = do
answer <- ask [l, x, n]
case () of
_ | answer == x -> do
pure (Node Leaf x (singleton n))
| answer == n -> do
pure (Node (singleton n) x Leaf)
insert (R r) n (Node Leaf x Leaf) = do
answer <- ask [n, x, r]
case () of
_ | answer == n -> do
pure (Node Leaf x (singleton n))
| answer == x -> do
pure (Node (singleton n) x Leaf)
solve :: Int -> IO (Tree Int)
solve 3 = do
x <- ask [1..3]
pure . fromThree $ case x of
1 -> (2, 1, 3)
2 -> (1, 2, 3)
3 -> (1, 3, 2)
solve n = do
rest <- solve (n - 1)
insert C n rest
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
line <- getLine
let [t, n, q] = map read (words line)
replicateM_ t (do
solution <- solve n
response <- ask (toList solution)
when (response == -1) (error "Wrong answer")
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