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Last active October 21, 2018 22:11
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import boto3
import json
client = boto3.client('lambda')
ssm_client = boto3.client('ssm')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the list of ARNs of cross-account IAM roles saved in SSM Parameter rolearnlist
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
rolearnlist = []
rolearnlist_from_ssm = ssm_client.get_parameter(Name='rolearnlist')
rolearnlist_from_ssm_list = rolearnlist_from_ssm['Parameter']['Value'].split(",")
rolearnlist = rolearnlist_from_ssm_list
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loop through the list of ARNs, asynchronously invoke invoke_slave lambda and pass ARN
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
for rolearn in rolearnlist:
x = {"ARN": rolearn}
invoke_response = client.invoke(FunctionName="invoke_slave",
InvocationType='Event', #assync exec
#InvocationType='RequestResponse', #sync exec
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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