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Last active March 6, 2024 06:26
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The md2htm is a CLI utility that converts markdown to HTML using bun & pandoc
#!/usr/bin/env bun
import { parseArgs } from "node:util";
const VERSION = '1.0.0';
const { values, positionals } = parseArgs({
args: Bun.argv,
options: {
file: {
type: "string",
short: "f",
mold: {
type: "string",
short: "m",
title: {
type: "string",
short: "t",
brief: {
type: "string",
short: "b",
help: {
type: "boolean",
short: "h",
version: {
type: "boolean",
short: "v",
strict: true,
allowPositionals: true,
// console.log(values, positionals);
if ( {
md2htm <file> [options]
bun run md2htm.js <file> [options]
<file> Provide the filename
-m --mold Provide the webpage template filepath
-t --title Provide the webpage title
-b --brief Provide the webpage description
-h --help Display the help menu
-v --version Display the version of app
md2htm -h
md2htm -t Help -b "Help manual for web, app & API" -m template.htm
md2htm help.htm -t Help -b "Help manual for web, app & API" -m template.htm
} else if (values.version) {
console.log(`md2htm - markdown to html
Converts markdown to html using bun & pandoc
Version ${VERSION}`);
} else {
const filePath = positionals[2];
const fileExt = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("."));
let fileContent;
if (fileExt == ".md") {
const proc = Bun.spawn(["pandoc", "-f", "markdown", filePath]);
fileContent = await new Response(proc.stdout).text();
} else {
const fileRef = Bun.file(filePath);
fileContent = await fileRef.text();
if (!!values.mold) {
const templateRef = Bun.file(values.mold);
let targetContent = await templateRef.text();
targetContent = targetContent
.replace("{{content}}", fileContent)
.replace("{{title}}", values.title || "")
.replace("{{brief}}", values.brief || "");
await Bun.write(`${filePath}.html`, targetContent);
} else {
console.log("Failed! Template file is missing.");
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