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Last active July 2, 2019 17:00
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Mariadb 10.4.6 problem
CREATE TABLE `test_table` (
`age_from` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
`age_to` tinyint(2) NOT NULL,
`gender` enum('M','V') NOT NULL,
`norm_min` float NOT NULL,
`norm_max` float NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `test_table`
ADD KEY `age_from` (`age_from`),
ADD KEY `age_to` (`age_to`),
ADD KEY `gender` (`gender`);
INSERT INTO `test_table` (`age_from`, `age_to`, `gender`, `norm_min`, `norm_max`) VALUES
(15, 19, 'M', 48, 100),
(20, 24, 'M', 50, 100),
(25, 54, 'M', 53, 100),
(55, 59, 'M', 52, 100),
(60, 64, 'M', 50, 100),
(65, 69, 'M', 48, 100),
(70, 74, 'M', 46, 100),
(75, 79, 'M', 44, 100),
(80, 84, 'M', 41, 100),
(85, 89, 'M', 37, 100),
(15, 19, 'V', 33, 100),
(20, 24, 'V', 34, 100),
(25, 54, 'V', 35, 100),
(55, 59, 'V', 33, 100),
(60, 64, 'V', 32, 100),
(65, 69, 'V', 29, 100),
(70, 74, 'V', 27, 100),
(75, 79, 'V', 24, 100),
(80, 84, 'V', 21, 100),
(85, 89, 'V', 18, 100);
// Query causing issues on mariadb 10.4.6, no results. Works on mariadb 10.3.16 (expecting row "(25, 54, 'M', 53, 100)")
SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE gender="M" AND (age_from <= 46 AND age_to >= 46)
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